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The research paper hereto attached entitles, “DETERMINANTS OF


PANGIL, LAGUNA”, prepared and submitted by Joanne G. Desuyo, in partial

fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master in Public Health is hereby

recommended for submission.


Research Coordinator
Institute of Community and Family Health, Inc.



A Research
Presented to the Faculty of
Institute of Community and Family Health, Inc.
Quezon City

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Master in Public Health



2020 - 2021


The researcher would like to convey her sincerest gratitude to those who willingly

and wholeheartedly extended their helping hands during the conduct of this research. The

encouragement, criticisms, suggestions, and insights are indeed very valuable.

Above all, to Almighty God, for all the blessings, guidance, and protection to

make this research possible;

To the researcher’s family, for the constant source of inspiration and moral

support which lead her to achieve success in every sphere of life, and without kind

devotion this research would have been a sheer dream;

To the researcher’s beloved panelists; for their untiring assistance, patience,

invaluable guidance, supervision throughout this research work; and of course to their

valuable suggestions and useful comments that made this research better and successful;

To Batch ______________, for the genuine support and being the extended


To all the professors during the researcher’s masters journey and for all the

knowledge they imparted, and instill to the researcher; and

To the respondents, who were very cooperative in answering and providing the

needed information in this research.

Thanks and God Bless!

- The Researcher

The researcher thanks the Almighty God for choosing her for this journey of
Master of Public Health,
granting her faith and stamina to believe in herself
and to complete this research successfully.
Without His blessings, this would not have been possible.

Also, the researcher would like to dedicate this research to her loving family,
for the inspirations, unconditional love and support they have given to her.

- The Researcher


Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest problems in the Philippines. Teenage

pregnancy is defined as occurring between thirteen to nineteen years of age. The Rural

Health Unit of Pangil, Laguna released data that revealed the rate of teenage pregnancy

which increased from 2016- 2018. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the

determinants of increased teenage pregnancy cases in the municipality of Pangil, Laguna.

The researcher followed Descriptive research design to answer the stated research

problems with the used of survey questionnaire.

The researcher utilized Purposive Sampling Technique in gathering the needed

data and information from the teenage mothers whose age bracket was 13 to 19 years old

at the time of pregnancy in the four selected barangays in Pangil, Laguna including

Barangay San Jose, Natividad, Isla, and Barangay Balian.

Based on the results of survey, the researcher concluded that socio-economic

factors could influence teenage pregnancy. Among the considered factors, peer and

friends-relatedness was the most influential factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy

cases in Pangil, Laguna. On the other hand, economic condition is the least influential


The researcher also concluded that family and cultural norms as factor in the

increased of teenage pregnancy cases had been influenced by their religion and number

of members in the family. Another was, perceptions of the respondents on the education

as factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases had been influenced by their

monthly family income. Further, perceptions of the respondents on the economic


condition as factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases had been influenced by

their monthly family income.


Page No.




Introduction 1
Statement of the Problem 3
Null Hypothesis 3
Objectives of the Study 4
Significance of the Study 5

Theoretical Framework 5
Conceptual Framework 7

Scope and Delimitations of the Study 9

Definition of Terms 9



Research Design 22
Data Gathering Procedure 23
Research Instrument 23

Population and Sampling 24

Treatment of Data 27




Summary of Findings





Page No.

Table 1

Table 2

Table 3

Table 4


Page No.

Figure 1
Figure 2

Chapter 1



Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest problems in the Philippines (Abad,

2021). Teenage pregnancy is defined as occurring between thirteen to nineteen years of

age. The Philippines has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates among the ASEAN

member states despite the decrease of total live births of teenage mothers in 2016

203,085 to 183,000 in 2019.

According to the Commission on Population and Development (PopCom), the

Philippines has recorded a 7% increase in births among girls aged thirteen to nineteen

years old in 2019. Filipino minors who gave birth in 2019 increased to 62,510 from

62,341 in 2018. One in three births among minors occurred in the three regions of

CALABARZON with 8,008, National Capital Region with 7,546, and Central Luzon

with 7,523 births.

CALABARZON region is composed Cavite, Laguna, Batangas, Rizal, and

Quezon. The region of CALABARZON has a population of 16,195,042 based on the

2020 Census of Population and Housing. This accounts for about 14.85 percent of the

Philippine population in 2020 (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2021). With the huge

population of CALABARZON, it could also signify that teenage pregnancy is increasing.

The researcher is from the municipality of Pangil, Laguna and she observed that teenage

pregnancy is one of the alarming issues.

Teenage pregnancies are often associated with social-economic issues, including

family and cultural norms, peer and friends’ relatedness, educational level, higher rates of

poverty, and other poorer life outcomes. The World Health Orgnanization (2020) stated

that teens pregnant often came from families of low socio-economic status. Growing up,

these children often came from families who are suffering from poverty and do not have

all the necessary resources to raise their child. These children grow up to have low

educational goals and successes because of the lack of involvement from their own

parents. These young kids then predisposed to a negative environment end up with less

ambition to succeed in school and begin making friendships with other teens that are

going through similar situations as them. It is these groups of teens who begin to

experiment with drugs and alcohol and do not do very well in school.

The main purpose of the study was to investigate the determinants of increased

teenage pregnancy cases in the municipality of Pangil, Laguna. The researcher believed

that conducting such study will benefit the parents, teachers, students, and future

researchers and will help reduce the cases of teenage pregnancy.

