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q. what is Islamic Feminism?

Explain the discourse led by

Margot Badran to situate Muslim women’s position in Islam.


Islamic feminism in its most basic term, is a challenge to women

subordination, patriarchal practices and a quest for the equality
and justice of all within Islam.
Hence, Islamic feminism turned out as reinterpretation of Quran, the
pinnacle of which has been exorbitantly misinterpreted by the patriarchal
beliefs and that too on the name of Islam, and therefore has changed all
together the focal point or the center idea of “equality for all” human being
insinuated in Quran.
As pointed out by Badran, Islamic feminism according to her is a
“transformation and not a reformation” within Islam. Transformation as, it
does not seek to reform the patriarchal practices and prejudices embedded in
Islam that ultimately leds to women subordination but, to entirely transform
the the Islam that has passed into a Islam which talks about equality for all and
in all ways. Therefore, transforming the original message of Quran and Islam
from the mere words of writing to a more structuralised form, that is to
generate awareness and implementation of the core theme of Islam,
“transforming Islam to itself”.
Badran states that the origin of the Islamic Feminism has already began way
back, but its reach was enhanced during 1990s. This phenomena, Islamic
feminism is coined by its witnesses. However, the originality of its name
remains undeciphered, some exegetes of Quran were called feminism within
Islam and many exegetes showed resistance towards naming themselves as

Another controversy to Islamic feminism came from the place of its

origin. Wherein, the East – West dichotomy gained significant focus
which has even for sometime distracted the exegetes from their
core work. However, it has been noted that Islamic feminism does
not seeks its origin from one place, rather has developed
simultaneously overtime.

The Islamic feminism emerged in different places, with some what

distinct but similar discourses of women, as sufferers in every

In east, the political activism within Islam gave rise to increasing

women’s participation. Therein, different rules or practices were
set for women, to how to be placed in public places or to rule their
actions. As by now, womans were educated in different courses
including religious sciences, which compelled women to question
the established principles of Quran.

Another such rise was noted in west, where “conversions to Islam”

played a significant role. In the places of Muslim domination ,
women’s were converted in Islam and were forced to follow the
culture or set norms of Islam, which they ultimately didn’t want to.

In both the instances, women began to investigate about the

practices which were imposed on them in the name of Islam. This
investigation, in search of equality and justice for both men and
women layed the foundation for Islamic feminism.

Islamic feminism purports the correct interpretation of Quran,

women exegetes involved in this tends to question the Quran from
the vantage point of their, knowledge and experiences and of their
predecessors. It articulates Quran – based idea of equality, and
stresses on its implementation rather taking it as a abstract
terminology. It also demolishes the idea of “differences”, as it is
mentioned in the quran itself the idea - equality of all irrespective
of sex, ethnicity and religion. It purports that, the idea of equality
does not change , rather it remains the same in all respects.

Quran recognizes only the biological differences between men and

women, it no where sets out norms on the grounds of merely being
male or female. Badran also states that, Quran only establishes
duties for both the spouses under the domain of procreations.
According to Badran, Quran says that female is the child bearing
and only she could do the nursing and during that particular period
of time, men is expected to give material support. These are only
the particular duty for a time being, and Quran does not recognizes
any particular role for both the spouses. Badran also proclaims that,
the differences or the norms set for both the sexes is unquranic and
does not hold any place in Quran or for that matter in Islam, these
constructions are entirely and purely a societal construction.


These were one of the major part of investigation by Islamic
feminists. Hadiths: sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad. Hadiths
are used to translate the scripts. in other words, they are the present form of
lived Islam, wrong or right there interpretations are accepted all over as
Prophet’s words. These hadiths are the game player, they are the ones who
interprets the Quran and prescribe role of male or female.

Fiqh: Islamic jurisprudence. The purporters of Islamic feminism

have denoted them as “marketerr of patriarchy”,


In Fiqh, it is not that easy to push patriarchal domination over the

matter of crime and punishment. Herein, both male and female are
condemned equaly, for instance in adultery it is very difficult and
onerous to render someone for death sentence. However, in
countries like Pakistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, etc women are sevearly
sentenced to death for adultery and on the other hand men are
freed even on doing it routinely.

Yet exceptions exists, in Nigiria Islamic pineal laws have been set up
in last few decades, and till now there is no case of death sentence
for women for adultery. However, this had not been the case if the
feminist scholars, lawyers, NGO’’s and other such organizations
continuously fight for the right of women in such cases.

There are also instances wherein equality between men and

women within Islam has been noted. For instance, during the time
of pilgrimage both men and women pray together and practice
rituals together. This is one of the symbolic incidence of equality
within Islam, wherein all people irrespective of ethnicity, sex,
religion pray together and perform rituals.

In yet another way, under professional courses or secular pretexts,

both men and women have done excellent work. This also
propogates the equality in educational sector.

At different places things for women discourses turned out to be

different. As in the west, women were not allowed to offer prayer
in the main Mosque area under communal practice. Here comes
another episode of inequality and women’s subordination as
prescribed by the purporter of patriarchy. In this case, men were to
enter the main Mosque through main door and offer prayer
wherein, for women there was a separate door and they were
made stand somewhere in the stairs or in the corners, and even if
they get the chance to pray in the maincommunal hall they had to
stand all behind the men to offer prayer.

There were only few exception as one in Cape Town in South Africa,
here after processions women successfully got equal rights in the
Mosque and for the first time a women provided Immam in the

While fighting for the equal rights in the Mosque, the biggest
inspiration and support that the Islamic feminists received was from
Mecca. Mecca is the holy pilgrimage place of Islam, the holiest Kaba
placed in Mecca is the spiritual of all. Here in Mecca, both men and
women offer communal prayer in the main Mosque to the Kaba,
this is an examplery example of equality and the original meaning
of equality for both men and women within Islam.
Another victory of women’s fight for equality was observed in Saudi
Arabia. Here a order was passed which restricted women’s move
within the Mosque, considering the lack of space. This was all
together a sexist, inequal, and unjust proclaimation for women’s
part. According to this order, women were no longer allowed to
enter Mosque however men were allowed to, as if women’s are the
ones who occupy the maximum place in the Mosque.

Women started processions, out cry was observed, rallies and

petitions were filed, a letter containing thousands of signature was
also submitted to the court. This incidence secured a global support
for the women, as it was a clear gender discrimination. Badran also
states that, theorists also denoted this incidence as mockery of
Islam. Soon, the chief was propelled to take back this order, and his
interview to media “the chief proclaimed that both women and
men are equal” and share equal space and right.


Hitherto was the position of women in the world and the discourses
as purported by Margot Badran. As per my own opinion, the
discourse of Islamic feminism was indeed most significant to
present the true idea of Islam and particularly Quran. What the
purporters of Islamic feminism did was a necessity to bring off the
women subordination and the male female hierarchy which is so
embedded in the society that we accept it without knowing the
main reason or the authensity of such norms or practices.

The discourse of Islamic feminism is an example of how things can

be misinterpreted and also provides an idea to rewisit the unknown
sides and practices which are deep embedded in the society which
led to inequalities and unjust practices and formulates prejudices.

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