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UNDERSTANDING THE SELF: Crito, Symposium and many others.

• a journey towards one’s true identity. • The Republic in Book VII, he explained the Allegory of
• to understand and have a grasp of life’s paradox, the Cave.
riddle, contradiction, and continuous search for true • Allegory of the Cave speaks about three stages of
identity and existence. human person (sensation, opinion and mind). A person
must break the chain that controls him/her from seeing
QUESTIONS TO REFLECT ON; shadow fabricated by the opinions of the world.
1. Why is it necessary to understand yourself? • Plato is dualist – believing the Soul and Body are
2. Are you practicing meditation to exercise mental inseparable (dichotomy/separation between soul and
discipline? If yes, is it everyday? How many minutes? If body). He believed that Soul and Mind are one,
not, what is the reason? contrary to populr belief that Soul is associated with the
word Spirit (kaluluwa) as affirmed by St. Augustine.
II. THE SELF FROM A PHILOSOPHICAL • He was a Rationalist, maintains that mind/idea is

PERSPECTIVE superior over the physical realities in relation to how it

can encapsulate the Truth, the Beautiful and Good.


• Socrates wrote nothing his students have countless ARISTOTLE 384-322 BCE:
tribute to him in their works like Plato and Xenophon. • A student of Plato, he made a major leap from Plato

• He gathered followers on his journey as a ‘midwife of when he developed his own philosophy and established

knowledge’ his own school Lyceum.

• He dedicated his life for the search of truth and right • Unlike Plato, he believed one can find truth from

living (a characteristic of philosopher, not sophist) evidence gained through sense experience.

• He was accused and charged of; Corrupting the youth • He was not a dualist .

and denying the Gods then introducing new Gods. • Plato mistrusted the senses yet Aristotle relied on

• He defended himself in the book Apology from all the them as evidence to back up his theories.

accusations using Socratic Method. Yet majority of the • One of Aristotle’s idea is the change in relation to his

jury voted for him to be executed. preference on physical realm. For him, there is

• Socratic Method, One must ask and clarify and the potentiality and there is actuality where a thing or a

validity must be rooted on proper reasoning not person will remain as it is. Changes will occur in the

because it is widely praised or believed. process of actualization.

• For him, every human person is destined to a

PLATO 427-347 BCE: particular end or telos – end or purpose.

• was greatly influenced by Socrates • His idea on Happiness is related on how a person can

• He established a school academy live a life of reason and contemplation and not in

• He wrote volumes of books including The Republic, pleasure so as to become self-sufficient.

1. How can Socratic Method resolve and reconcile
everyconcern and issue in society? How can it help your
personal struggles?
2. Using the Allegory of the Cave, how can you
transcend from sensation to the function of the mind?
3. What are the things and skills you have that you are
afraid to maximize and actualize?



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