Background of the Study

The Rural Health Unit of Pangil, Laguna released data that revealed the rate of

teenage pregnancy which increased from 2016- 2018. Teenage pregnancy often occurs

between the ages of 15-19 years old, often during this age the girls are still studying. But

as early as 13-14 years old, pregnancy can occur. The data showed that in 2016, there are

105 or 14.80% of teenagers who became pregnant. While in 2017 and 2018, the

pregnancy rate in Pangil increased to 17.05% and 17.84% respectively.

With early pregnancy, the girls usually have to abandon their education to give

birth or raise their child thus delaying the chance of earning a degree that will help them

in providing for their child. Education for them becomes a lesser priority. They become

the primary caregiver of their child and are expected to rear their child well.

Instead of watching many teenagers suffered from a lot of burden brought about

by an early parenthood, the researcher, as a Midwife, health educator and student under

Master in Public Health; was encouraged to conduct a study related to teenage pregnancy

due to the increasing number of teenager engaging in an early sexual activity and end up

in early pregnancy.

Conceptual Framework

The interplay of considered variables was shown in figure 1. The figure consisted

of three frames that indicated Input, Process and Output of the study. The first frame

contained the Input which were demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age,

educational attainment, religion, number of family members, and monthly family income.

The first frame also contained the perceptions of the respondents on the socio-economic

factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases in terms of family and cultural norms,

peer and friends-relatedness, education, and economic condition.

The second frame contained the Processes to undertook by the researcher in

determining the investigating the determinants of increased pregnancy cases such as the

validation and administration of research instrument, use of secondary data, Descriptive

statistics, and the presentation, analysis and interpretation of data gathered.

The third frame contained the Output of the study which was the most and least

factor on the increased of teenage pregnancy cases and the proposed action plan that

would help reduce the unwanted teenage pregnancy.


The arrow from input frame to process frame signified that inputs were processed

in accordance with the problems and the arrow from process frame to output frame

signified that the processes led to the action plan proposal.

Research Paradigm

Input Process Output

Demographic Profile
Educational attainment
Religion Validation and
Number of Family Administration of Most and Least
Members Research Instrument Factor on the
Monthly Family Income Increased of Teenage
Pregnancy Cases in
the Municipality of
Used of Secondary Pangil, Laguna
Perceptions on the
Factors Proposed Action Plan
Family and Cultural Descriptive Statistics
Peer and Friends-
Relatedness Presentation,
Education Analysis,
Economic Condition Interpretation of Data

Figure 1. Showing the Research Paradigm of the Study

Statement of the Problem

The researcher aimed to investigate the determinants of increased of teenage

pregnancy cases in the selected barangays in Pangil, Laguna with the end view of coming

up with proposed action plan.

Specifically, the researcher sought answer to the following questions.

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of:

1.1 age;

1.2 educational attainment;

1.3 religion;

1.4 number of family members; and

1.5 monthly family income?

2. What is the level of perceptions of the respondents on the socio-economic factors in

the increased of teenage pregnancy in terms of:

2.1 family and cultural norms;

2.2 peer and friends’ relatedness;

2.3 education; and

2.4 economic condition?

3. Is there a significant relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents

and the level of their perceptions on the socio-economic factors in the increased of

teenage pregnancy?

4. Based on the findings of the study, what action plan will be proposed to reduce the

unwanted teenage pregnancy cases?


Null Hypothesis

The researcher posited the null hypothesis that was subjected for acceptance and


Ho: There is no significant relationship between the demographic profile of the

respondents and the level of their perceptions on the socio-economic factors in the

increased of teenage pregnancy.


Some unrelated factors in the study were beyond the control of the researcher.

The researcher only assumed that the study was conducted under certain conditions. The

researcher also assumed that the questions were answered honestly and objectively by the

respondents, and the data and information provided by were true and accurate.

Objectives of the Study

The following were the objectives of the study.

1. To identify the demographic profile of the respondents that have relationship with the

perceptions on the socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy.

2. To assess the level of level of perceptions of the respondents on the socio-economic

factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy.

3. To investigate the relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and

the level of their perceptions on the socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage


4. Propose an action plan that help reduce the cases of unwanted teenage pregnancy.

Significance of the Study

The result of the study would be deemed beneficial to the following:

To the parents, the study will benefit them to realize their great role in

educating their teenagers, protecting and diverting them from indulging in early sex

especially if without marriage. They must be aware too of what peers their teenagers

have and also it will make the parents aware that education about the use of

contraceptives will also start at home. 

To the teachers, for they could be informed how important education to the

development of children, it also enables them to guide and identify the cause of

teenage pregnancy. Then and there they would intensify their functions to counter those

causes by the diversity the interest of teenagers in engaging early sex. 

To the students who are still at school, the study will give them

information about the causes and possible effects of teenage pregnancy on their studies

once they got pregnant.  In one way or another, the study will guide them to focus their

attention on their health and studies rather than giving priority to their romantic affairs

with their boyfriend. The student will have additional knowledge of the uprising issues

and grave consequences regarding teenage pregnancy. Furthermore, the study may guide

their life into a bright future since they are a part of the community. 

To the future researchers, the result might be used as reference for future

researches regarding teenage pregnancy.

