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Judgment and Decision Making

C R A I G R. M. M C K E N Z I E

A habit of basing convictions upon evidence, remain the same). Your decision as to which job to
and of giving to them only that degree of accept now should depend on who you think is
certainty which the evidence warrants, more likely to win the upcoming election. Hence,
would, if it became general, cure most of your ability to increase future happiness hinges on
the ills from which the world is suffering. your ability to assess which candidate is more likely
to win. According to this view of decision making
Bertrand Russell
under uncertainty, life is a gamble, and the better
The above quotation suggests that our ability to you understand the odds, the more likely you are to
properly evaluate evidence is crucial to our well- prosper.
being. It has been noted elsewhere that only a very Always lurking in the background in research on
small number of things in life are certain, implying judgment and decision making are normative mod-
that assessing ‘degree of certainty’ is not only els, which dictate how one ought to behave. For
important, but common. Lacking omniscience, we example, Bayes’ theorem tells us what our degree of
constantly experience uncertainty, not only with belief in an event should be, given (a) how informa-
respect to the future (will it rain tomorrow?), but tive (or diagnostic) a new piece of evidence is, and
also the present (is my colleague honest?) and the (b) how confident we were in the event before
past (did the defendant commit the crime?). receiving the new piece of evidence. Normative mod-
Understanding what determines degree of belief els provide convenient benchmarks against which to
is important and interesting in its own right, but it compare human behavior, and such comparisons are
also has direct implications for decision making routinely made in research on inference and choice.
under uncertainty, a topic that encompasses a wide Given that assessing uncertainty is an important
variety of behavior. The traditional view of making aspect of life, and that normative models are rou-
decisions in the face of uncertain outcomes is that tinely used as benchmarks, a natural question is,
people seek (or at least should seek) to maximize ‘So, are we good at making inferences?’ This turns
expected utility (or pleasure, broadly construed). out to be a difficult question, one that will be a
‘Expected’ is key here. Expectations refer to focus of this chapter. Just how we compare to nor-
degrees of belief on the part of the decision maker. mative benchmarks – indeed, what the benchmark
For example, imagine having to decide now even should be in a given situation – is often dis-
between two jobs, A and B. The jobs are currently puted. The degree of optimism regarding people’s
equally good in your opinion, but their value will be inferential abilities has varied considerably over the
affected by the outcome of an upcoming presiden- past four decades, and this chapter provides a brief
tial election. If the Republican candidate wins the review of the reasons for this variability.
election, job A’s value to you will double (B’s will Readers should keep in mind that the judgment
remain the same), and if the Democratic candidate and decision making literature is very large, and this
wins, job B’s value to you will double (and A’s will overview is necessarily limited in terms of the

research covered. In particular, the emphasis is on see Pitz, Downing, & Reinhold, 1967; Slovic &
important ideas of the past forty years of research Lichtenstein, 1971.)
on inference and uncertainty. (For a recent broad Two examples serve to illustrate this viewpoint.
overview of the judgment and decision making lit- First, consider tasks in which participants estimated
erature, see Hastie & Dawes, 2001.) Much of the variance. The mathematical variance of a distribu-
current chapter is devoted to a theme that has come tion is the average of the squared deviations from
into sharper focus since about 1990, namely the role the mean of the distribution, but participants’
of environment in understanding inferential and responses (perhaps unsurprisingly) did not corre-
choice behavior. In particular, it will be argued that spond exactly to this benchmark. Peterson and
many behavioral phenomena considered to be Beach (1967) described research that sought to esti-
non-normative turn out be adaptive when the usual mate the power to which the average deviation of a
environmental context in which such behavior distribution needed to be raised in order to match par-
occurs is taken into account. It is further argued ticipants’ judgments of variance. The exponent that
that many of these adaptive behaviors are also led to the best match often differed from 2.
adaptable in the sense that, when it is clear that the Arguably, this is not concerning. What one might
environmental context is different from what would like to see, though, is consistency in the exponent,
normally be expected, behavior changes in pre- whatever the particular value turns out to be.
dictable ways. Placing the ‘adaptive and adaptable’ Researchers found, however, that sometimes the
theme in its proper context requires appreciation of best-fitting exponent was larger than 2 (indicating
earlier research and, accordingly, the chapter begins that participants were influenced more by large
by describing important views prior to 1990. The deviations from the mean of the distribution, rela-
chapter concludes with an overview of where the tive to the normative model) and sometimes the
field has been, and where it might be headed. exponent was smaller than 2 (indicating that partic-
ipants were less influenced by large deviations). In
either case, the modified normative model served as
a psychological model of variance judgments.
THE 1960S: STATISTICAL MAN A second example comes from tasks in which
participants updated their beliefs in light of new
evidence. As mentioned, the model usually consid-
An article by Peterson and Beach (1967), entitled ered normative in this context is Bayes’ theorem,
‘Man as an Intuitive Statistician’, is generally con- which multiplies the prior odds (representing
sidered to exemplify the view of human inference strength of belief before receiving the new evi-
held in the 1960s. The authors reviewed a large dence) by the likelihood ratio (which captures how
number of studies that examined human perfor- informative the new evidence is) to produce the
mance in a variety of tasks resembling problems posterior odds (representing strength of belief after
that might be encountered in a textbook on prob- the new evidence). Again, it was found that partici-
ability theory and statistics: estimating proportions, pants’ responses were not in accord with the norma-
means and variances of samples; estimating corre- tive ones. Edwards (1968) reported that when the
lations between variables; and updating confidence exponent of the likelihood ratio, which is implicitly
after receiving new evidence in ball-and-urn-type 1 in Bayes’ theorem, was allowed to vary, this mod-
problems. For each task, there was an associated ified model matched participants’ responses well.
normative model (i.e. correct answer) prescribed by Sometimes the exponent that matched responses best
probability theory and statistics. Although these was smaller than 1 (when responses were too close to
tasks tended to be highly abstract and unfamiliar to 50%, or conservative, relative to the normative
participants, Peterson and Beach (1967: 42–3) con- model) and sometimes the exponent was greater than
cluded that participants performed quite well: 1 (when responses were too close to 0% or 100%).
‘Experiments that have compared human inferences Once again, the starting point for the psychological
with those of statistical man [i.e. normative models] model was the normative one, which was then
show that the normative model provides a good first modified to account for participants’ behavior. The
approximation for a psychological theory of infer- general idea was that, though normative models might
ence. Inferences made by participants are influ- need some adjustment, they nonetheless captured
enced by appropriate variables and in appropriate human behavior in a fundamental way.
directions.’ The authors did note some discrepan- It is worth noting that human inference was not the
cies between participants’ behavior and normative only area of psychology during this period that
models, but the upshot was that normative models considered behavior largely normative. Although
found in probability theory and statistics provided a propositional logic was falling out of favor as a good
good framework for building psychological models. description of lay deductive reasoning (Wason, 1966,
Some simple adjustments to the normative models 1968; Wason & Johnson-Laird, 1972), the dominant
matched participants’ responses well. (Not all model of risky choice was subjective expected utility
researchers agreed with this conclusion, however; theory, and psychophysics was heavily influenced by

