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Mapeh 8
(Physical Education 8)

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
a) Define and explain health related fitness.
b) Identify the components of health – related fitness.
c) Perform exercise of health related fitness
a. Topic:
a) Health Related Fitness Components
b) Components of health-related fitness
b. Materials: Laptop, video presentation on fitness
c. Reference
Teacher’ s Activity Students Activity
Preliminaries Activities
Before we formally start our lesson, let us
pray (Student will lead the prayer)

Good morning class! Good morning ma'am

You may now take your seat. Thank you Ma’am

Is it okay class to give to rules in attending

my class. Yes Ma'am

1. Be quite during the discussion and always

2. Please take down notes.
3. Raise your hand if you want to say
something Yes Ma'am
Is that clear class?

Let’s have and activity. I have here a dice
and in each number there is an exercise you
need to do.
1 Jog
2 sit up
3 Squat
4 forward lunge
5 Walk
6 Burpees
Is that clear class?
Okay very good. Lets all stand and start the Yes Ma'am

Lesson Proper
Last meeting we discuss about fitness. What
is fitness again class? Ma’am fitness is the condition of being
physically fit wherein a person are able
to do daily activities with optimal
strength endurance and performance.

Very good. That is fitness. Today we will

proceed to our next topic which is the health Ma’am
related fitness. Can you read the first slide. Health related fitness components –
these are components that promote
health and prevent diseases and
problems associated with physical

Thank you ( name of student)

Health-related fitness involves exercise
activities that you do in order to try to
improve your physical health and stay
Let’s move on to the next topic which is the
health-related fitness components. Can you
give components of health related fitness?
Anyone from the class?

Ma’am Muscular strength

Yes, (name of student)
Very good. Another?
Ma’am Cardiovascular endurance
Yes, (name of student)
Ma’am Flexibility
Very good. What else
Ma’am Body composition
That’s right and the last one?

Very good. That the components of health

related fitness.

Let’s have first the cardio vascular Ma'am

endurance. Will you read the first slide?
Cardiovascular Endurance is the ability
Yes (name of student) of the heart and circulatory system to
supply enough oxygen to muscles for a
long period of time

Thank you(name of student). You may now

take your seat.

Heart is the responsible in giving enough

oxygen to muscles for a long period of time
during exercise.
Can you give some exercise under cardio
vascular endurance? Ma’am Jogging
Calls student

Very Good(name of student) Ma’am Swimming


Very good. Yes Ma'am

Are we all clear in cardio vascular
Muscular strength is the ability of
Very good. muscles to produce effort to perform
The next is Muscular Strength can you read work in a short period of time.
(name of student)?

So Muscular Strength the amount of force

you can put out or the amount of weight you Ma’am push up
can lift.
Can you give some exercise under muscular
strength? Ma’am squat

Very good.
None Ma'am
Very good

Do you have any questions about muscular

Flexibility is the ability of the body
Let us proceed to next health related fitness part to move on its full range of motion
components which is the flexibility. at a joint.
Can you read and explain.

Very good (name of student)

In flexibility, it is typically measure by how
far can a muscle group can be stretched or
joint to move through an unrestricted, pain Yes Ma’am
free range of motion.
Do you understand?
Ma’am Side lunge
Very good
Can you give exercise under flexibility.
Ma’am Forward lunge
Very good
Another exercise?

Very good.
Let’s proceed to the last health- related Body Composition is the proportion
components which is the body composition rate of body fat to lean body mass.
Read and explain (name of student)

Very good (name of student)

So, body composition the amount of fat
mass compared to lean muscle mass, bone Yes Ma'am
and organs

Do you understand class? Ma’am Planking

Can you give exercise under the body

composition. Ma’am squat jump

Very good (name of student)

None Ma’am
Very good (name of student)
Do you have any questions about the health
related fitness components? Ma’am
Cardiovascular strength
Can you give all the health related fitness Muscular strength
components Flexibility and
Body composition

Very good (name of student) Ma’am dancing and running

Aside from what you said earlier give
another 2 exercise under cardiovascular
Ma’am lifting weights and Climbing
Very good (name of student) stairs
Another, give 2 exercise under muscular
Ma’am seat stretch and
Very good (name of student)
Give another 2 exercise under flexibility
Ma’am Push up and Lunge jump
Very good
And last give 2 exercise under body
None Ma'am
Very good
Do you have any questions or queries
regarding to our topic?

Very good. So I’m glad you learned a lot

about lesson.

I will group you into 4 the you will choose
your leader. Then, leaders will pick one on
the 4 health related fitness components and
then you will perform exercises. I will give Yes, Ma'am
you 5 minutes to practice then after that you
will perform it.
Is that clear class?

Okay very good.

(Group 1 will perform)

Evaluation Yes Ma'am
Class 5 minutes is done. So, let’s have the
first group
(Group 2 perform)

Very good. Group 1

Let’s have the group 2 (Group 3 will perform)

Very good. Group 2

Let’s have the group 3 (Group 4 will perform)

Very good. Group 3

Let’s have the group 4

Criteria Points
Mastery 10
Performance 10
Execution 10
Total 30
Very good class.
Assignment Yes, Ma'am

1. Read about BMI.

2. Give the definition and formula on how
will you get your BMI. Is that clear? Goodbye Ma'am

That’s all for today. Please arrange your

chair and pick some pieces of paper
See you next meeting. Goodbye class

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