Scope and Delimitations of the Study

The study was focus on the investigation of determinants of increased pregnancy

cases. The researcher determined the perceptions of the respondents in the increased of

teenage pregnancy by considering the socio-economic factors including family and

cultural norms; peer and friends-relatedness; education; and economic condition.

The study had certain limitations, as to the settings of the study, the researcher

conducted the study in the four selected barangays in Pangil, Laguna including Barangay

San Jose, Natividad, Isla, and Barangay Balian. As to the respondents, the researcher

conducted the survey with teenage mothers whose age bracket was 13 to 19 years old.

The researcher conducted the study during the school year 2020-2021.

Descriptive research design was followed by the researcher to answer the stated research

problems with the used of survey questionnaire and appropriate statistical tools.

Definition of Terms

The researcher defined the following terms operationally and technically for

clearer understanding of the readers.

Age. It is the length of time or number of years the teenage mother got pregnant.

Determinants. These refer to the factors that influence the increase of teenage

pregnancy cases in the municipality of Pangil, Laguna. The researcher considered the

socio-economic factors including family and cultural norms, peer and friends-relatedness,

education, and economic condition.

Economic Condition. As used in the study, it refers to the state of family of the

teenage mother. This was measured by the family’s financial status that influence teenage


Education. As used in the study, it refers to the learning, acquisition of

knowledge, values, morals, and beliefs on the pregnancy.


Educational Attainment. This refers to the level of education of the teenage

mother when she got pregnant.

Family and Cultural Norms. It refers to the set of standards for how family

members dress, talk, and act. This is more than just a rules of etiquette that provide

family members a guide for living both within the home and without.

Income. It refers to the amount of money earned or received monthly by the

family of the teenage mother.

Peer and Friends Relatedness. Peers are people like the age of teenage mother

they may not know very well whether they are good friends or not which may influence


Relationship. As used in the study, it refers to the connection or influence of

socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases in the municipality of

Pangil Laguna.

Religion. It is a social-cultural system of designated behaviors and practices,

morals beliefs, worldviews, and ethics.

Teenage Pregnancy. It is defined as occurring between thirteen and nineteen

years of age.

Chapter 2


This chapter includes the related literature and studies relevant to the women’s

appearance and unwelcome sexual advances.

Teenage pregnancy affects 5.99 percent of Filipino girls which is the second-

highest rate in Southeast Asia based on Save the Children's Global Childhood Report

(2019). An estimated 538 babies are born to Filipino teenage mothers every single day,

according to the Philippine Statistical Authority (2017).

According to the Center for Disease Control, the birth rate for adolescent females

(ages 15-19) reached a historic low at a rate of 24.2 per 1000. However, this still

accounts for almost 250,000 babies born to this age group. An urban Institute report

summarizing the evidence has found that teen childbearing is associated with long-term

poverty, low educational attainment for both mother and children, and risks for children

are increased health problems, incarceration, bearing a child as a teenager, and facing

unemployment as a young adult. These risks are present even when controlling for

poverty, neighborhood effects, and other socio-economic and demographic risks

that contribute to teenage pregnancy. 

Rural areas have a higher teen pregnancy rate when compared to national

averages; research indicates that adolescents in rural areas are more likely to have

had sex and less likely to use contraception compared to teenagers in metropolitan

areas, highlighting a need for better interventions. According to Jo (2018), teenage

pregnancy among school-going youth is a concern worldwide, but in socially–

economically challenged environments it is a result of, and a contributory factor to,


a complex web of social injustice. Since teenage pregnancy is a global problem, the

findings of this study have international relevance (Wood & Hendricks, 2015).

During adolescence, teenagers may drink and experiment with drugs frequently

with their friends at social gatherings and parties. Teens, however, do not realize the

impacts alcohol and drugs have on the functioning of their brain, especially the effects of

binge drinking which is consuming large amounts of alcohol during one sitting. Drinking

excessively as well as experimenting drugs may lead to unwanted and unintentional

pregnancy. These substances greatly affect a teen’s ability to logically think and carry out

general thinking processes, thus increases the chances they will engage in unprotected

and unsafe sexual activity.

Muyot (2019) said that early pregnancy forces girls to take on an adult role while

their bodies are often not ready. Early pregnancy can also trap girls in an escapable cycle

of poverty, stigmatized by society for being teenage mothers or forced into early

marriage. It also creates a greater risk in terms of maternal complications that affect the

mother and the child they bear resulting in low survival rates.

There is no single cause for the rising rate of teenage pregnancy, but rather a

combination of factors ranging from social, cultural and economic. These factors

include the following but are not limited to early sexual debut; lack of access to

comprehensive sex information and education; parents, who are identified by

adolescents as one of their preferred source of information on Sexual Reproductive

Health information has limited communication skills; lack of access to family planning

services; cultural practices of early union; and lack of adolescent sexuality and

reproductive health (ASRH) policies and its full implementation. 


To curb the rise in teenage pregnancy cases, Save the Children Philippines called

for the enactment of the Teenage Pregnancy Prevention bill, which will ensure the

implementation of CSE in schools, training of teachers to deliver CSE, and capacitating

parents and careers to communicate sexuality education to their children. The bill will

also ensure the access of pregnant teenagers to social protection programs and access of

adolescents to reproductive health services. 

