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Pre-Lecture Seatwork #1

Faith B. Albañez
Name: ______________________________________________________________ Rating: _____________________
BSMT 1-A August 19, 2022
Year & Section: _______________________________________________________ Date: ______________________

Instruction: Comprehensively answer the following questions in 3-5 sentences only.

1. A vision statement conveys the institution’s desire to succeed. What is our school’s vision statement and how can
you help our school achieve it?

“An Augustinian educative and evangelizing community of dynamic lifelong learners with high ethical standards and global
competence intent upon the holistic transformation of the human person and society.”

I can help our school in achieving its vision statement by being competent locally or worldwide in dealing with all aspects,
and by improving not just intellectually or academically but also morally. And lastly, to evangelize the people and
transform them to live out St. Augustine's spirituality.

2. A mission statement is a short explanation of the institution’s purpose and intention for existence. State our school’s
mission and explain how you can contribute to its success.

“Colegio San Agustin – Bacolod is a Filipino Augustinian school that fosters a community life that is of one mind and one
heart on the way to God, and pursues premier Catholic education through innovative instruction, relevant research and
sustainable community service.”

I can contribute to our school’s success by imparting the institutional principle of “oneness of mind and heart on the way
to God”. And through engaging in the evangelistic mission of the Church via holistic formation and conversion in
accordance with the Catholic faith, I will never forget the three core values wherever I go, whether in academics or in
community service.

3. A value statement is composed of core principles that focus on the institution and its culture. List down the core
values of our school and explain how you will imbibe these institutional core values.

The three core values of our school are Unitas, Caritas, and Veritas.

UNITAS (unity) - As we all know, unity helps us work and live together peacefully. We feel connected with each other.
With unity, we accomplish more together than any one of us could do alone. But what does unity really mean? And how
can I instill this core value in myself? Well, by standing up for the truth and educate people who are misinformed. Because
I do believe that one voice can make a difference.

CARITAS (charity) - Have you ever given anything to someone less fortunate and seen their face light up when they
received it? It is indeed priceless, isn’t it? That feeling you receive when you give or share is very fulfilling since you know
you're making someone happy. Furthermore, I believe I can practice Caritas by sharing what I have to others. It doesn’t
really matter if it’s big or small, because in the end, it the thought that counts.

VERITAS (truth) - People need the truth in order to thrive. Truth is important because it serves as the foundation for our
reality. I will make sure I am true to myself because if I won’t be true to myself, how will I be honest to others?

Note: Continue to another page if necessary

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