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weesv £68°999 EU TP a GEOTECHNICAL DEPT, LIBRARY S.No. For Asphalt Concrete | and Other Hot-Mix Types A. Asphalt Institute Manual Series No. 2 (MS-2) Sixth Edition SOOHLSIN NOISSO XII ASPHALT INSTITUTE EXECUTIVE OFFICES AND RESEARCH CENTER Research Park Drive » P.O. Box 14052 Lexington, KY 40512-4052 USA Telephone 606-288-4960 « FAX 606-288-4999 MEMBERS OF THE ASPHALT INSTITUTE ASHLAND PETROLEUM CO, Aching, Keatcky NAVAIO REFINING COMPANY, Asia, exo NYNAS BITUMEN AB, Jo mete FOIL RECOVERY ov OF icceen PEMEK REFNACION, Manco PETRO-CANADA PRODUCT: ‘Onto, Canada condco ne. ECOPETROL, HUSKY Ot MARKETING GO, Caley, ‘Abeta, Canada ‘Ouens C KOCH MATERIALS COMPANY, Wiha, OCH MATERIALS COMPANY, Tons ‘aaa Member Ms2 Foreword u printing of these standards. Because these standards are subject to periodic review and revision, those who use them are cautioned to obtain the latest revision. ASPHALT INSTITUTE EXECUTIVE OFFICES ANO RESEARCH CENTER Research Park Drive » P.O, Box 14052 Lexington, KY 40512-4052 USA Telephone 606-288-4960 « FAX No. 606-288-4999 ASPHALT INSTITUTE ENGINEERING OFFICES _ EASTERN REGION NORTH LITTLE ROCK, AR 77160-4007--P.0. Box 407 (6318 he), (01) 766-9484 os ts Eas GH, NC 27606 roe, Sut 200, 819 828-5998, on Road, Suite 240, (30) 656 COLUMBUS, oF 432322238 South ‘ho, Keniscky, Wiest Vi DILLSBURG, PA 17018P.0. Box 337, 2-4 Hariaburg Sire, (717) 4324965 Pemeyvua Delaware Magland METHUEN, A 01644248 c (605) 399-1465, Naw York, Now IACKSON,MS 38205112 Offco Park Plaza, Suit 1, 608) 881-347, ret, No. 3A, (916) 885 2626, 1 Howse, Hawa UTTLETON, co 40122-70005 Colo, ont, Wj Broadway, Suite 2 (03) 798.2972, Court, 8, (260) 76.511, Sule 118, 02) a20.0448, WEST LAKE VILLAGE, CA 913622609 Thousand Osks Bou (aos) 393-6190 So vi ms2 ILLUSTRATIONS oa Figure No, Page au 3 63 22 5 23° Typical binder and base course gradations 0 24 sr maximum density curves on standard se oe 1 25 imum de 65 Administration 0.45 power grad 5 2.6 Weighing aggregates for batch mixes 2 6.6 ee 27 Heating aggregate 2 tho of desig, 28 Adding as ' . 2 67 reparation 29 Mechan ABETEBALE rvs 22 31 Job aggregate 68 26 69 3.2 Jobaggregates and spec 6.10 0.45 power gradat n eit Sn 3.3 Trial-and-error calculations for 612 i sketch showing principal features two aggregates 30 lometer. 34 Fr 613 7 35 3 6.14 Chart for correeting slabilometer values to effective 36 pf Wot 6 37 "gradation. 0 6.15 Suggested tet report fo 38 -s by volume to per 38 typical mix design by 39 mn by wasting . * 6.16 ‘Test property curves for 3.10 nputing laboratory batch weights 2 4 yparent specific gra 617 compacted as acted asph _ a 42 45 82 43 senate 5B. AL 44 i: Analysis by weight of ageregate . o 34 A2 Sa -chanical) and mold used in preparing AB : 3 Aa 32 ing and compact 39 33 stability and flow test sing an automatic recording device. ' . 6 SA Suggested i 65 55 for hot-mix design data by method vo : ooeet o 56 le of the narrow range of acceptable asphalt contents 0 57 ip between VMA and specifi it n 5.8 Effect of Marshall compactive effort on VMA\ ” 83 85 86 87 88 o1 2 4 of %6 97 98 9” 102 103 sot ta a tas 132 135 TABLES Page Sr eer Introduction the HMA. These Introduction particles. The des ‘open-graded as _ Ms-2 5 Ea : a Mix Design Practice 6 Mix Design Practice Ms-2 estimate for & design tht balances the desired performance ps Ean ered in lysis of the mix testing rest al Be $e 28 y Fa bee ay Mix Type Selection See S2geee] |e ara 2.03 GENERAL — Dense-graded HMA mixtures are generally divi 4 segeeae| | ip eg fe £6 major categories d ‘upon their specific use: surface 7 a: B 83 ¥ z s Sg ep G2 ge se 7 Beets Fe H 28) a Eagee gf st 2 fl geen 2 gf he surface course; however, this practice is not universal. Nevertheless, any 7 ney oe properly designed HMA mix can generally serve at any level inthe pavetnent, Surface ale Hee E Ahr Sere lel | lial Cle] bosesea| |a aby G: re PSSigfoccsasec’'e| | HEE Generally, there i n i | Rg bl |g fesse 3) SB Hira Seng cldlsigl, [Siees bp HE 2523) 238.2 s/slelge [soaked a6 3S ele] S3/g5 Sean sale” lagi de a) (8s fe) [| [Babe be de S ait as | 3 outs ba g S| yele| e138 Bog « clel-lgle |oesea Ee 2 sels) eo2 § SSS|e |aebes ays 2) 8) BASRA EN Ris entifies HMA according to maximum aggregate size a z q 35 8] {3 aheks B 35 ulation is ASTM D 3515, Standard Specifications for Hot-Mixed, Hot-Laid Bitum 5 a) oie 5 alle ol2gcze $85 88 a 3) Elsa S ege 2 ol*lol"le steeds BBS ay usfigureshave been Sl | if) S885) .oe S82. Za) (Sl (fod staee ae? taken from this specification. lure gradation g a) Ss)o8].. 