signal detection theory (see, e.g., Coombs, Dawes, & than a lawyer. According to Bayes’ theorem, the
Tversky, 1970). These two latter theories often base rates of lawyers and engineers should have a
assume optimal behavior on the part of participants. large influence on reported probabilities, but
Kahneman and Tversky (1973) found that the base
rates had little influence. Instead, they argued, par-
THE 1970S: HEURISTICS AND BIASES ticipants were basing their probabilities on the sim-
ilarity between the personality sketch and their
stereotypes of lawyer and engineers. To the extent
The view that normative models provide the frame- that the personality sketch seemed to describe a
work for psychological models of judgment under lawyer, participants reported a high probability that
uncertainty was changed dramatically by a series of the person was a lawyer, largely independent of the
papers published in the early 1970s by Daniel base rates and in violation of Bayes’ theorem.
Kahneman and Amos Tversky (summarized in Another bias said to result from the representative-
Tversky & Kahneman, 1974; see also Kahneman, ness heuristic is insensitivity to sample size. The law
Slovic, & Tversky, 1982). These authors proposed of large numbers states that larger samples are more
that people use simple rules of thumb, or heuristics, likely than smaller samples to accurately reflect the
for judging probabilities or frequencies. Further- populations from which they were drawn. Kahneman
more, these heuristics lead to systematic errors, or and Tversky (1972) asked participants which of two
biases, relative to normative models. One of the hospitals would have more days of delivering more
important changes relative to the earlier research than 60% boys. One hospital delivered about 45
was an emphasis on how people perform these babies a day, and the other delivered about 15.
tasks. For instance, researchers in the 1960s did not Although the small hospital would be more likely to
claim that people reached their estimates of variance deliver more than 60% boys on a given day (due
by actually calculating the average squared (or to greater sampling variation), participants tended to
approximately squared) deviation from the mean, respond that the two hospitals were equally likely to
but only that the outputs of such a model matched do so. Kahneman and Tversky (1972) argued that rep-
people’s responses well. Kahneman and Tversky resentativeness accounted for the finding: participants
argued that the psychological processes underlying were assessing the similarity between the sample and
judgment bore little or no resemblance to normative the expected sample from the 50/50 generating
models. process, which is equivalent for the two hospitals.
In their widely cited Science article, Tversky & A second heuristic that Kahneman and Tversky
Kahneman (1974) discussed three heuristics that argued people use is ‘availability’ (Tversky &
people use to simplify the task of estimating proba- Kahneman, 1973), according to which people esti-
bilities and frequencies. One such heuristic was ‘rep- mate probability or frequency based on the ease with
resentativeness’ (Kahneman & Tversky, 1972, 1973; which instances can be brought to mind. This
Tversky & Kahneman, 1971), which involves using appears to be a reasonable strategy insofar as it is
similarity to make judgments. When asked to esti- usually easier to think of instances of larger classes
mate the probability that object A belongs to class B, than smaller ones. However, there are other factors,
that event A originated from process B, or that such as salience, that can make instances more avail-
process B will generate event A, people rely on the able independently of class size. For example,
degree to which A is representative of, or resembles, Tversky and Kahneman (1973) read a list of names
B. For example, the more representative A is of B, to participants. For one group of participants, there
the higher the judged probability that A originated were more male names than female names, whereas
from B. the opposite was true for another group. The smaller
Because similarity is not affected by some factors class always consisted of relatively famous names,
that should influence probability judgments, however. When asked whether there were more
Tversky and Kahneman (1974) claimed that the male or female names, most participants mistakenly
representativeness heuristic led to a long list of thought the smaller class was larger. The idea was
biases, but just two will be mentioned here. The that the relatively famous names were easier to
first is base-rate neglect. One well-known task that recall (which was verified independently) and par-
led to base-rate neglect was the ‘lawyer–engineer’ ticipants used ease of recall – or availability – to
problem (Kahneman & Tversky, 1973), in which judge class size.
participants were presented with personality Another example of availability is found when
sketches of individuals said to be randomly drawn people are asked to estimate the frequency of
from a pool of 100 lawyers and engineers. One various causes of death. Which is a more common
group was told that the pool consisted of 70 lawyers cause of death, homicide or diabetes? Many people
and 30 engineers, while another group was told that report incorrectly that the former is more common
there were 30 lawyers and 70 engineers. (Lichtenstein, Slovic, Fischhoff, Layman, &
Participants assessed the probability that a given Combs, 1978). Generally, causes of death that are
personality sketch belonged to an engineer rather more sensational (e.g. fire, flood, tornado) tend to

be overestimated, while causes that are less dramatic people were not as good as they might otherwise
(diabetes, stroke, asthma) tend to be underesti- think they were when assessing uncertainty – and
mated. Availability provides a natural explanation: that researchers could offer help. The impact of the
it is easier to think of instances of homicide than program was fast and widespread, leaving none of
instances of death from diabetes because we hear the social sciences untouched. Indeed, it did not
about the former more often than the latter. Indeed, take long for the heuristics-and-biases movement to
Combs and Slovic (1979) showed that newspapers make significant headway outside of the social
are much more likely to report more dramatic sciences and into applied areas such as law (Saks &
causes of death. For example, there were 3 times Kidd, 1980), medicine (Elstein, Shulman, &
more newspaper articles on homicide than there Sprafka, 1978) and business (Bazerman & Neale,
were on deaths caused by disease, even though dis- 1983; Bettman, 1979).
ease deaths occur 100 times more often. (The arti-
cles on homicide were also more than twice as
The third and final heuristic described by Tversky THE 1980S: DEFENDING AND EXTENDING THE
and Kahneman (1974) is anchoring-and-adjust- HEURISTICS-AND-BIASES PARADIGM
ment, whereby people estimate an uncertain value
by starting from some obvious value (or anchor)
and adjusting in the desired direction. The bias is Despite the huge success of the heuristics-and-
that the anchor exerts too much influence, and biases paradigm, it began receiving a significant
resulting estimates stay too close to the anchor. For amount of criticism around 1980. Some authors
example, participants were asked to assess uncer- criticized the vagueness of the heuristics and the
tain values such as the percentage of African lack of specificity regarding when a given heuristic
nations that were members of the United Nations. would be used (Gigerenzer & Murray, 1987;
Before providing a best guess, participants were to Wallsten, 1980), while many others considered mis-
state whether they thought the true value was above leading the negative view of human performance
or below a particular value, determined by spinning implied by the research (Cohen, 1981; Edwards,
a wheel of fortune in view of the participants. 1975; Einhorn & Hogarth, 1981; Hogarth, 1981;
Tversky and Kahneman (1974) found that the Jungermann, 1983; Lopes, 1982; Phillips, 1983).
median best guess was 25 when the random value Note that the methodology of the heuristics-and-
was 10, and the median best guess was 45 when the biases program is to devise experiments in which
random value was 65. Their explanation was that the purported heuristic makes one prediction and
the random value served as an anchor, which then a normative model makes a different prediction.
influenced subsequent best guesses. Such experiments are designed to reveal errors.
Another demonstration of anchoring and adjust- Situations in which the heuristic and the normative
ment comes from asking participants for the prod- model make the same prediction are not of interest.
uct of either 1 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 4 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 7 ⫻ 8 or The rise of the heuristics-and-biases paradigm was
8 ⫻ 7 ⫻ 6 ⫻ 5 ⫻ 4 ⫻ 3 ⫻ 2 ⫻ 1 within 5 seconds. accompanied by a predictable rise in results pur-
Most people cannot compute the value in that portedly showing participants violating normative
amount of time and must therefore base their estimate rules. (Also of interest is that articles demonstrating
on the partially computed product. Because the par- poor performance were cited more often than articles
tial product is presumably smaller for the ascending demonstrating good performance; Christensen-
series than the descending series (assuming people Szalanski & Beach, 1984.) In the concluding para-
start on the left), the resulting estimates should also graph of their 1974 Science article, Tversky and
be smaller, which is what Tversky and Kahneman Kahneman wrote, ‘These heuristics are highly eco-
(1974) found. Median estimates of the ascending nomical and usually effective, but they lead to sys-
and descending series were 512 and 2250, respec- tematic and predictable errors.’ However, the
tively. Furthermore, because both groups are using authors provided numerous examples illustrating
a low anchor, both underestimated the actual product, the second half of the sentence, and none illustrat-
which is 40,320. ing the first half (Lopes, 1991).
Note the sharp contrast between the heuristics- L. J. Cohen, a philosopher, launched the first sys-
and-biases view and the 1960s view that people, by tematic attack on the heuristics-and-biases para-
and large, behave in accord with normative models. digm (Cohen, 1977, 1979, 1981). One of the major
For example, in contrast to Edwards’ (1968) con- points in his 1981 article was that, in the final analy-
clusion that a simple adjustment to Bayes’ theorem sis, a normative theory receives our stamp of
captured people’s judgments, Kahneman and approval only if it is consistent with our intuition.
Tversky (1972: 450) concluded that ‘In his evalua- How, then, can people, who are the arbiters of ratio-
tion of evidence, man is apparently not a conserva- nality, be deemed irrational? Cohen concluded that
tive Bayesian; he is not Bayesian at all.’ The they cannot, and that experiments purportedly
heuristics-and-biases research suggested that demonstrating irrationality are actually demonstrating,

