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Research Article Vol. 28, No.

23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33830

Inversion of the axial projection of the spin

angular momentum in the region of the
backward energy flow in sharp focus
1 IPSI RAS – Branch of the FSRC “Crystallography and photonics” RAS, Samara, Russia
2 Samara National Research University, Samara, Russia

Abstract: We show theoretically and numerically that when strongly focusing a circularly
polarized optical vortex, the longitudinal component of its spin angular momentum undergoes
inversion. A left-handed circularly polarized input beam is found to convert in the focus and near
the optical axis to a right-handed circularly polarized beam. Thanks to this effect taking place
near the strong focus, where a reverse energy flow is known to occur, the spin angular momentum
inversion discovered can be utilized to detect a reverse energy flow.

© 2020 Optical Society of America under the terms of the OSA Open Access Publishing Agreement

1. Introduction
There have been a number of publications [1–6] reporting on the observation of orbital angular
momentum in a strong focus of a conventional circularly polarized Gaussian beam, which is then
transferred to a microparticle placed in the focal spot. This phenomenon is associated with the
conversion of spin angular momentum (SAM) into the orbital angular momentum (OAM) and
referred to as spin-to-orbital conversion. Being devoid of OAM, the original beam only carries
the on-axis projection of the SAM vector. In the meantime, in the strong focus, a transverse
energy flow is observed leading to a non-zero longitudinal projection of the OAM. Although
spin-to-orbital conversion was studied [1–6], no analytical description of SAM and OAM within
Richards-Wolf formalism [7] has been proposed so far. The Richards-Wolf theory (RWT) [7],
which offers the description of an electromagnetic field near a strong focus, has been extended
onto a near-focus planar interface [8]. The RWT has also been extended onto the description
of strongly focused cylindrical vector beams [9]. Longitudinal components of SAM and OAM
in the strong focus of a circularly polarized light field with topological charge have also been
calculated based on the RWT [10]. In Ref. [11], near-focus spin-orbital interaction amplification
in a layered medium with two interfaces was studied using the RWT. The Hall spin effect in
the strong focus of a Gaussian beam traveling in a stratified medium similar to that in Ref.
[11] has also been discussed [12]. However, these publications [8–12] offered no RWT-aided
analytical relationships to describe all components of the OAM and SAM, using which it would
be possible to identify the presence of a reverse energy flow in the tight focus. The Poynting
vector (energy flow) has been represented as a sum of the orbital energy flow and spin flow
[13–17]. Although the spin flow carries no energy, it can be measured [4,18]. The most efficient
approach to analyzing light fields near the strong focus is through the use of the RWT [7] as it
enables all components of such fields to be described in a closed form (i.e., doing without the
series) for an arbitrary optical field at the input of an aplanatic optical system. We note that the
larger is the focal length when compared with the incident wavelength, the more accurate are the
RWT-aided results. The use of the RWT has made it possible to deduce a variety of physical
parameters of the field in the strong focus [8–12], including the energy flow density and spin
flow density, orbital angular momentum, and spin angular momentum. There are also other,

Journal © 2020 Received 25 Jun 2020; revised 23 Sep 2020; accepted 18 Oct 2020; published 26 Oct 2020
Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33831

