Chem F. Worksheet 2

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Name: ________________________________________ Grade & Section: _______________ Date: _______

Gen. Luna St., Iloilo City
Senior High School Department


For each of the following, encircle the correct element.

Li Si S metal

N P As smallest ionization energy

K Ca Sc largest atomic mass

S Cl Ar member of the halogen family

Al Si P greatest electron affinity

Ga Al Si largest atomic radius

V Nb Ta largest atomic number

Te I Xe member of noble gases

Si Ge Sn 4 energy levels

Li Be B member of alkali metals

As Se Br 6 valence electrons

H Li Na nonmetal

Hg Tl Pb member of transition metals

Na Mg Al electron distribution ending in s2p1

Pb Bi Po metalloid

B C N gas at room temperature

Ca Sc Ti electron distribution ending in s2d2

A. Atomic and Ionic Radii

1. Why do the elements in the same family generally have similar properties?

2. In general, how do the atoms of elements within a given group vary in size?

3. Write complete electron configurations for the Group 1 elements Li and K and for the Group 16
elements O and S. What relationship exists between these configurations? What accounts for the
atomic-size trends observed among the elements within two groups?

4. In general, how do the atoms of elements within a given period vary in size?

5. In general, how do the sizes of nonmetal ions compare with the sizes of the atoms from which
they were formed? How can this be explained?

6. In general, how do the ions of elements within a given group vary in size?

7. In general, how do the ions of elements within a given period vary in size?

II. Size Change in Ion Formation

1. Provide information to complete the following table on sodium, chlorine and their ions.

Na Na+ Cl Cl-
Number of protons
Number of electrons
Electron Configuration
Number of energy
Electron dot notation

2. How do atoms of Na and Cl compare in relative size? Explain any difference.

3. How do atoms of Na and Na+ compare in relative size? Explain any difference.

4. How do atoms of Cl and Cl- compare in relative size? Explain any difference.

5. How do atoms of Na+ and Cl- compare in relative size? Explain any difference.

6. On the basis of what you have learned, make a general statement about the size of positive
ions compared to their corresponding neutral atoms.

7. Make a statement about the size of negative ions compared to their corresponding neutral

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