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1he followlna Mlsslsslppl sLaLewlde survev was conducLed bv CnMessaae lnc. 1elephone lnLervlews
were conducLed !une 29-30, 2011. 1hls survev conslsLed of 300 llkelv 8epubllcan prlmarv elecLlon
voLers sLaLewlde. 1he survev was sLraLlfled bv counLv Lo reflecL hlsLorlc voLer LurnouL Lrends. 1he
maraln of error for Lhls survev ls +/- 4.4.
8epubllcan prlmarv voLers belleve Lhe sLaLe of Mlsslsslppl ls headed ln Lhe rlahL dlrecLlon (70 8u,
16 W1).
1he economv remalns Lhe mosL lmporLanL lssue on Lhe mlnds of Lhe voLers aL 31 followed bv
aovernmenL spendlna (13), educaLlon (11), soclal lssues (6), and healLh care (3).
SLaLe 1reasurer 1aLe 8eeves ls vlewed favorablv bv 60 of Lhe prlmarv elecLoraLe and onlv 3
hold an unfavorable vlew. 1hls represenLs a neL favorable lncrease of 7 slnce Aprll of Lhls
8lllv Pewes ls vlewed favorablv bv onlv 26 of Lhe prlmarv elecLoraLe and 13 have an
unfavorable vlew. 1hls represenLs a neL favorable decrease of 1 slnce Aprll of Lhls vear.
8eeves aarners 36 of Lhe voLe aaalnsL Pewes (36 8eeves, 16 Pewes, 28 undeclded).
8eeves leads ln everv medla markeL wlLh a hlah waLer mark ln Lhe !ackson markeL, Lhe laraesL
ln Lhe sLaLe, wlLh 68 of Lhe prlmarv elecLoraLe.
Pewes' declslon Lo hold off adverLlslna ln hls home markeL of 8lloxl unLll [usL recenLlv has
allowed 8eeves Lo make slanlflcanL aalns ln an area crlLlcal Lo Pewes. 1he balloL currenLlv
sLands aL 33 8eeves Lo 34 Pewes ln Lhe 8lloxl markeL.

1he prlmarv elecLoraLe llkes Lhe [ob LhaL 8eeves ls currenLlv dolna as SLaLe 1reasurer. 74 of
Lhe prlmarv elecLoraLe approve of hls [ob whlle onlv 3 dlsapprove. 1hls ls a masslve advanLaae
aolna lnLo a prlmarv elecLlon.
When asked lf Lhe elecLoraLe has seen ads bv 8eeves or Pewes, 39 have seen an ad abouL
8eeves and onlv 34 have seen an ad abouL Pewes.
1he kev here ls LhaL of Lhe people who have seen a 8eeves ad, 32 would be more llkelv Lo voLe
for 8eeves. And of Lhe people who have seen a Pewes ad, onlv 26 would be more llkelv Lo
voLe for Pewes, whlle 28 would be less llkelv. 1he emplrlcal evldence clearlv demonsLraLes Lhe
effecLlveness of 8eeves' messaae whlle Pewes' ads have falled Lo swav Lhe voLers.

SLaLe 1reasurer 1aLe 8eeves en[ovs sLrona supporL amona Lhe elecLoraLe and hlah [ob approval. 1he
bulk of Lhe prlmarv voLers know and llke 8eeves. Cn Lhe oLher hand, SLaLe SenaLor Pewes has falled Lo
slanlflcanLlv lncrease hls name lu or balloL poslLlon. As a resulL 8eeves heads lnLo Lhe home sLreLch wlLh
a subsLanLlal lead and ls llkelv Lo wln Lhe 8epubllcan prlmarv for LL. Covernor.

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