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TEDTALKS l пsрi ri пg Со m m uпiсаtiоп




Persona lity А conyerSation Рrеsепt simple lt's written al1 очеr
where studentý and рrеsепt уоuг face
9reet each Otheг continuous
building Tip: Previewing
:}.q-]' Adjective
ancl d]scuss thеiг
Comp ements -s vеrЬ endings

Describing whеrе А news rероrt about Past simple Allthe comforts

yoU llVe а speclal city of home
Vocabulary lst/ апd /zdliп Tip:skimrning
building used pronunciation
Suffix -iол
word stress

Critical thinking
Analyze fact апd

Being well А lecture about Quantifiers, Fееliпg по раiп

'whоlе-реrsоп' how mчсh l Tip; ldenti{ying the
healthcate mапу?
building time and оrdеr of
Synonyms рrопчпсiаtiоп еVеп15
contrastive stress
Critical thinking
lИakinq ideas clear

Ed ucation А сопчеrsаtiоп comoaratives Nothing's impossible

about а school and superlatives
Vocabulary Tip: scanninq
project whеrе pronunciation
building pronunciation
Suffixes -ful Linking and
videoconference AdjectiVe S-lrе55
and Jess elision
with other students
aroL.lnd the world

How's it going? А пеws show аьоut Рrе5епt perfeСt гrоm child to

how people grееt and past simple adult - in опе day
each other аrоuпd pronunciation
theworld past fоrm чеrь
Suffix -сl
._;-a- isi
:.о patterný; Fж&Nк WАяRýу{ Talking about Ап
."э + -lлEl or l]kes апd introdUCtory
-'nitive with lo Гrапk Wаrrеп's idea worth spreading
о lsllKes postcard
s thatsha,ing SecretS са1 help
us соппесt with others and know Writing skilI
ot ,Se]VeS Oetter. Using
Authentic listening skills
la nguage
Wo.d sг,ess

Critical thinking
ldenrily ng the ггrа,л idea

]..l continuous Giving reasons А description

Еfi-Фже FýАкшY
рrопчпсiаtiоп Writing skill
-; in fast Elora Hardy's idea worth spreading ;s
that bamboo is ап 1ncledibly adaptable adjectives
and stronq ouilding nateria thaI
pushes the boundaries ог what we car
create with ýustainat]le materlals.

Authentic listening skiIls

LiStenilq rоr qiSI

]-l,asal verbs
Giving An орiпiоп
орiпiопs, eSSay
r_atif Nasser's ioea wоrth spreao'ng is disagreeing
that pain is а testament to а fully lived
Writing skill
and concedinq
iГе, аг essential pa,t of the huтаг а роiпt points iп ап
ехреr'епсе that а|l of us - iпс]-diгg
doctors . ггJst acklowleoge ard
( lгdL Vvllll,

Authentic listening skills

collaborative lisLeninq

1зmраrаtiче Asking аiэоut An enquiry

JФдснýм фý рФsА#А
'rrms (cs .., с' opinions, email
.,о, епоugh, ]оасhiг.r de Posaoa's idea worth making
sp.eading is tlаt спilоrеп who pas: the
Writing skilI
,:, such} comparisons,
'marshmallow test' could potentially Ье Using polite
mаkiпg а
тоrе successfu iг liie siгсе ll.e res.lts decision
show signs оГ oal'ence апо
selLdisc ipline

Authentic listening skills

Fпgl sh speakers wilr actents

ýФрнiЕ ýсФгт Taiking about lпfоrmаl

availability, invitations
Sophie Scott's idea woth spreading is
accepting and and replies
that laughter is an апсiепt behaviouгthat
saying по to ап
we u5e то Ьепеfiт ourselves and others in Writing skill
сопрlех and surprisinq ways, Politely
making апd
Authentic listening skills
rерlуiпg to
Dеаliгg with fasT speech
Critical thinking
Recoqnize supportinq evidence
Goals апd А,rаdiо:shЪй=, Modal чеrЬs: ,
eXpectatloпS аýоцt.tфý.ýЕ-ФJзý...: obligation,
W.i|h,d j{етёпi..й.:кеý prohibition,
Vocabulary ':са t lsё and. efiec,t, ::
оii.jреrfефФ#,... permission,
Negative prefixes '. "1
dUVlLc 'i*ti ýinkinE,
--]..,,..,.,, ДЛаkiпq1пfu{qпсеs

Reduced have to
and hcs ro

,А predictions апd
Food, drink €опvетýаtl.оп::_].' i I":Mfiýstimporйnt
and flачоurs ]whel€: ýt]udenБ.',:']: аrrапgеmепts: ,1 ..
!а'ф9i;,.,,.:. :,,.
,ijis'сuзiааssrаоя . will, might,
.Р.rОj ,:thё '' ,.-"" gotng to, present
building iie.
:,f,tl!r;rё:. оtfоОф,......,. сопtiп uous Тф:]d ёhtifу.iп Е ]
Suffixes ,. ,,,.].
.а л,d,лпе.NресJеф:].' mа]п idea ."

,{о.оQ ,!qф...'.:..., ,_

,,Рr,оЙцпtiаtjоп":,,: ..

, МФiф*1 5йis...-,,,,,,. ;

.: : :::],]:::

А product's iife ,Д.НtНiоп:РtjСi Second Sir vi1_!9::,!hq,5ч rf.,,',,,

, ]. ;. "'.-1
.аbo,tlt dolhing,.,,.
а conditional
VocabuIary ,cdфPa:8y,Jha{''.,'.: ,,,РiоПчпtiафFi.,.:,,, :,,
.са,|,е5,: ::::.-:::,::.:,
,. mр,ойd,Поil.h .,,, l::
Compound поuпs ,_St_reýý. _,,:_ ,,, :_:.,:.: , ],:

,,Тiр:сФhеsiоп,': .,,_ .: ',,:

,.:trЁital, фiпНпg .,.. ''

:' ld-eп_tiб;ф ju F р о*lц q',
. :;,,,.

:,:::,:.:::::l : ]i]]:,i ] _ _::i.:'
'.j: ]:]-] -a. ], :::: l,.l:,::,:_ l:l : ,] ] :]] ] ]: - : : :: : :

'.:::l: -.j
' : ::.,':::

Jobs Д,_соfi vёt,ýfi оп,:_'.,1...1: PaSt perf..Ct ,,Dоё9 sсhоо],ргёýаrе :',

аýо9Lап,ёдоJо!:еý, ,,.уоп,fоrfu w,фd,,,] _,

са rееr.з.п]dТhа{,,:],i. -
,..O.f' k" ,,' ,., ,.,',..
building .slu d епis.Wафt tФ.,;,.'
Dependent '.Тii: uлdеКапСiпg' ._,,.
:}jfý:],,,:,,i;, :', l
ýg.]n ;... :.

::]1]:].:,]_- ,::.. i]:- -
',diffеrепtЁоiлtS ,,i ;,:_, ,
";, ',,',
. :.(i{tiф! .,1ý.iп kihý :.';.,.
..1d€ntifutng,tone,.'] j. j:,,

:.-::',,1; : :,,:'l:_.1:]:_', ],,'.:i]:-,

,]:J-.._:].::]- i
.::.::,.] ] ,:

Technology А.[е.сt.цЕЕЬФП.Чi,i The passive ,,PlФng,aga]лs1, :.,,,,:.,,

$В. hlsto_,ry o{i:,.,;,,:.:] ,. tbm рutеrs,týа{,:1ёаrп,.,
VосаЬulаrу рrопчпсiаtiоп l. :::::: l:: ] ]i:]::: i]-- ]:,,]:.i':,:
сЪЙЙu*iсi!iiОП.,,.f , Тiр:.l{hцпЦi
building Stress in passive ',.;
word fami]ies ,tесhд,qiоi '.:+ verbs
:_.]i]::-_:_:].]].1 ]:-]:.'] - ':::- ] -:i:
,.*jtiЁat thiя kiný1.,,.,-,''

,.Ь9П!е19'i.s 9ý,,..
]:, _]: :: ]]:.].:: : , : :]_.. :, . - _.
_ -ditional
RЕ5н!иА ýешjАý]g Glving advice Ап advlce
Reshn,a Sau'ar,'s'dea wотп sр,еаdiгg js Writing skill
that we should teach girls, and
]- ^.l Giving advice
ail children, that we succeed not Ьу
а Ting fоr per'ectiol , lэ-L Ьу k^ow 19
that we a]l make mistakes and be]nq
Ordve e]ougr [О Irу аГУWаV,

Authentic listening skills

t onLrasI

_ - ]it]опаl тRlýтRАfц sтt-адffiт Planning а А restaurant

"'SLraT St.-,ап s ;dea wo,t^ so,eading meal: making review

is that good, fresh food is being wasted suggestlons,
Writing skill
оп а colossal scale - and that we have describing
Writing а
the роwеr to siop this tragic waste food, and
ot resources. mаkiпg
Authentic listening skills
P,ed;ctio n

Critical thinking
S-pporr гq eviderce

rg МЁfl-дТq Ап\im lýABEL Wl"!SНN How to А persuasive

,е persuade blog post
The Wijsens'idea worth sрrеаdiпg is
that whеп kids apply their епеrgу апd Writing skill
реrsеvеrапсе to improve the world, Using
they сап bring about amazing changes. persuasive
1а пg uage
Authentic listening skills
сопtепt wоrds

Critical thinking
А sреаkеr's authority

-:эrtеd speech Talking about А fоrmаl
mАlи Е Еt-tЕFt }JIACAft тн tj R
careers, sk]ils email
Ellen MacArthur's idea worth sрrеасliпg and ]nterests
we l've in а wоrld of гlг te
Writing skill
ooss,b' ities, but iг te rеsо-Iсеs
L4zh, question q uestions
агd thiS req.r,e5 c,ealite l11(iг9
аЬоlt оrr glooa, есоготу a,d о-
individual iifestyles.

Authentic listening skills

Weak го,ть

"е passive wlth ЁRЁй frА{ýЁ Talkinq about А fоrmаl letter

__. + agent рrоs and cons: ot suggestion
Greg Gage's idea worth spreading
lookinq at two
is LгаL we сап LSe D " "еUrоSс'егсе Writing skill
sides iп ап
equlpment to help mоrе people Writing
.roe,sta^d a^d oa,t'cioaLe ;r politely
h"аir sciencp,
Authentic listening skills
Reduced forms
Critical thinking
Ana yze ,low а mpssagp oe]'vered

.iеrепсе and рrасtiсе 1 2В rrеgulаr vеrЬ llst ] 4В Writing bank ]49 communicative actlvlties l 54 Wo[d iStS l55

1А НеЪ really into music
VOCABULARY Регs*н:аlitу
О му pERspEcTlvE
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
1 Look at the photo and rеаd the caption, Аrе you like any mеmЬеrs of
your family?
2 Сirсlе two оr three of these words to describe yourseli

сооl friendly funny happy honest intelligent

kind loud naSty пiсе popu la r Shy

3 Think of two оrthrее words that other people might use to descrtbe you.
4 Wеrе уоur answers to questions 2 and З the same оr different? Why?

@ Matctr the pairs of words that have а similar meaning. Use а dictionary if
necessary. Тhеп think of someone you know that you сап describe with
each pair of words.

1smart а rеlахеd
2 calm Ь nice
3 helpful с intelligent
4 cheerful d kind

@ choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 lm active / lazy allhe weekend. l usually do some sport and 9о out with
mу friends.
2 He's сопfidепt / пеrvоus about giving presentations because he doesn't llke
making mistakes.
3 She's very sociable l shy апd has а lot of friends.
4 0ur coach is seious / eosy-going and lets us listen to mustc Ьеfоrе
basketball practice.
5 Kenji isvery hard-vltorking l tolented. Не isn't the best, but he really wants
to succeed.
6 Luis is rеаllу loud / quiet.You always know when he's in а rooml
7 iVlaria's very hопеst l fuппу - she always makes hеr classmates laugh.
8 Samir usually helps his little sister with hеr homework. He's very поstу / kiпd,

@ Work in pairs. Take turns to describe people in your class, but don't say their
names. Can your partner guess who уоu'rе talking about?

She's саlm, hеlрfulапd cheerful.

Nо. Shek also very actlve - but а litle bit shy,
Oh, is it дпв?

@ Work in pairs. Think of а famous person together. Then, working separately,

each make а list of words to describe this person. Use а dictionary if
necessary. Then compare your lists. Did you use апу of the same words?
Do you аgrее with your partner's description? Why? / Why not?

@ Wоrk with the same partner. Make опе list for your person using all the
words you agree оп. Read your list from Exercise 5 to the class. Сап the class
guess уоur person?

Unit 'l Who аrе you? 9

i=** *r*s*l]i
@ look at the picture and caption. Answer the questions.
@ look at the sentences in the Grammar Ьох. Underline
1 What do you think DJ Spooky mеапs Ьу'Wе'rе all
the verb in each опе.
natu rе'?
а we аrе made of trees.
Ь We аrе part of the planet,
Present simple
с We are aliT al:.
They plqy rеаllу gaod music.
2 What type of music do you think DJ Spooky makes?
ploy the guitar * а little bit.
а hip-hop l

Ь classical present сопtiпчочs

с rосk Тhеу'rе рlоуiпg really good mustc.
3 What types of music do you епjоу? Hip hop? Rock? t'm looking ra| 5огре пеw mustc to listеп lo,
Рар? )azz? Some оthеr kind?

Listen to the conversation between two students @ Answer the questions about the sentences in the
meeting for the first time at а party. Write В (Bruno) Grammar Ьох.
оr А (Аппа). "

1 Which tense describes ап activity happening поw оr

аrоuпd now?
1 listens to the school rаdiо station? 2 Which tense describes something that happens
2 listens to DJ Spooky? reguIarly оr all the time?
3 plays an instrument? З How do we fоrm the present continuous?
4 plays sports?
::ill!ýii-i j l ]=1. ]= i;:*:l,:]:;:: '] ..:i.
5 i]i":,..';,i:';:r.з:_i: 1:l |_;.:i:r_::
is looking for new music?

Яrе the sentences true (Т), false (F), or is the @ Complete the information about D.J Spooky. Use the
@ present simple of the verbs in brackets.
information not given (NG)? Listen again to check
your anSWerS. "

DJ Spooky's rеаl паmе (l) (Ье) Paul D

еr Не (2) in New York but he
1 Вruпо and Аппа ]ike the music at the party.
(have) fans all оvеr the world. They
2 Bruno and Аппа both like hip hop and rосk.
3 Аппа plays the guitаr.
(4) _ (love) his shows - especiaLly the way
(use) music апd ptctures together
4 DJ Spooky mixes many styles of mustc.
he (5)

5 DJ Spooky has а serious personality.

'l (6)
-- -(Iive)
(like) to think of mus c not just as
music, but as iпfоrmаtiоп,' he says.'Art and music and
6 Anna Llkes DJ Spooky's music.
science and technology (7) Ье)

@ Work in pairs. Practise asking and answerin9 questions Separate things.'At his сопсеrts, people (В)-
about interests.
(hеаr) music, (9) (see) pictures оf the natural

l world, and most of all, -- (l0) (lеаrп).

Яr* у**; jлf* lT;*slc,/ sp*rls,r fo **&s
Yes, l *r*,llýe **f гешlý,

1€''&яГ &i*d оf rt;ыsic,,'sp*rfsl&rзr:Ks ;f*y*t; li**l

J'i,-r jirr* r*cjc l &*s*fu*ll; -тrj*пс.* S*r;**":"
i _- -,р ete the short conversations with the -ing form @ Complete the conversation with the present simple or
:':-eseverbs. present continuous ofthe verbs.

еп]оу live play rеаd Ье do go pLay Wat want wоrk

Stay study ta ke wait
А' What (l) you гlght now?
,'ilat аrе you out there7 В: L (2) to Е a's house.
,'е'ге tennis, but we can't find the ball. А: Who (З)_ Ella?
,hy аrе you _ in уоur rооm?
В, She (4)_ а friend frоm my basketball
team. V/e-(5)- -
,п basketba l аftеr schoo оп
for а friend to call, but she's ate.
- Tuesdays, (б) _ you _ to соmе?
your Ьrоthеr _ а пеw anguage _for
- А: Sоrrу, l сап't. l (7) Топу lэecause we
а. col е9е? (В) _ together оп а science project.
,lo, he isn't anguages апу mоrе,
'п,l -
_ а book Ьу а Chilean author at @ ввоlчultсlдтlоN -::- ..::ii_-: ::::= i::5_:

.he moment. а Look at the pronunciation Ьох and listen to the

Ch, аrе you it? Ьеlоw it. Write the words in the correct list.
with hеr friends пеаr
) lsуоur sister sti l

rhe colte9e?
No, she isn't. She's n опе of the There аrе thгее ways to рrопоuпсе 5 at the епсi of а vеrЬ.
_о е9е 1ow. lt sruсl bette,. /s/ as in qets, lzlas in sinEls, аr lvl as tп washes.
rQ 1cmplete the sentences with the present simple оr
]rеsепt continuous ofthe verbs in brackets.
goeS likes isten s plays practises
USeS WantS watches writes
1 Jy sister usually (watch) TV at night.
2 ]avid (Ье) frоm N,4exlco City
lsl r,;;,:i:,
3 t4arta isn't here because she (study) in
rhe liЬrаrу.
lz/ ,::i_1;:;.

4 0ur football tealrl (ргасtisе) оп Satuгdays llzl ,,jr:i-::r:l,

5 Ве quiet, please, ] _ (tцl) to use the phone.

Ь Listen again to check your answers. iS: _..
6 t\4um _ -
(make) а chocolate cake. lt sme s
fa ntasticI @ му pERSpEcTlvE
7 -
Fatima's Ьriпgiпg her guitar this evening, She
Work in pairs. Find five things that you like and five
(play) rеаllу we .

different things that your partner likes. Make sentences

8 We want to 9о to the park, but it (rаiп)
about them to share with the class. use these verbs оr
too heavilv.
уоur own ideas.
. like (music, sports, .
books) р ау (9uitar, vldeo games)
- . watch (W shows, films) . 9о (to the park, shopping)
. Wэпt (а pet, а new phone)

!],'j ;: ; ;* ;,.; J l r,;;-; jlr:; l, * i ;i l ri,:.;. ;'* :l ;:i;il *.

1В How are уоu feeling?
VOCABULARY BUILDlNG Adjective @ Пеаd the artic|e again. Choose the correct option to
сожрlеrтlеlзts complete each sentence.

1 Recent scientifrc research _ the idea that we

Com plements fol low verbs l i ke Ье, Ьесо m е, l оо k апd seem,
experience mапу vеry drfferent feelings.
They аrе usually adjectives and we оftеп use them to а рrоVеS Ь disagrees with
describe emotions. с Says nothing about
She looks пеrvоu5, |'m bored, Yоu sееm апgrу.
2 According to rеsеаrсhеrs, feeling nervous is basically

the same as being

@ t-ook at the table and choose the best words to а sad, Ь апgrу с afraid
complete the sentences. People everywhere show their emotions
а оп their face. Ь in their voice.
start to ехреriепсе ап emoiion:
ofraid апgrу
с through their words.
Ьесоmе / get

Ехреriепсе ап emotion: feel/ Ье

bored excited Rеsеаrсhеrs found that horses recognize _
frightened пеrvочs emotions оп people's faces.
Арреаr to ехреriепсе ап upset woried а four Ь thrее с two
emotion: look / seem
Horses understand people's feelings because
а horses'brains аrе like people's Ьrаiпs.
1 Аrе you ? Don't wоrrу. The test won't Ье Ь they wоrk closely with people.
that bad. с people teach them to understand. .
2 l'm getting about mу holiday next week.
carl safina believes that human and апimаl emotlons аrе
3 They f..el about thеir exams next month.
4 Dan upset about something, but l don't
а vеrуdiffеrепt. Ь similar,
know what the рrоЬlеm is.
с impossible to соmраrе.

5 The tеасhеr апgrу when еvеrуопе was According to the article, animals _
with each other,
Iate. - а share their emotions
6 you nervous about the test, but l'm surе Ь communicate in 'animal language'
you'll do well. с often feel апgrу
- Understanding feelings helps us
О WorK in pairs, Pick three of the emotions in Exercise
а stop feeling апgrу.
TeIl а раrtпеr about а time you felt each опе.
Ь сопrrоlапimа|s.
с communicate.
@ wnicrr of these statements is true, accordin9 to
@ Bead about previewing а text. Preview the article and the article? Underline the information that explains
answer the questions. уочr answer.
1 Some animals can understand human language.
Before you rеаd а text, preview it. This will,help you 2 Email isn't а good way to discuss lmportant things.
understand what it's about before you read it carefully. 3 We should try to hide our feellngs frоm animals.
. Look at the title. What is the text рrоЬаЬlу about?
. Look at апу pictures. What do they tell you about О му pERspEcTlvE
the text?
Work iп pairs. Discuss the questions.
. Read the first and last раrа9rарh. What аrе the
i mаiп ideas? i
. Whal, did you еаrп frоm the article?
. Did the artlcle change уоur thinking about animals
and emottons?
@ Пеаd the article. Match each paragraph with опе of the
. Do you think it's true that we should have some
ideas (а-е).
discussions face to face? Why? Give examples.
а There are fоur types of feelings,
Ь Animals ехреriепсе emotions.
с Some animals understand human feelings.
d Seeing people is ап important part of communication.
е Humans ехреriепсе mапу different feelings.

12 Unit 1 Who are you?

l l
- Ночr аrе yorr feeling right now? tlre faces of strangers. This makes sense because horses
_чсitеd? Воrеd'?'Wоrriеd? Upset? Ноц,- mапч pclssible live and work closely ц.ith hrrrnans in many places.
;:ijýегs аrе thеrе? Interested, nelvous) геlахеd, angry, The1, сп jov heing ъ ith hrppy peclple, Ther, аIsо lеаrп
_,.relr ... thc lisr gо(,s on. Wc Гсеl so mапу i]iГГегепt to avoid angry реорlе п,-hепечеr possible. Scientists
-itngs, so tЪеliпgs сап sееm very complicated. But srant to kпоп. mоrе. can we expect animals to
:.cent ýcientific rеsеагсh actrrally salr5 1fii, might not recognize оthеr fЪelings, tоо?'Гhе rеsеаrсlr continues.
-к, complctc|y true. ý/hat do animals feel?
Basic feelings It's not just hoTses that гec<lgnize humап emotions.
.\ grоuр сlГ scienlists al rhe Uпiчеrьiý ol'Glasgow in АлirllаI схреfi Сагl Salina lэе|iеrеs rhзt оthеr lnimaIs
y;otland salr thаt people only ехреriепсе f<lur Llasic ехреriепсе rnany of the same feelings реорlе have.
:сеliпg,s: sad. Irappy. апgry апd aliaid. Nl оl the оrhеr 35 'They play. They act frightепесl wherr thеrе's dапgег.
.celings ц,с dеsсгiЬе агс rеаl|у рагг оГ опе оГ the basic The1. 1g}л( when things аrе good,' he says, In his book
t-оuг. So if you feel worried оr nerv,ous) that's fear. If
Веуопсl Word-s: Wbat Апiлпаls Tbirlk апd Feel, Sаfrпl
гоu'ге rеlахеd оr excited, tlrat's happiness. If yotr're explains that dogs, elephants and even whales* show
iтoгed, оr lonely, that's sadncss. Manl, scientists also thеiг Гeelings and understand thc feelings оf оthеr
say that people all очеr the wоrld сап see these anirnals. Нс tL,lls thc slory оГ а ц,hаlе who геsс,uесl а
tЪеliпgs in tire faces of the реорlе аrоuпd them. In seal'* Гrоm dапgег, and. says that eleptrants 1оче rneetin;4

[асt. ц,е'ге so goocl at it, ц,е r-,an easiIy untlel,stand thеiг friencls and Ьесоmе very sad whеп а friend оr
гhе feelings on the face of а cartoon. Гаmilу mсrrrhеr dies. Scienrists say tllJt (motion5 help
aninrals to surwive. Fоr ехаmрlе, lesearch shows that
animals ъ.hо don't feel 1Ъаr don't 1ive for very long.
Fасе time
UndcгsTanding ГесIiпg,s is imропапт. In lасf, it's
Tllt t[lln BAsl[ гЕЕtllц8$ so impoTtant that people's faces usually tell others
exactly hоъ the1, Гесl, and these ГееIiпg,s аrе оГtел
ее оЬчiоus to us. ýие c]an L}se this inforrr-ration to make
\d t,оmлiuпiсаriоп еitsiег. ог sotnetintes to know what
оthеr реорlе аrе tlrinking ог feeling, ечеп when
they don't tell us. So, when уоu need to talk about
Not just for hчmапs something imрсlпапr. try to have а Г:rt,е-ttьГасе
Оur fat,es show оuг f,eelings stl сIеаrlу that еvеп some conversation - оr at least а video cha.t.
animels knoпr how we feel. Scientists at the University
vrhale а lat^ge sea lпаlпlпаl tbat breatbes tbrough
of Essex in the UK say that horses carr identiГy hoppy
tbe top o[its head
оr ап!]ry faces and сап еrrеп recognize these feelings on
seal а sea mаmп,lаl шitЬ thick fur апоl, llippers

Unit 1 Who аrе you? 13

1С l expect my friends to
GRAMMAR Y*г* р*iт*ri=s:ь,*г* + -ýsэg *r i***itiт* чit* ir:

@ Work in pairs. Discuss the following.

. Name tWO оr three things you love doing,

. Name two оr three things you hate dolng.

@ Look at the Grammar Ьох. Underline the first verb in each sentence. Circle
the чеrь that follows it.

They епjоу Ьеiпg tMith happy people.

.Sсlелгlsrs Wапt to kпоw mоrе.

Еlерhапts love mееtiпg their frteпds.

@ Look again at the sentences iп the Grаmmаr Ьох. Complete the table with
the underlined verbs.

Verbs followed Ьу ...

the -iпg form го + infrnit ve


{h*.:i:, ъ;r_,=г **ýtт*i: lэЕ] Ё+** ].]-*. ** ýэ;*gti..,*; 5-j.

@ choose the correct option to complete each sentence. Are any of the
sentences true for you?

1 l suggest tоlkiпg l to tolkta sоmеопе when you feel lonely,

2 Whenever l feel happy, I wапt shortng l to shore it with mу friends!
3 l always mапаgе yaking / to make myself feel Ьеttеr when l discuss my

рrоЬLеms with sогпеопе.

4 l can't he|p fееliпg / to fееl c|oser to my friends when l shаrе how l feel
with them.
5 I\4y friends and ] don't miпd telltng / ю relleach other about оur feelings.
]t's free entertainment!

@ Complete the text with the verb + -iпg or the infinitive with to. Sometimes
both options are possible,

We can't help (1) (smile) when the people around us smile. And
when we see our friends laugh, it makes us want (2)
too. lt's almost impossible to avoid (З)
(share) the of the
people around us. But this doesn't stop with being happy, sad, апgrу оr afraid.
lt affects us physically, too! Оur own body tегпреrаturе actuaJly begins
(4) _ (drор) when we watch sоmеопе put their hand in ice water.

Why аrе we able to feel the emotions of the people around us? Humans need
(5)-- (understand) each other well because we spend а lot of time
workrng together, Whеп we don't manage (б)
(get on), we may
staгt (7) (fiqht) - and that's bad for еvеrуопе.
@ Complete the short conversations with the correct @ Cornplete the sentences with true information about
form of the verbs. Sometimes more than one option yourself. Use verb + -и9 and infinitives with to.
is possible.
1 l like at the weekend,
:оthеr descri Ье l like ridiпg mу &lke gf r&е wее&елd,
:el р receive 2 l want _ пехt summеr,
send share 3 l usually avo d _.
.эlk tel] 4 l hope Ьеfоrе l'm 2Oyears old.
"oi tell write 5 l need for school.

@ Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer questions

А: l hate _you, but can l ask for some
about Exercise 7. use the correct form of do in the
advice? questions.
В: ldon't mind but lcan'ttalk rlght
А; l,ffhяrdоуоu like dоiпggf ffiе и/ее&елd7
поw, l'm late fоr classl
iJ: i jJKe ...
А: Do you promise mу sесrеt?
А: l4lhсэг do уо u wппt fc ds пехt stlmmerl
В: l'm not sure] Sometimes l can't help
В:lиr*пf .""
5eLl е t51

А: l ]ike '/i about my feelings in а notebook. G) снооsг

В: l don't do that. l рrеfеr to 5оmеопе 1 Ask questions to find other реорlе iп the class who
l, -- ,- -л
I- - аrе similar to you.
А: plan you а postcard frоm my hoLiday. sc уош ll&e ridf,чg усшr bi&e c;l flrle
В: Ol,, гhапкs, l ove postcards. rеs, / оо.
А: l\ly sister has
agreed everything that Соуош сиоld belng fgfе furschooli
happens at the сопсеrt. 8f coшrsei Еut {m sаrпеtilззеs lсГе апуwffiу,
В: Oh, good. Do you рrоm гге

2 Report kэack to the class about what you lеаrпеd about
everything too?
уоur раrtпеr iп Exercise В.
д,?cajld l/ikes иrяflсfolпg f;/nTs пr fhе иrееkепd

- 3 Write а раrаgrарh соmраriпg you and уоur раrtпеr

usinq the information you lеаrпеd in Exercise В.
AUTHENTlc LlSTENING sKl LLS @ Complete the sentences, Тhеп watch Part 2 of the talk
and check your answers. i.=ё.i:_i..l-::ё

cat emai] end i пg

ln English, words with two or mоrе syliables have ihe mа]п webslte
postca rd rin q
stress оп опе of the syllables. Lеаrпrпg the рrопuпсiаtiоп of
words апd where the stress is will help you recognize them
The man's postcard had а picture of а
when they're being said.
and а riпg.
Пеаd the Authentic listening skills Ьох. Listen to the The mап said he wanted to qive the to
words from the TED Talk and underline the syllables the wоmап.

that аrе stressed. iiý=:.=:.=_=

3 F=rапk put the -
оп his website.
4 А little while later, Fгапk rесеivеd а very happy
1 collect 3 girfriend 5 advertisement 7 instructions from the man. -
2 received 4 strапgеr б mеmоrу 8 collection 5 The mап and the woll]an Looked at trапk's
Ф Шо* listen to two extracts from the talk. Notice the
6 The story had а happy because the
stressed syllables in the first extract. Underline the
wогпап said yes.
stressed syllables in the second extract. iý. .:,. _

G} Wаtсr, Part З of the talk. Which ideas does Frank

1 Hi, mу паmе is Frапk, and ] collect secrets. !t aLlstarted
Warren discuss? Tick (r/) the ones he mentions.
with а сrаzу idea in NоvеmЬеr of two thousand and fоur,
2 l printed up three thousand self addressed postc_ards,

]ust like this. They were b!ank оп опе side, and orl the 1 The website l-=оuпdYоurСаmеrа helps реор е find
other side listed some simple instructions. lost cameras.
2 IИапу people feel unhappy when they see their
pictures оп the website
WATсH 3 FоuпdYоurСаmега shows that реорlе want to heLp
Ф Watch Part ] of the talk. Choose the correct option to other people
complete each sentence. 4 The woman in the picture found another реrsоп's
1 Frапk gave the postcards lo strапgеrs l friends.
са гпеrа.

2 The idea mоdе people апgrу l becamevery papulor 5 The mап, wоmап and chi]d in the picture аrе vel,y
3 People frоm rhe US l mапу diffеrепt соuпtiеs sепl happy now.
postcards to Frапk,
The 9rееп postcard was а little sad l very fuппу,

16 Unit 1 Who аrе you?

rlk ý ','OCRBULARY lN CONTEXT @ Bead the statements. Which реrsоп do you think
correctly identifies the talk's main idea? Why? How are
а ,'latch the clips from the talk. Choose the correct
the ones you didn't choose wrong?
,.rrеапiпg of the words and phrases.

Ь Complete the sentences with your own ideas.

===Ё= 1 Fгапk is showing us that we shou]d have secrets that

Then discuss them with а partner. we пеvеr tell. TelIing too much iпfоrmаtiоп about

'l sometimes struggle when .,,

ourse]ves сап cause rеаl рrоЬlеms.
2 Frапk is saying that when we see оthеr people's
2 ','1у
'avo;rile image S ...
secrets, we understand that еvеrуопе is humап
3 ,,д/hеп l need to fee соlm,l ..,
еvеrуопе feels the same feelings. This сап he р us Ье
4 One time J ехреriепсеd а lопguоgе barrierwheп ,..
kind to ourse ves апd to other people.

О =,ank says that secrets can Ье shocking or silly or

3 Frапk thinks that writing postcards is а good way to

;эulfu|. Write а couple of sentences sharing а silly share information. Не says that реорlе аrе honest

secret about yourself. Choose something that you when they send postcards.
эоп't mind telling the whole class.
@ му pERspEcTlvE
* iy яI i&* *rlсj *i ýiа rs W*rs ý]sу;е_ý,
j rri/ i,
, Frапk talks about the kindness of strangers. Does he
,]: jr fri}fi *;у frl*rз*s сsJ fornlý,, Ьхr *T*ly li-nc l py*rci;
think people are generally kind or generally unkind?
How do you know? Do you agree with him?

О ,Vork in groups. Share your answers to Exercise 7.

Matty's website uses the kindness of strangers to help

CRlTlCAL THlNKlNG ýtý**t:ry-i;:5 t** *:*i* i,*** people find lost cameras and photographs. Сап you
think of other ways that people help strangers? Write
О Пеаd the Critical thinking Ьох. Тhеп work in pairs. Say
what you think the main idea of the talk is. down three ideas and share them with а partner.
Fe*pl*,s*K,-ellrr;cs gir* dir;,,,, tlпrs f4 -tiJ (- jl4a/s r,llfi;g 1r;5i1

Usua у а talk co,lTai.]s one паiг idea, buT it isn't |&*i,,llýl"

aLways stated directly. You have to think about how
the рагts of the ta]k work together to сгеаtе а

Unit 1 Who аrе you? 17


1Е What are уоч into?


О мy pERspEcTlvE
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

. When you meet Sоmеопе new, what information do you usualIy lеаrп
about them?
. What аrе you interested in knowing about other people?
. What do you Want them to know оr not know about you?

@ t-ook at the photo and caption below. what do you think these mailboxes
say about the people they belong to?

@ Listen to the conversation. Tick U) the topics the people talk about.
baseball hiking football tennis ruппiпg

@ tisten again. write the missing information in the profiles. ýý

Name: Juan Name: Becky

Doesn'I like: (1) р/оуiл g team sports I Loves:


Best thing аЬо (5)

Doesn't mind: (2)
Doesn't like: (6)
Talking about likes and dislikes
Favourite рlасе: tlзе 8lяck Моипfсiпs I
Doesn't mlnd: (7)
Дrеуоч iпtо ,.. ?

Do you hove а favouite .,. ?

Whot do you thiпk of . . ,? о Make some notes about your оWп interests. Think about Sports, music,
hobbies or anything e|se you like doin9.
l'm really iпtо .,.
l like:
lloveto ...
Best thing about it:
|'m поt l,hat inrerested iп ,,.
ldon't miпd ,,. l don't mind:

l соп't stand , . . l can't stand:

Thot's cooil/ Reolly? /Wow!
@ work in pairs. use your notes above and the expressions in the useful
language Ьох to ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes.

People express themselves in mапу

ways, including with mailboxes!
WRIT|NG ý= Ё.,=lг**r:*t*ls р*st**г*

{$ Wоrk in pairs. lmаgiпе you аrе going to write а postcard to а student your
age in another country. Think of five pieces of information you would give
оr topics you would write about to introduce yourself.

О Read the postcard оп ра9е 'l49 from а student in Spain to а student

iп Vietnam. Do уоu think the boys already know each other? Explain
your answer.

Р iVnat information does the card give about the sender?

.- fact
interesting реrsопаl паmе
- эоьiеs and interests home town

::scription of personality favourite foods

',,,оuгitе music something his friends think
-,. оurirе schoo subjects things he would like to know about Thanh

ф wпlTllrlc sKlt_t- *sir:g !*i+ln*ii*r:g**g*

а When we write to а friend or someone of our own age, we usua|ly use

informal language. Find examples of the following in the postcard. lntroducing yourself
1 ап iпfоrmаl greeting |'m frоm ,..
2 contractions |'m а student iп Yеаr , . .

3 informal vocabulary and expressions l\/ly Гачаt ite >ubje.tb are , , ,

4 informalquestions
|'m also really tпtо ,..
5 an iпfоrпаlегdirg
Asking questions
Ь Work in pairs. Think of at least one other example of 'I-5 in Exercise 'l0a.
Whot abaut you? Are you iпtо , . . ?
@ Using уоur notes from Exercise 7 and the expressions in the Useful language Whot ore уоur favoite . . .?
Ьох, write а postcard introducing yourself and asking а couple of questions.

@ Work in pairs. Exchange уоur postcards. Check each other's work. Does
it use the language from the Useful language Ьох correctly and is it
2А Different places
VOCABULARY D*sсгiЬiпg wh*rе у*u liv*
О look at the inside of the house. What things do you see?

Sta l r5 а refrigerator а sofa

а window а table а door
а chait, artldecorations а Iiqht

@ WorK in pairs. Look at the photo. Answer the questions.

1 What do you think living in а house like this is like?

2 Would уоu like to live in а house like this? Why?

(О Complete the city descriptions with the words in the boxes.

bt+s+ness Iively old-fashloned residential shoppingdistrict walkable

А new city: Songdo, Sочth Korea

Songdo lnternational Business District ts а 'planned' city in South Korea.
lt iпс udes а (,]) busfness аrеа where соmрапiеs like Samsung
have offices, а (2) With ShopS and restaurants, and also
(з) аrеаs whеrе people live. This includes а skate park and
а lake with boats to hire. There's also а (4) and exciting
епtегtаiпmепt аrеа, with а сопсеrt hall, an arts centre and cinemas. Everywhere
iп the city is (5) so people don't need to use their cars
much. Bikes аrе very popular, too, None of the buildings in the city ls (6)
because the city is only а few years old.

crowded historic modern rurаl suburban traditional fifbaft

An ancient city: Mexico City

lMexico City is about seven hundred years old. The city centre feels very busy
and(7) urьап , with busy shopping streets which sometlmes get vеrу
(S)-. Ноwеvеr, Chapultepec Park, in the middle оf the city, is
the larqest city раrk iп Latin Аmеriса. lt has an amusement park, а swtmming
pool and an old castle. There aren't mапу (9) buildings iп the
(l0) 'l500s, so mапу
city сепtrе. Construction began iп the
buildings аrе old and (1 ]) . There аrе, however, modern

office buildings tn Santa Fе, the city's business district. And thеrе are homes
and apartment buildings in the mоrе quiet (12) areas, whlch,
grew аrоuпd the city сепtrе in rесепt times. Тhеrе аrе also many beautiful
(] з) аrеаs аrеаs without buildings - пеаr Mexico City, like
Desierto de los Leones National Раrk, which is actually within the city limits.

@ му pERspEcTlvE
Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
1 Аrе there cities like Songdo оr lVlexico City iп your country? How аrе
they similar?
2 Would you рrеfеr to live in ап urЬап, suburban оr rurаl аrеа? Why? Consider:
. shops and restaurants
. Qгееп spaces / parks
. tranSport
. entertainment (cinemas, arts, parks)
. living iп а house оr ап apartment

Unit 2 Where the heart is 21


ф Listen to the news report about living in Viеппа, ф Work in pairs. Answer the questions from the news
Austria. Choose the correct words to complete the report about Vienna. Listen again to check your anSWerS.

s е п te п се s. ý1__1-i-S

V enna is one of the world's most р/есsслt l expensive 1 Whеп dld the boy's family гпоvе to Viеппа?
CitieS. 2 Why did they move to Viеппа?
The Ьоу li,,,es in а mоdеrп / htstorlc аrеа пеаr the city 3 Where did they stay whеп they first arrived?
сепtrе. 4 Why did the girl's famlly гпоvе to the suburlэs"?
Не says that people in New Yоrk рау more / /ess to go аrео just out;lde of о city
suburb а qutet
out with friends.
The gir says that lhе uпdеrgrочпd ts l restourants 0rе
open 24 hours.
5 she /lyes l works in the suburbs. We moved here five years ogo.

6 She says the suburbs ore l аrегl't Ьоriпg. l didn't like il, or fust.

ф Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Did чоч mееt пеw friепds? Yes, l did, l met а lot of people.

. Would you rather live in Vienna, Songdo оr lVexico -.,--/vou live whеп vou wqе а chiИ? l lived
""-,, did
where iп Madrid.

City? Why?
. Nеаrlу ha f of the world ives in rurаl areas. What аrе the
Ф t-ook at the Grammar Ьох. Match the two parts of the
pros (good thlngs) about 1iving in а rurаl аrеа? sentences to make rules about the past simple. (Two
. What аrе the cons (bad things) about living in а rurаl Sentences have the same ending.)
. Look at the photo ofthe container house. Do you think
1 Fоr аffirmаtivе stateгnents about the past,

the people you listened to would like to live thеге?

2 Fоr negative statements about the past,

Would а house like this fit in уоur town оr city?

3 Fоr questions about the past,
4 We use the past simple to talk about

а We USe the past fоrm of do and the infinitive.

Ь actions comp eted Ьеfоrе now.
с the vеrЬ shows the past tense.
a_,:l,,'_:,. _..',_,:_:,-::jj::j::::":] l:]': :-,.:.:._ . _ ....-. .__. - ... ..',

lп some places, like London, England, entire

neighbourhoods are made of shipping containers.
{p W* add -(e)d to the infinitive to make the past simple
of regular verbs, but mапу соmmоп verbs are irregular.
Write the past simple form of these verbs in the
correct column.

9ем decide have l+ke live make

rпееt move see take think want work

@ look at the Grammar Ьох. Answer the questions.

1 Do the sentences say exactly when the past habits,
routines оr states happened?
2 How do we fоrm questions and negatives with used го?
В Соrпрlеtе the sentences with some of the verbs from 3 Сап we use the past simple to talk about past habits,
Exercise 9. routines оr states as welI as used tо?

t When l was twelve, my family Ch*ck у**l *#:ýw*rs *в1 Fа** ] З*. D* Ex*rcises 4 ae,:d 5.

Hong Kong.
2 At first, my brother and l it was а @ Choose the correct options to complete the text.
wonderfuI place to live - so busy and lively Вrепdа Kelly's house (1) travels l used to rrcyelthe world
ЗWе in ап aparLment пеаr the оп trucks, trains and boats carrying products frоm рlасе
business district, and we а lot of to place. But shipping containers (2) оrеп't / dtdn't use
пеw people. rо Ье the only building mаtеriаl that (З) ore / used to Ье
4 But our father and mоthеr both Vеrу
Something elSe.
hard in their new jobs and they wеrе пеvеr at home.
5 We soon bored wlth оur life there lп the mountains of Chile, there's а house that (4) f7ies /
and _ to move back home used to flу because (5) i* / it used to Ье ап old аеrорlапе.
And at а fаrm in the Netherlands, you сап stay in а train
@ Usе the past simple to complete the article about ап hotel that (6) caries / used to cdrry passengers ечеrу day -
interesting living situation. and it has а kitchen sink (7) that's / that used tо Ье а саr tyre!

lVhen did Вrепdа Kelly (]) (Ьесоmе)

lterested iп very small houses? When she was just
@ BпolrtulrtclATloN l;dl ап* rst/ i* жsg#

thiпееп уеаrs old. She (2) (drаw) а Look at the pronunciation Ьох and listen to the
plans and ptctures and (З) (dream)of examples. ýЖ
building hеr own small house
When we say the past simple of use, we say /1u:zd/,
А few уеаrs later, she (4) (Ье) ready fоr wilh а lz/ апd /d/sound:
а house, but she (5) (not have) а lot of
Sоmе people iп Chile used ап old аеrорlапе as о house.
mопеу to spend оп it, One day, she (6)
(see) some shipping containers at а container tеrmiпаIХ when we use used го tо describe а habit оr situation iп
and she (7) (think) it would Ье cool to the past, we say /ju:st/ with ап /s/ апd /t/ sound.
live in one.
Вrепdо Kelly's house used to travel the woild,
'Вrепdа (В) (not Ье) sure it was possible
to make а house frоm а container. she did research and Ь Listen to the sentences and tick ({) the sound you
iound people who (9) (make) houses ýý
with materials that used to Ье somethinq else
(not take) long fоr hеr to find
/ju.zd/ /ju:s|/ /ju:zd/ /ju:sl/
lt (10)
help and start building,
1п п 4п п
2п п 5п п
terminal а dock or port where ships load апd offlaad goods зп п бп п
@ Work in pairs. Answer the questions. @ Have there Ьееп апу changes in your house or
neighbourhood? Describe them to а partner with used
1 ls Brenda's house made,from new materials? to. Use the correct pronunciation.
2 what did the house use to Ье?
3 What аrе some changes you ihink she made?

unit 2 where the heart is 2з

ж; +'- *l
ffiж'е" ;*
чg_]- ý ч

VOCABULARY BUILDlNG ý*f*x -j*,* @ Complete the text with words from Exercise 1,

The lnternational Space Station is а base for space

We can use the suffix -lоп to make the поuп fоrm of mапу (l) and research. t trаvе s 400
соmmоп verbs. Тhеrе аrе several ways to do this: k lometres (249 miles) above the Еаrth, always moving
iоп: communicate + communication iп ап east-to-west (2) \4ovlng at
2В,000 kilometres (17, З9В miles) реr hоur, lt passes
ctlon: imagine + imagination
оvеr the same (З) on Earth every four
Add -iоп to the end of the word: direct + dlrection minutes. Rockets (4) astronauts to
and from the lSS, which can (5) 5lх
(@ Пеаd the VосаЬulаrу building Ьох. Then complete the astгonauts at опе time.
table. Use а dictionary if necessary. Listen and check
your answers.
Verb Noun
@ Work in pairs, Look at the photo. Discuss the questions.
accommodate (l)

. What things iп the photo do you have in your own
d lrесt (з) . What do you think these rооms аrе like ln а space
ed ucate (4) station: bathroom, kitchen, iving rооm, dining rооm?

