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‫الصفالثاني االعدادي‬

Aim High

English for Language schools

Year two

Great men and women

First Term

Unit one On Camera
Warn : To tell somebody about something dangerous.

illegal : against the law.

Citizen : inhabitant of a state or nation.

Surveillance : The careful watching of people who may have done something wrong.

Cash machine : A machine from which you can withdraw money.

Tags : Labels which you attach to an item (e.g. a suitcase)

Monitoring : Keeping a check on something.
Work out : To calculate.

Shoplifter : People who steal from shops .

initially : At the beginning, at first.
Offenders : People who break the law

Interact : To communicate with somebody.

Deter : To make someone not to do something.

Potential : Possible.
Vulnerable : Weak and easy to attack.

in contact : To communicate.
in theory : As a general idea which may not be true in reality.

Choose the correct answer :

1- I liked the job ……….. but it soon got quite boring.

( illegal - initially- investigate - interact)

2- It's ……… to own a gun without a special licence
( legal - illegal - inaudible – include)

3- He …............…… me about the danger of walking home at night.

( work out - warned- detected - attached)

4- Young ………........... shouldn't be sent to adult prisons

(satellites- downloads- offenders- vulnerable)

5- How much is this dress ? There isn't a price …..........……. on it .

(citizen – tag - attachment - potential)

6- The building is protected by........……… cameras.

(vulnerable - cash machine – monitoring – surveillance)
7- Wind power is a ……...........…. source of energy.
(potential - deter - in theory - work out)

8- Can you …........…… how much it costs to install a CCTV camera?

( warn - work out – deter - interact)

9- A …….........… is a person who steals something for a shop while pretending to be a customer.
( shoplifter – detective - surveillance - tags)

10- Most teachers use tests to ……. the progress of their students.
( detect - monitor - interact - work out)

11- I ……….. the total cost.

(worked in - worked at - worked out - worked)

12- We keep …................….. with our office in New York.

( in contact - in theory - in place - at once)

13- A murder was reported and the police were sent out to …..........…….

( investigate - interact - inactive- in theory)

14- There's a lot of new educational ……............… available now.

(software - download – satellite - monitoring)

15- A ……… is on object that moves round a bigger a bigger object in space.

( software - satellite - investigation - attachment)

16- Poor organizations left the troops ….................…. to enemy.

( potential - vulnerable - work out - cash in)

Complete from the list :

cash machine – surveillance – illegal – offender – attached –

warn – detected.

1- I tried to …………. him but it was too late.

2- Sam will have to go and withdraw some money at the ….............…..

before he can go shopping.

3- The police had the gang under ……...................... for weeks

4- The school rules explicitly state the students should not run in the
corridors, but James was a habitual……………………

5- The houses are …….................... and not separate units

6- Traces of blood were …….......................…. on his clothes .

7- The oil company is being taken to court for …..............…. Operation in


Write the synonyms :

1. labels = …………… 2. at first = …………….

3. Weak=.................... 4. Being watched=.....................

5. Solve=................... 6. Possible=......................

7. Criminals=..................... 8. Place outside the

9. Not allowed by law=.............

Word formation
Verbs Nouns

Attach Attachment

Develop Development

Harass Harassment

Treat Treatment

Appear Appearance

Assist Assistance

Detect Detection

Exasperate Exasperation

Investigate Investigation

Recognize Recognition

Complete the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in bold :
1- The matter is still under…….…....….. (investigate)
2- The land has been bought for ……...…. (develop)
3- The ……........….of the prisoners of war was very harsh. (treat)
4- She shouted for help but nobody came for …......…… (assist)
5- She looked at me with no sign of ….....….. in he eyes. (recognize)

6- To the team's ……….. the match was cancelled because it started to rain.
7- He sent off the e-mail without including the ……......…… (attach)
8- The …….....… of masked man caused all the people to panic (appear)

verbs for looking

Gape : To look at sb/ sth with your mouth open

Glare : To look at sb/ sth angrily.

Glance : To look at sb/ sth quickly.

Observe: To wath sb / sth carefully to discover more about it.

Peer : To try to see sb/ sth when you can't see it / them clearly.

Peek : To look at sb/ sth quickly and secretively.

Spot : To see sb / sth suddenly.
Stare : To look at sb/ sth for a long time.
Choose the correct answer :
1- We all stood and ………........… in astonishment when our teacher came into school in a brand
new sports car.
(glared – glanced – gaped – observed)

2- The little boy ……............…. at his new bike in surprise

(gaped – glared – spotted – stared)

3- The teacher ……...........…… at her watch.

(glared – glanced – observed – spotted)

4- The children were very quiet and so she ….............….. into the room to see what they were
(gaped – peeked – peered – glanced)
5- The old man …………......angrily at the naughty children.
(glanced – glared – peeked – peered)

6- The girl carefully……............how her mother was cooking the dish before trying it herself.

(observed – glanced – gaped – peeked)

7- My nosy neighbour ………..............over the fence

(peeked – peered – spotted – observed)

8- The little children ……............into their grandmother's bag to see if they could find some sweets

(glanced – spotted – peeked – observed)

9- Our neighbour ……….. over the high wall and asked us why we were making so much noise

(gaped – peered – observed – glared)

10- My grandmother………..........into the dark room
(glared – gaped – spotted – peered)
11- The child …………........at me for a long time.

(stand – spot – stared – glared)

12- She was so surprised at how tall her cousin had grown that she just stood in the doorway and
……..........at him.
(glanced – observed – stared – stand)
13- I suddenly ……..........a friend at the supermarket.
(started – stared – spotted – glanced)
14- I've ……............a couple of spelling mistakes
(glared – peeked – spotted – observed)

- Kimono : A traditional Japanese piece of clothing worn on formal


- Sari : A long piece of cloth that is worn by Indian women.

- Kilt : A type of cloth worn by men as part of the national dress of


- Turban : A covering for the head worn by Shikh and muslim men. It's

made by folding a long piece of cloths around the head.

Shape Texture Pattern Material Other

Baggy Fine Checked Cotton Knee-length

Tight Strong Decorated Fur Short-Sleeved

Wide Thick Stripy Linen Long-sleeved

Loose Hard Patterned Alpaca Matching

Soft Plain Wooden Fur-lined

Tartan Seal skin

When we have more than one adjective before a noun, they usually come in this order:

Opinion  shape  texture  pattern  material + noun

Size colour
Choose :

1- Indian women always wear ……………………

(Sari – Turban – kilt – kimono )

2- A ……… is made by folding a long piece of cloth around the head.

(kimono – kilt – turban – sari)

3- A kimono is worn by …….. people on formal occasions.

(Egyptian – Chinese – Japanese – Indian)

4- A ………… is the national dress of Scotland.

(Sari – kimono – turban – kilt)

In black and white :In writing or in print

Once in a blue moon : Rarely
The golden rule :A piece of advice about what you should do in particular
Green fingers :Good at gardening.
A red herring : An idea or subject which takes people's attention away from
what's really important.
A little while lie : Don't tell the truth a lie that is not very harmful or serious,
especially one that you tell because the truth would hurt
Complete the following sentences with suitable idioms :

1- The exam went well, but I won't believe the result unit I see it in ……………....................…
2- I won't believe we've got the contract till I see it in …….............………
3- My sister lives abroad, so we only see her once in ………...............…

4- I visit my grandma once in ….......................…………..

5- The only person in my family with …….............……. is my grandpa. His garden always looks
6- …………..............… of successful public speaking is to prepare what you want to say
7- Anna told he sister………................…. about her outfit because she didn't want to hurt her

8- His baby was ugly, but I told a little ………...............…. and said it was cute.
9- Detectives wasted a lot of time searching for an old car which turned to

The present simple tense
Usage :

1- For habits and routines.

e.g: They get up early everyday.

He plays tennis twice a week.

2- For a permanent situation or fact.

e.g: He drives an elegant black Mercedes to work everyday.
The sun sets in the west.

3- For timetables and schedules

e.g: The match starts at 8:30 pm.

The first flight to London leaves at 9 a.m

Form :
- In the present simple, we use the verb without an ending or (s) with I, we, they and you.
- With (He, she , it) , we added (s, es or ies) to the verbs to make correct form.
I / you / we / they  Infinitive  (play, like, go)

He / she / it  infinitives + s, es, ies  (plays, likes, goes)

* Add (es) to the verbs ending in (ch – sh – s – o – x) with He / she / it

Go  goes watch  watches

Mix  mixes quix  quizzes



* The form of (don't / doesn't ) is used in negative :

I / you / we / they  don't + inf

He / she / it  doesn’t + inf


* The form of (Do / does ) is used in questions:

Do + I / you / we / they + inf ?

Does + he / she / it + inf ?

Do you usually go for a swim ?

Does he always go to school early ?

Time expressions used with the present simple :

Usually – always – often – sometimes – never used in negative

Every day / week / month / year .

At night / the weekend / on Fridays .

The Present Continuous tense

Usage :

1- For something happening now or about now :

e.g: listen ! kim's singing in the shower again !

Tina is doing her homework at the moment.

2- For arrangements in the future :

e.g : we're going tonight .


I'm going to the dentist tomorrow.

3- For describing annoying habits (with always)

e.g : They're always playing loud music. I hate it.

You're always leaving your dirty socks on the floor.

Form :

am / is / are + verb + ing

Long form Contracted form

- I am eating - I'm eating
- He / she is learning - He's learning
- He's learning
- It is running - It's running
- You are playing - You're playing
- They are playing - They're playing
- we are playing - we're playing

Negative :

Am / is / are + not + verb + ing

- I am not working

- He isn't eating
- they aren't traveling


Verb to be + subject + v + ing ?

- Are you buying clothes ?

- Is he speaking Spanish ?
Time expressions used with the present continuous:

Now – at the moment – at present – these days – nowadays – still – today – tonight.
 Stative verbs : are verbs which describe a state rather than an action, and so they do not
have a continuous tense.

