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*** You have joined #DAMMEDRP * <neaumont>Hm, I see--MAGIC.

<Black-Ratchet> ** mangaklutz has left [connection closed] <RemixedMagic>Hey guuuuyz. <RemixedMagic>lololol THAT BURD. * Black-Ratchettackleglomps Magic o 3 o <RemixedMagic>Holyjesus---(tackle sounds)


<Black-Ratchet> <neaumont>Heeee. <RemixedMagic>-squished- fjlksjkdlsdf

<Black-Ratchet> Noooooo *gets a bike pump and reinflates poor Magic* <RemixedMagic>-swells back- x_X ** Blue-Violin1230 has joined <neaumont>o n o Poor Magic--BLUE :U <RemixedMagic>Blueee! <RemixedMagic>-wheezes<Blue-Violin1230>HI PEOPLESSSSS <neaumont>How is everyone? :U <Black-Ratchet>Not too bad, just bored. <neaumont>Same here. = u =; <RemixedMagic>Feelin' good. <Blue-Violin1230> <RemixedMagic>-fans<Blue-Violin1230>:{D <Blue-Violin1230>oh yeah..its a real party in here! Wooohoooo <neaumont>> o > <neaumont>Anyone go see any fireworks? <RemixedMagic>Not really. <Blue-Violin1230>yeah... while i was getting my neck brocken on a roller coaster <Blue-Violin1230>*BROKEN <neaumont>... I hope you mean sarcastically. o n o

<Blue-Violin1230>>:I <Blue-Violin1230>I never joke <Blue-Violin1230>.... <Blue-Violin1230>often <neaumont>... No, but really. Your neck's not broken, is it? <Blue-Violin1230>no...but it hurts like a mofo... and we had to go to the doctors <neaumont>Oh dear, that's not good then. ** Jazzikinns has joined <Jazzikinns>Righto, and I'm in <Jazzikinns>Hey guys. ovo <RemixedMagic>JAZZZIIIII <Jazzikinns>Blue~ <Jazzikinns>MAGIIIICCC~ <Blue-Violin1230>JAZZINESS

<Black-Ratchet> JAZZI ~~~<3 <Jazzikinns>Whachu guys up to? o3o <Jazzikinns>...Blatchet. That is still scary but I love you anyway. |D;; <3 <Blue-Violin1230>>:I blatchet always has the best icons <neaumont>:U He has a lot of icons. <Jazzikinns>Yes he does <Jazzikinns>Unfortunately, quite a lot of his icons are freaky as hell. |D <Jazzikinns>STILL <Jazzikinns>I WANT TO KNOW <Jazzikinns>WHY ARE WE NOT DOING ANYTHING? >BV <Blue-Violin1230>I need to drive to wally world for some aloe >:I <Blue-Violin1230>Jazzi...this is a party <Jazzikinns>Aloe... did you burn yourself or something? <Jazzikinns>Orly. Is it. <Black-Ratchet>. . . it's not much of a party. . . <Blue-Violin1230>yes yes i did <Blue-Violin1230>Blatchet.shhhhh <Jazzikinns>|D How did you manage that. <Blue-Violin1230>its like 115 degrees in vegas.....and i went swimming lots... <Jazzikinns>I have aloe growing... somewhere in the backyard. |D <Jazzikinns>Aah. <Jazzikinns>Sunburn? |D;; <RemixedMagic>Holy sweet Christ. <RemixedMagic>That hot. <Blue-Violin1230>yes yes sunburn......i didnt get sunblock on me all the way D: <Jazzikinns>Indeed. Indeed it is. <Jazzikinns>Ah. |D;

<Black-Ratchet> . . . that sucks, Blue. . . . <Jazzikinns>Lol. Want cupcake <Blue-Violin1230>>:I Im going to steal your icons <RemixedMagic>LOL That icooooon <neaumont>... > n > I didn't put on sunscreen yesterday when I went to an amusement park and I didn't get sunburn. < n <

<Black-Ratchet> GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY ICONS <Jazzikinns>I've never gotten sunburn in my life. |D;; <Black-Ratchet>. . . <Blue-Violin1230>youre asian.....OH MY GOD! speaking of ASIANS....there were so many in vegas... it was like heaven <Jazzikinns>Ridiculously tanned, yeah, but never like, burn or anything. <Black-Ratchet>Y'all aint white, either. <Black-Ratchet>Just saying <Jazzikinns>Lol, true Neau. |D <Black-Ratchet>. . . <Black-Ratchet>did you just call me Neau? <Jazzikinns>...nope. <Black-Ratchet>>__> <RemixedMagic>PFFFFF <Jazzikinns>|D;;;;; <Jazzikinns>I DIDN'T THOUGH <neaumont>> o > <Jazzikinns>Though your statement is also something I'd say was true too. >.> <neaumont>> w >

<Black-Ratchet> <Blue-Violin1230>I sat next to a japanese guy while watching sucky ass chris angel...goodness... He spoke japanese for me...dont really care if he was talking crap..but it was amazing <Black-Ratchet>. . . got a bit of a fetish there, eh, Blue? <Jazzikinns>alfjeivnaldfjagaaf--whyareyoulikethatblatchettttt <Jazzikinns>|D Seems so.

<Blue-Violin1230>yes....yes i do <Blue-Violin1230>PROUD OF IT

<Black-Ratchet> <Jazzikinns>xDD <RemixedMagic>XDD <neaumont>> n >;;; * neaumontsuddenly feels kinda uncomfortable <Blue-Violin1230>>:I Neau wont ever speak japanese to me

<Black-Ratchet> <Blue-Violin1230>he just hates dem white peoples <Jazzikinns>...this amuses me. <Black-Ratchet>It's true. He told me so. <neaumont>|D;; Ahahahhh--WHAT <neaumont>RATCHET <Blue-Violin1230>D: <Blue-Violin1230>What D:

<Black-Ratchet> <neaumont>BV <neaumont>You liar, you... <RemixedMagic>-entertained-

<Black-Ratchet> <Jazzikinns>*sits with Magic* <neaumont>FFFFFUUUUUU <RemixedMagic>PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF <Blue-Violin1230>Y YOU HATE WHITE PEOPLES <Jazzikinns>xDDDDD <neaumont>I-I DON'T <Blue-Violin1230>...why did i spell out you? <Blue-Violin1230>not what Blatchet says

<Black-Ratchet> Would I lie to you, Blue~~~? <Jazzikinns>ORLY NOW? <neaumont>... <neaumont>BI <Blue-Violin1230>...Blatchet is my best friend >:I ......... <neaumont>> n > <Blue-Violin1230>& Neau wont EVER speak freakin japanese for me >:I

<Black-Ratchet> That's right~ <neaumont>I beg to differ. I'M NOT YOUR SLAVE BLUE <Blue-Violin1230>.............I bet you speak to blatchet in japanses <neaumont>JAPANSES <Blue-Violin1230>I BET YOUD DO IT IF HE ASKED

<Black-Ratchet> So whose slave ARE you, Neau? <Blue-Violin1230>SHUT UP YOU <neaumont>MY POINT EXACTLY <RemixedMagic>PFFFFFFFFFFFFFT <RemixedMagic>JAPANSES <Blue-Violin1230>d: <Jazzikinns>JAPANSES <neaumont>JAPANSES <Jazzikinns>JAPANSES <Jazzikinns>JAPANSES <Blue-Violin1230>im typing fast <Jazzikinns>Lol, so am I. <Blue-Violin1230>stop picking on the pale child <neaumont>No excuses. <neaumont>AND I'M NO ONE'S SLAVE RATCHET askjbdawjr <Jazzikinns>I can pick on the pale child however I want. :I <Blue-Violin1230>random strangers will speak JAPANESE for me....but Neau....Neau just hates me that much D: <Blue-Violin1230>D:

<Blue-Violin1230>Jazzi you bully

<Jazzikinns>DEAL WITH IT.

