Unds Philo of Self

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Reflect on and make a narrative essay on the different philosophical perspectives.

Which of the
philosophy of the self relates  to your own belief and explain how each  view impact your self-
understanding? What  is your own philosophy of self?

From my perspective, the philosophy of the self that relates to my own belief is the Soul
is the Essence of the Self according to Aristotle. This philosophy gave me learning that
everything nor anything with life has a soul. Without body and soul, we are not capable of
existing. I have confidence in the idea of the soul and that our body fills in as its sanctuary.
Certain individuals have dark souls, while others have good souls. To emphasize, the soul is
our essence, our genuine self. Each time we are hurting, the soul is as well. Each time we
feel happiness so does the soul. According to Bacolod R. (2018), He characterized man as a
sane creature for we have through freedom and mind. Just man in God's creation can think.
Just man in God's creation can think. So subsequently, we should utilize our choices
admirably and this will lead us to self-realization. For instance, your folks are buckling down to
send you to school, so you better do your part as a young and think shrewdly that it's to your
benefit when the perfect opportunity comes. It's your decision whether you'll make the wisest
decision from bad for you have the astuteness that permits you to settle on your own choices.
The perspective of Aristotle gave a huge impact on me to analyze that the soul is the essence
of the self. The soul and body cannot be separated because they will not exist without each
other. By learning, I can improve myself. Every problem we face we must make it as a life
learning to become a better version of ourselves. Self is combined with our souls. What
matters is the outcome in what we do we must learn and improve ourselves. So in whatever
we accomplish in our life, we are strong and improving the person. According to Chua (2022),
there is always something about ourselves that we can enhance. The human potential is
boundless, so it's difficult to arrive at a mark of no development. You are the one to look for
your self-awareness as you figure out how to work on yourself. Settle on the choice to focus
on your self-awareness and embrace a long-lasting excursion of development and change.
Start your development by picking a couple of the means above and dealing with them. The
outcomes may not be prompt, however in my point of view, as long as you keep to it, you'll
begin seeing positive changes in yourself and your life. Once in a while, it's hard to tell where
you should begin with personal development. The tips that we've shared here will change
your life. You need to take baby steps and gather speed continuously to fight the good fight in
the long term. It's typical to feel like you could be doing more concerning personal
development. In any case, being a better individual doesn't include being excessively severe
with yourself. It's an incredible inverse. The more self-thoughtfulness and self-sympathy you
can encourage, the more equipped you’ll be to treat the people around you the same way. In
addition, accomplishing something beneficial for others can provide your existence with a
more profound feeling of importance. It might even assist with working on your physical and
psychological wellness.

Chua, C. (2022, February 11). practical ways to start working on self-improvement.

Lifehack. Retrieved February 26, 2022, from

Bacolod, R. (2018, October 30). Philosophical perspective of the self. S E L F.

Retrieved February 26, 2022, from

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