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ASSIGNMENT 2- Answer Keys

a. Q=45, P=55 and Profit = 2025

b. Deadweight loss = 2025/2

c. Q= 90 and P= MR

d. P1 = 70 and Q1 = 30; P2 = 40 and Q2-Q1 =30

a. Q= 14, P =8

b. Qp = 9/2, Pp = 8; Qs= 19/2; Ps = 8

c. Compare the answers of a and b and decide

3. Pp = 18, Pc = 18 and Price of Bundle= 20

4. Q1=Q2= 600, P = 7/2

5. Q1= 27/2, Q2= 27/4, P =39/4

6. Q1=Q2 = 180/2, P=45

a. Dominant strategy of both palyers is {Reveal}

b. Nash Eq = {Reveal, Reveal} and predicted score in exam (payoffs) are {Jeremy
=80, James =87}
a. Qp= (7*104)/4
b. Qs= (7*104)/4.43
c. Price changed from 5.1 to 5.7. Hint: For efficiency read the book carefully

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