22 288-22 8) [2] [e°s| deze O62 be foom ASTM D3515. HMA mi be narowed down to dseussi || [3] lee eel fe Gi seal opened) an he ms num aggregate q Bil se ae s i une # rge-stone" mixes) ef Bea tol lel lool eeteaee fs pavement layers ar confined to practic minimum 2 “el feed 82284] 2) Bee Ss =| #8 2B 8 ggagsaces 28 esses. The minimum thickness for asurface mix usually varies 3 aeosie a | from2t03timesthe mani imumthickness & al | ¢ . pa cgeeeeae! § raedlobeinasinitandcunpacted 2) / |S) |e 3.35.34 Gl viens) hoothness. The maximum lift thickness isust e 8 82g iige iis :6| fo] [34 ueceageR FE g 8 EOEuGEESE 5 3 ° iy |REgeEoER ES a} |4 dzes ea hf eeeeu = sg| |e pei s| [8] |S | gekoteagg ae 3 8) (83 :g ‘gene bret e2 i | ea 5 Hie 6 = Eee. 2 ted both cary the i E_Sefee nae 3 ‘water, and te sages. In general, surface mixtures have a greater asphalt N 2 BEBaS aS) aisieesee by content than ixtures due to the higher VMA requirements of smaller g a ees a bSee ata imum a atures. Maximum aggregate sizes for suave 2 g | lsesegas: eis from 95 10 19 mm (38 13/4}. The choice of maximum aggregse size soften Mix Design Facts — 9/4 In. Nom. Max, Size == 3/8 In. Nom. Max. Size 200 50 8 4 9812 a4 4 Sieve Size Raised to 0.45 Power Figure 2.1 — Typical surface course gradations sent Passing Perce — 2 In. Nom. Max. Size == 28 In, Nom. Max. Size Toa L L 200 s0s016 8 4 sea a4 1 142 2 240 Sieve Size Raised 0.45 Power Figure 2.2 ~ Typical open-graded mixture gradations 10 Mix Desi 100 90 80 70 60 50 Percent Passin; — 2 In. Nom. Max. Size == Vin. Nom. Max. Size pot 200 50 8 4 seve 4 1 te 2 Sieve Size Raised to 0.45 Power Figure 2.3 ~ Typical binder and base course gradations Practice 242 2.04 DESIGN Mi IMPORTANT: For the above reasons, design method are apy the limits of the original correlation. Hasty or haphazard modification of these design methods, test procedures or design extension of the design method is needed, all proposed changes should be fully supported with additional correlation oF conditions of design Mix Design Practice Ms.2 2.03 EVALUATION AND ADJUSTMENT OF MIX DESIGNS — When develo ‘This assurance is n the prospective posed spe possible sources of aggrepate are to be consider of ways. Asa gate (and therefore permeability. have to be changed, spplicabe Bussey waved IO) = 3a| 2 Bo}-iwas piepueis uo Sonuno Ayjsuep wl ez | ° ' ge Bg 7 E é a: Buyssees 1eD!ed PION, U.S. Standard Sieves—ASTM Designation E11 Res Ses ois RMR ea SRR aR ac Sar RM cms ee Federal Highway Administration 0.45 Power Gradation Chart SIEVE SIZES RAISED 70 G45 BOWER 2 8 Px es ze gE 0 53 25 re Bo 52 Peo ae es i Be a oe bse E a2 bo ao 28 ap Ps SE ol 20 gs a a © . os om ™ “ thew ve Sieve ces v i j 3 a Mix Design Practice wugher texture ‘or increasing the v of the mix. is closer to step should be & as discussed in (a) and (b) above. TY MANAGEMENT TESTING S' construct ly pavemeat, Field ver ld serve as the new target for all quality used the purpose of job mix cont should meet the same -st equipment and test procedures as a cet 18 Mix Design Pétion s—Acceptance sampling and te of in-place HIMA can be authorized by the speci ned on 2.36 mm (No, 8) sieve) 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve] [passing 754m (No, 200) sieve} is also importan as (2.72-+ 45.36) 100 = 6.0 percent asphalt by weight of dryageregate, Thisasphalt ay alsobeexpressedas [2.72 + (45.36+2.72)] 100 = 5.7 percent asphalt by wi total mix Specific Gravity (b) Mineral Aggregates les Abrasion Sulfate Soundness Sand Equivalent {(c) Hot Mix Asphalt Paving Asphalt Content (extraction) D710 TR C131 or 196 535 C29 C136 D546 C127 C128 D854 or Css C88 D249 4701 T 164 7287 T170 See Chapter 4 2041 7209 D 1188 or T 166 D226 Figure 2.7 ~ Heath regate batches in oven Figure 2.8 — Adding asphalt to heated aggregate Figure 2.9 Mechanical mixer for batch mixing of asphi aggregate Ms-2 _ zs Cron Evaluation of Aggregate Gradation 24 Evaluation of Aggregate Gradation w wecessary based on the ‘The size separations may vary depending on the a of material in each faction for a specific aggregate, Combi 3.04 BLENDING AGGREGATES BY WEIGHT — 10°C (23°F to th aggregate sampl ity tests on representative Obviously, there may would obviously be one i perform a washed sieve analysis on a represer ize separation produced. These samples should be bins only ater the gradation unit has reached normal perform a washed sieve cold-feed belt taken from the 248 a 9 spe es . he Sieve Sizes aR EEE co 1 = ican 2 s we ico T * gf ee | z 7 g2 | £, 2 gs | 2° aa Ba | Eo 3 ge | 2 =§ 2B | fo o® S S & Bg 4, 8 5 20 7 2 1» * 2 = 5 5 i ry : a 3 8 7 iz 3 Sa ee aS tt fo a 2 | orn. tt lll bie tl ett tity el 5 a 366 008g) 0 2408 a8 10 % doa et 2" 3 wens | |B B USS, Standard Sieves—ASTM Designation E 11 2 é Gradation Chart 6 5 SIEVE, SIZES RAISED TO 045 POWER eo . ‘ a5 ae, eo 28 ge 3& 70) ie BB Fe eo a 8 i 2 > 3 $a i z 6” i : a z 20] 20, s é ° g 3 a R 8 “ACB @ 30. Evaluation of Aggregate Gradation PERCENT PASSING iio | 23 | 95 [475 | 236/600 | 3005075 min | mm | mim | aim | rity fon | han | gin Sieve | 34"[ 7" Yo" | Noa] _& | 30] 50 | 100 | 200 Spec. | 100 |40-00| 70:90] 0-10| 35:50| 1629 | 74-23] O16 +10 | Asgn A | 00! go] s9| ve laz{s71 0] of 0 Agar 8 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 9 | 2 | 5 | 36 | 2 | 92 (4) Grading Specitication and sieve analyses of aggregates For 2.3bmm (No.8), b= BR BEB 05921-0502 050 PIO 2 3) 95 275/23] G00] 500] 753] TS 220m | mm | mm | mon | man | £200 | Bom |S | Sieve | ¥a"| Ye"| ¥e"[ oat @ |°30 | 0 | 100 | 00 50x | 50 [450] 295] ao] vel os 5028 | 50 | 500| 500| 40.0| 41.0 | 250| 20 ws} 46 Total [100 | 150) 725 | 560[ 42-6 2F< Tia Spec. | 100 |80-100| 70-90 [50-10 [35-50h16-29 }15-25 Mints 75.1m(No 200)/ow, increase b fo 055, a (8) First trial combination [222 [a [8 [27 [BR [8 [Bee | | ZS Sieve | 4" (2"| Ha'lhoal @ 30 | 50 | 100} 200 ta | a5 [ds] ie] 1] aT os 5508 | 35 | 5501 550| 528 [451 | 2001 vel us| sy forat__| 100 [955 [ai.6 [60.0 [465 [eas |a lus | s7 Seec. | 100 [80-10] 70-90 |50-70 [35-50 |1e-29| 7323] 816 [a0 Minus 600m (No 3phigh, let b= 052, a=0.48 (6) Second trial combination AF) PE | 225] 236] 22 | Se] SO] mn | ram | mom | min | rion |Jam | atm | ane | gon Sieve | Ve" |e 36" Viet] 30 [so [ico 4K Tag |432 [203] 77] 1F] asl of oto S278 [52 | sz |52 |4a9|éze| 245] 189 poolae | ota! [ie [52 [663 [522 | 447 [o70 Tray | 109} ae Spee 100 |ee-teo] 70.96) 50-76] 35-|18-palia-2g lave |e re | (d) Third trial combination Floue 8.9 Trlab-anc-error calculations for combining two aggregates a Ms.2 Percent of Aggregate 8 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 3 20 1 0 0 eo a? : & 6 : 3 g ie i 2 a0 4 e g 30 3 8 20 ‘0 °D 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Povont of Aggregate A Figure 3.4 ~ Graphical solution for proportioning two aggregates {08 COMBINING THREE AGGREGATES — The base equations forcom- bining three aggregates are: P=Aa+Bb+Ce LO=atbse 32 - Evaluation of Aggregate siadation Ms-2 3 EXAMPLE PERCENT PASSING J¥0| 723) 95 [775 | 230] EDO] 300] 750] TS Assume that mineral 2m | mm | mim | am | man | Siro | jem | lam | goa] ler, C, is to be blended with aggregates A and B from the previous example t0 obtain a grad z specification and gradations are gi 1 gs. 5 and 6, Values are substituted froin Eq, above. The remainder of the caleu shown in Figure 3.5b, waving overlapping grading curves, Several graphical procedure described here appears to be one of the more s. Each of the aggregates is divided into these gradi 2.36 mm (No. 8) sieve, (0.8) but u the 75 1 m (No. 200) (No. 200) sieve, 1: (correspon (No.8) sieve, and (co:respon is passing 75 pt m (No. 200) sieve. toc)allowable perc Sieve | 3a"| V2" | 3u"[ Nod | 8 [30 | 50 [100 | 200 Spec. | 100 |20-10i| 70-70] 50-0 | 350|16-27| 1328| 016 [4-0 Aga. | 100| 9} 57] | a2] a Aggr B | 100} 00 | soo) | a2 | 5) | 36) a | 92 Agar c | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | 100 | ico | 90 | 93 | a (a) Grading specitication and gradations = P:B . 425-82 2 hrm No.8), a= 5B = Be 754m (No.200), P=Aa + Bb + Ce 7*0(0.50) +%.2b+82c, bre = 1-0.50= 0.50 7= 42 (0.50-¢) + 82e 2-4.6, c= Gp = 0.03, b= 050-003-047 792 [72.5] 95 | #75] 236] 600] 300] 750] 7S [ren | mae | mm | mam | mam | en | weer | parm | kim Sieve _| 34'| hl ye" | Hoa] @ | 30 | 50 | 100 | 200 soxa | 50] 40| 225} a0] ce] oo 4ATKB 47 | 420 | 47.0| 45.1 | 38.5} 24.0) 169) 99] 43 so3xc_| 3 | 30] 30| 30] "s0| 30] 30] 28| 25 Totai | 100 | 950 | 795 | 561 | 431 | 276| 199 | 227 | 68 Spec. as-1i] 70-96 [5070 | 9550 | 79-29] 73-25-16 | F10 = 0.50 (6) First trial solution for combining three aggregates Figure 3.5 — Trial-and-error solution for combining three aggregates EXAMPLE are drawn between and beyond Points A and Band. Line AS is extended to Line BC w establish Point B ED Evaluation of Aggregate Gradation 100 100 «0 eo _ 7 5 2 50 5 bw 2 8 20 i 20 e ” ° 0 10 2 30 40 50 6 70 #0 0 100 Percent Retained 2.36 mm (No. 8} Sieve Figure 3.6 — Chart for estimating three aggregate blends is calculated using the following