5l е\р о,аliоп

ocate (6)

7) tran5port / tra пsроrtаtiоп

Ф рпоlrtul,tсlАтlоN W*гd ýtrе55

Listen again апd underline the stressed syllabie in each

word, which words have а different stress in the verb
form and поuп form?

24 Unit 2 Whеrе the heart is

The !nternational 5расе Station

Р '=эd about skimming. Then skim the article. Choose

CRlTlCAL THlNKlNG з\**!у;; i;,:t *** i,i. l;:r
-= best description of the article (a-d).
А fact is son,]ething that is true for еvеrуопе, fоr ехаmрlе,

, ;Kim, rеаd а text quick у without focusing on а l

Tokyo is iп.lароп, Ап opinion is something you Ье ieve,

_' .he words. Оп у ook for main ideas. Read the tit е but you сап't рrоvе, fоr example Tokyo tstheworld's most
.-d the 1irst sentence ofeach раrа9rарh, and notice exciting сiгу. We often m x fact апd орiпiоп when we
'.Tiliar and repeated words throughout the text. communicate, so it's lmportant to think about what is fact
агd wial is орiг on
а .explains how engineers designed the living areas of
.he пtеrпаtiопаl Space Station. @ look at the Critical thinking Ьох. Аrе the sentences fact
Ь l gives examples of рrоЬlеms that astronauts have (F) оr opinion (О)?
ving tn the nternational Space Station
с i gives а description of the living areas in the 1 The bedroom is sma .

пtеrпаtiопаl Space Station. 2 The sleeping bag is vеrу comfortable.

d t talks about how people will build homes оп NЛаrs. 3 А computer provides internet access,
4 Working iп space, away frоm fami у, is very difficu t.
О Read the article and timeline. Choose the correct 5 The food in space isn't чеrу tasty.
option to complete each sentence. 6 There's по shоwеr оп the lSS.

1 koichiwakata's bedroom l bedis the size of an old @ Work in pairs. Follow these steps.
telephone Ьох,
2 The bed is on the flооr l woll. 1 Scott Kelly thinks that the SS has most of the comforts
3 His Ьеdrооm does l doesn't have а сhаir. of home. Do you аgrее оr disagree? Why?
4 There lsл'rl ls а fridge iп the kitchen аrеа. 2 а Make а list of eight things to take with you to 1ive on
5 Тhеrе isn't water l а stпkfar washing. the SS. You wi have basic food and water but you
6 lп l9В4, the US gоvеrпmепt decided to construct / mау choose to Ьriп9 specia food оr drinks.
сопstruсtlап the lss. Ь Now rеmоvе four things frоm the ist
7 Дчstrаliо / Jароп helped build the l5S. с What is the most important item on уоur Jist?

8 The first part went into space iп l99B / 20а9.

Unit 2 Where the heart is 25

2С А unique style
GRAMMAR Г=*ý c*r:tЕ*rtr:r:=

(D Can you remember who did what, according to the article? Match the two
parts ofthe sentences.

1 When he was living оп the lSS, Koichi Wakata

2 When Samantha Crrstoforetti was working in space, she
3 When Scott Kelly was doing his rеsеаrсh, he

а washed with 'no-rinse'soap.

Ь sometimes Stopped to send tweets back to Еапh.
с often spoke with friends and family at home.

Koichi|,Цokata was giviпg о tour of his Ьеdrооrп iп the l55.

Koichi |/fokata wаsп't living оп the space stоtiоп whеп he described his Ьеdrооm

Whеп \оmопthо Cilstoforettiwas living there, every astroпaa,t had ап area where
thev woshed,

@ look at the Grammar Ьох. Choose the correct options to make rules about
the past continuous.

1 The bold expressions dеsсriЬе соmрlеtеd асtiопs or ечепts / gепеrаl situattons

in the past.
2 All of them аrе fоrmеd with the past simple of Ье / have and а чеrЬ iп
the ed / iпgfаrп.

@ Rеаd the article. Fоr each verb in bold, write S (ongoing past situation) оr
А (past action or event).

The perfect home

Whеп Сhаr otte Tind е (l ) was preparing to mоvе to Lопdоп to study music,
hеr со lege (2) suggested student housing at а prrce of f ],000 реr гпопth.
That's fоr three years! The Tindles (З) were makin9 plans to рау fоr
Charlotte's houslng when lИr TindLe (4) had an idea: why not spend the mопеу
оп а houseboat and then sell it аftеrwаrds? And so the family (5) bought опе.
Whi е they (6) were cleaning and (7) repairing the boat, friends (B)joined iп
and helped. Charlotte says that living in her unusual house is ап adventure, but
'it is my home,'she says.

1_ 3_ 5_ 7
2_ 4_ 6_ 8
-'!.. a- .._..-_-:_"--- ..]: i:i
t__:i;1.::] : =;1_::

@ Read the агtiсlе in Exercise З again. Disa9ree with these statements.

1 Charlotte wasn't expecting to leave home.

,,, lj-" -r*:,,..yэ,.,а'a]_.,,-ri,]пlп,g1 :1/,,.r,,1,;
n,;, ).)..,J,,..,,_.,l_",,,:

2 Before she went to college, Charlotte was living with а roommate.

3 Charlotte was planning to live on а boat when she went to college.
4 The Tindles were expecting the colIege to рау for Charlotte's housing.
5 The Tindles were relaxing while Charlotte's friends cleaned the boat.
@ Complete the text with the past simple or past
continuous ofthe verbs iп brackets.

(oming together and mixing

When Yinka llоri(1) (9rоw up),
his раrепts often (2) (advise)
him to think about becoming an епgiпееr. lnstead, when
he finished high school, he (З) _
(choose) to study furniture design, Three уеаrs аftеr he
(4) (graduate), while he
(5) (try) to develop his own style,
he (6) (do) а project whеrе he took
two old chairs and made them into опе new опе. Не
then (7) (realize) that his work was
about storytelling and different cultures coming together
and mixing. Не (В) (develop)these
ideas when ап art expert (9) (find)
his work online and invited him to show it at Milan Design
Week - the world's largest design fаir.

@ Use the words to make questions. Then ask and answer

the questions with а partner.
Yinka llori 'upcycles'old tables and chairs. Не says,'The UK is
раrепt5 / when / llori's / advise / to think / did / him / а very multicultural place: there are so mапу cultures hеrе ...,
engineering / аЬачt /? and it's пiсе to try and put that into furniture.'
Whеп did llari's pareпts advise him ta thiпk
about епgiпееriпg?
- Whеп lэе was grаwiпg up.
@ cHoosB
2 llоri / study/ what / choose / did / to / ?
When Charlotte Tindle was looking fоr а home, she
3 two / llоri / was doi.nq / chairs / when / made / tпtа / found ап amazing way to live. Think of three imроrtапt
he/what/oпe/? events in your life related to your hоmе.lп pairs, explain
the ongoing situation апd the single action оr event.
did / whеп he / llori / what / realize / Iwo / iпlо /
chairs/one/made/? Му tвrпilу was liviпg iп Athens whеп mу little
brBther was Ьоrп.
found / llori's / when he / wоrk / was developing his /
who/online/ideas/? When Yinka ilori was working on ап art project, he
dtscovered his interest in different cultures coming
О рпошultсlАтlоN -iлg iгr fast sp**ch together. Think about something you love doing оr аrе
Read the Pronunciation Ьох. Then listen and tick ({) vеrу interested iп. Write about what was happening iп
the sentences you hear (а or Ь). ЖЖ your life when you discovered it. Ехрlаlп how you have
lеаrпеd mоrе about it.
Often, especially in fast speech, -ing iп continuous l wBs watching в rпusiс videa whеп а thaugllt
vеrЬ Гоrms is spoken as -iп. hit mе: lwaпt to lеаrп the 7uitar.l didп'r have
а habby at tlзе time, sa l asked rпу раrепts fоr
l didn't find what l wanted. guitar lessons.
а l was looking fоr the furniture shop.
lnstead of writing about your hobby оr other interest,
Ь l'll look in the furniture shop.
рrераrе а presentation about it.
l saw you at the аrt competitlon.
а Did you put iп а paintlng?
Ь Wеrе you putting up paintings?
Аrе you hungry?
а We were going to eat at fоur.
Ь We go iп to eat at fоur.

Unit 2 Whеrе the heart is 27

AUTHENTlc LlSTENlNG sKlLLS Ф Watcrr Part ] of the talk. Choose the correct option to
complete each sentence.

_ drew а fairy mushroom house.

When you listen, don't trу to understand every word. Try to а when Elora was а child, hеr mother
rеlах and focus оп what you do understand, not what you Ь Last уеаr, Е оrа
dог't uпdеrstапd. Notice words that Ihe speake, repeats с when she was а child, Еlоrа
оr Stresses, and the types of words that аrе used а lot,
The curved rооf he ps keep the house
for example, adjectives, Try to work out the connections
between the words you understand.
а drу Ь соо с wаrm
3 lt's easy to а реrsоп who is using the lэathroom.

@ Listen to to the extract from the TED Talk. Circle the а hеаr Ь see с avoid
topics Elora talks about.
Ф Watcr, Part 2 of the talk. Are the sentences true (Т) or
а doors false (F)? i=Eýiýý
Ь wrndows 1 Banboo is а grачs.
с shapes 2 Bamboo grows vеrу slowly.
d construction materials 3 ВаmЬоо is 1ight and strопg.
(p Wrrat is the general idea of what she is talking about?
4 Нагdу plans to build а school from bamboo.

write а sentence.
5 The Grееп Schoo] used sustainable mаtеriаls.

€} Watch Part 3 of the talk. Choose the correct option to

(О Share your idea with а partner.
complete each sentence.

1 Еlоrа says it is important Io mаkе ЬаmЬоо da what you

WATсH wапt l deslgn fоr bamboo's strengths.
Е оrа builds models of her houses to help sell hauses to
@ look at the photo оп page 20 and read the caption. hеr customers l to test the destgn,
Why do you think it might it Ье important to use local She рrеfеrs to build doors that аrе Ьоlопсеd / поt
materials, like bamboo in Bali, to build houses? shoped ltke teordrops.
Bamboo grows back quickly, so it is , safe l ап
епчi rоп mепtоl ly friеп d ly materia l.

28 Unit 2 Where the heart is

О чосдвuLАRy IN coNTExT @ му pERspEcTlvE
а Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the Work in small groups. Discuss the questions.
correct meanings of the words.
== . As а child, Elora's dream house looked like а
Ь Answer the questions. mushroom. What is уоur idea of а drеаm house?
1 What is опе thing that just doesn't feel righr iп your . Еlоrа designs her houses to Ье comfortable in hot
town оr city? weather. What ls the weather like whеrе you live? How
2 Has sоmеопе everiusrhod tо tell you something? do you make уоur house соmfопаЬlе?
What was it? . How аrе Elora's houses simi]ar to your house? How аrе
3 Who is опе реrsоп who has treated you well? they different?
4 ln уоur city. what materlal mokes perfect 5еп5е to . WouId you like to live in one of Еlоrа's houses? Why? /
build with? Why not? What аrе the good and bad things about
5 Think of someone you know who is е/еgслг. Why them, lп your opinion?
wouJd you describe them iike this?

@ Work in pairs. Read the extract from the talk, Discuss

the questions. Think of the dream house you described in
The flооr that you walk оп, сап it affect the way that you Exercise 'l0. Do the following:
walk? Can it change the footprint that you'll ultimately . Decide what material you would build with:
еаvе оп the world7 wood, brick, bamboo, somethlng else?

1 ls Еlоrа talking about ап actual floor? . Decide how it will work with the епvirопmепt,
2 How can the floor we walk оп change our footprint? How will it stay comfortable iп hot оr cold weather?
3 we can't all build Ьаmьоо houses. what else сап we . Drаw а plan for the house and label the rooms
,do in оur homes to change the footprint we leave? and other details iп the house. lnclude as mапу
4 What kind of footprint will you leave оп the world? rоогпs as you like - а music rооm, а cinema, etc.

Unit 2 Whеrе the hеаrt is 29

Special thiп9s, special places
ф Work in pairs. Discuss the questions,

. Fоr уоu, is the idea of livin9 alone оп а tropical

island ап eХcitin9 оr scary idea?
. Think back to your. unr*.i, to Ехегсisе В оп
page 25 about what you would
апswеrs Ье different for
like to take wiih you to live оп the Iss. would уоur
would you take? How
life оп а tropicallsland? Fоr example, what clothes
you get food?
*ЬulО уо" protect yourself from the sun? How would
. What рапs of civilization would you miss the mosti

false (F)?

listen to the conversation. дrе the Sentences true

(Т) оr

1David Ьесаmе rjch and, as а result, he bought

the jsland,
living оп the island, so David
2 There was а smali community of people alieady
joined them.
оп the island.
3 ъепikа left because she wasn't completely comfortable
4 ;;;;;r;;
b;;id has electricity оп the island is that he Set Up а solar
happy living alone.
take turns giving
ф Пеаd the Useful language Ьох, Then, in small 9rоuрS,
tropical island in
,Б" rеа'опs for the it.*', you talked about а
Giving reasons Exercise 1 . Тrу to use all of the expressions in the Ьох,

Use Ihe rеOsап .. ., beccuse, so and |'d wопr о соmрulеr because , "
cs to give reasonS. |'d пееd а mоЬilе рhопе, so , ,.
The rеаsап he wепt there wos to get о music syslem i:
] he rеоsоп |'d wопr ,

awoy frоm his mопеу рrоЬlеms.

|'d пееd а swtmsuit as . ..
не wепt becouse his bustness fotled,
why they are important
She thought life wos too hord, so
ф тпiпК of five things that you USe ечеrу day, Explain
she left, to you, using the Useful lап9uаgе,
As he loved ltvtng а simple ltfe tп а l пееd mу bockpackevery day becouse ",
tiпу house, he dtdn't wопt to leave
island? with а
ф оо you think your items would still Ье useful оп а tropical
Give rеаsопs for each item.
group of threb, рlап а list of ten items to take.

Nаhа,}арап ,
WRlTlNG ý *+*::"iз:i+::

'' Think of а home that you rеаllу like (but not уоur own home). lt can Ье а
place you have seen or visited - а friend's house, а family home or а famous
place such as а castle. Answer the questions.

1 Whеrе is it? 4 Why is it special? The location? The way it looks?

2 When did you go there? 5 Who lives there (or used to live there)?
3 How old is it? 6 What did you see оr do there?

Read the description on page ] 49. Answer the questions.

1 Where is Shuri castle? а Why is it special?

2 When did Капа go there? 5 Who used to lrve there?
3 How old is it? б What did Капа do there?

Write six gепеrаl questions that you сап use to write about апу visit to а :]: ] ]

place. Use the words in the Writing strategies Ьох.

Describing а visit to а place
you сап describe а visit to а
WRlTl NG SKl LL iЗ=i;:l;
ov аrswе"iгg tl,е quеst'опч
=*.]*r:!_l,+.l р|а.е
l4 ho ,' И |д hеп
' И he, е
Look at the description оп page 149. Underline the adjectives the writer hа|.^, _

uses to describe the castle. VVhv? апd How?

We use adjectives to make descriptions mоrе interestin9. Which

adjectives can you use to describe the home you chose in Exercise 6?

Write а short description of the home you talked about in Exercise 6.

Exchange descriptions with а partner. Check each other's work.

Does your partner's description апswеr all of the question5 from Exercise 6?
Does it use adjectives?

:]:ti;,;i,iяя:" k
й ,ч:illж
3А Treating the whole person
VOCABULARY *giп* bT*lý

@ Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss the questions. What is the Ьоу
happy about? What things do people need to Ье happy?

@ TicK (/) trre parts of the body that уоч can see iп the photo.

аrm shou lder chest еаr

elbow fr nger foot ha nd
head knee leg mouth
neck noSe stomach th rоаt

@ t-ook at the photo. What parts of the body сап tell you if а реrsоп is happy?

@ Пеаd the article. Match the words in bold (1-] 'l) with the definitions (a-k).

А doctor in the jungle

lп Саmеrооп, it isn't a|ways easy to find а ('l) hospital when you're (2) unwell.
But if уоu'rе Jucky, а doctor mау frnd you. Almost ечеrу weekend, Dr Georges
Bwelle and his assistants take саrе of the (З) health needs of about 5ОО people
iп small villa9es in the jungle. They see (4) patients with а variety of (5) illnesses
and (6) injuries апd give people (7) medicine. Dr Bwelle also provides items
that people need to make thelr lives better, like (В) glasses. Why does he do it?
Helping people to Ье (9) healthy brings а lot of (]0) happiness to Dr Bwelle, 'То
make people laugh, to rеduсе the (1 1) раiп, that's why l'm doing this,' he says.

а problems with the body оr the mlnd

Ь the condition оf someone's body and mind
с а bad feeling
d something wоlп оvеr the eyes to help you see
е Somethin9 to make you feel better when you аrе ill
f people who аrе lll and need help frоm а doctor
g the condition of feeling good and not sad
h а place where ill and injured people qet treatment
j well, not ill
k when а part of the body is huп

@ Rrе these words illnesses (lL), injuries (lN), or symptoms* (5)?

Use а dictionary if necessary. Check your answers with а partner.

а Ьrоkеп аrm а VlruS

the flu pain
а headache seasickness
а stomachache а high temperature
а Ьrоkеп leg а backache

symptom а сhопgе iп the body that shows you are ill оr injured

@ му pERspEcTlvE

Work in pairs, Discuss the questions.

. Do you do anything to stay healthy? Eat сеrtаiп foods? Exercise?
5omething else7
. When you're iIl оr huri, do you take medicine? Why? / Why not? lf so,
what kind? Do you try anything else to deal with the рrоЬlеm?

Unit 3 -]еа Tl ard lappi,g55 33

LlSTENlNG @ Пеаd the sentences. Then listen to а lecture about
'whole-person' health care. Tick (r/) the ideas that the
@ Complete the questionnaire about your experience of speaker discusses.
going to the doctor. you can tick ({) more than one
answer for each question.
1 Today, findlng пеw medicines is the world's biggest
1 When оr why do you 9о to the doctor? 2 Miany doctors look after а person's hea]th and

п because of ап illness happiness, not опlу а patient's illness.

П for а check-up (а routine health check) 3 Sometimes people think they аrе ill, but really, the
П to talk about а рrоЬlеm you have problem is just iп their mind.
П for schooI 4 The Wоrld Health Organizat on says that mапу
п other rеаsопs hospitals пееd to think mоrе about people and the
wo"lo Lney live n.
2 What does the doctor usually do? 5 Dr paul Tournier believed that опlу medicine could

П check my height апd weight make people healthy.

П check my eyes апd еаrs Work iп pairs. L_isten to the lecture again. Answer the
П give me medicine @
ask questions about my health and happiness
you Ьееп sick? Do you feel опу роtп?) 1 what exarTples of соmmоп health problems does the
П ask about symptoms sреаkег give?
2 What did Dr Тоurпiеr mеап Ьу'the whole person?'
3 what other things does the doctor talk to you about? 3 what does the world Health organization say that
П family health is соппесtеd to?
П food 4 What do'whole-person' doctors talk about with their
П staying healthy (ехеrсisе, getting enough sleep, etc,) palienTS ?

5 what tап help us stay healthy, ассоrdiпg to the lecture?

[ ] schoot
П staying safe (wearin9 а Seatbelt, not smoking, Ф мy pERspEcTlvE
using sunscreen) Work iп small groups. Discuss the questions,
П оthег lhings
. Do you visit the same doctor for all health problems,
work in pairs. compare your answers to Exercise 7 and оr do you vjsit different doctors?
Ф 'whole-person'
discuss the questions. ls your doctor ап 'rJlness'doctor оr а
оосLоr? Wnicl^ type оГ doctor do you рrе[ег7 Wпу?
. Do you both go to the doctor fоr the same rеаsопs? is there anything you would like your doctor to do
. ls the doctor the only реrSоп you See whеп you go? differeгtly? What?
Who else might you see?
. Do you talk to the doctor about other thlngs iп уоur
life? Why? / Why not?

-ý * *Wý

I t\i

G RA М М А R *
= =
:: i i*
l*<, ;1 * :..т
S :.=5 ::
@ Complete the questions with How muсh or How mопу.
Listen to the interview and check your answers. =.:..]::.==
@ look at the sentences in the Grammar Ьох. Underline
the words that express or ask about quantity. 1 plants in Tanzania сап you use as
2 _ traditional doctors did you interview?
а . . . 5о,rпс doctors опd пursеs still think about tllnesses,
3 _ time did you spend оп the project?
Ь ... mопу doctors апd пursеl ltill пееd to сhопgе, 4 information did you collect?

с Doctors might ask а few questtons аЬочt food . , .

@ Listen again. Write the answers to Amy's questions.

d Do you eat о lot of frutt апd vegetobles?

Work in pairs. Think of thre е How muсh and three
е That's why the dосtоr tells уоu , . . ta eat опlу а little sugor, @
How mапу questions to ask each other about health,
f How muсh stress do you have iп your ltfe? diet, exercise, etc.

Ф Look at the words and expressions you have @ eKoпtulrtclATloN

underlined in Exercise ] 1. Answer the questions. Look at the pronunciation Ьох. Then listen and match
each sentence with the correct mеапiпg (a-d).
1 Which words go with countable nouns? Which ones go =:i_.:i:::=
w]th uncountable nouns?
We use contra5tiVe StreSS tO show meaninq. [iSten to
2 lп sentences а-е, which wоrds describe а lаrgе number
the stress lп these sепtепсеs.
or amount? which ones describe а sma]] пumьеr
Hovv mапу dtffеrепt plants аrе there tп Тапzапtа?
оr amount?
(l want to know the пumЬеr.)
3 Which other words do you know that ехрrеss quantity?
Hovv mапу different рlапts оrе there tп Тапzопiа?
(l'm interested in plants, not anima s,)

How mапу different рlапts аrе thеrе tп Тапzапiа?

ф Choose the correct options to complete the text.
(I'm interested in Tanzania, поt Кепуа.)
Nature's pharmacy
l drtпk а little milk every day.
(1) Д lotof l Мопу of the medicine we use today comes
Рогг оlагts. Fоr ехапр е, aspir,l, а сопп,о,l pain 1_ 2_ 3- 4-
medicine, used to come from (2) sоmе /а trее. Ап а l печеr miss а day. с don't driпk а little soda,
important сапсеr drug comes frоm Pacific yew trees, Ь l do^ t dr;nK а lot. d N/y оrоLlеr ooesn't driпл а,lу,
but after (З) some l апу уеаrs of cutting them down,
there weren't (4) some lmrпу trees eft. Then iп the
l990s, screntists learned how to make the medicine
wlthout killing the trees, оr еvеп causing (5) mопу l mчсh
оата9е. Д 6) tеw l ltп|е heaTh products a'so соп^е
from animals. Fоr examp е, J) mопу /muсh people take
(В) о few / а ltttle fish oil iп their diet to stay healthy,

Services like the Royal

Flуiпg Doctor Service
in Australia work to
provide medical care for
people in remote areas.
3В Painless
Bead the article again. Choose the correct option
***"**l complete each sentence.

А synonym is а word that has а similar mеапiпg to l As а ЬаЬу, Ashlyn Вlосkеr didn't сrу because
anorher'word. writers often use synonyms to add
variety а she was never huпgrу Ь she didn'tfeel раiп
Synonyms should Ье the same раrt of speech,
. u с she was а quiet chlld.

l й;.;i;
'о '.*'. che2k if t*o words аrе SупопуmS ts to use the l 2 Неr раrепts took her to the doctor because she
l words in the same place in а sепtепсе,lf the sentences l а didn't сrу. Ь was upset.
{ huu. the same mеапiп9, the words аrе SупопуmS:"--"""""л""",".-i с had ап еуе рrоЬlеm
i _,., , ,-,"..,""-",., ..,-._-.,,,",

Feeling по pain is dangerous because you сап easily

о Гоr each pair, read the first sentence frоm ап article
а injure yourself. ь hurt sоmеопе else.
аЬоut а 9irl who doesn't feel pain, Then complete с become ilI.
second sentence with а synonym of the word iп bold,
4 Ashlyn's illness is

block caIm frightening realize Sоrе а соmmоп iп some places. Ь very unusual,
с often seen in young babies.

Ashlyn Biocker was а quiet ЬаЬу. 5 Doctors may use Ashlyn's CaSe to help people who
Her parents felt lucky to have such а --------- child, а сап't feel оr smell anything. Ь have а lot of pain
looked painful.
lt was red and с have еуе probIems.
The doctor carefuIIy touched hеr --------- еуе,
6 Fоr Ashlyn, feelrn9 по pain is
3 At first, he didn't understand. а vеrу strange.
Аftеr checking, he Ье9ап to -------that Ashlyn
с Something she loves.
wasn't like most other kids.
4 'lt was scary,' says hеr mother. @ Work iп pairs. Discuss the questions,
That idea was vеrу When might Ashlyn's conditron Ье good оr helpful?
5 Now doctors are studying Ashlyn to understand how : What skllЁ оr habits do you think Ashlyn developed to
her body сап stop раiп. deaI with hеr condition?
lt may help them to develop new medicines to What does the photo tell you about Ashlyn?
------------- pain.

CRITICAL THlNKlNG &**kirзg idе*s сi**r

@ Head about understanding the time and order of
events. Тhеп read the article. Number the events
the article in the correct order.
Г J.JЁ,-..ol;;Т.;;;;ШJ*;f,*"""*r, time
1 Vou understand the whole text. Look fоr dates, ages, ] @ Пеаd the critical thinkin9 Ьох. Then find the ideas
, bxpressions such as whеп ... and adverbs of оrdеr such as i
below in the article. which strategy does the writer
use to make each idea clear?

а Ashlyn has something wrопg with hеr еуе,

1 As а small ЬаЬу, Ashlyn Blocker seemed very happy,
ь Ashlyn's doctors discover оthеr people with the
2 Pain is necessary.
same ilIness.
3 Pain keeps us frоm dan9er.
с The doctor discovers that Ashlyn doesn't feel pain,
4 Nlr and Mlrs Вlосkеr wеrе afraid for their daughter, _

d Doctors study Ashlyn to learn more,

5 Ashlyn rsn't the опlу person with her condition,
6 Ashlyn is соmfоrtаЬlе wlth hеr condition,
е Ashlyn's parents feel lucky. 7

f Ashtyn's parents feel unlucky. @ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions,

g Неr parentstake hertothe doctor.
. Which ideas in the text would you like to know
mоrе about?
. What questions would you like to ask Ashlyn,
her раrепts оr hеr doctors?

36 Unit З Health and happiness

1==__:= Ashlyn Blocker was а qttiet ЬаЬу. Shе didn't сry
]. ечеп when she .nras hungry. At first, hеr parents felt lucky
to hаче suсh а calm child. But then, when Ashlyn was
eight months old, Мr and Mrs Вlосkеr noticed а рrоЬlеm
s with hеr еуе. It was rесl and looked painful, so they
, took hеr to tl.e doctor. As he checked Ashlyn, the doctor
саrеftlllу touched 1rег sоrе еуе. Patients - especially babies
and children - usually don't like this and they try to mоче ]:i,:,:i ::::::a:'a,j*
away. Ashlyn ctidn't do this, The tloctor was strгргisеd
lo and. аt fiгst. he <Iidn't uпdеrsипd. But а[tег t,hecking. he
lэegan to rеаlizе that Ashlyn,wasn't like most other kids
because Ashlyn didn't fЪеl pain. Неr body turned pain off.
You mау think this sounds like а good thing - no pain
mсапS пеVег gctlinя hurr, гight? Вut we Гееl pain Гог а
]5 rеаsоп. It hаs an imporlant purpose; it tells us that оuг
body has an injury оr il|ness. Pain also helps to keep
us sаГе. \}iuhen а child totrt,hes а hclt о,чеп. the pain says щ
'Dапр,еrl' ппd чrорs а |поге .sегiсlus injury. -.ф5
Аftеr discovering that thеiг daughter couldn't feel pain,
zo the Вlосkеrý no 1опgеr felt lucky. 'It was scary" says hеr
п]оthег. Таrа ВlосI<ег. because Ashlyn corrld easily iп|uге
herself and not know it. That idea waS very frightening.
As Ashlyn began to gfow uр апd started to mоче аrоuпd
mQrе' and to walk, keeping hег safe every day Ьесаmе

No one had evef come to-Ashlyn's сlоСtОrý with this

condition+, and at fiгst thcy йоught .чlrе miфt Ье rhe
опlу case iп the wог|d. But they Гоuпd out that thеrе
were'othefs ý/iftlL the condition - а whole family in
Pakistan and eight оthеr kids wlro livecl пеаrеr
to Ashlyn,. in the US. l ,
': ,, _. ,,,

: ,Now doctors аrё studying АsЪlуп and other

peoPle Trho dбn]t feel p4in, They:want to
'understand the condition,aird help: people :

зs who have iL. Вut they also want to uпdегsfапd

how the body сап stop раiп. It may help them
, ,,.,., to develop new medicines to block pain - gооt1
;',;.,ryr{tfп{.9ле whо ехреriепсеs а lot of it,
\iИhat's it like ro feel по pain? Ashlyn deals with the

mе.., ItЪ]а[ llyý' qrvgg: kl}о З11, .

| i :, i :
|1;:: :::,
3С What makes us happy?
GRAMMAR Эi:г===l т=l*=

(Q look at the sentences in the Grammar Ьох. Underline the verbs.

Ashlyп's body turned раiп off ,

As Дshlуп Ьеgоп to grow up опd started to mоче аrоuпd mаrе , , .

They fоuпd out thot there were others with the сопditiоп.
Аshlуп deols with the сопditlоп well апd has а hoppy life,

@ Answer the questions about the sentences in the Grammar Ьох.

1 What part of speech are the words in bold?

2 These wоrds соmЬiпе with vеrЬs to make рhrаsаl vеrЬs. Do they come
ьеfоrе оr after the vеrь?
what's different about the first опе?

@ лrе these phrasal verbs separable or inseparable? Try puttin9 them into
sentences. Write S or l. Then check уоur answers оп page 1З2.

1 put оп б hand iп
2 turп оп 7 Look iпtо
3 get оп (With) 8 look after
4 glve up 9 wоrk out (at the gym)
5 hang out 10 take out


. Good hea th
. Ехеrсlsе
. Good U|CL (а
!rOOU diet lot Ul
\d lUt ]lс) fruit, eatinq breakfast)
of frеsh
. Enjoying school
. -rie^olv classtTate.
Ц/оj a ]cir iП Оrgап i.]i.п

@ Rеаd the information about research carried out Ьу the World Health
Organization. Match each statement below With а reaSon for happiness.

1 N/y school friends апd l get оп well - they're nice.

2 l go to the gугп and work out опсе or twice а week.
3 lgave up sugal-yfoods.lalso have а bowlof сеrеаlеvеrу mоrпiпg,
4 almost always hand in my homework on time. l dont mind doing it.
5 l'm not i L vеrу often because l look after myself.

@ ГiпО the two Sentences in Exercise 4 with phrasal verbs that сап have the
particle after the object. Rewrite them with the phrasal verbs separated.
@ Complete the sentences using phrasal verbs from О му pERspEcTlvE
Exercises 1-З. Then listen to the conversation and
What do you think helps make people happy? Use
check your answers.
these verbs or your own ideas. Write five sentences.
'l Somescientists tеепаgеrs' happiness Then discuss уоur sentences with а partner.
2 Did they what makes us happy?
belonging to deaJing with ...
3 l fee happy when mу headphones giving up ... lookingafter...
and listen to some mtlsic putting оп . . гаll^ lg tо "iегds aoout ...
4 Fоr me, it's ТV. always fee happy whеп takinqup...

5 lарру teenagers with their friends а lot

6 l_ the rubbish every day!

@ Listen to the conversation again. What things do the

speakers say make teenagers unhappy? =:i. _. Wоrk iп а group. Discuss уоur sentences frоm
=. Exercise 9 and declde which fоur sentences аrе best.
Q Look at the facts about what makes teens unhappy. Use уоur sentences frоm Ехеrсisе 9 to make а poster
Then complete the advice with verbs and particles ca||ed What makes people hoppy? Find photos оr draw
from the chart below. Two particles are used twice. simple pictures to add to each point,
Write а short раrа9гарh based оп the iпfоrгпаtiоп
in Ехеrсisе 4. Give an ехаmрlе for each point,
Use phrasal verbs.
. Рооr health
. No exercise, q LpI
. Рооr diet (а lot of sugary А Ьоу jumps from the U Bein Bridge
foods, по breakfast) into Taungthaman Lake, Myanmar.
. School stress/not having
tiгпе to do schoo work
. Bullying

jeal give ha nd ook pUt ta ke tU rп

ра rticles
after n off up with

1 _ yourse f so you don't become ill.

2 _а sport оr апоthеr physica activity.

3_ drinking sweet driпks, iike со а, еvеrу

day Save them as а weekend treat.
4 Don't you r homework _
it _ оп time.
5 _ bullying Ьу tellinq an adu t about it.
Ask fоr help.

6 Don't watch W just because it's оп. You сап always


Unit З Health апd happiness 39

AUTHENTIc LlsTENlNG sKlLLs ф Watcrr Part'l of the talk. Choose the correct option to
complete each sentence.

The lion tamer's mаiп рrоЬlеm was that

Whеп you listen to authentic speech, you usually won't
а the ion bit hlm.
understand everything you hеаr and you often can't
ь he couldn't breathe with his head in the lion's mouth
go back and llsten again. However, different people
с he was scared.
often understand different parts of а message. You can
iпсrеаsе уоur understanding Ьу comparing listening
The strongman gave the lion tamer _ to save his ife

notes with othe,5.

а гпоuth to mouth
ь medicine
( ап ореrаtiоп
Ф Пеаd the Authentic listening skills Ьох. Then listen
The strongman worked at the circus to help рау fоr
to the extract from the TED Talk and write down the
words you remember.
а а пеW саг.
ь healthcare

@ Work iп small groups. Compare notes оп what you

с medicalschool.

heard. Did you write the same words? Write а summary At the аrmу hospital, Bonica's job was
of what you heard as а group. Do you have more а l,еlрiгg paL e,lLs wttl, оаiг
information now? Ь dolng amputations.
с looking аftеr the who е hospital,
ф Listen to the extract again. Did you understand more this Pain is а signal fоr
time? Tell а partner what the extract mеапs. :,:.::-...i а fеаr.
Ь an in;ury.
с being tired.
Не was surprised that mапу patients fe t _ when
ф TninK of а time when уоu saw or experienced ап event the iпjuгу was Ьеttег.
that changed the way you thought about something. а vеrу anqry
What happened? How did it change you? Make some Ь а lot of раiп
notes. Compare your ideas with а partner. с rеаdу to go home

40 Unit 3 Неа th and happiness

О atch Part 2 of the talk. Choose the correct option to
', 3 Have you everpd55ed aut? 0r has а fгiепd оr fami у
: эmрlеtе each sentence.
mеmЬеr ever possed оur? What happened?
4 ls thеrе апуопе in your family who is а speciclisr in а
"] ]onica often discussed pain with other doctors /
suЬ,есt] Who] Wiich s;b;ect7
: зtlепts'fоmtliеs, 5 How many iпstiГutiопs сап yoU паmе in your tOWn/
2 ]оп са read medical books and found that they gave а rea ? What kind of lпstrtuгiопs а rе they?

, iot of / опlу о little information about раiп. 6 When was the ast tiггlе you felt that someone didл'г
З -о
9et mоrе реорlе talking about pain, Bonica rried го take you sertously? Who was It? How did you fee ?
_et experts ta wite obout it l wrate аЬоut it himself .

4 3опiса didn't want to just make his patients healthier,

-е wanted lo Ье famous / mоkе them feel better.
',low Bonica did а lot of good in the world, making life better
5 thеrе аrе апlу о few / hundreds of pain clinics
for people in pain. Think of а teacher, doctor, nurse,
аrоuпd the wоrld.
scientist, politician, sportsperson or someone else you
6 ]onica understood pain wel because бе felt о lot of l know about who has helped people feel better. Make
:od о |оr obour paiэ.
some notes about what they did.
-пlпК about parts 1 and 2 of the talk. What evidence
О ,,.,","l",,""",""
i 1:. r;i"]f],J: !r-.i.irl1.'.

:oes Latif give to sчрроrt these statements? -- 1",:Gii-]rilai,

Зопiса 'inflicted (caused) раiп, and he treated it.'

2 3onica saw pain cJose up. Не feJt it. Не ived it.' 1.rr}:;.;;.i ,;:l,*
з 3onica's 'goal wasn't to make patients better; it was to
make patients fee better.'

Q vocлBul-ARy lN coNTExT @ Write а paragraph describing the person you made

notes about in the Challenge Ьох. Then compare уоur
а Watch the clips from the talk. Choose the correct
ideas with your partner. What things are similar about
meaning of the words and phrases.
==:ё:ý the people? What things are different?
Ь Work in pairs. Answer the questions. Then соmраrе
your answers with уочr partner.
1 Have you еvеr had а рrоЬlеm and tried lo lgnoreil?
What happened?
2 When do you usua ly hit the boaks? Where do you
do it?

Unit 3 lea Lh a,d Гарр ,less 41

зЕ opinions аьочt health and happiness
Why not? Tell а partner.
О оО you a9ree or disagree with the Statements? Why? /

People should Ье free to smoke cigarettes anywhere,

people should поt Ье a]lowed to smoke in геstаurапts, cafes, cinemas and
оthег public places.
it ls bad for
The government should Ьап (completely stop) smokrng because
everyone's health апd wellbeing.

@ Listen to the conversation. Who=makes or agrees with each Statement -

Al (А), Marta (М), or both (В)? :=,S:,=__1-i.iiS
Giving your opinion 1 Smoking should Ье completely forbidden,
l think... / l believe ... 2 Smoking should Ье allowed.
lп mу арiпiоп . , . 3 Smoking is bad for smokers' health.
4 Smoking is bad fог еvеrуопе,
5 Еvеrуопе does something dangerous ечеrу day,
Really / Дrе you kiddtng? l'm паt 5urе 6 There's no rеаl rеаsоп for апуопе to smoke,
obaut thot.
l dоп't agree. @ Work in small groups. Fоr each topic, think of three or more arguments
ý6lry Ьчг |jgn'r |hlпl ьо. forthe statement and three or more arguments againstthe statement.

Asking folIow-up questions

. The government shouLd Ьап junk food,

Why do you say that?

. Schoo]s should make students 9et гпоrе exercise,
. Using а phone while walking оr сусliпg should Ье illegal,
Could you ехрlаiп thot о btt mоrе?
. students shouldn't have to do а lot of hоmеwогk,
Conceding а point . lt's mоrе important to have one vеrу 9ood friend than lots
of friends.

You're rtqht that with another small

t-ook at the phrases in the useful language Ьох. workin9
. . .

Wel, tho{s truе

group, take turns arguing for and against the points in Exercise 3.
. . .

WRITING Д* *1:jl!g* *ýýý},J

'l (the most important) to В

@ Папk the ways to Stay healthy in order frоm
(the least important). Discuss yoUr anSWers with а partner,

exercise every day finish schoolwork on time

don't smoke cigarettes have а healthy diet
see а doctor every six months get plenty of sleep
see friends апd famlly wеаr а seatbe]t

People ride their bikes through

Bonsecours Basin Park in Montreal, Canada,

42 Unit 3 гlеаlth and happiness

@ Bead the essay оп page ]49. Answer the questions.

Does the wrltеr аgrее оr disagree with the Statement'Exercisin9 еvеrу day is
the best way to stay healthy'?
2 Дссоrdiпg to the Writer, what does exercise sometimes make people do?
3 ln addition to qood food and ехеrсisе, what does the writеr advise?

@ Пеаd the Useful language Ьох. Then read the essay а9аiп, Find five
expressions from the Ьох iп the essay.
Acknowledging other ideas
Bead these expressions. lп which category in the Ьох does each belong? While it's truе that,.., l thiпk ...
Yes, you're rtght, but . .
occeptthat .., , but

l thiпk this because . lt4y view i5 that . . . l .

Giving your opinion

О Work in pairs. Say if you agree or disagree with each Statement and why.
1 Happiness ls mоrе important than health. lп mу орiпiоп, . , ,

2 The best way to stay healthy is to stay happy. Lar mе, .. ,

3 lt's mоrе imроrtапt to feelOK than to Ье healthy.

Giving reasons for your opinion
@ wKlTllrtc SKlLL +i.:ii::з ii: ** *_,:а.. 0пе rеоsоп l Lhiпl гht, is ...
l think ift cleor that
Read the essay on page 149 again. How mапу mаiп points does the
. , .

writer make? How are these organized? ___because,..

How does the writer introduce each point? Which expressions does
he / she use?
с choose one of the statements you discussed in Exercise 9. Think of three
points you сап make about it and write а sentence introducing each one,
'l0c, saying
@ write ап essay about the Statement you chose in Exercise
whether you a9ree or disagree with it. Use the Useful lan9uage and your
ideas from Exercise

@ Exchange essays with а partner. check each other's work and comment оп
the content. Does it USe the Useful language correctly? Do you agree with
your partner?

4А Howwe learn
VOCABULARY *****ti*л:
@ Work iп pairs. Look at the photo. Find these items.

а Ьlасkьоаrd а desk а notebook а реп а student а tеасhеr

@ Match the verbs ('1-6) with their objects (a-f). Use а dictionary if necessary.

1 develop а geography / maths / sсiепсе / аrt

2 study Ь (9ood / bad) grades / ап educatton
3 get с (рrimаrу / sесопdаrу / private / state) school
4 take d (new)skills
5 attend е creative / hаrd-wоrkiпg
бЬе f atest/exams

@ Choose the correct options to complete the descriptions of three

different schools.
. The lпdiап government provides ('l)sгсге / privote schools fоr allchildren. But
when students don't live пеаr а school and can't аfгоrd to trаvеl, it's diffcult
for them to get (2) bad grades l оп еduсоtiоп. The solution? Teachers travel
to the siudenrs! (З) Primory l Sесопdоrу school students (up to age 12), and
students in the first two уеаrs of (4) primory / secondory school (ages ] З and l4)
сап attend 'train platform schools'. The students аrе vеrу (5) creative / hard-
workinq.Some oIder students аге even аlrеаdу at the station because they
have;obs there!
. Students of the Кhап Academy (6) attend / study geography, maths, science
and оthег subjects online Ьу watching videos. After watching, they сап take
shоп (7) qrades / tеsгs to check their progress. Most Khan Academy students
are teens taking classes in addition to their usua1 studies. They want ехtrа
work to develop (В) skll/s / studtes in ceгtain sub;ects and to do better in
exams. As the videos аrе online, students frоm аrоuпd the world can
(9) take / getIhe classes,
. Students who (]О) attend lgetthe ZipZap Circus School in CapeTown,South
Дfriса, don't study maths and science; they (1 1) take l/есrп entertainment
skills. Zip Zap is а prtvate (12) educotian / school, bUt it iSn't expensive.ln fact,
unlike most private schools, it's frее. The main purpose of the school is to
help students lеаrп to live апd wоrk together - апd to have fun.

@ Дпswеr the questions. Take notes. Then compare your answers with а partner.

Which school ...

1 doesn't teach traditional school subjects? What does it teach?
2 is the most like уоur school? Why?
3 helps students trying to get vеrу good grades or рrераrе fоr exams? How?

О му pERspEcTlvE
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions,
. lsyour school а state school оr а prtvate school? What аrе the differences
between the two? Think about cost, ciass size, teachers, building(s), etc.
. Which subjects frоm this list are you taking? Which classes аrе your
favourites? Why?

drama) computing
arts (music, hiStOry lanq uage
literature maths (аlgеЬrа, geometry) science (biology, chemistry)

. Do апу of уоur classes include onIine lеаrпiп9? Which опе(s)?

Unit 4 Lеаrпiпg 45

Have you ечеr talked to а student from another Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
country? lf you have, what was it like? lf not, would you . Do you like the ldea of video-chattlng with students in
like to? What are the benefits of talkin9 to people from оthеr countгies? Why? / Why not?
other countries? . Say two оr three things you know about апоthеr
соUпtrу - about food, sports, weather, products they
@ Listen to two students talkin9 about а project at school. make, and so оп. Where dld you lеаrп the information?
Are the sentences true (Т) оr false (F)? . What questions wouLd you ask а student frоm апоthеr
соuпtrу? Thlnk ofone question about school and опе
Karina's class is video-chatting with students аrоuпd
qUeStion about another topic,
the world,
They аrе watching films to lеаrп alэout each other's
countries. G RAMMAR i::= *=:==t:T*ý * =* :i=
3 They learned about the schoo week in Japan, =:*ri=ii:;:=:
4 They discussed schoo] clothes in EngLand. @ t-ook at the examples in the Grammar Ьох. Answer
5 i\4аriа, in Brazil, is going to take an important the questions.
examination soon.
Каriпа says that teena9ers iп other countries аrе :i:::n:*Ё]ý:'+:"]i:i.=.:_=:::.::.:i.1:_irr::_

vеrу different, Comparative

Lеаrпtпg frоm а реrsоп is mоrе interesting thап lеоrпtпg
@ Listen again. Complete the notes. Si:iiý ftom о book,

Karina's favourite class: (l) she s о Ь;r older thоп we оrе.

Project:video chatting with students iп Brazil, Тоlkiпg to sоmеапе i5 easier thап reodtпg.
(2) , Japan, Eng and and
(з) Superlative
People usual у lеаrп about Аmеriса frоm l think doinq projects tsthe bestwoy lo |еаrп.

