1 Safe Handling of Medicines - Home Care Worker Knowledge Paper v10

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Safe Handling of Medicines

for the Home Care Worker

Knowledge Paper

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Safe Handling of Medicines
for the Home Care Worker

Knowledge Questions
1. Who is responsible for protecting clients against the risks associated with the unsafe
use and management of medications?

carer, support team

2. Why should we get advice from the pharmacy if clients wish to use complimentary
or alternative treatment?

In case it interfers with the medication they are already on

3. How can safe storage of medications be applied to clients who self administer?

Blister packs, meds cabinet

4. Identify two changes that may be seen in an individual which may indicate an adverse
reaction to a medication.

1. dizzines

2. breath shortage

5. Describe one route by which medication may be administered.


Safe Handling of Medicines
for the Home Care Worker

Knowledge Questions

6. What forms does medication come in? Name five.

1. pills

2. liquid

3. powder

4. supositories

5. injection

7. How can medication be stored safely?

in a safe box or safe

8. Why should clients be given as much information as possible about the medication
they are taking?
side effects, interference with other meds, they have the right to know

9. Why are the following important in the use of medication?

Consent ________________________________________________________
law, human right
Self medication ___________________________________________________
human right
Dignity and privacy ________________________________________________
human right
Confidentiality ____________________________________________________

10. Why should monitoring whether a client has taken their medication be discreet?


Safe Handling of Medicines
for the Home Care Worker

Knowledge Questions

11. Give four examples of information that should be on medicine bottles.

1. name

2. date of birth
3. dosage

4. doctor name

12. What are the seven rights to check before administering medicines?

1. mar sheet

2. meds name
3. right dose
4. right time

5. right name
6. right person

7. route

13. Identify three different words that can be used to describe pain.

1. burning

2. pressing

3. throbbing

14. What action will you take if a client refuses medication?

Record it

15. Why must clear documentation be available for any medication given?

To monitor and evidence


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