See – hear – know – believe – understand – forget – remember

– mean – enjoy – belong – prefer – want .
- That bike belongs to me .  (present simple)
- That bike is belonging to me. X (don't use present continuous)
Choose the correct answer :
1- Vicky ………….. for a new flat at the moment.

(looks – is looking – looked – looking)

2- She ……..........to decorate the kitchen this weekend.

(it wanting – want – wants – wanted)

3- Kelly ……...............to Rome every year.

(goes – is going – go – going)

4- The play …………...........at 9: 00 p.m

(started – is starting – starts – has started)

5- I ………................the course at all

(am not understanding – doesn't understand – don't understand)

6- look ! it …………………..

(snows – snowed – snowing – is snowing)

7- Rami ………..............noise. It‟s his bad habit.

(is always making – is making always – made – makes)

8- He ……….. his homework . he hasn't finished it yet

(still does – is still doing – did – had done )
9- My brother……….. a motorbike for his birthday
(want – wants – wanted – is wanting)

10- What's the matter ? why…………….. crying ?

(you are – are you – do you – do they)

11- She always ………............a lot of photos when she's on holiday.

(is taking – takes – took – taken)

12- We ……….................to school on Saturdays.

(don't go – aren't going – haven't gone – doesn't go)

13- We……….. to school tomorrow because it's the first days of the holidays.
(don't go – isn't going – aren't going – are going)
14- Run ! the bus ………….............…..
(run – runs – is running – are running)
15- Rami …….............… his grandma twice a week. It's his habit.
(to visits – visited – visits – visiting )
16- Mammals never …….................….. eggs.
(lay – laid – lain – lie)
17- The train to Cairo ……...........….. at 6 : 30 tomorrow morning
(leaves – will leave – can leave – has left)
18- The sun ………………in east and sets in west.
(rose – will rise – can rise – rises )
19- He ……..............often play football.
(doesn't – isn't – hasn't – wasn't)
20 – Hani ………. at 7 : 30 every morning.
(is waking up – wakes up – had waken up – woke up)

Verb patterns : verb + infinitive / verb + ing form

Verb + to + inf Verb + ing form

Cant afford to / afford to Enjoy
Don‟t' expect to Spend
Manage to Avoid
Pretended to Imagine
Don't seem to Can't help
Refuse to/ Agree to Can't face
Fail up
Hope to/ want to


Choose the correct answer :
1- I don't know how my mother manages ………........six children and go out to work.
(looking after – looked after to look after – look after)
2- They enjoy ……….............dinner for their friends. It's fun !
(made – to make – making – make)
3- When you visit a hot country, you should avoid ……......directly in the sun.
(sitting – sit – to sit – sat)
4- We're sorry. We promise not ……..................late again.
(being – is – to be – are)
5- It's a beautiful day. I feel like ………............for a long walk in the park this afternoon.
(to go – going – go – went)
6- The teacher says she'll call our parents if we fail ……................our homework on time.
(handing in – handed in – to hand in – hand in)
7- I've studied a lot, so I expect ……..............well in my exams next month.
(doing – do – to do – did)
8- The doctor suggests ……............so much coffe if you want to sleep better.
(not to drink – not drinking – not drink)
9- She refuses ……..........any more money to her brother until he pays her back.
(lending – to lend – lent – lend )
10- Olivia is so embarrassed about her new haircut that she can't face …….. the house.
(leaving – to leave – to leaving – leave)
Re-write :
1- Mona sometimes makes us delicious cake. (Mona and Nahla)
2- We don't like touching snakes. (She)
3- A cow gives us meat and milk. (cows)
4- It's Jack's habit to drink coffee in the morning. (usually)
5- He came earlier than usual. (usually)
6- It's his habit to have tea at night. (He)
7- Having a piece of cake with tea is her favourite. (she)
8- He goes to school early. (late)
9- Fish never live on land. (water)
10- He is used to reading short stories. (sometimes)

11- He has a habit of doing exercises daily. (usually)
12- It isn't my habit to go fishing on Friday. (I)
13- She doesn‟t hurt her friends feeling. (never )
14- He puts his dirty socks on the floor. (is always)
15- We have arranged to go swimming tomorrow. (we are)
16- They have arranged to go sighting next week. (going)
17- I have made so many arrangements to go comping next week. (I am)
18- He always sleeps at nine o'clock. (negate the sentence)
19- Today she is traveling to Barcelona. (always)
20 – We're believing in freedom of speech. (correct the sentence)
21- We managed ……..........… exams successfully .
(complete the sentence with the correct verb)
22- Try to avoid ……....... him angry. (complete the sentence )
23- I'm sorry sir, I'm late. I promise …….....… late again. (complete)

Complete the following dialogue:

Dave : Hi, Alan (1) …………..............……...........…………?
Alan : To Jam's house (2)………......................………….?
Dave : No, I can't. I've got football training (3)…....................……..
Alan : Do you train everyday ?
Dave : No, I don't. I enjoy playing football, but not that

much ! where does Jim live?
Alan : (4) ………..................……. We want to have a game of tennis.
Jim expects to win but I think he's going to lose. I
(5) ……........................................................................….
Dave : Ok . Good luck !
Alan : Thanks

Read the following passage and then answer the questions:

The Norrmamstorg Robbery in Sweden is one of the most famous robberies in history. On 23
August 1973 Jan Erik Olsson‟s robbery of Kreditbanken in Stockholm did not go as he had planned.
The Swedish police came to the scene immediately and two policemen went inside the bank.
Olsson started shooting at them, injuring one of the police officers and taking the other one hostage.
He also took four other people in the bank hostage and demanded that his friend Clark Olofsson be
brought to the bank. Olofsson was also a criminal and had been in trouble with the law before for
violent crimes. The first time he was caught he was only 16 years old. Olsson also demanded 3
million Swedish Kronor (that‟s about 3,000,000 euro), two guns, bullet-proof vests, helmets and a
fast car.
The police said that Olsson and Olofsson could have the car if they let the hostages go. The
robbers didn‟t agree to this and Olsson called Olof Palme, the Prime Minister of Sweden, and told
him that he would kill the hostages if they did not bring him what he asked for. The next day one of
the hostages also called the Prime Minister and told him that she was very mad at him and that he
should let the robbers and hostages go! They remained in the bank for six days. On August 28 the
police used gas to get the robbers out of the bank. Luckily no one was seriously injured and the
police were able to arrest them.
After the incident was over, hostages told reporters that they had felt more afraid of what the police
would do than the robbers. A court sentenced Olsson to ten years in prison. After he got out he had
more problems with the law. His friend Olofsson told the court that he was there to protect the
hostages and in the end he did not go to prison. He actually became friends with Kristen Enmark
who was one of the hostages. The families also became friends. Psychologists have studied this
robbery and believe that when someone is held hostage they sometimes can become “friends” with
the person who was holding them hostage. They call this the “Stockholm Syndrome”. Since the
robbery people have made movies, songs and written books about the event.
1.Answer these questions:
1 What does „hostage‟ mean?
2.What did the police do to get the robbers out of the bank?
3.What did the hostage tell the reporter after the incident was over?
2. Choose the correct answer.
1.Clark Olofsson ....

a ... was not a criminal.
b ... was in trouble with the law before.
c ... was taken as a hostage.

2 Clark Olofsson was ...

a ... not sent to prison.
b ... was sentenced to ten years in prison.
c ... went to prison for the rest of his life.

Write an essay about the following topic :

„How do you like to see Egypt ?“


Unit Two Memories

Memory : The ability to remember things or something that you remember.

patchy : Something which isn't complete .
portray : Shown in a film.
Outgoing : Friendly and sociable
Escorted : Accompanied by someone
Stunning : Extremely attractive.
skull : The bone in your head that protects you brain
at once : Immediately.
scrawled : Written quickly or carelessly.
discharge : To release somebody from hospital.
baffled : Very confused
severity : Seriousness.
enrol : To become a member of a clubor a college
cope : To deal successfully with a difficult situation
rucksack : A bag that you carry on you‟re back.
flip – flops : Simple shoes that you wear when it's hot
aptitude : Natural ability or skill.

1- I don't think I can …........with much more homework (copy – cope – cover – corn)
2- The X – ray showed a crack in her…. From where she's banged her head.
(severity – stunning – skull- scrawled )
3- I don't know anything about German, and my knowledge of history is very ……............……
(memory – portrayed – patchy – outgoing)
4- The instructions were complicated that I was completely……..........…..
(stunning – baffled – patchy – skull)
5- My brothers are completely different . My eldest brother is quite shy while the youngest is
………….................….(reserved – outgoing – nosy – embarrassing)
6- The president's car was ……….....................by several police cars.
(found – enrolled – escorted – portrayed)
7- My friend looke....…......on her wedding party. (discharged – stunning – scrawled – escorted )
8- He won't be …...........…....from the hospital until he starts walking again.
(discharged – coped – patchy – outgoing)
9- He ……..............…. his name across the top of the paper.
(baffled – escorted – coped – scrawled)
10- They didn't realize the ………...........… of his illness until he collapsed.
(skull – severity – scrawl – discharge)

