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College of Social Sciences and Humanities

School of Foreign Language and Journalism

Journalism and Mass Communication Program

Final Exam for the Course Communication Theory

Time Allowed 1:30 hrs

Maximum Weight: 50%


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General Instructions

 Make sure that this paper consists of 8 pages, including the cover page
 Uses of unfair means are strictly forbidden
 Read the instructions carefully and answer all questions accordingly

Good luck

Part One: Write “True” if the statement is correct and “False” if incorrect. (1 pts each)

1. Symbolic interaction theory works for describing the behaviors of groups.

2. As nonverbal affiliative expressiveness increases, uncertainty levels will decrease in an

initial interaction situation.
3. Relational dialectics theory asserts that relational life is always in process.
4. Deception is a message unintentionally transmitted by the sender to foster a false belief.
5. CMM definition rules are essentially rules of action, which determine how individuals
Part two: Matching
Instruction: match the following peripheral cues written in the left column with
appropriate expressions on the right. (1pt. each)

1. Reciprocation. A. “Love me, love my ideas.”
2. Authority. B. “Everybody’s doing it.”
3. Liking. C. “You owe me.”
4. Scarcity. D. We’ve always done it that
5. Social proof. E. “Quick, before they’re all
F. “Just because I say so.”

Part Three: Chose the best answer from the given alternatives. (1 pt. each)

1. All are core concepts of expectancy violation theory, except?

A. Expectancy.
B. Prediction.
C. Violation valence.
D. Communication rewards valence.
2. Interaction between foreigners and job interviews are examples of which communication
A. Expectancy violation theory.
B. Social penetration theory.
C. Interpersonal deception theory.
D. Uncertainty reduction theory.
3. Among all, one is not included under message characteristics that reflect the strategic
intent of deception.
A. Certainty.
B. Reticence.
C. Disassociation.
D. Image-and relationship protecting behavior
4. Which one of the following is true about the social penetration theory Stages?
A. Orientation stage is when we start to expose ourselves and yet are o comfortable.
B. Affective stage is in which personal things are hard and each can predict the
emotional reaction of the other person.
C. In The orientation, the stage we play save with small talk.
D. Affective stage is when we start to talk about private and personal matters.
5. Among the following, one is not a valid statement regarding the uncertainty reduction
A. When uncertainty decreases the amount of verbal communication will increase.
B. High level of uncertainty produces a high rate of reciprocity.
C. Low level of uncertainty produces high levels of intimacy.
D. High levels of uncertainty produces a low rate of reciprocity.

6. According to the interactional view theory, which axiom tells us how we behave in
transferring messages
A. One cannot communicate.
B. Human beings communicate both digitally and analogically.
C. Communication = content + relationship
D. Communication is either symmetrical or complementary.
7. Which degree of latitude is more accessible to persuasion and attitudinal change?
A. Latitude of rejection.
B. Latitude of acceptance.
C. Latitude of noncommitment.
D. B & C are answers
8. What is the critique of expectancy violation theory?
A. It is silence on whether communication valence supersedes behavior, valance, or vice
versa when the two are incongruent.
B. EVT does not fully account for the overwhelming prevalence of reciprocity that has
been found in interpersonal interaction.
C. A and B
D. None.

9. What influences communication?

A. Context
B. Tone
C. Expression
D. Formality

10. Expectancy theory proposes that employees are motivated when:

A. Perceived inputs are greater than outputs

B. Perceived inputs equal outputs.
C. They believe they can accomplish a task and the rewards for doing so are worth the
D. Achievable but difficult goals motivate employees.

11. What should you do if you do not like one of your Classmates?
A. Be considerate in your communication with them at all times.
B. Avoid them.
C. Argue with them.
D. Complain to your principal.

Part Four. Fill in the blank space with an appropriate phrase or word. (2 pts. each)

1._______________________________a message deliberately transmitted by a sender to a false

belief or conclusion.

2. ______________________________is theory on mass media propaganda effect.

Part Five: Essay part

Answer the following questions accordingly. (5pts each)

1. What idea do ego-involvement theory and elaboration likelihood theory have in

common? Where do they differ?
2. What is cognitive dissonance theory? List several ways of reducing dissonance.

3. Among different communication theories you had learned, which one you are more
interested in and how do you want to apply it to your life?
4. What are the assumptions and predictions uncertainty reduction theory makes about

5. Write fundamental building blocks of coordinated management of meaning theory.


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