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Political Globalization Assignment

Group Members:

• Le Aldin Rosas

• Kian Gerald Jade Suarez

1. Identify and explain the attributes of modern international politics

• It is governed through nation states
• The States are considered sovereign or independent
• International organizations can facilitate relationships between states.
• International organizations and institutions promotes the values that the every nation state
should abide by
2. What was the Treaty of Westphalia all about? Explain its signi cance in the history
international relations
• The Treaty of Westphalia recognized the full territorial sovereignty of the member states of
the empire. The idea was to have peace by maintaining a balance of power. The Peace of
Westphalia was a series of peace treaties that were signed in the Westphalian cities of
Osnabrück and Münster. These treaties, essentially, ended the European wars of religion,
including the Thirty Years’ War
• The Peace Treaty of Westphalia had a profound impact on international relations as it set a
political precedent for state sovereignty, inter-state diplomacy, and balance of power in
Europe and across the world
3. Identify and explain the motives in the creation of the following international
- A. Concert of Europ
• The Concert of Europe was a general consensus among the Great Powers of 19th-century
Europe to maintain the European balance of power, political boundaries, and spheres of
in uence
- B. League of Nation
• The League of Nations was the rst worldwide intergovernmental organization whose
principal mission was to maintain world peace. It was founded on 10 January 1920 by the
Paris Peace Conference that ended the First World War. The main organization ceased
operations on 20 April 1946 but many of its components were relocated into the new United
- C. United Nation
• The United Nations is an intergovernmental organization whose purpose is to maintain
international peace and security, develop friendly relations among nations, achieve
international cooperation, and be a centre for harmonizing the actions of nations. It is the
world's largest and most familiar international organization
4. Explain the role or contributions of the following individuals in international relations
- A. Napoleon Bonapart
• Napoleon Bonaparte extended the central government of France into all the countries he
conquered across Europe. As the French government led by Napoleon expanded
throughout Europe, so did the policies that he created. He sponsored and enacted the
Napoleonic Code, which de ned the concept of equality before the law and also secured
the right to property. It gave post-revolutionary France its rst coherent set of laws
concerning property, colonial affairs, the family and individual rights. He also established
the Concordat of 1801 with the papacy. He also strengthened French control over Algeria,
established bases in Africa, began the takeover of Indochina, and opened trade with China





- B. Immanuel Kan
• Through Immanuel Kant and his ideologies, nations learned how to achieve an alliance or
federation of states that renounce a fraction of their sovereignty in order to live in peace. In
his book entitled “Perpetual Peace”, Kant advances ideas that have subsequently been
associated with democratic peace, commercial peace, and institutional peace
- C. Jeremy Bentha
• Bentham's work was pivotal to the development of the international climate we now face.
He coined the word “international”, and was one of the rst thinkers to consider the
globalized community that we see before us. He also developed the concept of
international law
- D. Mazzin
• Mazzini was an Italian politician, journalist, and activist. His efforts helped bring about the
independent and uni ed Italy. His thoughts had a very considerable in uence on the Italian
and European republican movements. Mazzini did a great deal to organize and unite the
underground movement known under the name of “Young Italy”. He conceived the idea of
parallel organizations in other European countries. Through this, he helped de ne the
modern European movement for popular democracy in a republican state. He also
promoted international cooperation between nation-states
- E. Woodrow Wilso
• Wilson executed the Democratic Party foreign policy which since 1900 had consistently
condemned militarism, imperialism, and interventionism in foreign policy. He advocated
world involvement along liberal-internationalist lines. He also transformed the basic
objective of American foreign policy from isolation to internationalism. It was also him who
created the League of Nations after World War I (1914–18). It was the rst
worldwide intergovernmental organisation whose principal mission was to maintain world
5. Explain Socialist internationalism. How does it differ from liberal internationalism
• Socialist internationalism argues that building a better world should be based upon the twin
goals of equality and social justice. Socialist internationalists urge the workers of the world
to unite together to create a more peaceful world and bring an end to capitalist exploitation.
They believe that identity should be determined by economic forces, not arti cially-imposed
national boundaries, thus they oppose nationalism. Meanwhile, liberal internationalism
argues that to build a better world, nations should be able to determine its own identity,
culture, development, and polity without the in uence of other nations. There should only
be cooperation. Liberal internationalists advocate for the formation of a global democracy
where nations around the world work with each other and observe common international
principles. Basically, liberals support nationalism, capitalism and international cooperation
while socialists oppose nationalism and promote a uni ed globe where all are equal.
6. Is the United Nations effective in maintaining global security and its other functions?
Explain your answer
• I believe that the United Nations is somewhat effective in maintaining global security and its
other functions. The mere presence of UN troops and diplomats in various countries around
the globe serves as a deterrent to potential aggressors and helps ensure that countries
around the world abide with international laws, policies, and standards. It has also been
effective in serving as a mediator between nations especially during times of con ict. By
conducting regular diplomatic conferences and many treaty negotiations, the organization
was able to bring order, security, and harmony to the international community. However,
there are still some nations that do not acknowledge and cooperate with the United
Nations. That is why we believe that it is only somewhat effective. But even though it has





not always been successful in all its endeavors, we cannot deny that without the
organization, resolving global issues and international affairs would be more dif cult and


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