11- When I go traveling , I'm going to take ………...instead of a suitcase.
(course – rucksack – flip flops – handbag)
12- She sometimes finds it difficult to cope ……….. all the pressure at work.
(in – on – at – with)
13- In the film , the main character was ………….. as a very nervous individual.
(patchy – portrayed – coped – enrolled)
14- I've ………… on an Italian course. (escorted – coped – enrolled – carried)
15- We're all ……….. by this problem (good – genius – baffled – proficient)
16- She has an ………… for learning languages (answer – aptitude – discharge – outgoing)
1- The sun ………..........and people were swimming in the lake.
(shone – shine – was shining- were shining)
2- When we...............to the airport , we saw the accident.(drive – drove – were driving – driving)
3- While the boys were playing football, they ……..........a window.
(broke – breaks – break – were breaking)
4- Last Monday , Adam…….............his leg. (break – was breaking – broke – breaks)
5- Nadia was sitting alone when her friend Samira……….........her.
(visiting – visits – visited – is visiting)
6- I walked up to the shop, paid and ……….........the shop. (leave – will leave – have left – left)
7- When it ……............heavily, they were playing football
(rains – rain – rained – was raining)
8- While my uncle ……..........., a policeman stopped him.
(was driving – were driving – drive – drove)
9- When Manal ……….........back home, her son was doing his homework.
(come – came – was coming – were coming)
10- I was doing my homework when the phone......................(ring – tings – rang – was ringing )
After he ………….. his homework , he went out for a walk. (had done – did – does – has done)
2- Before going to school, he ………............his breakfast (had – has had – had had – will have)
3- After she …………............. the dishes, she phoned her cousin.
(had washed – washed – can wash – will wash)
4- Before they ………............ to the circus, they had done their housework.
(go – gone – went – had gone)
5- After he had sold his old car, he …..….. a new one. (buy – bought – buys – buying)
6- Amy didn't answer because she ………........... the question.
(isn't hearing – doesn't hear – hadn't heard)
7- I had a headache because I …….........… since the day before.
(wasn't eating – hadn't eaten – isn't eating)

1-First i had my break fast Then I went to school . (After )
2-Mona cooked dinner . Her brother listened to music . (While )
3-I cleaned my room after i had done my homewrok . (By the time )
4-He won the first prize after he had done a massive project . (Amassive project )
5-A blue car hit me . i was crossing the road . (As just as )

Adj + with Adj+ in

Happy with Interested in
Bored with Proficient in
Adj. + about Adj. + of
Upset about Tired of
Nervous about Ashamed of
Worried about Scared of
Proud of
Adj + at
Surprised at
Good at

Phrasal verbs :

Phrasal verbs Meanings

Fall through Not happen
Go out Leave the house
Break down Stop working
Hold on Wait
Set off Start a journey
Wake up Stop sleeping
Come back Return
Stay in Remain at home


Complete with a suitable verb :

Woke – set – broke – fell – hold – going – stayed – came

1- We………….. back at midnight.

2- " I'll make some tea ……………. on".

3- They were all late because the car ………......down.

4- She …………… up when she heard the alarm.
5- Our plans to go camping………. through because of the rain.
6- They ………… in because it was raining.

7- We ……….. off at down to avoid the traffic.

8- Last night , I ………. out with my friends to see a film at the cinema.

Phrasal verbs Meanings

- grow up - To develop into an adult

- go up - To become higher in price, level, amount to rise or increase.

- give up - To stop doing something.

- get up - To get out of bed or make sb get out of bed.

- clean up - To remove all the dirt from a place that is particularly dirty.

- speak up - To speak louder.

- stand up -To be or become vertical.

- turn up - To arrive or to appear.


Re-write the sentences with a phrasal verb formed by the verbs in box and the particle up.
clean- give – go – grow – get – stand – turn – speak
1- I'm going to tide the kitchen before mum and dad get back.
I'm going to clean up the kitchen before mum and dad get back.
2- I've tried many times to stop smoking.
3- What do you want to be when you become an adult ?
4- What time do you have to get our of bed in the morning ?
5- I can't hear you ! could you talk louder, please ?
6- What time did they finally arrive ?
7- The birth rate increased up by 10 %
8- The little boy got to his feet in order to see better.
Choose :
1- I'm happy ………......what you've done.
(of – about – with – in )
2- She was a shamed …………......her old clothes.
(in – about – with – of)
3- I'm scared …………........spiders.
(in – of – at – with)
4- Suzan was always jealous ……….......her younger sister.
(in – with – about – of)

5- Alex's nervous ……… his first driving lesson.

(of – with – about – in)
6- Let's play something else. We're …..............with this game.
(interested – happy – bored – upset)
7- Are you ………… of the dark ?
(upset – happy – scared – nervous )
8- I'm tired …………. listening the same thing again and again.
(with – in – of – about )
9- Our car broke ………..........on the way to school yesterday.
(on – off – down – back)
10- My mother told me to hold …….............while she was fetching her jacket.
(in – off – on – with)
11- His plans to go to the university fell ………….. because he didn't pass his exams.
(about – on – of – through)

12- They ……….........of at dawn to avoid the traffic.
(broke – hold – came – set)
13- They say that food prices are going to ………. up again this month.
(give – get – go – turn)
14- We have to ………… up every time a teacher enters the classroom.
(stand – speak – turn – clean)
15- Hardly anyone ………. up at the meeting.
(cleaned – spoke – turned – stood)
16- I ………….. up at 7 : 30 everyday.
(go – give – go – turn)
17- My friend will give ………….. smoking.
(up – down – back – on)
18- The project …………. due to lack of money.
(fell to – fell through – set off – went out )
19- I'm a bit nervous ……. traveling on my own.
(in – on – at – about)
20- He was the first at school. His parents were proud ………….. him.
(about – with – of – at)

 Relieved :Pleased because you fear or worry has been taken


 Furious :Very angry.

 Homesick :Sad because you are away from home and you miss it.

 Upset :Worried and unhappy.

 Embarrassed :Feeling uncomfortable or shy because of something silly

you have done, because people are looking at you.

 guilty :Having an unpleasant feeling because you have done sth


 Petrified :Very frightened.

 Fed up : Bored.

Choose :
1- I am ………….. because I lost my expensive watch.

(jealous – fed up – upset – guilty)
2- The ……… child clung to her mother when she saw the gorilla.
(furious – guilty – relived – prettified)

3- I waited an hour to see the doctor yesterday I was………

(confused – delighted – fed up – relived)
4- My brother got a TV for his birthday. I was………
(jealous – guilty – petrified – embarrassed)
5- I felt ………..because I shouted at my sister and made her cry.
(entertained – guilty – relived – furious)
6- I went to France on my own. I really missed my friends back home. I am………………
(homesick – pleased – delighted – embarrassed)
Write the synonyms :
1- Very angry = ………………..
2- Sad and disappointed = ……………………..
3- Very frightened = …………………….
4- Extremely happy = ……………….
5- Annoyed = ……………………..
6- Bored = ……………………

PastPast tenses
Simple Tense
Form : Regular
Love  loved Ask  asked Cry  cried
Irregular _ Go - went see - saw
Negative :

- I didn't play football


Did + sub + infinitive.......?

-Did we play football ?
The time expressions used with the past simple :
Yesterday –– how long ago………..?- last –ago
The past continuous tense

Form :
Was / were + verb + ing
Negative :
Was / were + not + verb + ing

Time expressions used with the past continuous

While – when – as – all morning / evening / day / week

While – As – Just as

While + past continuous  past simple

 While I was making cake , the phone rang.

While + past continuous  past continuous

 While we were playing , dad was watching T.V

when When + past simple  past continous .

 When the bus stopped , I was reading a newspaper.
Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form :
1- While I (put) ……...….. the children to bed, the phone (ring)……........…
2- I (play) ………...........… squash with pete last Friday
3- My father (sell) ……...….. his old car last week to buy a new one.
4- While steve (shop) ………, Sandra (prepare) …...........….. dinner.
5- Eve (deliver) ……....…. newspaper when her dad (leave) …...........…. For work.
6- He (still/ live) ……..........…. at home with his parents this time last year.
7- I (do ) …….............…my homework at 5 o'clock yesterday
Choose the correct answer :
1- The sun ………..........and people were swimming in the lake.
(shone – shine – was shining- were shining)
2- When we …….................to the airport , we saw the accident.
(drive – drove – were driving – driving)
3- While the boys were playing football, they ……..........a window.
(broke – breaks – break – were breaking)
4- Last Monday , Adam…….............his leg.(break – was breaking – broke – breaks)
5- Nadia was sitting alone when her friend Samira……….........her.
(visiting – visits – visited – is visiting)
6- I walked up to the shop, paid and ………....the shop.(leave – will leave – have left – left)
7- When it …...heavily, they were playing football (rains – rain – rained – was raining)

8- While my uncle .., a policeman stopped him.(was driving – were driving – drive – drove)
9- When Manal ……….........back home, her son was doing his homework.
(come – came – was coming – were coming)
10- I was doing my homework when the phone................(ring – tings – rang – was ringing )

The Past Perfect Tense

For an action which happened before another past action or before a stated time in the past.
- We had finished dinner by the time they arrived.
Form :
Had + P.p

Negative : Hadn't + p.p.

Time expressions used with the past perfect :

Before, after , as soon as , because , until, by the time.

After + past perfect  past simple.
- After he had watched the film , he went to bed

1st action 2nd action

Before – By the time

Before/ By the time+ past simple  past perfect

- Before he traveled to London, he had booked the flight.