The baseline study conducted by Save the Children among very young

adolescents (Vyas) in 2017 revealed that Vyas's preferred source of information was

their mother. However, parents, most especially the mothers, in particular, do not have

the correct ASRH information to share with their children, or the skills to communicate

it. Thus, Save the Children Philippines implemented Healthily, Empowered, and

Responsible Teens or "Heart to HEART", a program that builds parents' skills and

enhances parent-VYA communication around gender and ASRH. 

The efforts to combat teenage pregnancy should come from all the sectors of

society. It requires a joint effort of government, private sectors, civil society

organizations, communities, parents, caregivers, and the entire citizenry, including

youth themselves (Muyot, 2019).

Sex education both in and beyond the classroom has been shown to have the potential

to ameliorate negative sexual health outcomes for adolescents. School-based sex

education and  sexual health services targeting young people should be informed, in part,

by teenagers  themselves. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 41 young

people aged 13–22 years in a mid-sized Midwest US city to inform such programmed

development. The analysis employed both top-down and bottom-up approaches to


coding. Four themes emerged regarding sex education activities in and out of school: the

need for knowledge of current activities aimed at prevention; information-seeking

behaviors'; personal views on how to address teenage pregnancy and sexually

transmitted infections (STIs); and the ideal place to address these issues.  Current

activities were seen as ineffective or non-existent. Many participants indicated

they would not engage actively in information-seeking unless they were affected

personally by the issues. Participants' suggestions of how to address the issues included

improving school services, introducing media campaigns and having peered or trusted-

adult educators. Participants identified the need for services that offered confidentiality, a

non-judgmental approach, and a comfortable space to meet. Through direct engagement

with youth, this research makes recommendations for interventions to address teenage

pregnancy and STIs (Fisher et al., 2019).


Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods used in conducting the study, the data gathering

procedure, instrument, population and sampling, and the statistical treatment of data.

Research Design

The researcher followed the Descriptive research design to answer the stated

research problems. Descriptive research design is conclusive in nature, as opposed to

exploratory. This means that descriptive research gathers quantifiable information that

can be used for statistical inference on the target audience through data analysis. The

researchers conduct a purposive process of gathering, analyzing, classifying and

tabulating data about prevailing condition, practices, beliefs, processes, trends and cause

effect relationship and then making adequate and accurate interpretation about such data

with the help of a statistical tools or method.

By following the Descriptive, the researcher developed and designed a survey

checklist-type of questionnaire to gather data and information about the perceptions of

the respondents on the socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy. The

researcher, therefore, rationalized that Descriptive research design was suitable for the

problem as it was aimed to investigate the determinants of increased pregnancy cases in

the selected barangays in Pangil, Laguna.

Respondents of the Study

The study was based on the investigation of determinants of increased pregnancy

cases. The researcher targeted teenage mothers whose age bracket was 13 to 19 years old

at the time of pregnancy in the four selected barangays in Pangil, Laguna including

Barangay San Jose, Natividad, Isla, and Barangay Balian.

Pangil, officially the Municipality of Pangil, is a fourth class municipality in the

province of Laguna. According to the 2020 census, it has a population of 25,026 people.

The health data of Pangil Rural Health unit showed that in 2016, there are 105 or 14.80%

of teenagers who became pregnant. While in 2017 and 2018, the pregnancy rate in Pangil

increased to 17.05% and 17.84% respectively.

As shown in figure 2 below the geographical map of Pangil, Laguna.

Figure 2. Geographical Map of Pangil, Laguna


Research Sampling

The researcher utilized Purposive Sampling Technique in gathering the needed

data and information. This sampling is a non-probability sampling that is selected based

on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. It is also known as

judgmental, selective, or subjective sampling. The method is appropriate that considers

the background of the respondents. This ensured that the selected respondents provided

significant information relevant to the study.

In the study, the researcher set 100 respondents that represented the whole

population. The respondents were chosen according to the purpose of the study. After the

identification of the respondents, the questionnaires were given personally to the

respondents to gather the needed data such as the demographic profile, perceptions on the

socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases. The researcher wore

a facemask and face shield and followed social distancing during the conduct of survey.

Research Instrument

The researcher constructed the research instrument in the form of self-made

checklist-type of questionnaire to answer the stated research problems.

Construction of Questionnaire. This was considered as the research instrument

to gather the needed data and information from the target respondents. This was

composed of two parts that helped investigated the determinants of teenage pregnancy

cases in Pangil, Laguna. The researcher looked for related literature or questions.

Validation. The self-made questionnaire was content validated by experts in the

field of research and selected individuals who had enough knowledge on the increased of

teenage pregnancy cases.


Scoring. The questionnaire was composed of two parts. The first part determined

the demographic profile of the respondents in terms of age, educational attainment,

religion, number of family members, and monthly family income.

Meanwhile, the second part determined the perceptions of the respondents on the

socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases in terms of family

and cultural norms; peer and friends-relatedness; education; and economic condition. The

respondents respond to the items on the questionnaire with the used of 5-point Likert


Range Number Verbal Interpretation Description

4.21- 5.00 5 Strongly Agree Very Influential

3.41- 4.20 4 Agree Influential

2.61 - 3.40 3 Moderately Agree Moderately Influential

1.81 - 2.60 2 Slightly Agree Slightly Influential

1.00 - 1.80 1 Disagree Not Influential

Administration. Upon the finalization of the questionnaire, the researcher sought

the approval of the adviser and other panel members, as well as the Municipal Mayor to

permit her to administer the questionnaire to the target respondents. The researcher

explained the purpose of the study to the target respondents and gave them assurance that

whatever information they give will be held with confidentiality.

