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Company Logo + Name


For the Month: Month-Year

Employee Details
Employee # 111111 Date of Joining DD-MM-YYYY

Employee Name ABC Unit / Department Department Name

Employment Type Confirmed Location Office Address

Grade Grade-I CNIC # 111111-1111-11111

Designation Senior Officer


Bank Account Details

Branch Code 0000000 Account # 00100111111111111

Earnings Deductions
Gross This Month Deductions This Month

Basic Salary 00,000 Staff Provident Fund Conventional 0,000

House Rent Allowance 00,000 Income Tax 0,000
Utility Allowance 00,000
Medical Allowance 00,000
Conveyance Allowance 00,000

Mobile Phone Charges 0,000
Total 0,000

Total Earnings 00,000 Total Deductions 0,000

Net Pay 00,000

Other Information
Provident Fund Balance

Total Particulars Total

Total PF Balance 000,000 Personal Loan 0

Car Lease 0
Car Ijarah 0
Motorcycle Loan 0
House Building 0
House Musharka 0

PF Balance is inclusive of the current month's employee and employer contribution.

General Remarks

- This Pay Slip is system generated report and contains confidential information for the use of individual named above only.
- In case of any query, you may contact the Payroll/ Taxation Unit.

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