<Black-Ratchet> O SNAP <Jazzikinns>I was going to say something, but now I think I'll with hold my comment. <neaumont>BV <neaumont>Gotta restart the computer. > o > <neaumont>Brb guys. <Blue-Violin1230>hes just leaving cuz of me <Jazzikinns>|D Okay Neaufluff <Blue-Violin1230>dont let neau lie to you <Black-Ratchet>. . . wow, what a tool. <neaumont>laskjdbvsakdvj I'M NOT LYING <neaumont>ksjabrklajvrqkjrvqwle ** neaumont has left [connection closed] <Blue-Violin1230>D: <Jazzikinns>>.> <Blue-Violin1230>I TOLD YOU ALL <Jazzikinns>WHAT DID YOU TELL US?

<Black-Ratchet> IT'S ALL TRUE <RemixedMagic>Whu? <Blue-Violin1230>I still need some freakin aloe <Black-Ratchet>You probably should go get some- sunburns are srsbsns <Jazzikinns>Pffft, then get it? ;A; <Blue-Violin1230>im gonna make my brodda do it..... <Jazzikinns>|D <Blue-Violin1230>winning C: <Jazzikinns>Oho? <Jazzikinns>Oooh <Jazzikinns>and <Jazzikinns>before I forget <Jazzikinns>Blatchet suggested an idea for Winter <Jazzikinns>and I think it sounds pretty good <Blue-Violin1230>go on

<Blue-Violin1230>I saw a hooker yesterday..though ya'll should know <Jazzikinns>....whut? <RemixedMagic>._o <Blue-Violin1230>........... :{D <Blue-Violin1230>so what is this idea? <Jazzikinns>Oh. Well, anyway. The idea's basically to give Winter a pair of fans. <Blue-Violin1230>Fans~ <Jazzikinns>And then she can generate her own wind without using her power <Jazzikinns>then <Jazzikinns>kind of like reinforce it using her powers <Jazzikinns>Sort of like training wheels? <Blue-Violin1230>oh man...thats pretty dang creative <Blue-Violin1230>good thing i came up with that idea >:{D

<Black-Ratchet> <Blue-Violin1230>Blatchet....have you been to Vegas?

<Jazzikinns> <Black-Ratchet>No way, that's way too damn hot for me ** MidnightSilhouette has joined ** MidnightSilhouette has left [connection closed] <Jazzikinns>Hey Mid! <Jazzikinns>Or not ** MidnightSilhouette has joined <Jazzikinns>... <Jazzikinns>HEY MID <RemixedMagic>MIIIID!

<Black-Ratchet> O HAI MID<BlueViolin1230>hiiii middddd~~~~~~<MidnightSilhouette>BABIEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS<Jazzikinns> Lol, but yeah. I figure that if you wanted to<MidnightSilhouette>I HAVE

RETURNED<Black-Ratchet> <Jazzikinns>we could rp it out or something, Blue. |D;; <Jazzikinns>WELCOME BACK <Jazzikinns>YOU'VE BEEN MISSED <Blue-Violin1230>its not thattt hat blatchet <Jazzikinns>SO VERY MUCH <Blue-Violin1230>*HOY <Blue-Violin1230>*HOTT <Blue-Violin1230>geez <Jazzikinns>HAT <Jazzikinns>HOY <Jazzikinns>HOTT <Jazzikinns>HOTT <MidnightSilhouette>also, jenner and shamira have been doing a lot of tango in my head <Blue-Violin1230>>:I youre a bully <MidnightSilhouette>it's weird <MidnightSilhouette>WHAT R U TALKING ABOUT? <Jazzikinns>You make it too easy. >.> <Jazzikinns>Lol. That must be a wonderful image <Jazzikinns>I DON'T KNOW <Jazzikinns>ABOUT <Jazzikinns>WINTER AND FANS? <MidnightSilhouette>Shamira: Oh, Jenner, your eyebrows are so....BIG

<Black-Ratchet> <MidnightSilhouette>Jenner: Well, you know what they say~ Big eyebrows big *Sam: COCK A DOODLE DOO!* <Black-Ratchet>Ah. . . we missed you, Mid. . . .

<MidnightSilhouette>also, just so i can rechristen this place <MidnightSilhouette>*ahem* <MidnightSilhouette>SEX <MidnightSilhouette>OMG NEW ICONS!~ <MidnightSilhouette>QAQ I missed u gaiz too. did u do anything fun while i was away?

<Jazzikinns>Lol yeah <Jazzikinns>so many new icons <Jazzikinns>Hmmg <Jazzikinns>fun stuff... <MidnightSilhouette>.....any yaoi? *shot* <Jazzikinns>Let's think. What's happened again? |D;; <Black-Ratchet>. . . we can have fun? I've been too busy torturing Jenner. . . <Jazzikinns>There's been Gio/Vince drama... <Jazzikinns>Oooh <MidnightSilhouette>damn <MidnightSilhouette>MY YAOI QAQ <Jazzikinns>there was that game of 7 minutes in heaven that I missed. orz <Black-Ratchet>heeee <MidnightSilhouette>oh i know about that one from pancakes <MidnightSilhouette>jenner has a harem, i swear <MidnightSilhouette>he's just all like "Fuck all these bitches! I'm a pimp"

<Black-Ratchet> U JELLY, MID??? <MidnightSilhouette>sorry, i must warn u, i'm hyper <MidnightSilhouette>YES I'M JELLY. I'LL SPREAD MYSELF ALL OVER YOU AND *shot* <Black-Ratchet>q 3 p <MidnightSilhouette>we shall make ze beeyootiful toast togezer <Blue-Violin1230>jelly is goes off to make sammich

<Black-Ratchet> ** Jazzikinns has left [timed out] <Blue-Violin1230>JAZZZZZZIIII D:

<MidnightSilhouette> references BEFORE you guys thought I was funny

I was making sexual


. . . when did we say you

were funny?