for instance, the participants’ ignorance (e.g. that under the same circumstances that existed
they have not been trained in probability theory) or on the night of the accident and concluded
the experimenters’ ignorance (because they are that the witness correctly identified each one
applying the wrong normative rule). There is, in fact, of the two colors 80% of the time and failed
a long history of rethinking normative models when 20% of the time.
their implications are inconsistent with intuition,
dating back to at least 1713, when the St Petersburg What is the probability that the cab involved in
paradox led to the rejection of the maximization of the accident was Blue rather than Green?
expected value as a normative theory of choice
under uncertainty. (For more modern discussions Participants’ median response was 80%, indicating
on the interplay between behavior and normative a reliance on the witness’s reliability and a neglect
models, see Larrick, Nisbett, & Morgan, 1993; of the base rates of cabs in the city. This was
March, 1978; Slovic & Tversky, 1974; Stanovich, considered a normative error by Tversky and
1999.) Nonetheless, the subsequent replies to Kahneman (1982a), who argued that 41% was the
Cohen’s article (which were published over a normative (Bayesian) response. However, Birnbaum
course of years) indicate that most psychologists (1983) pointed out an implicit assumption in their
were not persuaded by his arguments, and his attack normative analysis that may not be realistic: the
appears to have had little impact. witness is assumed to respond the same way when
Einhorn and Hogarth (1981) provided more tested by the court, where there were equal num-
moderate – and influential – criticism. Rather than bers of Green and Blue cabs, and when in the city,
dismissing the entire empirical literature on human where there are far more Green than Blue cabs. It
rationality, Einhorn and Hogarth urged caution in is conceivable that the witness took into account
interpreting experimental results given the condi- the fact that there are more Green cabs when iden-
tional nature of normative models. Because the real tifying the cab color on the night of the accident.
world is complex, simplifying assumptions need to Indeed, if the witness were an ‘ideal observer’ (in
be made in order for a given normative model to the signal detection theory sense) who maximizes
apply. This creates ambiguity when behavior the number of correct identifications, then the
departs from the predictions of normative models. probability that the cab was Blue, given that the
Is the discrepancy due to inappropriate behavior or witness said it was Blue, is 0.82, which nearly
due to applying an overly simplified normative coincides with participants’ median response.
model? Arguably, many researchers at the time were Birnbaum’s (1983) point was not that participants
quick to reach the first conclusion without giving (necessarily) assume that the witness is an ideal
much thought to the second possibility. As Einhorn observer, but that the normative solution is more
and Hogarth (1981: 56) noted, ‘To consider human complicated than it first appears and, furthermore,
judgment as suboptimal without discussion of the that evidence purportedly indicating a normative
limitations of optimal models is naïve.’ The authors error might show nothing of the sort. A wide
also pointed out that the problem becomes even variety of normative responses are appropriate,
more complicated when there are competing nor- depending on the participants’ theory of the
mative models for a given situation. The existence witness. Tversky and Kahneman’s (1982a) norma-
of multiple normative responses raises doubts about tive analysis is a reasonable one, but it is not the
claims of the proponents of the heuristics-and- only one.
biases paradigm. What if purported normative Base rates themselves can be controversial. A
errors – which provided the evidence for the use of given object or event belongs to indefinitely many
heuristics – were consistent with an alternative reference classes, so how does one decide which
normative perspective? reference class should be used for determining the
To illustrate the complexity of interpreting base rate? The cab problem uses cabs that ‘operate
behavior in an inference task, consider base-rate in the city’ as the reference class, but one could use
neglect, discussed earlier. The following is the well- ‘operate at night’, ‘operate in the state’, ‘operate in
known ‘cab problem’ (from Tversky & Kahneman, the city at night’, or any number of other reference
1982a): classes, and the base rates might differ considerably
between them. Furthermore, Einhorn and Hogarth
A cab was involved in a hit and run accident at (1981) point out that ‘There is no generally accepted
night. Two cab companies, the Green and the Blue, normative way of defining the appropriate popula-
operate in the city. You are given the following tion’ (p. 65; see also McKenzie & Soll, 1996).
data: Again, the point is not that the normative analysis
offered by researchers arguing that participants
(a) 85% of the cabs in the city are Green and 15% underweight base rates is untenable, but that the
are Blue. normative issues are often trickier than is implied
(b) A witness identified the cab as Blue. The by such research. The complexity of the normative
court tested the reliability of the witness issues makes it difficult to draw strong conclusions