Choose the correct answer :

1- After he ………….. his homework , he went out for a walk.(had done – did – does – has done)
2- Before going to school, he ……..........his breakfast (had – has had – had had – will have)
3- After she ………….. the dishes, she phoned her cousin.(had washed – washed – can wash –
will wash)
4- Before they ………......... to the circus, they had done their housework.(go – gone – went – had
5- After he had sold his old car, he ……......….. a new one.(buy – bought – buys – buying)
6- Amy didn't answer because she ………....... the question.(isn't hearing – doesn't hear – hadn't


7- I had a headache because I.........… since the day before.(wasn't eating – hadn't eaten – isn't
Re-write :
1- Jean phoned Mary yesterday. (not)
2- I did my homework yesterday. (at 6 o'clock yesterday)
3- Rami entered the room to see me reading a book. (while)
4- While my uncle was driving , a policeman stopped him. (when)
5- Rami was running quickly when he fell down. (while )
6- He wrote a letter two hours ago. (two hours before)
7- First Hani did some exercise then he took part in the race. (after)
8- After they had watered the garden , they watched T.V. (before)
9- The thieves had robbed my car. I suddenly arrived. (By the time)
10-They had done their housework before going to the circus. (before they…..)
11- I went to sleep. I was working all day. (because)
Direct and indirect speech ‫الكالم المباشر والكالم الغير مباشر‬
‫ تحويل فعل القول كا ألتي‬-1

said ---------said said to ---------told

‫) للربط ويجوز حذفها‬that ( ‫ تحذف ونستخدم‬: ‫األقواس‬-2
‫ تتغير علي حسب الضمائر خارج األقواس‬: ‫ الضمائر‬-3
. ) ‫ ) يعود علي التكلم خارجها ( الفاعل‬we / I ( ‫ المتكلم داخل االقواس‬-‫ا‬
. ‫ ) ال تتغير‬they / it / she / he ( ‫ الضمائر‬-‫ب‬
) ‫ ) يعود علي المخاطب خارجها ( المفعول‬you ( ‫ج –المخاطب داخل االقواس‬
MR SAYED SALEH ) I ( ‫ ) ولم تجد مفعوال فالكالم موجه لحضرتك و وفي هده الحالة تحول الي‬you ( ‫د – إذا وجدت‬

: ‫ يجوز تغيير زمن الجملة داخل االقواس إذا كان فعل القول ماضي كاالتي‬: ‫الزمن‬-4
Present simple past simple
Present continuous --------------------- past continuous
Present perfect -------------- past perfect
Past simple --------------- past perfect
Can +inf .---------------- could + inf
Will + inf --------------- would + inf
May + inf --------------- might + inf
: ‫ تغيير ظروف الزمان والمكان اذا تم تغيير االزمنة‬-5
This ------- that these -------------those here --------------there

Now ---------then today -------------that day tonight ----------that night
Yesterday --------------- the day before / tomorrow ------------ the day after
last week ……the week before / the previous week $$ next week ……..the week after / the following week
- Hala said to Amr " I visited my uncle yesterday "
Hala told Amr that she had visited her uncle the day before
1-They said to us “ We don’t eat meat “ ( told )
2-Maha said “ It is getting dark now “ (that )
3-Ahmed told me that he had done his homework two hours before . ( said to )
4-The bank manager said “Three men robbed the bank yesterday “ (that )
5-My teacher said to me “ I correct all your books “ (told )
make made made
grow grew grown
see saw seen
buy bought bought
find found found
feed fed fed
feel felt felt
fall fell fallen
fly flew flown
break broke broken
write wrote written
read read read
take took taken
steal stole stolen
sell sold sold
hide hid hidden
do / does did done
am / is was been
are were been
throw threw thrown
come came come
get got got
leave left left
win won won
show showed shown
sing sang sung
send sent sent
build built built
catch caught caught
eat ate eaten
hold held held
swim swam swum
fight fought fought
keep kept kept


draw drew drown
pay paid paid
give gave given
go went gone
cut cut cut
set set set
speak spoke spoken
run ran run
drive drove driven
Best wishes my students Mr Sayed

Complete the following dialogue :

Alice : (1) ……………………………………….
Tania : Really badly. I didn't pass Maths exam
Alice : Oh dear (2)……………………….
Tania : I don't know. I thought I had passed but I was wrong.
Alice : Do you like Maths?
Tania : Not any more. I used to love it , but now I hate it. I
didn't use to find it so difficult.
Alice : (3) ………………………...........……………?
Tania : Yes, but I fell a sleep while I was trying to revise.
Alice : (4) ……………………….........……………?
Tania : Yes, I was tired because I had been to basketball
practice (5) ………….............……………….
Write a dialogue :
Between you (a witness) and a policeman about a crime you've seen.

Read the following passage and then answer the questions:

Four ways you can help the Environment
Perhaps the most important issue concerning people the past years is that of the environment. It is
easy to feel like we cannot make a difference, but we can! By making some changes to the way we
live our lives we can be a part of the solution. Here are four things we can do to make the earth a
better place for us all.
A: Use Less Water

The most important resource we have is water. Seventy percent of the Earth‟s surface is covered by
water but only three percent of it is fresh water. Without it we cannot survive and sadly, many people
in poor countries around the world do not have access to fresh drinking water. It is important that we
only use the water that we need and that we avoid doing anything to pollute water supplies. An easy
way to save water is to make sure that you do not leave the tap running when you are brushing your
teeth. Also, make sure that the tap is properly closed and not dripping when you are done. Another
easy way to reduce the amount of water you use is by choosing to take a shower instead of having
a bath.
B: Getting around
Many people have the bad habit of taking their cars wherever they go. Exhaust fumes from cars
cause a lot of pollution which severely damages the environment. Instead of always hopping into our
cars it is better if we ride a bicycle or walk if our destination is not too far. Also, if our destination is
further than we can walk or ride our bicycles to, public transportation like the metro, tram and bus
may also be a solution. Research has shown that besides helping the environment this way, we are
also helping our bodies. People who always use their cars to get around are generally in worse
shape than people who do not.
C: Eat Your Greens
Another way to help both the environment and your body is by eating less meat and dairy products
and more fruit, grains and vegetables. Growing plants causes less pollution than raising animals.
The animals that are raised for food use huge amounts land, water, grain and fuel. In the United
States, half all water resources and eighty percent of all farmland are used for producing meat.
According to studies, not eating meat helps the environment more than changing your car for
another one that uses less petrol.
D: Save Energy
There are many ways to save energy on a daily basis. When at home it is a good idea to make sure
that there aren‟t any lights on in rooms you are not using. Also, check to see if any household
appliances you are not using are not plugged in. It is a good idea to use renewable energy where
possible instead of petrol. Solar panels for example, use solar energy instead of petrol. Use
recyclable bags instead of plastic ones if possible. The production of plastic bags uses up lots of
natural resources and damages ecosystems when they are thrown away.
1.Answer these questions:
1 What are the ways to save water?
2.How do you save energy to help the environment?

3.Raising animals cause more pollution than growing plants.Illustrate.

2.Choose the correct answer.

1. According to the text it is best to ...
a ... take the bus rather than walk.
b ... drive a car that uses less petrol.
c ... eat less meat and more fruit and vegetables.

2. Which of these does not help the environment?

a Eating more chicken than dairy products.
b Jogging to work.
c Recycling bags.

Write an essay on the following topic:

Describe a friend or a relative of you


Unit Three
Nine To Five

 Visor : is worn by firefighter to protect their eyes.

 Put off : To make somebody not want to do something.
 Flexible : Can be changed.
 Trust : To believe that somebody is honest.
 Tough : Physically difficult.
 Residents : People who live in a place.
 Gradually : Slowly.
 Instinctively : Naturally without thinking.
 Skills : Qualities and experience.
 Put out : To extinguish , to stop something burning.
 Emphasis : Special importance .
 Requirements : Things that you must do or need to have .
 Commitment : Promise or agreement.
 In charge of : Responsible for .
 Excel : To be very good at doing something.
 Promotion : A move to a more important job.
Choose the correct answer :
1- Firefighters wear a …………. to protect their eyes
(sunglasses – mask – visor – helmet)
2- The accident ………… driving for a long time
(put me off – put me out – call me off – told me off)
3- Teachers aren't usually………. about when students hand in their homework.
(trust – flexible – resident – skill)
4- After the war life ………… got back to the normal
(instinctively – tough – gradually – charge)
5- Working as a firefighter is a ………….. job
(flexible – tough – excel – promoted)


6- You should put a greater ………….. on quality rather than quantity when you write.
(commitment – requirement – emphasis – difficulty)
7-The new job is a ………........… to her.
(emphasis – promotion – commitment – skills)
8- The local …… are angry about the plans to build a new bridge in the area.
(residents – children – cameras – emphasis)
9- Who's in ………............. of the office when Helen's away ?
(character – chapter – charge – chart)
10- Anne ………............. at sports.
(except – excels – exceeds – excess)
11- I sent an ….............….. for the job in the bank.
(approval – appreciation – application – approach)
12- It takes great ………..........… to make such beautiful jewellery.
(side – sight – skill – sign)
13- When the stone came towards him, he ……..........… protected his face.
(gradually – instinctively – regularly – hopefully)
14- The job ……………. include three years experience and a working knowledge of computers.
(promotion – commitment – requirement – residents)
Complete from the list :

Instinctively – gradually – flexible – skills – charge – promotion

– commitment – emphasis.
1- Helen works fewer hours because of family …….........……..
2- John is hoping to get a ……......……. to head of department
3- She's in ……..........… of interviewing job applicants
4- The police officer……....…. stopped to help when she saw the cyclist fall off his bicycle.
5- My working hours are very ……..........….., so I can start and finish when I want.
6- The weather ………….............…. improved.
7- There's a lot of …….........…….. on science at our school.
8- The job requires computer…………........…..

Write the synonyms :


1- Extinguish =……….........…… 2- does really well=………................

3- Move to a better job=.........…. 4- Importance = ……….............….

5- Changeable = …………....…… 6- Necessary qualifications = ……....…

7- Without thinking = ……....….. 8- People that live there=…................…

9- an agreement =………...….. 10- abilities =......................................

- Some transitive phrasal verbs are separable, which means there are two
possible positions for the object.
 The firefighters put out the fire immediately .
 The firefighters put the fire out immediately .
- However, when the object is a pronoun, it always goes between the two parts of the phrasal verbs.
 The firefighters put it out immediately.