<MidnightSilhouette> Last night over that ironic beer in your wine glass....IRONICALLY <Blue-Violin1230>Brodda- "So Winter..", Me-" What?", Brodda-"Youre gay", Me-"Mom regrets griving birth to you" <Blue-Violin1230>*giving <Blue-Violin1230>i know hate spelling <Blue-Violin1230>now <Blue-Violin1230>holy crap <MidnightSilhouette>lol <Black-Ratchet>it's ok, Blue <MidnightSilhouette>Mom: We got you from the baby store Dad: On special. Me: Well, then, if you got me from the baby store, *my little brother* was the free gift with purchase! Brother: Hey! <RemixedMagic>Neau has a higher record of misspellings. <MidnightSilhouette>eto <MidnightSilhouette>the voice actor for Naruto's dad said Eto a lot on sunday <Blue-Violin1230>his english is way better than mine <MidnightSilhouette>I FUCKIN' LOVED IT. I was like.....FUCK IT'S NAOKI'S DAD! <RemixedMagic>PFFFT <MidnightSilhouette>lol <MidnightSilhouette>soooo <MidnightSilhouette>MASSIVE ORGY TIME

<Black-Ratchet> <Blue-Violin1230>I have trained my family not to cuss c: instead they say "b-word" or "s-word" Changing one family at a time <MidnightSilhouette>ono <RemixedMagic>Yaaay~ <Blue-Violin1230>ksgi;oasdgvashb Has anyone been watching the Casey Anthony thingy? <Black-Ratchet>only vaguely <RemixedMagic>Kinda. =_= <MidnightSilhouette>BASTARDS <MidnightSilhouette>askdffjadkjfajd *goes on huge rant* <Blue-Violin1230>im so pissed of dudesss <Blue-Violin1230>off <Blue-Violin1230>geez man.. <Blue-Violin1230>im just gonna stop typing

<MidnightSilhouette>me too ** neaumont has joined <RemixedMagic>Wb Neau. C8 <Black-Ratchet>. . . took you long enough, Neau <neaumont>adsfkjb I-It wasn't my fault! The updates took a long time to install. BV

<Black-Ratchet> <neaumont>FFFFFFF <neaumont>There was no need for that. BI <Blue-Violin1230>>:I youre back <MidnightSilhouette>Blatchet used bitch slap. It's not very effective <MidnightSilhouette>Midnight used flash the boobies. <neaumont>o n o <neaumont>MID <neaumont>YOU'RE BACK <neaumont>Holy crap. <MidnightSilhouette>HIIIIII~

<Black-Ratchet> <MidnightSilhouette>didja miss me~ *kissy kissy* <MidnightSilhouette>[link]

Observant, isn't he?


<MidnightSilhouette> <Blue-Violin1230>your icons blatchet...teach my ur ways


<MidnightSilhouette> <Black-Ratchet>My secret weapon <Blue-Violin1230>...................I have fallen in love with you

<Black-Ratchet> <Blue-Violin1230>-watches cake boss** SoveriegnofSilence has joined ** Blue-Violin1230 has joined ** Blue-Violin1230 has left [connection closed] <MidnightSilhouette>sooooooov

<Black-Ratchet> Sov? <neaumont>SOVVVVV <neaumont>8D <SoveriegnofSilence>my loves! <SoveriegnofSilence>Ratchet that is the best face ever <Black-Ratchet>ty, ty~~ <RemixedMagic>Hey Sov! <SoveriegnofSilence>how is everyone? I haven't been on in foreeever <SoveriegnofSilence>I'm sooorru <SoveriegnofSilence>sorry <MidnightSilhouette>ME EITHER ** Jazzikinns has joined <MidnightSilhouette>I HAD SURGERY AND SHIT <neaumont>I'm doing good--JAZZI <MidnightSilhouette>and only just got my sling off last weekowo <Jazzikinns>AMG <RemixedMagic>Wb Jazzi! <Jazzikinns>FINALLY <Jazzikinns>I'M BACK IN <SoveriegnofSilence>Indeed madame! feeling better? <Jazzikinns>DIDJA MISS ME? <neaumont>YES <RemixedMagic>YEAH. <MidnightSilhouette>MUCH BETTER

<Jazzikinns>YAY <Jazzikinns>Anywhoo <Jazzikinns>Hey Sov <Jazzikinns>And whut're we talking bout? <MidnightSilhouette>*tackleglomps sov, then boobglomps neau8 <SoveriegnofSilence>pfft <Jazzikinns>Lolol <neaumont>lksjdbvdkjfbk <neaumont>A-Ahem. <Black-Ratchet>Go easy on Neau, he's still kinda scared of teh

<neaumont>ls/kdbfsj;bfskjgbdsk.fnksl <Black-Ratchet>see? <SoveriegnofSilence>sweet mother of god. <neaumont>-clears chat because of that<Jazzikinns>...jiggle. <MidnightSilhouette>ahahahaha <MidnightSilhouette>i shall cradle u to my bosom until u're cured!!!! <neaumont>asdfkjn <MidnightSilhouette>ah neau <RemixedMagic>Oh goodness those... things. <MidnightSilhouette>how are u ever gonna give ur parents nice asian babies if yuou can't stand a little boob in the face? <Jazzikinns>So....much...jiggle. <neaumont>lzkjbkjlfdbsfkjlsdbfdsklbfdskjlfa;bfask;lbfskj;fb;L <SoveriegnofSilence>ASIAN BABIES <MidnightSilhouette>*le sighs* <MidnightSilhouette>I guess you and Blatchet'll have to adopt <MidnightSilhouette>*shot* <RemixedMagic>PFFFFFFFFF <neaumont>///////;;;;;;

<Jazzikinns> xD;; <neaumont>A-Anywayyy, l-let's move on to a different subject... <Jazzikinns>Like what? o3o <neaumont>A-Anyone in the mood for RP, maybe? <SoveriegnofSilence>YUS AHMG <Jazzikinns>...yes. .u.

<Black-Ratchet> <RemixedMagic>Um, okay. <neaumont>HOORAH <Jazzikinns>Who's starting?]] <Jazzikinns>And where are we?]] <RemixedMagic>Not it.) <neaumont>Not it. ] <Black-Ratchet>Neau starts)) <SoveriegnofSilence>not it)) <Black-Ratchet>it was his idea)) <neaumont>kasjbfFFFFFF ] <Jazzikinns>Not it]] <Jazzikinns>Late, but Neau's starting anyway]] <Jazzikinns>so it dun matter]] <neaumont>dsjbfekjlrbekjl ] <neaumont>BV ]

<Black-Ratchet> WHAT'S THE HOLDUP, NEAU?! )) <neaumont>Fine, fine, sheesh--FFFFFFFF ] <neaumont>GDI ] <neaumont>GIVE ME SOME TIME ] <SoveriegnofSilence>ugh, does anyone know anything about deep sea hydrothermal vent communities?)) <Jazzikinns>Nope. *so lost over what you just said*]] <RemixedMagic>-googles lol-) <SoveriegnofSilence>I have to write a paper and make a power point. And I don't waaaaaaanna.) <RemixedMagic>Well, they include geysers and hot springs.) <neaumont>Gioele: -Standing near a bookcase in the library, he reaches up and pulls out a book whose spine he's been eying ever since he walked into this section. He stands there quietly and flips through the pages as he skims over the words, cigarette lit between his lips.<SoveriegnofSilence>indeed, and lots of funny lookin crab things)) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *wanders down to the library, reading a book on wind demons as he walks. He shuffles through, not looking up from the pages, and makes his way across to a chair* <Blue-Violin1230>what is this?!?!......RP]] <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *boob bombs you all then runs away* ))

<MidnightSilhouette>it's dinner soon for me so yeah i'm not jumping in, otherwise it'd be epic)) <Jazzikinns>Bluue, get in there]] <Jazzikinns>Mid. That makes me so sad. orz;;]] <Blue-Violin1230>dont boss me >:I] <MidnightSilhouette>lol sowwy)) <RemixedMagic>Oh crud tit grenades---*blasted*) <SoveriegnofSilence>But Miiiiiddddddyyyyy. . .)) <MidnightSilhouette>....fine, but it's only for a bit! i'm at home so i have to go when mom calls ono)) <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *snoring loudly on the mothefuckin' comfiest couch ever in the motherfuckin' library bitches!* <RemixedMagic>[Clearly comes by the couch where he usually sits to read, but the moment he noticed that someone else that taken up residence on it, he frowned. That Evie.]