Some Japanese kids go to schooL on Saturday fоr sports оr 1 Which form uses thсп after an ad;ective?

to (5) 2 Wh]ch fоrm uses rhе Ьеfоrе an adjective?

Kids iп the UK start school at the age of (6) 3 Which fоrm compares гпоrе than two things?
\4аriа is taking extra classes in (7) and 4 Write the plain adjectlve forms for these items.
(в)-- mоrе inteгesting easier о der the best
Teenagers everywhere have а Iot in (9) :.::

New communication technologies, like video-chattin9,

are helping students around the world connect and learn
about each other.

tдф дм
,*l,g.iý я,

га .; } €-:
lR'ý,fl. &t
_*?.'* ,g, }
tFt 9 t,"f"l

Фlв. g *р.
, S.-; *r
ýfudents:in а uN schooltalkto other
@ Complete the sentences with the correct form of
aiduhd the world.
the adjectives.

1 Studying for а short time every day is

(useful) than studyinq alI night the night before а test.
2 Breakfast is the (important) mеаl.
3 А li9ht lunch is (good) than а big one
because а big lunch can make you sleepy.
4 Studying is important, butthe (good)
way to Iеаrп а new skill is Ьу using it.
5 Learnrng а new language is (easy)

than learning maths оr science.

6 ltiS (difficult) to lеаrп new things in
the аftеrпооп than iп the mоrпiп9.

@ Work in pairs, Discuss the sentences iп Exercise 1 1. Do

you agree with them?

@ t-ook at the examples in the Grammar Ьох. Then

anSwer the questions.
@ pRolчulrlclATIoN Liэ:kirtg аr:d *lisi*r:

Which two words in the example are connected Ьу

а lРаr а?*еr.Ы*Йяgгti.peBpteiП,аiЬУiааiпg ::,, ::.,

Iinking? Which two are connected Ьу elision? ýЖ
Ь Гчеrуопе works the hardlest ЬеГоrе imраrtаtпt ехаms. Fluent speakers often;oin words together еithеr Ьу
linking sounds (liaison) оr leaving out sounds (elision).
1 Which sentence is comparative? Which is superlative?
l work harder tп history thоп l da iп EnglЬh because it's
2 What is the superlative аdчеrЬ fоrm of good?
mаrе dtfficult to rеmеmьеr dates thап words.
3 What is the comparative аdvеrЬ fоrm of hord?
4 Do these sentences соmраrе people/things оr actions?
@ Say the sentences. Do the bold words connect with
_leck у*t:r ý*ýlJт*гý *n Ёýý* "IЗ4, ** ýx*r*is*s З *еrd nl-
linking or elision? Listen to checkyour answers. ýЖ
the sentences with the comparative or 1 Yusuf speaks the most quietly.
@ Complete
superlative adverb forms of these words. 2 Ella qraduated from school mоrе recently than .Jim.
3 ldid better in my frnal exam than in the mid-term опе.
са refu l qood ha rd often quiet rесепt 4 Рiеtrо misses lessons more often than the other students.
5 l checked the essay section the most carefully.
1 lwоrk in history than l do in English.
2 Yusuf speaks of allof us iп class, so it's
@ Make true sentences about you. Use comparatives and
superlatives of the words in brackets. Then, share your
hard to hеаr him
ideas with а partner.
Ella graduated frоm high schoo tha п
Jim, She _just fr nished last уеаr, Соmраrе . ,.
Му grades аrе improving. l dld ln mу 1 two school subjects. (difficuit)
fiпаl ехаm than iп the mid-term опе. 2 one school subject to the others. (easy)
5 pietro misses lessons than the other 3 the way two friends speak. (qulet)
students, because he isn't very well. 4 how you work at two things, (hard)
6 l checked the essay sectton of the test 5 forms of transport in your town/country. (соmfопаЬ]е)
because that's whеrе l usually make а lot of mistakes. 6 forms of transport in уоur country. (cheap)

Ф Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. l thiпk maths is mаrе diffrcult thвп Епglislз" Fоr mе,
art iý the easiesr subiecf.
. Which subject do you usually do best in?
. Do you find that you сап lеаrп mоrе easily at some
times than others? When? Why?
. Who studies the hardest iп your class?
l '-
I ъ

Unit4 Learninq 47
VOCABULARY ВUlLDlNG :i**=*= .-.=.1. -J:::=_:
@ МаКе two or three sentences about yourself using the
words from Exercise ]. Practise saying them with the
We can create adjectives Ьу adding а suffix to some correct stress.
nouns. The suffix -ful means r,rziГh and -/ess means ii_].i i,i :ij, i ]l: ;; r; i]..l,a]|:-.],' l' :i ai j,: :. i :i ii,
carefuJ you сап't а ways make
vyithout. But Ье '
opposites uslng fu/and -/ess. Fоr examp е, the opposite
af grateful isn't биаЁзЬ , btlr поt grateful READlNG

ф Пеаd the Vocabulary building Ьох. Choose the correct @ Bead about scanning. Then read the sentences
option to complete the sentences from the article. (1-5)about the article. Scan the article to see if the
Use а dictionary if necessary. sentences are true (Т) or false (F).

1 The kayak trip was siressful l stress free because of

When you answel questions about а text, you need to
Stоrп]у Weather,
frnd specifrc information, Looklng through а text just
2 lam thапkfull notthonkfulforthis amazing орроrtuпitу fоr this information is са ed sсаппiпg, When you scan:
3 0пе соrеfчl/ careless mistake cou d really hurt sоmеопе.
. focus on the information you аrе lookinq fоr.
4 Working close у with students frоm other cultures is а
grеаt way to еаrп thts useful luseless lesson,
. think about the type of information it is: а name,
а date, а пumЬеr, etc,
5 Тhеrе were moments when she felt аfrаid and
hореГtrl t hopeless . let your eyes qo оvеr the text а few ines at а
time. When you see useful information, stop апd
@ ввоlчuпtсlАтlоN rеаd closely,
Listen to the sentences from Exercise Underline the
1 Students in Singapore have а three оr frve day
stressed syllable in each adjective. l_i:=._:1_Ёi":Е
outdoor skills соuгsе as part of their edlcation.
2 students lеаrп outdoor ski s as а rеwаrd fоr their hard
wоrk оп mоrе imрогtапt school sub;ects ike maths.

48 Unit 4 Lеаrпiпq
\Тlз;t.l c."tr: l,ilt slllсiе:лiз li:rillii!' 'jt ъ"";а-ь 1л{] fr*od1'
sitici t*еrээg.еr, ::frt;, ц:i,. t],f i]l:]t_,. .r-.:i-'i];al]гiý 1.{i

i;io;;gcr ,ýiп.gэ.;,оrе 3tllcli::l|. '1' l-r.-tait*s v+Li а rllcil,t]

iTrclep*:l;cierы ;lrэd r:эг!tlg ;Fji1;;:i1,1t.' ,,{.;igeiiq_ric, ::-nriтher
slltl,i.etll, iп ýillg:lgl_iгe, h:,;,,j s,-ic]t ;.l {**nj ,:. ,pt_-;i=ncc:
thal зi'tе TT::l;t lз*.clt T{_r| :{ .lli il]lti,,r,с,,::е-d.э];, с,з-*rз*:. 'ii_
- -i Ilil,lggell глзrrrсс-i lii;il;a;:roTe ý:;-l,-l;nl r;ъt:|rlэг.t||_ file tL} g;'_}11. зfu:t}*gr:;,,' sjl::. sЗ.l,'s, T'ne i{.irтaj{
tгiр lта:ч sirеssГs"}i ilесlэltде c,l' $i+1,;ll,i. -Ёiеат_i:]ajг. ý}!е
5i:rrg:l1зо,rс. pri:Ti;;r"l,;,irr_i s*co*rj;_:] jt:-|:rl ,!
5rt.,ý tixa{e 11,*!1i *,]i{}11if,r:li5 Tihi:i1 э;Li: felt а-Гtаiсt аi:r,]
:,_.':,,, 1ч-а

"L;--]etris i-:tur: l;r;ldlb.t g]rii}з; ,1]i.}li_rýеs д!i ljaf[ ,_,"i'

1l hopei:lss - s}зс *lsлlg_lrt. ;iз* iri;л т,;зs trэo h:лгс1" Еrllг
,:,r;iiсэ,'I'he_l-'гe l,1stiallT ibrer: t]г зl,iе ii;t.,,з; i,.llr:i :lrlгl
clu: r**зо;,,lт}еl,еtj. lnat "sl:;rotltil 5i:a1 1-хе\,ег it.lcl,.- ;l
r{lpe aild t,oci; t.ijitэlэitlg, gо1]1g si-,] lil ,.,
ýic.i].ied s;,l.ii*l" ai;_j f,i:]{ l;rаlr,е еrl,*;_зgiз ir; r:о_з;зll;,tllе
,,-:.-з,11 tэrr;лt c:;iierj а.lrа,ъ,;аiл. Bie*pil g ii1 ;,l l,eftl t]...:l
а.g".rilзsi tire .зl,эт:ллз, 'I ar:r i,lr;ilriJ*i tг,r tlлiз ;lil jliiiij
::.-.:-;l, t:ri;lllg trз;Bg r.lз.|\, ir: :tle jз,r*glе эл*l i-,^, : l_;,- -i..,c;rLicl ,Jt it :igаiгл,' :;Lle s;;ys,
*ppari*l i:1,. ;lr:ci }
];art ;,t ilTc_:. it's гсяl 1!r:. Girc с;.г*iеi;s tlrlst;rke
l1.1ii], reali",, iэlз;"t i.tlll1t],.llle, .!tl siл,э*lсl ,оili,t-iсrt;г gk;lls i{i gtr; riоъ;-,. st l-: rJ clr i,s aaieaii .]{] {-tiý е._{ ъ, iT il gl"l л-t;зs
i :

,:iil-;1l* tarrg.-ir; аr sch*oi? Ч;,'jl: r'i,oi:s th.e ýlrtEai:lэl"e tlзеiг tlи,ll schor.;,i" Aji,e; ]82*, }т*ъ,етеr" ai!
. 1,1,fj"iiill{jl}i}r tlrjs зhоr-;.].;i }:lt: p:*l-i cri, еvелъ, stilrlгtris iviil dc; ;he crlursc ilt *rо*рз j'rotll sеч,еrr,ii
:: _] {j,:]1t'i! o:iil;,iл ijtэ*? l-iiiТeTe*1 :.с! ii;+lз.'iii" al.jеs thls rпаtiеr? I]6",.l,_1 а, ;

lтоiл {hina. lЦ;:i;э_l.,sj;_t, {гк.]-iэ ;:td o{ile:, сrзltв;"ез lilr,,e

::;лist*:г ioT E<_iucaiir;;r ,aig С'{зl:е l'r,ntng э;l1,s i[i:;"l ,ij сlrээс l I.1эg;.:lher in
ýiл g;лl"uге. {]*cri1 согт-л;:lru rriг; tic,:lr
,; сil;riiе;эgl: оf i]re ol-ii{i.Jali с{цl,i"зi] i,rеl;зs s:,з-lrlt-,tл1:; 1,
sltiils ;эt,е lt1ol* ill,,,9c:ria;ll1 jilijlii |1э*;:l етсг irl *rrlеr
. ;-1 ij1{]i} з1,;l1l., iib,,: гl,itlса1 tlз:rr-klng, ъъr_:rliiiзg
tbt- pt,o;:1r: tc iil,i: ; т,,.lзrk iogether, 1,Vcriii;.11
] Е-ihсf a;:c,i g*r_-,d i:{llllli: ý-lп i.;i-T iог:, lliijties iir дi ;;
с:]i:lз,:iy ,,r,it[э s;,*cjellrs {.r,:;l,ii l}1_tзеs a,ý{iл-iгезl is а glel,tt
I- ]1ес{iЁ52]"1, i,,,_l1, r,o:c]i'k alrj li,ie, iir: Ьц:lirтеs i,ir;rl ,1}"а-',
t.i,] }езrп t]з.is rr:;tii.l,i 1t,sзr_.1,1,
:;st: skiils i.-r,e а, !rпрс;ýз:lэi a-s t|ilt-l;ij{jl-iai _tiliзje*ts
..,.- л;з;liiлs, sгiе*се, jllc.,,ll...: .i 1с .а, f .i Зli]Lil]ii.{ý l,:rre siэ-lil*:il; sзi;! i]. i'lrie ,;r,a1.: "-'lr;:t"t: il, fi{)tlij:$E т*
:,:с- t:.-; i*аrп lr.r-.lll i;ci*]ls. i;;-r; j.э;: sц:зitj i-:.:sнлri.tз, att,.ljtl *j' :.з;l,i гtt:t.h_ir,л*'s i;з6:r.,.s:!iэiе,' -jiT.lri ';h;;t's ;,l

:,l;:J,ir,g isn'| аз rts*{'li1 :rз d.oi;-l5;. gr;.:ai |css1_1;з il; ]c:r;r.

3 А studt,nt named Ang."liqL.le said the couise \д/аs а CRlTlcAL THlNK!NjG n

IеrriЬ е ехреriепсе апd She WoU d пеVеr do it agaln
4 iп the future, studei-]ts \Ni take the outdoor ski ls Read the Critical thinking Ьох. Wоrk in pairs.
coulse witr] реор е frоm other scnoo s, Discuss the questions.
5 Ассоrdlпg to the ariicle, опе student described Lhe
.oUrse aS'impossibJe' Qlotatiols (quotes) аrе the огigiпа v/ords of [еа]
реор е and аrе marked with quotation [пагks
Now read the article morе carefully and underline the (Ехаmр]е: 't tцlаs qood,' she sa]d) Writеrs use
5entenceS that helped уоu do Exercise 4. quotes to с еаrlу 5how реор e's ideas оr орiпlопs.
Writегs may aqree with the qL]otes and !s., them
Work in pail,s. Discu55 the questiol-ts. а5 suрропlпg evidence, ог they mау argue against
them. Wrltеrs 50metimes use quotes frоrт diffcrerlt
1 The апiс е asks if outdoor skl] s shou d Ье tauqht at
реор е to shotv two sides оlал arglment,
schoo . What do you think? Why?
2 Апgе lque says she lelt afrald and hopeless at times, but
1 Ноul mапу separate quotes а[е used iп the iext?
that she rruould do it agarn \Д/hаt difГlcu t ехреriепсе
2 V/hat does each quote show abolt the outdoor
have )rou had that you еаrпеd something frоm?
ski ls course?
з ]п the future, students irоm different communities
З Why do you thlnk the autno| !sed quotes instead of
and schools wi rake the course together Ноrл; will
]USt ехр аiпiпg the ldeas iп his о,,vп \^/ordS?
difficult ехреriепсеs outdoors help therT lеаrп to
4 Does the article inc ude dtffегепt points оl vrew? Whlr
do you thrnk tne аL._]thог used the QL]otes that аrе used?
4 what outdoor ski ls does the аrtlсlе mепt!оп? whrch
of them would you Ье аlrаid to rrу? which of therT do I\4Y PER5PEcTlVE
you think you wou d епjоу?
5 What skills does Ng Chee N4enq believe students lеаrп Work iп small groups. Discuss the questions,
outdools? Do you аgrее with him that they аrе as " Would you 1ike to |еаrп skr ls rke this at school? Whv? /
importaпt as ihe traditiona subjecгs? V/hy? Why not?
" lVhat do у9u thiпk this ki lrj of с ass cou]d t."ach you
аЬоuг ife?

Unit4 learninq 49
4с skills for life
GRДММДR ,:: ,,а,* : J :, ,

iп Singapore?
@ wnat сап you rеmеmЬеr about the outdoor skills course
. activities
. skills developed
. challences Ьч students
challenges faced Ьу

а outdoor skil!s аrе as imроrtапt as the traditionol subjects,

ь Fоr some lessons, rеоdiпg isn't as useful as dotng,
с She thouqhr rhе rriр wos too hard.
d irаче епоugh tO сопriпUе аgаiпst
}he felt
the storm,

е lwаsп't brave епоugh, so lgove up,

t lt was so good!
good ехреrtепсе,
9 Апgеliquе had such о

r-ook at the examples in the Grammar Ьох. Match

the comparative forms
(a-g)with their meanings (1-6).

а cs (adjective) cs ,{ 1 just the right amount

Ь поt as (adJective) cs 2 mоrе than wanted/needed

с rоо (adjective) 3 makes something stronger
(two examples)
d (adjective) enough
е поl (adjective) епачgh 4 compares two similar thlngs
f so (adjective) 5 less than wanted/needed

g such с/сп (adjective + поuп) 6 says two thlngS аrе not sim]]аr

about the sentences

@ choose the correct option to complete the information
(a-g) in the Grаmmаr Ьох.

а Outdoor skills and trad]tional subjects hove l dоп't hcyethe same imроrtапсе,
Ь Fоr some lessons, reading and doing are equal l поt equal,
с The trip was гhе rtghtlечегоf difficulty l moredifficultthon shewanred.
d Shе had l dtdn't have the right level of Ьrаvеrу to сопtiпuе,
е l l mоrе braverythan l needed,
had less

g Angellque's experlence Йаs perhaps better ll,x/Orse than she

Maths the sentences with (поt) as

@ 1ook at the information on the left. Then complete
Working together
.., as and the adjective in brackets,
I Logic (сlеа.r thinking) Accordinq to the rеsеаrсh . . ,

(imропапt) communicatlon
Science 1 writlng and maths skil s аrе
and rеаdiпg skills.
2 SClenCe ]S
(useful) maths.
(usefu]) science,
: *] ::
:! ;!i
:]; ]-" :
i,:1 i
ili 3 Sports аrе
4 communication Ls
(imропапt) rеаdiпg
a ]: :., :::':i ]] :: ]
(useful) worklnq together

5 аrt lS

50 Unit 4 lеаrпiпq
@ Work iп small groups. Discuss the questions about the @ Complete each sentence with such or so.
ski lls for l ife i nformation.
1 Music is ап imроrtапt part оf
. What do you think usеfulгпеапs? То whom? Fоr what? mу life,
. Do you аgrее with the research? Why? i Why not? 2 His ехреriепсе with t еаm Sports WaS
iVlake your own соmраrisопs of the skills using (поr) important to him
aS .,, а5 Sentences. 3 Тhеir art class was qood - it made
them look fоrwаrd to school
@ Choose the correct options to complete the paragraph.
4 lhad а good maths tеасhеr last
Some people fее] that secondary school students shouldn't уеаr that l've decided l'd Ilke to study maths at colle9e
study а rt because it (l ) ls rоо serio us / isп't seriaus епоugh 5 Working together is а useful skill
to Ье а real school subject. BUt research ShoWS that alt that l think еvеrуопе should lеаrп it and practise it
education is (2) tоо powerful l powerfulenough to imрrоvе at schoo].
students'9rades in their other classes. This is especially true 6 The reading skills l lеаrпеd made me do
fоr students who frnd traditional subjects (З) too сhоllепgiпg / much better in my exams
поt сhаllепgiпg епочgh to do well iп. Аrt classes also help
siudents connect with each other, work togetheг and @ Write two sentences that are true fоr you for each item.
eXpreSS themse|ves. People make similar arguments about Share your ideas with а partner.
sport. Also, although some students find sport activiiies (School subject) is / isn't as (adjective) as (school subject).
(4) too difficult / difficult епоugh, having some physical
Msfhs is as hard Bs science.
exercise during the school week (5) tsn't valuable епоugh /
is valuoble enough fоr schools to keep it. Those benefits аrе 2 (School subject) is too (adjective).
(6) too imропапt / lmроrtапt епоugh to support art and 3 (School subject) isn't (adjective) епоugh.
Spol"t in secondary schools. 4 (school subject) c]ass is so (adjective)!
5 l had such a(n) (adjective) (school subject) class
@ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. that ] (result).
. Do you а9rее with the раrаgrарh in Exercise б? Why? /
@ снооsг
Why not?
. Mlake sentences giving уоur opinion about art, List ten skiiIs you think students need to lеаrп, frоm
sport and your other classes using tоо ... and (пог) most to least important. Соmраrе your list in а group.
.,. епоugh sentences. Use these wоrds and other Present your 9roup's results to the class.
ad;ectives you know, Write а раrа9rарh like the one in Exercise 6, saying why
а skill that some people think is less important is useful.
cha llenging tmportant lnterestrng
iVake notes about what you think the most useful skill
serio us usefu l

is. Соmраrе уоur sklll wlth а раrtпеr.

Students practise in а
music class.

Why? What
Ф Haue уоч ever waited to do something?
happened? Tell а partner,
world is
About 757о of the English spoken iп the
puopr. who speak it is а second lапguаgе, This means that
ф wаtсr, part 1 of the talk, complete the sentences,
pronunciations of both vowels
i"r"*irl r'r.., mапу different
different accents
ond consonunts. ldentifyin9 features of 1 А геsеаrсhеr worked with children who
сап help you uпdеrstапd them mоrе
уеаrs old.
The rеsеаrсhеr told the children to wait
Ьох, Then listen
Ф Пеаd the Authentic listenin9 skills minutes,
below, Notice the would have
to two people saying the sentence cr,ltdr.n who did not eat the marshmallow
Which Sentence is spoken Ьу
bronun.iution oith,, marshmalIows,
l Spanish speaker? Which Sentence is spoken Ьу This ls the same as an adult waiting tоr
English speaker? for coflee,

l rhtпk we have fоuпd the most imроrtапt

factor fоr success, 5 5ome children lasted as long а
minutes before they ate the marshmal]ow
out of сhildrеп
Listen to the sentences, Notice the
words in bold, What's
ф pronun_ciation and ЮоК.а at the marshmallow апс] then
put it back
the difference between Joachim's
the English speaker's pronunciation? i_=i]ý-
Ф Watcn Part 2 of the talk, Answer the
with а
1 Johnny, l аm going to leave you hеrе
marshmallow fоr frfteen minutes, 1 How old were the kids whеп the rеsеаrсhеrs
of thrее ate the
2 As soon as the cloor closed ", two out With them again?
marshmallow. 2 How does loachim dеsсгiье the successful
3 Five seconds, tеп seconds, fопу seconds,
fifty 3 How does he describe the unsuccessful
пехt experiment iп?
seconds ... д Wr,u' country clid Joachim do his
сhildrеп that
д дпd theyfound that lо0 реrсепt ofthe
had поt еаtеп the marshmallow were sLlccessful,

ill 52 Unit 4 Learntn9

@ watch Part З of the talk. Correct the sentences, SS Q Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

1 Опе 9irl in Colombia ate only the outside of the

. Why does the ability to delay gratlfication mеап you
marshmallow. might get better grades?
2 Joachim says that she should wоrk iп а bank. . Joachim says the ability to delay gratification is the key
3 .]oachim says that а bad salesperson asks the to success. Сап you think of оthеr factors that might Ье
сU5tогпеr qUeStiOnS. important to success?
4 Joachim says that the marshmallow principle should . yоuпgеr people often have to wait to do things such as

Ье taught in Коrеа. drive or vote. Why ls it important fоr peopIe to rеасh а

сеrtаiп age Ьеfоrе they can do these things?
О Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

. You could say that the students who didn't eat

the marshmallow followed the rules. Do you think
Design уочr own experiment to test the ideas in
following the rules is impoПant? Why?
. Delaying gratification means not dolng something
the TED Talk. Follow these steps.

rrght away. ls it sometimes песеssаrу to do somethin9 . Think about how you will ask people to delay
right away and not wait? Can you give ап example? gratification. Fоr example, Ьу tellin9 them not to
check their phones or not to watch а TV show
О чосдвuLАRy lN coNTExT right away.
а Watch the clips from the talk. Choose the correct . Think about how long you will ask people to delay
meaning of the words. -=ё gratifrcation fоr.
Ь Complete the sentences so they are true for you. . Think about what people will get if they саг
1 апе huпdrеd реrсепt of my friends аrе , . . delay qratification fоr this lопg. Fоr example, if
2 lwos iп trouble when . . , students can go а whole lesson without checking
3 l hope l сап mаkе itto,.. their phones, they get а рrizе оr don't have to do
4 When l finish my education, l'd like to go tпtо ... homework for one day.
5 0пе thlng my country producesis ... . Share уоur ideas with the class and vote fоr the
best ехреrimепt.

Unit 4 lеаrпiпs 53
4Е Sчсh а cool subject!
О му pERspEcTlvE о
Work iп pairs. Discuss the questions.

. What do you think of takin9 classes durin9 the school holidays? Have

dопе this, оr would you consider it?


@ work in pairs. Look at the list of courses. which three look the mo't
i nteresti ng?

. Computer skills: Сrеаtе а website and lеаrп how to write code fоr

and games
. lndobr climbing: Lеаrп cllmbing skills on а 15-mеtrе cllmbing
. Sсiепсе lab: Do fun and exciting experiments ln the lаЬоrаtоrу
. Art СЭПР: Drawing, painting, photography - апуth]п9 you're
interested in
. Team SpOrts. Play footbal1, baseball, basketball and other sports
Asking аЬочt opinions . Video-makin9: Write and produce short films
whtch опеs lookthe most course,
@ tisten to two students talking about choosin9 а summer school
tnteresttng / useful / excittng?
Which three courses do they mention? 1Е_.l,_'__l,
Is il loo Ьо"tпg , |опg е tpeпsive?

Do you think i{s fuп / useful / @ complete the sentences. Then listen аgаiп and check уоur answer5.
:_ :,,-:,,..

ехсitiпg епоugh?
fuп enough гпоrе interestln9
better choice
Making comparisons too much like school
гпоst interesting such а соо]
(The sропs classes) look mоrе
which ones look the
(5сiепсе lab) tsп't as iпtеrеstlпg /
l'm not sure about computer ski]ls -
useful / ехсtttпg os (Дrt соmр).
The sports classe s look
(Соmрutеr skilЫ looks the most fоr а two-week соursе?
Do you think it's
tnteresttng / useful / ехсittпg. subject.
Video-making is
Making а decision That's а than indoor climbingl
lthtnk (Дrt саmр) ts the best chotce
@ Wrrat course do the students decide to take?
(lпdооr сltmЬiпg) is the most

Bead the useful language Ьох. lп pairs, discuss the six

courses in Exercise 2 and choose опе.

WRITING ý* **q*il.ъs *=_:=iý

150. Tick ({)

@ Пеаd the email asking for information about а course on ра9е
Then пumьеr them in the correct order.
the topics you see in the email.
а the rеаsоп for the email
Ь the main message of the email
с grееtiпg r/:
d thanking the реrsоп for helpin9 the writеr
е whеrе the writer saw the advertisement
f the write/s address
g the writеr'S пагпе
h closing statement asking for а reply
i the writer's rеаsоп for wanting to do the course
j ро' Le с'оsiгg еrOrеssiог

@ wпtтltчС SKlLL *:i::g з*ii:* *Hg."*:-:i=*:

'l50 а9аiп. Underline the polite expressions in

а Read the email оп ра9е
the email.
ь How could you write these expressions in an email to а friend?

Пеаd the useful language Ьох. use the expressions in the Ьох and
Q chose in
Exercise В to write an email askin9 questions about the course уоu Saying how you know about
Exercise 6. Use the email in Exercise 7 as а model. Make sure you use Some
the реrsоп оr company уоч'rе
polite expressions in your email. writing to
use the l sow your od l webяte / poster.
@ Exchange emails with а partner. check each other's work. Does it
language Ьох? Saying why уоч'rе writing
StrUctUre from Exercise 7 and the language from the Useful
ls it polite enough? |'m writiпg becouse l'd like mоrе
iпfоrmаtiоп / l have some
questions l l'd like to ask obout . ,

Saying thankyou
1 hопL yau tiп оdtапсе) fоr , , ,
5А The people in my life
VOCABULARY Н*w'* Et g*ia:g?

@ look at the photo. Answer the questions.

. How would you describe these people? Do you know апуопе like this?
. Why do you think they're doing this?

О му pERspEcTlvE
work iп pairs. which of your friends and family are important if you want to

talk about difficult things? lf you need advice? lf you want to have fun? lf you
want to |еаrп about something?
|Nhеп ! пееd tlelp with mу hоmеwоrk, l шsшоlф ask mу clad.

о сору the table below. write the words in the correct column. use а
dictionary if necessary. дdd опе or two words of your own to each соlumп.

aunt best friепd bow brother classmate

cousin friend of а fr;end grandfather grandmother hug
krss пеighЬоur partner say hello shake hands
SiSter Stranger teammate (sропs) uncle WaVe

@ Follow these steps. Then compare уоUr ideas with а partner.

1 choose three words frоm the'Family'column, Then wrrte а defrnition for each
family mеmЬеr.
Уошr яс;пf ls уо ur mother ar father's sister"
2 Put the people in the 'Other people' column in оrdеr of closeness to you
(1 = the closest).
з which greeting do you use fоr each реrsоп? дrе thеrе any greetings you use
that aren't оп the list?
/ tlsшolly Ereer }fiy Ьеsr {riепd with а hug, Whеп l п,,eet а stranEer {ar the
frrst time, иte usaally just say hella,

о Describe а реr5оп iп your life using the followin9 information. Can your
partner guess who it is?

. mаlе оr female?
. how you greet them
. whеrе they live
. Э9е
. somethinq you usually do together

А: He's 45 years old, Не liyes lп а tаwп twa hours frоm here" l usually Ereet
folrn и{tр} я hr.;g" i#lзеп / see fTlry;" we usually рlяу soccer"
В: уолr соиsfп 7
/s Pie
А. дlо. he lsnt. M;r сошsiлs cre *ll mу Bge.
к. ls he
уоиr шпсlеi
11" Yes, rhcr3 rjбhrf

',iегds 57
Unit 5 Fат,rу and
LISTENlNG @ Work in small groups. Соmраrе your tables from
Exercise В. Do you all greet people in the same way?
@ Тrrе table shows how we greet the people around us,
Listen to the podcast and match each column of the
table with а speaker. Write the number of the speaker GRAMMAR ""-: , ,",- - ,,

at the bottom.
@ t-ook at the Grammar Ьох and read the sentences
People Types of greetings from the podcast. Match each Sentence (a-d) with
shake hands bow, wave the best description ('1-4).
Strangers ki ss

People l've kis s shake hands bow, wave

met а l've печеr hugged mу dad.
Friends kiss and huq WaVe bow, wave
Ь They've given mе the things ! пееd,
Best friends lлiss and hlg hug bow, wave,
say hello с Whеп arrived frоm Jарап, Yukt wos
she first

show respect uпсоmfоrtоЬlе wtth allthe huggtпg апd kissiпg,

Family kiss and hug shake hands,
huq, kiss d But she's lеаrпеd to hug апd kiss like о Braztlion поw!

Speaker The sentence refers to .,.

Listen а9аiп. Choose the correct words, S 1 ап асtiоп rn the past With а resU]t tn the рrеsепt,
@ 2 а sltuation that started in the past and continues to
1 lп chen's family, respect is mоrе lmраrtапtthоп l tsn't the present.
as imроrtопt as hugs and ktsses. 3 an ехреriепсе оr ехреriепсеS that happened at an
2 chen's parents tolk obout lshow therr lov,^ wlth unspecifred time.
their actions. 4 а completed action that happened at а specified time
3 Bowing is а way of showing respect / аgrееmепt, iп the past.
4 Luiza doesn't kiss her fr!ends whеп she soys hello l
she's tп о hurry.
5 Luiza kisses / doesn't ktss hеr sister.
6 Hugh hugs l doesn'thugh\s cousins,
z Hugh always shakes hands with his teachers ot school l
letlnis coach,

@ wrricrr speaker is the most like you? Сору the table in

Exercise 6, Complete it with people you know and уоur
ways of greeting them. use the table in Exercise б as
ап example.
@ Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. @ Г КО lrt U lrt С I ATl О N j= ::i :-:, :-:,: :
i: i! i i-, :.:; ::

1 l took l have tаkеп а few diffeгent fоrеigп language

со U гSеS, Тhеrе аrе three ways to рrопоuпсе -ed when it согпеs at
2 Have you еvеr Ье / Ьееп to Brazl]7 the end of а past simple оr past paгticiple fоrm: /d/ as in
3 They've olvvoys /eyer lived in this town, tried, h/ as iп wBhed or /Idl as iп wапtеd .

4 Wе'че / 1,4/e пеvеr tried Japanese food in our iives,

5 0n our holiday to lndia last year we mеt / we've met а Read the Pronunciation Ьох. Tick (r/) the -ed
sогпе interesting реорlе. pronunciation for the words in bold, Listen and
6 l hочеп't trovelled / didn't trovelto mапч difгеrепt check your answers.
cou ntries.

ф Complete the text with the present perfect fоrm of We celebrated mу sister's frfteenth
the verbs. biпhday last уеаr,
] hotog rа pher а nd а nth ropoJog ist Em lу Ainsworth
i \,4у dad has photographed our most
l) _ (trаvеl) the world because she wants to imрогtапt fami у events.
:аrп about other cultures. She (2) _ (have)
|'ve пеvеr stayed awake all night
:mazing ехреriепсеs in mапу different countries, but she
during the New Yеаr сеlеЬrаtiопs.
;ays N4exico is very special 'i (З)_- (return),
,,-d rеLu,геd a9d n. sne says, add lq, it r4l_ When my cousin turned eighteen,
Ье) my second home.'And the people (5) _ he had а huge party.
,,velcome) her - at celebrations, family events and еvеп l'vе пеvеr invited mоrе than two
л а сirсus, where she (6) (реrfоrm) as а оr three fr]ends to а birthday
:]апсеr mапу times, and continues to do so, celebration.

,Q Choose the correct options to complete the text.

6 N/у friends and ] have aIways
laughed а ot at оur viliage fеstсs,
_miiy was sixteen when she 1iBt (l) went / has Ьееп la
and she (2) wепt / has Ьееп back to the соuпtrу Ь Use the words to make questions about experiences.
папу times. Now she has а lot of friends there. During Use the past simple оr present perfect.
ler visits, she (З) took / has tсkеп pictures of Day of the
1 you meet апуопе frоm апоthеr country?
Jead celebrations and mапу other important cultural
2 how / you сеlеЬrаtе on the last day of рrimаrу school?
_,,trпls. At irst. she,ust lД\ wOпrеd / hos иcnledto l-ave
3 you еvеr go to а theme park with уоur friends?
JгоtоS 1,o геггетЬеr пег tr;p. BuT over t'Te, she says, she
4 what events / you celebrate with friends?
5, builr / hos buiIt - and conL n;es to ou lo -'relat'onsnips
5 what / you do last weekend?
л th soTe rеа,lу irrеrеstiгg реор е,'агd wall,s iо tet Lheir
,lоrу. As а ,es;lt, she {6) wоп / has uvоп several аwаrds с Work iп pairs. Ask and answer the questions in
-ог hеr wоrк. Exercise 14Ь.

Events like this circus in Mexico City сап

show what is important to а culture.
Whеп Emily joined the circus in Mexico,
she learned about the people iп it, as
well as herself.
5В Coming of а9е
VOCABULARY BUILDING ýuffiх -*f @ kead the article and choose the topic and mаiп idea,

1 Topic
l The suffix -сi usuallv means reloted rо. Fоr example, l а Latin Аmеriсап celebrations с Becoming an adult
паttопаlmеапs reloted to о паtiоп *

Ь The fiesrc de quince апоs

". "_""",-"J

2 idea
@ Пеаd the sentences from the article ('1-4). Match the
а The culture of ancient l\4exico has affected all of
words in bold with the correct mеапiпg (a-d).
Latin America.
А girI's fifteenth biпhday is а huge social occasion for Ь The ifesra de quince ahos shouldn't Ье mоrе
mапу Latin Аmеriсап families. imропапt than а wedding.
The tradition has become international, spreading с А girl's frfteenth biпhday is опе оf the most
through Centraland South America. important сеlеьrаtiопs fоr Latin Аmеriсап families,
3 lt marks а time of important personal change.
4 The event has both реrsопаl and historical imрогtапсе @ Пеаd the article a9ain. Are the sentences true (Т), false
(F) or is the information not giчеп (NG)?
Connected with ...
а mапу countries с а реrSоп 1 According to the апiсlе, the biggest fiestos de quiпсе оilоs
d qroups аrе held in Spain.
Ь the past of people
2 lп the US, the fеsГаs usually аrеп't а5 big as weddin9s,

@ Complete the Sentences with these adjectives. 3 The history of the rfesra goes back mоrе than 500 years,
4 There аrе оvеr 500,000 fiеstаsiп the US а уеаr.
cultural emotional traditional typical 5 some rfesras in the us last for а week.
6 New shoes show that the girl has Ьесоmе а young
1 The fiеsга dequince onosis hundreds of years old. lt's а Wоmап,
мехiсап celebration.
Certain thlngs аrе expected at most parties. At а @ гiпО information in the article to support each
party, the girl's father removes hеr shoes. Sentence.
The рапу brings out strong feelings. The shoe-changing 1 The rfesto de quiпсе сЛоs is ап international celebration,
can Ье а vеrу _-- moment.
2 The girl is seen as а different реrsоп аftеr the celebratron,
the lVexican way of lifе, but many countries
lt's раrt of 3 The сеlеЬrаtiопs have Ьесоmе bigger over ttme,
don't have а like this.
4 People spend а lot of money оп а fiesta de quiпсе опоs,

adjectives сап уоu make from these nouns? Ве

5 The сеlеЬrаtiоп ts а very old tradition,
@ wnat
careful. you need to remove а letter from some поuпs, Kead the comments оп the article. Write one of уоur
centre muSlc-tradition politics profession own, making some соппесtiоп with your оwп life
or culture.

BeijingGuy lnteresting post! l'm Chinese, and l've just
READlNG celebrated mу Guап Li- а twentieth biпhday сеlеьrаtrоп
pERspEcTIvE for boys. We also celebrate а 9irl's fifteenth biпhday.
@ му
We call it J1 Li. Both of these аrе like the fеsrс de quiпсе
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. ahos - we celebrate Ьесоmiпg mеп and women.
. What аrе the most lmpofiant celebrations in уоur family? Agnieska ln poland, we don't hаvе а cultural tradition like
. What do you think is the most important birthday in а this, but for us, eighteen is а big Ьlпhdау. We usually have
person's life? Why? а party with friends. you can vote and drive а саr when
. Are there апу unique social celebratlons in your city уоu'rе eighteen. l haven't had my eighteenth
оr country? yet - опе mоrе уеаr!

Haruto We have а celebration iп Japan ca|led Sеijiп-по-Нi,

lt's on the second Monday in January, and twenty уеаr olds
wеаr tradrtional clothes, rесеiче gifts and have parties, Nlу
sister has already celebrated this, but l'm not
old enough yet.

@ Deslgn your perfect party. Where is it held? Who do

you invite? What do you do?

бО Unit 5 Fаmilу and Гriепds


,..''..ý ' -,",,ltlti


* ч,*

А father and daughter

celebrate atafrestade
quince ойоs,

nelilah Веrmеjо, а New Yorker witlr family

,:._::.,:Б in thc Аmсriсаs, tlre iгаditiоп has Ьесоmе inqernational,
history in Рuеfiо Rico and Ctllombia, says tlrat 'it's the spreacling t}irortgtr Сепtrаl and South Апrеriса and
most impofill пt da 1 ' tll' а girl'b liГс. Thc f сlч lл dL, qu i llcL, into Nогth Аmеriса. Nowadal's, big celebrations аге
айоs * а girl's fifteentlr bichday celebmt:ion - is а huge рорulаr п,-ith tlre псаrlу 60 million,Latinos in the U-S
sclcial осйsiоrr fог Latin. АпlеriсаR families, anci is one and Сапаdа.
оf life's biggest celebгations. Friends and relativeli соmе Friепds and {arTily take an active part in а traditiclnal
togetheT to celellrate а gir};s passing frоrп childhtlod Mexicanfiesta .еlе quiпсе айоs. А'mап оf hопоuг',
iпtо the ltc]trlr wогld. It lnal,ks J time crt'irllpoflant usuall1. а mеlпЬеr of thc gir|'s famiiy, accotnpanies
регsопаl t,hange. Аt,trlгdiпg ro Etl Hassel. mапltgег tiГ |hе qtliпсеаис,rа thгrirrghоut ihc .,еIеlrгаtiоп. Shc also
а con-ipiny that prcivides fpod fоr paTties in New Yоrk, t,lltloscs а 'соLiгt'. otien Гоurrссп giгls xn(l Г()tlпееп
the сеlеlэrаtiопs аrе now 'bigger than the rveddings I boys, опе fоr eac:lr yeat of lrer life. They stay near the
сlо. ý(/е'rе talking 125, 150, 175 реilрlс. And they're tlui?Lceai|lera, join all of the.dances, and. look аГtеr hеr
uking чагuгсlау night. my mosl cxp(,nsive night,' on hеr special сlау. The celelэration often begins u-ith
l'he event ha.s both peтsonal and historical importance, а lьгmаl сеrсm()пу llсплге it becomes l lпоrе ltsual
Fami}ies have held special celebrations fоr fifteen уеаг l.1irthclay party with iood and dancing. Families with

olds for at ieaýt 500 yeaIs * since |he time of t}re inore mопеу usually have higgег parrics, А Гурiсаl
(,сrсl!.|(lпу спrls wirh Thc giгl's Гаthсг гt,mсlчiпg the Гlат
Aztecs in.Mexico. At age fifteen, ,dztec boys Iэесаmе
цаггiогs - mсп uitl спrlugh to figlrt in а wаг -:rncl girls shoes that slte wс,lге to ttre party and replacing thеm
Ьесаmе wolnen v;itlr аdй righti апс1 duties. with а pair of поге grown-up shoc:s with а high'heel.
Tlris can lle an emotionai tnomcnt, It шеепs that tlre
In thе past, раlтiеs'wеrе usrrally small, ъiith а Гс,т,
реrýоп wфо walkecl into the раrг.y as а girl leaves t}re
Гriепds and family mеmЬегs. l,t was а сhапсе Гоr party eS а young woman.
young wonlan ttl meet young mел, Only very riсh
Гarnilies ha<7|э,esta.s. Since the аrriча} of EtrTclpeans

Unit 5 tапrilу ancl friends ,61

5С Stop me if you've already heard
this one
GRдммдR *:,*=*=l р*г:Ъ:t :si:\ l*:. :g i' ,c.=,.j,-".'..-'.j_::
О rook at the Grammar Ьох. Choose the correct option to complete
explanation for each sentence iп the Grammar Ьох,

а Fоmiliеs hove celebrated the fiesta de quince апоsfоr about 5аа years,
ь siпсе the arrival of Еurореапs tп the дmеriсоs, the tradirion has
с |'m Chinese, опd l've just celebrated mу'Guоп Li,
d l hаvеп't had mу еightеепth btrthdoy yet - опе mOrе уеаr,
е lt4y sister hos already celebroted this.

the past.
а This sепtепсе rеfеrs to а pertod оf time l а certatn ttme tп
ь This sentence rеfеrs to а сеrtаiп event in the рсsг / рrеsепt and the
situation afterwards.
с This event happened tп the rесепt past l а lопg tlme aga,
d This hcs l has поt happened up to now.
е This has happened, but We dоп't kпоw l апd vye know when,

@ Complete the exchanges with fоr апd since,

1 cousins
А: ] haven't seen mу last month,
В: Really? haven't seen mine
] almost three years,
2 А. We've Ьееп frlends ien years,
В: Yeah, l guess уоu'rе right We've known each other We Were

five уеаrs old.

3 д: Has your Ьrоthеr lэееп in the ruппrпg club
В: Not rеаllу. He's been а mеmЬеr Jапuаrу,

@ complete the questions with уоu and the correct form of verbs in
Тhеп work in pairs to ап5Wеr each question with for and slnce, -
1 How lопg (know) your best friend r

2 How lопg (live) in the home you now live in?

3 How Long (study) English?
4 How long (attend) the school you go to поw?

@ Complete the text withiusf, already or yet.

'Соmеdу is kind of а lопguаgе, So you're соппесtеd апd rеlоttпg.' Gad Elmaleh

lessons in hrs
N/оrоссап-Ьоrп comedlan Gad Elmaleh has taken а 1ot of En9lish
llfe, but jokes that he doesn't really speak English (1)---_--,
дmеriсап audiences.
that hasn't stopped him frоm реrfоrmiпg comedy for
Although he аrгivеd in the US fairly rесепtlу, he's
done shows
rn New Yоrk, tos Angeles and lots of cities ln between,
He's (З)
completed а tour оfЬоrе than tеП US cities, and plans to continue реrfоrmiпg

Дlthоugh Gad has (4) his comedy саrееr in дmеriса, he's

(5) а Superstar ln Еurоре - especially Frапсе, lп the US, he hasn't
Ьесоmе that рорulаr (6)_-_--. His саrееr, like hls English, is а wоrk
iп ргоgrеss.
l) ::t the words in the correct place in each sentence.

'l -, 've heard а rеа у funny joke. (just) Why is U the

happiest letter?
2 ], Because it's in the middle of fuп. Sоrrу, but l've
heard that one] (а ready)
З ], 0К, here's опе you рrоЬаЬiу haven't heard, (yet) & снооsг
Why is slx afraid of seven?
4 ]: Because seven ate nineI lVу Ьrоthеr has told mе
1 Work iп pairs. Те11 уоur раrtпег about the things you
wrote about in Ехеrсisе б, Ask and апswеr questions,
that onel (already)
,,],. .],-jr.,,,'; ]'aii;;| ,::l, ']i;,}

) .nswer the questions. Use the present perfect. i,l, ,:il.i aa ] .,ri,] ;,,|i._:1.';_.i; i]'i'li:' :.'].:i.:]:,:. ,:..:]i,l,

'1 i hat have you done rесепt у that уоu'rе proud of? ':;il l",'1
ij, ;i]_,],
l].-,l,,: .:.,,.,]'-,,l:
,|_J.aa:.a|:,.,.l_:i ]].j,

2 Write а раrаgrарh about one of the things you wrote

,]] il ,:,:.' |,]{.i{!::],j :::,.1,. i:r,|,.]i:] .:' .l:.1i]_"] ],.i{,l, about in Exercise 6. Give mоrе information about lt,
3 Рrераrе а short p[esentation about one of the things
2 Vhat have you done fоr а long time that уоu'rе
you wrote about in Exercise б. Те the class about it.
lroud of?
-., :: ||,a
пr... |,,.n1]]i,ai] ;._,!l;-, ]:i]

Birthday celebrations are important

get-togethers for many families around the
world. This family is celebrating in Brazil.

