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Nombres: Karen Hernandez y María Fernanda Medina

Grupo: PAVIMENTOS – 35418 Fecha: 25 de agosto del 2022

Talle de Aplicación N°1 PAVIMENTO FLEXIBLE

1. Compute the stresses and strains from a point load of 10kN resting on semi-infinite
elastic space. The location of interest is at a depth of 0,15 m and a radial offset of
0,15 m. Given, E = 150 MPa and μ = 0,35. What is the deflection at the surface?

P = 10 kN
z = 0,15 m, Para esfuerzoz y deformaciones
a = 0,15 m
E = 150 MPa = 150000 kPa
μ = 0,35
z = 0 Para deflexion en la superficie

Al ser una carga puntual, la pasamos a una carga distribuida

a = πr 2 = π(0,15)2 = 0,07069 m2

q= = 141,5 kPa
0,07069 m2
✓ Esfuerzos
z3 (0,15)3
σz = q [1 − ] = 141,5 [1 − ] = 91,5 kPa
(a2 + z 2 )1.5 ((0,15)2 + (0,15)2 )1.5

✓ Deformaciones
q(1 + μ) 2μz z3
εz = [1 − 2μ + 2 − ]
E (a + z 2 )0.5 (a2 + z 2 )1.5

141,5(1 + 0,35) 2(0,35)(0,15) (0,15)3

εz = [1 − 2(0,35) + − ]
150000 ((0,15)2 + (0,15)2 )0.5 ((0,15)2 + (0,15)2 )1.5

εz = 0,00127[0.3 + 0,49497 − 0,35355] = 0,00056 ≈ 0,0006

✓ Deflexión
2qa(1 − 𝜇 2 ) 2(141,5)(150)(1 − 0,352 )
∆0 = = = 0,25 mm
E 150000
P(1 − μ2 ) (10)(1 − 0,352 )
w= = = 0,000124 m ≈ 0,124 mm
πEr π(150000)(0,15)

2. Compute the stresses from a tire inflated to 700 kPa, carrying 30kN resting on a
semi-infinite elastic space. The location off interest is at a depth of 0,15 m and a
radial offset of 0,0 m. Give, E = 80 MPa and μ = 0,35.

P = 700 kPa
Carga = 30 kN
E = 80 MPa = 80000 kPa
μ = 0,35
z = 0,15 m
a = r = 0,0 m

Al ser una carga puntual, la pasamos a una carga distribuida

a=√ = 0,116 m
700 ∙ 𝜋
✓ Esfuerzos
z3 (0,15)3
σz = q [1 − 2 ] = 700 [1 − ] = 353,49 kPa
(a + z 2 )1.5 ((0,116)2 + (0,15)2 )1.5

700 2 ∗ 0,15(1 + 0,35) (0,15)3

σr = σ∅ = [1 + 2(0,35) − + ]=
2 ((0,116)2 + (0,15)2 )0.5 ((0,116)2 + (0,15)2 )1.5

σr = σ∅ = 20,71 kPa
3. Compute the surface deflections of semi-infinite elastic space under a point load of
45 kN at radial offset of 0.12, 0.24, 0.55, 0.80, and 1.20 m. Given, E = 115 Mpa
and μ = 0,45

Carga puntual = 45 kN
a = 0.12, 0.24, 0.55, 0.80, 1.20 m
E = 115 Mpa = 115000
μ = 0,45

✓ Deflexión superficial a = 0,12 m

a = πr 2 = π(0,12)2 = 0,04524 m2

q= = 994,7 kPa
0,04524 m2

2qa(1 − 𝜇 2 ) 2(994,7)(0,12)(1 − 0,452 )

∆0 = = = 0,00166 m = 1,66 mm
E 115000

✓ Deflexión superficial a = 0,24 m

a = πr 2 = π(0,24)2 = 0,18096 m2

q= = 248,7 kPa
0,18096 m2

2qa(1 − 𝜇 2 ) 2(248,7)(0,24)(1 − 0,452 )

∆0 = = = 0,00083 m = 0,83 mm
E 115000

✓ Deflexión superficial a = 0,55 m

a = πr 2 = π(0,55)2 = 0,95033 m2

q= = 47,4 kPa
0,95033 m2
2qa(1 − 𝜇 2 ) 2(47,4)(0,55)(1 − 0,452 )
∆0 = = = 0,00036 m = 0,36 mm
E 115000

✓ Deflexión superficial a = 0,80 m

a = πr 2 = π(0,80)2 = 2,01062 m2

q= = 22,4 kPa
2,01062 m2

2qa(1 − 𝜇 2 ) 2(22,4)(0,80)(1 − 0,452 )

∆0 = = = 0,00025 m = 0,25 mm
E 115000

✓ Deflexión superficial a = 1,20 m

a = πr 2 = π(1,20)2 = 4,52389 m2

q= = 9,95 kPa
4,52389 m2

2qa(1 − 𝜇 2 ) 2(9,95)(1,20)(1 − 0,452 )

∆0 = = = 0,00017 m = 0,17 mm
E 115000

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