regarding normative errors. (The controversy rule. The reason for this, according to Tversky and
surrounding base-rate neglect continues to this day; Kahneman (1982b, 1983), is that creating the
see Cosmides & Tooby, 1996; Gigerenzer, 1991a, conjunction by adding the ‘feminist’ component
1996; Gigerenzer, Hell, & Blank, 1988; Gigerenzer & increased similarity between the conjunction and
Hoffrage, 1995; Kahneman & Tversky, 1996; the description of Linda. That is, Linda is more sim-
Koehler, 1996.) ilar to a ‘feminist bank teller’ than to a ‘bank teller’
Responding to the accusation that they were and hence the former is judged more probable.
portraying human inference in an overly negative Tversky and Kahneman interpreted this finding as yet
light, Kahneman and Tversky (1982) defended their another fundamental violation of rational thinking
reliance on errors by pointing out that studying resulting from the use of heuristics. (This conclu-
errors is a common way of understanding normal sion has been controversial; see, e.g., Gigerenzer,
behavior. For example, perceptual illusions reveal 1991a, 1996; Kahneman & Tversky, 1996; Mellers,
how normal perception works. (Some authors have Hertwig, & Kahneman, 2001.)
taken exception to the analogy between perceptual
errors and inferential errors; see Funder, 1987;
Gigerenzer, 1991b; Jungermann, 1983; Lopes, 1991.)
Nonetheless, they conceded that ‘Although errors SINCE 1990: THE ROLE OF ENVIRONMENT
of judgment are but a method by which some cog-
nitive processes are studied, the method has become
a significant part of the message’ (p. 124). However, There is no question that the heuristics-and-biases
despite other authors’ concerns (Cohen, 1977, 1979, paradigm is historically important and that it contin-
1981; Einhorn & Hogarth, 1981), Kahneman and ues to be an active research program (e.g. Gilovich,
Tversky (1982) appeared to remain steadfast that Griffin, & Kahneman, 2002). But its impact, in
there exist straightforward normative answers to psychology at least, appears to be waning. There are
inferential problems: ‘[S]ystematic errors and infer- several reasons for this (Gigerenzer, 1991a, 1996;
ential biases … expose some of our intellectual Lopes, 1991), but here we shall focus on one in par-
limitations and suggest ways of improving the quality ticular: the traditional heuristics-and-biases approach
of our thinking’ (p. 124). Drawing such a conclusion ignores the crucial role that the environment plays in
assumes uncontroversial normative solutions to shaping human behavior. Focusing on environmental
problems presented to participants. structure as a means to understanding behavior is cer-
Despite mounting criticism, the heuristics-and- tainly not new (e.g. Brunswik, 1956; Gibson, 1979;
biases approach remained the dominant paradigm, Hammond, 1955; Marr, 1982; Simon, 1955, 1956;
and its status was boosted even further when Toda, 1962; Tolman & Brunswik, 1935), but the idea
another major article in that tradition was subse- is now mainstream in the area of judgment and deci-
quently published (Tversky & Kahneman, 1983). sion making and is no longer tied to individuals or
This article showed that people violate another fun- small camps. One can view the heuristics-and-biases
damental principle of probability theory, the con- approach as studying cognition in a vacuum, whereas
junction rule, because of the representativeness and an important recent theme is that the key lies in
availability heuristics. The conjunction rule states understanding how cognition and environment inter-
that the probability of the conjunction of two events act, even mesh. Studying cognition independently of
cannot exceed the probability of either event indi- environmental considerations can lead to highly mis-
vidually, or p(A&B) ⱕ p(A). In certain contexts, the leading conclusions. The current section will illus-
rule is transparent. For example, probably everyone trate this point with several examples.
would agree that the probability of going skiing this The examples are sorted into two categories, one
weekend and breaking a leg is lower than the prob- indicating adaptive behavior, and the other indicating
ability of going skiing this weekend (and lower than adaptable behavior (Klayman & Brown, 1993;
the probability of breaking a leg this weekend). McKenzie & Mikkelsen, 2000). Examples in the
However, Tversky and Kahneman (1982b, 1983) ‘adaptive’ category show that participants’ apparently
demonstrated violations of this rule. Consider the irrational strategies in the laboratory can often be
following description presented to participants: explained by the fact that the strategies work well in
the natural environment. Participants appear to
Linda is 31 years old, single, outspoken, and very
harbor strong (usually tacit) assumptions when per-
bright. She majored in philosophy. As a student,
forming laboratory tasks that reflect the structure of
she was deeply concerned with issues of discrimi-
the environment in which they normally operate.
nation and social justice, and also participated in
When these assumptions do not match the labora-
anti-nuclear demonstrations.
tory task, adaptive behavior can appear maladap-
Some participants were asked which was more tive. Examples in the ‘adaptable’ category show
probable: (a) Linda is a bank teller, or (b) Linda is a that, when it is made clear to participants that their
bank teller and is active in the feminist movement. usual assumptions are inappropriate, then their
Most selected (b), thereby violating the conjunction behavior changes in predictable and sensible ways.

Both categories of examples show that consideration This view persisted until 1987 – almost three
of real-world environmental structure can lead to decades after Wason’s original findings were
different views not only of why people behave as published – when Klayman and Ha set things straight.
they do, but even of what is rational in a given task. They first pointed out that Popper (1959) had pre-
scribed testing hypotheses so that they are most
likely to be disconfirmed; he did not say that the way
Adaptive behavior to achieve this is by looking for examples that your
theory or hypothesis predicts will fail to occur. In
Hypothesis testing other words, Klayman and Ha (1987) distinguished
between disconfirmation as a goal (as prescribed by
In 1960, Peter Wason published a study that Popper) and disconfirmation as a search strategy.
received (and continues to receive) lots of attention. Wason (1960) confounded these two notions:
Participants were to imagine that the experimenter because the true rule is more general than the tenta-
had a rule in mind that generates triples of numbers. tive ‘increasing intervals of two’ hypothesis, the only
An example of a triple that conforms to the rule is way to disconfirm the latter is by testing a triple that
2–4–6. The task was to generate triples of numbers is hypothesized not to work. But notice that the situ-
in order to figure out the experimenter’s rule. After ation could easily be reversed: one could entertain a
announcing each triple, participants were told hypothesis that is more general than the true rule, in
whether or not it conformed to the experimenter’s which case the only way to disconfirm the hypothe-
rule. They could test as many triples as they wished sis is by testing cases hypothesized to work (and
and were to state what they thought was the correct finding they do not work) – exactly opposite from the
rule only after they were highly confident they had situation in Wason’s task. In this situation, testing
found it. The results were interesting because few only cases hypothesized not to work could lead to
participants discovered the correct rule (with their incorrectly believing the hypothesis (because all the
first ‘highly confident’ announcement), which was cases that the hypothesis predicts will not work will,
‘numbers in increasing order of magnitude’. in fact, not work).
How could most participants be so confident in a Thus, whether the strategy of testing cases you
wrong rule after being allowed to test it as much as expect to work (‘positive testing’) is a good one
they wished? The 2–4–6 example naturally suggests depends on the structure of the task – in this case the
a tentative hypothesis such as ‘increasing intervals relationship between the hypothesized and the true
of two’ (which was the most commonly stated rule. Furthermore, positive testing is more likely
incorrect rule). They would then test their hypothe- than negative testing (testing cases you expect will
sis by stating triples such as 8–10–12, 14–16–18, not work) to lead to disconfirmation when (a) you
20–22–24 and 1–3–5 – triples that were consistent are trying to predict a minority phenomenon and
with their hypothesized rule. Of course, each of (b) your hypothesized rule includes about as many
these triples is consistent with the correct rule as cases as the true rule (i.e. it is about the right size).
well, and hence participants received a positive These two conditions, Klayman and Ha (1987)
response from the experimenter (‘Yes, it conforms argue, are commonly met in real-world hypothesis-
to the rule’), leading them to believe incorrectly that testing situations. In short, positive testing appears
they had discovered the correct rule. Wason (1960) to be a highly adaptive strategy for testing hypothe-
claimed that participants appeared unwilling to test ses. This virtual reversal of the perceived status of
their hypotheses in a manner that would lead to dis- testing cases expected to work is primarily due to
confirmation (which is what Popper, 1959, claimed Klayman and Ha’s analysis of task structure. Seen
was the normative way to test hypotheses). The independently of the environmental context in
only way to falsify the ‘increasing intervals of two’ which it is usually used, positive testing can look
hypothesis is to test triples that are not expected to foolish (as in Wason’s task). Seen in its usual envi-
conform to the hypothesis, such as 2–4–7 or 1–2–3. ronmental context, it makes good normative sense.
Instead, Wason argued, participants tested their Klayman and Ha’s work underscores the point that
hypotheses in a way that would lead them to be con- understanding inferential behavior requires under-
firmed. This came to be known as ‘confirmation standing the context in which it usually occurs. In
bias’ (Wason, 1962) and made quite a splash their own words (p. 211), ‘The appropriateness of
because of the apparent dire implications: we gather human hypothesis-testing strategies and prescrip-
information in a manner that leads us to believe tions about optimal strategies must be understood in
whatever hypothesis we happen to start with, terms of the interaction between the strategy and the
regardless of its correctness. This view of lay task at hand.’
hypothesis testing became common in psychology
(Mynatt, Doherty, & Tweney, 1977, 1978), but it The selection task
was especially popular in social psychology (Nisbett
& Ross, 1980; Snyder, 1981; Snyder & Campbell, Anderson (1990, 1991) has taken the environmental
1980; Snyder & Swann, 1978). structure approach to its logical conclusion: rather