Separable ph. Verbs Meanings

Take off Remove
Tell of Speak angrily to
Make up Invent
Give out Distribute
Call off Cancel
Pick up Collect
Look up Find in a reference book
Turn down Reject

Choose the correct answer :

1- Jack's mother told him ………… for breaking the window.
(up – out – off – down)
2- They call the race……….. because of the weather.
(down – off – out – in)

3- I took …….........my coat as soon I arrived.
(off – on – in – down)
4- My aunt picks us ………....….from school everyday.
(off – down – up – in)
5- Alen made ……...........….. a lie so that her parents wouldn't be angry.
(off – down – on – up)
6- My brother turned the job….........……… because the salary was too low.
(off – up – down – in)
7- The shop assistant looked ……… the price in the catalogue.
(in – down – off – up)
8- The teacher gave the books ……….........before setting the homework.
(off – out – in – on)
9- They …………............off the match because of the fog.
(picked – called – looked – turned)
10- You have to ……...........off you shoes before you can go in
(make – take – tell – look)
11- She ……….............off her son for making so much noise.
(called – told – took – made)
12- Our teacher ………….. out the exam results on the last day of term.
(told – made – gave – picked)
13-My father ……….........up my aunt from the station.
(told – picked – gave – took)
14- I ………..............up the address on the internet.
(looked – cooked – booked – called)
15- He ……………......down our invitation because he was ill.
(turned – looked – gave – made)

Jobs :
Solicitor : a lawyer whose job is to give legal advice , prepare
legal documents.
Barrister : a lawyer who is trained to speak for you in higher courts.
Coal miner : A person whose job is to work in a mine to get coal, salt …………
Civil servant : A person who works in civil service.
Correspondent : A person who provides news or writes articles for a newspaper,
especially from a foreign country .

Brainstorm (v.) : To solve a problem by thinking as many ideals as possible in a short
Chair (v.) : To be the chairman or Chairwoman of a meeting.
Draw up (v.) : To prepare and write a document.
Liaise (v.) : To work closely with a person or group and give them regular
information about what you are doing.

Activities at work:

- brainstorm ideas - chair meetings

- deal with customers - draw up contracts

- keep up with new technology

- liaise with a team - meet deadlines
- operate machinery - report on sales
- upload data - work on an assembly line.

Choose the correct answer :

1- Our Middle East ………… is Andy Jenkins.
(distributor – correspondent – editor – coal miner)
2- Only four years after starting her career in journalism, she was promoted to an ………….
(barrister – promotion – editor – surgeon)
3- It's cheaper to buy the products direct from the ………. than to buy them from the shopkeeper.
(wholesaler – editor – carpenters- councilor)
4- His job as a …………. meant that he spent long hours away from home on the road.
(wholesaler – carpenter – lorry driver – surgeon)
5- A ………............serves drinks on a plane.
(solicitor – correspondent – flight attendant- doctor)
6- …………...........draw up contracts.
(Doctors – Teacher – Solicitors – Editors)
7- My job is very …............…… it causes worry and pressure.
(menial – skilled – stressful – monotonous)
8- When I get a smile from one of the children, it‟s worth for more than a high salary. It‟s a
(menial – rewarding – monotonous – skilled)
9- He worked in local government as a…….........servant until his retirement.

(coal – civil – council – city)
10- A coal ………............has one of the dirties jobs.
(mine – miner – civil – charge)
11- My job forces me to do a lot of effort. It has stretched me at times. My job is
so………… (challenging – rewarding – stressful – menial)
12- ………. job done by people who have been trained.
(Boring – Skilled – Menial – Monotonous)
Complete with a suitable word :
1- Newspaper editor …………….. meetings and…….........…. ideas.
2- I ………….. with the team to plan the project.
3- Our firm deals with …….............all over the world.
4- We'll spend five minutes brainstorming………............on how we can raise money.
5- Solicitor…………..............contracts.
6- When ………… meetings, it is necessary to give everyone a chance to air their view.
7- It is essential to observe health and safety guidelines if your job involves
8- It specialist keeps up with new …............. and ………. data.
9- Sales and marketing manager reports on …………….
10- Factory worker works on an ………….. line

Defining relative clauses

- Defining relative clauses come immediately after a noun and give vital information about that noun.
* He's the doctor who helped my grandmother.
- They can go in the middle or at the end of sentences
* The man who told me about this place was old.
* I met the young woman who cuts your hair.
Defining relative pronouns are:
Defining relative pronouns
Who (that) People
Which (that) Things
Where Places
Whose Possessions
- We can omit the relative pronouns when they replace the object. It's possible to omit who or which
* She's the girl who I saw on the bus.
OR * She's the girl I saw on the bus.
- We often use "that" instead of who or which :

* Here's the book that you wanted.
* Did you see the person that helped Mary?
Non- Defining relative clauses:
- Non – defining relative clauses come immediately after a noun and give extra information about
that noun.
* Harrods, which is in knights in London, is a famous department store.
* Robert Louis Stevenson, who was born in Edinburgh in 1850, wrote treasure Island.
- They can go in the middle or at the end of sentences, and start with a comma and end with a
comma or full stop.
Non- Defining relative pronouns
Who People
Which Things
Where Places
Whose Possessions

- We can't replace " who " or "which" with that

Choose the correct answer :
1- Unskilled work is work ………….. requires no training.
(who – which – where – whose)
2- That's the woman ……….. is in charge of paying the salaries.
(who – which – where – whose)
3- He's the man ……… interviewed me for the job.
(who – which – where – whose)
4- That's the hospital………… my sister works.
(who – which – where – whose)
5- That's the bank …………. my brother works.
(who- which – where – whose)
6- Gina is the pianist ……….. accompanies the show.
(who – which – where – whose)
7- They're the neighbours…….........car was stolen.
(who – which – where – whose)
8- A laboratory is ………….......scientists work.
(who – which – where – whose)
9- Flip flops are shoes………..........you wear on the beach.
(who – which – where – whose)
10- A successful writer is a person …………. books are published.
(who – which – where – whose)
11- Nelson Mandela……… was released from prison in 1999. became the first black south African
(who – which – where – whose)
12- Berlin,………….. used to be divided into two parts, is now the capital of Germany.

(who – which – where – whose)

13- Julius Caesar, ……….. was Emperor of Rome until 44 BC, was killed by a former friend.
(who – which – where – whose)
14- The island of Menorca, ………… we usually go on holidays, is in the Mediterranean.
(who – which – where – whose)
15- Khaled Hosseini, …………. Books include "The kite Runner, was born in Afghanistan.
(who – which – where – whose)
16- RFID tags, …………… can be read at a distance, will be used by all supermarkets in the future.
(who – which – where – whose)
Re- Write the following sentences using the words between brackets :
1- A salary is the money. You earn in your job. (which)
2- She's the receptionist. She answer my call. (who)
3- He's the shop assistant. He served me. (who)
4- That's the woman. Her daughter is in my class. (whose)
5- A laboratory is a place. Scientists do experiments. (where)
6- A surgeon is a doctor. He performs operations. (who)
7- Picasso was born in Malaga. His paintings include Guernica. (whose)

8- Mozart is one of the most popular classical composers. He died in

poverty. (who)
9- Charles Dickens is a nineteenth Century English novelist. His novels include David Copperfield
10- The River Nile is the longest river in the world. It flows into the Mediterranean sea.
11- Neil Armstrong is now retired. He was the first man to land on the moon.
12- He is a skilled worker. He has special qualification. (who)
13- An orphan is a child. His parents died. (whose)

14- The instructor will give up the exam papers in an hour.
(underline the mistake and correct it)
15- John ………….. at phyics and gets excellent marks.
(complete using a suitable word)
16- That's the waiter ……....................……….
(complete the sentence using a defining clause)
17- Marian speaks fluent French. Her dad comes from France.
(Join the two sentence using a non defining clause)
18- Can you show me the office building ……….. Jill works? I want to go and see her .
(use a relative pronoun to complete the sentences)
19- The house …………….. was very far from the beach.
(complete the sentence by using relative clause)
20- I used to work at a big department store but it has closed down.
(use : where)
The department ………..........................................…. has closed down.

Complete the following dialogue :

Beth : 1) ………………………………………
Kim : Oh. Is she often away ?
Beth : Not really. She only does flights which go and come back in the
same day. She's the one who makes all the announcements,
Kim : Does she like it ?
Beth : She likes having flexible working hours because 2) ……………..
But it's stressful. Because 3)……………
Kim : 4) …………………………….?
Beth : He's a lorry driver. He's often away. He's the person in the
company whose route takes him the furthest.
Kim : 5) …………………………..
Beth : Well, my communication skills are quite good.
So, I'd like to work in human resources.


Read the following passage and then answer the questions:
Sports are a great way for teenagers to stay fit and lead sociable lives. Unfortunately, it is often
difficult to find fields and areas in the city to practice. There are, however, some sports which do not
need a court, a field, or a pitch. They can be practiced almost anywhere. Examples of such sport are
free running, or parkour and skateboarding.Although very similar, some say there is a difference
between free running and parkour. Free running shares many of the same movements seen in
gymnastics, but the difference between them is that free running takes place in cities and rural
settings. The main idea behind it is to quickly move across obstacles by using movements such as
running, jumping, rolling, swinging and grabbing. Free running comes from the earlier practice of
parkour. Free running does not concentrate only on the best way of moving through objects like
parkour. Free running encourages people to use moves which they feel express themselves.
Foucan, a famous free runner, says that free running is about “following your way” and not trying to
follow someone else‟s way of doing things. Free running aims for complete freedom of movement.
So whether you are trying to find the best way of going through an obstacle or the most complicated
way which feels good and looks good to others, it is your choice.
Although free running, or parkour can be done alone, most people hang out with others who do it
and form social groups. They encourage and help each other. There is a website for people in
Greece, www.parkour.gr, where you can learn about events and find out where people with common
interests meet and practice what they love doing
Another activity which can be done in your city or town is skateboarding. Skate boarding is done by
riding and performing tricks on a skateboard. Skateboarding first began somewhere between the
1940‟s or early 1950‟s. At first it was something surfers would do when they were not in the water for
fun. They would take boxes and attach roller skate wheels to them and ride them. Over the years
the boxes turned to planks and the sport of skateboarding began to develop on its own. It wasn‟t
until the 1970‟s that the skateboarding we know today began to happen. Nowadays, teenagers in
countries everywhere can be seen practicing it in cities or skate parks.
Besides also being a means of transportation skateboarding is also very similar to free running and
parkour because it is both a recreational activity and an art form. Teenagers feel that they can
express themselves when they skateboard. Most of the skateboarders around the world are under
the age of 18. And although mostly boys skateboard, girls do too. Even though skateboarding can
be done by oneself, it is a very sociable activity like parkour and free running. People who
skateboard form friendships, hang out, listen to a lot of the same music and share the same sense
of street fashion.
It is important for teenagers to find activities that they can share with people their age. There are
more traditional activities someone can get involved with and some which are a little different. What
is important is that you get involved with something active or creative, stay safe and are able to
share your experiences with others.
1 Answer the questions.
1 Why are parkour and free running similar to gymnastics?
2 What does “follow your way” mean?