equations derived from the basic fo Since bee = _ (10-051) (13-9) _049%4 _ gy, 82-9 B Oe b= LO-a-c = 10-051 -0.03 = 0.46 purpose, Chapter? and lots very close to th pically produce very low voids the space occupied by bot 36 Evaluation of Aggregate Gradation 75 jum (No.200) sieve} is the aggregate is large surface area. These VMA values However, adding more of these fines ‘ofthe wide variety of shapes ly fine particles (less than 2h would effectively available VMA to decrease, not increase as desired, Most speci refi VMA increases can be achieved by an overall adjustment of the gradation of ig the shape of texture of the intermediate portion of the blended c ‘wo Factors on the packit ly moving away fr the same aggregate gradat lite spa with the same compaction les, can produce a different amount of VM. 3.10 CHECKING FOR TENDER MIXES — A pave resistance to del lat areas or that ly occur very early in the pavernent service life. ccan be temporary; it may disappear as the asphalt cement Kneading action of traffic, uted aggregates terparticle ix, twoot -ar deformation ofan asphal With the aggregate gradation, 75 ym portion ofthe aggregate makes cohesion. High cohesion provides ix toughness toesis the shearing forces, Both the size the percentage of these fines can have an additional impact on this effect, I should be factors exist consideration, avoided Percent Passing = a | E 50 16 8 4 we 2 34 +12! 2 Sieve Size Raised to 0.45 Power Figure 3.7 — Example of a “humped” gradation 38 Evaluation of Aggreyato Gradation oe Aggregate Sp Gr Propori.on ee ee A 4.00 082 B 2.00 0.45 c 3.00 0.03 Sp Gr Weight Perce 1.00 52.00 364 2.00 90.00 598 3.00 9.00 percentages by volume to percentages by weight VOLUME X SPECIFIC GRAVITY = WEIGHT. EXAMPLE nal percentages by weight in column 5 ate the p the percentages by volume in column 2 that were calculated by assuming that all the specific were the same. xcessof fines, portion of the fine where, of waste, W, w= 2004, =P) 0 -P>s EXAMPLE 40 Evaluation of Aggregate Gradation y90 | 12.5] 95 | 475] 236| 600 | 750 | 75 mm _|'mm| mm | mm | may | sam | wim | gem Steve 34" | Ye" | Ya" | FA 8 30 | “oo Spec. 100 | 80-100] 70°90) 55-73 | 40-55| 20-30 | 0-18 % Pass, Pa [Joo] 9a | a7 | 7 | 54 | 28 | 77 Reka | o| 2 | al es Adj % Ret,Re | 0 | 2 | fe | 30 Adj % Fass, Pe | 100 | 96 | 64 | 7 | 50] 26 | 6 | BF Po Be t= pgs 093le R28 y= Bee 120Ke 7 eR 100 (75-70) « (oo-1oy = “7% (2) Calculations based on adjusting percent passing 4 .75:m(No4) 790 |72 5) G5) 475| 236] 600 | 750 | 75 mm |'mm | mm| mm | mm | gum | aon | am Waste, Sieve 34" | We | ae’ | %4 [8 | 30 | 100 | 200 Spee 720 |30:106} 70:10] 3573 | 70-55 | 230 [0 784-10 % Pass, Pa 400 | 95 | 85 | 70 53 | 31 ie gq Ret, ka | 0 | 51 15 | 30 Adj bRetk | 0 | 6 | a | a7 Aaj % Pass, Re | 100 | #4 | 82 | 63 | 48 | 28 | [ar p= Bye Re py = 3 Pos pp Pa =F hax Ofola Range Re = 55 Ras 23 Ra _ 100(F-P2) _ 1000-63). 19.9 7 Waste, w= 2UEPe) = Wola). = 19.974 (4) Calculations basedon adjusting percent passing 600.4 (No.3) dosting ng Figure 3.9 ~ Adjusting gradation by wasting EXAMPLE (See Figure 3.10). LIBRARY _ Z Ms2 | S.NO. enn 43 elneTsiciaea Volumetric Properties of Compacted Paving Mixtures Figure 3.10 ~ Worksheet for computing laboratory batch weights _ Volumetric Properties of Compacted Pav ivixtures [ Nore: Te acciracy tsp gravy measurement ior maaaanl important, Unless specific gravities are detern (three decimal places) an error inairvoids valu lute recommends the use of weigh ty )w @ mix batch weighing 1000 to 5000 [__g72ms to be measured to an accuracy of 0.1 gram, Effective — Asphalt Bi Not Filed With Asphalt ‘of Aggregate Volume Aggregate Water Permeable Vo ae of Aggregate ot for Apparent §.6.) / Asphi Permeable Void i Absorbed Asphalt) Ai Void Fure 4.1 ~ Illustrating bulk, effective, and apparent specitic gravities; air voids; and effective asphalt content in compacted asphalt paving mixture Air Asphalt Minera Veo ys Aggregate Figure 4.2 ~ Representation of volumes in a compacted asphal specimen 46 Volumetric Properties of Compacted Paving Mixtures OUTLINE OF PROCEDURE FOR ANALYZING A Cow PAVING MIXTURE — This | es Sao (AASHTO T 228 or A ler (AASHTO T 100 or. effective specifi gravity of he age late the maxi i ety Ms2 2.436 2.435 (152.0) 89 os 1011 ‘Compacted Mixture Percent Percent ile Gravity Employed Voidsin | Percent | Voids for Aggregate Mineral | Air Voids ith Aggregate | Aggregate Asp ASTM Bulk 2.651 Yes 136 rr 92 ‘ASTM Bulk 2.651 No 136 a8 106 ASTM Bulk (cat. su dy) 2716 | Yes 186 32 79 No 