both approximate [19] and rigorous [20–22] methods to describe the electromagnetic field in
the vicinity of the strong focus. Although these methods are accurate, they offer solutions for
the electric and magnetic field components either in the form of infinite series [20] or a finite
number of cumbersome terms containing special functions [21,22]. Theoretical analysis of the
exact solutions of Maxwell’s equations in the focus is a challenging problem. In addition, while
there is a limited number of known exact solutions of Maxwell’s equations, the RWT makes it
possible to derive relatively simple closed expressions to describe the near-focus field for a wide
variety of incident light fields, including Gaussian and Bessel-Gaussian beams, light fields with
integer topological charge, as well as homogeneously (linearly, circularly, and elliptically) and
inhomogeneously (azimuthally and radially) polarized optical fields. The said considerations
have prompted us to utilize the RWT in this work. A circularly polarized plane wave, which has
only the on-axis projection of SAM, is able to set in motion an absorbing spherical microparticle
[23] and generate a magnetic field in non-magnetic dispersive media (magnetization effect)
[24]. Optical low-loss levitation of spherical quartz microparticles in high vacuum has been
demonstrated [25]. Movement of dielectric microparticles on a circular path in tightly focused
laser beams has also been studied [11,26]. An absorbing asymmetric microparticle placed in a
side-lobe of the diffraction pattern has been demonstrated to rotate about its center of mass [12].
Thanks to the presence of SAM, the light field is able to rotate arbitrary absorbing and birefrigent
microparticles, including spherical ones [23]. Rotation of a weakly absorbing spherical particle
around its axis in the focus of a circularly polarized Gaussian beam has been theoretically shown
[27]. The decomposition of the Poynting vector into the orbital and spin components makes it
possible to offer an interpretation of the effect of a reverse energy flow in the tight focus of a laser
beam [28,29]. For example, in Ref. [30], the reverse energy flow (the negative on-axis projection
of the Poynting vector) was exclusively associated with a phase (vortex) singularity of the light
field. However, this is not quite the case as the reverse energy flow has also been shown to occur
in the focus of a non-vortex light beam [29]. The reverse energy flow, which has been known in
optics since 1919 [31,7], is a fairly universal optical phenomenon that can occur not only in a
tight focus but also in some laser beams, such as vector X-waves [32], nonparaxial Airy beams
[33], and fractional vortex Bessel beams [34]. The reverse energy flow occurs in optical field
regions where the on-axis projection of the spin flow is negative and larger in magnitude than the
always positive on-axis projection of the orbital energy flow. In Ref. [35], the rigorous solution
of a non-paraxial Helmholtz equation in spherical coordinates was derived in the waist plane,
where the non-paraxial focus was assumed to be located. Topics analyzed included intensity
patterns of higher-order modes with vortex phase in the focal region and spin-orbital conversion
in multi-mode fibers. However, the behavior of the Poynting vector and SAM in the strong focus
was beyond the scope of Ref. [35].
In this work, we discuss another interesting optical phenomenon that has been overlooked so
far. This is the inversion of the longitudinal component of the SAM vector in the tight focus that
occurs in the presence of the on-axis reverse energy flow. Earlier, the on-axis reverse energy flow
was shown to occur in the tight focus of a left-handed circularly polarized optical vortex with
topological charge 2 [28,29]. Below, we deduce projections of the SAM vector in the focus with
a reverse energy flow, demonstrating that the longitudinal component of SAM is positive, which
means that while the incident light has the left-handed circular polarization, the light in the focus
is right-handed circularly polarized.

2. Spin angular momentum in the focus of a circularly polarized Gaussian beam

For comparison, let us discuss focusing a conventional circularly polarized Gaussian beam. Using
the Richards-Wolf formalism [7], it is possible to derive relationships to describe projections of
the electric vector in the tight focus of an aplanatic system. For instance, for an incident circularly
Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33832

polarized light field

A(θ) © 1 ª A(θ) © −iσ ª
E= √ ­ ®, H = √ ­ ®, (1)
2 iσ 2 1
« ¬ « ¬
where σ=1 for right-handed circular polarization, σ=−1 for left-handed circular polarization, E
and N are the electric and magnetic field vectors, then, in the focal plane the projections of the
E-vector will take the form [6], for right-handed circular polarization:
ExR = √ (I0,0 + e2iϕ I2,2 ),
1 (2)
EyR = √ (I0,0 − e2iϕ I2,2 ),

EzR = − 2eiϕ I1,1
and for left-handed circular polarization:
ExL = √ (I0,0 + e−2iϕ I2,2 ),
1 (3)
EyL = √ (−I0,0 + e−2iϕ I2,2 ),