'l of the talk. Are the sentences true (Т) оr
Ф Watcrr Part
fa lse (F) ? i.__.::

5оmе people speak vеrу quickly, often because they аrе
1 Sophle's раrепts were laughlng at а song.
excited about а topic оr they аrе nervous. Неrе аrе some
2 The first recordinq inc]udes both а mап and an animaL,
WayS to deal with faSt SpeeСh:
3 Sophle is worrred that the second реrsоп laughin9
. l isten fo" wоrоs ог ,deas rhat the speaker rереаt5. doesn't Ьrеаthе in.
. 1 rу то get an idea or Lhe ггаiп ioea апd then connecL iT 4 The thlrd recording is an example of а monkey
With Wl,at you hear. laughing, which is vеrу similar to а human.
. Fосus оп what you do understand and trу поt to wоrrу
too much about what you don't understand. Ф Watch Part 2 of the talk. Choose the correct option to
com plete each sentence. :ý l.=i,,:..:_lS

Ф Пеаd the Authentic listenin9 skills Ьох. Then listen to 1 Реорiе laugh most у when
the first part of the TED Talk and answer the questions. а they hеаr a;oke. с they're with friends.
Ь they watch а comedy.
1 What words оr ideas does the speaker repeat? 2 Whеп we hear оthеr реорlе laugh, we usuaiLy
2 What words te l us that she's talking about her а Start laughing. с think they're laUghing at US,

child hood? Ь ask why they're laughing.

3 ln уоur own wоrds, say what yoU think she's descrlbing 3 Laughter that we саппоt сопtrоl is called _ laughte
а voluntary с voca]
Ф !i:tцзпаiп. What is the point of Sophie's story? Ь involuntaгy
4 We сап choose to laugh when we want to Ье _ tc
апоthеr реrsоп
When she was а child, she usually didn't understand
hеr parents'jokes.
а hоrriьlе с polite
Ь fuппу
When we hеаr people laughin9, we want to augh
with them,
5 The frrst rесоrdiпg is _ laughter.

Sometimes, laughing сап make the people аrоuпd you

а polite с not rеа ly

feel bad.
Ь involuntary
6 The second recording is _ laughter.
а polite с not really
Ь involuntary

64 Unit 5 Fаmilу and friends

@ Complete the summary of Part З of the talk before you Ф Пеаd the Critical thinking Ьох. Work in pairs. How does
watch it. Then watch it and check your answers. _._ ..-'=. this evidence from the talk support Sophie Scott's
messa9e that'laughter is an ancient behaviour that
animals bonds emotions humans Laughs sounds we use to benefit ourselves and others in complex and
surprising ways.'
(l) аrе not the опIу (2) that
laugh mапу гпаmгпаls augh to fee better. And animals 1 She plays examples of rеаl human beings laughlng
also have both rеаl апd fake (З) _- with vеrу and asks us to think about how ргiгпitivе laughter is
different (4) . Laughter helps us malntain as а sound.

socia (5)
-- - (6)--.
and сопtrоl our 2 She points out that the audience laughed when
listening to others laugh.
3 She plays recordings of voluntary and iпvоluпtаrу
О чосдвuLАRy lN coNTExT
la ug hter.
а Watch the clips from the talk. Choose the correct
meaning of the words and phrases. i-=*_: . @ Work iп pairs. Discuss the questions.

Ь Complete the sentences with уоur own words. . Which рап of Sophle's talk was the most interesting to
Тhеп discuss with а partner. you? Why?

1 lthink...isvveird.
. Have your ideas about laughter changed? How?

2 l had ап oddexperience when ,..

3 l think .,, is silly.
Fоr а couple of days, listen for people laughing. Try
4 would like to know mоrе about lhе origins
to notice examples of both real and polite laughter.
of ...
Make notes. Present your results to the class,
5 t wou|d l;ke Lo kгоw Lhe ,ools of , ..
explaining the situations where you heard each
type of laughter.
cRlTlcдL THlNKlNG ýL:*=*гtЕ*=
=*l+-ъ*i];ý* Ф Work iп 9roups. Discuss the questions.
. Sophie says that we laugh 'to show реор е that you
Sреаkегs often give evidence to support their theory understand them, that you agree with them, that уоu'rе
оr idea. Evidence mау lnclude images, rесоrdiпgs, раrt of the salтe 9rоuр as them,'What other ways do we
demonstrations, оr quotations frоm experts оr oiher show that we are рап of the gгоuр?
reliable people. . l\,4ost people аrе раrt of mоrе than one group. How
mапу groups аrе people iп at in your schoo ?
. How do the people in the groups you named above
show that they аrе part ofthat group?

Unit 5 Fаmilу and frlends 65

5Е lnvitations
Asking if someone is available {p му pERspEcTlvE
Дrе you busy пехt Saturdoy?
How do you think the students in the photo feel? Why? What exactly
Аrе you аrоuпd / frее оп Sundoy? has happened7
Are yau dоiпg опуthiпg оп Tuesday
пight? @ tisten to the conversation. What important life event is mentioned? ý==ё
Saying if you are available
or not @ tisten again. Tick (л/) trre things the students have done. Тhеп discuss
them. 1ýýЕё
l (don't)think so.
1 оrdеr the food and drinks
lt depends.
2 sorl ouL гhе music
|h поt sure, 3 send out the invitations
lll hove to osk mу
роrепts, 4 buy the balloons

l пееd to check mу schedule,

5 decorate the room
6 schedule а meeting with Davina
Accepting an invitation
I&*;;'lr* *rdе;е# r&* fu*C сlлd drucfts, &шГ,,
Sure, l'd love to.

That saunds greot! @ You're having а party to welcome а пеw student, Delia, to your school.
Decide on а day, time,location and type of food for it.
Saying по to ап invitation
Thoпks for inviting mе, but l'm
@ Work in pairs. Take turns to invite each other and saying whether you сап
afraid l'm busy,
or can't go. Use expressions from the Useful language Ьох.
Sorry, l соп't make it, But thапk you
for iпчitiпg mе,
WRITING l=Ё*г;э:*ý i*Tii*lE**= r:*i;,=*
Politely making and replyin9
@ Bead the three notes оп page 150. Match each one with the
to invitations
correct pUrpose.
. When you write ап invttation,
1 п,аkiпg ап inv'Lation give the tIme, date, locatLon and
2 saying по to ап invitation type of event. RеmеmЬеr to ask
3 acceptinq ап invitation the реrsоп to let you know if
оr they сап come.
@ ln each note, underline the expressions used for making, accepting
saying ло to ап invitation. . When you accept ап invitation,
оеgiг Ьу say'лg Lhonl yoL,. rf you
ln informal notes, we sometimes use alobreviations. Fiпd an abbreviation
@ have any questions about the
each note. Which one means the following? event, ask them. lt can Ье polite
1 Let me know if you сап come, to оffеr to Ьriпg sогпеthlп9
2 as soon as possible (food оr drlnks, for example).
3 l also want to say . .
. . Whеп you say по to ап
,"j if .,,it_+,;|=1 invitation, begln Ьу sayln9 rhслk
Q wпlтllrtс SKlLL Ё+ii:*iъ,
*r:,* ;*рl";:- -;
you. Apologize that you can't
work in pairs. Read the writing strategies Ьох. Together, write опе sentence make it, and say why - without
inviting someone to а celebration, write опе sentence accepting and one giving too many details if you
sentence saying ло. don't want to. lt can Ье polite
to end Ьу saying you hope they
Trrink of а celebration you would like to have, write ап informal
invitation to
@ епlоу the event and offering to
your partner. Use two abbreviations. make plans апоthеl time.

@ Exchange invitations. Then write а rерlу to your partner's invitation.

checK each other's work. Do the notes use abbreviations and the
@ Students in Punjab,
strategies correctly? lndia, celebrate their
бА The best I сап Ье
VOCABULARY ***ls ае:сý екресt*ti**s

@ look at the photo. мапу of the tiles used are broken or come from people,s
rubbish. Do you still think the stairs are beautiful?

О Match the words in bold (1-7) with the correct definitions (а-9).

1 ,l
have not failed. l,ve just found several thousand ways that won,t work.,
Thomas Edison
2 'The only place where success comes Ьеfоrе work is iп the dictionary.'
- Anonymous
3 'Have no fеаr of perfection; you'll пеvеr rеасh it.' - Salvador Dali
4 'Beauty is about being comfortabIe iп уоUr оWп skrn. lt's about knowing and
accepting who you аrе.'- Ellen DeGeneres
5 'Рrасtiсе makes perfect.' - Апопугпоus
6 'Practice doesn't make perfect. Practice reduces the imperfection.'
- ТоЬа Beta
7 'True SUcceSs is overcoming the fear of being unsuccessful.'- Paul Swеепеу

а having по mistakes оr problems (n)

ь finished without success (v)
с without mlstakes (adj)
d the соrrесt оr wanted result (п)
е поt 9ettin9 the соrrесt оr wanted result (adj)
f not being exactly right (n)
g feeling that something is 0К or поrmаl (v)

@ choose the correct option to complete the meaning of each quotation

in Exercise 2.

1 When you find а way that doesn't wоrk, you lеаrп something пеw. When
you lеаrп nothing, you foil/ succeed.
2 You dоп't hove to / have Го work before you сап succeed.

3 Perfection is а ntce idea, апd we should / but we shouldn'r expeсt to reach it,
4 BeautY isn't about how you look, it's about how yau fееl / dresstng соmfоПоЬlу.
5 lf you want to do something rеаllу well, уо u wоп't fotl / practlse а lot.
6 You сап пеvеr Ье perfect, butyou сап / апd youcantusually imрrоvе.
7 Success means not being afrald of огhе r people / foilure,

@ Match the words on the left (1_6) with their opposites (a-f). Use а dictionary
if necessary.

1 perfection а unsuccessful
2 success Ь fail
3 perfect с imperfect
4 succeed d imperfection
5 accept е reject
6 successful f fаilurе

О му pERspEcTlvE
Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

. Have you еVеr fai]ed? What did you do next? Do you think fаilurе can lead
to success?
. Have you ever seen оr experienced somethin9 that was реrfесt? what was it?
. Сап somethin9 be'too perfect?'Why?

Unit б Do your best 69

LlSTENlNG О мy pERspEcгlvE
Work iп pairs. Discuss the questions,
@ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions,

. Сап you think of а food that doesn't look good but

. Do you think Senbikiya апd lпtеrmаrсhё wolld

successful in your country? Why? / Why notl

tastes deIicious?
Have yoU eaten had а food that looked perfect
but . Which shop would you рrеГеr: Senbikiya оr]
Iпtеrmаrсhё? Why?
didn't taste very good?
. you live?

Аrе there апу interesting shops like this whрrе

. Have you еvеr Ьееп surprised Ьу а food or drink?
. ls fruit а luxury in your country, оr would it фе
а very
Fоr example, something that looked sweet but
strange gift? l

tasted spicy?
. Does it matter if vegetables апd frult don't lbok регГесt?
@ tisten to а podcast about а fruit and vegetable sel|er Why? / Why not?
Tokyo. Are the Sentences true (Т) or false (F)? Rewrite
thefalse sentences. жж @ cHoosв
1 Think of products other than food where а реr{еtt
1 Senbiklya is а small grосеrу shop in Tokyo,
арреаrапсе is important. Make а list of three оr four
2 senbikiya isn't very successful because it's too
things. Then think of products where an imperfett
expensive. or dur
арреаrапсе is acceptable. Nлаkе а list of three
3 ln Jарап, fruit is а popular gift because it ls something
thinqs. Соmраrе уоur lists with а раrtпеr,
you don't need.
4 iп Japan, givlng fruit as а gift started recently, Perfect арреаrапсе important: пеw cars,
5 The .arroi, оп thls page рrоЬаЬlу don't соmе from lmperfect арреаrапсе acceptable: soaB
Senbikiya, person'S
work iп pairs. Make а list of situations when а
When do people dress nicely
tisten to а podcast about а fruit and vegetable seller арреаrапсе is tmportant.
@ possible?
in Frапсе. Choose the correct option to complete each and trу to look as perfect as
sentence. жж wоrk iп small groups. Think about how people
themselves опsосiаl media. Do you think people try
1 lпtеrmаrсhё sells fruit and vegetables that аrе
mоrе perfect and successful than
а ugly and popular. с ugly and not рорulаr, рrе5епt themselves as
they аrе in real life? Do you feel pressure to do this?
Ь perfect but not popular.

2 Customers like lпtеrmаrсhё's fruit and vegetables

because ofthe
а fuппу way they look. с taste апd рriсе
Ь price аlопе.

3 ln the past, most'ugly'fruit and vegetable5 Wеrе

а given to animals, с sold to supermarkets.
Ь thrоwп away.
4 Rejecting imperfect fruit and vegetables food,
а wastes с improves the
flavour of
Ь lowers the price of

5 Now, аrе choosing to eat imperfect fruit and

а Ъпlу very huпgrу people с mоrе people
ь most fаrmеrs

Look at these carrots. Do you think they still

taste normaI?

7О Unit б Do your best

GRAMMAR v*rЬs: *Ьiig*ti*г:,
fu****ý @ Choose the correct options to complete the quotes
about school uniforms.
рr*ý:ЁЬiti**, р*гэ:iss!*э:. е*ч:с*
'We have а Strict uniform policy at mу school. Boys
@ Answer the questions about presentin9 yourself online, (1) haveto / con'twear blacktrousers, but girls
(2) shouldn't lссп choose а skirt оr trousers, Girls'skirts
1 What social media sites and apps do you use?
2 what kind of photos оf yourself do you put online? (З) сап't / musrtouch the top of thеir knees. Yоu

3 How do people use social media to make their lives (4) сап't / don't haveto loosen уоur tie at School during
look more interesting than they are? Do you do this? the day, and girls (5) hove to / mustп't let their socks
fall down.'- Park, Коrеа
@ Пеаd the article about social media. what is it
'We don't have а uniform, So We (6) сап't l dоп't hove to
important to do? What is it important not to do?
Wеаr а tie оr jacket. We (7) ссп / should wear mostly What
Rules for the perfect profile? we like, though we (в) hcye to l mustп't come to school
According to the rules, you have tо Ье at least thirteen in beach clothes оr something like that. The rules аrеп't
years old to ореп ап accounT оп lnstagram, Fасеьооk, specific, but theY Say We (9) mustn't / shouid look neat,'
snapchat and other social media apps, but of course - Sofra, ltaIy
апуопе eighteen or оvеr сап join. AIthou9h the rules
@ work in pairs. Аrе there rules about how to dress
5ау younger kids сап't jоiп, you don't have to рrоvе your
at уоur school? What advice would you give а new
age, 5о а lot of them stilljoin. This worries Some experts,
student about what to wear?
Research shows that the 'perfect lives' kids see оп social
media сап cause them to feel bad about their own lives,
@ Complete the rules with these words.
Раrепts should ехрlаiп to kids that what people show
опliпе isn't the whole picture, and thеу mustn't take it Can't have to mUSt should
too seriously, The lmperfect Тriье, а 9rоuр that started
on lnstagram, аgrееS. They say we shouldn't trу to look Dressing for the temples of Thailand
perfect on social medra.ln fact, members of the group Visitors to ThaiIand (1) ------------ visit the amazing
must show themselves as rеаl people опliпе. temples. But thеrе аrе some rules you (2)

follow to Ье respectful. First, you (3)

shoes in the temples. Second, you (4)
Obligati0n , .1., ::: wear clothes that соvеr your arms and knees. But in most
: temples there аrе по rules about covering your head -
а tррр€Q dп.асýочпt,

Yоаhаvеtа &е g+/еsstrhlruеел

Ь ДА errtber s of th е grЬuр,пзиsf s& bw rhё ms elyei а s r е а l you (5) епtеr without а hat оr headscarf.
people опliпе.
@ рпоltuшсlАтlоN Rеduсе* i,ряу* fg and *яs f*
Prohibition. , ,]
Read about how we say have to and hcs ro. Then read
с ТНе1цkssdууоапýеrkd;сап'|lqin,,,, and listen to the conversation. underline the reduced
d Тhеуmцstп|ttqkеi.{'fооsеrjоuslу, . .',

е Дпуопе еightееп or over сап jоiп. When taIking about obli9ation, people don't usually
stress hcs to апd hove lo whеп they аrе iп the middle
Lack of obligation
*пбuд:r:ftяuёlв'рrgуgуба{,аgе,: :,', l l
of а sentence. They also usually connect the words,

'Advice ]: :,]
At the end of а clause, оr when ап obligation is
emphasized, hcs rо and have tо аrе stressed.
g Раr.епis sfio i{d фрla, kidlthat,whatpeo.pleshow, ,

оп/lпёljп?rhёwýоlерi.сfu{g.: :. 11,_:]: :, ,.
А: Does your football team have to wеаr а suit and tie
h Tlley sBy.we"5hauld п't try ta"bok рёrf€с+,,,,,,,,
оп game day?
В: We don't have to, but We Want to. We want to look

@ look at the examples in the Grammar Ьох. Match the оur best.
examples with the correct meanings ('1-6). А: But еvеrуопе has to wear the official uniform to
ptay, right?
1 lt would Ье а good idea to do this. В: Yes, еvеrуопе has to. lt's а rule.
2 lt would Ье а good idea not to do this.
3 you are allowed to do this. @ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
4 You аrе not allowed to do this. (two examples) . when in your life have you had to wеаr certain clothes
5 It is necessary to do this. (two exampIes)
fоr а specral event, job оr activity?
6 lt isn't necessary to do this. . How should people dress fоr ап important event like а
З*" ** Ix*:*is** *4,
Ch*ck у*itr ýFззý*l* ** э*ý* J ]
college interview?

Unit б Do your best 71

Y:} i&
ч.* &-]

VOCABULARY BUlLDING **g*tiт* *г**х** @ Complete the sentences so they are true for you,
Share your ideas with а partner.
А рrеfiх can Ье added tо tne beginning of а word tо 1 l fee соmfоrtаЬlе / uпсоmfоrtоЬlе when ...
change its meaning. Some рrеfiхеs give words the
l fu*J с*,tзfl:rl*hiе ,,уllеп ltr rgiт:яi** lTjiil
opposite mеапiпg, fоr ехаmрlе:
:чу /}lgл;;.
im- (imреfесГ = поt perfect)
2 Fоr me, lt would Ье possible / impossibleto ...
dis- (disagree: not а9rее)
3 Опе odvontage / disadvantoge of the place l Iive is .. .

чп- (unsuccessful - not successful)

4 l feel successful l unsuccessful when ...
iп- (iпfоrmаl: not fоrmаl) 5 I'm usually oble / uпаЬlеtо .,,
6 Something l would like to see appear / dtsappear is , ,


Work in pairs. Read the Vocabulary building Ьох. 7 Fоr mе, iI's perfect / imperfect tбаt . . .

Then complete the words below with lm-, dis-, iп- or 8 l agree / disogree wlth ...
uл-. Use а dictionary if necessary.

Why Ьеiпg comfortable сап Ье bad for your career

СЕ0 Kathy Bloomgarden says that if you want to succeed,
you need to Ье ('l) }i: comfortable. She believes that @ Work with а partner. Look at the photo and the
it's (2)_possib|e to 9rоw unless you have challenges. caption. Discuss the questionS.
She realized that only speaking опе language was а
(З) _advantage in business, so she lеаrпеd АrаЬiс
1 Where ls this реrsоп? What is he doing?
and chinese.
2 How do yoJ tl^;nk he feels?
3 Would you еvеr try somethlng ike this? Why? / Why not?
Why being patient may not help you tearn а
new language @ Пеаd the article. Answer the questions.

Blogger Веппу Lewis believes that the best way to lеаrп 1 Why does Lewis swim?
а language is to Ье(4)_patient. lf you rеаliу 2 Whеrе did he do а high-altitude swim?
want to succeed, you must Ье (5) to wait. 3 What style of swimming was successfulfor him for
Не says that if you just start talking to people, уоur fеаr most of his саrееr?
will(6) _арреаr. -аlэlе
And talking to people is an 4 Whatstyle of swimming was successfulforthe Lake
(7) way to learnl lmja swim?
5 What lesson did Lewis learn through fa] uге?

72 Unit б Do your best

het аге yoll геаllу goocl at? Whet would yor-r zo On lris first attempt. he Гаilеd. Unable to Ыeatlre
do if all of а sr_rdclen you failed at it? Fоr поrпаllу at the high altitude*, he almost dгоп,пеd.
'pioneer sц,,immег' and National Geogrephic Тhе ехреriепсе w-as frightening.
\сlr:епtuгеr оf the Year Leпris Ptrgh, swimming has Ноп,ечеr, Pr_rgh 1еегпес1 somcthing. Не r-rsually slvims
ileen а \\,ау to sl-iare his passion fоr the environrnent as lЪst as pt-lssilllc. fighring against the п аtег. Аftег all.
ц,itlr the w-оrld. Не has swurn iп ечец, осеап in thc zs don't all athletes try to Ье the fastest? But that was а
ц-оrld and in some dangeгclus places where people clisaclvantage at high altitude, Mernbers оf his teenr
,irtlLrg,hr sп irnming пoLrld hе impossiЫe.
said that he must forgct el ецthiпg he knew about
I{e sъ,ims to гаisе aw,areness Гоr issues like globai swimming and swim sl<lп lv. Tnstead оГ ý1 гuggliпg
ll,,.rrming. but the sъ,,ims often take place in extremely against the w-аtег, he must stay relaxed anci move
ссllс1 temperatufes, Аftеr опе scary and dangeror-rs з0 L,aSil\ тhгоtlgh it.

rý.im at фе Nогth Pole, Lewis rеасhеd а conclusion: 'Гп,,о days аГtеr his near,death experience. Pugh
n( ) lпог( соld-п аtеr sъ imming.
rсtltгпеd to rhe lake Гоr зпоthег try. Не геtlluiпеd
Brtt in 2010, hе lrеаrd alэout the snow disappearing calm апс1 slоп.lу swam есrоss it successfully. Frоm his
lгопl thс Himalayrs ,;nd п,апtеd to rcll гhе rrогl,_l fаiluге, 1re learned an itnpor-tant lesson: if at first уоu
:tlrtlц1 11. Нс nladc the clct,ision 1о sъ,illl 1ъ,tl зs don't succeed, ttT sometlring diffeгent - especially
\ilornetrcs ( 1.2 miles) хсrоss Lakt, Im jз. J r t,ý, cold when you think yor_r already kпоц, eveц.thing.
1эkе пеаr Nlount Ечеrеst, at 5.300 mеtгеs (17,388 fЪеt)
_Llltlr e st,a level. altitrrde houl bigh sоmеthiпg is ctboue tbe leuel clf tЬе sea

See the TED Talk Ьу Lewis Pugh 'How l swam the North Pole', in Perspectives lntermediate, Unit З.

ф Read about cause and effect. Then read the article CRITICAL THlNKlNG ý=Li::; i::i*г*::li:=
again and match the causes ('1-4) with the effects
(a-d). lпfеrепсе helps rеаdеrs understand а mеапlпg that isn't
directly stated. Fоr ехаmр е, the artlcle tells us that lewis
Readings often present causes апd effects events did two vеrу drfficu t swims. ]t doesn't say directly that
that ]ead to other s tuations оr results. Understanding he's а strong swimmer, but we Can make the inference
CaUSe and effeСt сап he р ycu Understand how the that he must Ье а stronq swimmer оr he cou d not do
ldeas in the reading аrе connected. those difficult swims.

'l Lewis was afraid

ф Пеаd the Critical thinking Ьох. Then choose the word
2 Lewis wanted people to know abolt global warmin9. in each pair of opposites that best describes Lewis's
3 Lewis fal]ed to swim across Lake mja. style of swimming and personality. Use а dictionary
4 Lewis changed his swimming style. if necessary.
а Не went swimminq пеаr l\,4ount Еvеrеst.
1 |azy hard-working
Ь Не decided he wouldn't swim in co]d Water еvеr again.
2 confident shy
( Не succeeded in swimming across Lake lm;а.
3 successfu unsuccessful
d Не changed his swimming style.
4 afraid Ьrаvе

В Matcn the pairs of synonyms from the article.

5 weak strопg

1 conclusion (line
'l2) а scary ( ine l)'l
Ф Гоr each answer you gave in Exercise 7, underline the
2 frightening ( ine 22) Ь decision (line lб) information in the article that supports уоur answer.
3 fight (liпе24) с attempt (llne 20)
4 try ( iпе З2) d struggle (liпе 2В) ф МаКе а list of other words to describe Lewis based on
5 саlm (line ЗЗ) е relaxed (line 29) what you know from the article. Use а dictionary if
necessary. Compare your list with а partner and discuss
апу differences.

Ф мч pERspEcTlvE
Work in groups. What do you think about Lewis's
extreme swimming? ls it Ьrаче to do something like
that for а good cause? Or is it too dangerous?

Unit б Do your best 73

бС Unexpected art
GRAMMAR l*r* **::*Ёti*г:аý

@ Work iп pairs. Answer the questions.

. What do you rеаllу enjoy doing for fun?

. СаП you imagine а;оЬ that would раУ you to do somethin9 you love?

,:Wheпyouda'w'ha,tyoulave,,yotllоче:w!заtуаuda,,": : .,,]
you dan't risk{ailure,yo|u сап't succeed., ' "',

,Wlлеп you mа{<i mistakgs, yau сапtеаri а lot , '

@ look at the examples in the Grаmmаr Ьох. Then answer the questions.
1 ln each sentence, what чеrь tense is used in the if оr vtzhen clause?
2 what vеrь tense ts used in the result clause of each sentence?
{iэ*сl.:1э**l еi]l_iý*l= ** ýёG* З*.
;---,+: iз:*lсiз*з 5:i,

@ Complete the article with these clauses. Write the correct letter (a-fl.

а you travel to New York d people want to lэuу an artist's work

ь you aren't stopped from painting е ifyou wоrk hаrd
on walls f art galleries can sell it
<- it doesn't fееl like work

When you 1ove your job, (1) С . That's definitely the case With Street artiSt

Lady Дikо, lf (2) _ , you may see her work оп buildings - and
in art galleries.
Some street artists have to wоrk in secret, but when your work is as good as
Lady Дikо's, (з) _ . ln fact, you сап get paid to paint on them. дпd f а street

arti5t'S Work Ьесогпеs popular, (4)_ . Whеп (5) , _

the artist is doing
Somethin9 right. Lady дikо is successful because of Ьrаvеrу and persistence.
When she 5tarted oUt, mOSt 5treet artists Wеrе mеп, and people wеrе surprised
to 5ее а Woman Street artiSt. Lady Дikо shows that (6) , yoU сап сhап9е

people's expectations.

if уоu lоче.|лгееt art,,gato Ria de Jапеirо, ]

|t|/hеп you go, visit the 5е!аrоп,5tерs,

l{ you ukit the 5еlоrоп Steps, you shoцld take а !о| of photos

@ t-ook at the examPles in the Grammar Ьох. Then answer the questions.

1 ln each sentence, what verb tense is used in the if or vtzhen clause?

2 what vеrь form is used iп the result clause when we give advice?

@ cross out опе incorrect word in each piece of advice for artists.
1 lf you want to Ье ап аrtist,зhоu.Ц do it - just start painting.
2 When you аlеп't sure what to do, you should to just keep painting - don't stop.
з lf when you want to grоw as ап artist, you should look at other people's wоrk
4 When yOU are ready for people to See уоUr work, if you сап pUt уоur photos
оп the internet.
5 When you feel like уоu'rе failing, if trу to lеаrп from the ехреriепсе.

Lady Aiko painted this

image in Dubaiin 20'l6.
the correct options to complete the article. @ Listen to the sentences in Exercise 7 again.
@ choose
Тhеп practise saying the sentences with natural
conditional intonation.
Escadaria sеlаrбп
lf you / vvill go to Rio de .Jапеirо, Brazil, you (2) visit /
(1) go
@ cHoosB
should yislГthe Escadaria Selaron - the Sеlаrоп Steps.
Artist Jorge Sеlаrоп started work оп the steps as а hobby
1 Tourists enjoy seeing the work of Lady Aiko in New
York and Jоrgе Sеlаrбп in Rio de _Jапеlrо. Wоrk iп раirs,
iп l990, but soon lеаrпеd that if you (З) love l should
Think of things iп your соuпtrу that tourists enjoy
/оуе something, it сап become your life's work, Before
seeing. Teli people to see thегп using zеrо condltional
Startin9 the steps, Sеlаrбп was а stru9gling painter. But
sentences. Тhеп present your workto апоthеr раir.
5ооп, the steps became рорulаr with both locaLs and
tourists, When you first See the steps, you immediately týfl*r: y*ll Tisji *;о,, :i' :l,,/ l",'1 q,,,-,. "

(4) nottce / nottced а lot of grееп, yellow, and bLue - 2 Exercise 5 9ives tips for street artists. Think of
the colours of the Brazilian flag. Ассоrdiпg to Selaron, Somethin9 you know about learning а language,
оrigiпаllу from Chile, the steps аrе his gift to the people doing а sport, takLng photographs - and write tip5 for
of Brazil. When you (5) сап look l/ook closely, you сап dolng it. Use zero conditional sentences.
see hundreds of words and pictures lп the tiles. Sеlаrбп
t{,'J'tал" у*,;.; ]яsп} :,* l*c;l,* p**ll:gr*p&y" у*;,, sf;**i*
said that each tile tells а story. lf that's true, then the
l hovefour ýi*rr }1: ,,,
stairs, made with four thousand tiles, (6) had
thousand stories to tel]. 3 Jorge Sеlаrбп used Ьrоkеп ti]eS to create beauty Think
of а place in уоur аrеа that isn't beautiful. lmagine how
you could use recycled mаtеriаls to make it lэeautiful.
@ Complete the sentences with опе word from the Ьох lVake а poster showing уоur ideas and explainin9 the
iп each space.
improvement, Use zero conditlonal sentences.
lf should trу Whеп work
l,i1,Ir*i,} ,]r: ;,.** :; ;",qi:;:;# jl;1,, р*,_;;зi* э;;;:'i;;*
;,a;*::т. l,"Лl*r: jjýl,j j?]i]i;* ;i r**yl;lTr1
. "

lf Street art, you shou d look fоr Lady Aiko's

2 artists become famous, they сап make а

lot of mопеу.
3 lf-street hard at something, your ability usually This painting is from the Bowery Wall, New York, 20] 2.

4 When you fail, _

to lеаrп frоm it.
5 an artist Wants а bigger audience, they сап put
their artwork оп the lnternet.
Whеп you find something you love doing, you
make time fоr it. ý'
lri )

О р по lч u ltt с l Ат l о N {* :: * ]:i +, * * l i *t*i_: *ii * :: ý}

Read about intonation in conditional sentences.
Then |isten and mark the upward and downward
intonation on the 5entences in Exercise 7. :,.. n"._:

n conditional sentences that Ьеgiп with /fоr VVhen,the

ntonation often rises опIhе tflwhen cJause апd fal]s on
^р "esJlL clause.

you're jnterested tп аrt, уоu should vtsit the 5еlаrоп steps

,Мhеп visitors соmе to tаWп, We ltke to shovv them the stghts.


Unit б Do уоur best 75
ф Work in pairs. Discuss the questions before you watch
the talk.
А contrast is when а speaker shows that two ideas, facts,
or situations аrе different, words such as Ьur апd however . ls perfection always better оr mоrе usefui than
оftеп mаrk contrasts. А sреаkег mау also change their imреrfесtiоп? Why / Why not?
tone to паrk contras[. . ls t гпоrе iгпроrtапt to Ье реrfесt оr to try new things?
Why / Why not?
ф Пеаd the Authentic listening skills Ьох. Match the . Сап always wanting to Ье perfect make а реrsоп
contrasting ideas in the extracts from the TED Talk. not trу new things? Why / Why not? Has this еvеr
1 she tried, she came с ose, but happened to you?
2 She'Il think that hеr student spent the past twenty
гninutesjust starlng at the sсrееп. But ф Watcn Part ] of the talk. Choose the correct option to
complete each sentence.
3 Girls аrе rеаllу good at coding, but
4 We have to Ьеgiп to undo the socializatlon of 1 Reshma started her саrееr wогkrпg in
perfection, but а politics
5 This was mу way to make а difference . . . The polls, Ь Ьапkiпg.
hоwеvеr, с marketing.

if she presses 'undo' а few times, she' see that hеr She wanted to have а гпоrе active rоLе lп government to
student wrоtе code and then deleted it. а make mоrе tпопеу.
we've got to соmЬiпе it with building а sisterhood* Ь change thlngs.
that ets girLs know that they аrе поt аlопе. с rаisе гпопеу for others.
( it's поt enough just to teach them to code. She tried fоr an elected;ob in government
d she didn't get it exact]y rlght, а and won.
е to d а very diffеrепt story. Ь о;т сrагgеd he" п^ lc.
sisterhood а grаuр of girls or wоmеп who wark together с and ost badly.
опd help eoch other She tells the story about ruппlпg for government to
show that
ф Llsten to the extracts and checkyour answers to а she was регfесt
Exercise 1. ь she was Ьrаvе for the first time.
==::'= с she was always Ьrаvе.

76 Unit б Do уоur best

О Watch Part 2 of the talk. Answer the questions. .Ёii..iý @ ТПiпК of something you have learned to do - speak а
language, play а musical instrument, play а sport or
What does Reshma say that boys аrе rеwаrdеd for,
Something eIse. Make notes.
but girls аrе taught to avoid?
2 What does she feel that girls lack? . What was the skilJ оr activity?
3 What do students need to accept when they аrе . What challenges did you face? How did you have to Ье
lеаrпiпg to code? ЬrаVе to ContinUe lеаrпiпg?
What do girls often think if they have рrоЬlеms with . What kind of mistakes did you make while learning it?
their code? . What advice wou]d you give to Someone lеаrпiпg
According to Reshma, why do girls often поt апswеr the activity?
q UeStionS?
6 According to Reshma, when should we teach girls to @ Work in small groups. Discuss your activity from
Ье brave? Exercise 7.

О чосдвut-АRy lN coNTExT
а Watch the clips from the TED Talk. Choose the Work iп groups. Discuss the questions.
correct meanings of the words. =.=: . Writing code is а process of triаl and еrrоr апd
Ь Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. requires реrsеvеrапсе. What оthеr activities require
trial апd еrгоr and perseverance?
1 Think of а time when you had to Ье courageous.Whal . Reshma says iп hеr talk that а supportive пеtwоrk is
happened? ап imроrtапt part of ]еаrпiпg. Have you еvеr had а
2 Have you еvеr ruп f оr а position, fоr example, captain SUpportive network? Who was in it?
of а sports team? What was it? What would you like to . Сап you think of а time when you did something
ruп fоr? even something small оr simple that feit Ьrаvе?
3 What kind of thlngs do you пеgаtiаtе with your What did you lеаrп frоm it?
parents? With your teachers? . The journa]rst Arianna Huffington said,'Failure is
4 Have you еvеr sееп а person's supportive network tп поt the opposite ofsuccess, but а stepping Stone to
action? what was the rеаsоп? success,'Do you agree оr disagree? Why?
5 Do you think everyone has ihe роtепtiаllа do . lп your соuпtrу, whеrе аrе girls and wоmеп
something good оr Ьrаче? What do you have the underrepresented and why?
patential lo do? . Reshma talks about the ways that boys аrе
6 there anything that you have to struggle to achieve?
ls socialized. ls this also harmful to society? Does it
What? limit the opportunIties fоr boys? lf so, how?

Unit б Do your best 77

бЕ Giving advice
@ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

. Who do you usually ask for advice? Why?

. Have you ever given advlce? What about?

@ Bead the question and advice. What word do you think is missin9?

Sam S: I\Лу friend is good at -----, but won't speak in

class оr use her because she's afraid of mаkiпg а
mistake. she wants her to Ье perfect. what should
l say to hеr?

дпiа Р: lf she wants to speak she should just start

speaking . Nobody notices mistakes,

Sixtos R: She should lеаrп to love mistakes. The опlу Way
to improve
is to make mistakes, especially when you have а teacher there to

соrrесt you. -,
Ryuji D: Why not start an frlm club? When you
u film, you паturаllу want to taIk about it, you could have ап
,only' rule for the club,
Requested advice
just keep
Whеп you dоп't uпdеrstапd ýХ lgor М: l а9rее that she shouldn't wоrrу about mistakes,
you Want to imorove trу Speaking
sоmеthtпg tп closs,you should osk riyinq. lt УОL]r

your teocher for help. it often.

lf you пееd mоrе maths proctlce, try

dоwпlоаdiпg о moths арр.
Why dап't you О WorK in pairs, Discuss the questions,
. ,.

uninvited advice 1 Which advice do you think is the most helpful?

2 Сап you think of other advice that would Ье useful for
improving your English?
lf Ihe computer isп t wоrkiпq, уоч that didnt wоrk for you?
3 Have you еVеr hеаrd any advice fоr speaking English
miqht v,tont to try rе;tаrtiпg it.
groups and take turns giving
l соп you dоп'r have а рhопе
see @ t-ook at the Useful language Ьох. Work iп small
signa|.1 got а sigпаl пеаr the advice for these situations.
ччiпdоw, апd that mау mtork
for you. put them in,
drinks machine. You know the соrrесt place to
|'m поt sure, but lthinkthis daor is
locked after 6:0а, Yаu may/mtght 3 you notice that someone iп shop is having problems саrrуiпg their items,
can use,
пееd to ule the side еп[rапсе. They probably don't realize that the shop has baskets they
llJRlTlNG ýв: s*тi** Ьýс,=*

@ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

. How do you рrераrе fоr exams?

. How do you fееl Ьеfоrе оr during exams? Do you often feel worried
оr StreSSed?
. What do you do to reduce уоur wоrrу оr stress?

@ Пеаd the advice blog on ра9е 151. Answer the questions.

1 What рrоЬlеm does the blog talk about?

2 How mапу solutions does the blog give?
3 Have you used апу of these tips? lf so, which ones?
4 Which tip do you think is the most useful?

@ Пеаd the Writing strategies Ьох. Does the blog оп ра9е 15'l include all of
the information mentioned in the Ьох?
Explaining problems and
@ Choose опе of the problems. Ask your classmates for possib|e solutions. solutions
. You аrе often late meeting friends, arriving at school, etc. А problem-solution раrа9rарh
. You spend too much time оп social media when you should Ье studying. usuaIly beqins with а sentence
. You have too mапу activities - sports, music, etc. You enjoy them ail, but that introduces the topic. Then it

yoU're too bU5y. answe,s thеsе questions.

. What is the рrоЬlеm?
О WorK in pairs. Choose опе of the problems from Ехеrсisе 7Ь and think of
. Why is it а рrоЬlеm?
а different problem of your оwп. Discuss the questions. Make notes of
. what is the solution / аrе the
уоur anSWerS,
1 What exactly is the рrоЬlеm? G]ve details.
It will then often include
2 Why is it а рrоЬlеm? Give two or three rеаsопs.

concluding sentence.
3 What аrе the possible solutions? Think of at least thrее оr four,

@ wкlTlпtc SK|LL *iчiз:g зdvic*

Look at the advice blog on ра9е 'l5'l again. What аrе the three ways of
giving advice in the soIutions?

@ Write а short blog in your pairs about your problem and three to five
possible solutions. Use this structure.
1 lntroduce the topic. 4 Offеr three to five solutions,
2 Say what the рrоЬlеm is. 5 Give а conclusion.
3 Say why it's а рrоЬlеm.

@ Work with another pair. Exchange your blogs and check each other's work.
Does it answer the questions in the Writing strategies Ьох? Does it use the
structures for giving advice?
7 А Food and flavours from around
the world
VOCABULARY Г**d, *riыъk *rзd fý*v**rs

@ Work iп pairs. Discuss the questions.

. What's уоur favourite food? Would you like the food iп the photo?
. ls there апу food you rеаllу don't like? What is it? Why don't you llke it?

@ Match each food or drink with а type and а flavour. (Two don't match with
аflavour.) Use а dictionary if necessary.

Food / Drink Туре Flavour

chilli powder fruit salty

lemon ve9etable SWeet

соfГее \\ meat SoUr

strаwЬеrrу Splce *ъ* bitter

potato crisps drink Sprcy

tomato dessert

ice сrеаm snack


@ TbinK of at least опе mоrе food or drink for each of the five flavours.
Make а list.

@ Match the food or drink ('1-8) with the best description (a-f). Two do not
have а description.

1 сurгу 5 pasta
2 french fries 6 tea
3 prawns 7 tomato
4 ice сrеаm 8 apple

а I\/ost реорlе think of this food as ltalian, but many experts think it probably
came from Chinese noodles originally,
Ь Thls is а spicy food originally from ndia. The strong flavour comes frоm the
hot pepper and other spices that cooks use.
с Many peoplethinkthls rеd fruit is а vegetable, because it is often used in
salads оr salty sauces. People iп I\4exico frrst grew and ate it mоrе than

2,000 уеаrs а9о. li

d Like coffee, th]s drink is bitter. People often add sugar to make it sweet,
People in Сhiпа wеrе рrоЬаЬlу the frrst to drink it, but now it's рорulаr
around the wоrld
е This salty food is similar to chips, People eat it as а snack оr wtth а meal. No
опе is sure, but it may соmе frоm Belgium.
f This dessert often comes in sweet fruit flavours like strаwЬеrrу. lt's very cold,
and mау come from China, but became vеrу popular iп ltaly and the UK ,ll

about thrее hundred years aqo. :lI

(D Write descriptions like the ones in Exercise 4for afood or drink уоu know. :ll
Тhеп work in pairs. Guess your partner's food,
Гlтls :s g svlreer шпd sрlrу disfo. lr с*пзеs fу*,чз Ёеrы. lf ,fзяs ýslT, gпi*iзý ,hof ,li
pepper cnd 1jлlсlилсе.


Unit 7 lell пе w^al you eal 81 ,]J

li: ]

iri l
i! l

Work in pairs. Look at the photo. Why do you think Work in pairs. Answer the questions.
реорlе want to grow vegetables under the sea? 1 Do you think it wil] Ье possible to grow food iп
lаьоrаtоriеs оr under the sea iп the future?
Listen to а conversation. Which two of the topics (а-с)
2 Would you like to eat food frоm laboratories, оr frоm
do the people talk about? Write 1 and 2 iп the order
uпdеr the sea? Why? / \Д/hу not?
you hear them. There is опе extra topic.
3 What other ways аrе there of growlng enough food fоr
а food fоr the future а11 the people on Earth? Can you think of any?

Ь the imропапсе of smell

с tasting what we see PRONUNCIAT|ON ýi::i::*j **iri

Listen to the conversation a9ain. Аrе the sentences Sometlmes, only опе sound makes the difference between
true (Т) оr false (F)? words, for ехаmрiе paper and рерреr

1 Mark gives Kasia somethin9 spicy to taste.

Listen to the sentences. Which word do you
2 kasia tastes mоrе with hеr поsе closed.
3 The nose is mоrе important than the mouth fоr tasting =:.,_
1 l need same poper l рерреrfаr mу ргоjесt.
when kasia has а cold,the onlything she сап taste is
't 2 Сап l taste l taastlhis bread?
Sweet food.
3 think green tea is better / bttter.

5 Тhеrе will Ье а lot mоrе people on Еаrth rп about

4 need mo,e spice / spoce Гоr ,ny p,oject.
thirty уеаrs.
5 Did you smell the soop / soup?
ln the future, meat mi9ht come frоm laboratories
instead of farms. Work in pairs. Listen again. Тhеп practise saying the
7 Scientists аrе аlrеаdу grоwiпg fruit under the sea. sentences with both words. Сап уоur раrtпеr tell
8 ]Vlоrе land will Ье песеssагу fоr fаrms rn the future
which word you're saying?
G RАММАR Г:=::,-ji:-:i::::-: .=::* i:,ll=i,i j*l-i:l-ii ffi Choose the соrrесt options to complete the
ф Look at the examples in the Grаmmаr Ьох. Answer
Science Day: Feeding а growing population
'^:.1'lj=Ъ The science department (1) is holdtng / might hold а
discusslon пехt ]Vonday from З:00 to 4:00 about the
Talking about future arrangements future of food, and allstudents аrе invited to attend.
а |'m giving mу рrеsепtоtiоп nextThursdoy, According to science teacher /\4r Yапlаdа, 'Screntists
think thеrе (2) will Ье l are Ьеtпg пеаrlу ten billion
Ь i'm gаiпg to try that v,tith mу brother somettme.
people on Earth in 2050. As the population increases,
Making predictions we (З) mlqhг поt / willneed пrоrе food. We (4) cre
gоiпg to l чуоп't Ье oble tо continue raising animals
с There will Ье пеаrlу tеп Ьilliоп people оп Еапh iп 2050. for food, because it uses а lot of епеrgу.' Ассоrdiпg to
d We're gоiпg to пееd mоrе food, Yamada, this is where the science gets interesting. 'То
е lquess we wоп't пееd as muсh lопd fоr farms. feed ечеrуопе iп 2050, (5) we mtght have to "grow" /
we'll "grow" meat iп lаЬоrаtоriеs.' Yamada also says that
f \е might qrow mе0| iп loboratories,
scientists аrе wоrkiпg оп пеw ways to gгоw food.'Right
g Wе might поt have fоrm апimаls for food. now, rеsеаrсhеrs (6) ууil/ ехреrimепt /аrе ехреrtmепtiпg
with пеw ways of growing food, fоr ехаmрlе grоwiпg
1 What time реriоd do all the sentences talk about:the
iп tunnels under the 9round,' he explains. ' п 2050,
present оr the future?
uпdеrgrоuпd fаrmеrs (7) wоп't have to / оrеп't hочiпg to
2 Which sentence uses а present tense vеrЬ fоrm?
worry so much about the weatherl'
3 which sentence, а оr Ь, describes а mоrе certain оr
fixed аrrапgеmепt?
4 what is the shortened form of will поt?
ф Complete each sentence. Use опе чеrЬ with gоiпg to
and опе verb in the present continuous.
5 Which is mоrе certain: will оr might?
6 Fоr sentence d, do we kпоw that mоrе food will Ье 1 lVly dad :
' ,',,:,, j]:_,., (buy) а ЗD food рriпtеr

necessary? How do we know? next week because he thinks food рriпtiпg

:, :,l', '.,. :-, ,,. (Ье)
the next biq thinq.
2 We're (have) diппеr with our
vegetarian friends next week, so l

(eat) vegetarian food this weekend to see what it's iike

3 Layla (give) а presentation tomor[ow

about how future fаrmеrs (grоw)
vegetables u пdеrwаtеr.
4l (have) а big steak dinner tогпоrrоw
niqht, and l (enjoy) it, because there
won't Ье much rеаl meat in the futurei

ttYr} Work in groups. Look at the list of special occasions.