13 2 No. | 49 74 No. bos 93 4.04 PAV ING MIXTURE DATA FOR SAMPI Pit Pot Pre Po + & LE CALCULATI IONS — Table 48 Volumetric Properties of Compacted Paving Mixtures ‘Table 4.2 ~ Basic data for sample of paving mixture Oe Constiuents Gravity Mix Composition Porcant AASHTO | ASTM | By Went Material Buk | Mottod | Mathod| of Total Mix Asphalt Comont | 4.090(6) Tzee | D70 | saiPa) Coarse Aggregate anean} T5 | cr27 | aap, 2e09(G2)| Ts | ci28 | 473°, T100 | Dass (0) Paving Mixture Bulk specie gr ¥y ol compactag paving mixture sample, Gmty — 2.442 ‘ravi of paving misture sample, Gym ‘of a paving mixture, Gag. a8 measured 2041, the effective specific gravity ofthe aggregate, G, the aggregate 49 Table 4.2 100 = 5.3 947 > 105.3 ~ 3045 — 5.15 276) 2533-1030 invariably less than the volume of water absorbed. Conse- the value assumed to be incorrect. The calculations, the maximum spe and the composition The apparent specific gravity, Gsa, calculated by the same formula as the \ggregate can be Ik by using the apparent ent. smined in ‘ticles 405 specific gravity from Table 4.2: 2.761 ~ 2.1 0.058 2. a 30 = 0 (a) ee Gas) rete 4.09 EFFECTIVE ASPHALT CONTENT OF A PAVING MIXTURE — where, MS2 where, VM, 6, 00 ble 4.2 a 2. 42x 94.7 2703 100 10+ 56 x 100 o 82 Volumetric Properties of Compacted Paving Mi where, Vq Gram -ompacted mixture, percent of total Git data from Table 4.2: = one 2385240 ay 4.12 PERCENT VFA IN COMPACTED MIXTURE — The voids , VEA, isthe percentage of asphalt. VFA, not including the absor _ 100 (VMA - V4) VPA = MAT ) d with asphalt, percent of VMA ‘mineral aggregate, percent of bulk volume Va = air voids in compacted mixture, percent of total volume Using the data from Table 4.2 and Articles 4.10 and 4. 144-39 VEA = 1001 74.3 percent MS-2 — =] Figure 4.3 - Worksheet: Analysis by weight of mixture Worksheet for Volumetric Analysis of Compacted Paving Mixture (Analysis by weight Sample: ee Date: Identtication a an Compostion of Paving Minture Tae GS i 1. cease Aowenate [61 ane |r ATA 2 Fw raaeose [od 2609 |r 473 & mina Faer [og ~ I ~ 4 Toa Aareone Pa ear © Asoran Cement [oy] 1020 Ps 23 6. Bulk Sp. Gr. (Ggp), total aggregate ty l.703) 7.Max. 8. Gt (Gal paving mix ASM | [52s 8. BUKSp. Gr. (Gn), compacted mie SST | — [easel 9. tectve Sp Gr. (Gy) toll aggregate fzrer 10. Absorbed Asphat Ppa), % by walt apg 08 CALCULATIONS 11. tloctve Asphalt Content (Pag) = (Une 10% Line 4 Fe) ; 45 Une 6 y= ene 12, UA bouncer Line 8 Line 4P5 100 - op — ne Ln © a ANY tee ine 7—ne top ee Z = ® a7 14. veA= Line 12 tne 18 tgp tite 12 Line : 100 Line 12 ° 42 uaa Gra 4 MS Sample: _ of Compacted Paving Mixture tof aggregate) Date: _ Ms2 7 SS 55 per cimed Marshall Method of Mix Design A. General P= 0.035a+ 0.0854 Ke + F ‘Diprensed wal 5.04 BQUIPMI 235 ca wy @ Li o wo Figure 5.1 — Pedestal, hammer (mechanical) and mold used in preparing Marshall test specimens loves for handling bot equipment, Rubber gloves for moving ns from water bat Article 5.07.) OF TEST SPECIMENS — These steps ate re nded at least three specimens for each combination 9.5 to 4.75 mun (3/8 in, wo 4.75 10 2.36 mm (No. 4 o No. 8) passing 2.36 mm (No. 8) Refer to Amticle 3.13 for bat ig procedure deta == @ 140°F (60°C) eST = (nc = @ a75HF (1950) eS 400,000} +0000 |} — a} Nd 500 oo bt NI 400 00) Viscosity, centistokes 1 ] | Tt | 200 150|-—~ 400 ff} —} tt dy 180 200 220 240 260 275 Temperature, *F Figure 5.2 ~ Determination of Mixing and Compaction Temperatures in the mold. 60 Marshall Method of Mix Design Ms2 to separate pans for ea Adjusted mass of aggregate = US. Customary Units, faced compacti variations (e.g. mechanical preferably wi as possibl yeem procedur both aging and absor jates are involved, some consid is behavior. 42103 hour cure period to al It severe climates or abs eration should be given ws.2 _ 8s Figure 5.3 ~ Marshall stability and flow test, using an automatic recording device 64 ‘Marshall Method of Mix Design 5.10 DENSITY AND VOIDS ANALYSIS — After -ompletion ofthe stability ‘maximum specific gravity (ASTM D204 fi ents, preferably on n /e and bulk specific gravity of the ofthe compacted ate(VMA). These value described in Chapter 4. Worksheets forall these Juded in Chapter 4, D. interpretation of Test Data 5.11 PREPARATION OF TEST DATA — Prepace the stability and flow values void dat sto convert the measured ‘conversion may be mad ickness or measured volun Percent Voids Filled with Asp! Percent Voids in Mi ‘These graphs are used to determi 1e design asphalt content of the mix. E 5 1 Teas a Figure 5.4 - Suggested