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Theorytest (20Marks) Total Marks : 25

1) Which of the following is ignored by the browser while displaying the content of
an HTML document ?

A. Space B. New Line C. Tab D. All of the given

2) _________ is a collection of electronically created web pages.

A. Web page B. Web site C. Web server D. Web browser

3) which of the following option is used to open gedit program ?

A. Applications -> gedit B. System -> gedit C. Applications -> Accessories -> gedit
D. Accessories -> gedit

4) ________of the following is popular web browser.

A Internet Explorer B. Netscape Navigator C. Mozilla Firefox D. All of the


5) Which of the following language was developed by the international organization

for Standards (ISO) in 1986 to ficiliate the sharing of machine-readable documents ?

A. HTML B. SGML C. WWW D. All of the given

6) Home page means _____of web site.

A. First page B. Second page C.Testing D.Last page

7) Which of the following is used to go to the related web page of web site ?

A. Home Page B. Last Page C. Hyper link D. None of the Above

8) Who conceived the notion of the web ?

A. Linus Torwald B. Pascal C. Gary Torwald D. Tim Berners-Lee

9) Which of the following tag displays the content in superscript ?

A. <sub> and </sub> B. <sup> and </sup> C. < S > and </S> D. <small> and

10) _________tag ends the current line and pushes the coming text into next line.

A. <br> B. <br /> C. <h1> D. A or B

11) The content of _________ element is displayed one font size smaller than the rest
of the text surrounding it.

A. <small> and </small> B. <i> and </i> C. < S > and </S> D. <b> and < /b>

12) Which of the following tags starts & ends the structure of an HTML document ?

A. <bodyl> and </body> B. <title> and </title> C. <html> and </html> D.

<b> and < /b>

13) In HTML, the contents written within "<!- - " and " --> '' tags are considered as

A. title B. comments C. Hyperlink D. Important word

14) ________tag is used to display the content with a strikethriugh a thin line
through the text.

A. <u> and </u> B. <i> and </i> C. < S > and </S> D. <b> and < /b>

15) Which of the following information does the head section contain ?

A. title B. Description of page C. Both A and B D. None of the given

16) An HTML file is saved with __________extension.

A. .txt B. .htm C. .html D. B or C

17) Which of the following tag has the same meaning ?

A. <Title> B. <TiTle> C. <TITLE> D. All of the given

18) Which of the following tag represents preformatted contents?

A. <p> and </p> B. <pre> and </pre> C. <u> and </u> D. <tt> and < /tt>

19) The spaces that are inserted automatically by the browser are known as _______.

A. hard space B. soft space C. added space D. all of the given

20) _______ is an attribute in <a href> tag ?

A. < B. a C. href D. >

Practicle test ( 5 Marks )

Develop a web page that introduces your class. Include information such as your class
teacher, other course teacher and subjects you are learning . Give heading of this page as '
My Class' .

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