Pick one and рlап activities and а way to celebrate,
Compare your plans with another 9rоuр.

biпhday end оfа sports sеа5оп good grades

graduation university acceptance wedding

lt s,t;. ;;,,,l l'l ]- j.I :; 6*i*q l* &*y* ;; pl]|,i]" ri

;, li'j;ir'rc
ll;* p*;,,tt r:л Ssi*гr*;,," l;]/*iT c;:r** l* c*l sl l;$*;-jr}
7в The greatest human success story
@ Rеаd the article again. underline the information
disagrees with each statement below,
Adding -еr,,mепt or -апсе to some verbs creates 1 The first farmers lived about frve thousand уеаrs
. -er is added to mеап 'а реrsоп who does something' 2 Plants сап grow food on their own,
(work-+ tMorker).\ з Wоrkiпg on furms stopped humans from making
. -П€Пt is added to mean 'the result of the vеrЬ'
(епjоу + рrо9rеss in other агеаs.
Bees sometimes cause рrоЬlеms because
vеrь eat plants.
. -апс€is added to mеап 'а specific instance of the
Fаrmеrs dislike bees, so they try to kill them,
hаррепi пg' (реrfоrm perfo +
rmоп се),
Note the spelling rules for -er suffixes, О Match the farming vocabulary from the article
added (,поrkеr), with the best definition (a-h),
When а verb ends in а consonant, -еrсап Ье
п,роr r,the 1 agriculture 5 grоw
When а чеrЬ ends in onevowel + b,d,f,l, m,
2 livestock 6 harvest
final letter is usually doubled (ruппеr),
3 community 7 plant
When а vеrЬ ends iп е, add (baker),
4 сrор 8 season
add а suffix to
о Bead the vocabulary building Ьох, Then
а animaIs raised for meat
items 1-4 to make а поuп. Use а dictionary if ь а food plant
с to collect food from plants
PeopIe d farming
1 travel - е раrt of the уеаr
2 work -
t to put а plant lпtо the grоuпd
needs to develop
other nouns 9 to give а plant what it
оr who
3 achieve - h u gioup of people who live оr work together,
4 disappear - have somethinq in common

@ оо the following. Use а dictionary if necessary,

READlNG Name iwo types оf livestock.
Find three 2 Names two сrорs that grow in your country,
@ Rеао the first two paragraphs of the, article,
do them:
mоrе nouns that аrе made from verbs, 3 put these words iп the оrdеr that farmers
horvest, рlапt, grow.
а paragraph, Name two оr three places iп your rеgiоп оr
@ Пеаd about identifying the mаiп theme of
тhеп read the article and put letters for the the where there аrе а lоt of Гаrms.
headings (a-fl next to the correct paragraph,
о work in pairs. cover the artic|e, Tell each other

Ы ;;;;;;i;;;;;; i;;;;; ;,й.;;;;,;;-

сап l
you have learned about these things,
ву the main idea of each раrаgrарh, we
** оп
. how agriculture changed the lives of humans,
Ьеttеr understand the *йJ. Usually, focusing i . why bees аrе important.
you а good idea
the nouns and verbs in а раrаgrарh gives i
. а rеаsоп why bees may Ье disappearing,

G) снооsг
а Staying iп опе place pairs, What
Read the labeis оп the photo. Discuss in
Ь The most important workers оп the farm
would Ье gone if
Гооd have you eaten rесепtlу that
с 0псе upon а tlme
bees disappeared?
d Protectrng our fаrms
list fоr а
е Оur greatest achievement? Read the labels оп the photo. write а shopping
f А lопg history together diппеr party. AlI dishes must use food that's
Ьу bees.
use the internet to find mоrе information about
decreasing Ьее popuIation. Write а list of things
people can do to help.

84 Unit 7 Tell me what you eat


toп.ns !]rew, реорlе built rrrore and mоrе houses

S:-ti Веfоrе the first Гагms арреаrеd,
to live in and builclings to store fboc1. Bees сопrе
lrlrmans п,еге huпtеrs, fblloъ,ing animals :rnd the
scasons fгоm plzrce to рlасе. Along п-ith the mcat
in handy hеrе, too. Ехрегts tlrink that сопtаiпегs
mede fгоm lэееsп.ах Stal-ted bcing used fоr stог;rgе
theу killed, thеY ate fruit, vegetables and nr.lts that
at least р.000 уеагs ago,
they tound as they travelled. Апd then. in сliffегепt
places а11 очег the wоrlс1, реорlе Llegan Гагmiпg. Tlris 'iИе'че Ьееп to the mооп, but agriculture
lrappened at least 10,000 уеагs ago, зs is рrоlэаЬlу the biggest humап Success story. Yоu

One теquiгеmепt of fаrmiпg is that реорlе may not think about it often. br_rt almost el,erything
stav in <>ne plzice. l'аrmеrs need tinre tO pient сrорS
you eat every day is а рrоduсt оf Гаrmiпg, Ву
grovn ing оur food гаthеr than {lnding it ог hunting fоr
: in tlre spring, саге fЬr thenr throrrgh the suпrmеr and
it, п.е l-iave allowed ошrsеlчеs to think new thor:ghts
hatwest tlrem in the alltl}mn. Livcstock that is гаisеd 'ýile hаче turned оuг villages
+о and rnake пеw things.
fог meat needs to Stalr цlfigr," thеrе is а good supply оГ
into to,v/ns and оuг tоъ,пs into great cities and created

Гооd and $/atcf.

the mоdеrп lvorld - all possible опlу }lecattse оГ bees,
This геquirеd реорlе tcl п,огk toE]etheг as
,; а community: some fаrmеd, sorne tendccl to the Recently, the nr,rmber оf bees l-ras dгорреd.
ýиl-ry? some insects eat plants, so fаплегs use chemicals
livestoc:k, sclme built 1-roшses оr cooked. Fаrmсrs had ii
цs to ki1l these insects. Btrt this also can ki11 bees. \Ие
to $,,оrk herd tc-l keep cvetyorre fЪd, but попе оГ
kпоп, that the disappearance ог Llees аrоuпd the world
роssiЫе without one сгеаtufе: bees. These
tl-ris ц,,аs ili
is an iпсгеаsiпg ргоьlеm and these chemicals аrе опе
hаrdwоrkiпg insccts trапsfеr pollen Ггоп-r plant to
:l plant. This calrses healthy plants to produce fгuit and оf the catrses. If we keep losing bees, we may soon
\й/ithout bees, hel.e difficulф grоп,,iпg fbod. Sоmе expefis beliel,e t;
vegetables. botlr on fагms and in паturе. gl
so if fаrmегs continue using chenricals, thc Ьее population
rnost plants can't make tlre things реорlе eat - frоm
wi1l contlnue to fall. Fortl}nately, fаrmеrs аrе beginning ti
applcs lo соrп to tomatoes. E\rentllally. people began
keeping bees in огdеr to help wlth the сгорs as п,еl1 as to Llnderstand the situetion and аrе finding sаfЪr ways
to fight the insects that callse рrоЬlеms. Fагmiпg п,ill
:s ргочidе hопеч.
continlle to Ье оur gгeatest Success story only iГ we
Ехрегts believe that bees wеrе domesticated 55 protect the bees.
4,500 уеагs ago in Egypt. This allowed Гtlr mоrе сrорs,
апd Ьiggег cities and towns to grоw. As villages and

Unit 7 Tell me what you eat 85

Yfr А taste of honey
GRДММДR ' ,,. г,*, -:" -,

Ф look at the examples iп the Grammar Ьох and answer the questions.

lf we protect the bees, fаrmiпg will сопtiпче to Ье our greoresr5UcCe55 srоrу,

lf we keep lostпg bees, we mау sооп have difficulty grоwiпg food.

lf farmers сопtiпuе usinq chemtcols, the Ьее рорulоttоп willcontinue to fall

Bees will return опlV whеп we stop ustng dопgеrоus chemicals,

1 which clause gives us the result of а possible action, the lf clause оr the
other clause?
2 Аrе the actions in the result clauses possible оr поt?
3 what tense is used for the if or whеп clause?
4 what tense is used iп the result clause?
5 which is more certain, tf or whеп?

ý} But the phrases (a-d) iп the best place to complete the text,

The Balyolu - Turkey's Нопеу Road

lf you go walking in the countryside пеаr the Turkish city of kars, (l) ,
- оr sеvеrаl. Fоr centuries, the ]ocal people have raised bees fоr the
they make, Дпd you'll Certainly have а сhапсе to taste some if (2)--.
lf you taste carefully, (3)-- aS yoU move аlопg the trаil. But watch outl

, you could ruin your trip With а stomach

lf (4)
а you walk the Нопеу Road
Ь you eat too much honey
с you may notlce the changin9 flavours lп the honey
.С,- you might meet а Ьееkеереr*

beekeeper а реrSоп who tokes саrе оf bees опd gothers their hопеу

@ choose the best words to complete the article.

Saving food traditions for the future

The Honey Road was the idea of Natlona] Geographic Ехрlоrеr Саthеriпе
laffee, Why is hопеу iгпроrtапt to hеr? дll оvеr the world, young реорlе аrе
moving from rura areaS to cities. lf they (1 ) leove / vyill leave thеir villages,
they (2) dtdn't 1r,4/ол'rсопtiпuе to lеаrп about thеir otn;n Jocalfood and food
traditions - like beekeeping. She believes that if we (З) dоп't / wil/keep
traditions like beekeeping alive, (41we l we mау lose them fоrеvеr - and
lose part of who We аrе. Thanks to efforts llke this, (5) will / whеп tо\чrе
gепеrаtiопs look back, (6) theywill l they thank us fоr keeping foods and
traditions alive,
Q Choose if or whеп to complete the exchanges. @ Work in groups. Discuss what you have learned in
this unit Ьу making 'conditional chains'. Start with
1 А. Аrе you coming to Kars пехt month?
the following.
В: Yes. 1,4/hen / lf get there, l'll call you.

2 А: lt mау rain tогпоrrоw. 1 lI we protect bees, . . .

В: Whеп //f it rains, the bees won't Ье active. protect bees -+

no роllеп рrоЬlеm -->

3 А. we have one mоrе hоur to wоrk оп оur plants grоw wel]+ р ants make food +
people have enough food for the future
project today.
В: Whеп l/f we wоrk quickly, we гпау finish it. А: рr*r*$ &c*s, t*еr* i.yllf Ье ** p*l;e, ; рr,l&;<r{,.
if лте
4 А: l have an appointment with ]V]r Sato tоmоrrоw. ý: Jff&grе is пп p*ll** рr*&l*,и" #lcn;s ш,!Ji gr*l": ;,,*/:',
В: Whеп //f you see him, say hello fоr me, {: lfpJ*nls gtr*и: well, r*ез."ll r*r;,te fr;*if.

5 А. lmight go shopping this afternoon. l'd like to get 2 lf people leave rurаl areas to live in clties, , . .

some ice сrеаm for this evening. not enough people to wоrk +
farms and factories
В: Well, ifl whеп уач go, could you get some honey close --+ villages start to die +
mоrе people 1eave
for me?
-+ cities lэесоmе overcrowded

@ Listen to the exchanges and check уоur answers to

3 lf we gгоw vegetables underwater, . . .

==lё G) снооsг
О Work in pairs. Write your оwп endings to the sentences. Work in pairs. Pick one of the lssues in Exerctse 7.
Use will, mоу, could апd might at least once each. Discuss whai people сап do at each раrt of the chain
to he р the situation.
1 Lf l get huпgrу before the end of school today, l , . .

2 When ] have diппеr tonight, 1. .. 2 Write а раrаgrарh uslng one of the chains to guide you
3 lf my fгiепds and l have lunch together next week, we . . .
3 Wоrk in 9rоuрs. Think of а new issue and make а
4 When l get home frоm school today, l ,.. conditional chain. Present your ideas to the class.
5 lf we qo to а restaUrant for my next birthday, we , .

6 lf the weather's good at the weekend, ...

7 When schoo frnishes next month, . ..
8 lf l get good marks iп my end-of year exams, . . ,

А beekeeper iп Turkey collects

hопеу - опе of the world's most
ancient foods.
AUTHENTlc LISTENlNG SKlLLS Now, оur аgriсu ture CUtS too mапу trees, USeS to0
much _ and pol]utes the air.
а SpaСe Ь gas с Watet,
Sometimes you сап use what you already know about а
3 Тristгаm found some packets of blscuits in the rubbish
topic to preclict what а speaker might say. This сап help
behind а _.
уоu understaпd mоrе of what you hear, а supermarket Ь restaurant с house

f;} Bead the Authentic listening skills Ьох. Based on the @ Watch Part 2 of the talk. Write the correct numbers to
title of the talk and the quote above, what do you complete the pie chart. i.ýS]_._=:-.iE
think Tristram Stuart is likely to talk about? Tick (r/) the
topics you think he mау discuss. Fооd use and waste
:.., : Lost before it
Hunger isn't а big рrоЬ em in riсh countries.
,.. ]J19.*- lеаves th е fa rm
Cooking is а usefuL skill Eaten _-
F=ast food often isn't vеrу tasty.
The biggest рrоЬlеm isn't too little food, but too much.
We need to stop wastin9 food, -19 Lost because animals
aren't efficient

We сап save mопеу Ьу eating less. ._-=...l9

.' . , _Thrownaway
ý} Listen to ап extract from the talk and check your
answers to Exercise 1. ý=ý=
Ф Wutah Part З of the talk. Answer the questions. :.=::=.n:::.:

1 Tristram shows а picture of thrown away packaged

WATсH food. Whеrе was it thrown away?

@ watcn Part 1 of the talk. Choose the correct option to 2 How mапу slices of bread did the factory throw away
complete each sentence. ý* each day?

1 People started tryin9 to create а food surplus 3 The fаrmеr had to throw away the spinach сrор
because something was growing with it. What was lt?
уеаrS ago
а ],200 Ь 12,000 с 120,000


Il 88 Unit 7 Теll mе what you eat

Watcrr Part 4 of the talk. Choose the correct option to @ Matctr Tristram's ideas (1-4) with the examples that
complete each sentence. ýý support them (a-d).

1 Tristram says we need to te|l fiends апd neighbours / 1 Supermarkets waste food.
соrроrаtiопs апd gочеrпmепrs to stop food waste. 2 The sandwich industry wastes bread.
2 Не says we should stоrе lettuce iл the fridge / о vase 3 cosmetic standards cause food waste.
af water. 4 We can store food in а better Way.
3 Tristram fed'woste' food to / callected'waste'food frаm а а photo ofdiscarded bread crusts
5,000 people. Ь photos of lettuce stored соrrесtlу and incorrectiy
с а photo of packaged foods оп а shelf
О чосдвuLАRy lN coNTExT
d photos of piles of wasted parsnrps, oranges,
Watch the clips from the talk. Choose the correct and Ьапапаs
meaning of the words or phrases.
=Ж @ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
Complete the sentences with уочr оwп words.
Discuss уоur answers with а partner, . Who do you think sets cosmetic standards fоr food?

1 is а globalchallenge
. Аrе cosmetic standards fоr food important to you

2 The people who live iп mу household аrе реrsопаllу? Why? / Why not?
. Do you see food waste at уоur school? What couid Ье
done to rеduсе it?
3 The government should lnyest mоrе mопеу in

4 Д resource l can help сопsеrvе (keep safe) is

Which of the ideas from Tristram's talk could you

А рrоЬlеm that needs to Ье гасklеd in my or would you try? Tell your partner and explain
community is __--, your reasons.
. eating sandwiches made with the ends оf а loaf
CRITICAL THlNKlNG ýшрр*rtЕr:ý *vgd*гt{* of bread
-- "--*,---"""", *
. eating safe, fresh food that the supermarket has

: Whеп people present ап idea, they оftеп give examples thrown away
i ,uрроп thelr idea. This makes the idea mоrе beltevable.
. eating fruits or vegetables that don't look perfect
. organizing campaigns to get companies оr
9overnments to reduce food waste
. organizing an еvепt to celebrate fооd

Unit 7 Tell me what you eat 89

7Е WhаtЪ it like?
@ look at the photo. Answer the questions.
1 What diffеrепt types of food сап you see in the picture?
2 whеrе do you thinkthis is? Have you ever eaten sогпеwhеrе llke this? Did
you enjoy it? Why? / Why not?
3 what types of food would you choose for ап informal party with уоur friends?

@ look at the useful language Ьох. Тhеп listen to the conversation. what аrе
the people planning? Tick (r/) the expressions you hear from the useful
Making suggestions language Ьох. ýýý
Hoyy about .,, ?
l thtпk ,пе shouId hove , . , @ Listen again. choose the correct option to complete each sentence. :i,ýýýý
We cauld cook ,, .
1 The people аrе going to have а рtспtс l barbecue.
\Д/hуdоп'twе..,? 2 Hallouml is а kind af cheese l fish,
ll"\oybe we should , . . 3 Halloumi can Ье a|ttt.e sour l salty.
Whotobout...? 4 The vegetarians who аrе comin9 сап eat Ьгеаd and salod l fish,
Describing food
5 People сап Ьriпg the r own food l drinks.
6 They сап get the knives and forks from the school l supermarket,
lft о kiпd of ..,
lt's populor iп . . . @ lmagine you're planning а meal for а party with уоur class. what food and
lt's reaily good wtth ,. .
drinks would you like to include? Make notes.

l* о little salty / fairly sweet / kiпd of

@ Work in small groups. Think about the meal уоU аrе planning. Use your notes
saur / deljcious.
from Exercise 4. Make sUggestions of different food, and practiSe describing
Making decisions the different types. Use expressions from the Useful lan9uage Ьох,
We'll hove рlепtу of (pizza) опd
l Il рцt 1hбt бп the iпt itоiоп, WRlTl NG А r*st;:л.: r* *t г*ýi*1,*,*

G) Work in pairs. Answer the questions.

1 What kind of restaUrants does your town оr city have?
2 What is the most popular type of casual food in your аrеа? Do you Like

this food?

All over the world, people love to eat з What restaUrant would you 9о to with а Visitor to your town оr city? Why?

together and share food with friends.

О Пеаd the restaurant review on ра9е
51 . Answer the questions,

1 where
is the restaurant?
2 When ts it ореп?
3 What is the аtmоsрhеrе like?
4 What type of food does lt have?
5 ls it expensive?
6 Does the writer recommend it?

@ wпtTlTrtc sKll-t- 'ъýriti*q а г*тi*к

Д review usually contains all or some of the followin9 information. Tick


the information below that is in the review.

Describing а restaurant
whеrе something is
whеп it is open/available
lft ореп ап ..., frоm... rо...
what it !s like
lt's а very (rеlахiпg / чпfriепdlу)
good points about it
bad points about it
what is different about it The service is (fast / frjепdlу / slow).

whether the writеr recommends it The food is (stmple / tosty / horrible)

апе advaпtoge / dtsodvontage af

@ WorK in small groups. Think of two оr three restaurants оr eating areas.
the restauront is .,,
Discuss where they're located, when they're ореп, what the atmosphere is
lt costs obout , , , to eat hеrе.
|ike, and what kind of food they have.
lwould dеfiпitеlу rесоmmепd . . ,

@ choose one place from Exercise 9 and write а review of it. use the model оп because .,,
page 1 5'l to help you, and the expressions from the Useful language Ьох. ltttouldn t rесоmmепd ,..
lnc|ude all of the points from Exercise В. because .,.

@ Exchange reviews with а partner. Check each other's work.

Does it answer the questions in Exercise 7?



ý{1. ..#''-

8А Whywe Ьчу
VOCABULARY ý рг*di;*t's ёвЁ*

О Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

. What kind of things do you buy fоr yourself? Clothes? Д/usic? Books?
0ther things?
. Whеrе do you like to shop? Oпliпе? ln stores? At markets оr shopping
malls? lп department stores?
. Look at the photo. What would you do if you had thls many options? How
would you choose what to buy? What would Ье imроrtапt to you (price,
colour, style, etc.)?

@ Complete the sentences with the correct words.

advertises design groWS mа nufacture mаtеriаl

pick prod uce feq€}e seII tМ€way

1 не wiII rесусlg the bottles, п91 fhrоуу 1hgp $и/йу

2 The соmрапу online and оп W.
3 The rs made from wool and cotton.
4 The artist created а fоr the new product.
5 Fаrmwоrkеrs the fruit after it _ .

6 Nlachines аrе used to the goods. Д/achines сап

faster thап people сап.
7 She is going to _ hеr goods at the гпаrkеt.

О - to complete the sentences about а clothing

choose the correct option

Kuyichi . . .

1 desiqns l throws away rea|ly cool clothes.

2 pays а fair рriсе fоr cotton frоm the farmers who grow / mопufасturеiL
3 also uses cotton picked l rесусlеdfrоm old clothes.
4 uses factories iп Tunrsia, Тurkеу, China, lndia and l\4acedonialo sell /
m ап ufo ctu re Ihe clothes.

5 produces / odvertises with phrases such as 'pure goods'.

6 sells / pickstheir clothes through their onIine store.
7 asks customers поltа thrоW ачuау l recycle old clothes.
8 wants customers lo throw away / recycle old clothes оr give them to charity,

@ му pERspEcTlvE
Look at the information iп Exercise З. Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.
. Kuyichi's advertisements say they аrе doing good in the world. Do you аgrее
that they аrе? Why? / Why not?
. Does doing good things fоr the world, like recycling, help sell products?
. What advet^tisements have you sееп recently? What did they say оr show?
. Did the adverts you want to buy something? How did they try to persuade you?

@ How do the choices you make when shopping affect these things?

. уоuг wallet
. the епvirопгпепt
. your self-esteem
. your community

Unit 8 ВuуегЪ choice 93


@ look at the infographic. Match the steps in the life of а ф Listen to the podcast again. Choose the correct option
shirt (1-6) with the labels (a-f). to complete each sentence. :ýi_._:i::.iý

а design and рrоdлсе the shirt .: 1 Kuyichi is а company from thе Netheilands / Jарап.
ь advertise and sel] it 2 Some of thеiг advertisements sау,'/оvе foshton.' / love
с grow and pick cotton the world.'
d throw it away оr rесусlе it 3 Some of their cotton growers аrе iп Turkey / Brazil,
е manufacture the cotton material 4 They use rесус ed material to reduce prtce / waste.
f deliver the shirt to stores 5 Рiеtго wears Kuyichr clothes because they fit vlell l
look good.
ф Listen to а fashion podcast about Kuyichi clothes. 6 Kuyichi makes some of its clothes tn Сhiпа / Thatlond.
NumЬеr the topics in the order Pietro and Agata talk 7 Рiеtrо says that buylng опliпе is tбе cheopest / eostesг
about them. Way.

а cotton recyclinq 8 Kuyichi wопts l dоеsп't и/dлrthеiг clothes to go

Ь the design ofthe clothes to сhаritу.

с cotton 9rоWеrS
d where you сап buythem
@ Wrrat'good'things does Kuyichi do7 Work in pairs.
Make а list of the good things you сап remember from
е producing Kuyichi с othes
the podcast. Would these make you more likely to
f rеduсiпg waste and ро lution
shop at Kuyichi? Why? / Why not?
g advertisements
h the topic of today's show i
i rесусliпg Kuyichi clothes
,. a:i.i,|il' ii.,::]ii ;_la:; ;:i,:.;. ::] l'i:'.,

94 Unit 8 Buyer's cholce

GRAMMAR S*с*** c***ýti***E @ Matcrr the two parts of the sentences. Тhеп say
whether each sentence is first conditional оr second
@ look at the sentences in the Grammar Ьох. Choose the conditional. lf necessary, review the first conditionaI on
correct option to complete each sentence.
ра9е 140.
1 lf companies рау wоrkеrs well,
а lf mоrе соmрапiеs were like Kuyichi, the vvorld wauld Ье а 2 lf companies don't advertise,
betrer place, 3 lf billboards wеrе beautiful,

Ь lf they didп't laak good, l wаuldпt wеоr them.

4 lf companies didn't advertise,
5 lf customers ike ап advertisement,
с lf уаu wanted to buy some tоmоrrоw, that would 6 lf companies paid workers mоrе,
рrоЬаЬlу Ье the easiest way.
а people won't know about therr products.
1 There оrе / оrеп't а lot оf companies like Kuyichi. Ь people wouldn't know about their products.
2 The world is / isп't а Ьеttег рlасе. с people wouldn't want to rеmоvе them,
3 Kuyichi's clothes look / dоп't look good. d they would work hаrdеr.
4 The speaker wears l doesn't wеоr Kuyichi clothes. е theywill buya product.
5 lt is quirе / поt very likely that the рrеsепtеr wili buy f they wi]l Ье happy.
some Kuyichi clothes tomorrow.
@ Choose the correct options to complete the article
6 The /fclause ofsentences а and Ь talks about the past /
about advertisements in cities.
а situatlon thot tsn't real,
7 The if clause of sentence с ta]ks about something that The mауоr of SЭо Paulo, Вrаzil, wanted to make his city
isn't likely l чпlikеlу а better place, so he made а law banning billboards. Не
called outdoor advertisements а type of polLution, Other
l**tk iз51;1 *i"iiý*iý i=* +Ёj*.s ] €j, 1]* is*гris*s ] *f .

cities have now done the same thlng. lf you go to Chennai

@ Гut the words in the соrrесt order to make sentences. in lndia, (1) you'll / you would паliсе а difference frоm other
big cities iп ]ndia as а 2009 law ended outdoor advertisin9.
1 seI1anything / we wouldn't / lf we / advertise, / didnt
And you won't 5ее апу billboaгds if you (2) wiЛwalk l walk
2 уоur old clothes, / f you didn't / you could / throw down the streets of GrепоЬ е, in Frапсе, еithеr. Tehran, iп
away / recycle them
lrап, rерlасеd 1,500 billboards with art fоr ten days. The
3 grоw cotton / They wouJd / didn't 9row соrп / if they
change was popular, and mапу people (З) wil l would Ье
4 would sell / The store / if it wеrе / mоrе things / Ьi99еr
happy if it happened again, But поt еvеrу city is геаdу to
5 а coat, / you could / ]f / make it / l designed
stop adveпisinq. lf you (4) took / гаkе the famous bil boards
6 online / sold them / We could / fоr less if / se оur
away from New York's Times Square, you'd ruiп one of the
products / we
city's most famous tourist attractions. Апd would people
7 moreclothes/used/would buy l f / l l recycled visit Piccadilly Circus rn London if its famous advertisements
materiaJs / they (5) аrеп't l wеrеп't lhere?
8 if they / would / Clothes / didn't have to / Ье / trаvеl so
fаr / сhеареr
@ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions. Take notes.
Remember to use the second conditional.

а lf you look at their advertisements, you'llsee phrases like . lf you wеrе able to change уоur town оr city to make it
'рurе goods' апd'!оче the wold'. а better place, how would you change it?
. lf your town had по advertising, how would it Ье
Ь lf you wапrеd Ю buy sametamaffow, thatwould
probably Ье the easiest way, . How would people in уоur tоwп feel if adveпising
wеrе stopped?
@ look at the two sentences in the Grammar Ьох.
Answer the questions. @ му
1 which sentence is а first conditional? which is а second Work in small groups. Using the ideas you discussed
conditional? in Exercise 15, рrераrе а presentation about why you
2 Which action in the lf clause is mоrе likely to happen, think billboards should or shouldn't Ье allowed iп your
the one in sentence а оr the one in sentence Ь? town or city.
3 Which tenses оr vеrЬ forms do we use in the two
cond rtionals?

i*+эs:!t усэ*l i:J1]-1,ьч*г:t {":il i]r:s* ] +rj. Гt+ъ :*='.


Unit 8 B*yer's cholce 95

8В Saving the surf
VOCABULARY BUILDlNG {*нъ:р*шпd **е":*s @ Kead the article again. Answer the questions.

Compound nouns can Ье

1 What did Кперреrs and Stover frnd iп the ocean?
2 Who is Kevrn Ahearn?
two words joined to make one wоrd, like billboard 3 Whеrе does the name of their company соmе frоm?
two words used together to name опе thing, but not 4 Why do frshеrmеп throw therr old nets into the sea?
Joi ned, |ike tou r t St attracri а п
5 ln which countries can you find а Вurео board iп а shop?
The first word always tells us something about the second.
Fоr example, а billboard is а type оf board, not а type of Ьiil, О Пеаа the information about pronouns. Тhеп read the
first paragraph of the article. Say what each рrопоuп
refers to.
@ Пеаd the Vocabulary building Ьох. Тhеп match the
--","*, ^" "
words to make compound поuпs.

i lп а text, рrопоuпs such as this,that,these,those,they,

1 shopping а poIIution i, them,he,sheand iгrеfеrtо otherthings in the text. Fоr
2 air Ь forests ; ехаmрlе, l hаче о пеw skateboord. lt was mode iп Chile.
3 sea с bags i Understanding these connections асrоss sentences wiIl
4 rаiп d рrоgrаmmе i help you understand the text.
5 rесусliпg е life
ltne 2: they
О pKolrlulчclATIoN {*BTp**r:d гi*il* slг*ýs а their surfboards ь Ben ard David с the waves
Listen to the words. Notice the stress. Practise sayin9 Line 6: Гhls
them with а partner. ýЖ а surfrng ь the waves с finding trash
Line В: lis

@ Complete the sentences with the compound nouns а the world Ь action с а friend
from Exercise 'l. Line l6: lt
а Chile Ь Bureo с а skateboard
1 Many supermarkets make shoppers рау for
2 Plastic bags сап end up in the осеап and hurt
CRlTlCAL THlNKING ýd*B:týfuiэtg ýцр**гtýп*
3 Electric cars will help to reduce ýу,вf*rп:*ti*r:
4 !п most countries, selling пеw wood products that
согпе frоm is not allowed. i Writers сап add specrfic informatton to make their
The Body Shop was one ofthe first shops to have а ] text сlеаrеr and mоrе interesting to read, Suppoпlng
for customers to return empty bottles ] information shows why сегtаiп facts аrе true оr rmportant.

@ Underline the supporting information iп the sentences.

- 1 They often find lots of trash - pIastic bags, bottles, and
@ Work in pairs. Look at the compound nouns from the boxes - and old fishnets.
artic|e. What do you think they mеап? What kind of 2 They started а business iп Chile, one of their favourite
company do you think the article i5 about? surfrng destinations.
3 They named their company Bureo, which means rhе
frshermen fishlng boat fishnet skateboard sur-fboard
wачеsiп а native Chilean language.

@ Match the Sentences in Exercise 8 with а reason (а-с)

@ Bead the article. Choose the correct option to
why the extra information was given.
complete each sentence.
а says why someone made а certain choice
Кперреrs and Stover епjоу surfiпg / fishiпg,
Ь explains the meanrng of an unfamiliar wоrd
2 They were unhappy aboutgarboge / fishing Ьоаtsiп
с 9ives specifrc examples of а mоrе generalword
the water.
3 Their company produces fishnets l skoteboards.
4 They collect materials f rоm fishеrmеп / the sea,
5 Their custom ers dоп't core / /оуе whеrе the skateboards
соmе frоm.
The first skateboards appeared iп Poris / Chik,

96 Unit 8 ВuчеrЪ choice

.*iý,ý iýýý{ ýýirý ji:l;lllll

Ben Kneppers encl Dave Stоl,ег 1оче the ocean.

.:,:i::.i.]= It's eas1, to do, and thсrс's no euls\, ý,a\r to get rid of
And tlrey lol,e it l-1ost of а11 п.hеп thеу'ге on their tlrenl - until noll.. Вшrео lras set Llp а fishnet rec:t,cling
sut,flэоагсls. Fог them. therc's nothir-ig better than zr dаy ргоgгаmmе th:rt makes it eas1, to get fid оf old nets.
ollt on the lr,,al,es. Unf'orttrnately, п.hеп they go sr_rrfing, lnsteac1 of thгоrчiпр; thепl оf tlre bozrt and into the
they gfic. find lots сlГ tr:rslr'* - plastic Llags, btlttles and ý..1tег, fishеrmеп сап 1еачс theit old nets at Rltгсо's
tloxes - anc] also tlld fislrncts. Anc] оГ соLlгsе this rn:rkes rесl,сliпg сепtrеs. Tlris is altrrost as еllsy as thT, lrring
thern r-rnhappr,. Bltt thc}, kпоп. that if r.otl jrrst сопlрlаiп them intcl tlrc sca. апd tlre 1сlса1 fishеrrлеп are hарр1,
the ц,огld ч,оп't cllange оп its olr,n, to l-relp cle:rn up the оссап. Rltt,ecl
so thc,v cleciclecl tcl take action. Bcn has а factor1 in Chi]e п,hiсh tr-rгns the
:111d D,.rve got tсlgеthег п,itl-r а fi,ienci old nets into plastic: matcrial to rrr:rkc:
пlrо also loves tl,ie сlсеап end sr_rrfing - skateboarcls. If tsuгео lr.esn't cloing
Ker,,in Аhсагп, Thev stattecl а htsiness зs this п-оrk. tons of olc,l fishnets пюlrlс]
irr Cl-rile, сlпс оf tlreir fhr.or-rгite sr-rгfiпg cncl r.rp in the \\,аtеf as pollution. Tile
clestinatlons. The1, пп-..1 thеiг c:onrpan1, соmрапy tlrTns plastic gzrгЬаgе into
IJr-tгео. rrlritlr rnt,ltnr /llt, 1t'rl,tls in :t Somethin!] реорlе п.апt tcl llu\,.
nativc Chilean langlrage. and it clcsigns. Rlrleo sells its Ьоагds очег the iпtегпеt.
1-1гoclttccs,.rnc1 sells skateboards, +о апс1 аlstl сlеlil,егs thcm to slrops in
\\rlr:rt's tilcl ссlппесtiоп bet\\,een the L_IS. Clrilc. .]apan and Sп-itzегlапсl.
s]t:rteboarcls апс1 pl:rstic gzrrbage'l in tl-re Skatet,s еr,ег\,u,hеrс loTe thern n<lt сlпhl
ocean? Fishnets ате mасlе оf plastiс, becartsc thе\,'ге gгеаt skаtеЬсlагсls. br.rt
\\rl-ren rb,oTkcrs on fisl-iing lloats need to alscl bec;rr.rse thcr. knclri- that Вttгесl is
thгоп- ап.ау, oid ог clan-ragecl nets. thс\, +s clc:at-til-tg r-rp the ()cean. опе оlс1 fislrnet
r_rsu:rll1, jlrst сlrсlр thel,t,t itltcl the sea. :rt е time.

trash, gatbage пtbbish (rS ЕпglЬlэ)

8С New things from old опеs
GRAMMAR ***=i=; г*l*liт= ri*==*::

(р Rеаd the extract in the Grammar Ьох from the article about Bureo. ln each
sentence, what noun does the pronoun in bold refer to?

They got together with а filепd who olso loves the осеап апd surfiпg - Кечiп дhеоrп.

Вurео has set up а fishnet rесусliпg programmethat mokes l[ easy to get rid
оf old пеts. Bureo has о factory tп Chtle which turпs the old пеts iпtо plostic motertal
lo mоkе skaleboards,

€} t-ook at the extract in the Grammar Ьох again. Choose the correct option to
complete each sentence.

1 The рrопоuпs rhrг, who and vruhich introduce mоrе information about the
поuпs that come before l ofterthem.
2 The рrопо uп who rеfеrs to people l things and the рrопоuпs that апd which
usually rеfег to people l thtngs.
3 The information that согпеs after the relative рrопоUп is imроrtапt l поt
imроrtопtlа the mеапiпg of the sentence.

pronoun when it is the

GD look at these two sentences. Сап we leave out the
subject or the object of the relative clause?

1 Bureo has set up а fishnet rесус ing pгogrammethat makes ]t easyto get rlO

of old nets.
2 Bureo has set up а fishnet recycling рrо9rагпmе (that) manyfishermen use,

,::':.,,,,1",,' :._::"i :,:i;i:l' j,.l,:_ 1:; i..",::;_:]],..'


@ Гut the defining relative clauses iп the correct places to complete the

1 Дпijulоs is ап interesting home-furnishings shop :' These are thln9s

fоr ехаmрlе а vase .

а that used to Ье other things

Ь that specializes in 'upcycled' products
с that used to Ье а lightbulb
2 дshеr Jay is а designer
She brings attention to globa issues _,
including епvirопmепtаl and human-rights issues.

а that need solutions

Ь who creates ап and advertising

з Local First is an organizatlon Ьuуfrоm businesses- iп the sam.

аrеа whеrе thеу'rе sold.

а that гпаkе their products

ь that encourages сопsumеrs

4 дrthur Нuапg is ап епglпееr when his согпрапу designed and buit.

store for Nike, he used materials _.
а who believes in using recycled products
ь that wеrе made from old bottles, cans and DvDs

French artist Paulo Grangeon makes pandas out

of recycled paper. Не shows the pandas at famous
landmarks around the world.
Р Cross out the unnecessary relative pronouns in these @ t-ook at the list of words associated with shops
SentenceS. and shopping. Use sentences with defining relative
clauses to say what each thing is. Use а dictionary
Recycling old clothes
if necessary.
1 What can you do with clothes which аrе too old оr
don't fit you any mоrе? cash checkout
2 lf thеу'rе in good condition, why not give them to clothes shop credit саrd
friends who might like them? cUStomer furniture shop
3 Put aside any clothes that you might wear а9аiп опliпе shop sa esperson

and look aI them in а уеаr. second-hand shop security guard

4 Кеер any iп bright colours оr with interesting shoppIng centre su permarket

patterns that you like and make them into оthеr Д сыsrоrпеr iý б реrýOп иrJто &uуs s{il]]etrh jýý iп я shop,
things, e.g, handbags оr bed covers.
5 Give them to а charity which you like to help. @ снооsг
6 Put them iп the rесусliпg bins that the local
1 Use the internet to find photos of upcycled products.
gоvегпmепt provides.
Write sentences that describe them. Use definin9
each sentence with иrhо, that or which, relative clauses. Shаrе your ideas with the class.
@ Complete
where necessary. 2 Pick thrее places whеrе you llke to shop. Write
definitions fоr each using relative clauses, See
1 This is the shirt l made.
if а

2 Shopping tsn't an activity interests me. раrtпег сап guess each place,

3 l have а cousin always gives mе her old 3 Find out about another product like Вurео skateboards
clothes. that comes frоm еlthеr rесусlеd plastic оr metal, lViake
4 leatheг;acket
This is the old l bought а poster explaining how the rесусllпg process works.
from my friend. -
5 That's the shop we like because the
cLoLhes а"ег't expensive.
6 She's the friепd went shopping with me
Ld5L VVceK.

@ Complete the article with relative pronouns where


5hopping for clothes to upcyc|e

Every уеаr, about ten billion kilogrammes of old
clothes апd mater aL (]) по опе wants end
up in the rubbish. Erica Domesek, the fashion dеsigпеr
(2) _ started the рорulаr website
psimadethis.colT, wants to change that. 5he shows
peopLe (З) -want to dress in ап оrigiпаl,
interesting way how to upcycle old clothes. You сап
use your own old things (4) you по lопgеr
wear, оr cheap clothes (5) соmе frоm
thrift stores*.lf you're sоmеопе (6)- loves
shopping, the thrift store option is а 9ood опе. You get
frоm shopping
the pleasure (7)
without the раiп of spending а lot of mопеу. lп one
video, Erica shows how you can choose а Т-shlп in а
colour (В) you rеаllу like, then turn it into
а Гashiorable sсаrf. -comes
thrift store о shop thot sells sесопd-hопd clothes

This table is upcycled from an old tractor.

i Ф Work in pairs. Have you ever thought something goin9
on at your school or home was wrong? Did you do
Whеп you listen to authentic speech, you mау not anything about it? What did you do? Was anything
;rde,sLand еvеrу word. However, Lne гпоSL ;,npo"tanT else possible?
words - usua lv rouns aqd ve,bs - are often stressed.
the si"essed words and L]se them Lo fi9Lrre out SSiSё
Lister Гоr
Ф Watch Part 1 of the talk. Complete the notes.
Lhe ггеаrilg o'what sоmеопе is saying.
Two images of Bali: sland of gods and island of

ф Rеаd the Authentic listening skills Ьох. Then listen to

part of the TED Talk. What do you notice about the РrоЬlеm: most plastic bags аrеп't (2) and
underlined words? Practise saying the sentences with end up in the ocean
а partner.
==.= Solution: say (3) to plastic bags
lп Bali, we 9епеrаtе бВ0 cubic metres of p]astic qаrЬаgе а
N/elati and lsabel: (4)
--- -
Ьу i\4ahatma Gandh
da)z. That's about а fоurtееп storey building. And when it
to go оп а (5) strike
согпеS to plastic bags, less than five реrсепt gets recyСled
Ф WаtсП Part 2 of the talk. Choose the correct option to
ф Listen to another part of the talk. Complete it with the
complete each sentence.
content words you hear.
1 The gочеrпоr of Baii аgrееd lo mееt l talk оп the рhог.
We know that changes the image you mау have of our
r,viГh the girls.
(l) . lt changed ours, too, when we learned
The gоvеrпоr didn't promse / promtsed to help them
about lt, when we ]earned that almost (2)
with their саmраigп.
plastic bags in (З) _- end up in our dгаiпs
Their campaign: fоr shops опd restouronts / beaches tа
and then in оur (4) and then in оuг
Ьесоте 'Ьа9-frее zone>
(5) - . And those that don't even nrake it to
They believe that kids / опlу gочеrпmепrs have the
the --
осеап, they're еithеr (6) -or littered. power to change the wоr d.
They want to StOp people iп shops l at the аirроп апd
ask about their plastic ba9s.

100 Unit 8 Buyer's choice

@ чосдвuLАRy lN coNTExT О lsabel and Melatitell us to'Go for it!'and to'Make
that difference.'What is the best reason why we
а Watch the clips from the talk. Choose the correct should listen to them?
meanings of the words and phrases. lЗ=,_:::=:_=
Ь Complete the sentences so they are true for you.
а They have watched оthеr people successfully make
changes in the world.
1 Thinking of problems iп the world, l'd ike to do
Ь They know that а lot of реорlе believe that plastic bags
samething obout ,.. аrе а serious рrоЬlеm.
2 An ехаmрlе of а person wha wolks his ar her tolkis . . ,
с They've actually done what they're te ling us to do, and
3 Ап example of а person who has mode а difference they've succeeded.
in my life is ..

4 А time in mу life when l wепt fоr itwas when l , . .

5 А person who is а good ехаmрlе fоr others and tries

Work in small groups. lsabel and Melati chose to
to Ье the сhопgе they want in the world is . .
make а positive change in their area. What could

you and your friends do to make your world а better

place? Think about the following:
CRITICAL THlNKlNG L;пd*гstэ-*iгтq *
:***k*г'S *r:Ёh*гiý . where you shop
. the things you buy

When you think about а speaker's гпеssаgе, consider

. how products аrе packaged
their ехреriепсе. When а speaker talks about things they
. what you do with things you по lопgеr use
have actually done, their аrguгпепt is strопgеr. They have Take notes about your ideas,
mo[e authority.
G) WоrК in the same group. Рlап а campaign like the
опе the Wijsen sisters started. Use уоur ideas from
the Challenge Ьох. Think about how you will start the
campaign, what you will do, who will he|p you and
how you will get more support. Present your ideas to
the class.

Unit 8 Buyer's cholce 101

8Е Call to action

@ Work in pairs. Answer the questions. @

. some shopping areas have pedestrian zones _ areas that аrе c]osed to саrs.
Does your town оr city have any pedestrian zones?
. What аrе the benefits of havlng shoppin9 areas with no cars?
. What рrоЬlеms can lэе caused Ьу closing roads?

@ Listen to the presentation. Choose the correct option5 to complete the

paragraph. What is the speaker tryin9 to persuade the audience to do? I о
We wапt to ban ('l) cors / people from the high street, City centre
(2) епtеrtоiпmепt l shоррiпg is ап important рап of the loca] есопоmу. RеsеаrсГ
shows that people enjoy (3) wоlkiпg l eoting outdoors but don't Lrke trаffiс оr аir
pollution. Д pleasant centralarea fоr (4) families l tеепоgеrs wiLl mеап а hаррlеr
town. Д lowing саrs to ruin the (5) shopp tng oreo / traffic is wrong реорlе havc .
right to (6) shop l feel safe,

@ Read the Speaking strategies Ьох. Write the strategy that matches each quota:

Closing roads to trаffrс ts the right thing to do. ALlowin9 саrs to sp,
How to persuade
оur shoppinq аrеа is wrопg,
Use logic:
Think espec ally of famiJies who have young children, They just w, -

Research shows thot . , ,

пiсе place to go shopping.