than looking to the mind to explain behavior, we Note that Oaksford and Chater’s ‘rarity assumption’
need only look to the structure of the environment. is similar to Klayman and Ha’s (1987) ‘minority
He calls this approach ‘rational analysis’, which ‘is phenomenon’ assumption. Because rarity will play
an explanation of an aspect of human behavior based a role in several studies discussed in this chapter, it
on the assumption that it is optimized somehow to is worthwhile to illustrate its importance in infer-
the structure of the environment’ (Anderson, 1991: ence with an example. Imagine that you live in a
471). His approach has led to interesting accounts of desert and are trying to determine if the new local
memory, categorization, causal inference and weather forecaster can accurately predict the
problem solving (Anderson, 1990, 1991; Anderson weather. Assume that the forecaster rarely predicts
& Milson, 1989; Anderson & Sheu, 1995). rain and usually predicts sunshine. On the first day,
Oaksford and Chater (1994) have provided a the forecaster predicts sunshine and is correct. On
rational analysis of the ‘selection task’ (Wason, 1966, the second day, the forecaster predicts rain and is
1968). Behavior in this task has long been consid- correct. Which of these two correct predictions
ered a classic example of human irrationality. In the would leave you more convinced that the forecaster
selection task, participants test a rule of the form ‘If can accurately predict the weather and is not merely
P, then Q’ and are shown four cards, each with P or guessing? The more informative of the two obser-
~P on one side and Q or ~Q on the other, and they vations is the correct prediction of rain, the rare event,
must select which cards to turn over to see if the at least according to Bayesian statistics (Horwich,
rule is true or false. For example, Wason (1966) 1982; Howson & Urbach, 1989; see also Alexander,
asked participants to test the rule ‘If there is a vowel 1958; Good, 1960; Hosiasson-Lindenbaum, 1940;
on one side, then there is an even number on the Mackie, 1963). Qualitatively, the reason for this is
other side’. Each of the four cards had a number on that it would not be surprising to correctly predict a
one side and a letter on the other. Imagine that one sunny day by chance in the desert because almost
card shows an A, one K, one 2 and one 7. Which of every day is sunny. That is, even if the forecaster
these cards needs to be turned over to see if the rule knew only that the desert is sunny, you would expect
is true or false? According to one logical interpreta- him or her to make lots of correct predictions of sun-
tion of the rule (‘material implication’), standard shine just by chance alone. Thus, such an observation
logic dictates that the A and 7 (P and ~Q) cards does not help much in distinguishing between a
should be turned over because only these poten- knowledgeable forecaster and one who is merely
tially reveal the falsifying vowel/odd number com- guessing. In contrast, because rainy days are rare,
bination. It does not matter what is on the other side a correct prediction of rain is unlikely to occur by
of the K and 2 cards, so there is no point in turning chance alone and therefore provides relatively strong
them over. Typically, fewer than 10% of partici- evidence that the forecaster is doing better than
pants select only the logically correct cards (Wason, merely guessing. Rarity is extremely useful for deter-
1966, 1968); instead, they prefer the A and 2 (P and Q) mining the informativeness of data.
cards (i.e. those mentioned in the rule). (An alternative
logical interpretation of the rule, ‘material equiva- Evidence for the rarity assumption
lence’, dictates that all four cards should be turned
over, but this is also a rare response.) Thus far we have relied rather heavily on the rarity
However, Oaksford and Chater (1994, 1996; see assumption to argue that behavior in the selection
also Nickerson, 1996) have argued that selecting task and in hypothesis testing is adaptive. Is the
the P and Q cards may not be foolish at all. They rarity assumption empirically accurate? That is, do
showed that, from an inductive, Bayesian perspec- people tend to phrase conditional hypotheses in
tive (rather than the standard deductive perspec- terms of rare events? It appears that they do. Recently,
tive), the P and Q cards are the most informative McKenzie, Ferreira, Mikkelsen, McDermott, and
with respect to determining if the rule is true or not – Skrable (2001) found that participants often had a
if one assumes that P and Q, the events mentioned strong tendency to phrase conditional hypotheses in
in the rule, are rare relative to ~P and ~Q. Oaksford terms of rare, rather than common, events. Thus,
and Chater argue further that this ‘rarity assump- people might consider mentioned confirming obser-
tion’ is adaptive because rules, or hypotheses, are vations most informative, or consider turning over
likely to mention rare events (see also Einhorn & the mentioned cards most informative, because they
Hogarth, 1986; Mackie, 1974). Thus, Oaksford and usually are most informative, at least from a
Chater (1994) make two assumptions that they con- Bayesian perspective.
sider to mirror real-world inference: it is usually
probabilistic rather than deterministic, and hypothe- Covariation assessment
ses usually regard rare events. These considerations
lead not only to a different view of participants’ Relatedly, Anderson (1990, 1991; Anderson &
behavior, but also to a different view of what is Sheu, 1995) has argued that ‘biases’ exhibited in
rational. Under the above two conditions, it is nor- assessing the covariation between two binary vari-
matively defensible to turn over the P and Q cards. ables are justified by the structure of the natural

environment. In a typical covariation task, the two common cell D observation. Furthermore, this is
variables are either present or absent. For example, consistent with the usual finding that cells B and C
participants might be asked to assess the relation- fall in between A and D in terms of their impact on
ship between a medical treatment and recovery behavior: if the presence of both variables is equally
from an illness given that 15 people received the rare, then the ordering of the cells in terms of infor-
treatment and recovered (cell A); 5 people received mativeness from the Bayesian perspective is
the treatment and did not recover (cell B); 9 people A ⬎ B ⫽ C ⬎ D. Thus, once again, ‘biases’ in the
did not receive the treatment and recovered (cell C); laboratory might reflect deeply rooted tendencies that
and 3 people did not receive the treatment and did are highly adaptive outside the laboratory.
not recover (cell D). Assessing covariation under- One aspect of the Bayesian approach to covaria-
lies such fundamental behavior as learning (Hilgard tion assessment that Anderson did not exploit, how-
& Bower, 1975), categorization (Smith & Medin, ever, concerns the role of participants’ beliefs that
1981) and judging causation (Cheng, 1997; Cheng the variables are related before being presented with
& Novick, 1990, 1992; Einhorn & Hogarth, 1986), any cell information (McKenzie & Mikkelsen, in
to name just a few. It is hard to imagine a more press). Alloy and Tabachnik (1984) reviewed a
important cognitive activity and, accordingly, much large number of covariation studies (that used both
research has been devoted to this topic since the humans and non-human animals as participants)
groundbreaking studies of Inhelder and Piaget showing that prior beliefs about the relationship to
(1958) and Smedslund (1963) (for reviews, see be assessed had large effects on judgments of
Allan, 1993; Alloy & Tabachnik, 1984; Crocker, covariation. The influence of prior beliefs on
1981; McKenzie, 1994; Nisbett & Ross, 1980; covariation assessment has been traditionally inter-
Shaklee, 1983). The traditional normative models preted as an error because only the four cell fre-
(delta-p or the phi coefficient) consider the four quencies presented in the experiment are considered
cells equally important. However, decades of relevant in the traditional normative models.
research have revealed that participants’ judgments However, taking into account prior beliefs is the
are influenced most by the number of cell A obser- hallmark of Bayesian inference and not taking them
vations and are influenced least by the number of into account would be considered an error. Thus,
cell D observations (Levin, Wasserman, & Kao, the large number of studies reviewed by Alloy and
1993; Lipe, 1990; McKenzie, 1994; Schustack & Tabachnik provide additional evidence that partici-
Sternberg, 1981; Wasserman, Dorner, & Kao, pants make use of information beyond the four cell
1990). These differences in cell impact have tradi- frequencies presented to them in the experiment,
tionally been seen as irrational. For example, Kao and that they do so in a way that makes normative
and Wasserman (1993: 1365) state that ‘It is impor- sense from a Bayesian perspective.
tant to recognize that unequal utilization of cell Note that the Bayesian view of covariation assess-
information implies that nonnormative processes ment – combined with reasonable assumptions
are at work’, and Mandel and Lehman (1998) about which events are rare in the natural environ-
attempted to explain differential cell impact in ment – not only explains why participants behave as
terms of a combination of two reasoning biases. they do, but it also provides a new normative per-
Anderson has noted, however, that (for essentially spective of the task. There is more than one norma-
the same reasons noted earlier) being influenced tively defensible way to approach the task.
more by joint presence makes normative sense from
a Bayesian perspective if it is assumed that the pres- Overconfidence
ence of variables is rare (p ⬍ 0.5) and their absence
is common (p ⬎ 0.5). Rather than approaching the Environmental factors also play a role in interpret-
task as one of statistical summary (the traditional ing findings of overconfidence. Studies of calibra-
view), it is assumed that participants approach it as tion examine whether people report degrees of
one of induction, treating the cell frequencies as a confidence that match their rates of being correct. A
sample from a larger population. Participants are pre- person is well calibrated if, when reporting x% con-
sumably trying to determine the likelihood that there fidence, he or she is correct x% of the time. A com-
is (rather than is not) a relationship between the vari- mon finding is that people are not well calibrated. In
ables based on the sample information. The assump- particular, people tend to be overconfident: they
tion that presence is rare (outside of the laboratory at report confidence that is too high relative to their hit
least) seems reasonable: most things are not red, rate. For example, participants are right about 85% of
most people do not have a fever, and so on the time when reporting 100% confidence (e.g.
(McKenzie & Mikkelsen, 2000, in press; Oaksford & Fischhoff, Slovic, & Lichtenstein, 1977; Lichtenstein,
Chater, 1994, 1996). (Note that this is somewhat dif- Fischhoff, & Phillips, 1982). Probably the most com-
ferent from the rarity assumption, which regards how mon means of assessing calibration is through the use
hypotheses are phrased.) When trying to determine if of general knowledge questions. For example, partic-
two binary variables are dependent vs. independent, ipants might be asked whether ‘Absinthe is (a) a pre-
a rare cell A observation is more informative than a cious stone, or (b) a liqueur’. They then select the