EzL = − 2e−iϕ I1,1 ,
πf θ θ

Iν,µ = sinν+1 ( )cos3−ν ( )cos1/2 (θ)A(θ)eikz cos z Jµ (x)dθ, (4)
λ 2 2
where λ is the incident wavelength, f is the focal length of an aplanatic system, x = krsinθ, Jµ (x)
is a Bessel function of the first kind, an NA = sinθ0 is the numerical aperture. The (real) initial
amplitude function A(θ) may be given by a constant (plane wave) or a Gaussian beam
 2 2 
−γ sin θ
A(θ) = exp . (5)
sin2 θ 0
Let us derive projections of the SAM vector:
Im[E∗ ×E], (6)
where Im is the imaginary part of the number, E* denotes the complex conjugation of the E-vector.
Substituting (2) into (6) and considering that the integrals in (4) are real functions, we obtain in
the focal plane (z=0), for the right-handed circular polarization:
SxR = −(I0,0 + I2,2 )I1,1 sin ϕ,
SyR = (I0,0 + I2,2 )I1,1 cos ϕ, (7)
1 2 2
SzR = (I0,0 − I2,2 ),
and for the left-handed circular polarization:
SxL = −(I0,0 + I2,2 )I2,2 sin ϕ,
SyL = (I0,0 + I2,2 )I1,1 cos ϕ, (8)
1 2 2
SzL = − (I0,0 − I2,2 ).
The comparison of (7) and (8) suggests that changing the circular polarization helicity causes
no changes in both the helicity and magnitude of the transverse SAM component in the focus.
Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33833

Meanwhile, the longitudinal SAM component only changes sign. What is of interest for us in
this situation is that when focusing a left-handed circular polarized light wave, the wave helicity
in the focus does not change. For left-handed circular polarization, the polarization vector rotates
clockwise, meaning that the longitudinal SAM projection is negative, Eq. (8). Meanwhile, for
right-handed circular polarization, the polarization vector rotates anticlockwise, meaning that the
longitudinal SAM component is positive, Eq. (7). It should be noted that the input left-handed
circular polarization, remains left-handed circular polarization near the focus, while the input
right-handed circular polarization likewise remains right-handed in the focal plane. From (7) and
(8), it follows that on the optical axis (r=0), the longitudinal SAM projections are maximal in
the absolute value. Thus, if a low-absorbing spherical microparticle is placed in the focus on
the optical axis, it will be set in motion due to SAM around the optical axis and its center of
mass [27]. Left-handed incident polarization of Eq. (8) will rotate it clockwise and right-handed
circular polarization of Eq. (7) – anticlockwise.
Below, we shall demonstrate that when focusing a circularly polarized optical vortex, the
longitudinal SAM component in the focus changes it sign relative to the sign of the SAM of the
incident beam.

3. SAM in the focus of a circularly polarized optical vortex with topological

charge 2
Previously, it has been demonstrated [28,29] that the absolute value of the on-axis intensity
maximum of the reverse energy flow in the strong focus of a left-handed circularly polarized light
can only be attained when focusing an optical vortex with the topological charge m=2. At m>2,
the reverse energy flow shapes an optical pipe. At m=0 and m=1, no reverse energy flow occurs
in the focus. Because of this, in this section, we analyze focusing an optical vortex with m=2.
If instead of Eq. (1), the incident field at the aplanatic system input is given by

A(θ)eimϕ © 1 ª A(θ)eimϕ © −iσ ª

E= √ ®, H= √ ®, (9)
2 2
­ ­
« iσ ¬ « 1 ¬
where m is the integer topological charge of the vortex, the use of the RWT makes it possible
to derive projections of the electric vector in the tight focus plane, for right-handed circular
polarization and m=2:
ExR = √ (e4iϕ I2,4 + e2iϕ I0,2 ),
1 4iϕ (10)
EyR = √ (e I2,4 − e2iϕ I0,2 ),

EzR = 2e3iϕ I1,3 ,
and left-handed circular polarization
ExL = √ (I2,0 + e2iϕ I0,2 ),
1 (11)
EyL = √ (−I2,0 + e2iϕ I0,2 ),
√ iϕ
EzL = − 2e I1,1 .

The topological charge is taken to be m=2 because only at this value a reverse energy flow will
occur near the focus on the optical axis for a left-handed circularly polarized optical vortex [28].
Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33834

Actually, projections of the Poynting vector (energy flow) P = 12 Re[E∗ ×H] take the following
form in the focus of an optical vortex (m=2), for right-handed circular polarization

PxR = −I1,3 (I0,2 + I2,4 ) sin ϕ,

PyR = I1,3 (I0,2 + I2,4 ) cos ϕ, (12)
1 2 2
PzR = (I0,2 − I2,4 ),
and for left-handed polarization (m=2):