Retrieval. Once answered, the questionnaire was retrieved from the target

respondents then tallied and treated with statistical tools.


Data Gathering Procedure

The research started on the approval of title. After that, the researcher gathered

data and information from the primary and secondary sources. The primary data and

information were gathered from the answers of the respondents and it was done through

the conduct of survey. On the other hand, the secondary data came from the related

literature and studies from books, journals, articles, internet and other related


The researcher finalized the chapters 1, 2, and 3 and then made the questionnaire

which was checked and validated by the experts on public health.

The conduct of the study began by securing permission from the Adviser and

other panel members, as well as the Municipal Mayor. After the signing of request letters,

the conduct of survey with the respondents started. Respond of respondents were

solicited and treated with the application of selected and appropriate statistical tools.

After the collection of data, it was tallied, presented, and interpreted by the

researcher. Then, prepared the next chapter and undergone Final Oral Defense to check

and criticize its relevance.

Statistical Treatment of Data

In analyzing and interpreting the gathered data from the respondents, the

following statistical tools were used by the researcher.

In describing the demographic profile of the respondents, the researcher employed

frequency and percentage.


For the description of level of perceptions on the socio-economic factors in the

increased of teenage pregnancy, the researcher employed weighted mean, verbal

interpretation and rank.

The formula of weighted mean was shown below.

Where: xw = weighted mean

xi = observed value
wi = allocated value for the value of i

For the test of significant relationship, the researcher utilized the Statistical

Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) application. Pearson r Correlation test was used

to determine the significant relationship between the demographic profile of the

respondents and the level of their perceptions on the socio-economic factors in the

increased of teenage pregnancy.

The formula of Pearson r Correlation test was shown below.

Where: N = number of pairs of scores

∑xy = sum of the products of paired scores
∑x = sum of x scores
∑y = sum of y scores
∑x2 = sum of squared x scores
∑y2 = sum of squared y scores

Chapter 4


This chapter presents the data gathered, the results of the statistical analysis done

and interpretation of findings. These are presented in tables following the sequence of the

specific research problems.

1. Demographic Profile

As shown in tables 1.1 to 1.5 the distribution of the respondents according to their

demographic profile. Data were presented with the used of frequency and percentage.

Table 1.1
Distribution of the Respondents
According to their Age

Age Frequency Percentage

13 years old 1 1.0
14 years old 1 1.0
15 years old 11 11.0
16 years old 23 23.0
17 years old 25 25.0
18 years old 29 29.0
19 years old 10 10.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 1.1 showed the distribution of the respondents according to their age. Data

revealed that majority of the respondents got pregnant at the age of 18 years old with

frequency of 29 or 29.0% while age 13 years old and 14 years old got the least frequency

of 1 or 1.0%.

Table 1.2
Distribution of the Respondents
According to their Educational Attainment

Educational Frequency Percentage

Elementary Level 16 16.0
Highschool Level 52 52.0
College Level 29 29.0
Others 3 3.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 1.2 presented the distribution of the respondents according to their

educational attainment. It was revealed that majority of the respondents got pregnant

when in highschool level with frequency of 52 or 52.0% while 3 or 3.0% respondents

responded others which were 2 Technical Education and Skills Development Authority

(TESDA) and 1 Alternative Learning Systems (ALS).

Table 1.3
Distribution of the Respondents
According to their Religion

Religion Frequency Percentage

Roman Catholic 47 47.0
Born Again 23 23.0
Aglipay 11 11.0
INC Iglesia Ni Cristo 9 9.0
Muslim 4 4.0
Adventist 2 2.0
Jehova’s Witness 4 4.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 1.3 showed the distribution of the respondents according to their religion.

Data revealed that majority of the respondents were Roman Catholic with frequency of

47 or 47.0%. Meanwhile, there were only 2 or 2.0% Adventists.


Table 1.4
Distribution of the Respondents
According to the Number of Family Members

Family Members Frequency Percentage

3–5 36 36.0
6–8 44 44.0
9 – 11 12 12.0
12 and Above 8 8.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 1.4 presented the distribution of the respondents according to their number

of members in their family. It was revealed that most of the respondents belonged to the

family with 6-8 members having frequency of 44 or 44.0% while 8 or 8.0% belonged to

the family with 12 members and above.

Table 1.5
Distribution of the Respondents
According to their Monthly Family Income

Family Members Frequency Percentage

Php 5,000 and Below 4 4.0
Php 5,001 – 10,000 21 21.0
Php 10,001 – 15,000 35 35.0
Php 15,001 – 20,000 12 12.0
Php 20,001 – 25,000 9 9.0
Php 25,001 – 30,000 7 7.0
Php 30,001 and Above 12 12.0
Total 100 100.0

Table 1.5 showed the distribution of the respondents according to their monthly

family income. Data revealed that most of the respondent have a monthly family income

ranging from Php 10,001-15,000 while 4 or 4.0% of the respondents have their monthly

family income ranging from Php 5,000 and below.


2. Level of Perceptions on the Socio-Economic Factors

As shown in tables 2.1 to 2.4 the results of survey for the level of perceptions of

the respondents on the socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy

cases in Pangil, Laguna. Data were presented with the used of weighted mean score,

verbal interpretation, and rank.