answer they think is most likely correct and report what time the mail will be picked up, you would
their confidence that they have selected the correct probably not appreciate a response of ‘between
answer (on a scale of 50–100% in this example). 6 a.m. and midnight’. Your friend is likely to be
Participants would typically be asked dozens of such accurate, but not very informative. Yaniv and
questions. Foster (1997) found that the average participant’s
Gigerenzer, Hoffrage, and Kleinbölting (1991; reported intervals would have to be 17 times wider
see also Juslin, 1994) argued that at least part of the to contain the true value 95% of the time.
reason for the finding of overconfidence is that gen- Presumably, in a typical situation most people
eral knowledge questions are not selected randomly. would feel silly reporting such wide intervals and,
In particular, they tend to be selected for difficulty. relatedly, the recipients of the intervals would find
For example, participants are more likely to be asked, them utterly useless. Also of interest is that partici-
‘Which is further north, New York or Rome?’ (most pants reported essentially the same interval esti-
participants incorrectly select New York) than mates when asked for 95% confidence intervals and
‘Which is further north, New York or Miami?’ This when asked to report intervals they ‘felt most com-
is a natural way to test the limits of someone’s knowl- fortable with’ (Yaniv & Foster, 1997), suggesting
edge, but it is inappropriate for testing calibration. that instructions have little effect on participants’
Gigerenzer et al. (1991) created a representative usual strategy for generating interval estimates.
sample from their German participants’ natural envi- To illustrate that accuracy is not the only consider-
ronment by randomly sampling a subset of German ation when evaluating (and hence producing) interval
cities with populations greater than 100,000. estimates, imagine that two judges are asked to esti-
Participants were then presented with all the pairs of mate the amount of money spent on education by the
cities, chose the city they thought had more inhabi- U.S. federal government in 1987. Judge A responds
tants, and reported confidence in their choice. The ‘$20 billion to $40 billion’ and Judge B responds
results indicated quite good calibration (see also Juslin, ‘$18 billion to $20 billion’. The true value is $22.5
1994; but see Brenner, Koehler, Liberman, & billion. Which judge is better? Yaniv and Foster
Tversky, 1996; Griffin & Tversky, 1992). (1995) found that 80% of their participants chose
Though the overconfidence phenomenon is prob- Judge B, even though the true value falls outside B’s
ably due to multiple factors, one of them is whether interval and inside A’s. The authors describe, and
the structure of the task is representative of the provide empirical evidence for, a descriptive model
structure of participants’ real-world environment. that trades off accuracy and informativeness. (For a
Furthermore, it has been shown that ‘noise’ in normative Bayesian interpretation of these findings,
reported confidence (e.g. random error in mapping see McKenzie & Amin, 2002.)
internal feelings of uncertainty onto the scale used The upshot is that understanding the interval esti-
in the experiment) can lead to overconfidence mates that people generate requires understanding
(Erev, Wallsten, & Budescu, 1994; Soll, 1996). their usual context and purpose. The reasons under-
Both the ecological account and the ‘noise’ account lying participants’ inability to be well calibrated
can explain the usual finding of overconfidence in when asked to produce (for example) 98% confi-
the laboratory without positing motivational or dence intervals reveal much about what is adaptive
cognitive biases. under typical circumstances. The lesson about cog-
A related area of research has examined subjec- nition does not come from the finding that people
tive confidence intervals. For example, Alpert and have difficulty reporting wide interval estimates,
Raiffa (1982) asked participants to provide 98% but why. To regard such findings as indicating
confidence intervals for a variety of uncertain quan- human cognition as ‘error-prone’ is to miss the
tities, such as ‘the total egg production in millions important point.
in the U.S. in 1965’ (the study was originally
reported in 1969). When reporting such interval Framing effects
estimates, the participants should be 98% confident
that the true value lies within the interval, and they Framing effects, which are said to occur when
would therefore be well calibrated if the true value ‘equivalent’ redescriptions of objects or outcomes
really did fall inside their intervals 98% of the time. lead to different preferences or judgments, are also
However, Alpert and Raiffa (1982) found a hit rate best understood when the usual context is taken into
of only 59%. Corrective procedures for improving account. The best-known examples of framing
calibration increased the hit rate to 77%, but this effects involve choosing between a risky and a risk-
was still far from the goal of 98%. less option that are described in terms of either
Yaniv and Foster (1995, 1997) have argued that, gains or losses (Kahneman & Tversky, 1979, 1984;
when speakers usually report interval estimates, and Tversky & Kahneman, 1981, 1986), but the effects
when listeners ‘consume’ them, informativeness as also occur with simpler tasks that describe a single
well as accuracy is valued. An extremely wide option in terms of an attribute in one of two ways
interval is likely to contain the true value, but it is ( for reviews, see Kühberger, 1998; Levin,
not going to be very useful. When you ask a friend Schneider, & Gaeth, 1998). As an example of the