PxL = −I1,1 (I0,2 + I2,0 ) sin ϕ,

PyL = I1,1 (I0,2 + I2,0 ) cos ϕ, (13)
1 2 2
PzL = (I0,2 − I2,0 ).
From (12), it follows that the transverse energy flow in the focus of a right-handed circularly
polarized optical vortex rotates anticlockwise, while the longitudinal on-axis projection of the
Poynting vector equals zero and is positive near the axis. From (13), it follows that the transverse
energy flow from a left-handed circular polarized optical vortex also rotates anticlockwise (as is
the case for the right-handed circularly polarized vortex), while the on-axis longitudinal projection
of the Poynting vector is maximum in the absolute value and negative (PzL (z = r = 0) = −I2,0 2 /2).

A dielectric (absorbing or non-absorbing) particle placed in the focal spot will rotate on a circle
in anticlockwise direction. What is remarkable is that the rotation direction does not change
when the helicity of the incident beam is changed [36].
Next, when focusing optical vortices with topological charge m=2, the SAM projections can
be written down as, for right-handed circular polarization:

SxR = −I1,3 (I0,2 + I2,4 ) sin ϕ,

SyR = I1,3 (I0,2 + I2,4 ) cos ϕ, (14)
1 2 2
SzR = (I0,2 − I2,4 ),
and, for left-handed circular polarization:

SxL = I1,1 (I2,0 + I0,2 ) sin ϕ,

SyL = −I1,1 (I2,0 + I0,2 ) cos ϕ, (15)
1 2 2
SzL = (I2,0 − I0,2 ).
From (14), it follows that for the right-handed circular polarization, the transverse component of
the SAM vector rotates about optical axis anticlockwise, while the longitudinal on-axis projection
of SAM in the focus is zero, being positive near the optical axis. From (15), it follows that for the
left-handed circular polarization the transverse component of SAM rotates clockwise, while the
longitudinal on-axis projection is positive in the focus: (SzL (z = r = 0) = I2,02 /2).

Hence, we can infer that there is an optical effect of the longitudinal SAM component inversion,
which has gone unnoticed so far. The essence of the effect is that while the incident left-handed
circularly polarized light field of Eq. (9) has the negative on-axis SAM projection, in the near-axis
focal region it is inverted, becoming positive. In other words, while the polarization vector of the
incident left-handed circularly polarized field rotates clockwise, it starts rotating anticlockwise in
the focus, which is characteristic of right-handed circular polarization. Occurring in parallel
with a reverse energy flow, the SAM inversion effect can be utilized as a means of detecting the
Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33835

former. Actually, from a comparison of the longitudinal projections of the Poynting vector (13)
and the SAM vector (15), they are seen to be equal in magnitude but opposite in sign:
1 2 2
PzL = −SzL = − (I2,0 − I0,2 ). (16)
Summing up, it is exactly in the near-axis focal region where a reverse energy flow occurs SAM
inversion also takes place. So, under the impact of this SAM, an absorbing spherical microparticle
placed in the focus centered on the optical axis may be expected to start rotating about the optical
axis anticlockwise, although the incident wave has clockwise circular polarization.
We note that the expressions for the Poynting vector and SAM derived in Sections 2 and 3
are valid for any numerical aperture (any NA = sinθ0 of Eq. (4)) and any real radially symmetric
amplitude of the input field (any function A(θ) > 0 of Eq. (4)).
Let us also remind that the Poynting vector is a sum of the orbital energy flow Por and of the
spin flow Psp [14]:
Re ∗
P= (E × H) = Por + Psp , (17)
Im ∗ 1
Por = (E · (∇E)), Psp = (∇ × Im(E∗ × E)). (18)
2k 4k
Using the notion of the two flows in Eq. (18), the generation of a reverse energy flow can be
explained as follows. Since the orbital (canonical) energy flow is always positive (Por,z >0), the
reverse energy flow in Eq. (17) (Pz <0) will be generated if the spin flow is negative (Psp,z <0)
and larger in the absolute value than the orbital flow (|Psp,z |>Por,z ). From Eq. (18), the spin flow
is the curl of the SAM vector. Hence, the direction of Psp,z can be identified using a right-hand
rule. From Eq. (15), the transverse vector SAM is seen to rotate clockwise in the focal plane (at
ϕ=0, SyL <0), which means that the on-axis spin flow is negative (Psp,z <0). However, Eqs. (15)
and (18) do not answer the question: which on-axis value will be larger, the spin flow |Psp,z | or
the orbital flow Por,z . In the meantime, what unambiguously follows from Eq. (14) is that the
on-axis spin flow in the focus will be positive for right-handed circular polarization of incident
light (Psp,z >0). Hence, we infer that when focusing right-handed circularly polarized light, no
on-axis reverse energy flow will occur.