Table 2.1

Level of Perceptions on the Family and Cultural Norms

in the Increased of Teenage Pregnancy

Weighted Verbal
Indicative Statements Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. My family is religious. 2.96 Moderately Agree 4
2. One or more members of our
4.17 Agree 1
family is also a teenage mother.
3. Sex is permitted before marriage
3.15 Moderately Agree 3
in our family culture.
4. In our family, we discuss issues
on pregnancy prevention with our 2.89 Moderately Agree 5
5. My parents married at an early
3.97 Agree 2
Overall Weighted Mean 3.43 Agree

Table 2.1 showed the result of survey for the perceptions of the respondents on

the family and cultural norms as the factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases.

The data revealed that item 2 got the highest weighted mean score of 4.17 and verbally

interpreted as respondents agree that one or more members of their family is also a

teenage mother that influenced them to be a teenage mother also. On the other hand, item

4 got the lowest weighted mean score 2.89 and verbally interpreted as respondents

moderately agree that in their family, pregnancy prevention had been discussed to them

by their parents.

The overall weighted mean score was 3.43 which implied that the family and

cultural norms was influential to them for being a teenage mother.

Table 2.2

Level of Perceptions on the Peer and Friends Relatedness

in the Increased of Teenage Pregnancy

Weighted Verbal
Indicative Statements Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. My peer and friends talk about
4.56 Strongly agree 1
dirty topics like sex.
2. My peer and friends discuss
pregnancy prevention and 2.63 Slightly Agree 5
3. My peer and friends teased me
4.10 Agree 3
to get pregnant.
4. My peer and friends encouraged
4.38 Strongly Agree 2
me to drink alcohol.
5. My peer and friends pushed me
3.35 Moderately Agree 4
to take illegal drugs.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.78 Agree

Table 2.2 presented the result of survey for the perceptions of the respondents on

the peer and friends-relatedness as the factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases.

It was revealed that item 1 got the highest weighted mean score of 4.56 and verbally

interpreted as respondents strongly agree that their peer and friends talk about dirty topics

which influence them to get pregnant. On the other hand, item 2 got the lowest weighted

mean score 2.63 and verbally interpreted as respondents slightly agree that their peer and

friends discuss pregnancy prevention and consequences.

The overall weighted mean score was 3.78 which implied that peer and friends-

relatedness was influential to them for being a teenage mother.


Table 2.3

Level of Perceptions on the Education of the Respondents

in the Increased of Teenage Pregnancy

Weighted Verbal
Indicative Statements Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. I know the fertility window for
1.74 Disagree 5
getting pregnant.
2. I know prevention methods of
1.97 Slightly Agree 4
teenage pregnancy.
3. I obtain information about
pregnancy on social media and 4.10 Agree 2
4. I learned and received
information about pregnancy from 4.35 Strongly Agree 1
5. I searched and studied about
4.03 Agree 3
pregnancy by myself.
Overall Weighted Mean 3.24

Table 2.3 showed the result of survey for the perceptions of the respondents on

the education as the factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases. It was revealed

that item 4 got the highest weighted mean score of 4.35 and verbally interpreted as

respondents strongly agree that they learned and received information about pregnancy

on social media and internet. Meanwhile, item 5 got the lowest weighted mean score 1.74

and verbally interpreted as respondents disagree that they know the fertility window for

getting pregnant.

The overall weighted mean score was 3.24 which implied that education was

moderately influential to them for being a teenage mother.


Table 2.4

Level of Perceptions on the Economic Condition

in the Increased of Teenage Pregnancy

Weighted Verbal
Indicative Statements Rank
Mean Interpretation
1. My mother has work when I got
4.29 Agree 1
2. My father has work when I got
4.10 Agree 2
3. My parents and siblings have
2.57 Slightly Agree 4
good educational background.
4. Our family earned enough
money that sustain our daily living 2.61 Moderately Agree 3
and education.
5. Our family has owned-property/
2.55 Slightly Agree 5
Overall Weighted Mean 3.22

Table 2.4 presented the result of survey for the perceptions of the respondents on

the economic condition as the factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases. It was

revealed that item 1 got the highest weighted mean score of 4.29 and verbally interpreted

as respondents agree that their mother has work when they got pregnant that made them

confident with their situation. Meanwhile, item 5 got the lowest weighted mean score

2.55 and verbally interpreted as respondents slightly agree that their family has their

owned-property or properties which also made them confident with their situation.

The overall weighted mean score was 3.22 which implied that economic condition

was moderately influential to them for being a teenage mother.


3. Relationship Between Demographic Profile and Level of Perceptions of Socio-

economic Factors
Table 3
Demographic Profile and Level of Perceptions

Socio-economic Factors
Demographic Statistical and Peer and
Profile Tool Friends Education
Cultural Relatedness Condition
Age .118 .342 .156 .421
Educational Pearson r Correlation
.213 .325 .174 .189
Religion .044 .089 .135 .144
Number of Family .046 .261 .645 .347
Monthly Family .066 .110 .027 .039
*If p-value > 0.05, accept Ho. If p-value ≤ 0.05, reject Ho.

Table 3 presented the result of test for the relationship between the demographic

profile of the respondents and the level of their perceptions on socio-economic factors in

the increased of teenage pregnancy cases.

