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Slavery of the Atlantic World

Group Names:

Part One: Comprehension

As a group, what did you find most interesting about the presentation?

Tell me at least five facts about the transportation of slave to the Americas?

In the United States, it is estimated that slaves produced 350 billion dollars for their owners in the form
of labor and production of cash crops. Do you think the descendants of slaves should receive payment
from their respective governments for the treatment of their ancestors? Why or why not.

Part Two: Reading Activity

1. Write a 5-sentence summary of your groups section. What is the meaning of this passage in your
own words.

2. What descriptive words does the author use in this passage to get the reader to visualize the
severity of the situation?

3. What comparisons does the author make?

4. Group one, two, and three: What does the word(s) bolded in blue mean? Group four: Why or
how does the author use measurements to further provide additional information.

5. What is the worst fact or piece of information in your passage? Why do you think so?

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