4. Numerical simulation
To verify the theoretical predictions, a rigorous numerical modeling was conducted. Maxwell’s
equations were numerically solved using a FDTD-aided method in the software RSoft FullWAVE
for an incident wavelength of λ=0.633 µm and an incident wave aperture of D=8 µm. The incident
field was modeled as a right- and left-handed circularly polarized plane wave with unit-amplitude
and phase singularity, which was multiplied by a spherical wave converging at a distance of
f =1.31 µm (numerical aperture is NA=0.95). The E-vector projections were, for a left-handed
circular wave:
Ex = exp(i(kf − mϕ − ωt)),
 π (17a)
Ey = exp(i kf − mϕ − ωt − )
and, for a right-handed circular wave:

Ex = exp(i(kf − mϕ − ωt)),
 π (18a)
Ey = exp(i kf − mϕ − ωt + )
Here, m=2 denotes the topological charge of the optical vortex, k=2π/λ, and ω is the cyclic
frequency. The unit vectors formed a right-hand triplet.
Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33836

Figure 1 depicts distributions of the longitudinal SAM projections in the focus and their radial
cross-sections for an initial optical vortex with right-handed (a, c) and left-handed (b, d) circular
polarizations. Figure 1 suggests that with an incident left-handed circular polarized wave with
phase singularity m=2, there occurs a central region of about 0.3-µm in diameter where the
SAM vector is positive, which implies that in this micro-region there is a right-handed circularly
polarized field. Because of this, a spherical microparticle with a small imaginary component
of the refractive index (with absorption) put in this region will rotate anticlockwise about the
optical axis and its center, notwithstanding the left-handed circularly polarized incident field.
From Figs. 1(b) and 1(d), the longitudinal SAM component is seen to be negative at r>0.3 µm,
meaning that the polarization vector rotates clockwise, as is the case with a left-handed circularly
polarized wave. If placed in the region where r>0.3 µm, the same microparticle will rotate

Fig. 1. On-axis projections of SAM Sz in the focal plane for an incident field with (a) right-
handed and (b) left-handed circular polarization and phase singularity of order m=2, (c,d)
their respective profiles along the x axis and profiles of the Z-axis projections of the Poynting
vector P for right-handed (e) and left-handed (f) circular polarizations. Superimposed on the
plot in Fig. 1(d) is the beam intensity pattern |E| 2 (dashed line).
Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33837

Shown in Figs. 1(e) and 1(f) are radial profiles of the on-axis projection Pz of the Poynting
vector when focusing a right-handed (Fig. 1(e)) and left-handed (Fig. 1(f)) circularly polarized
vortex (m=2). An on-axis reverse energy flow can be seen to occur only for the left-handed
circularly polarized incident beam (Fig. 1(f)). In Fig. 1(f), the reverse energy flow is seen to
occur in a region of about 300 nm, with the region of SAM inversion (Sz >0) being near-same
in size (Fig. 1(d)). We note that earlier [37] the reverse energy flow region was experimentally
measured with a microlens with NA=0.95 for an incident wavelength of 532 nm, which was
found to be about 300 nm.
Figures 1(a) and 1(b) depicts results of the numerical computation of Sz using the rigorous
FDTD-based solution of Maxwell’s equations, whereas for comparison purposes, the same
patterns derived using Richards-Wolf formulae (7) and (8) are also shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b).
The patterns in Figs. 1(a), 1(b), 2(a), and 2(b) are seen to be in agreement.

Fig. 2. On-axis projections of SAM Sz in the focal plane for an incident field with (a)
right-handed and (b) left-handed circular polarization and phase singularity of order m=2
calculated by Richards-Wolf formulas, and (c,d) their respective profiles along the x axis.