The data revealed that religion and number of family members obtained p-values

of .044 and .046, respectively, which were lower than .05 level of significance that led to

reject the null hypothesis of the study. Findings revealed that perceptions of the

respondents on the family and cultural norms as factor in the increased of teenage

pregnancy cases had been influenced by their religion and number of members in the


The table also revealed that monthly family income obtained p-value of .027

which was lower than .05 level of significance that also led to reject the null hypothesis

of the study. Findings revealed that perceptions of the respondents on the education as

factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases had been influenced by their monthly

family income.

It was also revealed that monthly family income obtained p-value of .039 which

was lower than .05 level of significance that also led to reject the null hypothesis of the

study. Findings revealed that perceptions of the respondents on the economic condition as

factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases had been influenced by their monthly

family income.

Others variables that obtained p-values higher than .05 level of significance led to

accept the first null hypothesis. This meant that other variables had no influenced with

the perceptions on the socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage pregnancy.

4. Proposed Action Plan

The researcher proposed an action plan that would help reduce the unwanted

teenage pregnancy.

Person Success
Objectives Activities Timeline
Involved Indicator
To conduct a Meeting with the LGU, LGU 4 hours Approved Plan
meeting that RHU Staff and of Activities.
will discuss Barangay Officials. RHU Staff
the flow and
contents of The researcher will Barangay
seminars to be facilitate the meeting. Officials

To conduct a Seminar that will LGU 2 days Can understand

seminar that discuss: the importance
will discuss  Sex Education RHU Staff of sex
the importance  Contraception education in
of Sex  Different Barangay the life of
Education. Methods of Health teenagers.
Pregnancy workers

 Consequences Barangay on the

of Early Officials contraception
Pregnancy. and different
Researcher methods of
The researcher will pregnancy.
facilitate in the Teenage
conduct of seminar. Mothers Can understand
Students consequences
of unwanted

To conduct a Seminar that will LGU 1 day Can identify

seminar that discuss Socio- and understand
will discuss economic Factors: RHU Staff the socio-
the different  Family and economic
factors that Cultural Norms Barangay factors that
influence or  Peer and Health influence or
contribute to Friends- workers contribute to
the increased relatedness the increased
of teenage Barangay of teenage
 Education
pregnancy Officials pregnancy
 Economic
cases. Condition cases.
The researcher will Teenage
facilitate in the Mothers
conduct of seminar.

Chapter 5


This chapter presents the summary of findings, conclusions drawn, and

recommendations offered by the researcher.

Summary of Findings
The study had a total of 100 respondents from four selected barangays in Pangil,

Laguna. The distribution of the respondents according to their demographic profile was

summarized as follows. Based on the survey, as to the respondents’ age, majority of the

respondents got pregnant at the age of 18 years old. As to the educational attainment,

majority of the respondents got pregnant when in highschool level. As to the respondents’

religion, majority of the respondents were Roman Catholic. For the number of members

in their family, it was revealed that most of the respondents belonged to the family with

6-8 members. And for the respondents’ monthly family income, data revealed that most

of the respondent have a monthly family income ranging from Php 10,001-15,000.

For the level of perceptions of the respondents on the socio-economic factors in

the increased of teenage pregnancy cases in Pangil, Laguna, it was revealed that

respondents believed that family and cultural norms; peer and friends-relatedness; were

influential to them for being a teenage mother. It was also revealed that education and

economic condition was moderately influential to them for being a teenage mother.

In the relationship between the demographic profile of the respondents and the

level of their perceptions on socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage

pregnancy cases, it was revealed that religion and number of family members obtained p-

values of .044 and .046, respectively, which were lower than .05 level of significance that

led to reject the null hypothesis of the study. Same with monthly family income that

obtained p-value of .027 for education and also monthly family income obtained p-value

of .039 for economic condition which were lower than .05 level of significance that also

led to reject the null hypothesis of the study.

Teenage pregnancy is one of the biggest problems in Philippines, women who

got pregnant range from 13-19 years old.  This is one of the alarming issues in the

municipality of Pangil, Laguna. 

Based on the results of survey, the researcher concluded that socio-economic

factors could influence teenage pregnancy. Among the considered factors, peer and

friends-relatedness was the most influential factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy

cases in Pangil, Laguna. On the other hand, economic condition is the least influential


The researcher also concluded that family and cultural norms as factor in the

increased of teenage pregnancy cases had been influenced by their religion and number

of members in the family. Another was, perceptions of the respondents on the education

as factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases had been influenced by their

monthly family income. Further, perceptions of the respondents on the economic

condition as factor in the increased of teenage pregnancy cases had been influenced by

their monthly family income.


Based on the findings and conclusions of the researcher, the following are

recommendations offered by the researcher.

1. Encourage parents to have family hour where different issues of their children

will be discussed, especially regarding teenage pregnancy. Teach their children

to be a responsible person and be mindful all the time.

2. To the teachers, educate teenagers about sexual intercourse and its consequences.

Discuss to them the importance of contraceptives and different methods relevant

to pregnancy.

3. To the students who are still at school, encourage them to learn and study the

things related to pregnancy to avoid unwanted situations. The researcher also

recommends them to attend and listen to seminars that will give them additional

knowledge of the uprising issues and grave consequences regarding

teenage pregnancy.

4. To the future researchers, conduct more studies about teenage pregnancy in wide

scope and setting.



