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Workflow Plan Template (WFP)

Workflow Plan/Prep list for Service

Timeline Sequence of tasks Check

List all the items, for all of the dishes that you are preparing for service. (task
8:55 Lunch service: Osso Bucco with Mashed Potato and Roasted Vegetables 
9:00 Pre- heat the oven 180 and 200 and begin to prepare onion, bouquet 
garni, tomatoes, carrot, celery, garlic, potatoes, pumkin, mushroom,
spring onion
9:20 flour the veal pieces and fry in oil in a heavy pan, then remove 
9:25 Using fresh oil, fry onions, celery, carrots, and garlic until soft 
9:35 Add wine and reduce then add tomatoes, bouquet garni and seasoning. 
Half cover with stock.
9:45 Cover pan and braise in oven at 180ºC for 2 hours. 
10:00 Steam potatoes and Sauté spring onions in a little butter, reserve. 
10:15 Heat the empty tray in the oven, before grilling the pumpkin. 
10:30 Put pumpkin on an oven tray with some oil, and grill until al dente. 
11:00 Start doing dishes while waiting for the bouquet garni to cook 
11:45 Remove meat, reduce the juices to thicken. 
12:00 pour sauce over the meat accompany with mashed potatoes and roasted 
vegetables, sprinkle with chopped parsley, then finish off the dishes
12:15 Starts service 


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