<MidnightSilhouette>Only Evie~ )) <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*sitting curled up next to Evie's feet, reading The Road* <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *pouts in her sleep* No, Jorge, YOU can have that dress, I look horrid in pink.....*snore*...................*snore*..........Fuck you Sam, he's mine! <RemixedMagic>[Ah. There's a face he hadn't seen in a while. Clearly looked up to the familiar recruit and gave her a friendly smile.] "Oh, Bell." <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: eating my niece! Eat Clearleh instead......................zzzzzzzzz <Jazzikinns>Addule: *his ears twitch and he jumps in his seat slightly from the unexpected distraction, searching for its source. Oh look. Evie. He blinks at her, then at Clearly, then looks back down at his book* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*sets down her book and looks up at Clearly* Hello. Evie is having night pictures. <RemixedMagic>[Clearly seats himself at the arm of the sofa and chuckles.] "'Night pictures?' Dreams, you mean?" <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: Fuck yer couch! Fffff...........................................Jenner, why are yeh in a thong? <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *nods* Yes. I forget that you call them dreams. *looking back at Evie* Evie's are very vivid. ** Blood-and-Spice has joined <MidnightSilhouette>((and random)) <MidnightSilhouette>BABYCAKESSSS)) <Blood-and-Spice>YOU GUYS WERE RPING AND DIDNT TELL ME?! )) <Jazzikinns>Bloood~]] <Jazzikinns>Pffft, brb]] <Blood-and-Spice>hey guys. )) <RemixedMagic>BLOOOD)

<SoveriegnofSilence>Blooooooood)) <Blood-and-Spice>HEY MAGIC. lol )) <neaumont>Gioele: "... ?" -Even though the distance was considerably far enough to not be able to hear such a thing as snoring, he did, and he looked over curiously to see who was. He blinked seeing the source. ... That woman looked familiar. And the little tidbits he could hear coming from her mouth were certainly from a sailor mouth. That certainly reminded him of someone.- "Hmmm..." <MidnightSilhouette>((dun worry, evie's just dreaming aobut jorge in a pink dress, bell trying to eat her niece, and rick james)) <Blood-and-Spice>ffff like...Clearly still needs like...the punishment thing... ))) <RemixedMagic>He's still in it. How long is it supposed to be?) <MidnightSilhouette>as long as jenner's d-----eyebrows)) <Blood-and-Spice>forever until he apoligizes. )) <neaumont>Apologizes*. ] <RemixedMagic>Oh fffff) <RemixedMagic>To Zasha?) <Blood-and-Spice>yeah. )) <RemixedMagic>Lol, Idk about that) <SoveriegnofSilence>lohohoho)) <Blood-and-Spice>lolol he can do what he likes. )) <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Vivid. (chuckle) Very evident." <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: They're breasts, not pillows, idiot! ...................................................Mika's a special case.............zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *stalks into the library, nodding at the various recruits scattered about, making his way to the Historical section* . . . . <Blood-and-Spice>you going to check on your crush biggest fandom Jenner? )) <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *nods* She talks in her sleep a lot. <Black-Ratchet>hells yeah, Jenner's got a poster over his bed and everything~ )) <neaumont>> n > ] <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Rather diverting, if I may say that." [He pokes Evie in the cheek.] <MidnightSilhouette>lol)) <MidnightSilhouette>Evie: *bites at his finger* Hold still so I can maim yeh, Flintarse! *growls, rolling over* <MidnightSilhouette>wait, so no more shamira/jenner? QAQ)) ** Jazzikinns has left [timed out] <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -He considers going to join that group across the library, especially when he sees Bell is there, but Jenner soon walks into his view. Putting the book he had back, since it wasn't as interesting as it looked, he follows Jenner.- "Hey, Jenner!" -He says, approaching, removing the cigarette from his mouth and smushing it afterwards.<Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Oh, hello, Gio. Good to see you on your feet. *starts strolling through the Asia section* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Hm. Maybe you shouldn't poke her, Clearly. <MidnightSilhouette>((looking for busty asian beauties? *supernatural ref*))

<neaumont>Gioele: -He nodded.- "Ah, yeah, I was discharged two days or so ago... I healed up pretty alright, considering the damage done." -He matches his pace to Jenner, looking over the section they were now in, wondering if this held some purpose for his friend.- "Still have to be a bit careful though..." <SoveriegnofSilence>what happened to Gio?)) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Always, young Gio. Always. *looking thtrough the selection of Chinese history texts* Hm. Not nearly as extensive as I'd hoped. . . *frowning slightly, he selects three volumes from the shelf and starts carrying them back to a reading table* <Black-Ratchet>yeah, Magic, what happened to Gio?

)) <neaumont>YEAH MAGIC. BV ]

<RemixedMagic> Jeez. Okay.) <RemixedMagic>Clearly cut up Gio badly in a spar fight and things happened.) <neaumont>Sliced open his scars, yes. BI ] <RemixedMagic>Mm-hmm.) <MidnightSilhouette>brb)) <SoveriegnofSilence>eeew)) <Blood-and-Spice>lolol don't pick on magic. lol )) <RemixedMagic>[Clearly retracts his finger.] "Hmm. Possibly not." [He picks up his book and turns to the first page.] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*looks up over Clearly's knee to see the book* What are you reading? <MidnightSilhouette>dinner time gotta go)) <RemixedMagic>Bye Miiiid) <Black-Ratchet>bye Mid)) ** McPancakes has joined <SoveriegnofSilence>aw, bye Mid)) <Black-Ratchet>hola, Pnacksea)) <McPancakes>*clings to mid* NO WAIFU STAYSSSS)) <SoveriegnofSilence>CAKES)) <RemixedMagic>Mancaaaakes!) <neaumont>Gioele: "... ?" -Watching Jenner select those particular books, he was more curious. He kept quiet about it until they both reached a reading table.- "... Any reason for you choosing those books?" <RemixedMagic>[Clearly holds his book up.] "Wuthering Heights." <McPancakes>allo ladies~ and andrew)) <neaumont>... ] <MidnightSilhouette>IT'S DINNER MANCAKES W'ELL HAVE DESSERT LATER