Abad, M. (2021). Teen pregnancy is ‘most important problem of women today’ in PH –


Jo, B. T. (2018). Rural Parents: Their Experiences and Needs as Sex Educators. Michigan
State University, ProQuest Dissertations Publishing.

National Center for Health Statistics (2017). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,
National Vital Statistics System.

News and Press Release (2019). Save the Children calls on the passage of Teenage
Pregnancy Bill as the world celebrates International Day of the Girl.

Pazol, K. and Warner L. (2016). Reduced Disparities in Birth Rates among Teens Aged
15- 19 Years – the United States, 2006-2007 and 2013-2014. MMWR Morbidity
and mortality weekly report.

Philippine Statistics Authority (2021). Highlights of the Region IV-A (CALABARZON)

Population 2020 Census of Population and Housing (2020 CPH).

Wood, L. and Hendricks, F. (2015). A participatory action research approach to

developing youth friendly strategies for the prevention of teenage pregnancy.



Master in Public Health


Municipal Mayor
Pangil, Laguna

Warmest Greetings!

I, the undersigned, student at Institute of Community and Family Health, Inc. in Quezon
City, would like to ask permission from your good office to allow me to conduct a survey
among teenage mothers in four selected barangays in your municipality including
Barangay San Jose, Natividad, Isla, and Barangay Balian. My research study entitled,
The survey will last for about 5 to 10 minutes. Rest assured that the data I will gather will
remain absolutely confidential and to be used for academic purposes only.

I am hoping that this request will merit your favorable approval.

Thank you very much and God bless.

Respectfully yours,




Municipal Mayor


Master in Public Health

Dear respondent,

I, the undersigned, is seeking for your sincerest cooperation by accomplishing the

attached questionnaire with a research title, DETERMINANTS OF INCREASED
LAGUNA, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Master in Public

The purpose of the study is to investigate the determinants of increased pregnancy cases.
The researcher targeted the teenage mothers whose age bracket was 13 to 19 years old in
the four selected barangays in Pangil, Laguna including Barangay San Jose, Natividad,
Isla, and Barangay Balian.

Rest assured that your response will be treated with utmost confidentiality. Your response
will be of great help and significant in attaining the research objectives of our study.

Thank you very much and God Bless.

Respectfully yours,



PART 1. Demographic Profile

Directions: Please fill out the blanks with the corresponding answer. Put a check
() mark on the appropriate response for each of the following items.

Name (Optional): ________________________________________________________

1.1 Age: _________

1.2 Educational Attainment: ( ) Elementary Level
( ) Highschool Level
( ) College Level
( ) Others, please specify _______________________

1.3 Religion: ( ) Roman Catholic

( ) Born Again
( ) Aglipay
( ) INC Iglesia Ni Cristo
( ) Muslim
( ) Adventist
( ) Jehova’s Witness

1.4 Number of Family Members: ________

1.5 Monthly Family Income: ( ) Php 5,000 and Below
( ) Php 5,001 – 10,000
( ) Php 10,001 – 15,000
( ) Php 15,001 – 20,000
( ) Php 20,001 – 25,000
( ) Php 25,001 – 30,000
( ) Php 30,001 and Above

PART 2. Perceptions on Socio-economic Factors

Direction: Please put a check () mark on the appropriate box that reflects the
level of your perceptions on the socio-economic factors in the increased of teenage
pregnancy cases in Pangil, Laguna. Use the 5-point Likert Scale on the next page to rate.

Verbal Interpretation
5 Strongly Agree
4 Agree
3 Moderately Agree
2 Slightly Agree
1 Disagree

  2.1 Family and Cultural Norms 5 4 3 2 1

    1 My family is religious.          

    2 One or more members of our family is also a teenage          

    3 Sex is permitted before marriage in our family culture.          

    4 In our family, we discuss issues on pregnancy          

prevention with our parents.
  5 My parents married at an early age.          

  2.2 Peer and Friends-Relatedness 5 4 3 2 1

1 My peer and friends talk about dirty topics like sex.         

2 My peer and friends discuss pregnancy prevention and
  3 My peer and friends teased me to get pregnant.          
  4 My peer and friends encouraged me to drink alcohol.
  5 My peer and friends pushed me to take illegal drugs.          
2.3 Education 5 4 3 2 1

1 I know the fertility window for getting pregnant.

2 I know prevention methods of teenage pregnancy.

3 I obtain information about pregnancy on social media

and internet.
4 I learned and received information about pregnancy
from school.
5 I searched and studied about pregnancy by myself.

2.4 Economic Condition 5 4 3 2 1

1 My mother has work when I got pregnant.

2 My father has work when I got pregnant.

3 My parents and siblings have good educational

4 Our family earned enough money that sustain our
daily living and education.
5 Our family has owned-property/ properties.

Thank you for answering this questionnaire God bless.



Name : ABC

Contact no. : 09xxxxxxxxx

Address : ABCD

Email :


Personal Information
Date of Birth : xxxxx
Place of Birth : xxxxx
Age : xxxxx
Sex : xxxxx
Height : xxxxx
Citizenship : xxxxx
Religion : xxxxx
Civil Status : xxxxx

Educational Background
Graduate Studies : School
Major in Public Health

Tertiary : School
Bachelor of
Major in

Secondary : School

Elementary : School

Work Experiences


I hereby certify that the above pieces of information are true with all my
knowledge and belief.


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