Back Up Plan - Part 1

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Listen to the first part of the movie and complete the gaps.

Zoe: I can´t believe I didn´t get a pedicure for this. How ________________!
Look at that . If I were with a real guy doing this, I would have got a
pedicure and ____________. Oh, shit! That one is worst!.....Sorry I
didn´t get a pedicure.
Doctor: _____________________?
Zoe: My toes, sorry?
Doctor: I´m not looking at your toes. I´m ________________at your cervix.
Zoe: Right! “Now I kind of wish you were looking at my___________”.
Doctor: All done!
Zoe: Is that it?
Doctor: Now, I´ll ______________________your legs for ten minutes and you
would be good to go.
Zoe: That is the first time I hear the ticking clock _____________and I am not
freaking out.
Doctor: Good. It is for a ________________!
Zoe: Hey, Ken, I´m totally freaking out!
Doctor: Come on! Everything is going to be_____________________. I have a
feeling that you and CRM 1014 are gonna make beautiful babies
Zoe: Thank you. “Oh, God! I hope it___________________. I wanted this for
so long. Maybe, this isn´t the way I ___________________it exactly,
but I have a little support”.

Listen to the next conversation and correct the mistakes.

Friend: No, you don't want kids. Trust me.

Zoe: Oh, that´s is easy for you. You have four.
Friend: It´s terrible. They ruin my life. What? Now, go away. Have you seen my
vagina? I mean, have you? I will explain it to you. I will explain it to you.
Mr………You don't want to have kids. I´ll show you my vagina.
Zoe: I don't want to see that. I want to have a child.
Friend: I just think you are tired of being alone. You haven’t met your prince
Zoe: It´s not about a guy. This isn’t about a man. I dated hundred of guys over
the past 5 years and not one of them is near to be the one. It is just not
happening for me.
Friend: Yeah, but it doesn´t mean that it won´t……. Is that my chicken? Where
are you taking it? That is your dinner, not a toy!!! Is that pee?

“So, I have to figure it out on my own. I examined every circumstance and I arrived to
the most logical conclusion”
Complete the sentences with the most suitable answer. Then listen and check if you
were right.

Sex forget mind friend sexual involved down

baby what help baby`s daddy lovely sperm

Zoe: Would you like to be my _________________________?

Clyde: ___________? I can´t be the father. Are you out of your________________?
What are you talking? No, no. I´m in my _______________prime. I need to
mount more women into bed before I am idiotic of having a _______________.
Zoe: Clyde, if you are my_____________, don´t you want to______________me. We
don´t have to have_____________. You don’t have to be _______________ at
all. All right, just give me your_______________.
Clyde: Ok, ok… you are feeling________________, right? A little dead ___________
there. I get it. Long time since you…….
Zoe: Sh, sh shush. Forget it. _____________the whole thing.

“Well, that was a bust! I took life by the er…. Horns and do what….do what I had to
do. Yeah…. It is´gonna be OK. I have a plan…..”

Watch the next part of the video and retell what is going on.

Listen to the next part of the video and complete with the verbs given.

Have conceived Inseminated Are trying Own Suggest Have adopted

Haven´t found Wanted Was Born Do Would be Hear

Lady: Ok, all right. Welcome to the Single Mothers and Proud. As the name _______,
we are single, mothers and proud…Ok…yeah! All right. Some of us __________,
some of us ________________with a donor. Every story is different but we
have the same common denominator. We _______________a child and we
made it happen on our own. We sure did. We sure did.
Lady: Are you already a single mother or you________________to become one?
Zoe: Oh, I was just ___________________a few days ago. Inseminated…. It makes
me feel like a cow or something.
Lady: We, we____________what we have to do and we don´t have a penis partner….
So, let´s _______________about you.
Zoe: Well, ok…. Let´s see. Well, I___________a pet store, yeah! I used to work in the
corporate world, which was great for a while, but it didn´t just feel like the life
that I wanted to live. So, you know, now, even though I have more balance….
but as a person, I __________________the one.
Lady: Wow, the illusive one…. Good luck!
Zoe: Yeah… I thought I_________________married with kids, right now but that´s
just not happening so I guess it´s time for a backup plan.
Lady: Well, Zoe, listen. If you really want a baby, we, here, at Single Mothers and
Proud…we can be your partners. From conception to graduation…. And
everything in between. We can be here for you.
Zoe: Great, thank you.
Lady: My daughter_______________right here, in this very room, where you are
sitting actually.
Zoe: Really? Right here? So, how old is your baby?
Girl: I´m three.
Ladies: So, cute!!!!!

Listen to the next part of the movie and complete with the sentences given.

When did all this happen? Who is the father? Why are you crying?
Was it 3 or4 for you? You make it sound dirty. But why?
Getting pregnant or lying to me about it? You didn´t tell the truth.
I´m pretty sure it doesn´t happen that fast. Congratulations, this is terrific news?

Stan: Holy Shit! Is my nose bleeding? You punched me.

Zoe: Sorry.
Stan: It was amazing. Over the top amazing. ____________________________?
Zoe: Stan, Stan… there is something I have to tell you.
Stan: Ok. What is it? Zoe? _____________________________________?
Zoe: Oh, I´m pregnant.
Stan: __________________________________________________.
Zoe: I know it is hard to explain.
Stan: What are you talking about?
Zoe: I´m pregnant.
Stan: ____________________________________________?
Zoe: I don´t know. I mean. I know who it is but I don´t know his name exactly. It ´s a
donor from a sperm bank.
Stan: Excuse me. What the hell are you talking about? ________________________?
Zoe: Actually, it was the day we met. Yeah. I didn´t think to tell you because I didn´t
think there wasn´t any way I could be pregnant so fast.
Stan: ________________________________________?
Zoe: Because I wanted a baby and I never met the right guy and I thought if I waited
any longer, I would miss my chance.
Stan: All right. We just made love and you are telling me you are pregnant of some
stranger´s child.
Zoe: Don´t say it like that. ________________________________.I wanted a baby
and I thought I had to do it alone. It was before I met you.
Stan: I don´t know what to say. What am I supposed to say: “___________________
Zoe: I made this big decision. Here is the thing… and then I met you. I´m sorry.
Stan: About what?____________________________________________?
Zoe: I didn´t lie.
Stan: _____________________________________________.

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