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Life Level 1-2 Reading Comprehension

Communal table

Read the article and choose the correct

option. 5 At La Rejunta, ...
a there’s drink but no food.
1 What is the article about? b there’s food and drink.
a a special tradition c there’s food but no drink.
b a town in Mexico
c farmers in Milpa Alta 6 Which sentence is true?
a Virginia and Fermin are majordomos
2 What is La Rejunta? for the first time.
a a meal b Virginia and Fermin got married 14
b a person years ago.
c a place c Virginia and Fermin organize La
Rejunta every year.
Read the article again and choose the
7 What do majordomos do?
correct option.
a cook the tamales
b organize the meal
3 Where is Milpa Alta
c pay for the food
a in Mexico
b in Mexico City
8 Which sentence is true?
c near Mexico
a Only men prepare the food.
b Some of the food comes from stores.
4 Which sentence is true?
c They cook the food on wood fires.
a People eat for a week at La Rejunta.
b Twenty thousand people go to El
9 Which sentence is true?
Señor de Chalma.
a Eating together is a tradition in Milpa
c People take their own food to La
b At Christmas, La Rejunta is like a huge
family meal.
c Josefina García Jiménez’s family only
eats together at Christmas.

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