5сiепсе hos prol еп rhot ,. ,

.,, thеп.,. Research shows that people who shop downtown enjoy walking


don't Like the саr and bus trаffiс.

use emotlon:
Тhiпkоf.., @ Пеаd the situations. ln each case, how would you persuade people in your to,"-
How would уоu fееl if . , .
to make а change? Brainstorm ideas as а class.
Дlу heart tells mе thot , . .

. Реор е throw away а lot of metal, paper and plastic instead of гесусliп9 it.
Use morals (right апd wrопg): . The city Wants to build а shopping сепtrе, but people think it will huп local s- _

. , , is the right thiпg to do . А lot of old clothes end up in the rubbish.There should Ье а 9ood wayto
lt's wrопg to . ,. ехсhапgе, rе use and upcycle clothes.

@ Work in small groups. Choose an idea from Exercise 4.
Make а presentation persuading your audience to make
а change, Use each ofthe three strategies in the Ьох.
WRlTlNG ý р*г=r:**iчr* Ьý*ц р*st
@ Work in pairs. Апswеr the questions.

. Do you have реrfоrmеrs in the shopping areas of your town оr city?

What kinds?
. Do you think busking" should Ье allowed in busy shopping аrеаs? Why?

busking реrfоrmiпg music tп public places for mопеу

@ Пеаd the blog post on page 152, Answer the questions.

1 What did the blogger love about Paris?

2 How does the Ьlоggеr want to сhапgе their town's shopping аrеа?
3 How does the blogger use logic?
4 How does the blogger use emotion?
5 How does the blogger use ideas оf right and wrong?
6 Does the blog persuade you? Why?

@ wВlТllЧС SKlLL lJsi::g **гэ**sirg* la;:Eu*g*

а Read the Writing strategies Ьох. Match the sentences (1-5) with points
from the Ьох (а-е).
Persuading people to make
1 Have you еvеr visited опе? How did it make you feel? а change
2 When l was last in оur capital clty, I noticed ,..
3 l'd like you aLl to write а letter to ask . .
а lntroduce your topic With а

4 lt works rеаllу well thеrе, and it's very popular.

реrsопаl story.

5 lt seems to me that it would Ье better fоr ечеrуопе if . . .

Ь iVlention successful examples of
the crange you're a,9ui^9 for.
Ь Work in groups. What three пеw things would you |ike your area to с Ask rеаdеrs to think of thеir own
have? Why? ехреriепсе and describe the
We shluld have вп art gallery. lf we llad впе, ttлеп ,.. emotional side of your рrороsаl.

с Think of three possible arguments for each thing уоu chose in Exercise ВЬ,
d Explain what's wrопg and what
wou d Ье right.
one logical, опе emotional and опе mora|.
е End with а call to action that

Choose опе of уоur ideas from Exercise В and write а blog about it. Use the explains exactly what you think
StrUcture from the Writin9 Strategies Ьох. people should do.

@ Ехсhапgе blogs with а partner. Check each other's work. Does it use the ideas
from the Writing strategies Ьох? Does it persuade you about their ideas?
9А Work should Ье fчп!
О му pERspEcTlvE
Wоrk in pairs. Discuss the questions.

. Look at the photo. Would you like to have this;ob? Why? / Why not?
. Rank the aspects of а job frоm l (most important) to 5 (least important)

making а lot of money working close to home

doing something you enjoy being рап ofa team
doing something important with your life

. Do you аgrее with the title of the lesson? Why? / Why not?

@ МаtсП the jobs (1-10) with the correct description (a-j). Use а dictionary
if necessary.

1 software developer а designs devIces like smartphones

2 electronic епgiпееr Ь gives people le9aladvice
3 nurse с helps people who are ill, usually
4 doctor with less training than а doctor
5 accountant d designs computer programmes
6 secondary school teacher е helps teena9ers lеаrп
7 chef f рrераrеs and inspects financial
8 architect information апd money
9 dentist g designs buildings
10 |аwуеr h provides саrе fоr people's teeth
i рrераrеs and cooks food
j helps people who аrе ill, usually
with mоrе trarning than а nurse

@ Wnicrr workers are the most necessary? Rank the jobs from Exercise 2
from most to least needed in your country. (1 = most necessary, 'l0 = least
necessary) Тhеп look at page 'l54 to see which jobs are most
needed worldwide.

@ took at these jobs. Which category (1*5) does each one Ьеlопg to? Think of
one mоrе job for each category. Use а dictionary if necessary.

chiefexecuttve сlеапеr worker

construction fасtоrу worker
firеfightеr mапаgеr wоrkеr
office paramedic
police оffiсеr rероrtеr salesperson shop mапаgеr

1 emergency services jobs

2 office оr deskjobs
3 trades
4 retailjobs
5 other

@ Work iп pairs. Answer the questions, Use these expressions.

. Which of the jobs in Exercises 2 апd 4 would you most and least like to do?
. Аrе there other jobs поt mentioned that you're interested in? What аrе they?

l'd like ta Ье а(п) .., because it's а(п) interesting / exciting / fuп /
well-paid jab.
l wоuldп't like ta Ье а(п) .,. because it's а daпgerous / boring / diffrcult /
law-paid jab"

Unit 9 All in а dауЪ work 105

LlSTENlNG Ф му pERspEcTlvE
@ Listen to Tomas and Julia talking about photographer Think of а job you liked in Exercise 5. What qualities or
Anand Varma. What's important to JUlia in а job? skills would you need for that job? Choose from the list
What's important to Tomas? Write J оr Т. :.,:.,'_:=_= оr think of your оwп ideas.

adventu rе fun Ье Ьrаv.о ье а hard wогkег

safety stayinq пеаr family Ье organized Ье strong
Ье qood at cookinq Ье а qood communicatoi

ф Listen again. Аrе the sentences true (Т) or false (F), or is

the information not given (NG)?
==::== GRAMMAR *=.:i
1 ]ulia wou d like to trаvе] fоr wоrk.
2 Tomas has travelled а lot. ý} look at the words iп bold in the Grammar Ьох. How do
3 Julia hasn't decided exactly what job she wants yet. we form the past perfect tense?
4 Tomas says if Julia wants to have а job like Anand
Vаrmа, she сап do it.
5 Tomas wou d like to have а job ike Anand Varma's. а Ву the tjmе he was а teenager, he'd decided he wапtеd rо
6 Tomas says he'd like to Ье а doctor, ье о scieпtist.
7 Гоr ]u]ia, it's important to have ап interestlng job.
Ь He'd already had job wоrkiпg iп о frsh shop before he
.]ulia thinks Tomas shou d consider being а paramedic
storted universtty,
9 .]ulia wants to make а lot of mопеу.
10 Tomas wants а job that's vеrу excit ng. с Не hadn't worked as рhоtоgrорhеr Ьеfоrе he gat
а 0 job
os ап assistont photogrophet.
Look at the examples iп the Grammar Ьох а9аiп, Choose @ look at the timeline of Jacques-Yves Cousteau's life,
the correct option to complete each sentence. Тhеп use the words and time expressions to make
Sentences with the past 5imple and past perfect.
1 According to а, Anand decided to become а sctentist
Ьеfоrе lwhепhе was а teena9er. 1 Ье 21 / discover love of the ocean (Ьу the time)

2 According to Ь, Anand worked in а fish shop before / Ву the time he was 2I, he had discovered his |ave
afterhe went to university. of the асеап.
3 According to с, Апапd had l didn't hсvе ехреriепсе 2 cousteau Ье iп the navy for two уеаrs / travel around
working as а photographer Ьеfоrе he became ап ihe world (when)
aSSlStant рhоtо9rарhеr.
3 cousteau glve 20 уеаrs of his life to the осеап / receive
4 We use the past реrfесt for actions iп the past that mопеу from the National Geographic Society fоr his
happen Ьеfоrе / after а mоrе rесепt action. wоrk (when)
two чеrь tenses are used in each sentence? 4 Cousteau write the book / Ihe Siiепt Wold / make the
@ wпiсп
film (Ьеfоrе)
Checý< у*ыr ап5W*r5 *n раs* ] 44, *е ýx*rcises ] -4" 5 Cousteau Ье а TV star / fоr mоrе than 15 years / he
receive the Medal of Frееdоm (Ьеfоrе)
@ write ] оr 2 in the brackets after each verb to show 6 he die / shаrе his love of the осеап / with millions оf
which action happened first and which happened people around the worid (Ьу the time)
@ Маке а timeline of your life. lnclude at least five
Ву the time my brother got (Z) his first;ob, he had experiences or things you have learned, for example
spent ( 7 ) а yearworking as а builder. when you Ьеgап studying English, when you started
l had decided (_) to study electronic епgiпееriпg, playing а Sport or musical instrument, when you
уеаrs Ьеfоrе l left
discovered something you love.
l went (_) to the interview, еVеп though l had аlrеаdу
accepted (_) another job. Work in pairs. Make sentences with the past simp|e
N/y mother had trаiпеd Lj as а teacher Ьеfоrе she
and past perfect to describe each other's timelines,
had (_) the children.
Ву the time уаu wеrе eight years ald, yau had
Ву the time the соmрапу advertised (_) the
job on its
(_) the new sales discovered tharyau laved Brt.
website, they had aIready chosen
manaqer. Whеп yau were three, you had already started
рlауiпg football.

@ WоrК in pairs. With your partner, discuss one or two jobs

that would fit each other's life experiences and interests,
you've played {aotball since yau were three, Мауье
you could Ье а prafessionalfoatballer ar о caach,


- Jfl?f;fj ,he-world
onal ::,:
l l l ],З7,1,"'.п
"",n, l educat l

ll l;;",i;,
l"y,;::;;,:2zy:,!:,;Zxyi;!: lun"
l l lffi:"- ,Thesilent|cousteauodlssЧ
l ol о Ll"JPubshedl о I

I Frепсh
oftheocean l;r',::A?;'"
l}:*.Ii,..,лл |
l***u l award at the Lannes Fllm Fе:
lfffif*;,.,J,Ё:lк:Jн,н?,.зi*., l}Т,Ъ,,*,*".
l from president
l ffiil;:;;.,.
l |

l :lЁж?* l а,"йк:ulJJ,"#Jn.}1.;::*л

Unit 9 All in а day's work 1О7

9В What do you want to Ье whеп уоч grow uр?
VOCABULARY BUlLDlNG D*р*язd*rэt Danh says that you study а lot ofsubjectslo рrераге
you fоr апу possible саrееr / discover whot's tnteresttng,
Aslan says that paramedics and firefighters dоп't lеаrп
Certain verbs аrе usually followed Ьу а рапiсulаr their jobs at / dоп't usuolly finish school.
preposition. These dependent prepositions аrе followed
Ьу а noun or pronoun.
@ КеаО the sentences. Who said each one?

We asked for he!p. 1 History helped me develop critical thinking skills.

2 History is interesting, but not usefulfor mу job.
Sometimes ап o!'ect can go between the чеrЬ and 3 The most important thing you lеаrп about in school
preposition. is yourself.
l borrowed а реп from him,
4 l don't rеmеmЬеr what I lеаrпеd in school.
5 School teaches you basic skills before you lеаrп special
skills fоr уоur job.
@ Пеаd the Vocabulary building Ьох, Comptete the
sentences with the correct dependent preposition.

fоr frоm оп with

CRlTlCAL THlNKlNG Еd*пtifуЕtзg t*аз*

l А writer's siyle оf writing may affect how you feel about

1 Не applied job in а bank.
а .

l agree
the subject. А pleasant оr'wаrm'tопе сап make you
2 the idea of leaving school еаrlу if

you want to start working.

the writer. А negative or'cold'tone mау make you want t

3 They graduated university last уеаr and

to drsagree with them, А factual tone may consider mоrе

ihan опе point of view and сопчiпсе you to аgrее

found work immediately. :

the writer.
4 How much moneyyou еаrп depends
how mапу hours you work.
5 She introduced me _ hеr brother. О Bead the Critical thinking Ьох. Тhеп answer
6 you don't have to decide а саrееr in the questions,
secondary school, оr еvеп iп college ог university. 1 Which of the writers has а negative tone? How can
you tell?

READlNG 2 Which of the writers has the warmest tone? Why?

3 Which writers have а factuaI tone? How do you know?
О му pERspEcTlvE 4 Which answer do you а9rее with the most?

Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Why? @ Пеаd the responses. Whose Nо answer is each
The mоiп rеаsоп for gоiпg to schaol is to get о job, one addressing?

1 l сап see what уоu'rе saying, but the jobs you mention
@ Пеаd about understanding different points of view.
involve а lot of skills, not just опе. 1п those jobs - and
Тhеп read the title of the survey. What аrе the three
in уоur job - you need to Ье able to look саrеfullу
possibIe answers to the question in the title?
at situations and to solve problems, sometimes very
i quickly. Those аrе skills you practise iп school.
Texts sometimes contain different points оf view оп а
2 l see what you mean. You lеаrп facts at school, but
i sinqle topic. Understanding the different points of view
that isn't the main reason fоr going. When you do
y,i, :: :р]::::Р: y:"ll_:
[ :: : Hl : l, I",:::,:_у_l Iз.?]5" " " schoolworK you develop study and rеsеаrсh skills, and
you also learn to work with people iп ап organization.
@ Bead the survey. Which two writers .,.

1 answer,No? 2 answer Иеs? 3 answer МоуЬе? О му pERspEcTlvE

Work in 9roups. Discuss the questions.
@ Пеаd the survey а9аiп. Choose the correct option to
complete each sentence. . Think about the things you do at school. How do you
think they рrераrе you fоr working life?
1 Lydia says that most of hеr school subjects wеrе
. Which school subjects do you think will Ье the most
useful / uselessfor herjob.
and least important for your future wоrk?
2 Sophia thinks school developed her miпd / study skills,
3 Daniela lеаrпеd skills for hеr job ot / ofter she leftschool
4 Paul believes that school sports develo р
job skitls / the
body, but поt the miпd.

108 Unit 9 All iп а dауЪ work

,.] . t
i,у i


lr t,,

alэolrt Гооd, Wlren I got m,v fiTst job, t,nv boss saic1 it
Ап online surve},* asked working people
s r,vas the Lleginning of пrу c:clr-rc:ltion, - Daniela, chef
аrочпd the worId if school had prepared them for
ý''hen vоu pla,v football at school, }'ou 1еагп alэout the
their jobs" Here's what six of those people said" Sроrt - the rtrles. hоw to mоче the bali, etc, - 1эtrt
yor_r also 1еаrп about п,,оrkiпg ц,ith а team,
]n most
Ii yоrз п,апt to Lle е sоt-ýl,аrе clesigner :rnd build an
jobs, yotl п,,ork r,r,ith some kind сlf team, Pl:rving
5 nl]P, vott don't neecl to kпс;п, zrbor-rt history, literattlre
or 1эiology.
-it/I-ren I applic:c1 foT m.v first j<lb, 1 hadn't rо .rро*. at School definitely рrоr,iсlесl mе п,ith :r lot оГ
leaTnec1 ап,Y соmрutег рг()gгJпllпiпg оr pToject teatnп,olk skills. - Paul, mапаgеr
menagement skills. Learning facts about Anclent Rclme Nltclst реорlе clon't Ьесоmе biologists, so stuLdying
anc1 Ancient China п,аs inteгesting. lltrt l haven't biolog1, mа}i not Ье useftrl fоr yor,LT job, so in sotne
ro tlrem in rnv jclb. - Lydia, software engineer cascs, school doesn't ргераге yoll чеf}r well, Hoт,,ever,
зs school introcluces yoll to а lot оl ideas and sulljects,
NIy granclrncltl-ier опсе tolcl mе that at sclrclol sl-re hadn't
Yotr рrоЬаЬlу need to stucllr lэiolog1, to discover if
1earned чlhаt to tlrink; sl.e'c1 1еаrпес1 hо,*^ to think,
about аге interested in it от r-iot. school lrelps you lеагп rvhat
аgгсе r.l.itlr hеr. Whеп we sttrф history, r,r,e 1еагп

p.opt". politics, rnistakes in the past and the lristory of you like and clon't 1ike. encl then yotr can clecicle on
,, g..ri ideas. А11 оf these things trelp us to trnclerstand the гight саIсеf. Lintil my math tеасhег toid nre I corrld
Ь.,r pla.e in the пKllld апс1 to 1еаrп to think с:lеаrlу, Ву +о Ьесоmе ап accollntant, I clicln't know- tl,iat jolэ exlstecl,
- Danh, a(countant
the iime I gгadlrated fionr high sclrool, I l-iac1 definitely
1еаrпес1 to think. },Iy gгапсlmоtl-rег п,аs гight! -
Sophia, or at least not Гоr mе, I)oes а раrаrrrеdiс
Not at а11 -
1еагп to clrive ап amburlance at school? I don't think
Does а Гlrеfightеr lеаfп to fight fires at school? Nечеr,
zo It clepencls оп the type ol job ,vorr п,апt, If yoll w,ant
+s Sac111., for most,jobs, y<_lu don't need to knoъ, the
to Ье а tеасhег, tlren school is the реrfЪсt pгepaгetion,
IГ yоu ц.апt to Ье а clref, schoo1 is а greet Steгt,
but things you lеагп in school. I fоrgоt about scl'oo1 ц,,hеп
need to iearn I startec1 r,vorking. - Aslan, construction Worker
then you need soпrething mоrе - you

Соm m е nts а do pted fro m Debate,o r g.

Unit 9 All in a day's work 109

9С She said it wasn't just about
the mопеу
GRAMMAR i"-i*5r:-**
@ t-ook at the photo and quote. When does Саrmеп say she Started rасiп9?
When does she say driving became her job?

Sophia's grandmother: 'At school, l Му grandmother опсе told mе that

didn't lеаrп whatto think; l learned at sсhоо| shehadn't learned whar to
hor.rz to think,' thiпk; she'd lеаrпеd how to thiпk.

The boss: 'This job is the beginning of Whеп l got mу first job, mу boss said it
wos Lhe Ьеgiппiпq о{ mу еduсаtiоп.
уоur еd;саtiог.'
Tne mагh> Leacher: You сап become Му maths teacher told mе l could
ап aCCountant.' Ьесоmе ап ассоuп|,апl ,

Lvdia: 'l haven't used facts about Lydia soid she hadn't used facts obout
Апсiепt Rome апd Апсlепt China ln дпсiепt Rоmе опd дпсiепt chtna tп
my job,' her iob,

iQ} Look at the examples of direct speech and reported speech in the Grammar
Ьох. Then answer the questions.
1 what happens to the present simple in direct speech when we rерогt the wогds,
2 What happens to the past simple?
3 What happens to the present perfect?
4 What happens to the modal vеrlэ ссл?
5 How do the ргопоuпs / and you change?

@ t-ook at these words from Carmen's quote. Put them into reported speech.

1 J entered my frrst go-kart rасе at the а9е of 12 . . .

2 l continued with my studies апd universlty ...

3 ] started drivlng full time at а9е 20.

@ Пеаd Саrmеп Jorda's direct speech about her work. complete the
reported speech.

1 fother took mе to see mу first Fоrmulо 1 Grапd Prix ot the oqe оf etght.
саrmеп said hеr father _-- hеr to see hеr frrst Fоrmulа l Grand Рriх
at the а9е of eig ht.
2 Дt еlечеп l received mу first gо-kап.
she said she her first go-kart when she was е еvеп.
3 l've Ьееп --
worktng hord for а lопg timе to get thts орроrtuпitу.
she said she working hard fоr а long time to get that
орро rtu п ity,--
4 lt has olwoys Ьееп mу dream, ltrotn stx days а week,
She said it --- always Ьееп dream апd that she
six days week.

5 lf опе wаmап соп do it, thеп mапу сап achteve it!

She saicl if one woman do it, then гпапу achieve lt
- --
Listen to part of ап interview with а teenage footballer ф Work in groups of three, А, В and С. Take turns to Start,
who hopes to become а professional. Complete the student А: Think of something you did last weekend
i nterviewer's q uestions. Say it vеrу quietly to
оr have done today

1 а professional footbal er? Student В.

2 the most about the game? Student В: Report Student A's words quietIy to
Student С,
З played it?
4 _-to football? Student С: TeIl Student А what he/she said
5 -becomlngcollege оr university? i. i":'::i:,:,,
6 Do you think а scholarship"?
- --
scholarship mопеу to рау for educatlon fоr students who
show speciol tаlепt

ф ln уоur notebook, write Elena's answers to the

ф cHoosB
questions from Exercise 5 as reported speech. Yоu
don't need to remember her exact words.
. work п pairs. writе down frve questions to ask each
other about school оr аftег school activitres. Ask and
anSWer the questions. Then use rероrtеd speech to
rj'li l-]j']ll1, i,], i,
explain уоur partne/s answers to another раir,
. tind ап interview with ап athlete оr another сеlеЬritу
that you admire. Write alэout what they said lsing
ф Work in pairs. Take turns to ask and answer qUestions
reported speech.
about the interview with Elena.
. Ask some adults you know fоr advice about рrераriпq
for the wor]d of work. Give а short presentation
ехрlаiпiпq their answers. Use reported spe,^ch,

Two U5 high school students fight for the ball durin9 а

game of football. Fоr some students, Sports are а Way to get
into colle9e.


AUTHENTlc LlSTENlNG SKlLLS Which two of these things did Ellen do to reach hеr
goa of becoming а sailor?
а saved to buy а boat с worked in а boat shc;
Ь геаd books about sailing d took saillng classes
Words such as preposition s {to, of , from), auxiliary verbs
(оrе, wоs),согju.rсtiогs lопd, Ьur\ агd агtiсlеs \а, Lhe\ ELlen's school said that she wasn't сlеvеr enouqh to
aren't usuaIly stressed. These unstressed words аrе called do what?
weak fоrms. The vowel sound iп а weak form is usually the а beavet Ь Ье а sаilоr ( go to со е0.
schwa so;nd, /а/. 4 Whеп she was 2l, Ellen гпеt sогпеопе who helped hc
do whlch two thlп9s?

ф Пеаd the Authentic listening skills Ьох. Listen to the а lеаrп howto sai ( get а jоlэ iп а соlтраг

sentences frоm the talk. underline two weak forms Ь design а boat d sai arolnd the wоr С
in the first sentence and three weak forms in the
ф Complete the experiences Еllеп had when she sailed
===.:= around the world. Then watch part 2 of the talk and
1 When you're а chiLd, anything and everything is possible. пumЬеr them in the order she talks about them. :...:-:::.__::,,,:

2 The chal enge, so оftеп, is hanging оп to that as we

grow Up.
lэ оwп broke сifгffi finished hit saw toc

ф Work in pairs. Underline the words that could Ье weak а to the top of the mast (the highest рап
forms. Then listen and check. i==.ii= ofthe sai ing boat)
1 l wil пеvеr forget the excitement as we closed the coast. ь sunsets and wildIife
2 l will never forget the fee ing of adventure as с imbed с almost ап icelэerg I
on board the boat and stared into her tiпч cabin fоr the d wеrе over Ьу the wind
first tiп-le е everything she needed fоr thrее months
f а speed rесоrd
,l secold posiLio^
ffi Bllen says the race was both tough and amazing.
ф Watch Part 1 of the talk. Choose the correct responses
Which experiences iп Exercise 4 do you think wеrе
for each question.
mostly tough? Which were mostly amazing?
1 Whrch three of these dld Еllеп experlence whеп she
fiгst went оп а boat?
а chalenge с excitement е dапgег
ь adventure d freedom f rеlахаtiоп

112 Unit9 Alinaday'swork

G) watcn Part З of the talk. Correct the sentenceS. _-'_-. ,_,i @ vocлBuLARy lN coNTExT

1 Ellen realized suddeniy that the global economy is а watch the clips from the talk. choose the correct
фtrФ.€nt{r,o{s,iliving оп а boat '
j, , , ::i--: #J, meaning of the words. -1==-_:::.:.__=
2 she decided to continue the job of sailin9 around Ь Complete the sentences.
the worLd 1 When l'm оldеr, l'll have the freedom to .. .

3 she ta]ked to chlefexecutives, experts, scientists and 2 lхДу гоuqhеsг class is , .


econom!sts to teach them. 3 rt l go Lo .о',е9е, l m gnt [ocu, оп ,..

4 Нег 9reat-grandfather owned а соаl mine. 4 Ihе globaltopic that l'm most interested iп is . , ,

5 According to the world coal Association, thеrе is 5 l had .. but l used itlthem uр.
enough coal for 1В0 mоrе уеаrs.
6 Other valuable mаtеriаls - сорреr, tin, Zinc, silver - @ Work in pairs, Discuss the questions.
аrе not lim]ted. . Ellen says her first trip WaS toU9h and amazin9. What
tough things have you dопе? What amazin9 thin9s
@ Watctr Part 4 of the talk. Are these sentences true (Т) or
have you seen?
false (F), or is the information not give (NG)? :"====:=-r:
. Ellen's drеаm job WaS to Ье а sаilоr Think about your
1 Еllеп thinks we сап stop waste in food packagin9, саr dream job. How could you use it to make the world а
enqines, еlесtгопiс equipment and food better place?
2 Ellen thlnks we should USe епеrgу еffrсiепt light bulbs . Have you had а mогпепt when you 'connected the dots'
3 Whеп El!en's great-grandfather was Ьоrп, there were апd started to think differently about something? What?
25 саrS lп tne Wоrlо,
4 Ellen's great-grandfather desi9ned the first ColrlpUter,
5 Ellen says that hеr talk glves а рlап for the future, Listen to another extract from Ellen's talk. Answer
6 Еl]еп thinks young people should lead the change, the questions. iý:ýЗý

G) му pERspEcTIvE
1 when Е]lеп lеаrпеd mоrе about the woгld's finite
materia]s, what did she do?
ln the quote at the top ofthe ра9е, Еllеп says that
2 What did she realize about the world's есопоmу?
anything is possible for children, and that the challen9e 3 ЕllеП ends the talk ЬУ saying Д/оr,ч we hove а рlап.
is hanging оп to that as we grow up. When уоu were
What is Ellen's рlап?
чеrу уоuп9, what did you think it would Ье like to Ье
older? ls your perspective different поw? How?

Unit 9 Аl i. а oay's wor| 1 'l 3

9Е What does а UX designer do?
О Work in pairs. Look at the photo and discuss the questions,

Does this workplace look interesting оr Ьоriпg to you? Why?

Would you like to work like this? Why? / Why not?

@ Listen to part of а conversation between а student and а careers adviser.

Choose the best words to complete each sentence. i__ýSi:_ё

Talking about skills and interests 1 The studentenjoys l dоеsп'tепjоу usin9 computers,
l love (computer gomes). 2 д UX designer helps make prodUCts that аrе beautiful to look ot / easy ta use.
3 А lot of UX designers wоrk fоr schools l Ьапks,
l get good morks iп (lT),lltke it,
4 lf you want to Ье а ux designer, you should study сrrl sсtепсе.
|'m поt very good at (loпguages),
|'ve olwoys Ьееп interested tп @ Listen again. Tick (il the phrases iп the Useful language Ьох that you hear.
(softyyore) ý.ý=:n-:::_=

(Дrt) is апе of mу fovourtte subjects.

|'d like to work (with mу hапds / @ пкопt u lrtclATloN *r:*:tii+* i*:***ti*::

outside). а Listen again to the questions from the conversation. Notice how the
Asking about careers intonation rises or falls at the end of the question. Mark it at the end of
each question. 1ý*..1ё
What does а (UX dеsigпеr) do?
1 Have you еvег heard of the job of UX designer? */ý
Where do (UX designerl work?
2 ls lt а computing job?
What do (lJX designers) пееd?
3 What does а user ехреriепсе designer do?
How muсh trоtпtпg does а (UX 4 Whеrе do UX designers wоrk?
dеsigпеr) hove to toke? 5 Аrе UX designers well paid?
Дrе (lJX dеsigпеr) well paid?
Ь Listen again. Practise saying the questions. ъ.:..._,:':
How muсh do (UX destgners) еоrп?
G) Work in pairs. Turn to ра9е 154. Take turns asking and answering questions
where / How соп lfiпd out mоrе
about the job? about jobs.

lп mапу workplaces, people work together instead of

having their оwп offices.

ж Jтsуч"Jý

, :
WRlTlNG ý Ё*rгъ=*ý ***Ёý

@ Пеаd the email оп ра9е 'l52. Tick (r/) the information that the writer
includes. Number the ones you have ticked iп the order they appear.

the rеаsоп fоr writiпg

tnformation about the reader's соlтрапу
some information about the writеr
а question about how much l\,4r Danoffearns
questions about how to lеаrп mоrе about UX design
а request for а rерlу

@ wвIтllчс SKlLL lr:*iг*сt q**зti**s

Read the Writing strategies Ьох. Then read the email again. Underline
how lgnacio asks the questions below in the email. Does he use direct or
indirect questions? Indirect questions аrе mоrе polite
1 What аrе the most useful subjects? than dirесt questions.
2 Do l need а university degree to wоrk iп UX design? Direct questio п,. What do you like
3 ls there а website оr magazine? about уоur job?

ь Choose а job from Exercise 5. Write three direct questions about the job. ]ndirect question: Could you tell

( Now rewrite the direct questions from Exercise 7Ь as indirect questions.

mе whot you like about your job? /
kпоw whоr yau епjоу
|'d |ike to
1 Could you tell mе
about yaur job,
2 Do you kпоw if
3 l'd like to know if

@ Write ап email to introduce yourself and ask for information about the job.
Use the email оп ра9е 152 as а model.

@ Exchange emails with а partner. Check each other's work. Does it include
the necessary information and use indirect questions?


1ОА lnventions: past, present, future
@ Work iп pairs. Answer the questions.

Look at the photo. What things сап you see? Do you See апу technologies
that you recognize? what else do you think а rоьоt like this could do?
Do you think this could rеаllу hарреп? What advantages оr disadvantages are
there in robots takinq jobs frоm people?

@ Throughout history, technology has changed how people understand and

connect to the world. Read the facts about techno|ogy. Match the words in
bold (1-12) with the best category (а-о).
. When we think of ('l) technology, We usually picture modern (2) inventions
and (З) digital machines like smartphones, laptops and tablets. But technology
is anything we make оr use that helps us do something оr (4) control the world
we live in. Even simple office (5) equipment like pens, pencils and еrаsеrs were
опсе important new (6) developments.
. scientists used to believe that опlу humans made and used (7) tools, but
iп the researcher..lane Goodall watched chimps 9о through а careful
(в) process of taking leaves off small Ьrапсhеs so they could use them to
catch insects.
. (9) Research shows that nowadays many people feel that (10) progress
in technology iS too faSt. They say we need to think mоrе саrеfullу about
the possible drawbacks, such as what happens when оur compltcated
(1 l) electronic equtpment gOeS Wron9. We can't usuaIly just (l2) switch

the machine off and then switch it back оп againl

а four nouns fоr things people use I"
Ь two nouns that mеап сhапgе оr tmрrочеmепt
с опе поuп that mеапS а series of acttans оr Step| to do sоmеthiпg
d опе vеrЬ that mеап5 to mоkе 5оmеапе оr Something do whotyou wопt
е опе поUп that mеапS о careful study of something
f two ad;ectives we often use when we talk about technology
9 опе phrasal vеrь with two particles that means startlstop somethtng

@ complete the sentences using words from Exercise 2. Then discuss the
question from item 'l with а partner.

1 Do we simply use our оr does it us?

sometimes iп this age, it сап Ье difficult to knowl

2 Recent have made compUter smaller

and smaller

3 People rely mоrе and more оп new But is this rеаllу


has found that these things аrеп't just

that we use when we need them - mапу of us рау mоrе attention to оur
smartphone than to the people around us,
5 Trying to teach yourself not to look at уоur phone so often сап Ье а difficult

6 You shouId always your computer рrореrlу so that

you don't lose any wоrk. We need to Ье саrеful with

Unit 10 Remote controI 117

LlSTENlNG ф Listen to the lecture апd check уочr answers,
=:=, ==

ф му pERspEcTlvE @ Listen again. Answer the questions. :S.:_--lj

Which of these technologies are most useful for you? 1 What гпеssаgе was often sent Ьу smoke signal?
Rank them from ] (most useful) to б (least useful), 2 who used birds fоr communicatioп?
Then compare your list with а partner, 3 Who рrоЬаЬlу had the first marl service?
4 Whеrе did scientists develop the telegraph?
саmеrа computer phone рriпtеr tab]et TV
5 What was the message of the first phone call?
6 Why Wasn't the mоЬ]]е рhопе useful Until l979?
ф WorK in pairs. Discuss the questions. 7 When did email become рорulаr?
8 What was the first text message?
. Do you use an electronic device еvеrу day? lf so, what? 9 What does the sреаkеr согпраrе пеw technology to?
. what kind of problems сап using еlесtrопiс devices
са u se? Ф work in pairs. what do уоu think could Ье the next big
. How mапу different ways of communicatin9 сап you thing iп communication technology?
think оf?
. Which way of communicating do you use гпоst
often? Why? GRAMMAR ýtr= i.==::{:iJ*

rook at the timeline about the history of communication Ф the sentences from the lecture in the Grаmmаr
ф t_ook at

technology at the bottom ofthe page. Match each type ьох. underline the verb in each sentence, circle the
of communication below with а date оп the timeline, subject of each verb,

.r.::.i-:+_.:.-.:]:]::i:]::iý]::sltrj ::]:.:: : ]: _ :]: ] : .: _ ]: ] ]:]]]]

l Соmmuпtсоtiоп all over the чуоild is Sееп as perfectly


The first smoke message was sent about l а,а00 years ago,

The first tеlерhопе . , , was made iп l В76.

next big thing jп 1992.

telephone cell phone" The first text message was sепt

ф Bead the sentences in the Grаmmаr Ьох again, choose


the correct option to complete each rule,

we fоrm the passive with the чеrь rо Ье / to hove апd

,LJ lhе рrеsепt lрсsr participle
we put the subject of the passive verb Ьеfоrе l ofter
the Verb.
smoke smartphone

cell phone mоЬilе рhопе (US Engltsh\

tr AugL,st of 20l6, а sigга (З) (receive)
ф Compare these two sentences and answer the
that was very different from the usual noise. When the
siqna (4) (shаrе) with experts around
а Дlехапdеr Groham Bell mаdе the first рhопе coll tп 1В76. the world, they aqreed that it was very interesting. Was lt
ь The first рhопе coll was mode tп l8/б, а message that (5) (send) from another
planet а smoke signal saying We оrе here? No опе knows
1 Which sепtепсе is active? Which is passlve? (study)
fоr sure. Every possilэle message (б)
2 Which sепtепсе focuses оп the реrsоп who did
carefully, and the work continues.
the action?
3 what is the focus of the other sentence? clATlo N 1i:*=: * i:+::i,.;*,.,i:гi:s
ф В По lrt u lrt i

4 What happens to the ob;ect of the active sепtепсе?

а Listen to the sentences. Underline the passive verb
. :, ::, : : -',:_ phrases. Which part of the verb phrase is stressed:
Ье, the past participle or both? ýЗ:_i,:iё
Match the two parts of the passive sentences.
1 Ап еаrliеr гпеssаgе was received in the US iп 1974.
1 The most popular smartphones and tablets
2 The signal wasn't produced on Еапh - it саmе
2 А smапрhопе is basically а mobile phone that
frоm space.
3 These phones аrе small, hand-he d devices that
з i\4essages аrе sent from Earth into space ечеrу day.
4 The idea of comblning telephones апd computers
4 Еvеrу time а mobile phone call is made, оr а TV ог
5 But the first telephone + computer machines
radio show is broadcast, а signa1 is sent into space.
6 ln the l 990s these basic phones
iVlaybe this information is studied оп another planet
7 Ву the еаriу 2000s simple smartphones
8 Тhеп iп 2О07 the first smartphone with а 1аr9е sсrееп Ь Complete the rule.
ln affirmative passive verbs we usually stress
а was frrst thought of as еаriу as l909.
, but in negatives we stress
Ь was produced and mobile phones changed fоrеvеrl
с аrе used all over the world today.
d were developed to send and rесеivе emails апd faxes с Practise saying the sentences with а partner.
е are used in а similar way to а computer.
f wеrе sold and used in mапу countries.
ф t-ook at these examples of technology. Write а
paragraph about опе of them and the ways that it is
g is connected to the internet.
used. Use the passive.
h wеrе invented iп the USA in 197l.
а computer а реп а sгпаrtрhопе
ф Complete the article with the passive voice of the
verbs, Use the present simple or past simple.
Messages from space?
The RATAN-600 rаdiо telescope iп Russia
(l) (turп оп) in 'l974. lt ffi Work in smal| groups. Read your paragraph to the
(2) (buiid) to receive radio signals group. Think of other ways to use the technologies уоur
frоm space. Most of the signals аrе just'space поisе', 9roup wrote about.
but Sometimes, scientists hеаr radio signals wiih
сегtаiп patte,rs гhаt they think may Ье messages,
, :.

]],: ...,ii |,,,, .,,,.1,.-1,.,;,.: ..,,,l].i., ,,

|.,| : ...r..... .:.,


:...|a,.|.:. . ,

|| -| .

The Pony Express mailservice in the United States

linked the East апd West Coasts of the country.
1оВ Can tech teach чs?
VOCABU LARY BUI LDl NG 1&f*r* f*g::i!i*s @ Пеаd the first paragraph of the article. Separate
the chunks.
; iVany words have а basic form which we can use to make
i vеrЬs, nouns and other parts ofspeech. @ Rеаd the article, Underline phrases оr sentences in
the article that support these ideas. Соmраrе your
@ Complete the table with the other forms of the words. answers with а partner,
Use а dictionary if necessary.
1 The game between Fап Hui and AlphaGo was important.

Verb Noun (thing) Noun (person)

2 Fап Hui respected AlphaGo as а рIауеr.
3 AlphaGo wasn't рrоgrаmmеd like other computers,
develop (]) developer 4 AlphaGo learned to play Go iп а way that is similar to
lmрrоVе (2) the way а person learns.
achieve achievement (з) 5 AlphaGo taught Fап and Lee some new things about Go.

(4) equipment
@ Пеаd the article again. Choose the best option to
d isappoint (5) complete each sentence.
entertain entertainment (6)
1 AlphaGo won because it
а copied moves made Ьу humans.
@ Complete the article with words from Exercise 1.
Ь made а surprising move.
А short history of artificial intelligence с oion't follow the rules.
Computer experts and software ('l) fi rst AlphaGo
began trуiпg to create апifiсiаl intelligence (Аl) in the 1950s. а was programmed to win.
Their earliest (2) included teaching ь can make about three mlillоп difгеrепt moves.
computers to play 9агпеs and do maths. They thought с lеаrпеd to play Ьу practising.
they could сrеаtе а thinking computer within twenty уеаrs
Fап and Lee
buL lhat [urned out to Ье а (З) - the job а learned from AlphaGo and became better players.
was hаrdеr than expected, ln the 1970s, wоrk on Аl slowed
Ь were vеrу апgrу that AlphaGo won.
down, though computer games based on еаrlу rеsеаrсh ( regret playlng agarnst AlphaGo.
became а popular type of (4) . But iп the

]9BOs, as computer technology (5) ,Аl

rеsеаrсh started up again. Now, companies аrе beginning CRlTlCAL THlNKlNG С*шg:t*гагGLjrfi**ts
to (6) everyday technology like cars and
smartphones with simple Al that сап ап5wеr questions and j Sometimes, when people give arguments fоr ап idea,
follow spoken instructions. This means that many of us now ii they dont consider ar9uments against the idea. Thinkin9
have Аl in our pocket. What will happen next? j ,l__
possible aгguments against an
_л,л lллl,л,,л+л
idea сап help us to
lunders tand it better.
READlNG [ ,,_",,._.,--. ..

@ Пеаd the Critical thinking Ьох. Can you think of

@ Пеаd about'chunking'. Separate the text below into
ar9uments against the ideas below?
chunks with slash marks (/).
1 Als are beautiful because they сап lеаrп,'think'and 'feel'.
Meaning usually comes from the interaction of groups of 2 lf Als get smаrtеr than humans, we сап lеаrп frоm them.
words (chunks), not single words. 3 Developments in technology аrе а fоrm of progress
and always imрrоvе human life.
When Fап Hrli came of Go / in ОсtоЬеr 20]5, / history was made.
]ost а

about а
time Йhо what when
\ \
what happened
() му pERspEcTlvE

Think of something that you have to do that an

The game of Gowas lnvented iп China mоrе than
Al could also do. How might the Al do it differently?
2,500 уеаrs а9о and is опе of the world's oldest - and
Could you lеаrп from this?
most complicated Ьоаrd games. lt is played with black
and white pieces called sгопеs оп а Ьоаrd with а pattern
@ Work in pairs. Think of а problem iп the world today and
of lines.
imagine three ways that ап Al could help solve it, Make
а poster explaining the technology that you imagine.

12о Unit 10 Remote control

]WlTcn Fап Hui lost а geme of Go in осtоЬег playing. Тhгоr-rgh the process оГ sometimes 1osing and
2015, history rv,as tnacle: it ,uvas the first time а hrзmап someti1lles п,,inning, the At developed its оwп style оf
Go cl-rampion r,vas beaten Ьу an artificial intelligence рlау, and learned to 'think' - so1l1e реорlе ечеп say
(Дl) - а соmрLltег ргоlarаmmе tlrat can think. And in 'fЪе1' - like а геа1 Go рlауеr.
NIаrсh 2О16, history п.as герееtеd п,hеп Lee Seclo1 - Аrе Fап ancl Lee disappointec1 about AlphaGo's
one оf the п.оrld's top рlаyеrs * rTas dеfЪаtсd, As Fап achievements? Is оuг tcclrnologv becomlng too smаrt?
rr,,atcl-red Alpl-iaGcl make an important rrror.e against Реrhарs stiгprisingly, the tш,о Go clrampictns see it as
Lee, he thcllrght: 'That wasn't а humarr mоче.'Тhеп
рrоgrеss. Аfiег hе was beatcn bv AlphaGo, Fап Llegan
he said, 'So bear-rtifu1, so beautifirl.' to рlа1, the game in а diffеrепt way and lre improved.
Usшаllу, game-playin!] elec--tronic clevic:es аrе Не п,оп mоге gапеs against оthеr lir-rmans. Lee.
п.lrose experiencc п,аs similar, saic1 'I hаче improved
рrоgrаmпrсd to pгedict tl-re possible гс:sults оГ а rnove,
but they don't 1еаrп пеrr, lllovcs ог irпргоче. AlplraGcl аlгеасlу. It has given mе пе\\i ideas.' In tlris case.
is difТЪrепt. ý/hеп it ъ,аs Llui]t, tire AI was given thrее hurrran and machine аге пкlгkiпg tоgеtlrег tЪr tl-re
rnillion humап Go mочеs to anallrze. Then it began development and imрrоl,еmепt of botlr,

Unit"l0 Remote control 121

10С Using tech to take control
GRAMMAR Ti=;* з*s*<iъэ* в-,iЁ* *}я + ****t
@ Пеаd the data and the text. Тhеп answer the questions.

Kenya data
Portion of the population who have
. а bank account:400/0
. ассе55 to сlеап drinking wаtеr: 63%
. а mobile рhопе (adults): В27о

Mobile money: better than а bank

M-Pesa was started in 2007 in Кепуа Ьу Vodafone. The technology allows users
to keep е есtrопiс mопеу in their mob е phones. This mопеу can Ье used to
рау bil s and buy things оr to get cash - all without having а Ьапk account. And
now the sуstегп is used Ьу adults who don't have а Ьапk account in Tanzania,
Afghanistan, South Аfriса, ndia, Romania and Albania,

1 Which is used Ьу mоrе реор е iп Kenya: а bank account оr а mobile phone?

2 How is l\l-Pesa used Ьу people without а bank account?
3 Where is the system used now?
4 Who uses the system?

lИ-Pesa wos started iп 2007 iп Кепуа Ьу Vоdаfопе,

The system is used by,adults tцho don't hоче а Ьапk ассоuпt

@ look at the sentences in the Grammar Ьох. Answer the questions.

1 whlch fоrm аrе the verbs in?
2 Who оr what does the act on (the agent) in the sentences?
3 How do we introduce the agent of а passive verb?
4 When do we include the aqent iп а passive sentence?
-:" , , ; "

@ Work iп pairs. Read the sentences. ls the agent important in each

sentence оr not? Cross out the agent when it isn't necessary.

1 The museum is c]eaned every night Ьу сlеапеrs.

2 Ноmеwоrk is handed n each Friday Ьу the students.

3 l was helped а lot Ьу mу friend Elliot.
4 The book was published Ьу а publisher last year.
5 Не was taught how to dive Ьу his uncle.
6 His саr was stolen Ьу someone.
@ Rewrite the news headlines as full sentences in the @ These sentences are all active. Would уоu change
passive. them into the passive? lf so, rewrite the sentence and
include the agent if necessary.
1 Еmеrgепсу services геsсuе British climbers in ltalian
Alps 1 Techno ogy ls lmportant iп mапу schools today:
ýrlГrs& cli:týgrs lл rfoE lf*Jiс.ltз Дlps иr*rе r*srшеd {зу
сhildrеп use laptops iп а lot of lessons.
€ff*rsеfrсу serylcc-s, 2 i\4y раrепts don't believe that а l пеw techno ogy
is good.
2 'Robot suit'helps disab]ed реорlе to wa]k
З Sоmеопе called the еmеr9епсу services and they
3 Doctor uses iPad to save man's life
rescued the woman from the rivеr.
4 Laptop connects village in Andes I\4ountains to outside
4 This mobile рhопе is very simple. Forthat rеаsоп, а lot
to world
of оldеr people buy it.
5 Fаrmеrs use ipods to scare birds 5 Some writers, especiaJ у new ones, publish thеlr books
themselves оп е-rеаdеrs.
@ Matcrr each headline iп Exercise 4 with ап article (а-е).