latter type of framing effect (an ‘attribute framing to an old treatment, the new treatment led to a
effect’: Levin et al., 1998), a medical treatment higher survival rate when it was described in terms
described as resulting in ‘75% survival’ will be seen of percent survival than when it was described in
more favorably than if it is described as resulting terms of percent mortality (McKenzie & Nelson,
in ‘25% mortality’. Because framing effects are 2003; see also Sher & McKenzie, 2003).
robust and violate the basic normative principle of Thus, rather than indicating deep irrationality,
‘description invariance’, they are widely considered to framing effects (or at least attribute framing effects)
provide clear-cut evidence of irrationality. However, appear to be the result of both speakers and listeners
researchers have not been clear about what it exploiting regularities in language in an adaptive
means for two descriptions to be equivalent. Some way. (For more general discussions of the role of
researchers simply appeal to intuition, but more conversational norms in interpreting ‘irrational’
careful demonstrations involve logically equivalent responses, see Hilton, 1995; Schwarz, 1996.) In this
descriptions (as in 75% survival vs. 25% mortality). case, systematic frame selection by speakers pro-
A crucial assumption is that these purportedly equiv- vides the environmental context for listeners, who
alent descriptions are not conveying different, norma- respond accordingly.
tively relevant, information. Clearly, if two frames
conveyed different information that was relevant to
the decision or judgment, then any resulting framing Adaptable behavior
effect would not be a normative error. That is, differ-
ent frames need to satisfy information equivalence if The above studies indicate that many purportedly
it is to be claimed that responding differently to them irrational behaviors are adaptive in the sense that
is irrational (Sher & McKenzie, 2003). they reflect the structure of our environment.
However, recent research has shown that even However, a different question is whether behavior
logically equivalent frames can convey choice- is adaptable; that is, whether it changes in appro-
relevant information (McKenzie & Nelson, 2003; priate ways when it is clear that the current envi-
Sher & McKenzie, 2003). In particular, a speaker’s ronment, or task structure, is atypical or changing in
choice of frame can be informative to the listener. important ways. Perhaps our cognitive system is
Using the above medical example, for instance, it shaped to perform in the usual environmental struc-
was shown that speakers were more likely to select ture, but we are incapable of changing behavior
the ‘75% survival’ frame to describe a new treat- when the environment changes. Recent evidence,
ment outcome if, relative to an old treatment, it led however, indicates that behavior is at least some-
to a higher survival rate than if it led to a lower times adaptable as well as adaptive.
survival rate (McKenzie & Nelson, 2003). That
is, treatment outcomes were more likely to be Hypothesis testing
described in terms of their survival rate if they led
to relatively high survival rates. Generally, speakers Recall that people’s apparent default strategy of
prefer to use the label (e.g. percent survival vs. per- testing hypotheses – positive testing (Klayman &
cent mortality) that has increased, rather than Ha, 1987) – is generally adaptive in part because
decreased, relative to their reference point. To take hypotheses tend to be phrased in terms of rare
a more intuitive example, people are more likely to events (McKenzie et al., 2001). McKenzie and
describe a glass as ‘half empty’ (rather than ‘half Mikkelsen (2000) had participants test hypotheses
full’) if it used to be full than if it used to be empty of the form ‘If X1, then Y1’ and asked them
(McKenzie & Nelson, 2003). When the glass was whether an X1&Y1 observation or an X2&Y2 obser-
full and is now at the halfway mark, its ‘emptiness’ vation – both of which support the hypothesis –
has increased, making it more likely that the glass provided stronger support. For example, some
will be described in terms of how empty it is. Thus, participants were told that everyone has either
information can be ‘leaked’ by the speaker’s choice genotype A or genotype B, and everyone has either
among logically equivalent frames. Furthermore, personality type X or personality type Y. Some then
the medical example illustrates that this leaked tested the hypothesis, ‘If a person has genotype A,
information can be normatively relevant: describing then he or she has personality type X’, and chose
the treatment in terms of percent survival signals which person provided stronger support for the
that the speaker considers the treatment relatively hypothesis: a person with genotype A and personal-
successful, whereas describing it in terms of percent ity type X, or a person with genotype B and person-
mortality signals that the speaker considers the ality type Y. Just as many other studies have shown
treatment relatively unsuccessful. Should a listener (e.g. Evans, 1989; Fischhoff & Beyth-Marom,
not take this information into account? It is hard 1983; Johnson-Laird & Tagart, 1969; Klayman &
to deny the normative relevance of this information. Ha, 1987; McKenzie, 1994), the authors found that
Moreover, research has shown that listeners when testing ‘If X1, then Y1’, participants over-
‘absorb’ this leaked information. For example, whelmingly preferred confirming observations
participants were more likely to infer that, relative named in the hypothesis, or X1&Y1 observations.

However, McKenzie and Mikkelsen (2000) unfamiliar variables were used, participants fell
found this preference for the mentioned observation back on their (adaptive) default strategy of consider-
only when the hypothesis regarded unfamiliar vari- ing cell A more informative than cell D. When it
ables and there was no information regarding the was clear that the default assumption was inappro-
rarity of the observations (as in the above example). priate, participants’ behavior changed in a qualita-
When participants were told that X1 and Y1 were tively Bayesian manner. Indeed, the behavior of all
common relative to X2 and Y2, or when they had the groups in McKenzie and Mikkelsen’s (in press)
prior knowledge of this fact because familiar, con- experiment could be explained by participants’ sen-
crete variables were used, they were more likely to sitivity to rarity: when presented with familiar vari-
correctly select the unmentioned X2&Y2 observa- ables, participants exploited their real-world
tion as more supportive. The combination of famil- knowledge about which observations were rare, and
iar variables and a ‘reminder’ that X1 and Y1 were when presented with unfamiliar variables, they
common led participants to correctly select the exploited their knowledge about how labeling (pres-
X2&Y2 observation more often than the X1&Y1 ence vs. absence) indicates what is (usually) rare.
observation, even though they were testing ‘If X1, All of the above findings regarding adaptability
then Y1’. These results suggest that when presented with respect to rarity are important because they
with abstract, unfamiliar variables to test – the norm show that the claims regarding adaptiveness (dis-
in the laboratory – participants fall back on their cussed in the previous subsection) are not mere post
(adaptive) default assumption that mentioned obser- hoc rationalizations of irrational behavior. That is, it
vations are rare. However, when the context makes is no coincidence that the rarity assumption pro-
it clear that the mentioned observation is common, vides a rational explanation of hypothesis-testing
participants are more likely to choose the more and selection-task findings, and that the assumption
informative unmentioned observation. that presence is rare provides a rational account of
covariation findings. Participants are indeed sensi-
The selection task tive to the rarity of data (see also McKenzie &
Amin, 2002).
In the selection task, in which participants must
select which cards to turn over in order to test Choice behavior
whether an ‘If P, then Q’ rule is true, Oaksford and
Chater (1994, 1996) argued that turning over the P Interestingly, choice-strategy behavior appears
and Q cards is adaptive if one adopts an inductive especially adaptable. In a typical choice task, par-
(Bayesian) approach to the task and it is assumed ticipants are presented with various alternatives
that P and Q are rare. An interesting question, (e.g. apartments) that vary along several dimen-
though, is to what extent participants are sensitive sions, or attributes (e.g. rent, distance to
to changes in how common P and Q are. Studies work/school, size). A robust finding is that partici-
have revealed that participants’ card selections do pants’ strategies for choosing are affected by task
change in qualitatively appropriate ways when the properties. For example, participants are more
rarity assumption is violated. For example, when it likely to trade off factors (e.g. rent vs. size) when
is clear that Q is common rather than rare, partici- there are two or three alternatives rather than four or
pants are more likely to select the not-Q card, as the more ( for reviews, see Payne, 1982; Payne,
Bayesian account predicts (Oaksford, Chater, & Bettman, & Johnson, 1993). Participants are also
Grainger, 1999; Oaksford, Chater, Grainger, & more likely to process the information by attribute
Larkin, 1997; but see Evans & Over, 1996; (e.g. compare apartments in terms of rent) rather
Oberauer, Wilhelm, & Diaz, 1999). than by alternative (evaluate each apartment sepa-
rately in terms of its attributes). These findings are
Covariation assessment perplexing from the traditional normative perspec-
tive because factors such as the number of alterna-
Recall also that it was argued that being influenced tives should have no effect on behavior. The
most by cell A (joint presence observations) when typically presumed normative rule remains the
assessing covariation is rational from a Bayesian per- same regardless of the task structure: evaluate each
spective if it is assumed that the presence of vari- alternative on each attribute, assign each alternative
ables is rare. This account predicts that, if it is clear an overall score, and choose the one with the
that the absence of the variables to be assessed is highest score.
rare, participants will be more likely to find cell D Payne, Bettman, and Johnson (1993) have provided
(joint absence) more informative than cell A. That is an illuminating analysis of why such seemingly
exactly what McKenzie and Mikkelsen (in press) irrational changes in strategy occur: the changes
found. Furthermore, much like the hypothesis-testing represent an intelligent trade-off between effort and
results of McKenzie and Mikkelsen (2000), these accuracy (see also Beach & Mitchell, 1978). Using
effects were only found when variables were used computer simulation, the authors examined the
that participants were familiar with. When abstract, accuracy of several heuristic (non-normative) choice