BYES)) ** MidnightSilhouette has left [connection closed] <Black-Ratchet>LAWL )) <RemixedMagic>HURRHURR) <McPancakes>sorry naoki didnt see you there)) <neaumont>... Of course you didn't. ] <McPancakes>YOU GET SPECIAL GREETINGS <33333)) <neaumont>a;lsdkfndjlbg ] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Oh I like that one. It is very bleak, but interesting. <McPancakes>sooooooo.....whats everyone doing? *rolls into the lurk box*)) <SoveriegnofSilence>hey, sorry I missed you the other night Cakes, I was playing Diner Dash XD)) <RemixedMagic>Clearly: (chuckle) "I'm just getting started." [He skips the foreword and miniature biography of the author to the first chapter.] <McPancakes>=3= i see how it is)) <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*rests her chin on Clearly's knee* Then I will not tell you what happens. Evie does not like it when I do that. <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *glanced at Gio, eyes narrowed* Research. Mostly curiosity, really- I've studied the works of several of China's great thinkers, yet I know almost nothing about the culture that created them. *opens the first book, at the back, and starts scanning the Index* <SoveriegnofSilence>I couldn't help it I WAS ON LIKE, LEVEL 50.)) <McPancakes>lol its cool its cool)) <McPancakes>did i tell you about my bell moment? or just leave you hangin?)) <SoveriegnofSilence>noo, tell me!)) <McPancakes>i met up with a client the other day)) <McPancakes>and the first thing i ever thought was: "You smell funny.")) <SoveriegnofSilence>loooooool)) <McPancakes>and from that sentence, i did not trust anything he said)) <McPancakes>I JUDGED A CLIENT BASED ON SMELL)) <McPancakes> /is a terrible person) <SoveriegnofSilence>nah, smells is important!)) <McPancakes>but i felt so badddd)) <neaumont>Gioele: "I see..." -He kind of looked over Jenner's shoulder, though stopped after he saw it was the index for now.- "Seems like a smart idea... getting to know others' cultures are fascinating. Who have you studied?" <McPancakes>anyways)) <McPancakes>after i realized what i did i told myself i needed to rp lol)) <SoveriegnofSilence>YUS)) <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Very thoughtful of you. Now what are you reading?" <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *waves one hand vaguely* Zhuge Liang. Sun Tzu. Confucius, though his abstractions are rather maddening to me. *running a finger down the index entries, scowling* <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*holds up her book* The Road, by Cormac McCarthy. It's about the end of the world. <McPancakes>woah, this is deep stuff yall are talking about))

<RemixedMagic>Clearly: (grins with interest) "Ohh, that sounds like a thriller. I may look that up after this one. Don't tell me anything else though." <neaumont>Gioele: -He nodded at each name, but only really knew about Confucius and was a bit surprised about what Jenner had to say about him.- "... How are they maddening to you?" <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *growls softly* "I am not one who was born in the possession of knowledge; I am one who is fond of antiquity, and earnest in seeking it there." Confucius was an arch-conservative, who was fervently promoting legacy and tradition at the cost of new, innovative thought. He had great wisdom, but like any other man, it was bent to a specific agenda, at the cost of another. Even today, the echoes of that sentiment stagnate society. <RemixedMagic>brb) <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: Alright. I wouldn't mind reading Wuthering Heights again. Shall we exchange when we're finished? <Black-Ratchet>Yes, Jenner can find fault with everyone. )) <neaumont>I have noticed. 8I ] <neaumont>Gioele: -It took him a minute to gather all what was said and have it make sense to him, but he was listening.- "Mhmm, I can see how that could aggravate someone... I've never really looked at him in that light, nor any others... Maybe I should brush up on my own studies too..." -He said, sheepishly scratching his head and taking a seat.<Black-Ratchet>Jenner: Perhaps you should. *snarls and thrusts the book away* Tch. Is not three millenia far enough to look back. . . ? You humans are dismal record-keepers, you know. <SoveriegnofSilence>Oh I <SoveriegnofSilence>damn, sorry)) <Black-Ratchet>q 3 p that's okay)) <RemixedMagic>(back) <Black-Ratchet>wb, Magic)) <RemixedMagic>ty) <SoveriegnofSilence>Maagic <3)) <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "A positive idea to me." <neaumont>Gioele: -He chuckled a little, nodding as he did so.- "We can only track so far back and keep track of everything... besides, I don't doubt some of the things in our history are false but we continue to believe them." -As he was speaking he pulled out his cigarette pack out of the habit he's been doing for years, but caught himself as he was going to light a fresh one. Frowning, he took all the items and pushed them away from him on the table, somewhat disgusted.<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*tries to go back to her book, but she can't concentrate--the library smells like Gio and Jenner* Clearly, are you sensitive to the way people and demons smell? <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Hm? Not at all, really. Why d'you ask?" <Black-Ratchet>Aww, Bell's so cute~~ . . .or maybe just hungry. . . }:I )) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *glances up, noting Gio's reluctance to light a fresh cigarette* As I said, Gio. Honor the past, but always keep moving into the future. *pulls the second book open*

<SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*shrugs* My tribe hunts by smell, you see. But here--I have nothing to hunt. I just smell. <RemixedMagic>[Clearly laughs.] "Funny. My species don't rely on smell at all. We just scrounge about. Least it's less work to find your food here." <neaumont>Gioele: -He nodded, resting his head in his palm.- "Yes, I know... I took important care to remember what you said to me." -His eyes narrowed when he continued to stare at his guilty pleasure, until he switched back over to Jenner and his gaze softened.- "And I'm making effort to follow that advice... slowly, but surely." <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: That's true. But now I associate certain smells with certain people. It's not bad--it's just strange. <RemixedMagic>Clearly: "I don't think it's strange. It's simply a natural thing to do. In your case, that is." <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *smiles slightly, gently resting a hand on Gio's shoulder, trying not to reopen his wounds* I'm sure you'll get there, eventually. *pauses, gingerly takes his hand back, clears his throat, and goes back to his book* . . . . ** Blue-Violin1230 has left [timed out] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: I suppose. Gioele smells like cigarettes and sleep. You smell like snow and smoke. Jenner smells like musk and fire.

<Black-Ratchet> )) <neaumont>HEEEEEE ] <RemixedMagic>X3 Bell~) <neaumont>Gioele: -A small blush appeared when Jenner placed his hand on him, and all he could do was nod in agreement at that statement, simply staring at the man afterwards. He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it close after quick reconsideration, sighing as the conversation stalled between them for now.<RemixedMagic>Clearly: "Snow and smoke, eh..." [He softly laughs at that thought.] <Black-Ratchet>Confess your true feelings, Gio }:U )) <McPancakes>Gioelle: pie.... <_<)) <neaumont>;adskfjbaekjlrbewkjl ] <neaumont>The man is afraid. u n u ] <McPancakes>Gioele: especially the strawberry ones...they remind me of puppies~)) <McPancakes>also, clearly is now the new frosty the snowman)) <RemixedMagic>Pffffpbllllltt.) <SoveriegnofSilence>LOL)) <Black-Ratchet>oh, dear. Mah brain just assembled a few things about Gio. prepare for more awkward, Neau)) <neaumont>8I Yay, awkward. orz; ] <neaumont>Wait. NO. NO AWKWARD. OTL;. ] ** Jazzikinns has joined <RemixedMagic>Wb Jazzi!) <RemixedMagic>Neau, you should be used to awkward by now.) <Jazzikinns>FINALLY]]

<Jazzikinns>Hey guys]] <Jazzikinns>What's going on?]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *pretends to read the book a bit longer, then sighs, and closes the book, eyes fixed on the back cover* Gio. . . you once had a mate. A woman. You cared deeply for her, did you not. . . ? <neaumont>... I can sense this foreboding awkwardness already. ] <Black-Ratchet>And well you should)) <RemixedMagic>-opens up a bag of awkwardchips-) <neaumont>HEE ] <neaumont>Awkwardchips. ] <McPancakes>oooh can i have some pagic?)) <Black-Ratchet>Cool ranch? )) <Black-Ratchet>PAGIC)) <SoveriegnofSilence>munches awkwardchips with magic)) <RemixedMagic>Help yourself. -pours into bowl-) <McPancakes>O3O *starts munching on them*)) <RemixedMagic>All the flavors of chips, Ratchet. 8U )