@ снооsг
а А Japanese соlтрапу has invented а 'robot
1 Write frve sentences about your favourite piece of
suit'. Disabled people wеаr the device to help passive (with Ьу, where possible).
technology, Use the
them to walk. Strопg pieces of plastic support
the wеаrеr's egs, and smaLl mоtогs make
2 Work in pairs. Take turпs thinking of а specific
еlесtrопtс device оr оthеr technology, too оr plece
them move.
of equipment - something you use. Use the passive
Ь Two mеп were caught Ьу bad weather high (with Ьи whеrе possible) to describe lt while your
in the Alps near the trепсh Ьоrdеr with ltaly.
раrtпеr gUeSSeS,
Опе of the mеп hurt his shoulder,, so they had
to stop climbing. They sent а text message to
3 ln а small group, Ьrаiпstогm ап idea for а new invention
Say what will do, who will use it and what benefits it
а friепd to ask fоr егпеr9епсу help. Their friend
will have. Use the passive with Ьу where possible.
then contacted the ltalian emergenq; services,

с А U5 mап with heart problems Ьесаmе lll whi]e

cycling. Не asked а passing mап fоr help, not Young children in the villa9e of Arahuay, Peru, use laptops
knowing the mап was а dосtоr. The doctor at school to keep in touch with the outside world.
used his iPad to get information about the
man's medica history and this quick action,
saved the man's life.

d ln Kenya, farmers' plants аrе often eaten Ьу wild

animals, То frighten the animals, some farmers
in the Kasigau region rесоrdеd sсацl sounds
оп ап iPod. Еlесtгопiс equipment senses when
ап апimаl s near and the iPod plays the sound,
which makes the anima]s ruп away.

е Сhildrеп iп the Andean villa9e of Arahuay, Peru,

wеrе 9iven laptops Ьу the government. The
kids use the computers fоr their studies and
to communicate with the outside world, The
9оVеrпmепt hopes the frее laptops will heIp to
educate the chi drеп.

@ look at the underlined sentences in Exercise 5.

Rewrite the sentences using the passive чоiсе. How
does the passive change the focus ofthe sentence?

а The device . , .

Ь -ie епеrgепсу sel yices . . .

с ... the man's liГе ,,,

d ... sca,y sounds ,,.
е The corpJlers ,..
@ Watch Part 1 of the talk. Choose the correct words to
when some words combine with Io, some sounds аrе lost complete the sentences.
in speech:
1 Neuroscience is l isп't usually taught in schools.
gоiпg rо ---------> gоппа
2 Тwепtу lFifry реrсепt of реорlе have а пеurо ogical
w7пt го WOппа
have to --->
--------> hafta
disorder at some time iп their life
You have В0 bil ion пеurопs l electrtcal messcges iп
уоur brain,
ф Listen to parts of the TED Talk where Greg Gage talks
When the wогпап squeezes hеr hand, we hеаr the
fast. You will hеаr each section twice. Work in pairs.
sound of hеr аrm l Ьrоtп
Try to write down what you hear. Check your answers
The grееп lines on the iPad show rhе wоmап's
==::_:ъ= thoughts l her Ьrаtп's electr]cal actlvity
1 l want to do some demonstrations. You guys want to
see some? ф Watch Part 2 of the talk. Аrе the sentences true (Т)

or false (t)?
2 So now l'm going to move away and wе'rе going to
plug it in to оur human-to-human interface over here. 1 The computerwil сопtrо the man's mоvегпепts,
3 So now l'm going to hook you up over here so that you 2 The signa from the wоmап's Ьrаiп travels through .-.
get the . . , t's going to feel а little bit weird at first, е ectrodes to the man's Ьrаiп,
when the wоmап moves her arm the first time, the
@ Пеаd the extract. Underline the expressions with to
mап feels nothing.
that you think will Ье reduced. Listen and check your
When the wогпап moves her аrm agaln, the man's а,,
===_:_= doesn't move,
So ljust need to hook you up. So l'm going to find уоur Whеп the woman's аrm is moved Ьу Greg, the man ,
u]паr пеrvе, which is рrоЬаЬlу right around hеrе. You аrm гпоVеS.
don't know what you're signing up fоr when you согпе
up. So now 'm going to гпоvе away, and wе'rе going to @ vocлBuLARv lN coNTExT
plug it ln to our human-to-human interface over hеrе.
Watch the clips from the taIk. Choose the correct
meaning of the words and phrases. i=11._.:.=
@ Work in pairs. What do you think it would feel like to
Ье controlled Ьу а machine? Look at the quote. What do the words free will апd
аgепt mеап?

124 Unit 10 Remote сопtrо

с Complete the sentences with your оwп words. О му pERspEcTlvE
Тhеп discuss with а partner.
Read the questions. Take down notes.
1 А while ago decided lo try out ...
2 Miy teacher sometimes asks for а volunteer lo . . , . How could this technoJogy Ье used fоr good? Think of
3 Something very wetrd happened to mе recently, three ways.
lt was ... . Could lt also Ье used fоr rеаsопs that аrеп't good?
4 А subject l find rеаllу соmрlех is . . . . lf you could use the same equipment, what ехреrimепt
would you like to try? What do you think the resu]ts
would Ье?
CR|TICAL THlNKlNG ýг:=lу:* i:+=ъT о= *:*=:ý*== . ls it important for new developments in
i= **ёiъэ*l*:i communication technology to Ье avai able to
everybody? Why?
@ Creg thinks everyone should Ье able to use
neuroscience technology. How does he deliver @ Work in pairs. Discuss your ideas from Exercise 8.
this message? Choose from а-с. Try to think about how уоur partner delivers his or
hеr message.
,nessage r nany ways, These
Speakers саг delive, а
nclude. provlding background lпfоrmаtiоп оr facts,
demonstrating ап idea оr technology and соmраriп9 Greg's talk shows one of the possibi]lties of
an idea оr technology to another one. When watching neuroscience, whlch is science about the Ьrаiп and
а how Lhe nessage is
ГFD Talk, рау aLtent о"l to пеrvеs. Can you think of other types of sсiепсе you
being dellvered. Think about why the speaker chose would lke to learn mоrе about iп school? ls there
а сеrтаiг neL1,od. technology you would like to have access to fоr
example, sound оr video rесоrdiпg technology?
а Не ехр ains that а lot of schoo]s have bought his Weather-science technology? Computer technology?
equipment апd that students enjoy using it. Something else? How could the technology Ье used iп
Ь Не gives detailed facts about how ап iPad is able to class7 iVake notes about уоur idea,
show iпfоrmаtiоп about the Ьrаiп.
ln groups of four, discuss your ideas. Choose опе type
с Не says that his equipment is lnexpensive and
of technology you wou d llke to have fоr your schooL.
demonstrates that it's easy to use,
Тhеп present your idea to the c]ass. Give reasons why
не shows the audience that the mап and wогпап
this technoloqy would Ье helpfulto lеаrп about.
аrеп't afraid of techno ogy.
-lе сопраrеS ^ 5 eoU prert Iо lтo"e ехрег5 Ve
technology and says his is Ьеttеr.

Unit 10 Rеrпоtе control 125

1оЕ WhоЪ in control?
@ companies are making cars that can drive themselves. would уоu want to
ride in one of these cars? Why?

@ Listen to the conversation. what pros and cons of self-drivin9 cars аrе

ф Wrrat other pros and cons of self-driving cars can you think of?

ý,L==Ёý.ж @ Listen again and tick (/) the expressions in the Useful language Ьох that
you hear. Тhеп, in small groups, take turns to talk about the pros and cons
Looking at two sides of an of the things below.
. text meSSag ng
0п the опе hond .. , , (Ьu[) оп the . socla] media
other hапd ...
. controlling Someone else's аrm wlth уоur Ьrаiп
Talking about pros . artlficial intelligence
апе good thing obout (self-drivtng . smartphones
cars) is thot . .
@ Work in pairs. Discuss the questions.

(Self-drtving cars) ore good

becouse ... . Does communication technology imрrоvе communlcation оr make people
communicate less?
Talking about cons . Does self_driving car technology make the world safer оr mоrе dапgеrоus?
0пе bod thiпg obaut (self-driviпg . ls technology good оr bad fоr the епчiгопmепt?
cors) is that , ,.

(Self-driving cars) сап Ье а рrоЬlеm


Car makers say se|f-driving cars are

safer than traditional cars.

WRlTlNG А f*rrTt*ý l*tt*r *f s*gg*sti*а"з

@ Пеаd the letter to the director of а leisure centre on ра9е 'l53. Answer
the questions.

1 What rule ts the writer of the letter unhappy about?

2 lп what ways does the wгitеr а9rее with the rulе?
3 ln what ways does the writеr disagree with the rulе?
4 What does the writer think should hарреп?

@ Пеаd the rules. What are the pros and cons of each rule?

1 Students must not bring еlесirопiс devices to school. (Rule made Ьу

School Рriпсiраl Sonja Sanchez)
2 No music is allowed on the beach or iп the park. (RuIe made Ьу N/ауоr
Rudy Patak)
3 Headphones саппоt Ье wоrп rn the leisure centre. (Rule made Ьу
Director.Julia Smith)

G) wпlтlпlс SKlLL Vyritir:g p*Eit*ly

а Look at the letter оп ра9е 'I5З and underline the following.
1 а polite introduction / rеаsоп for writing
2 two ways of disagreeing politely
3 а polite 5uggestion
4 а polite ending

Ь Tick (л/) tbe expressions in the Useful language Ьох that are also in
the letter.
Explaining differences in
с Work in pairs. Think of two possible suggestions for changing each of
the rules in Exercise 7. Write the suggestions, using the expressions iп
whik l uпdеrstопd that
the Useful language Ьох, and write а polite introduction for а letter about

l think / don't think , . .

each rule.
l соп seethot ,.,, but ..,
lt rпiEht Ье possible ta allaw the devices at schaa{ but we hаче ta
switch thеrп off duriпg lessoпs" Making а suggestion
Сап l suggestthat ..,
(D Choose one of the rules in Exercise 7 and write а formal letter with at least
lt might Ье possible ta , , .

опе suggestion. Use your introductions and suggestions from Exercise В,

and the language from the Useful language Ьох. Follow the structure of the Supporting your argument
model оп page 'I5З. Make sure you do the following. (These rules) would stop . . ,, but

. say why you're writing.

would allow ,,.

. explain the difference of opinion.

. make а suggesilon.
. SUpport уоUr argUment.

@ Exchange |etters with а partner. Check each other's work. Does it use the
language and follow the model correctly? ls it polite enough?

Unit 10 Remote сопtrоl 127

coNT!N UoUs |'m поt studying.
You / We / They are studying You / We / Тhеу аrеп't

Не / She is studying. Не / She isn't studying.

we use the ргеsепt simpie to talk about реrmапепt states and
reqular habits in the present, and things that аrе always truе. lt is rаiпiпg. lt iSn't rаiпiпg.

|'m l З years old. l live iп lstanbul, l have two ststers.

Му school day starts аt B:00.1 play footbol every Soturday-
Yes,l аm.
Wаtеr boils at 100"C,There аrе 24 hours tп а day.
Nо,l'm поt.

Дrе you / we / they рlауiпg? Yes, you / we / they are.

t / You / We /They drink mtlk. No, you / we / they аrеп't

ls he / she / tt playing? Yes, he / she / tt is.

Не / She / lt drinks milk.
No, he / she / it isn't

Do you / tлtе / they drink mtlk? Yes,l/we/theydo.

No,1/vve/theydon't, VERB PATTERNS: VERB + -'NG OR
Does he / she / it / drink mtlk? Yes, he / she / tt does. lNFlNlTIvE WITH rо
No, he / she / it doesn't, vеrь + iпfinitive agree, decide, expect, hope,
lеаrп, mопоgе, пееd, оffеr,
we fоrm the third реrsоп singular Ьу adding -5 to the vеrь
рlап, promtse, seem, wапt,
Не lives tп Rоmе. would ltke

When vеrЬs end in -о, -s,-sh,-ch,-x,and-z, add -es. VеrЬ + -iпq avaid, сап't help, constder,
епjоу, fiпish, поt mtпd,
5he watches football every 1aturday.
When verbs end in а consonant + -у, rерlасе the -ywith -l
VеrЬ + -iпg 0R + infinitive Ьеgiп, сопtiпuе, hate, like,
and add -es.
love, рrеfеr, stort
Не studies English.

We form negatives and questions with do / dоп't l does /

dоеsп'rапd the main vегЬ.
After some vеrьs, we use the iпfiпitiче fоrm of апоthеr vеrь
lwапt to Ье mоrе octive,

We form the рrеsепt continuous with сm l js l are + -tпg fоrm

of the marn vеrь.
After some verbs, we use the -iпg f оrm of another vеrЬ.
We use it to ta]k about things that are happening at the
l епjоу Ьеiпg sacioble.
moment of speaking.
|'m поt playing footbolltodoy because tt's rаiпiпg.

We also use the рrеsепt continuous to talk about things that After some verbs, we сап USe either fоrm with по change in
аrе happening аrоuпd the time of speaking. mеапiпg, They like sharing / like to share iпfоrmоttоп.
|'m reading о good book rtght поw.

When а verb has опе syllable and ends in а consonant, add

-iпg,wоrk+wоrktпg. Fоrm questions 1ike this: Does she пееd to talkto sоmеопе?
What do you want to do? What does he епjоу doing?
Whеп а vеrЬ has опе syllable and ends in опе vowel and
опе Consonant (but not w, х ar у) we usually double the frnal ýS
+ +
li] :.=i:]:r':, J.'

sitttп9, рlоп =i:iiii

letter: srop Stoppiпg, sit рlоппiпg

When а vеrЬ ends in -е, ii is usually deleted when -ing is added.

moke mаktпg -+
128 Unit ] Grаmmаr rеfеrепсе
Complete the short conversations. Use the notes to @ Дrе the underlined verbs used correctly? lf поt,
write present simple questions and answers. rewrite the Sentences using the present simple or
present continuous.
1 А: you / Iive in Argentina? Doyou live iп Аrgепtiпа?
В: yes Yes, ldo. 1 l'm knowing his first паmе but not his last паmе.
2 А: he / play football? 2 Do you own а bicycle?
В: по 3 We stay with friends this week.
3 А: they / know Beatriz? 4 Тhеу_rедеfедшg football to basketball.
В: yes 5 Yоu'rе learning the guitar very quickly.
4 А: we ready? 6 ls she lеаrпiпg Spanish?
В: yes 7 She's thinking about the test.
5 А: l/late? 8 l finish my homework right now.
В: no
@ choose the two options that сап complete each
А: you / like school?
В: yes
А: she / study languages? 1 She _ to tell me а secret.
В: yes а didn't mind * Ь staгted
А: you two / want some help? r с promised

В: no 2 They_talking to each оthеr.

,aenjoy "blike (want
@ complete the Sentences using the present continuous 3 _ to learn to talk about my feelings,
асап'thеlр ,bwant
form of the verbs. zспееd
expect have stay study take 4 we asktno оur mother fоr advice.

get talk
,арrеfеr ,bsuggest (agree
5 Сап you _ to write about уоur ехреriепсе?
l for mv final exams. а consider .Ь begin , С manage
2 brother
IVly to fiпd а рагt-tlmе Job. 6 Не _ to belleve his brother is telling the truth.
3 They-inahotel. t ? S€€ПS Ь enjoys с Want5

4 We а lot of fuп!
But the words iп the correct order to make sentences.
5 You а Gеrmап class, right?
6 she an email frоm her tеасhеr, 1 sister / | / mylto / hope/talk/to
7 lthink he to the пеw student. He's very 2 wants l to / mу / explain / feelin9s / mе / She
outgoing, 3 We / emotions / mind / don't / about / talking
It's pretty loud in here. l а headache. 4 hate / You / your / sharing / feelings
- 5 know / would / Не / lo / iтl like / about / mоrе
@ Choose the correct option to complete each sепtепсе. 6 \Ау /get / lazy / she /seems / to / good / is / friепd /

1 Please Ье quiet. We watch / аrеwоtсhiпg аfi|m. marks / but

2 Philllp p/ays / is рlоуiпg football every week fоr the
@ Complete the Sentences with the verb iп brackets.
Use one -iпg form and опе infinitive form.
I can't come out this evening. l study / аm studying for

the 9еоgrарhу test. 1 l rеаllу enjoy i'J .l want ]' а new

Whatdoyou do / areyou dolngl iп the kitchen? Yоч make / book every week. (rеаd)
are mаkiпg а rеаl messl 2 suggestl ''"f some new people. You сап
They епjоу / ore епjоуiпg рор music but they dоп't listеп / expect +jJ пеw people Ьу joinin9 а club.
aren't listепlпg to lt all the time. (meet)
|ttokes / istaking twenty minutes to get io the town 3 They seem "}" painting. Even when they're
сепtrе from the school. ' in а bad mood, they can't help "7 it. (enjoy)
Do you buy / Дrе you buying rhe same fаshiоп magazine 4 Не agreed +;, to the сtпеmа with us. Не
every week? didn't conside r i"j
out for dinner afterwards,
Weiustsiil are justsitting at home right now because iГ though. (go)
rаiпs / is rаiпiпg rеаllу heavily. 5 Do you miпd _ J for Ella? We need
about ten minutes. (wait)

Unit i Grаmmаr practice 129

We use the past simple: we use used tо + infinitive to talk about situations, hablts and
rouIines in Lhe past.
. fоr completed actions апd events iп the past.
We built the house last yeor.
They used to live tп Mexico.

. fоr actions апd events in а story or series оf events iп We fоrm the negative чstпg didn't use го + infinitive.
+lлл лл-+
Ll lc pd5L. l didn't use to go Го work every doy.
We baught the сопtоiпеr оп еВау апd the соmрапу
mопths. We Гоrm quesLions with did / didn't uselo г 'nfinitive.
delivered ft ro us, we worked оп ir for six

. for repeated pasL actions and past siLuations.

Did you use to live iп ап арагtmепt?

l wепt to the office every doy,

.*" *==*=:i:+= ] --S
. fоr past actions or events over а long period of tlme.
l grew up iп Tu Sоп, пеаr Напоi.

There аrе some spelling rules fоr rеgulаr verbs.
. for mostverbs, add -ed.walk+walked We use the past continuous:
. fоr verbs ending iп -е, add -d,.like-+ liked . fоr ongoing actions and ongoing events in the past.

. for vеrЬs endinq in -у, change -yto -land add -ed: try
We were walking to school,

do поt change the -у to -iif the чеrЬ ends in

-> . Гоr continuing situations, actions and acLivities in Lhe
vowei + -у. playapl6ur4 past, especially whеп а single action оr event hаррепs

. Гоr most verbs ending iп one vowel l соп5опап[, double

during them.

the fi паl consonant and add -ed: stop stopped;do not а they wеrе looking Гоr оп ароrlmепt whеп they discovered
а houseboat,
double the сопsопапt if it is а w, х оr y,,fix+fixed
. fоr past situations that continued for а lопg period of
Some verbs аrе irregular in the аffirmаtlvе fоrm: Lime.
-> -> + fоuпd, go -,-> wепt,
built, соmе соmе, fiпd lп 20l4, he was living iп Abu Dhobi,
have + had, take
-> took, think + thought We form Lhe past conLinuous with the pasl Lense of Ье and
The past simple of Ье is l/he/she/it tпas апd we/you/they wеrе. the рrе5епt participle.
lr was о hеачtifчltrаditiопаl house, seorch + was/were seorchiпg, live + was / were living,
We were very hoppy there, work+was/were wоrkiпg
They were searching fоr о ploce rо live,
We often use time expressions with the past simple: rhis
(m о r п iп g / аfrе rп о а п l ev е п iп g), у est е r d оу, l а st (F r i d ау), We were tiving iп а пеw house.
last (week / mопth / year), iп (2000), (two) weeks ago, whеп Не was working iп the city сепtrе.
lwas (а child)
Тhеrе аrе some spelling rules fоr forming the present
. Гоr verbs ending in а сопsопап t, add iпg,.

We form negatives iп the past with dldn'r and the infinitive. thiпk+thiпkiпg
They didn't рау for the shipping сапtаiпеr. . forverbs ending in -е, change -eIo,ing:take+toking
We Гоrm questions iп the past with did and the infrnitive. . for most verbs ending in опе vowe} + сопsопапt, double

Did they move tо the city? Yes, they did.

the fiпаl consonant and add -iпg,, hitting hit+
Didп't she buy ап old house? No, she dtdn't. We fоrm negative Sentences wiIh WаSп't /иrеrепtапd the
Where did you live? present parTiciple,
They weren't !ооkiпg for а house.
We form the negative о{ Ье Ьу adding поt (п't) to the past
affirmative. lwosn't living iп Siпgороrе.

lt wasn't his house; it was hers, We fоrm questions with и/ds / were апd ihe present participle.
They wеrеп't chairs" rhey wеrе old boxes. Were уоur роrепts working iп Jаkопа?

We fоrm questions with Ье Ьу putting wos l wеrеiп frопt Wаsп't she trying to fiпd о пеw араrtmепt?
о[ the subject.
., - a"_ _ _

Were they reody to leave?

1зо unit 2 Сrаmmаr rеiеrепсе

@ choose the correct option to complete each sentence.

1 Did you see l sow Beata's пеw house?

2 We wеrеп't / didn't live in ап apartment.
3 The соmра пу was recycled / recycled old shipping
4 Where did you live when уоu wеrе / wcs а chiId?
5 Why did уоur fаm||у move l movedlo Рrаguе?
6 Last year my Ьrоthеr fiпd / fоuпd а really good

@ Complete the conversation with the past simp|e of

the verbs iп brackets. @ Write sentences iп the past continuous.

А: (l ) (you see) the documentary or ГV last 1 N/y parents / live in _]akarta

night about small houses? 2 We / stay in а hotel апd iook fоr а house
В: No, (2) l-- (not). (3)-- (Ье) it 3 l / walk to school and think about mу homework

good? 4 They / not look fоr а new house

А: Yes, it (4) _ (Ье). lt (5) (show) 5 You / not try to sell your houseboat
people around the world living iп tlny spaces -
houseboats, tiпу apartments. They (б) .- @ Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
(interview) а guy who (7) _ (live) iп his van
1 Mly dad was working in Dubai when he mеt / was
at the beach. mееriпq my mоthеr.
В: Why?(S) (he not have) а job?
t prepared / wos рrероriпg to mоvе away for college

А: Yes, he (9) _ (do). But he (l 0)

when l changed my plans.
(want) to save money. And he (l 1) (go)
When l was looking through some old photos, I fоuпd l
surfing every day, before оr аftеr workl
-- was findtnq а photo of оur old house.

But the words in the correct оrdеr to make questions.

4 While we stayed / were staying at my grandmothers
@ house, my uncle visited еvеrу аftеrпооп.
1 you / Did / the house / Ьу yourself / build / ?
2 frее /Was lсопtаiпеr / the shippinq / ? @ Complete the conversation with the past simple or
past continuous ofthe verbs in brackets.
3 а shipping container l easy lWas it / to find / ?

4 easy / to move / the container / Was it / ? А: How (1) _ (your раrепts find) your new
5 electricity supply / to the / you соппесI / Did / apartment?
the house / ?
В: Му dad (2) to wоrk when he

Complete the conversations with used оr use.

(З)_ (see) а mап putting up а 'to let'sign.
@ Не (4)_-- Gtop) the саr right away. The man
А: Didn't you ('1) to live iп Аrgепtiпа? (5) _- (drive) away, but my dad (6)
В: No, l didn't, but my grandparents (2) to -(drive)
(shout)"Hey, walt!', and the man (7)
live thеrе. They lived in ап apartment in Buenos Aires, Gtop).
апd l (З) to visit еvеrу summer fоr а few А: --
Was the mап surprised?
В. Yes, but then my dad (S) (ask) to see
- the араrtmепt. While he (9) (look)
around, he (]О)
А: We live just outside the town. We didn't (call) my mum апd ('l
(4) to live in the suburbs, but поw we do,
(tell) her to come and see it. She (12)

В: Where did you (5) to live?

А: We (б) to live in the соuпtrу. lt was
(love) it, too. So they (1З)
-- --
(rепt) ltI
wonderful. We (7) to have а farm and
horses. I didn't (S) --
-- to ride them though,

@ look at the photos above. Answer the questions.

1 What аrе these home furnishings now?
2 What did they use to Ье? -

Unit 2 Grаmmаr practice 131

Phrasalverbs аrе made up of а vеrЬ and а рапiсlе (а
preposition оr an adverb),
We use some and anywith рIurаl countable апd uпсоuпtаЬlе We can separate some phrasal verbs, i.e. а поuп оr рrопоuп
noU пS. сап come between thе чеrЬ and the particle. А noun сап
соmе before оr аftеr the particle, but а рrопоuп must come
соuпtаьlе.поuпs uncountable nouns
between the чеrЬ and the particle.
Affirmative не took some They drопk some tea.
Did you write dоwп the iпfоrmоtiоп?
Did you write the iпfоrmаtiоп dоwп?
Negative She didп't have апу We didп'ttoke апу fish oil.
His friепd picked him up at six o'clock,

Question Do you hove апу Did you take апу

t\4any phrasaI чеrЬs сап't Ье separated.
ideas? mеdiсiпе?
Соп you Waittor mеl
We сап use sоrrе iп questions, especially when we expect
the answeryes.
|//illyou look after mу bag?
Did they give you some advice?
His car broke dоwп оп the wач to work.
Did her cor break dоwп yesterdoy?
countable почпs
Their car didn't break dоwп.
We use о lot of апd о few iп аffirmаtiче 5епtепсе5 with plural
countable nouns. Notice that down iпthе sentences above doesn't rеfеr to the
direction, Often, the particle doesn't have its usual mеапiпg,
Д lot of doctors trеаt the whole реrsоп,

There are а few types of tea thot ore like mеdiсiпе,

We use mапу апd о lоt of iп negative sentences and

Ьеlоig to, соmе iп, соmрlаtп оt, deal wi|h, еаr ош, gег оп
l don't kпоw mапу / а lot of поturаl mеdiсtпеs, (with someon е), go iп, grow up, hопg out,lie dоwп,lооk afrer,
Did your doctor give you mапу / а lot of pitls? look аrоuпd, look into, sit dоwп, speak about, toke оff (f,у),
wake up, work out (at а gym)
uncountable почпs
we use аlot of апd о littlеiп аffirmаtiче sепtепсеS. Separable
l have а lot of iпfоrmаtiоп about naturol mеdiсiпе. Ьiпg bock, coll back, шrrу out (do), fill iп, find out, give up,
hond iп, keep up, pass оп, pick uр,рuг on (clothes, music,
There's а little teo iп the pol,
а film), put off, take off (clothing), toke up, toke out, turп down,
We use muсh апd а lot of iп negative sentences and turп оп, write dоwп

l here isn't muсh / а lot of rimе. ** :'<_ "1.-_'" :'

Do vou hove muсh / а lot of work to do?

we use How muсh with uncountable nouns to ask about ап

Haw muсh tпfоrmаtiоп do you wапt?
We use How mопуwith countable поuп5 to ask about а пumЬеr
How mапу doctors work here?

* :*=з

7з2 Unit З Grаmmаr rеfеrепсе

ф Write the number for each поuп оп the correct line. @ Complete the text with the phrasal verbs.

а singular countable nouns: i, eat oUt lie down pick up put on

Ь рlurаl countable поuпs: take off turn down
с uncountable nouns:
Before there were 1doctors 1 When l _, l trу to оrdеr healthy food.
Before mоdеrп 2science, people used natural materials like 2 l need to stop at the рhаrmасу to some_
Зрlапts to сurе asickness. 0ldеr generations passed down medicine.
information about the best 5method for trеаtiпg each 3 Аге you feeling ОК? Д/ауЬе you should
4 Could you _the music? l have а headache.
5 l'm tired, so ljust want to а film and rеlах.
ф Choose the correct option to complete each sentence. 6 You look hot. Would you like to _ уоur coat?
1 А: Do you have опу / mапу information about going to
the doctor fоr оur school check-up?
ф Rewrite four sentences in Exercise б with the verbs
separated. Two sentences have inseparable phrasal
В: No, l don't. l'm expecting to get а letter with mчсh /
some instructions.
2 А: Did the doctor give you some /mспу medicine?
В: No, she didn't give mе some / апу.
ф But the words in order to make sentences. For
separable phrasal verbs, write two answers.
3 А: How much l mапу |urses work at your school?
В: There аrе а little l fеиу. Three оr four, l think. 1 pain / dea| /do / with / How / уоч / ?
2 down / паmе lthis /of / medicine / Write / the
ф Complete the sentences with these words. 3 саrriеd / Who / out / rеsеаrсh /the /?
а little апу mапу much isn't апу Some
4 Не / headache / of / complained / а
5 пursе / you l looking / Which l is / after / ?
1 l don't have _ aspirin. 6 this / in / fоrm / Please / frll
2 Sоrrу, but do you have time to help mе?
ф Choose the correct particle to complete each sentence.
3 There аrе _ flowers growing in the gаrdеп
4 we have some milk, but поt 1 dad looked araund / afterme when lwas sick.

5 How plants did she write about? 2 Everyone wants thelr kids to Ье healthy when they
6 There food iп the fridge - it's empty. grоw up / over.
3 lt's cold. Would you like to put а Sweater оп l ofil
ф Complete the questions with How muсh or How mопу. 4 Who does this medicine belong far / to?
1 А: _ doctors wоrk iп this hospital?
5 ldon'tfeelwell. Сап l lie dаwп / offl
В: About З0. 6 The helicopter bringing the doctor just took up / off.

2 А: _ days were you sick?

Ф Complete each exchange with а verb or particle.
В: Three.
3 А: _ schoolwork did you miss? 1 А: lИау l speak with to Dr Chu, please?
В: А lot! ] missed two testsl В: Не lsn't hеrе поw, l'll ask him to _
4 А: _ г,rолеу do you have? you back.
В. Sоrrу, i don't have any. 2 А: l'm rеаllу tired еvеrу day. l don't sleep well,
5 А. _ brothers does she have? в: what time do vou wake _ in
В: Two. the morning?
About 4:З0.
ф Correct the mistake in each sentence. 3А: Excuse mе. N/ay l go _ now?
Yes, please do. The doctor is ready to see you,
1 l'm not taking ю,"пе medicine. *ll;,,

2 Нurrу up - we don't have mапу time.

4А: Did you find _ what the problem was?
The doctor said it was а cold.
3 Doctors еаrп much mопеу.

4 Сап you give me а few advice?

5А: Аrе you 0К? You look quite ill
don't feel well. Perhaps l'll down for
5 few inforTation.
l need а
в. l
6 How much days was уоur holiday? а

Unit 3 Grаmmаr,рrасtiсе 1З3

coмPARATIVE5 AN D SU PERLATIVES Some adverbs have irrеgulаr comparative and superlative forms

We use comparative adjectives followed Ьу thап to соmраrе

two people оr thlngs. lИу grапdfаthеr is older thап mу fother.
ý- lii-t :-::=jа ._J :::а:::_: _.
We ;se superlative ad jectives аftеr ihe Lo соmраrе one
реr5оп ог thing with two оr mоrе similar people оr things.
Roul i: the oldest оГ mу cousins. COMPARATIVE FORMS
We form comparatives of most short adjectives with er.
We form superlatives of most short ad.lectives with -еst.
То say how two things аrе similar оr equal, we use rs +
Adjective Comparative 5uperlative
adjective + cs.
old older the oldest
д,4aths is as difficult as sсiепсе.
biq biqqer the biggest

еа5у eaSler the easiest То say how опе thing has ]ess оf а quaIity than another, i.e. isn .

simlla. to, we use пог os - adjective -г cs.

Spelling rules: The рrimаrу school isn't as big as the sесопdоrу school.
. fоr rеgulаr, short adjectives, add -er / -est,
short'+ shопеr J the shortest
. for shогt adjectives endin9 in -е, add -rl -sl.
We use гоо + adjective to Say that the quality described ]s
sote+safer+ the sоГеsl mоrе than we want оr need.
. fоr shоrt ad;'ectives ending in -у, сhапgе the -у to -i and add
-еr / -est. поisч
noister + the notsiest
l didn't finish mу homework. lt was too difficult,
. for short adjectives епdiпg iп опе vowel + consonant, То make it negative, we put пог in front of roo.
double the frnal сопsопапt and add -er / -est.
l finished mу hоmеwоrk. lt wosn't too difficult.
biq а biqqer + rhе biqqest
We use adjective + епоugh to say that the quality described is
We form comparatives of most lопgеr adjecttves with mоrе
the right amount, and adjective + поt епоugh to say that it isп .

iп front of the adjective. We fоrm superlatives of most longer

the rigrtamount..
adjectives with the mоst.
Гhе teache(s iпstruсtiопs wеrе clear enough.
Adjective Comparative Superlative
l|/e didn't fiпish the project.The class wasn't lопg enough.
difficult more difficult the most difficult
Expressions with tоо апd enough оftеп have а ciause аftеr
lmраrtапt mоrе imроrtапt the most imроrtапt
them that gives more information about the situation. The
lпгеrеs mоrе iпtеrеstiп0 the most iпtеrеstiпq clause slans with го - infinitive.
Гhе weaLher поsп't good епоugh to use Lhe kayok,
Some adjectives have irrеgulаr forms.

Adjective Comparative Superlative

gaod better the best We use so Ьеfоrе ап adjective to make the adjective stronger,
bad WоrSе гhе worst Му outdoor skills closs was so ехсitiпg,
+_ l:..-.."..=:._---..-,
,-_--_-j - We use such Ьеfоrе ап adjective + noun to make the
соmЬiпаtiоп stгопgеr.
l hod such а good sсiепсе teacher |ast year,

Comparative аdvеrЬ + vеrЬ is used to соmраrе two actions. 5о and such сап also have а clause аftеr them which shows

we fоrm comparatives of most short adve,bs with -er. the result of the action in the first clause. This clause starts
with ГhсГ.
Adverb Comparative Superlative
], lt/ty ourdoor skills closs wa; so exciting that l decided ro srау fаr
fast faster the fаstея
li опоthеr hour.
late later the latest

slowly mоrе slowly the most slowly

134 Unit 4 Grаmmаr reference

А: The heavy rain caused а lot of traffic delays. Who
@ Write sentences with comparatives that give уоur
opinion. arrived at school _?
В: l d,d. l think my bus drivеr drove
1 studyi 3 А: lwоrk in maths, because lt's the
lthink most difficult subject.
2 ianguages / science (rmропапt) В: I\4e, too. l always do in maths
lthlnk tests. ] пеvеr get good marks.
3 reading /writing (hard)
lthink ф Write sentences with (поr) d5 ... ds that are true for you.
4 information оп the iпtеrпеt / nformation iп books
1 pJaying sports / watching TV (rеlахiпg)
2 taking а test / writing ап essay (stressful)
3 school lunch / lunch at home (tasty)
5 spea( lg / listering (easy)
4 the weekend / weekdays (busy)
5 walking / taking the bus (епjоуаЬlе)
6 studying late at night / studying еаrlу iп the mоrпiпg
6 speaking English / reading English (easy)
lthink @ Complete the second sentence in each pair with the
words in brackets.
ф Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the
adjectives in brackets. 1 ldon't have the right amount of time to do my
homework, (enough)
1 _ (hard) part ofthe schoo уеаr is finai
don't have tо do my homework
The weather wasn't dry enough to рlау outside
2 Гоr ne, (badl parL оГ РЕ ;s r;ппiпg. (too wet)
3 (imооrtапr) sub,ect in огimаrч school
The weather was outSide
these days is information technology.
З There's the right amount of space in the classroom fоr
4 Friоаv is toood) dav of rhе week.
two mоrе desks. (enough)
5 [no ish is toooular) fоrеiсп lancuace.
6 lп mу school, (big) class has eighty
The ехаm wasn't easy enough for me to comp ete in
students in it.
ап hоur. (too diffcul0

ф Гut the words in the correct order to make sentences. The ехаm
Was there the right пumЬеr of textbooks for the whole
1 than at night / l study / in the mоrпiп9 / Ьешеr class? (enouqh)
2 mоrе quickly than / Davina finished did /the science l wеrе there
еха гп 6 We аrеп't talJ enough to jоiп the basketbalL team.
than the other / оп the project / harder / groups / Оur (too short)
grоuр worked We're
his maths test / than iп / Не did worse / in his science
teSt ф Complete the sentences with so or such.
learned Frепсh / faster than / They ]earned German /
1 lhatwas ]
an interesting lesson
That esson was l ntereStl ng.
mоrе s|owly / the teacher / l asked / to speak
2 The test was difficult
lt was а difficult test
@ Complete the sentences with the superlative form of the
adverbs. 3 The assignment was long that l

couldn't finish it.

badly fa st hаrd slow у well t WaS а Jong аssigпгпепt that l

couldn't finish it.

1 А: l have а test tогпоrrоw. How can l lеаrп а ]ist of 4 lt was а good outdoor skills course
vосаЬulаrv words l',';с i;;:;l,:1,1:l ?
that l wanted го do iL aga'r.
В: You should trу flash cards. But you lеаrп The outdoor skills course was good
Ьу studving а little bi] every day lhat l walTed to do it a9a,n,
for severalweeks.

Unit 4 Grаmmаr practice 135

When we use the present perfect, exactly when the action
happened is not usually given. When We Want to Say exactly
We use the present perfect to talk about experiences оr when something happened, we use the past simple.
thinqs that happened in the past without saying exactly You've met mу cousjn. Yau mеt her last уеаr at mу party,
when they happened.
Notice that Ьееп сап Ье the past participle of both Ье апd go,
We use the рrеsепt perfect fоr: Ьееп reolly busy this week, (= Ье)
. actionS iп the past wjth а result iп the рrеsепt, Мum's Ьееп ta ltaly оп bustness а fetM times. (= go)
|'ve lost mу keys опd соп'r gеt iпtа mу house.
. siiuattons that started in the past and continue to поw.
We've o|ways lived iп thts house.
. experiences that happened at an unspecified time. PRESENT PERFEcT W|TH FоR, slNcE,
she's travelled to Сапаdо several times. ДLRЕДDY,JUSГАND УЕГ
We form the present perfect wilh have / hos + the past
partic;ple оf the main чеrЬ.
l've travelled rо дsiо. Use for to talk about how long something has gопе on
We add поt оr пеvеrlо talk about ехреriепсеs that haven't |'ve kпоwп Loyla for four years.
ha poened,
Use siпсе to Lalk about when someThing began.
l hачеп't travelled to South Аmеriса. / [че пеvеr travelled ta
He's lived with hil uпсlе since 2а l6,
South Аmеriсо.

l / You / We / They have l / You /

/ They hачеп't
We With the present perfect, we use:
travelled а lопg way, . iusгto La kabout something ygry rесегt.JusI always goes
Не / She / lt hasn't travelled before the participle.
а l)пq Way, We've just heard о very fuппу jal,e.

Have you just arrived?

. alreody to taIk about sonethin9 that паррепео оеfоrе

Havel/youlwe/they поw, without saying when. Дlrеаdу usually comes Ьеfоrе

Yes, l / you / we / they have.
travelled а lопg way? the рапiсiрlе.
No, l / you / we / they hаvеп't, lhey re пог heyp - rhеу'че already left.
Hos he / slle / it travelled а Yes, he / she / it has, Has he alreody gопе to bed?
lопg woy?
No, he / she / it hаsп't. But in US Engllsh it сап come after the participle.
Has he gопе to bed alreody?
. уег to talk about Something that hasn't happened but is
expected to happen, УеГ comes at the end ofthe clause.
We add eyer before the partlciple tn а question to mean lп
lhаvеп't mеt your раrепt| yet.
уоur whole life,
Hos your cousin arrived yet?
Have you ever {ried lпdопеsiап food?

We use печеriпа statement to say поl iп mу whole life, ý*:- .. : "

|'ve пеvеr Ьееп to Реru.

Neyer is not usually used iп questlons.

Д,. Hove you ever Ьееп to Сhiпо?
В: No, |'ve печеr Ьееп to Сhiпо.

We use olwoys to say Lhat а situation has continued уоur

whole life
Wdve always lived iп this house.

136 Unit 5 Grаmmаr rеfеrепсе

@ Complete the questions with the present perfect of @ But the words in order to make sentences.
the verbs.
1 gone/Sarah /jusl/ has/out
g0 kiss meet 2 рrimаrу school / known / We've / siпсе / each оthеr
play See take 3 l /seen /.Jaime/yet/ havent
4 for / rаiпеd / hasn't / lt / thrее weeks
1 Have you еvеr to а big wedding?
5 that / already / film /seen / We've
2 _ lVlichaela the саr?
@ Choose the correct word to complete each sentence.
3 _ Еrikа _your пеw house?
4 brother _ football with 1 Have you been friends for / siпсе а long time?
mу Гriепd .Jakob? 2 They've had the same teacher fоr / since three years.
5 _уоur grandparents ечеr _ you? 3 So you've lived iп Siпgароrе for / since 2010?
6 _l_yourunclebefore? 4 Неr grandmother has called every уеаr оп hеr birthday

-your fоr / since Layla was Ьоrп,

@ Complete these answers. Тhеп match each answer with 5 You've Ьееп my next-door nelghbour for / siпсе mу
а question in Exercise 1. whole life.

а No, she , Ricardo took it to go to work. 2

6 We've made each other laugh for / siпсе the first time

Ь Yes, of course they _ - еvеrу time l've

We met.

visited theml
@ Complete the sentences with the present perfect of the
с Yеs, I _. l have а lot of оldеr cousins, so l've verbs in brackets andfor or since,
been to five оr six huge ones,
d No, you . That was my older Ьrоthеr. 1 itly cousin (live) in tVadrid

е Yes, he , They've played together а few frfteen уеаrs.

time5. 2 They (kпоw) Ed _ he was
f No, she .l haven't invited her over yet. а ЬаЬу.
3 We _ (be)friends рrimаrу
@ -
Complete the conversation with опе word iп each school,
space. 4 You (have) the same friends

А: Have you ('l) been аЬrоаd on holiday?

ten yearS.

В: Yes, (2) _ . l (З) _ to Turkey last

5 l_ (not see)you _ last summer
6 l_
(meet) hlm ечеrу Friday
А: You're lucky. l've (4)_ Ьееп out of the
three months.
(5) @ Complete the conversations with the words given.
В: vоu had holidavs hеrе, thouch?
А: 0h, yes. iVly aunt and uncle live in the mountalns, and 1 аlrеаdу / yet
my family (6)_ stayed with them а few А: Have you _ met your new neighbour?
timeS. В: No, not
В: That's grеаt. l (7) to the mountains. 2 yet /just
|'Ve lOVe to gO. А: l've _ seen Rоrу.
А: WelI, mу uncle (В)_ bought ап арагtmепt В: 0h, really? l haven't seen him
there. Perhaps your family could rепt it. 3 already / just
А: l've _ had lunch. Have you?
@ Correct the mistake in each sentence. В: Yes, l'че _ eaten,

1 Havelet-seen 4 just/yet
уоur cousins when you were in Dubai
А: l haven't celebrated my fifteenth birthday
last week? Did yau see
Has your Ьrоthеr?
2 l didnt еvеr go to а wedding. .

3 They пеvеr met mу best friend. This will Ье the first time. В: Yes, he's celebrated it. His birthday
was last week.
4 Has he enjoyed the celebration last night?
5 We've missed an exciting сеlеЬrаtiоп yesterday.
6 Му sister is опlу twelve, but she learned three
foretqn lanquages.

Unit 5 Grammar practlce 1З7

PERMls5loN, ADvlcE We use should апd shouldn'r + infinitive to give advice, i.e. to
say that it i5 or i5n't а good ]dea to do something,
You should htre а private tоur guide at the mulеum. You'll lеоrп
We use musr and have to + the infinitive of а verb to say that mоrе rhаr woy,
Something rs vеrу important оr is песеSSаrу - ап obligation. You shauldn't go оп а grоuр rоur - it's too notsy,

We use musl when the speaker thinks something is Shoutd ts also used to ask fоr advice.
important. Should ltake mу соmеrа?
yоu must rеmеmьеr to call David,
When shouldл'r is used in а question, it suggesis that the
we оftеп use haye lo when sоmеопе else has made а speaker thinks the answer is already кпоwп.
decision оr гulе. |'m sure it's gоiпg to rаtп, Shouldn't you take ап umbrella?
l have to hапd iп mу homework Ьу З:00,
S *чs:=i.:*.=;-,i:
We usually use hcye rо to ask if something is necessary.
Do l have to buy а ticket?
zERo coNDlTloNAL
Questtons With rпUsrаге 9rammatically соrrесt, but can sound
old-fashioned оr fоrmаl. We use the zеrо conditionalto talk abour Гасts and things
Ihat аrе qегеrа'lу true.
tf / Whеп you practise, yau improve.
lf / Whеп you don't practise, you dоп't imрrоче.

We use mustп't + infinittve to express prohibition, i.e. to We form the zero conditionalwith two рrеsепt simple
Say that something is поt allowed, оr to 5ау that it is very clauses. One clause uses if оr whеп.Тhе other expresses а

important not to do something. res;lt of the асt. or iг the lгz иуhеп clause.
You раrt of the Ьuildiпg. (lt isn1 allowed.)
mustп't епtеr this

You mustп't wеаr shoes iп the tеmрlе. (lt's vеrу important that
lf /Whеп + рrеsепt simple present simpie
you don't wea, shoes.)
Either clause сап come first,
We use сап't + infinitive to ехрrе5S prohibition.
you сао t succeed if / whеп vou dоп'r гrv,
You сап't park here, (lt isn't allowed.)
lf / Whеп you dоп't try, you сап't succeed.
Мusгпtsоuпds strопgеr and mоrе formal than ссп'r. We
сап use musl not,witn both parts stгеssеd, for stronger when the if l whenclause is at the start of the sentence, it is

prohibition, separaied frоm the mаiп clause with а соmmа,

We can use if + рrеsепt simpie as an imperative to give

advice оr instгuctions.
We use hove toto ask about what's песеssаrу оr allowed. lf you see о раiпtiпg Ьу Вапksу, take а picture of it.

