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Financial Corporations 1/ Survey

(Million Rs)
Net Foreign Assets 1,081,404
Claims on nonresidents 5,288,263
less: Liabilities to nonresidents 4,206,859
Domestic claims 29,443,098
Net Claims on general government 18,321,450
Net claims on central government 19,739,209
Claims on central governmnet 22,198,717
less: Liabilities to central governmnet 2,459,508
Net claims on provincial governmnets -1,417,758
Claims on provincial governmnets 624,998
less: Liabilities to provincial governments 2,042,757
Claims on other sectors 11,121,647
Public non financial corporations 2,122,804
Other non financial corporations 7,164,952
Other resident sectors 1,833,892
Currency outside financial corporations 6,949,148
Deposits 17,182,424
Securities other than shares 14,008
Loans 7,995
Financial derivatives 6,340
Insurance technical reserves 1,825,994
Trade credit and advances 57
Settlements accounts 5,558
Shares and other equity 4,533,718
Other items (net) -627
Other liabilities 2,932,298
less: Other assets 2,751,288
plus : Consolidation adjustment (181,637)
Balance Check 0
P : Provisional
1. Financial corporations include SBP, Banks, DFIs, MBFs, deposit accepting non bank financial
companies, money market funds, non depository modarabas, leasing companies, non money
market mutual funds, insurance companies, exchange companies, and house building finance

2. The data has been prepared following the guidelines and principles of IMF's MFS & Guide
3. The data of insurance and exchange companies is collected and compiled on quarterly basis
which is repeated for middle months.
Contact Person:-Mian Muhammad Irfan (Sr. Joint Director),
Phone: +92 21 3245 5920

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