<Black-Ratchet> WANT)) <RemixedMagic>...OHGOSHTHATTIGER -dies of laughter-) <Jazzikinns>...Ilovethattiger]] <McPancakes> /suddenly pictures ratchet as a tiger behind a keyboard)) * Black-Ratchetis okay with that )) <RemixedMagic> /exactly what I imagined) <neaumont>Gioele: "?" -Brought back from some thoughts he began to have, he was surprised at the sudden personal question; he replied after a few seconds, giving a quick glance at the cigarette pack on the table before returning his attention back to Jenner.- "... Yes, I did. Very much. ... Why do you ask?" <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *fidgets in his seat slightly* . . . yet here, you are with that ginger photographer. . . . *is endlessly fascinated by the book cover* <SoveriegnofSilence>*rolls around*)) <Jazzikinns>*rolls with Sov* BV]] <RemixedMagic>-rolls both around-) <McPancakes>*rolls with sov and jazzi and pagic*)) <Jazzikinns>Wheee~]] <neaumont>Gioele: "... Tsk." -Making that noise, his own eyes shifted down to something other than his fellow recruit, which happened to be his other hand on the table, slowly clenching into a fist as he spoke further.- "I am... but honestly, I don't know how longer I can be... based on what I've found out, and what I already discovered... I'm not sure I can deal with much else from that man. ..." -His eyes turned kind of sad when he mentioned that.- "... And then I wouldn't have anyone again. Not saying I'm staying with him for now solely because I'm afraid of being alone, but... it's still not a welcome thought."

<McPancakes> you're never alone when i'm in the building~)) <SoveriegnofSilence>daaaaw Gio needs a hug.)) <neaumont>Gioele: "... I know I can live on by myself, don't get me wrong, I'm not that weak. But even so... losing something is not a welcome thought, as I said." <neaumont>Forgot to add that. akjdb ] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *flushes slightly* So. . . you would be. . . available? *coughs* Erm. What I was curio- what I was wondering was, how long have you. . . felt that way? I mean, about other males in general. . . ? Erm. <neaumont>8I... Jenner. ... JENNER WHAT. 8////I ] <Jazzikinns>Lol *so not surprised*]] <McPancakes>*isnt surprised either*)) <SoveriegnofSilence>PFFFT)) <McPancakes>*noms on awkwardchips*)) <Blood-and-Spice>*spits out pop* what did i come back to? )) <RemixedMagic>Chip dip, anyone? Adds to the situation.) <Jazzikinns>*takes some of Pnacksea's chips and noms them too*]] <RemixedMagic>LOL BLOOD) <Jazzikinns>Yes plz Magic. ]] <Jazzikinns>xD Great timing, Blood]] <Blood-and-Spice>is he talking to GIO?! )) <neaumont>YES //// ] <RemixedMagic>-serves the dip of all types-) <McPancakes>yup)) <Blood-and-Spice>LOL OMG ))

<Black-Ratchet> )) <McPancakes>OOOO dip~ *takes some*)) <Jazzikinns>Yes.]] <Jazzikinns>D'you have any chutney? *loves chutney*]] <RemixedMagic>-gives you chutney-) <Jazzikinns>Yessss *omnomnomchutneyandchips*]] <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -He blinks once or twice, swearing that he must've heard Jenner wrong when he mumbled, but right now, he focuses on what Jenner just asked, thought not able to stop the reddening blush and his heart speeding up ever so slightly.- "... I, err... I don't really have a gender preference to tell you the truth, Jenner... Both sexes can be appealing and lovely in their own way, and I've learned to appreciate that..." -He bites his lip, really anxious about where this conversation is going and its noticeable in his current expression.-

<Black-Ratchet>Enjoy the change in their scent, Bell. You now know what awkward smells like)) <Jazzikinns>*gigglesnort*]] <SoveriegnofSilence>lolololol)) <McPancakes>Bell: *takes a deep breath* i have not smelled this scent in a long time)) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods, seemingly relieved* Ah yes, yes. Quite true. Erm. So. . . Gio. . . what is it that you find desirable in a potential mate. . . ? Erm. In general terms, that is. Ahem. <McPancakes>Gioele: i like a man who can bake me a pie)) ** ten-chan has joined <RemixedMagic>Hey ten) <Black-Ratchet>hola Kenz)) <Jazzikinns>*imagines Jenner baking*]] <Jazzikinns>Hey Kenz]] <SoveriegnofSilence>oh god.)) <McPancakes>hey man hes got the utensils)) <ten-chan>he's baking pumpig pie) <RemixedMagic>FLOL) <Jazzikinns>...]] <Jazzikinns>FLOL]] <Jazzikinns>FLOL]] <Jazzikinns>FLOL]] <Jazzikinns>FLOL]] <RemixedMagic>|D)

<Black-Ratchet> FLOL )) <Jazzikinns>But really. |D;; RIP Rooter. You were delish. ]] <Jazzikinns>Hng, I kind of want to rp, but... eh.]] <SoveriegnofSilence>DO IT)) <McPancakes>DO ITTTTT)) <Jazzikinns>|D Okay. But who am I rping with? =3=]] <Jazzikinns>Don't really want to but in on the Jenner/Gio convo there.]] <McPancakes>ohhhh but it'd be even funnier and more awkward~)) <Black-Ratchet>. . . __ <Black-Ratchet>. . . . )) <Black-Ratchet>one of those)) <neaumont>... ] <neaumont>Yeah, one of those. ] <Jazzikinns>...Neau, Blatchet, do it?]] <McPancakes>must....resist....urge....)) <neaumont>... Gio will probably ignore Addy. orz; He's focused solely on Jenner atm. 8///I ] <Black-Ratchet>O BBY ))

<neaumont>I-I'M NOT LYING ////;;; ] <Jazzikinns>xDDD]] <SoveriegnofSilence>PFFFT)) <Black-Ratchet>I'm just waiting for Gio to throw a smoke bomb and dive out the window)) <Jazzikinns>Hnng. I think I'll probably take that as a no. |D;;] <Blood-and-Spice>DONT EAT ROOTER! //late)) <SoveriegnofSilence>I kinda want to throw Bell in there just because they'd have to explain everything to her XD)) <Jazzikinns>Ditto. |D;;]] <McPancakes>throw addy and bell in there thennnn)) <Black-Ratchet>I don't mind, but yeeeaaahhh, I dunno how. . . chatty they'll be. Why don't the two of you talk to each other for now?)) <Jazzikinns>Hng, okay. That will be pretty awkward by itself. If you want to Sov, where? Library?]] <SoveriegnofSilence>yeah, if you're feelin it)) <Jazzikinns>M'kay. ]] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *sits down in a chair in the library, focusing on his book* <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -An eyebrow works its way subtly farther up, growing more confused at what they were discussing and, more importantly, why, but he's able to ward off any feelings that might interfere at the moment with his reaction, one in particular."... I-I, err... in a... mate... I look for an independent soul and individuality. One who knows their values and goals, not too say they must know everything about themselves though. Someone with a strong will, no matter if that means not following suite occasionally. Straightforward and stern when needed, but with a soft heart, someone I can learn and be inspired from. ... A-And if I had to name someone who I'd think fits that, I would... err..." -He tried his best to make eye contact, but kept failing, fiddling with his hands, gulping as he made the words come out of his mouth.- "... It'd be someone like... you, Jenner." <McPancakes>wtf since when is it national kissing day??)) <Jazzikinns>I don't know?]] <McPancakes>hm, oh well *noms on awkwardchips and begins to slowly move to dramacorn*)) <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell: *is sitting quite still, pretending to read her book and listening to Jenner and Gio talk* <Black-Ratchet>oh great, and Addy has superhearing too }:I )) <neaumont>Gio: ... -avoids Bell and Addy for days- ] <Jazzikinns>Indeed he does. |D]] <RemixedMagic>Clearly is probably listening in as well. Just saying.) <Jazzikinns>Pfffft]] <neaumont>... Wonderful. Freakin' eavesdroppers, you three. ] <McPancakes>hey)) <McPancakes>i could throw mint in there for less eavesdroppings)) <neaumont>BV ] <neaumont>You could. ] <McPancakes>Mint: now bell... when a demon and a human come together...))