test report form showing test data for a typical design by the Marshall method 66, ‘Marshall Method of Mix Design Ms.2 eee) Table 6.1 ~ Stability correlation ratios 4 100-—)— 160, 8 vo = - Volume of ‘Approximate Thickness g § 150 | Specimen, ‘of Specimen, ee CTT] Bio) Lj | om mm $ 40] 7 20010 213 254 a 2 ptt tf 214 to 295 270 5.00 = || 22610 297 286 455 35 4045 5.0 55 235 to 250 302 a7 ‘Asphalt Content, percent 251 to 264 318 3.85 aa Et 265 10 276 aaa 357 27710289 349 3.3 100.0 ay 153.0) —— 2ase 10.301 385 303 e | 02 810 a 28 200) - Baseol || HH ane 3176 32 ba7 250 g : || 2 5000 T S10 ear § * 400 3 1500 2 & 2 2a92 § 2009} 2 1490) 0.0 > 148.01 2372 35 40 48 50 55 25 40 45 50 65 Asphalt Content, percent ‘Asphalt Content, percent » 2800) | 2 sod - 3 2400 j=} + — B 2200 lp # 2000 © 4200! 35 40 45 50 5: Asphalt Content, percent Asphalt Content, percent Figure 5.5 ~ Test property curves for hot-mix design data by the Marshall method 68 Marshall Mothod of Mix Design 5.12 TRENDS AND RELATIONS OF TEST DATA — By exam feshave been found paving mixes, but he selected design asph to the mixture test data. The f the design criteria are not met, then so essary of the mix may need (0 be redesigned. A number of rations are discussed in the next article that should be weighed even if al the design criteria are met, EXAMPLE Assume the data shown in Figures S, tests on dense-graded HMA t 5.5 represent Marshall mix desi be used! in a heavy rea, The m icle size aggregate. Atfour percentait void 4a 2,300 9 4 10 Ms-2 oe] Table 5.2 ~ Marshall mix design criteria Modiom Tratf Heavy Tate ‘Surface & Base Surlace & Base Surace & Base Fe 50 1s a6 5398 006 (750) — (1200) — (1800) — (008 in) 8 we 8 6 6 Voids et ee ee cen OE Percont Voids in Mineral “Agare See Table 52 Percent Void Filled With regions hav xe exam “Tee conditions resting ina Design EAL <1o8 establ property, less desirable be The asp! 70 Marshall Method of Mix Design Table 5.3 ~ Minimum percent voids in mineral aggregate (VMA) Minimum Via, porcont ‘Nominal Maximum ——_—— Particle Sizal,2 Design Air Voids, Percent® 30 40 80 25 28 200 ato wo 180 150 160 140 150 130 40 120 130 Passos All Criteria’ 4 Too High 1 Passing Too Low Asphalt Content Figure 5.6~ An example of the narrow range of acceptable asphalt contents. R Marshall Method of Mix Desiga i Minimum | x Miir = a) po Asphalt Content, % oS Mioimum < “oe g » te ‘Asphalt Content, % 2 Minimum | iv s s a $< Asphalt Content, % Figure 5.7 — Relationship between VMA and specification Effect of ir Voids 5 4 Marshall Method of Mix Design a) Micimum VA a5bI0W BS laboratory mix. = - Effect of Voids Filled with Asphalt s0.10W bo Asphalt Content, % ») cc belweet ors desirable, # 4 3 gL > 28:0 Mere opent design boa sow 752iow PO Asphalt Content, % Figure 5.8 Effect of Marshall compactive effort on VMA and air volds. 76. ‘Marshall Method of Mix Design do not usually consider this fauso- except in. I cement. Table 5.4 gives recoramended stare less important. Regardless, asp ige are recommended for these areas. Ms.2 a renee ad Table 5.4 ~ Selecting Asphalt Grade ‘Temperature Condition. ‘Asphalt Grados old, mean annual air temperature ACs, AC-10 STC (45°F) AR-2000, AR-4000 120/150 pen. 85/100 pen. Wain, mean annual air temperature AC-10, AC-20 between 7°C (45°F) and 24°C. AR-4000, AR-8000 (7s"F) 85/100 pen. 60/70 pen. AC-20, ‘AC-40 AR-8000, ‘AR 16000, 60/70 pen, 40/50 pen. narrow sunge that passes all must be met mix is co more to the IALL METHOD FOR LARGE AGGREGATE—A, the National Center for ith maximum size up to 38 1990 Proceedings nun (18 in.) 8.75 in) and breaking heads) are eer specimens. Ms.2 79 x= Hveem Method of Mix Design A. General 3136 378 56 4 80 Hyveom Method of Mix Design Ms-2 a B. Approximate Asphalt Content by the Centrifuge Kerosene Equivalent Method Figure 6.1 ~ Apparatus for Hveem C.K.E. tests ©) Beakers, () Metal F Note: These surface-area factors have been used to calculate an average film thickness using the volume of asphalt binder in the mix. Although this determination of asphalt film thickness can provide a broad, relative indication of mix durability, the Asphalt Institute strongly recommends against comparing this calculated value with specific mix design criteria because of inherent inaccu- racies. These surface-area factors do not take into account the specific aggregate shape, but are intended only as an index factor. In addition, in a compacted mixture some of the asphalt and fine particle mastic is actually shared by adjacent particles rather then each being in an isolated state as assumed. 