strategies in a wide variety of task environments. conditions – can help explain why people behave
One finding was that, at least in some environments, as they do.
heuristics can be about as accurate as the normative
strategy with substantial savings in effort (see also
Thorngate, 1980, on efficient decision strategies, WHERE THE FIELD MIGHT BE HEADED
and McKenzie, 1994, on efficient inference strate-
gies). For example, one task environment allowed
one heuristic to achieve an accuracy score of 90% Given that (a) the 1960s view was that people do
while requiring only 40% of the effort of the quite well in inference tasks, (b) the subsequent
normative strategy. A second finding was that no heuristics-and-biases message was that people make
single heuristic performed well in all decision envi- systematic and sometimes large errors, and (c) the
ronments. The interesting implication is that, if more recent message is that people do well in infer-
people strive to reach reasonably accurate decisions ence tasks, it is tempting to reach the conclusion that
with simple strategies, then they should switch the pendulum is simply swinging back and forth in
strategies in predictable ways depending on task the field of judgment and decision making, with no
structure. Such changes in strategy were just what real progress being made (cf. Davis, 1971). The pen-
were found in subsequent empirical work that dulum is moving forward, however, not just back
allowed participants to search for information and forth. First, the emphasis in the heuristics-and-
however they wished in a variety of decision envi- biases program on studying the cognitive processes
ronments (Payne, Bettman, & Johnson, 1988, 1990, underlying judgment and decision making behavior
1993). Clearly, knowledge about the decision envi- represents important progress. Second, comparing
ronment is crucial for understanding (not just pre- the two optimistic views, the 1960s perspective and
dicting) choice-strategy behavior. the research post-1990 described earlier, there are
clear and important differences. The latter stresses
the importance of environment in determining what
Summary of post-1990 research is normative and why people behave as they do.
Content and context matter, both normatively and
When studied independently of the environment, descriptively. The realization (by psychologists) that
behavior can appear maladaptive and irrational. a given task might have multiple reasonable norma-
Often, though, seemingly irrational behavior makes tive responses opens the door to better understand-
normative sense when the usual environmental con- ing of behavior (Birnbaum, 1983; Einhorn &
text is taken into account. Not only is seemingly Hogarth, 1981; Gigerenzer, 1991a; Hogarth, 1981;
foolish behavior sometimes revealed to be adaptive, McKenzie & Mikkelsen, in press; Oaksford &
it is often found to be adaptable, changing in quali- Chater, 1994). The focus shifts from whether or not
tatively appropriate ways when it is clear that the responses are ‘correct’ to what is the best explana-
usual assumptions about the environment are being tion of the behavior. Questions emerge such as,
violated. The findings regarding adaptable behavior ‘Under what conditions would such behavior make
are important because they show that claims about sense?’ and ‘What are the conditions under which
adaptiveness are not mere post hoc rationalizations people normally operate?’ The answers can be inter-
of irrational behavior. esting and highly informative – especially when the
The claim is not that the above research shows answers to the two questions are the same.
that cognition is optimal, only that ‘errors’ are often Assuming, then, that progress is being made,
normatively defensible. For example, though I what lies ahead for the field of judgment and deci-
believe that covariation assessment behavior is best sion making? First, a safe bet: emphasizing the role
understood from a Bayesian perspective, I do not of environment in understanding laboratory behav-
believe that people are optimal Bayesians (McKenzie ior will become even more commonplace. Now for
& Mikkelsen, in press; see also McKenzie, 1994; a long shot: the current conception of what it means
McKenzie & Amin, 2002). Instead, I claim that to be rational will change.
people are sensitive to two factors when assessing Let me explain. It should first be kept in mind that
covariation, which probably goes a long way behaving rationally – that is, following normative
toward behaving in a Bayes-like fashion: people rules – and being accurate in the real world are not
take into account their prior beliefs about whether the same thing (e.g. Funder, 1987; Gigerenzer &
the variables are related, and they take into account Goldstein, 1996; Gigerenzer, Todd, & the ABC
the rarity of the different observations. There is Research Group, 1999; Hammond, 1996). The
clear evidence of both phenomena, and both are jus- heuristics-and-biases literature has amassed a large
tified from a Bayesian perspective, which in turn collection of purported errors in human thinking
has formidable normative status. In a nutshell: taking (e.g. Gilovich et al., 2002; Kahneman et al., 1982).
into account the environmental conditions under It has been argued here that some, perhaps most, of
which people typically operate – together with nor- these purported errors have explanations that indi-
mative principles that make sense given these cate strengths, not weaknesses, of human cognition.

Nonetheless, at the very least, the possibility that So what is a researcher to do if he or she wants to
people do routinely violate some basic normative rules know whether, to use Russell’s (1957) words, a
has not been ruled out. Note that the heuristics-and- person’s degree of certainty is warranted by the
biases approach is largely concerned with studying the evidence? With perhaps the exception of ball-and-
processes underlying cognition in the laboratory. In urn-type problems, there simply are no simple
particular, it examines whether people follow norma- answers. Given that there is often uncertainty about
tive rules. An important, often tacit, assumption is that what constitutes the normative response to a given
failing to follow these rules will lead to decreased real- situation, and that following normative rules might
world performance. However, somewhat paradoxi- not even lead us to where we want to go, I can only
cally, research examining real-world performance has offer the following: treat normative models as
concluded that people are surprisingly accurate (e.g. theories of behavior, not as standards of behavior.
Ambady, Bernieri, & Richeson, 2000; Brehmer & This is the best bet for researchers in judgment and
Joyce, 1988; Funder, 1987; Wright & Drinkwater, decision making – and for the field itself.
1997), even though these judgments are often based I’m certain of it.
on very little information and the judges have little or
no insight into how they made them (Ambady et al.,
2000; see also Hogarth, 2001).
Could it be that following normative rules is not ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
the key to real-world accuracy? Of interest is that
research on artificial intelligence (AI), which The preparation of this chapter was supported by
implements rules in the form of computer programs National Science Foundation Grant SES-0079615.
in an attempt to perform real-world tasks, has been For their critical comments, the author thanks
plagued by failure (Dreyfus, 1992). Despite early Gerd Gigerenzer, Robin Hogarth, Gideon Keren,
claims that machines would be able to rival – even Luis Pinto, Shlomi Sher and Jack Soll (probably
exceed – human performance, this has not turned none of whom agrees with everything in the
out to be the case, except in highly constrained, chapter).
well-defined environments, such as playing chess
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computing power is required to outperform
experts). Interestingly, the benchmark in AI is REFERENCES
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