Do l have to arrlve at В:00? Dоп't forget to vilit same art gollertes ,мhеп you go Buenos Aires,

we use dоп't have го + infinitrve to show: S ix*:,:i.:l=: ё*S

. that something lsn't tmportant or песеSSаrу,
You dоп't have to wеаr shoes here. (But it's ОК if you want
to wеаr shoes.)
. thaI you сап choose поt to do something.
You don't have to соmе to the mееtiпg - it's орtiопоl.

We use cd, + ,nfinitive to give permission,

You сап ule thts соmрutеr to check уоur еmоll (lt's aliowed.)

We use сал to ask fоr permisston.

Сап t use mу рhопе here? (|s it allowed?)

1з8 Unit б Grаmmаr rеfеrепсе

@ choose the best option to complete the Sentences. @ МаtсП the two parts of the sentences.

1 You don't have to / сап't use уоur phone here. lt's 1 Artists like it
against the rulеs. 2 lt сап hurt
2 According to the rules, you shouldn't / haveto say 3 You should ask permission
how old you аrе when you sign up for а social media 4 Artists selI their wоrk
accoUnt. 5 we lеаrп а lot
3 Should / Сап'tl wеаr а tie оп Frrday evening? ls it formal? 6 Гоur sts look out for street arL
4 You must / mustп'г rеturп the liЬrаrу book Ьу Fridау. а if people 5ау they don't like опе of your paintings.
5 We muslл'| / should wear shoes hеrе. We have to take Ь they become well kпоwп.
them off. с when people travel to see their work.
6 Have to l
Соп I wеаr these boots to school? d when they visit big cities.
7 You сап / shouldn'r wear that old T-shirt to school - it's е when you want to paint iп а public space.
too dirty. f when we make mistakes.
8 Wedonthaveto /haveto dress upforthe party it's
CaSUa. @ МаКе zero conditional sentences using the
@ But the words in the correct order to make sentences.
1 Ihavetime/lpaint
1 uniform / you / Do/wear/ а / ro / have/ ? When
2 аrrivе / must / We / for / оп time / class / the 2 it can Ье beautiful / something is imperfect
3 can't /You /thls / computer / use lf
4 can't / midnight / after / They / phone / the / use 3 we lеаrп from them / we make mistakes
5 to /this/forlhave / рау / we/ Do/ ? When
6 we / wait / Shouldn't / Alex / fоr / ? 4 we practise / we develop our skills
@ look at the signs. Complete the sentences with mиsf,
5 you relax / you enjoy your work mоrе
mustn't, don't have to, сап, сап't апd should,

5 6

(E @ Use the words to write sentences with уоu + the

you сdп
@@ present simple tense.

1 lf / want / lеаrп about painting / take а class.

ride а bicycle on t his rоаd.
2 Try /see some street art / when / 9о to Paris.
Yotl со at exacllv 50 ki lometres per hоur,
3 lf / need / frnish something / accept imperfection.
you mustn't drive faster.
4 Ask fоr help / аrеп't sure what to do.
You _ eat оr drink hеrе.
5 lf / have time / v]sit the art galleries.
you _ drive slowlv as there are children
around hеrе. @ Complete the conversation with the verbs.
You _ use уоur phone here.
YoU Stop. can find 9et google
@ Correct the mistake in each sentence.
А: When you ('l) to Warsaw next month,
1 You hачеп'но wear а lie. dап't hаvе to (2) see some street аг[.
2 -
l don't must forget my jacket.
в: ls there а lot of street art iп wаrsаw?
3 You not have to рау - it's free.
А: lf you (З) _ where to look, you
4 They don't have to раrk thеrе. lt's illegal.
(4] lL.
5 You should to change уоur shiп.
в: so where should l looki
6 Сhildrеп don't have to use the liЬrаrу, lt's ореп
А: When you (5) 'Warsaw street art', you
to еVеrуопе. (б) а list of art and artists.

Unit б Grаmmаr practice 139

We can use the рrеsепt continuous to talk about plans for
the future.
Wdre mееtiпq ofter schooltoday.

l/You/He/She/ltlWe/ п пзп!cases, thеrе s no dilference between using Lhe

They wilteat. рrеSепt continuous апd gоtпg Го when talking about fUtUre
plans, but we often use the рrеSепt continuous when the
аrrап9еmепt involves othe, people.
We're gоiпg to give оur рrеSепtаttоп пехt Мопdоу.

Will l / you / he / she / it / vve / Yes, l l you / he / she / it / we / We're giving aur рrеsепtOtiоп пехt Мопdау,
rhey eat? they will,
When talkinq about future plans, we usually use а future time
/ he / she /
No, l / yau it / we / ехрrеssiоп with the рrе5епt continuous.
they wоп't.
|'m working оп mу project пехt week, (= futuгe)
We use lrzil/ + infinitive for predictions that we аrе сепаiп about. |'m working оп mу project. (= now)
|t will Ье good fuп!
ý i=*s-ci_=*:= _j -i.
We a'so use r,izil/ г infinitive'or imn^ediate dесisiогs,
!'l! go to the shop,
We fоrm negative Sentences with yyont (wtll поt) + infinitive
We use the first conditionalto talk about а possible ог
We wоп't have а рrоЬlеm feeding еvеrуопе. (the
'ikely futurе. lne iГсlаusе explains what must happen
We fоrm questions with r,vll/+ subject + infinitlve. condition) for the future result in the main clause.
Willwe grow food чпdеrwоtеr? lf you go to Сhiпа, you'|l eat а lot оf deltcious food.

пе iГсIаusе can Ье iг two places. Notice thе соmmа when

the l/ claL_,se соггеs lrst.
We use might оr mсу + infinitive to talk about possible future You'll meet some fаrmеrs if you visit the couпtryside.
events оr situaiions. lИight / mоу аrе less certain than r,rzll/. lf you visiL Lhe countryside, yau'll mееt some [аrmеrs,
We might discover пеw sources о| food.
We fоrm the first conditional with if + рrеsепt simple and ичil//
Гhе populotion mау поt increase 5а quickly wап't + infinitive lп the result clause.
lf we don't allow large signs оп the street, busiпesses ovyners will
Ье опgrу.
We use (Ье) gotng го + infinitlve to taik about plans оr
|'m going to Ье tп cookery school пехt yeor. lts gоiпg to Ье а lоr Moy,might and couldcan Ье used instead of r,vlllwhen
of work. possible events аrе less certain.
lf you travel the world, you mау discover raodl you пеvеr
kпеw obou[.
Соtпq ю is usuatly used wnen there is еч'dегсе Гоr а You might eot fish for breokfost if you ga to Jарап.
рrеdiсtiоп, especially when it is expected to happen soon. lf you travel iп Brozil, it could Ье difficult to fiпd vegetoian food,
l iпvited three friепds for drппеr, so we're gоiпg to пееd
mоrе food!

И/i is usually used for lопg-tеrm predictions оr when we Fоr sttuations iп the future, whеп is used to show that а
make а prediction from our prevtous ехреriепсе. speaker is sure something is going to hарреп.
The world рорulаtiоп will Ье obout l а Ьilliоп iп )а50, Whеп you go to Koreo, you might eat bulgogi. (You're definitely
He'llbe lote he alwoys is. qoing to Коrеа.)
lf you go to Koreo, you mtght eat bulgogi, (There's а possibillty
In mапу cases, there is no diffеrепсе iэеtwееп will апd gоtпg
lo fоr predictions. you're going to Коrеа, but l'm not 5ure уоu'rе going.)

ý l=t-:,*i=** .э*Э*

140 Unit 7 Grаmmаr reference

@ Complete the sentences with willor'll, @ But й// iп the correct place in each sentence.

1 Food _ Ье mоrе expensive. 1 lf we have enough farms, we й// Ье able to feed

2 We _ eat less meat. еVеrуопе.
3 Robots _ work оп fаrms. 2 You have delicious honey if you visit Каrs.
4 Some people _ have food 'рriпtеrs'iп their kitchen. 3 lf they leave their villages, people fоrgеt theirtraditions.
5 _ people grоw mоrе vegetables at home? 4 lf l make а salad, you stay and have diппеr with us?
5 Hannah teach us some recipes if we ask hеr?
@ But tbe words iп the correct order to make predictions.

1 mау / We / mоrе / grow / in / food / laboratories @ Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
2 will /There / people / Ье / mоrе/ а lot 1 lfthe bees don'ttransferthe pollen, fruitwil/won't
3 there / Will / fish / enough / Ье / ? grow.
4 Ье / What / the / population / will / ? 2 These plants don't like water, so they might / might поt
5 eat / They / fast /won't / food Ье healthy if you give it to them every day.
3 lf we don't mееt / meet апу beekeepers, l'll buy
@ Comp|ete the sentences with (поr) going to.
some hопеу.
1 Look at the clouds ,i#зgцgзо rаiп on оur picnic! 4 if we act поw, we mау / mау поt Ье able to save the bees.
2 There's too much food. We finish it.
(D complete the sentences with the correct form
3 Тhеrе аrе two pizzasfor ten people. _ we
words iп brackets.
of the

have enough food for ечеrуопе?

This restaurant is very unpopular, so it _ 1 lf you chaose (choose) the restaurant,
close. |'ll rпвkе (make) the reservation.
The cost оf raising animals is increasing. 2We (see) each other tomorrow if we
meat _ become mоrе expensive? (not meet) tonight.
3 lfthey (leave) home at 7:00, they
@ Complete the sentences with gоiпg to and the verbs
(аrriче) at the restaurant at 7:З0,
iп brackets.
4Не (bring) some food with him if
а vegetarian diet _ (Ье) mоrе you (ask) him to.

рорulаr iп the future? 5 You (Ье) hungry Iаtеr on if you

People _ (eat) mоrе plants that grow in the (not take) enough food with you.
Sea. 6 lfvou (want)to do the homework
3 The typical home (have) а big vegetable together,I (come) to уоur place
ga rden. after dinner.
4 _restaurants (serve) mоrе
localfoodi @ Пеаd the sentences. Write conditional sentences with

5 l_ (поt change) my way of eating. the words iп brackets.

1 I want to trу the new vegetarian restaurant, l might

@ Match these situations with the predictions or
have time. (will / i0
questions in Exercise 4,
l'll try the пеw vegetarian restaurant if l have time.
а People аrе becoming mоrе interested iп growing their
own food.
2 They want to buy some Turkish honey. They might find
it in town. (may / i0
Ь When they eat out, people want to kпоw whеrе the
food comes from.
3 The bees might Ье happy. Нарру bees make а lot
honey. (if / might)
с А lot of people avoid meat these days.
d l know what l like to eat.
4 Не will finish reading the book. Не will know mоrе
about bees. (whеп / wilI)
е The.Japanese diet includes а lot of seaweed.
5 lt's possible fоr hеr to interview а beekeeper. She might

@ write sentences usingwillor goingto. find one. (might / ifl

1 lп the next 50 years / people live оп NЛаrs

2 Ву the уеаr 2100 / most оf оur food come frоm factories
3 People like healthy food / so fast food Ье less рорulаr
4 Fаrmiпg is difficult / fewer реорlе become fаrmеrs
5 After we end the рrоЬlеm of huпgеr / the wоrld Ье а
better place

Unit 7 Grammar practice 141

We use the second condrtional to taIk about imаgiпаrу, А oefin,ng relaLive clause 9ives iпfо,mаtiоп abouI the гоuп

unlikely or impossible situations. The lf clause explains what is that comes directly Ьеfоrе it and says exactly who оr what
песеssаrу fоr the result iп the main clause. the поuп ls. lп defining relative clauses we use ihe relative

tf l had mоrе г;mе lоr shopping,l'd Ье reolly hoppy. рrопоuпs who, thot апd which,
(= l don't have time fоr shopping.) The shop that sel|s sесопd,hопd lurпiturе is пеаr here.

tf l
had mоrе mопеу,l'd buy some пеw clothes, Theреrsоп who sold mе this shiп olso mode it.
(: l don't have mоrе money.) Advertisements which dоп't tell the truth оrе terrible.
lf l were roller, this shirr would fit. The relative clause сап define either the subject of the
(= l аm а certain height, and l can't chan9e that.)
mаiп clause (as in the examples above) оr the objeсt of the
We fоrm the second conditional with if + past simple and ггаiл clause.
would / wouldn't+ infinitive iп the result clause. l kпоw the реrsоп who mаdе this shiп.
lf lwere you, l would buy rhe recycled соttоп bag. l hate advertisements thot dоп't tell the truth.
Notice that the verb in the if clause is iп the past simple even lп ail of the above sentences, the relative рrопоuп has to
thouqh the sепtепсе refers to the present оr the future. Ье included because iп each case it is the subject ofthe
The if clause сап арреаг in two places. when the if clause rela[ive clause.
begins u ,.nt.n.., we separate lt from the main clause with
а соmmd.
lfthe rеlаtiче рrопоuп is the object of the verb lп the relative
lf you had о lellltlyltuff ассоuпt, уоч could sell some of
clause, the relative рrопоuп сап Ье left out.
your old things.
These аrе the пеw shoes that l told you about,
You could se!! some о{ your old things if you had а
SellMyStuff оссочпt. f hese are the пеw shaes l rо|d you about,

We usuallv usе would in the result clause, but to emphasize We use thе relative pronouns ,n lhe followin9 ways:
that something is just а possibility, could оr mlghr can Ье . wha identlfies people.
The guy who ruпs the rеstоurопt grows his оwп vegetobles,
bought this опd didп't like it, l could give it to you.
tf l
. which identiГres things.
lf ir weren't too small, l might buy it.
l couldn't fiпd а shop which sold the kiпd оf clathes l ltke to buy
Notice that when we аrе talking about rmаgiпагу оr . thсГ identifies people and things. Using it this way is less
impossible conditions, We Can USe }x/ere аftеr l, he,she and ir.
formalthan who or which.
lf he was / were here паw, he tMould tell you obout tt,
The artist that made this lаmр lives iп Madrid, The work
that he does is rеоllу interesting.

The second conditional is different frоm the first condrtionai.

we сап aIso use deininq rеlаt'vе cIauses tо jоiг two
5enLerces toqetI^er.
We use the first conditional to talk about а possible оr likely
future event, we use the second conditional to talk аlэоut an This is о table,lr used rо Ье а roffic siqn.
lma9inary, unlikely оr impossible future event. This is а table that used to Ье а traffic stgn,

First conditio па1,. lf lfiпd опу old clothes, l'll put them iп the i-ý:]1:..:.=:i:J:i l- ___!::

rесусliпg Ьiп (-

second conditional: lf l fоuпd опу old clothes, l'd put them iп

the rесусliпgЬlп, (- unlikely) OR if / had опу old clothes,ld put
thеm iп the rесусliпg Ьlп (= ;гnuninary, l don't have апу oid

142 Unit 8 Grаmmаr rеfеrепсе

@ But would iпthе correct place iп each sentence. (О Choose the correct option.

1 You see happy workers if you visited the factory. 1 l want to buy jacket who l thotisп't too expensive.

2 lf they designed cool ciothes, people buy them. 2 ls this the shop which / иzhо sells old computers?
3 lf I qave you this shirt, you wеаr it? 3 Тhеу'rе the guys which / ичhо design the skateboards.
4 David wеаr his new jacket if he came to the party? 4 The реrsоп which l гhаг made this chair also
designs clothes.
@ But the words in the correct order to make sentences. 5 Do you kпоw а shop rhсrl yyho sells good used clothes?

1 sell anything / we wouldn't / lf we / advertise / didn't 6 iVly friend which / иуhо ruпs his оwп shop lives in Rio.

2 your old clothes, / lf you didn't / you could / throw (D Matcb the two parts of the sentences.
away / rесусlе them
3 grow soy / They would / didn't grow соrп / if they 1 The shop
4 would sell / The shop / if it wеrе / mоrе / Ьiggеr 2 l bought this shiп tn а town
5 а coat, / you could / lf / make it / l designed 3 She's the реrsоп
4 six is the time
@ Write second conditionalsentences using ffand the 5 Не designed the clothes
words iп brackets. 6 They're the people
1 Не loves designing clothes. That's why he does it. а which isn't fаr frоm paris.
(wouldn't) Ь that the shops close.
Не wouldп't desigп clothes if he didп't lave it. с who turn old clothes into handbags.

2 don't have апу mопеу. l can't buy new cIothes. (had)

d that l wore last week.
which l love is оvеrthеrе.
3 You probably have some mопеу. lf not, l could рау fоr
these shoes. (didn't)
f who makes upcycled furпiturе.

4 lt might rаiп tomorrow. We might поt go swimming,

@ look at the table. Write Sentences using relative
5 She has to work tomorrow. She won't go shopping,
(didnt) Person or thing What the person lmportant
or thing is information
@ Choose the correct option to complete each sentence.
1 Мlr Нап college teacher teaches furniture
1 lf l have time оп Sаturdау, l would / wil/ go shopping. deslgn
2 We'd buy our clothes at а recycled clothes store if оur 2 Old to New shop sells upcycled
tоwп hod /hcs one. furniture
3 Will you woited / wаitfог me outside the store if l'm а
3 DiGarcia designer designed my shiп
few minutes late?
has а weekend
4 She wouldn't Ьuу from this company if they don't / 4 China Square shopping сепtrе
didп'tpay their wоrkеrs well. Сепtrаl in Siпgароrе market for selIing

5 lf the billboards weren't hеrе, this slreelwould look /

used thinqs

/ooks much better. 5 The Sato family our neighbours own sеvеrаl
cIothing shops
@ Complete the sentences with the present simple, past
1 Mr Нап is а college teacher who teoches furniture
simple or the й// or wouldform of the чеrЬ.
1 lf l buy the blue jacket, I Won't ЬuУ (not buy) the red
опе. @ Combine the sentences in two ways. Use that or who,
2 Grеgоr will answer your questions if you l bought а jacket. lt was made Ьу hand.
(have) апу.
jacket l bought was made Ьу hапd.
lf чоu _ (not саrе) about the workers, The
l bought а jacket that was mоdе Ьу hапd.
would you buy сhеареr clothes?
How would you feel if you _ (wоrk) iп а 2 We saw а lamp. lt used to Ье а coffee сап.
dangerous clothing factory? 3 We know а designer, Не made my desk.
What (vou / do) if чоu can't find а shirt 4 l bouqht а table. lt wasn't expensive.
you like?
l _ (not choose) that соlоur if l wеrе you.

Unit 8 Grammar рrасtiсе 143

Tense changes in statements
Actual words Reported speech
we use the рая perfect to taik about completed actions that
happened Ьеfоrе а certain time ]п the past. present simple + past simple
Не soid (that) lwas а good wпter,
worked iп Spain + worked iп Реru ---> moved to the US
'You're а good writer.

present continuous '+ paSt contlnUous

He'd worked iп sроiп опd peru before he moved to the lJs.
'You're going to lhev soid tthat) l wos qоiпg lo
We fоrm the past perfect With hdd + the past partiсiple. q rad uate.' qr oduote,

she'd lived iп Rio for tеп yeors before she moved to Fоrtоlеzо. past simp|e + past simple l past perfect
'Her реrfоrmапсе She soid (rhat) her реrfоrmапсе
Affirmative Negative showed / had shоwп паturаl
showed natural
l/You/He/She/lt/We ability.' ability.
/ They had arrived оп present perfect + past perfect
schedule. 'You've worked vеrу Не said (thot) l'd worked very hard
h а rd.'
Yes / No questions
Yes, l / you / he / she / / we / thеу
will/ wоп't + would / wouldn't
Had l / you / he / she / it / we
'You'll Ье famous She said (that) lwould Ье famous
/ they aпived оп schedule? had,
one day,' опе doy.
No, l / you / he / she / it / we / they 'You won't forget your She said (that) l wouldn't forget
hаdп't. friends.' mу frieпds.

сап / сап't + could

These time expressions сап Ье used with the past реrfесt: 'l сап help you,' Не said (that) he could help пе,
alreody, Ьеfоrе, Ьу the ttme, just, yet 'l can't do your wоrk Не satd (that) he couldn't do mу
They hod already started closs whеп she orrived. fоr you,' workfor mе.

Не hаdп't studied camputer science before he wепt to college

said andtold
ву the time she was twenty-two ye(lrs old, she had written
We always use an object with lold
three books,
Не told us / mе / them / yau (thаt,
|'d just moved to Madrtd whеп l mеt lilorco.
hе wOJ Our пеW геа(hеt,
Whеп you got your job, had you finished college
we often use the past регfесt with the past simplp to talk We пеvеr use ап object with scid
about actions оr situations that happened before а mоrе '|'m your пеw teacher не soid (that) he was aur пеw
rесепt aCLion, teacher.
l had Ьееп оп the boat for less than two hours whеп we saw our ffi
firsr whoIe, ffi
Notice that with the con;unction after we сап use either the lп rероrtеd speech, the words that refer to peopIe, times апо
past Simple оr the past perfect. places need to Ье changed.
l got а job immediately after l left college, + he/she/tt/you
l qot о job immedtotely after l hod left college. уоU + l/we
We you / they
.+ 1ý*;,{i;ý: :,:+ mу
+ his/her/its/your
aur + убцr/lhеtr

поw -> then
ta1oy + lпOrOOу ,l- -- ) л,

То say what another реrSоп said, we use reported speech. ln tоmоrrоw + the пехt day
reported speech, the vеrь tense is usually moved backwards in yesterdoy + the doy before / the previous doy
time and рrопоuпs, possessive adjectives, апd adverbs of time last / пехt + the lost / the пехt
and place аrе aiso changed. lost пight + the night Ьеfоrе / the previous night
+, ll]ele
-l --

The most соmmоп reporting verb is scid. we can use thсr after
said,butwe оftеп leave it out,
this rооm + that rооm

S iHs,:,.:i:==

144 Unit 9 Grаmmаr rеfеrепсе

S Complete the article with the past simple or past @ look at the underlined verbs. Do they use the past
perfect ofthe verbs in brackets. perfect correctly? Correct the ones With miStakes.

1 When he called me, l hadn't answered the phone.

An early love for the осеап 2 She ta ked to the саrееrs adviser and hаdзskф fоr
Asha de Vos was Ьоrп and 9rеw up in Sгi Lanka, As а some advice.
ЬаЬу, she oved the water and (l) (lеаrп) _-- Thev wеrе exoectinc us because we had emailed and
to swim Ьу the time she was three. Апd Ьу the а9е of told them wеrе coming,
six, she (2) _ (decide) to Ьесоmе а mаriпе
4 l texled vou Lnis mоrпiго. Had vou cot it?
biologlst when she grеw up.
5 When l went to hеr office, she had gone, so we didn't
А job оп а potato farm talk.

When she graduated frоm unlversity ln Scotland, Asha ф Complete the reported speech.
(З) _ (take) а job working оп а potato
farm. Althouqh she had tried during her final уеаr of 1 'Your work is excellent.'
university, she (4) (not Ье) able to find а she said that excellent
job iп marine biology, and now she (5) _ 2 l learned а ot f"on your р,еsепIаI or.
(need) mопеу because she (6) Не told а ot from mу
(аlrеаdу decide) to travel to New Zealand to work on presentatlon.
conservation projects - which she eventualLy 3 'They've worked hаrd оп their реrfоrmапсе,'
(7) -- (do),
She said that оп their

Finding а career in mаriпе biology реrfоrmапсе.

4 'We'll Ье happy to he р you.'
After she (S) _ (wоrk) fоr six months in New
Не told to help me,
Zealand, she (9) (get) а job оп а research
boat and trave led the wоr d's oceans, looking at whales, --
want to go to со lege.'

EventuaLly, she (l0) (go) back to university she said that to colle9e.

and еаrпеd а PhD in marine bio ogy. Now she's building

а marine conservation research and education centre in
@ write the reported sentences iп direct speech.

sri tanka to share hег love of the ocean with others, 1 Не said he would see me the next week,
2 She said she was interested ln languages.

ф look at
the article in Exercise Write questions using the 3 She said they'd started learning kung fu last уеаr.

verbs in brackets. Use the past perfect or past simple.

4 Не said you practised every day.
5 She sald she would qet а job to рау fоr college.
1 When (you decide) to Ьесоmе а mаriпе
bioIoglst? ф Пеаd the conversation. Complete the reported
2 _(you try)to find а biology;ob Ьеfоrе you speech below.
finished university?
Davina: l want to study art iп college.
3 Why (you take) а job on а potato fаrm?
Ben. Why do you want to do that?
4 How lопg (you Ье) in New Zealand
Davina: ! rеаllу enjoyed my аrt с ass last уеаr.
before you got the rеsеаrсh job?
Веп: What did you like about it?
5 What did you do after (you get) your
Davina: lt taUght гпе to See, 've discovered а пеw side
of myselfI

@ Complete the answers to the questions in Exercise 2. Ben: Will your parents et you study агt?

Use the past perfect where you сап.

Davina: l'm not sure, but it can't hurt to ask them.

1 Ву the age of six l ,. , i;:;:;' ::|,i::'-;(ti;,,lit., },r,:;l*,li,, Davina said (]) to study art iп co]lege.
She said she (2) hеr art class

2 Yes, ., l (З) уеаr. She said it (4) hеr to

3 l realized that l needed mопеу because .. see. She (5) а new side of herself.

4 l got the research job when l ... Ben asked if hеr parents would let hеr study art. Davina
5 After l ... said that it (6) _ to ask them.
- -

Unit 9 G"аппа, prac-'ce 145

ТНЕ PASSIVE Affi rmatives and negatives

We use the passive when the реrsоп who does the action
(the agent) is obvious, untmportant оr unknown.

Act]ve: 5сiепгlsrs develop пеw_tесhпоlоgу every doy

Passive: New teclhology is developed every day. Was the orea explored last year?
Were the caves discovered iп
The passive focuses attention оп the object ofthe verb: 1 в5а?

пеw technology. The object ofthe active vеrЬ becomes the

subjecL o[the passive verb. ý+ '"

We fоrm the рrеsепt simple passive with the рrеsепt of Ье ТНЕ PASSIVE W|TH ВУ+ AGENT
+ the paSt participle of the main vеrЬ. We use the present
То say who оr what does or did the action (the а9еп0 in а
simple passive [оr: ,anrana. in the passive voice, we use Ьу,
. lасts that are generally true. New technology is develaped Ьу scientists оrоuпd thе world
д lot of еlесtrопiс devices are mаdе iп Сhiпа.
. regL]lar acl,ions. However, we don't usually use Ьу + agent whеп the agent is
Diчiпg classes are held ечеrу Soturday. . obvious.
. st€рs iп а process. The firя Дррlе iРhапе was sold iп 20а7 ФуАррё
The devices are designed iп Соlifоrпiа. АГtеr they're buitt iп . Unimportant.
Сhiпо, they're shipped all over the world, Steve Jobs was liked опd respected фуеуеrуопеjп+hе
Affi rmatives and negatives €оffiр€луr.

The еqutрmепt is / isп't made iп Сhiпа, . uпkпоWп,

Му iРhопе was 5rоlеп. (l don't know who stole it.)
Smoke sigпаls are / оrеп't used today.
S i]s*_::i,:,::* :=]* .i
/s the еquiрmепt mаdе iп Сhiпо?
дrе smoke stqnols used todoy?

We fоrm the past simple passive with the past of Ье + the

past participle of the main чеrЬ.
Use the simple past passive fоr:
. facts from history.
The pyramids were built 5,000 years ogo.
. pa5t processes оr events.
Дftеr the bottle, thе tаwп was left empty.

146 Unit 10 Grаmmаr rеtеrепсе

@ Choose the correct option (passive or active) to @ Writ" questions in the passive.
complete each sentence.
Present simple:
1 Technology is used / used fоr exploring the world. 1 How / the аir / switch on
2 Explorers wеrе made / madethe first map of the аrеа How is the air switched оп?
ld5L yedl,
3 l was given / govethis book last уеаr,
2 Where / the equipment / store

4 Were you used / Did you use а соmрutеr at school?

3 What / this machine / use fоr

5 The cave i,l/ds discovered / discovered in 2007. Past simple:

6 Не was fочпd / found ап ancient city in the desert. 4 How many / maps / make
5 When / this photo / take
@ Complete the article using the correct forms of the
6 Which / саvе /ехрlоrе
verbs in brackets.

Genghis Khan (l 162-1227)was the most роwегГul lеаdеr @ Rewrite the paragraph. Put the verbs in bold in the
passive and use byto show the agent.
iп the history of the world, but по опе knows exactly
whеrе he (r ) _ (bury) when he died. The facts Mobile health
оf his death (2) _ (not know) today either, ln 20'l ], the Chinese gоVеrпmепt started the Wireless
But ехрlоrеr АlЬеп Yu-iV]in tin (З) _ (hope) to Неап Health project to help rurаl patients with
find out mоrе. ln the past, people Iooking for апсlепt sites heart problems. А small wire connects patients to а
(4) _(ехрlоrе) оп foot and оftеп dug а lot of smartphone with equipmeni that rесоrds iпfоrmаtiоп
holes. But now, small flying machines with cameras called about their heart. Then а doctor checks the information
drones (5)_ (use)to iake pictures frоm high frоm the phone, so апу advice оr а change of medicine
iп the аir. These images (6) _ (study) fоr signs can Ье given if necessary.
of апсiепt buildings. lf Lin's team noilces something,
thеv (7) (no[ slart) diooino immedialelv. @ Пеаd the article. Answer the questions.
А new technology that can look through stone and earth 3D printing used Ьу doctors to make tools and
(В) _ (use) to'see'what's underground
medical equipment
without di99ing. When Haiti was hit Ьу а huge earthquake in 20] 0, the
people needed medical equipment right away. Ноwеvеr,
@ Пеаd the article. Fоr each sentence, write Р (passive)
sending things to Haiti is slow and was made almost
or Д (active). Then choose the best word to complete
impossible Ьу the earthquake. Dаrа Dotz, who was
the description.
working to help the people оf Haitl, had ап idea. А ЗD
Using technology to explore the world printer could Ье used Ьу doctors in Haiti to make some
Every day, пеw places (']) are explored thanks to some of the necessary tools and equipment.
amazinq technoloqy. Cave divеr Alberto Nava (2) wеаrs а
1 what the main focus of each sentence?
device called а 'rеьrеаthе/. when the diver breathes out,
2 Which agent isn't necessary?
the rеЬrеаthеr (З) cleans the аir before it (4) is breathed
again. Rebreathers (5) are used when divers want to stay @ Write complete passive sentences. Add Ьу if necessary.
under water fоr long periods of time and when they 1 Paper / make / wood.
want to Ье vеrу quiet. А rеЬrеаthеr (6) doesn't make
Paper is mаdе{rаm waad.
any bubbles.
1 _ 2 / make / second century / the Chinese.
lt / first
- the aoent is obvious / чпkпоwп оr uпimlоrrапг
2 _-thefocus ofthe sentence is оп the subject/ object
3 Some parts / the wood / rеmоvе.

з the subiect l obiectis the focus ofthe sentence

4 lVaterial / then / wash and dry.
4_ the aoent is obvious l чпkпоwп оr чпimlоrtапt
5 Wаtеr / take out of it / lаrgе machine.

5_ The acent is obvious / uпkпоwп оr чпim)оrtопt

6 Рареr / cut into sheets / fоr printing.

6 _-thefocus ofthe sentence is on thesubiect / obiect 7 lt / make / into books, newspapers, etc.
8 Paper products / sell / newsagents апd other shopkeepers.

Unit 'l
0 Сrаmпа, рrасtiсе 147
was/were been leave left 1eft
become lea rп еа rп.оd еа rned
Ьесоmе became

began begun 1et let leL
brought make made made
Ьriпg brought
built meet met гпеt
build bui]t
bolght paid paid
buy bought рау
chosen put put pUt
choose chose
Come read read read
СоП.6 саmе
CoSt coSt rап
done 5ау said
do d]d
dru пk 5ее SaW Seen
drink drank
eaten sell soid sold
eat ate
fallen send Sent Sent
fa {I fell
Sat Sat
feel felt felt Sit

found sleep slept

find found
flown spea k spoke spoken
fly flew
forgotten spend 5pent Sрепt
fоrgеt forgot
swim SWam SWUm
get got 9ot
given ta ke took taken
give gaVe
gопе teach ta ug ht ta Ug Гrt
go Went
greW grоWп
Lell told told
had think thoUg ht thoug ht
have had
heard ndersta nd understood understood
hеаr heard u

hurt wake woke woken

hurt huп
kept Wоrе Wоrп
keep kept
known Wrote Wrltten

148 1rrе9ulаr vеrЬ list

Шru!Т Т ý* i*ýr***{ý*гу р*sЁ**r*
lntroduce yourself

name to greet them

iп the salutation
]'m а student in Yеаr 9 the person you
аrе writing to about
Talk about your favourite subjects аrе art апd mustc. l love drawing suреrhеrо com]cs, апd ,,z
interests.-__-Iиуýtay tг,е drums, l'm also rеаllу
t '-'"/into football. l'm а great playerl (But mу friепd/
his or her interests.

End Ьу saying you tt

don't always agreel) ,/
lookforward to
hearing from the
\ wt ut about you? Аrе you into sports? What are your favourite subjects?
person and then l look forward to hеаrrпg frоm you.
end with а closing
(Sincerely, Best Best wishes,
Wishe5, Yours truly,
паmе. Timo
etc.) and your

tJNпт Р "& **s*rýрчё*r: {**s*гý*ё*g * visýtý* * h*r*s* *r pl***}

Shuri Castle is а brilliiant castle iп the city l'm frоm - Naha, Jарап.l\-#Ще
W-hat is
of the place? What
is it? last year when my cousin was visiting from Tokyo, because the castle is famouj Where is it?

ffiгut buildlngS, pretty gardens and hu9e gates, That's the rеаsоп l like it It's Why is it special?
Why do people
unlike апу other place l've еvеr seen. д king used to live there, but поw it is like
How old is it?
whеп was it built? а гnusegлl When we were takin9 а tour, tЙе tour guide showed us the lnside
of like it?

flcastle and told us about its history, ]t's definitely the coolest house l've
what was the ever Seen.
visit like?

&JN!T В &* *рig:ý*э= *ýý*у

healthY /il,;:#L:. u.,
,state vour own
oPinion essaYs will
State the ar9ument
\Agr"" or disagree: exercising every day is the best way to stay
inthetitleorinthe , _-]_л!лlл:лллli++lлл,,л"_;.лл,,л,,,,-]..,i.ллллfлrrlпr rlthinl / thebeqinningof
While jt's true that doin9 а little exercise every day is good fоr you, l think eating
first oaraoraph, , th..riuy.
we|| is mоrе lmportant than exercise.
Дcknowledgingz/ Onereasonlthinkthisisthatexercisecanmakepeopleeattoomuch.Everyone
other ideas knows someOne whO exerciseS and then eats а lot of junk food as а reward. -_Clearlystateyour
opinions and

make your This doesn t improve their health, l believe that for the best health, everyone give reasons to

argument should first make surе they have а healthy diet, support them'

Stronger' You.
Sесодфiп my opinion по опе should smoke, because cigarettes аrе bad for /Restateyour
Use phrases
also lэаd for peopIe around you. / opinion at the end
'n Forгne,exerciseisthethirdmostimportantthing.ltisn'tnecessarytogOtOthe //

for mе to show gуm, but you should trу to walk to school instead of gоiпg Ьу Саr Оr bus. /
where you are /
Stating уоur Not smokin9 and gettin9 ехеrсisе аrе important, but the best waY to Stay healthy
opinion. is to have а good diet,

Writinq bank 149

UNlт 4 &g= ***жýrы *:**ýý

in - ЪDеаr City Summer School,

lnclude the name Say how you know
of а person about the соmрапу
the salutation if SaW yoUr ad for the two_week
] CoUrSe iп vrdeo_making оп vacatton.ourrer,cor. l or course.
possible. lf you
l'm wrlting because l'd 1ike to ask some questions,
don't know the Say why you're
паmе of the Fiгst, does each student makevideo, or do students wоrk tn qroups to
person who will Ье produce projects? Second, сап you teli mе if students have to choose to
reading the email, make а story оr а documentary, оr is it роssilэlе to do both?
include the name
ofthe соmрапу or Thank you iп advance for апу information you сап give mе. l look fоrwаrd End with а polite

to hеагiпg frоm you. and professional

closing, like Yours
Yours sincerely, sincerely or Best
Ask questions about wishes.
the company or Alfonso А ongi
course. Make sure
that they show
you've done
some research

Thank the person.

UNIт 5 ý*f*гж*ý Ё*чýt*ýý**== *** г*рýý*s

When you write an
invitation, give the
\ Неу Sylvia,
time, date, location |'m having а birthday party on Saturday the 25th from 5:00 to l0:00 at my
and type of event.
house. Wе'rе going to have pizza and watch а fr m. Сап you гпаkе it?
Remember to ask
the person to let RSVP
you know if they
can come.

When you accept
HiDavina, an invitation, begin
Thanks for inviting гпе to your graduation рапу. 'd love to come. What should Ьу saying thank
you. lf you have апу
When you say по to wear? Should l Ьriпg anything? tet me know ASAP!
questionS about
ап invitation, begin [епа the event, ask the
Ьу saying thank you.
writer. lt can Ье
Apologize that you
polite to offer to
can't make it, and
bring something
say why - without
Anders, (food оr drinks, for
giving too mапу
details if you don't Thank you fоr the nvitatlon to your New Year's рапу. l'm sоrrу, but can't example).

Want to. lt is polite make it. l've already made other р ans.
to end Ьу saying
Luca s
you hope they enjoy
the event. Р5 l hope you have а great time|

150 Writinq bank

tЛNýТ Ф &* **vЕ** Ьý*g
Sometimes the title
lf you feel stressed out, talkto апоthеr student
ofthearticlewill with ехаm stress
tell you what the about it. lt helps to remind you that your
problem is. ,z lt'sпоturоl to feel stressed whеп you have ап ехоm. feel r9s аrе lorma|.
,/ lп fact, if you don't feel at leost а little stressed, you
Look at the first/ рrоЬоЬlу аrеп't worktng hard enough. Stress соп
You may want to stay up iate studying, but you
paragraph. The help to mоkе us study, but if have tao mчсh
should get plenty of rest. lf you're too tired, you
рrоьlеm, and whyit sгress it сап make us опd reduce our сhапсеs
, ill
won't lеаrп as well, and you may get ill.
is а problem, should
success. l asked mу friепds how they deol with
ье clearlv stated. 7 ofехаm stress. Here аrе thelr top
Exercise is one of the best ways to fight stress
and clear your mind. Whеп уоu'rе planning your
tips. SlX

The first paragraph / ехаm preparation, you should include rе9ulаr

should also sav how 7 No one
is perfect. Do your best, but rеmеmЬеr: physical activ,ty
the blog addresses / lt won't help you to have а lot of stress and
the problem. / wоrrу about gettin9 100 percent еVеrу time. 0n exam day, rеmеmЬеr to Ьrеаthе. When you
breathe deeply, you feel mоrе relaxed!
Look for each
, // When you're рrераriпg Гоr an ехаm, eat well.
5olution. Notice the
Your Ьrаiп needs food! Eat plenty of fresh fruit 7 lf you follow these tips, you'll improve your chances
supporting evidence аПd vegetables.
,/ о[ ехоm succe5s. Cood |uCl !
the author uses.
supportins "/
U5ing /
evidence helps the The concluding sentence should say what the /
author explain how author thinks will happen if you follow the
the solution сап advice. lt might also restate the problem.
help somebody.

tЛNIт 7 & г*st*týгý*t г*vЕ*ъv

Make sure to address
these points
when describing
а restaurant.
Р|аСе Au q Llste Ва rо п
location /_l- Opening hours: Sunday & Thursday l9:З0-22:З0, Fridау & Saturday 19:З0-23:001
г,ее9аr poly ve,y wеlсоmiгg and ге|ахiпg olace to eat, \ДqчегL о'l а
sа \oo.nino tir.,
"- '\_
Saturday еvепlпg, when t WaS Vеrу lively, but еVеrуопе WaS Very рЪаsапЧО
interestino Doint
\ саlm.
recommedation ,.
r brasserie's 'sellinq
'selling point, is that their experienced chefs рrераrе the meals
with imperfect fruit and vegetables produce that supermarkets don't want, of food

but which ls still safe to eat. This is Ьу no гпеапs а рrоЬlеm _ the food is simple
-.kind /
and vegetarian, fresh and tasty. },?=/r'cost
Of course, опе advantage of eating here is that it is cheaper than most
restaurants in paris. you can eat well for less than ten euros.
We would definitely гесоmmепd Frееgап Ропу - it's very good, cheap and it
helps the епviгопmепt. What's not to ike?

Writing bank 151

IJNIT 8 А р*rsus*sЕv* ЬЕ*g р*sЁ
State your opinion--_
in the title or at the -Making music shouldn't Ье а crime
beginning of the When l went to Paris, l enjoyed the реrfогmеrs who played music, did tricks,
essaУ, /
о, painted pictures on the pavement, --"' doesn't a]low street performers. ExPlain how what
IVy town --
lnlroouce yourtopic/
lntroduce уоur toplL, /Vvc changethat.
5l IUUlU Ll
lWeshould ldll9c Ll ldL, :::;:'#Р"':::?:
could help people.

::l., r:"::'^ l Ме
The world's great cities
Cities have street
5tory.ltсаnhelp//]:.:""l:,Y:."..':'.,::: performers: Tokyo, Edinburgh, Ваrссlоj
performers:Tokyo, Ваrссlод}
llЖЁ,ii],!ili i/*.,.".,,;",;;;l;;;;Ы;;Ъ;;;й;";,;;;.Цйi.+iйй-..о
ll]I,J.i,1],lill city ifIf we allowed them here, people would come to
N/exico City.
//пл.ri.о tо_щДеhrГh-еm
щ: and
you, and f/ f/ wol
rtory and есопоmу ---
wal d also snop. -his would help thе local есопоmу. -- ,/ own experience
,,ii, o" / / How did you feel the last time you saw mаkе а /
include an ехаmпlе
l l
wnat you re
' l l connection
SaW а grеаt street performer? They
They make and describe the

with the audience and they make visitors feel welcome.

;;;;i;; lll l connectionWiththeaudienceandtheymakevisitorsfeelwelcome. your proposal.

*nurl ll Sone
Some people
peoole еаrп their
the;, living this
Th,s way.
way. lt's
t's wrorg
wrопg to stop people
oeople from dоiгg
clearlv state ..,^",l
.lл_"l,, _+л+л Explain what,s
honest work. lt would Ье right to сhапgе the rules to allow street реrfоrmеrs.
;;l/uffi;;;;.1 --
--*b.g .;l *r,.,
. ,l
Mention successful'
I we allowed them, it would imрrоvе our quality of life and 9ive entertainers would Ье right.
change you're action that explains
arguing for. exactly what you
think people
should do.

UNIТ9 ýf*гж*ý *ж*ёý

lnclude а Polite .---
greeting. - Dear lVr Danoff ,

lncludethe rеа5оп -Му school саrееrs adviser, Mis Wong, has given mе your паmе and said that you саП answer some of
for writing. my questions about usеr ехреriепсе design. Thank you vеrу much for this орроrtuПitУ.

Saywhoyouare.-llminyear1,1 attheQuarryHilllnternationalSchoo1.1,mveryinterestedinbothartandinformation
you / technology, and l wou]d like to lеаrп mоrе about being а user experience desrgner.
This сап he|p
expand on why ,/
уоu'rе Writing. ,/ l have а few q;estions.

5ау Wny you

,re.././ ] l want to choose some classes rеlаtеd to UX design. Could you tell mе what the most useful
writino.This сап 7subjects аrе?
рlаппiпg to take courses n art, iпfогmаtiоп technology, psychoiogy and desi9n
includ-e askino
, ,/ Do you have otl,e, suggestions?
qu.r. onr. ,/ 2 Do you know if l need а university dе9rее to work in UX design? lf so, could you гесоmmепd
the best course?
useindirect /
questions to Ье
з l'd ]lke to know if there's а webs te оr magazine that wou d teach mе about the business
l wouLd ]ike to lеаrп as much as l can about what геаl UX designers do.
mоrе polite.

thanks again for аgrееiпg to апSWеr my qUestions. l look forward to hearing frоm you
Requesta replyif ---ll4any
neceSSa rу.

End with а polite -_--Yours
and formal closing. lgnacio Suarez

152 Writing bank

tJ fti IT 1 0 & ý*r*=* ý ý*ýt*г *f sugg*stý*g:
lnc|ude а polite --
greeting. ----.\
Dea.IИs STiLh,

Explain differences --t\ l'm writing about the new'no-phones' ru]е in the cafe area. Whlle l understand that loud telephone
ln oPlnlon. -- conversations аrе annoying, l don't think quietly sending and receiving texts оr checking an арр

Make а suggest on

l l_^ _^^_ic^ \
,\ :,::;:З :};;lТв'l,,"'.:T?fiffi
doesn't Ьоthеr апуопе.
il:ffi'illffi:; il:ъ .,::ii: iЕilжт:l,,Б [ii;,
sресlпс \\ \
examples --t-- \ Сап l SUggest that
you rерlасе the 'no-phones' rule With а Set of 'use technology politely' rules?
and ideas of how \\ lл. а.]mпl^,
v| L^О l lP L'
your suggestion
would work. . Think about the people аrоuпd you.
put phones on silent,
;Й;. \ Don't use уоur phone when уоu'rе at the food counter.

\ Don't talk on уоur рhопе in the cafe аrеа.

Thankthe Rеьоп.
\ \о selies]
" \\ \These rules would stop the annoying behaviour but would allow people who аrеп't bothering
use а polite endinq. ,\
апуопе to use lneir devices,
\\\ \Thark
you for considering Lhis suggestion.
\rou., ,',,..r. u,

1\4ika Thibeau

Writinq bank 153

l пsрi ri пg Со m m uп iсаtiоп



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