The Beauty of Philippine History

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“The Beauty of Philippine History”

Each article made a huge impact on me as I learn more about the history of my
own country. The Philippines is rich in culture, values, and beliefs but aside from that,
the real gem in our country is hidden in our beautiful history. As a Filipino, there are a lot
of things I am proud of. There are also different ways to impart to our younger
generations the importance and beauty of our culture and history. Aside from that, there
are also ways in how we, as Filipino citizens, can make a huge impact in promoting and
preserving our culture and history.

Out of all the articles given, the Duties of the Katipunan of the Sons of the People
is the one that makes me so proud of being a Filipino. This article shows how full of
values Filipinos are especially during the period where we are under colonization and
when freedom was taken from us. This article shows how Filipinos are brave and
passionate when it comes to fighting for the sake of our country. This is specifically what
makes me proud of being a Filipino—the love and loyalty we have for our country.

With this, one of the best ways we can convey the beauty of our culture and
history to the younger generations is to keep it alive. We can do this by simply sharing it
with them. It can be through school, art exhibits, museums, or even social media. We
should participate in these traditions to keep them alive and going. In addition, having a
history as part of the school curriculum is also one of the best ways to do it as it
encourages the students to learn more about our own history.

As a citizen of the Philippines, it is important for me to create contributions in

promoting and preserving our culture and history. I can do this by studying and
understanding our history. I can join different events where they promote our own history
or even create a simple event on my own that I can use to encourage others. I believe
that we should keep our traditions going, passing them through the generations. Social
media is the easiest and the most efficient way to promote our culture and history as the
majority of our citizens have the most access to it. To be specific with this, I can create a
simple Facebook page where I can talk about our history and where I can promote and
share my knowledge along with other Filipinos.

In the end, I really believe that studying our own history is one of the most
important things to do as a citizen of our country. By simply studying, we can learn more
about it and we can form a much deeper bond with our country. Each article given to us
conveys a message that helped me appreciate the Philippines more. It showcased how
unique and beautiful our culture and history are. It shows how Filipinos are intellectual,
passionate, brave, and have a sense of morality fighting for our own country. As Filipino,
we should keep our tradition and culture going because each one of us deserves to have
knowledge about our own history. Philippines’ culture and history are so beautiful and
everyone needs to understand and appreciate it more which can be possible through the
help of each one of us.

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