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Who would not know the band imagine dragons.

The famous pop-rock band, who debuted

in 2012. Today i brought you a presentation about their front singer Dan Reynolds.
You alredy know that he is a vocalist, but suprisingly he is a producer and a songwriter
aswell. You might know that as a talented songwriter he is a recipient of the Songwriters Hall
of Fame.
As for his background: He was born in 1987 in Las Vegas. He attended the university Brigham
Young University, where he formed the band Imagine Dragons. During the college years he
met and recruited the later members of the band. After two years he dropped out. You are
probably wondering why. The university and the band was too much for him, and he us we
alredy know decided to deal with music.
After this the band performed almost nightly and won countles local competitions.
On one of his preformances he met his later wife Aja Wolkman. What you probably dont
know is that they form now a big family with three daughters and a son, because Reynolds
hides his family from the public.
Suprisingly he does a lot of charity work. He organizes the charity festival LOLOUD every
year, whats goal is to fight against teen suicide and help the LGBTQ youth.

Sadly Reynolds suffers from ankylosing spondylitis, which is a rare disease which attacks the
spine. It transforms the soft tissue in it into bone, making the whole spine one bone.

There is so much I could tell you, but our time is up.

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