CNC Note 10-Jun-2021 15-14-59

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CHAPTER Elements of CNC Machines See ee Os Gia a Petes tans ea ealene TSE Hee scree, tee ad” Soe erg ne ac Cli ace ta Tes Fe Si yup Oh Ha She 9.1 INTRODUCTION TO NUMERICAL CONTROL OF MACHINES [AND CADICAM. 9.1.1. Modern Machine Tools Newer machine ols ave bee lo abso newer machining ecologies to ape with newer nd tougher mati, New clogs nude Utasone Machining (US) istroChemcal Machining (ECM), Lar Bes Maciing (LEM) cc. Besides ths he ‘Svanciment in elctener and epson of computer inthe machine tol have bee {ne sift and rereatoray dang nthe mace tol contol coacept Ths hs {Even bth oan ency ew gern of achne onl. Numeral Conoled (NC) ‘chine tots me tghy ee and are economical oe producing gle of 3 age ‘umber of prc: Nese Cnt, NC can defied spy ctl By mo ‘ache fel van decanter 10 ip pret prora nd coals (Ft cpa of mache eed Compaer Numeral Contra (CNCD machine 9.1.2. NC Machines Inuoduction + INC machines asim a mato of sutra, whee automaton of meu at spall volume 'S done by some ears under he iron f= Pre ‘The deiatuon of NC (Numerical Control a ven by EIA (Electronic Inst ‘Assos is 5 weet aialia A gto i hich ats recone bythe in! into fume at ‘int The stom mast stata pet at se porto of ie "In NC machines, the input norman for conrling the machine tool maton * provided by means of punched tape of magne ips ins coded language Working of NC machine toot Fig. 91, shows the working sequence of » NC machine toa vinw-ie oper cntilad machine tol '¢ The fit sleps component raving and proces panning are sina into ‘operator controlled and NC machine alos a J —— oe ants ONG Mtns - + lp pets ned mie he pt ana ee ms Sy ot ns ys een Beene ea overt a NG made ol he pt i pd ye dl presi pf * i tensa ig ont Tuell i patina ly ‘oid emcee tha evant et heel ate ee Saar ‘ee tel dracon amc i a fn ‘tet no Sei weed eres oun ‘Sin oe ~ | “Programmer “or pemperation a ate cone some nn emmanorace ros ine ot Min sanent of 2 NE eau 2. The dave nis . ‘A Twxb00k oF Mechanics The potion ack PSE ages Maal cont smo aoa ae [ ioe “— [ri 5 9.2. Man ements of» NC mechne “etn the contol unit» tape recorder reads te instruction (writen i ced {Eagungs) for manufactring the component «9 RRR ere underGecwenicproesing ante congo uit sends comand sere nls ofthe machine tol and abo tO the magnet box ee erie) Commas signa sent 0 the die units of he machine Or Spy el entity, we He command signals sent © TES fececbr her fans uch aside ol tring ad stig, deci snd snd cation of to chtge, cna supply oe «eA endhalstranaducer provided inte machine tool checks whether the requ esse Feat ave ben obsned. I sodsthenformation othe acta poston ABERei wo te contol uit In cave thee is any difference betwen the inp ‘immu sige acd the actual poston achieved, the rive ut tated by Stabe sper om te ero gal ‘© Mana contol provided inthe machine tol assists the operator to perform ie fanctone stanly sich ss motor startstop, speed change, fed chang ‘er movements, coolant ppl ee. Ctasifcation of NC machines: INC machines may be csi as follows A. Acodng to cot sen: ‘The machining is done at spec posis 1. Poinopoie yam sample: Dring machine operation. 2. Salght ine system It isan extension of pint to point yen. Example : Steppe turning om late, pos! railing et 3. Contour system ‘There ae continuous, simultaneous and cdinated motions ofthe tool and week slong diferent coordinate axes Example : Machining of profiles, comtous and curved surfaces 2 Closed loop system ppltons of NC machine: ‘Tu mer apliationso Ne . 