82 Hveem Method of Mix Design = HHGOO06 Surface ‘Area Factors meg 82 164 287 6.14 1269 92.77 @ © (4) GO} (5a) (180) les the this 33 (18) 49(24) | 74 (36) 4) 1.00(a9) ) 15478) 12.29 (60) 221 (1038) "75m. (No, 200), 6 2.77 (160) 197 (8. ‘Surface ava tector At Ms-2 83 3 Determining Ki From C.K.E. ‘Surface Constant ke 20 4 C.K. Corected for Sp. Gr. ‘Courtesy of Caloris Deparment a Tana Figure 6.2 ~ Chart for determining surface constant for fine material, Ky from C.K.E., Hveem method of design ‘on cutback asphalts of RC-250, MC-250 and $C-250 grades. With face area ed for K, ocedures of the appr ratio forthe mix erage specific gravity, use Case re 6.5 to determine t s.2 85 Char tor Det Ki 218 ‘Surface Constant 15 2 3 4 5 Percent Oil Retained - Cort Sp. Gr. of Aggregate 3 Moterial Used: Aggregate - Pass 9.5 mm (9.8%), Ret 4.75 mm (#4) Sieve SAE 10 8p. gr. of Coarse Aggregate 268 % Oil Ret. Corrected = % Oil Ret. x Counesy ot Cato Depa Figure 6.3 ~ Chart for determining surface constant for coarse material, Kg , from coarse aggregate absorption, Hveem method of design ( uBisep }SUIqUIOD 404 jUB}SUOD i “Sutece area, = ozosare ig © | Surface area of aggregate (29, f. per ib.)* Gujurquios 404 weyD ~ $9 ainBiy ‘sopjins aulUUa}9p 0} °y pue voweuedsues, pe weunzedoq mee Iennog Jo poyjows weeny My ‘aye6a1668 Aga | ft perio | Chart for Computing Approximate ‘Bitumen Ratio (ABR) for Dense Graded Bituminous Mixtures, (ase 1 Given CKE. sp. of aggregate |, Surface Area of KE onscae A Find is pasing 475m iftrsscion of aah Barra, (case Gon stave area ep. 7 and Key of apareate hotaaraly to cave coneaponding 6 ‘2 go! aggregate Tran Sown te cane ferfespanaing Ky Then howaontaly teseseS foro ase, -98Uap 10} Oe j10 Bujindwiod 10) WeYD ~ ¢"9 a:b 01 ato be o ilpert00 sof (uoneyodsues jo weunedag eusoy]29 40 Assyinoo eyD) uBjsep Jo poyrou wiooayy ‘Seanixiut Wy euRWie19g 0} 954 ue yy BuyIqWed 40} weUD UBiSeq IW JO PouroWI WeaRH zsW B a8 Hveem Method of Mix Design (lysco49 1) peye09) one vaurg i { ageg! _fbeinll si! 2282 goog fe Shem By 854 88 $3 Ble S FP fe Hitz 5 abs = oof 2 8 sige S262 2 “pol 2 % age F588 Plt) ao¢ / dulae “?le] BE / TEER Rae Sod / Ege z poesia eegiel Bo i hagogeades x *easnF Sb acted 0 (os2-0s uo peseg) orennby eussaley, BByUD AQ ONEL IO Figure 6.6 — Chart for correcting increasing viscosity (Chart courtesy of C: Transportation) bitumen requirement due to of asphalt, Hveem method of design alifornia Department of EXAMPLE 6.6 mitkg 324 12/10) 56 9 re 6.3) 5.2 pereent or AC-10 AASHTO T133 (ASTM C188), 3. As defined by California DOT C. Preparation of Test Specimens thod, a series 90 __Hveom Method of Mix Design ing aggregates and Figure 6.7 ~ Mechanical kneading compactor for the preparation of Hveem test specimens oy Hveom Method of Mi: Design For U.S. Customar Adjust | Figure 6.8 ~ Diagram of tamping foot for mechanical kneading compactor Grate Hveem Method of Mix Design D. Figure 6.9 ~ Transfer of mix to Figure 6.10 ~ Rodding mix in mold mold yonm eam Hveem Method of Mix Design ‘ny ——>— 127 9m Figure 6.11 ~ Swell test apparatus Follower for Applying ~ Load to Specimen’ Not to Scale Needle Valve ir Chamber Manvaly Operated ‘Air Chamber _'serew Type Pump. ‘Specimen. |Adjustablel 13 Stage Platen of Testing Machine [NOTE: Tha specnen is ven ltr support the ibe sewal, wc rani zonal pressure he tqud The magntude a presi canbe fad on Bs pase Figure 6.12 ~ Diagrammatic sketch showing principal features of Hveem stabilometer Ey Hive Method of Mix Design Ms-2 99 ing Stabilometer Values to Specimen Height of 64 mm (2.50 in.) correction should be made using the table and chart boiow. ba jee tol — 1 ies o 0 20 30 40 50 60 Stabilometer Value Betore Height Correction Figure 6.14 ~ Chart for correcting stabilometer values to effective ‘specimen height of 64mm (2.50 inches) 100 Hveem Method of Mix Design Ms-2 7 401 E. Interpretation of Test Data 4,000 tb), () Open th pump, adjust The procedure for this test ty of Compacte ns or ASTM D 2726, Bulk Spe face Dry Spi 6.18 SWELL TEST — These steps out 402 Hyver Moto of Mix Design usa 7 ts — Neder raat Simm oes ca vom mete 2.48 155 6 ieotecenraeass eer Ruste Siete ar vse 5 ; ope ass wei Ge |” © |» ze ra eat ae 151 2 | Surtace Ava, ming" a * om ao 180 : oak tga acinar i 15508860 68 4S 50 BS 80 eS eee a a tense ACL Wp of Ao YAO by Woo Aa Specimen iisetitcation A o © " % &s e Fo § ssf Ea oo 2% 155055 60 65 “AC by Wat of Ago —] Figure 6.16 ~ Test property curves for hot mix design data by the Hom metned “Suan te 2 (8) Select Job Mix Formula Figure A.1 — Flow chart for reeyeling hot mix design procedure 126 Table A.1 ~Formul Recycling Hot Mix Asphalt las for proportioning materials for recycled hot mixtures 4 New Aga, andr RAM, pha Content Oy vi of aaa 0-9 Pe» |p (100. Poo 100=Pay | °°" ~~ t00 P. “(1000p 5 (100-1 Poa ‘ Tela 00% Sa Now Aspnat to Total Pap = fhe RAP is 4.7 p (100-75)4.7 100-47 = 101P, Pr (See Table A.1), 128 Recycling Hot Mix Asphalt Ms-2 129 Viscosity at 60 required to blend Target Viscosity RAP or More= Do. i.e. from AC-20 10 AC-19) (5) Trial Mix Design - or Hveem apparatus. ‘The for re used for proportioning the Viscosity, Poises, 140°F (60°C) (60% RAM 159% New agare 25% RAP nr=75 0 10 20 30 40 «450 60 70 80 oc 100 New Aephat or Reoyting Agent in Bend . Pri Percent by ogi Design Example 1 (©) Select Job-Mix Formula Figure A.2 ~ Asphalt viscosity blending chart of 54 percent by weight 130, : Reoyciing H used is AC-20, and the target temperature of 60°C (140' "RAM and new aggregate is: __ Percent Passing RAP Ags NT naa NewAgg 100 ” 2 100 85 45 00 65 19 4 2 5 85 2 26 8 0 6 nit of RAP is to be used in the mix design, STEP 1 - Combined Aggregates in Recycled Mixture RAP Age + RAMA + NEWARg = Cont bas 06) ASTM D 3515, Table 1 3/4 in. (19mm) Nom, Max. Size % Pass, Ci s-2 131 STEP 2- Approximate Asphal of Combined Aggregates P= 0035 + 0.085 0035 x 72.9 + scent + Ke +F | O45 x 24.1 40.20% 30 STEP 3 - Estimated Percent of New Aspl ix Py _ 100-8 Pap Pap STEP 5 - Trial Mix Design, Using an aggregate percent RAP a 132 Recycling Hot-Mix Asphalt Ms-2 198, ‘The formulas in Table A.L Target Viscosity Viscosity, Poises, 140°F (60°C) been weighed out, dry mixing before adding new asph 0 10° 2 30 40 50 607080100 ‘New Asphalt or Recycling Agant in Blend, R, Percent by Weight Figure A. ~ Asphalt viscosity blending chart (Design Example 1) STEP 3 - Estimated Percent of New Asphalt in Mix Ppp = HOO2=F Pan) Py UO0—0 Pay n= “TOO CTOO= Py) ~~ TO0= Pap” 00100 ~ 6.0) = 102P,~191 STEP 4 - Select Grade of New Asphalt On Figure A.4, Point A isthe viscosity of the aged a x 105), Point B is I is I poise. scale, Connect Points D and E with a percentage, R, of recycling agg Ms2 139, 108 107, 106 108: > 108 102 Viscosity, Poises, 140°F (60°C) 0 10 2 63 640 50 G70 88D 100 ‘Agent in Blond, , Percent by Weight Figure A.4 — Asphalt viscosity blending chart (Design example 2) 136 Recycling Hot Mix Aspha sie 137 STEP 5 - Trial Mix Design Index Using anaggregate blend of 60 per AASHTO AASHTO Pane 120(100=2) 100-9 Pp OOP ~ “TOO = 100 100-70) _ (400 -70,P, = wo Too 6 = 3191-032 Py yg = a 100 . TOPy _ = 10- 2 o70-070% ‘af Conn Py wo] [30 [ss peo Pyy= LO2P,- 1.91 22 | 27 [ 32 | 37 [a2 P= 3191-032, P= 70-0.70P,, 305 | 303 | 301 | 300 668 | 665 | 662 | 65.8 ic 10.0 fio00 [1000 [100.0 *% RAM = P,, (60170) 313 | 10 | 367 | 564 9% New Aggt= 95 ager wil be 310770, Keeping the RAP at elevated held to a minimum, Odherwise, norm STEP 6 Select Job-Mix Formula AASHTO T 37, 19) AASHTO T 44, 19 AASHTO T 48, effective specific gra FHWA 045 power ge ne, C.K.E, procedul AASHTO T 104, 19, 109 AASHTO T 133, 19 AASHTO T 164, 19, 114 AASHTO T 165, 11 AASHTO T 166, 19, 52, 115 AASHTO T 170, 19 AASHTO T 176,19, AASHTO T 179, 19 68, 69,71 AASHTO T 201, 19 particle size, 6-1 AASHTO T 202, 19, AASHTO T 209, 19, AASHTO T 228, 19, AASHTO T 240, 19 ‘ravities, adjusting fj, 397 AASHTO T 245, 55 ice area factors, 82 AASHTO T 283, LL al and error eo} AASHTO T 287, 114 Aggregate wasting, 39 absorption, 43, 45, 47, 48, $0, 51, 56, 1,22 89, 119, 125 analysis by, 25, 95 adjusting in mix design, 35-40 1am size, ii, 6,7, 8,9, n of, 52 Marshall method, 69 123136 ASTM D854, 19, 47, 48 ASTM D 1075, ASTM D 1188, ASTM D 1559 ASTM D 1564 ASTM D 1561, 33) , 47, 52, 62, 100, , 22 a4 Marshall method, in Hiveem 35-78, 79-105 ASTM 1754, 12, ASTM D 1856, 13. ASTM D 2041, 13, 25, 70, 72 ASTM D 2082, ASTM D 2170, 12 ASTMD 2171, 12 ASTMD 2172, 13 ASTM D 2726, 13,22, 70 ASTM D 2872, 12 ASTM D351 ASTM D 3625, 63, c tion, 79, 89 vention of Sr 9 in, 51-53, ric properties of, 43-55 5 Ms-2 199 ter-Assisted Asphalt Mix ysis (CAMA), 2, 28, 75, specimens, 93, of aggregates, 81 chart, $3, 85, 88 13 greyate, 18 low meter in Marsh Flow tests, 62 Mixes for tests, prepara 89 Mixture, workat ‘Mold and ham 37 is, con Principles of Cons Asphalt Pavemen Proportioning a 18, 26-42 Specific gravity aggregate, 37, 48 delinitions, 43, importance of, 44 mn, 20, 60, 89) ‘Marshall method, 56 23-24, 125, 131,

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