To validate the above hypothesis, we calculated a torque exerted upon a 250-nm bead whose
center was in the focal plane. First, the diffraction of a light wave with initial amplitude (18)
by a dielectric bead and all projections of the electromagnetic field near the nano-bead were
calculated. The light field was calculated using an FDTD method. The torque was calculated
using a Maxwell’s stress tensor:

M= [r × (σ · n)]dΩ, (19)

Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33838

where n is normal to the surface Ω, which embraces the bead, r is the radius-vector drawn to
the surface Ω from the bead center, relative to which the torque was calculated, and σ is the
Maxwell’s stress tensor, whose components in the SGS system take the form:

1 |E| 2 + |H| 2
σik = δik − Ei Ek − Hi Hk , (20)
4π 2

where Ei , Hi are the E- and H-field components and δik is the Kronecker symbol.
The incident beam was assumed to have a 100-mW power, the FDTD-aided computation was
conducted on a λ/80 mesh in the particle location region (within the boundaries −1.5 µm < x<1.5
µm; −0.65 µm < y<0.65 µm, 0.3 µm < z<2 µm), being taken as λ/30 elsewhere. The torque
exerted on a nano-bead with the refractive index n=1.5 + 0.01i and centered in the focal plane
was found to be Mz = 3, 23 · 10−21 Nm. For a particle with higher absorption, n=1.5 + 0.3i, the
torque was found to be larger: Mz = 7, 9 · 10−20 Nm. Shown in Fig. 3 is a plot for the longitudinal
torque projection Mz versus the bead center shift in the focal plane along the x axis in the range
from 0 to 1 µm with a 50-nm step.

Fig. 3. Torque Mz versus the nano-bead shift in the focal plane along the x axis.

From Fig. 3, the near-axis torque Mz is seen to be positive, making the nano-bead rotate
anticlockwise. This ‘anomalous’ rotation takes place in the region of a reverse energy flow. If
the nano-bead center is shifted in the focal plane off the optical axis, the angular momentum
changes sign at x=0.19 µm, becoming negative. In the region where the longitudinal projection
of the torque is negative, the bead rotates in a normal manner – clockwise, i.e. similar to the
rotation of the polarization of a left-handed circularly polarized beam.

5. Conclusion
Using the Richards-Wolf theory, we have derived analytical relationships to describe projections
of the spin angular momentum (SAM) and Poynting vector in the tight focus of an incident left
(right)-handed circularly polarized Gaussian beam as well as for a left (right)-handed circularly
polarized optical vortex with topological charge 2. The on-axis longitudinal projection of SAM
in the focus for an incident Gaussian beam has been shown to be negative for left-handed
circular polarization and positive for the right-handed circular polarization. And vice versa,
when focusing an optical vortex (m=2), the on-axis longitudinal projection of SAM in the focus
has been shown to be positive for left-handed circular polarization and positive for right-handed
Research Article Vol. 28, No. 23 / 9 November 2020 / Optics Express 33839

circular polarization. Such an ‘anomalous’ behavior of the longitudinal SAM component is

due to the fact that when focusing a left-handed circularly polarized optical vortex (m=2) there
occurs a reverse on-axis energy flow in the focus (negative projection of the Poynting vector).
In a similar way, it can be demonstrated that when focusing a right-handed circularly polarized
optical vortex with m=−2, the longitudinal SAM component will be inverted in the focal plane
near the optical axis. However, focusing a left-handed circularly polarized beam does not result
in SAM inversion because no reverse energy flow occurs in the focus.
Using a rigorous FDTD-aided numerical computation of a near-focus field, the longitudinal
SAM component has been shown to behave in the focus in agreement with the theoretical
predictions. In addition, via rigorous computation, i.e. doing without the dipole approximation
and using instead a Maxwell’s stress tensor, we have calculated a torque exerted upon a nano-bead
with a complex refractive index and its center found in the focal plane center. The nano-bead
has been shown to be under the action of a torque with a positive on-axis projection, rotating
anticlockwise although the polarization vector of the incident left-handed circular polarized field
rotates clockwise. The ‘anomalous’ behavior discovered of the SAM vector in the focus with a
reverse energy flow is a physical proof of the reverse energy flow in the focus and can be used as
a means for its detection.

Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (007-GZ/Ch3363/26);
Russian Science Foundation (18-19-00595).

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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