3 Who were the first skateboarders?
2.Choose the right answer:
4.skateboarders around the world are under the age of........................
a. twenty b.eighteen c. thirty

5.Skate boarding is a................................................activity.

a.boring b. Sociable c. creative

Write on the following topic:

- Write a formal letter applying for a job.


Unit 4
Body and Mind
 Knowledge : An understanding of something through learning.
 inspired : Made somebody want to do something.
 stumble : to hit your foot against something and almost fall over.
 Manoeuvre : to move around carefully.
 visualize : to have a picture of something in your mind
 essentially : considering the most important fact.
 achievement : something you have done successfully through working hard.
 catapulted : threw forcefully.
 apply : to make practical use of something
 dull : not interesting or exciting.
 associate : to make a connection with something
 Pantry : A large kitchen cupboard.
 benefit : To have a good effect.
 sundial :A type of clock that uses the shadow from a piece of metal to
tell the time
Choose the correct answer:
1- The driver was ……............. his lorry into a narrow gateway.
(memorizing – maneuvering - visualizing – achieving)
2- My greatest ………… was passing my finals when I was at university.
(knowledge – achievement – benefit – inspired)
3- I don't ………… your brother with sport. When did he start playing football? (associate
– dull - memorize – pantry )
4- Everyone will ………........... from the cut in the price of petrol.
(visualize – benefit – inspired – associate)
5- The principal's speech……............… us to study harder.
(inspired – benefit – catapulted – sundial)
6- The player was ………............ to fame when he beat the current champion in the final.
(benefit – catapulted – memorize – apply)
7- When Andy's bike hit a stone , he was …….............. on the road.
(stumbled – catapulted- associated – sundial)
8- In the past , people used a ……..........….. to tell the time
(clock – alarm – sundial – pantry)
9- There's a ……….......… in our kitchen, where we keep food that doesn't need to go in the fridge.
(cook – pantry – memory – knowledge)
10- It was dark last night, so I didn't see my brother's bike and I ……..........… over it.

(catapulted – stumbled – inspired – visualize)
11- My ……........….. of world geography is limited.
(achievement – knowledge – memory – benefit)
12- It's hard to ……...............…….. what this place looked like before the factory was built.
(visualize – visor – vital – visit)
13- ……………. the key to success in hard work!
(Gradually – Essentially – Achieve – Instinctively)
14- Some people think that life will become very …………....when they retire.
(interesting – comfortable – happy – dull)
15- The rules ……………. to secondary school as well as primary.
(visualize – apply – memorize – dull)
Complete from the list :

dull – knowledge – achievement – benefit – inspired – associate –

1- catapulted.
The new tax laws will ……........…… people on low wages.
2- I always …….......……. the smell of the sea with my childhood.
3- Miss potter's lesson are always so……..........…….
4- Your general …………........…. Is really good. Why don't you go on a quiz show on T.V?
5- When the car crashed, the driver was ……..........……. through the windscreen.
6- Nelson Mandela's autobiography ……............. her to go into politics.
7- She felt that winning the gold medal was her greatest….........……….

Noun Adj. Verb

Activity Active Activate
Aliuen - Alienate
Difference Different Differentiate
- Clear Clarify
Example - Exemplify
- Simple Simplify
Public - Publicize
- Visual Visualize
Memory - Memorize
Complete the gaps with the correct word derived from the word in bold:
1- We weren't sure of the rules, so we asked the teacher to ……….. them.
2- They don't want anyone to know about their successful deal, so they aren't going to ……….. it.

3- The only way to learn Latin grammar rules is to ……....….. them.
4- When they saw the man coming towards them, they decided to ………. the alarm.
5- It's hard to ……….. what this area looked like before the town was built.
6- The twins are so similar that it's impossible to …………one from the other.
7- We tried to ………...the document so that everybody would understand it.
8- My brother's attitude ……….. the way boys think in my country nowadays.
9- Last year the government's immigration policy …………. a lot of its supporters.
Compound adjectives :
A compound adjective is a single adjective made up of two or more words. These words are linked
together with a hyphen to show that they are part of the same adjective.
Right – handed : A person who writes with their right hand.
Cold – blooded : Someone who is very cruel.
Thick – skinned : A person who doesn't worry about what people say about
Narrow – minded : Someone who won't accept new ideas.
Fair – haired : A person with light coloured hair.
Level – headed : Someone who is clam and sensible
Kind – hearted : A person who is very generous.
Short – sighted : Someone who can only see things which are very near.

Choose the correct answer :

1- My grandmother wears thick glasses because she's extremely short …………….................…
(hearted – headed – sighted – blooded )
2- Anne wouldn't listen to my argument because she's so………
(fair-haired – narrow-minded – thick-skinned – short-sighted)
3- Rob is very thick ………. so he takes no notice if other children insult him.
(sighted – skinned – headed – haired)
4- My sister is very ……….., so she usually makes sensible decisions.
(narrow-minded – level-headed – kind-hearted – cold-blooded)
5- My aunt spends most of her time helping other people she's very ……….........…..
(fair-haired – kind-hearted – short-sighted – thick-skinned)

6- Our class tutor never seems to take offence. He's quite…….. skinned.
(thin – thick – cold – short )
7- The murder expressed no guilt about hid crimes he was quite.
(cold-blooded – fair-haired – short-sighted – right-handed)
8- His brothers and sisters have dark hair, but he's blond. He's ………
(narrow-minded – fair-haired – short-sighted – thick-

Put your foot in it : To say or do something that makes somebody

embarrassed or upset.
Get cold feet :To become afraid to do something.
Keep an eye on : To make sure that 5h or someone is safe.
something/ someone
Split hairs :To argue about unimportant details.
Bite someone's head off :To reply in a very angry way.

Get something of your :To talk about something that you've been worrying about.
Poke you nose into :To try to become involved in something that doesn't
something concern you.
Pull someone's leg :To play a joke on someone by making them believe
something that isn't true.
Twist someone's arm :To persuade someone to do something
Play it by ear :To decide what to do as things happen , instead of
planning in advance.
Complete with a suitable idiom :
1- He keeps interfering in things that are none of his business. I wished he'd stop
……..................................…into my affairs.
2- Whether she went to Jane's or Frank's party is splitting …….................………. the fact is that
she lied about staying in to do her homework.
3- It's better to get something…………............................ than to keep worrying about it in
4- He said he didn't want to contribute to our campaign, but I'm hoping that I
5- Nobody seems to know what's happening about the plans for tonight so, I think we'll have to
play it……...................................……..
6- Could you ………...................…… on my bag while I get a coffee?
7- I really put …………..........................….. in it when I asked her about her party . I didn't know
it was a surprised
8- Don‟t' worry , she isn't being serious. She's only….................……..

9- Ok, I'm sorry.
There's no
need to bite………............................…
10- They were really keen at first but I think they're getting…………...................................…….

Past Present perfect simple

Usage : Usage :
- To talk - For an action which started in the past and continues up to the present,
about especially with stative verbs such as like , have, know
completed * I have known Dave for years
events in
the past :
* I visited
my aunt
last week
- For - For experiences in the past (when the exact time is not important)
actions that * My brother has met Mido
happened - events that are connected with the present
immediately * I've lost my watch. Have you seem it ?
after one * Jane has already done her homework. Here it is
another in
the past.
* He left
the house,
walked to
the station
and caught
5 : 05 train

The present perfect simple

Form :

Have / has + p.p


Negative :

Have / has + not +

Question :

Have / has + sub + p.p ……?

Time expressions used with the present perfect:

 For + a period of time

 Since + a point in time

 Just / already / yet / ever /never / lately / recently / so far never

Examples :

1- I have just mended the broken chairs.

2- He has traveled to London since 2000.
3- He has traveled to London for fifteen years.

4- I have visited three natural history museum so far.

Complete the sentences with the past simple or present perfect simple of the verbs in
1- Lily and Tom (move ) ………..............…. house a year ago.
2- We (know) …...........…… each other since we were children.
3- So far I (not fail) ……...........……. any of my exams.
4- My little sister (be born) ……….......….in 1999.
5- Grace (break) ………............ her leg last week.
6- They (not go) ………...….. to school yesterday.
7- …………… you ………. (finish) your homework yet?
8- Ryan had dinner and then he (go) ……….. to bed.
9- Sarah (work) …………… there for a couple of years now.

Choose the correct answer :

1- I …………… to a formula one race three times.
(have been – am – has been – went)
2- Helen's so tired because she ……….. to the concert last night.