1 mr tn NC iw 2 Pre oad deg, Repttve and ce ign ges 2 Repattiv and recon qty pars whch ate prac in ow to 4 Toe down had tine 5 Inston wher the een er if parts are made on converial main eo NN Wat igh Adoerags of NC makin Falowing are the aot ef NC 1 Acuacy sched igh ner 2 Reduced prodcion et pe. 2 leo 4 High production tes, Lee penton lei 6 Excelent lay. 2. Tooling cost ow 8 Len cyl tie ed incre ie 9. Inco ety. 1 Production of omplex pt 1 Rede setup time 12, imiation of pec san Stu 18 Reed inpecton 1 Lower bou ct 18 Reduced floor pa: 16. Easy and effective production planing. sae tatey pus cmetgeigncetetonrrn Ca a cnr se anni ede machines are worth ting ane sue Teer |ocnnoe| «0. 7-93, Conoate Mei Se The cond un tats ptf ENE fl fom nf NC etn hat TESTA meres Nee tk renga ecu may ned nt ming specications of =p o be se Be ee 3 gents te part program Teron pet Tenet rene noe canter memory can be wed apn an ‘on Be per tomato canbe eu tg xen with he we of pec Zo pegs dered fr ope nny see 1 TReeNC macs have te ay for rong he or pom without acaly Tangient «CRC come ut alos comer ray angen the mesons ofthe cing 4 wim ENC coal guest oie ein nfrmaten on machine {itchy what morgen ancion of CNC Te pimiplineone of CNC we "Machel cnt 2 lprce cempecan 3 tnprved programming nd oping eres 1 ng ‘ata of CNC machine ENE machin rb florins maniacuing ‘of CNC Machines p Lnge le, If Jastitine UT manda 4 alabe operation elimination of spc 1 edced iapecton Bee, 1s Les sr, i Act nig ", ine cn diagos rogr sven before the part 8 product M40 tect te machining manconing 1 Conversion of unt = pean Disadvantages of CNC marin: Sn" SPST enor. I Higher ivstmet coe 2 Higher maintenance cs 4 Comer CNC penenal 1 Aiconditoned lcs a i 5 Unstatee kng arp ot & Paned suppor fee, Aplctions of CNC'* {XC being wed in he faloning mci © Drilling machines, i ‘sims ° Thing che 4 ring machines, 4 Mili machines # Ginding machines. 4 Pipe bending machines © Cal wining moxie Rane cating machin 4 Welling. wie cot EDM and see tera ‘nstlaon of the machines. 314, CADICAM, {AD/CAM (Computer-Aided Desig Computer Aid Manufacu)echelogy was ited inthe aerospace industry bu prsely pacing 9 Taped pace tall can be cua mast simply a he we fous otal « prods see eet noth lpg! pri Folowing points are worth nig abel CAD/CAM schoology {With tsayten spc! dese pean pl ion mops. plays a Bey le ee so ae putin png, ‘lumen, NIC po enna, on ss nd fee sig, quality conta ad eng pracy. A took ot - cand. muufactri pt dis me + canna ye ty lf suai exo omens Aided Design) is defined as mp teu baked pith, Prclon ce nen ost a ah eT Top nt and et ti Aone en Sener ears ny eta arn os sent opus “rece porate of CAM ae Fe ean regemnng gos FCS as marta seb 2 SRT Siene gece 1 Conyers pce A) es 5 Soman Aled Tsing AD cg Peper STE ee tog aang paid caed Dotter ey 2 emcee iene pee 5 Fer cnt wh oer meres {hee eos de han rer 5. Asa res of insensed manufacturing eficeny cost savings are mater 6. The production posses can be eet via stage of dl SS. seer hr or CADICAM ‘The functions of CAD/CAM systems are mainly determined by the software. ri poccaneneed a yy serine ipitnagaT ey seit he a pe Spo bes pes ‘umber of work sans.

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