Why Friendships End #3

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Alzuabi, Nasser

Why friendships end

A friend is the one who understand you and always make feel better during hard times.

Friendship is essential for anyone seeking happy successful life. Close friends are rare because

they would do anything to help through rough times without exchange just like family.

Friendship plays big role in our lives. We work with, hang out with, and even learn from our

friends. However, maintaining a friendship is not a simple task and sometimes friendships

cannot last very long. Friendship can end for several reasons such as distance, change in people

personality, and trust.

First and foremost, distance is one reason why friendship ends. Most friendships end

because of the distance between each other and not seeing each other in daily life. For

example, People who study abroad meet a lot of friends and spent their day with. When they

return home, they stop seeing each other and both of them get busy with life. Because of that,

their friendship ends slowly and quietly. Maintaining a friendship between long distance is hard

because of the time also. There is huge different time gap around the world which makes it

harder to communicate. Distance plays a huge role in why friendship ends.

Second reason why friendship ends is change in people personality. Change in people

personality is very common, and it happens often when teenagers grow up because they see

and discover new things. Most teenagers lose their interest in their old hobbies or interests

when they grow up. Because of that they lose the one thing that is in common with some of

their friends. For example, if two teenagers love to play sports and talk about sport all the time.

And suddenly one friend loses his interest in sports and starts to play video games all the time,
Alzuabi, Nasser

their friendship will dramatically be affected because they do not share the same interest

anymore. Change in people personality could destroy a friendship.

Last but not least, trust is very important reason why friendship ends. Trust is the

foundation of friendship, and without trust there is no friendship. People share what they like

and what they don’t like because they trust their friends and people depend on their friend in

rough time because they trust them. If the trust between two friends got broken because of

betrayal or any other big reasons, it would be almost impossible to restore the trust. Restoring

the trust of a friend just like building the friendship all over again, and it’s highly unlikely that

the friendship will continue. Broken trust mostly means the end of a friendship.

In conclusion, Distance is very common reason why friendship ends nowadays. Change

in personality could negatively impact friendships. Friendships simply cannot continue without

trust or broken trust. I think friendship is based on trust and common interests between two

friends, and without them there is no friendship. Losing friends due to any reason is very hard

to go through, because of that we should pick our friends very carefully.

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