<neaumont>;adsklbj ] <McPancakes>hahaha it never gets old~)) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *he sighs lightly and looks up from his book. He has a headache from the content. He should probably get a dictionary for some of these words. He hauls himself up from his chair and shuffles over to get one, returning a couple of minutes later with a pocket dictionary. Then he looks around and notices Bell. She doesn't seem to be reading though, for all that there's an open book on her lap. How curious* <Blood-and-Spice>i'm scared at how much i like what's going on right now... )) <McPancakes>is it the night to have hookups?)) <McPancakes>*goes to find her ships*)) <Jazzikinns>Maybe. ]] <McPancakes>O3O *suddenly starts pairing addy/mint*)) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *his eyes snap open at that last statement from Gio, finally turning his head to look at him* Like. . . me? *adjusts his tie and shifts around in his seat a bit more* I . . . erm. Thank you. *blushes again* I would be lying if I said that I did not find you. . . desirable, as well. I enjoyed our few minutes of . . . intimacy. Ahem. *lets his gaze drift back to the table, no longer able to look Gio in the eye* I . . . apologize for my behavior during the game, Gio. Forgive me. <RemixedMagic>-nosechortling in the bg-) <McPancakes>wait)) <Jazzikinns>*spittake* ...I don't know how to react to that. Addy would be so lost.]] <McPancakes>is that seven minutes in heaven?)) <Jazzikinns>Yes][ <McPancakes>THATS THE FUNNY PART)) <Jazzikinns>There really must be another game of that. orz;; <Jazzikinns>*]] <SoveriegnofSilence>ROFL)) <Blood-and-Spice>lolol have someone set one up )) <McPancakes>*volunteers Mint*)) <Blood-and-Spice>yeah cus mika wont do it again )) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *sits down and starts actually listening to the background noises. I.e., Jenner and Gioele's convo* <Jazzikinns>YES. GO MINT]] <Jazzikinns>When? ]] <Black-Ratchet>poor Mika got traumatized by it)) <RemixedMagic>Lol really? XD) <McPancakes>really??)) <Black-Ratchet>. . . he got Jenner }:U )) <McPancakes>HA)) <RemixedMagic>PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF) <Blood-and-Spice>lol. no he's depressed cus of a certain emo boy connect4ed to a crazy earth demon )) <Jazzikinns>xDDD;;]] <Jazzikinns>Oooh. That. ]] <RemixedMagic>Oh XD) <Black-Ratchet>awww, poor Mika))

<McPancakes>...crazy?)) <McPancakes>do tell~)) <Jazzikinns>afdafaj--brb]] <McPancakes>rgith then imma assume lewis and flint got it on)) <McPancakes>right*)) ** Jazzikinns has left [timed out] <neaumont>Gioele: -The blush was intensifying until it was akin to that of a strawberry, which showed up quite noticeably on his pale skin, especially when Jenner complimented him in such a way that was... well, mutual; he took comfort as Jenner blushed too, knowing he wasn't the only one who felt awkward at the moment.- "... I-I... n... no. You don't have to apologize. I--thankyouforthecompliment--I... ... e-enjoyed those minutes we had together too, so... there's no need for the apology." -He mimicked Jenner, unable to make eye contact no longer, head tilting downward to stare at his fidgeting hands.- "... Especially since... I... kind of ... liked you from... ... the beginning..." <Black-Ratchet>. . . the plot thickens)) <neaumont>It does indeed. @///@; ] <Blood-and-Spice>lol pancakes. )) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *nods, still looking down* Thank you Gio-- from the beginning. . . .? *turns to stare at him* ** mangaklutz has joined <RemixedMagic>-playing suitably romantic music conveniently- >_>) <neaumont>ASKDNPFFFFFFF ] <RemixedMagic>-SNORTLING AT IMAGERY-) <Blood-and-Spice>*plays mister brightside* *imagines Vincent ripping off Jenner's eyebrows.* *nothing fits but everythings violent.* )) <SoveriegnofSilence>guh, cat attack)) <neaumont>Be prepared. Block of text, I think. ;; ] <neaumont>Gioele: -He makes very audible noises, all of which seem to be gibberish. His forehead gradually comes to rest down on his clasped hands as he explains to the best of his ability.- "... When I met you... you behaved like how I was used to everyone treating me, based on where I grew up... you were very critical about me. Though, very early on, I learned that you had reason behind all your actions... you did not dislike me, but were only frustrated because you were looking out for me. You taught me many things, and became a friend of mine. A friend of mine that knew how to keep me in place in a caring manner. I liked that. You were harsh with me, yet gentle. No one had ever treated me like a person and opened so many doors to me, it was fascinating. I came to like you... in a way I had to refrain from when you began to like Shamira. ... It hurt. ... It really did, I won't lie. But I was able to hide what I felt, and was content enough being your friend... because I thought even if you didn't like anybody, I wouldn't have a chance in Hell anyway... so I just... behaved like nothing was the matter, and just... kept to myself. ..." <RemixedMagic>-hit-) ** Blue-Violin1230 has joined <RemixedMagic>wb Blue!) <Blue-Violin1230>ty C: ] ** Jazzikinns has joined

<Blue-Violin1230>jazzi C: ] <Jazzikinns>ffff, yess. What I miss?]] <Jazzikinns>Blue~]] <neaumont>Gio's confession. ///; ] <Jazzikinns>Fff]] <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell:*has forgotten to turn her page for like, five minutes*)) <Jazzikinns>...can someone log that]] <RemixedMagic>I got it all.) <Jazzikinns>Yessss]] <Blue-Violin1230>i wanna see please] <Jazzikinns>magic, you are wonderful]] <RemixedMagic>I'll post it up later. . v .) <Blue-Violin1230>okay 0: ] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *is listening nosily in in shock. He, like Bell, has forgotten about his book completely* <Jazzikinns>Hngg]] <Jazzikinns>I want to ask. If we're gonna do the seven minutes in heaven thing again, when's it gonna be? |D;;]] <Jazzikinns>Because I won't be here all next week, so yeah. =3=;;]] * neaumontis totally not listening to Moonlight Sonata ] <Blue-Violin1230>.......whoa whoa whoa whoa..what did gio confess about?] <neaumont>... ] <neaumont>Nothing, nothing. //; ] <Blue-Violin1230>Neau...] <neaumont>You'll find out soon enough, anyway. ] <Blue-Violin1230>:I but i wanna know nowwwww D: ]] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *taking all of this in, slightly stunned* . . . . you. . . why did you not say something sooner. . . ? *his eyes darken, and he turns to face Gio fully* . . . . are you saying you chose to be with. . . . Vincent because you felt I was out of your reach. . . ? Tell me, has he been a decent substitute. . . ? <Black-Ratchet>that should cover it, Blue)) <Blue-Violin1230>.................good god] <Jazzikinns>Ikr? ]] <neaumont>Yyyyyup. ] <RemixedMagic>Mm-hmm.) <SoveriegnofSilence>yep.))