(went – gone – go – goes )
3- Mike ……….. his wallet, so he didn't have any money.
(lose – loses – lost – has lost)
4- Brad's dog is very old. He ………. Rex for thirteen years
(has – had – has had – have)
5- Tom upset because he ……............ his mobile phone.
(lose – lost – has lost – loses)
6- I ……............… a pet dog when I was little.
(have – has – had – have had)
7- Lind's in the hospital because she ……............… her arm.
(break - broke – has broken – have broken)
8- Jack ……….............his leg while he was playing football.
(break – broke – has broken – have broken)
Re-write the following sentences :
1- This is the third we've travelled to New York. (so far)
2- Claire hasn't visited London for 2 years. (ago)
3- The last time Helen took a train was in 2004. (since)
4- The last time you saw Susan was in 2001. (haven't)
5- Your brother tells you he met David. You last saw David ages ago.
6- The last time Matt played football was six months ago. (for)
7- The last time Sandra was ill in March. (since)
8- They won the prize in 2005, 2008 and 2010. (three times)
Tina met her best friend ten years ago. (for ten years)
9- The last time I traveled to U.S. A was in 2000. (for)

The present perfect continuous

Usage :
- To put emphasis on the duration of an action which started in the past and continues up to the
* The boys have been playing football for hours.
- For an action with the result visible in the present

* ken is very tired. He has been working hard all week.
From :

Have / has been + verb + ing

Time expressions used with the present perfect continuous :

for / since / how long / lately / recently / all morning / day / year.
Present perfect simple Present perfect continuous
- we use the present perfect simple with - we only use the present perfect
finished and complete actions. continuous with actions which happen over
a period of time.
- They've lived Dubai - We've been living in London for 12 years.
(They aren't there now) (we're still there now)
- How often have you worn that suit? - How long has she been sleeping?
- How many English lessons have you
Choose the correct answer :
1- I……...........…. done my homework.
(already have – just have – have already – already)
2- Ahmed has mended the car ……..........…… 5 o'clock.
(for – ago – since – yet)
3- They …….................. any goals yet.
(haven't scored – have scored – can score – will score)
4- Rami ……...............….. his pet dog since October
(had – will have – has had – is having)
5- My father …….........…. some professional success. He's now well established in his field.
(have had – had – will have – can have)
6- We ……...........….. Arabic all day long.
(studied – can study – could study – have been studying)

7- They …….............…. tennis for two hours.

(have been – playing – played – would play – could play)
8- He ……......…. the garden all morning. He hasn't finished watering it yet.
(has been watering – watered – will water – can water)
9- Mona has been …...........…… her homework.
(do – done – does – doing)
10- I ……...........…. my room, but there's till a lot to do.
(have been tidying – tidy – can tidy – will tidy)

Put the verbs in brackets into present perfect simple or continuous:


1- I (play) ………..........….. tennis all morning and I'm exhausted.
2- Please, drive me carefully to work. It (snow)….........…. and the roads are slippery.
3- Clare (read) ……............…. that book four times
4- I (read) …….........…. The latest Harry Potter book all day. I'm dying to know what happens in
the end !
5- Margaret (never run) ……….........…. in the London marathon before.
6- Larry is red in the face because he (run)……………………..………
7- Sarah needs a plaster because she (cut)……………….……..her hand.
8- Dad‟s crying because he (cut)…………………..….onions.
9- I (sunbathe)……………………..all morning and now I‟m bright red.
10- I (never understand) ………………why you‟re helping Tom.
11- The ground is wet because it (rain)………………
12- Where‟s your homework? Don‟t tell me you (not do)………………it.
Re-write the following sentences using the words between brackets:
1- It‟s six years since I started learning English. (for)
2- It‟s snowing. It started snowing three hours. (has)
3- Bill and Richard started taking karate lessons on March. (have)
4- Tina started going on holiday to Europe five years ago. (has)
5- I started learning Arabic five years ago. (for)
6- He started playing tennis two hours ago. It was 5 p.m. (since)
7- My dad started writing letters at 8 a.m and it‟s now 4 p.m. (for)
8- When did you start running marathons? (How long)
9- The last time Sandra was ill was in March. (since)
10- Tony bought his laptop in 2009. (since)

Complete the following dialogue :

Alex : Have you ever broken your leg?

Pete : No, 1)……...........……….. but I've twisted. My ankle several times.


Alex : 2)………..................……………….?

Pete : The last time I was playing basketball someone stood on my foot.

Alex : 3)………................………………..?

Pete : Yes, it was painful. I couldn‟t play for a month.

Alex : 4)……………………………………..?

Pete : Since I was about 6 years old. Do you do any sport?

Alex : Yes, I play handball 5)……............…………………..

Pete : Have you ever pulled a muscle ?

Alex :6)………........………………………………
Write a dialogue :
Between the opticians and Mr Tom who had difficulty in reading the newspaper.

Read the following passage and then answer the questions:

Every year there are many film festivals which take place in different countries around the world.
Some of them include the Asian Festival of First Films, the Berlin International Film Festival, the
Venice Film Festival and the Sundance Film Festival to name a few. Perhaps the most prestigious
festival takes place in France and is known as the Cannes Film Festival.The Cannes Film Festival
was officially founded in 1946 making it one of the oldest film festivals today. It is usually held every
year in May at the Palais des Festival et des Congres and lasts twelve days. The festival‟s history,
however, starts before its official launching. In the late 1930s the fascist governments of Italy and
Germany interfered with the selection of films that would be shown at the Mostra del cinema di
Venezia in Italy. That is when Jean Zay decided to create a film festival in France. The first festival
to be held in Cannes was scheduled for the month of September in 1939. However, the festival
never took place because Germany attacked Poland on the 1st of September after which Britain and
France declared war on Germany and World War II began.

After the Second World War was over the first film festival in Cannes finally took place in1946. Since
then it has become the largest international showcase of cinema. Many filmmakers who are
unknown look forward to the festival to get a chance to show their work. Unlike the Oscars,
everyone has a chance to show their films at Cannes. Journalists and people involved in film from
all over the world come to Cannes in May to meet with each other. Of course, unless you are in the
media or involved in film it is very unlikely that you would be able to be a part of any of the events.
Cannes is known for showing all kinds of films, which is what makes it so attractive to so many
people who search for different things when they watch a movie. As in other film festivals, awards
are given to the best movies and the people who make them. There are two categories of awards:
Feature Films and Short films. A committee chooses the people that decide which films will be
awarded. These people are chosen from the film industry and for the past years they have almost all
been either directors or actors. There are a lot of awards given at Cannes, but the most important
one is the Palm d‟Or which is given to the best feature film and the best short film.
Perhaps more important than the awards, is the opportunity for new films, new artists and new
artistic approaches to be seen by important people in the film world. Whether or not a movie wins
the Palme d'Or or not, it has the opportunity of grabbing the attention of film critics and producers
who can really help the movie as its director and actors become known around the world.
A.Answer the following questions:
1 Why did France decide to hold a Film Festival in France?
2.Why is the festival important for new directors or actors?
3 Who decides which movie receives the Palm d‟Or?
B.Choose the right answer:
1 The first Cannes Film Festival was held in.......................................
a.1956 b.1930 c.1946
2..................................can attend the Cannes Film Festival.
a. Journalist and people from the film industry.
b. Journalists only.
c.People from the film industry only.

Write aparagraph about the following topic:

A critical situation you faced and how did you overcome it?



Unit 5
Our Future

Set up :To start something new.

Reason. : To think about something in a logical way.
Regenerate. : To grow strong again.
Provide: :To give something to someone.
Limbs: :Arms and Legs.
Interpreting:. :Translating spontaneously into another language.
Reduce:. :To make something smaller.
Treat: :To use medicine to make someone well again.
Search engine:. :A computer programme that looks for information.
Overcrowding:. :The problem of having too many people in a place.
Catastrophe :A sudden disaster.
Malfunctioning: :Something that isn‟t working properly.
Smart:. :intelligent.
Flock:. :To go somewhere in large numbers.
Life-threatening:. :Dangerous and able to kill someone.
Sonic:. :Connected to sound waves.
State of the art: :Using the most modern or advanced method.(ultra modern)
Unconventional:. :Something considered not normal or acceptable by most people

Biometric:. :Using human features like fingers or eyes to identify people

Innovative:. :Original
Eco-friendly:. :Something that doesn‟t damage the environment
Wacky:. :Amusing or funny in a slightly crazy way
Digital:. :Storing and recording information electronically
Labour- saving:. :Saving your time and effort
Ultimate. :The best example of something
Choose the correct answer:
1- She …………..the apparatus for the experiment.
(set up – set off – set – set in)
2- According to some sources, the crash was due to a technical……………….

(flock – search engine – malfunction – function)
3- Clara‟s death was a …………..for the family.
(malfunction – catastrophe – life threatening – overcrowding)
4- She ………….them with a bed for the night.
(regenerated – provided – treated - interpreted)
5- Factors that affect the ability of woods to naturally…………are a cause of concern for the
long term.
(regenerate – treat – set up – provide)
6- Can you……………..something for my cough, please?
(treat – regenerate – prescribe – set up)
7- How would you …………….this part of the poem?
(set up – interpret – malfunction – provide)
8- The boy was……………for burns at the hospital.
(provided – flocked – treated – lost)
9- The sign said:” ………………speed now”
(reduce – set – provide – flock)

10- People are…………….to her latest exhibition.

(crashed – flocked – regenerated – applied)
11- He‟s not …………..enough to be a politician.
(catastrophe – crowding – smart – over)
12- Skiing accidents often result in broken………………
(reason – limbs – catastrophe – treat)
13- My parents try to …………with me instead of just telling me off.
(treat – reason – set up – provide)
14- Our air conditioning started …………….,so it was blowing out hot air instead of cold.
(regenerate – malfunctioning – flocking – reason)
15- Our new IT department has some very state of the………...equipment.
(code – information – art – illnesses)
16- Modern ………..devices like the washing machine help us with the house work.
(digital – wacky – labour-saving – ultimate)
17- It‟s ……………that we‟re all gathered here on Thursday afternoon.
(unconventional – conventional – cordless – innovative)
18- The new system in the school canteen is very……………..
(unconventional – wacky – innovative – sonic)
19- I get on really with Helen, but her friend Sandra has a really ……….sense of humor.
(provide – wacky – biometric – endangered)
20- It is impossible for anyone to fake their ID with………..data , as we can‟t change our eyes or
(biometric – wacky – catastrophe – sonic)


Write the synonyms:
1- Make someone well again = ………………….
2- Possibly going to kill him = …………………..
3- Went in large numbers = ………………………
4- Intelligent = …………………….
5- Make something smaller = ……………..
6- There are too many people = ………………
7- Grow again = ……………….
8- Programme that looks for information = ……………..
9- Start = ……………
10- Disaster = ……………..
11- Not working properly = …………………
12- Arm and legs = …………………….
13- Talk in a logical way = ………………….
14- Translating spontaneously = ……………………
15- Funny and amusing = ………………………
16- Ultra modern = ………………….

