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Expel Mucus, Fight Respiratory Irritation with Mighty Mullein & Ginge...

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Expel Mucus, Fight Respiratory Irritation with

Mighty Mullein & Ginger Tea
April 06, 2020 • Takiela Langley • health • Plant-based Ingredients

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Expel Mucus, Fight Respiratory Irritation with Mighty Mullein & Ginge...

Friend or Foe?
Mucus, snot, cold, phlegm, boogers, whatever you call has a purpose. An article on
The National Institutes of Health's webpage states, "...mucus tames pathogens contained
in its sticky matrix so the immune system can kick in and fight when it needs to...", but
what happens when you have too much of it and your body's immune system isn't
processing and eliminating it as it should? According to Dr. Sebi, all diseases are caused
by a build-up of mucus in the body (I.e. pneumonia, asthma, bronchitis, etc).

How Can You Help Your Immune System Fight?

I've been brewing up store-brought teabags of mullein tea for a while now for my youngest
son and for myself as needed. Recently, I've gotten into brewing my own blends from
scratch. This particular blend is a combination of mullein, ginger, water, cinnamon, and
honey; all playing their part in your immune system. I do believe that the body is designed

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Expel Mucus, Fight Respiratory Irritation with Mighty Mullein & Ginge...

to heal itself, but it HAS to be taken care of and fed the right foods.

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Expel Mucus, Fight Respiratory Irritation with Mighty Mullein & Ginge...

Bene�ts of Ginger
Ginger has warming and drying qualities. The warming aspect increases the body's heat
to thin fluids so they are better to pass through the pores and channels. The drying effect
removes excess fluid when there it too much dampness in the body, such as the drainage
after a sinus infection which can often lead to bronchitis afterwards.

Did you know that ginger is a also a potent anti-inflammatory, which studies have shown
is as effective as ibuprofen at reducing the pain and inflammation of arthritis? Fresh ginger
is also a potent antiviral & antibacterial.

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Expel Mucus, Fight Respiratory Irritation with Mighty Mullein & Ginge...

 Bene�ts of Mullein
Chances are unless you're into herbal remedies, you've never even heard of Mullein. It is
an excellent herbal lung tonic and expectorant that has a hydrating effect on the lungs.
Mullein contains saponins that loosen mucus and are helpful to dry coughs.

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Expel Mucus, Fight Respiratory Irritation with Mighty Mullein & Ginge...

My Personal Experience
My youngest son has been the driving reason that I have delved deeper into herbal
remedies. When he was younger, his pediatrician wrote a prescription for a Pari nebulizer
machine and the steroids to use with it. The change of seasons always hit him harder than
anyone else in the house, and I knew that I didn't want him on steroids long term so I
began researching. How many of you moms can relate? It's taken trials of a few different
herbal remedies, but I'm gradually finding ones that are more effective for him than the

We have made hot herbal teas a norm for him, and when he is struggling with congestion
and coughing, we make it a daily one. Overall I am excited and satisfied that we're able to
keep him healthy with the least amount of pharmaceuticals possible.

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