<mangaklutz> )) <Jazzikinns>Pfft, heya Klutz]] <mangaklutz>Hello lD Sorry, couldn't help it)) <Blood-and-Spice>i'm just so scared of myself right now. Why is this so fucking amusing. )) <Black-Ratchet>lol))

<mangaklutz>xDDDD)) <Jazzikinns>xDD]] <Black-Ratchet>You're getting a two-fer, Blood: Jennoele and you might be off the hook with Jennira)) <Blood-and-Spice>ff like i WANT to be off the hook. )) <mangaklutz>HAHAHAHAAAA XDDDD)) <neaumont>Gioele: "I don't know, Jenner..." -Able to catch that quiet question, he answered the same, preparing to answer both that followed, his words somewhat muffled by his hands."... That is... partly the reason I chose to be with him, yes... he fascinated me in a different way than you, and I was willing to try. ... As for a, "decent substitute" you say... ... I... don't think he could compare with anything I believe you could do, Jenner, no... I believed him to be a wonderful man, but... what is a partner whom betrays you... ? That is... no, he could not replace you whatsoever... I... trust you. I truly, and honestly, trust you..." <Black-Ratchet>Hey, there's enough of Jenner to go around~ *tazed* )) <SoveriegnofSilence>PFFFT.)) <Blood-and-Spice>LOLOL )) <mangaklutz>DEAR LORD.)) <Blue-Violin1230>....] <Jazzikinns>*giggling so much* >.>] <Blood-and-Spice>Jo: I trust him too gio. ewe trust him to joiiiiint he daaark siiiide ///jkjk)) <Blood-and-Spice>*join )) <mangaklutz> *has silent screams of an emotion I have no idea of*)) <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *looks away, a riot of different emotions playing across his face. Finally, he turns back to regard Gio, eyes misted and voice hoarse* . . . you honor me greatly, Gio. Thank you. *reaches out to stroke Gio's cheek softly* I have, and always will, trust you as well. *pulls Gio closer, resting his forehead gainst Gio's and closing his eyes* <Black-Ratchet>eheheheh. . . feel free to interrupt them anytime, guys. . . . }:I )) <Blood-and-Spice>why would we do that?... )) <Jazzikinns>Yeah, this is too unf. Though it's tempting...]] <Blood-and-Spice>where are they btw? )) <SoveriegnofSilence>Library)) <Black-Ratchet>FFFFFFFFF I had a feeling you'd say that. . . . in the library, Blood )) <Blue-Violin1230>...] <Jazzikinns>Addule: *okay, he's feeling distinctly uncomfortable hearing what sounds like such an intimate conversation now. He sinks further into his chair and looks downward at his book, hastily turning a page* <SoveriegnofSilence>NO INTERRUPTY KEEP GOING)) <Blue-Violin1230>......feeling the urge to both partner.......] <Blue-Violin1230>*bother <Blood-and-Spice>LMFAO i just realized Addy's just listening to this omg. )) <Blood-and-Spice>aaaawkwaaaard. )) <SoveriegnofSilence>Bell is too XD)) <Jazzikinns>Indeed. Bell too]]

<RemixedMagic>Well, and that other creeper too.) <Blood-and-Spice>Bell is too innocent and Clearly is too creepy. )) <Jazzikinns>Whereas Addy is just.... awkward. ]] <Blood-and-Spice>and that is funny. )) <RemixedMagic>-gives Addy a free bag of awkwardchips-) ** ten-chan has left [connection closed] <Jazzikinns>Addy: QnQ *noms the awkwardchips in shock*]] <neaumont>Gioele: "..." -Stunned, he can't even utter a noise out as Jenner reaches out to stroke his cheek, right over his flaring blush. What Jenner says immediately hits him hard, like he'd been hit with a bullet; those words meant a whole hell of a lot, and were proven to be very sincerely spoken as he can tell by Jenner's face and voice. As his forehead touches Jenner's, he honestly doesn't know how to react and remains absolutely stunned, closing his own eyes which began to get misty too due to this overwhelming emotion, trying to let this all sink in.* Black-Ratchetis now waiting for Shamira to come around the corner }:I )) <Blood-and-Spice>LOLOL )) <Blood-and-Spice>is that a suspicion or a hope? )) <Black-Ratchet>. . . probably a masochistic impulse to torment Jenner at every opportunity)) <Jazzikinns>I know the feeling.]] <Blood-and-Spice>Shamira:*doing her rounds around the base, coming through the library when she sees those two, doing...what they...were doing. She raised an eyebrow and kept on walking like oooookaaaaaay.* <Black-Ratchet>*loling so hard* )) <neaumont>-SAME- ] <mangaklutz>HAHAHAHHAAAAAAA xDDDD)) <Jazzikinns>Addule: *just stays in his awkward little slice of the world pretending to read the damn book* <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *completely oblivious to the Captain's presence, lifts Gio's chin and kisses him softly on the lips* <Black-Ratchet>. . . wow, it's like a symphony of embarrassment, and we are all the conductors)) <RemixedMagic>Why do I always laugh during romances. Why.) <neaumont> /loling again ] <neaumont>But awwwwwwww, Jenner. ] <Jazzikinns>Ditto Magic]] <mangaklutz>same xDDD)) <Blood-and-Spice>I do too. )) <Blue-Violin1230>this makes me feel awkward] <Jazzikinns>Lol, why?]] <Blue-Violin1230>..I...I dont know....] <neaumont>Gioele: "Mm--!" -A small noise escapes when surprised with a kiss, something unexpected--well, this whole thing was unexpected, but not like he was complaining, not in the least bit. He broke away from the kiss abruptly, looking away slightly, giving a shy glance back at him, instantly feeling guilty for doing that.- "... SSorry... just nervous..."

** Jazzikinns has left [timed out] <Black-Ratchet>Jenner: *lets Gio go, slowly lowering his hand* . . . no . . . I understand. I apologize for my. . . aggressiveness, Gio. *blushes again and looks down* I shall try to be more. . . patient. <Black-Ratchet>heeeee~~~ Jenner is secretly looking forward to telling Dante about this }83 )) ** Jazzikinns has joined <Jazzikinns>>n>]] <Black-Ratchet>wb Jazzi)) <neaumont>Heeeeeee ] <Jazzikinns>Ty. What I miss?]] <RemixedMagic>I think Imma drop off to sleep sooonn.) <Jazzikinns>Awww]] <Jazzikinns>Okay]] <Blood-and-Spice>LOL WHAT WHY?! )) <RemixedMagic>CUZ I IS WEEAKZ. \I) <Blood-and-Spice>Just to make him have a brain heart attack? )) <Blood-and-Spice>no not you magic. lol )) <RemixedMagic>Oh. lololol. ;;; ) <Blood-and-Spice>i mean the dante thing. )) <Black-Ratchet>Just so he knows his partner is inferior to a demon }:U )) <Blood-and-Spice>ff sorry. )) <RemixedMagic>Nvm, s'okay lol) <Blood-and-Spice>oh god you just want him to attack jenner don't you. )) <Black-Ratchet>Awww, Night Magic~~~ ))

<Black-Ratchet>. . . who, me. . . ? <RemixedMagic>Nighters guys~) <Blood-and-Spice>night. )) <RemixedMagic>Log anything interesting that happens haha. <Jazzikinns>|D Okaay]]


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