 Carbon emissions :Pollution caused by burning fossil fuels.

 Fossil fuels :Like oil, natural gas and coal come from plants and animals
that died million of years ago.
 Genetic code :The arrangements of genes that controls our development.
 Spinal cords :Nerves that connect all parts of the body to the brain.
 Key word : A word or phrase that you type to find information about
 Space exploration : Travelling beyond Erath to find out about solar system.
 Solar Power :Energy generated by the sun.
 Ozone layer :Parts of the atmosphere that helps protect the Earth from the
sun‟s rays.
 Global warming : The process which makes the temperature of the Earth‟s
atmosphere warmer.
 Endangered species :Animals and plants that may become extinct soon.
 Acid Rain :Water containing dangerous chemicals that falls from the
 Rain Forest : An area of jungle in tropical parts of the world.
Complete the following sentences with a suitable compound noun:
1- ………………….is causing a rise in ocean levels.

2- Aerosol sprays are destroying the …………………….
3- ……………damages our lakes, rivers and forests as well as our buildings.
4- Energy
from the
sun can
be used
to produce……………….
5- Unfortunately, whales have become a(n)…………………….
6- The Amazon………………contains over 30 % of the animal and plant species on Earth.

 Access information  meet targets

 Do research  prevent climate change
 Treat illnesses  reduce carbon emissions
 Make important discoveries  make mistakes

Choose the correct answer:

1- Airlines are looking for an alternative fuel which will ……………….their carbon emissions.
(access – reduce – meet – make)
2- Scientists have spent several years………………research into the effect of global warming.
(making – doing – treating – reducing)
3- Experts…………….an important discovery about wind energy recently.
(access – do – prevent – make)
4- Most governments are trying to………….climate change by passing a number of measures.
(meet – do – access – prevent)
5- Doctors are using new medicines to ……………the illness.
(do – make – meet – treat)
6- The company was given a fine because it failed to…………..the targets specified by the
(do – make – meet – reduce)
7- Future leaders needs to …………..the mistakes made in previous policies.
(make – prevent – access – do)
8- The management refuses to ……………any information about the salaries of company
(make – do – access – meet)
9- If you try to ………….the future of technology, you‟ll probably get it horribly wrong.
(make – do – predict – keep)

Complete with a suitable word:


1- Future leaders need to make ……..…made in previous policies.
2- If we don‟t reduce …………….., the world‟s climate will change.
3- A geneticist‟s job is to do …………….into the characteristics of our genes.
4- I can access …………….on prices and opening times of the museum on this website.
5- Governments are having problems trying to meet ……….. on carbon emissions.
6- The ………code determines the characteristics of an organism.
7- Chinese doctors sometimes treat ……………..….with acupuncture.
8- The researcher caught a ………………………..threatening disease while he was exploring the
9- We are running of fossil…………,so we have to start using other sources of power.
10- The hole in the Ozone Layer will get bigger if factories do not reduce……….

The Future Simple Tense

 We can express the future simple using two ways:
Will + infinitive OR verb to be + going to + infinitive
Will + infinitive Verb to be + going to + infinitive
1- Prediction for future in general. 1- Future plans.
 I think you‟ll do well in your exams.  He is going to study law at university.
2- To make factual statements 2- Intentions.
about the future.  Dad is going to buy a laptop.
 There will be a solar eclipse in 2026 3- Predictions based on an evidence
3- Sudden decision.  Rooney‟s got the ball! He is going to
 I‟m hungry. I‟ll look for something to score.
eat. 4- Actions that are about to happen.
4- Offers  She‟s going to faint.
 Will I bring you something to eat?
5- Promises and threats
 Don‟t worry. I„ll help you.
 One more mistake, I‟ll punish you
Complete using “will” or “going to”:
1- A: I‟m so busy!
B:Don‟t worry. I ……………..…….help you.
2- On Saturday we ……………………see a play in concert.
3- They ………………….go to the U.S.A for three weeks this summer.
4- I don‟t think there ………………….…be cars in the future.

5- Next week we ……………..…..see the match.
6- I want to visit Paris next year, so I ……….…….learn French next term.
7- There aren‟t good films on T.V tonight, so I think ……….……watch the football.

Future continuous Tense

 We use the future continuous to talk about an action in progress at a time in the future.

Will be + verb + ing

1- Tonight at 6 pm, I will be eating dinner.
(I will be in the process of eating dinner)

2- At midnight tonight, we will be driving through the desert.

(We will in the process of driving through the desert)

Future perfect tense

 We use the future perfect for actions that will have finished before a stated time in the

Will have + past participle (p.p)

1- By next November, I will have received my promotion.
2- They will have finished shooting the film by the end of March.
Time expressions used with the future perfect:
Before – by – by then – by the time
Complete the following sentences using the future continuous or future perfect:
1- Ann (start)……………..work in 2017.
2- By 2019, Tom (finish)…………………….his university.
3- A: Do you think you (finish)……………….by lunch

B:I think so.
4- A: Shall we meet tomorrow?
B: Sure, but after 6 o‟clock, I (do)…………..the shopping by then.
5- Don‟t phone between 7 and 8, we (have) ……………dinner.
6- Tomorrow my mother (do)……………..the housework from 10 till 12
7- By the end of next June, we (finish)…………….our final exam.

8- A: Can we meet tomorrow?

B: Yes, but not in the afternoon, I (work)……………
9- Frank has to go to a meeting which begins at 10 o‟clock. It‟ll last about an hour.
Tom: will you be free at 11:30?
Frank: Yes, the meeting (end)…………….by then.
10- At 10 o‟clock tomorrow, my father (drive)……………..to Cairo.

Re-write the following sentences using the words between brackets:

1- My driving test is on 3 March. (have)
By April,…………………………………………………………………………….
2- My brother is starting work on 5 September. (start)
In September,………………………………………………………………………
3- They are moving house on 15 February. (By March)
4- We‟re going on holiday on 2 August, (In August)
5- Our plane lands in New York at 10 o‟clock. (By 11 o’clock)
6- My exams are in May. (finish)
By June,……………………………………………………………………………
7- I think we can finish building the house by the end of next February.
(will have)
8- I hope to finish my work at 10 o‟clock tomorrow. (at 10 o’clock)
9- They wish they would finish their mission at the end of next week.
(By the end of next week)
10- Manal is doing her homework. (at six o’clock tomorrow)
11- They read the papers in the morning. (from 8:9 o’clock)
12- They plan to travel to Brazil. (this time next year)

13- I‟ve planned to spend the summer holiday in Alex. (going to)
14- I predict hot weather tomorrow. (It)
15- I‟ve decided to buy a new mobile. (will)
16- I want to have a cold drink because I‟m very thirsty. (will)
17- I intend to study hard next term. (going to)
18- We are going to use the new boat for races. (Negate this sentence)

Complete the following dialogue:

A: Can you give me the newspaper, please?
B: Sorry,1)……………………………………………………….
A: I 2)……………………………………it back immediately, I promise. I just
want to see the weather forecast for tomorrow.
B: No, you 3)……………………………as soon as I finish.
A: Forget it. I 4)………………………..on the internet.
B: Good idea.
A: 5)…………………………………………….

Read the following passage and then answer the questions:

The internet is a network that connects computers from around the world by cable and satellite and
it has changed our lives in many ways. Before the internet, many things we take for granted today,
took a lot more of our time and effort in the past. We can send and receive text, images, video and
sound to other computers anywhere in the world. The internet helps us stay in touch with each other
by reducing the amount of time needed to communicate with each other. One does not have to sit
down and write a letter, go the post office, mail it, then wait for days for it to get to the address we
sent it to. Businesses and professionals have benefitted a lot from the internet as well. They are
able to exchange information quickly and cut down on the amount of time needed to complete work.
Also, the internet makes information available for all users. People using the internet can look up
answers to questions they have quickly from their homes. They can also study many subjects by
using the internet and read newspapers online.
Despite the positive aspects of the internet there are also negative one. As the internet continues to
play a more and more important role in our lives, people are becoming more dependent, or addicted
to it. An addiction is when someone cannot control their need for something and it begins to affect

their life in a negative way. Just like with alcohol, cigarettes and drugs, many psychologists say that
people are becoming addicted to the internet. In fact, research done by Dr. Kimberly S. Young
showed that internet addiction is very similar to other addictions like gambling at casinos and
alcoholism and that using the internet too much can affect someone‟s educational, social, economic
and professional life.
People who are addicted find that they need more and more time on the Internet in order to be
happy. When they cannot log on to the internet they often feel nervous, and cannot stop thinking
about what is on the internet and sometimes have dreams with the internet in them.

This often makes things difficult for them in their relationships with others, at their jobs, school or
with career opportunities. They use the internet as a way of escaping their problems rather than
dealing with them. If they feel sad, helpless, guilty or nervous they avoid facing these feelings by
logging on and visiting different sites, chat rooms or sending emails.

People should not be left with the wrong impression. Although too much use of the internet can
cause these problems, it is not our enemy .It is very important technology and has helped us in
more ways than one. It has brought people around the world closer to each other, has helped us
professionally and has provided us with access to unlimited amounts of information. The internet
has made our lives easier by assisting, informing and entertaining us, but it should not rule our lives.
As the ancient Greeks used to say, all things should be done in good measure.

A.Answer these questions:

1.Why has the internet made more information available to more people.?
2. What is Internet addiction?
3.How does the internet make things difficult for people in their relationships with others?
B.Choose the right answer:
4. The internet helps us stay in touch with each other by.................the amount of time needed to
communicate with each other.
(increasing – reducing – keeping)
5. The internet has.................aspects.
(negative – positive – negative and positive)


Write an paragraph about the following topic:
“Your Future Dreams”



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