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Question :

1. Describe and evaluate what pfizer is doing.

2. What structural implication-good and bad-does this approach have?(think in
terms of the six organizational design elements)
3. Do you think this arrangement would wor other types of organization?why or
why not?
4. What role do you think organizational stucture plays in an organization’s
efficiency and effectiveness? Explain.

Answer :

1. Pfizer is an international firm which has large number of employees. But,

because of the it, pfizer faced the problem about working method. pfizer
employees had bordom. They felt that the working methode is unimpressive and
monoton. In the case, the problem has got to solve because it can make the
evectiveness of employesss’ work effect. Implicitly, it also being caused of non
opimum of outputs that they produced. Hence, the manager of Pfizer was looking
for the good way for solving this problem. So, the solution that he found is the
employeees are connected to little process until everything workes. By click on
OOF ( Office of The Future) in Microsoft Outlook, they are connected to india
which the country of them outsource.
There is uniqeness of this way. A single worker in India stood by for
receiveing the requestmen from Pfizers’ employees.Then the ingle worker give
them in the team. The team leader calls the employees to clarify the request. The
Leaders’ team e-mail back for giving information about a cost specification. The
Pfizers’ employees can confirm of reject the cost which had been offered.
In our opinion the pfizer solution is better enough. With solving the problem
evectively, they can put many advantages, such effectiveness of working and
increasess eligibility of worker. In this point, Pfizer using organizational design
elements and organic structural.They use decentralization which gives
effective implementation of company strategies depends on managers having
involvment and flexibility to make decisions. We think it’s good choise for large
number of employee. Organic structure that they choise is faced of the employees
have empowered to handle diverse and problem.

2. Based on the case, we can find some good-bad implication.


Employees are more involoved and Low formalization

have empowerd for making decision.

Faster decision making. No clear chain of command.

Employees are capable and experiened Lack of control.

at making decision.

Internetworking easy for information Companies must protect their important

and do fast for the work of emloyees. information. However, software have
minimazied security issued.

3. Yes, we do.
Other types organizations can work like this arrangement, but before we use structure
organizatonal, we have to count bad-good implication that will be happened.Not only
this but also we have to look deeply about contingency factors such as, the
organization strategy, size , technology, and degree of environmental
uncertainty.While the organization is needing rigid departmentalization, structure
like Pfizer Firm is not effective to be done. Rigid departmentalization and high
specilitation can be using Mechanistic structure. In our opinion, A firm can’t put
hapahazard choise for structure organization because structure organization is having
important role for developing and reaching the goals, specification about the role of
organizational stucture will be explained at number 4. From this we can make a
conclution that the main idea for putting structure organization is depened by the
organization culture, contingeny variabels, and what the goals that we want to reach.
4. Organizational structure have many role in an organization’s efficiency and
effectiveness. The role would become causality in progresses organization for
reaching their goals.Casuality means when a firm do well including their structure
organization can be increasing workness of employees, so that also can be
maximalizing the quantity or quality of output that they wanted. Structure
organization have important role because, they show what cluture of organization,
hence the organization can do the best. Be exactly wise if we learn more about
structure organization, it can help us for making decision, counting bad-good
implemenation, and doing at the firm like the firm want to.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Thank You - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

By :
Ayu Sandra Desi
Hafidhatul Karimah

Management 0903

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