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Agents on Holidays

Lead-in Write the following questions on board, omit the word

“holidays”. Students have to guess the missing word.
1. Do you like ….?
2. When was the last time you had ….?
3. What do you usually do when you have ….?
4. What do you like more, winter … or summer ….?
5. Have you got any plan for your next …?
Students work in pairs or small groups, they ask and answer
the questions above to each other. Allow 5 minutes.

Introducing Ask the students to share with the whole class what they
new usually do when they are on holidays.
vocabulary Tell the students that you have a list of activities other
people usually do. Show your list.
buy a new bikini
have pancakes every day
buy a tent
look at the old family photos
buy new clothes
meet your cousin
buy new sunglasses
order pizza
buy presents
play computer game
buy suncream
stay up late
check the Internet connection
swim in the river
collect shells
take a selfie on the top of the mountain
download a book to read on the plane
upgrade your laptop
hang out with friends
visit the Statue of Liberty
have a picnic in Central Park
watch a video
Ask the students to sort the words into 2 columns:
The words I know//The words I don’t know
Agents on Holidays
Allow 5 minutes to work individually. After that students
work in pairs, they compare their answers. Ask what they
have in “The word I know” column. Students name the
words, the teacher writes them down. If someone doesn’t
know the word, the students who know it explain the
Then explain the words from “The words I don’t know”
to your students.

Vocabulary Activity 1 “Miming”

activities Step 1: Teacher reads the actions, students mime
Step 2: Students in turn pick up cards, mime an activity
they have on the card, others guess.

Activity 2 “The most popular activity bingo”

Ask the students to make a list of 5 actions from the list they
think are the most popular in their class (list 1). Then ask
the students to make another list of five activities from the
list they do every holiday (list 2). After that students one by
one read the action from the list 2, they name just one word
from their list. The students who have the words they hear
on their list 1, cross them out. The student who crosses out
all the actions from list 1, cries Bingo.

Activity 3 “Memory game”

Students play Memory game, they match halves of
expressions, e.g. buy + sunglasses. You may also ask your
students to make up sentences with the pairs they’ve

to be going to Ask students if they remember what answers were given
to the question “Have you got any plans for your next com/file/d/1sGKU
holidays?” oCpT5KouipEPpH
Remind your students that when we talk about our plans view - rules “How
we may use “be going to”. Give some examples about your to play Battleship”
plans. Encourage students to give their own examples.
Suggest playing Battleship game. Students draw a grid: write
actions above the columns, days of the week next to the
lines. Students decide where to put their ships. To hit the
ship students choose a place on the grid and ask a question.
“Are you going to buy sunglasses on Monday?”, etc.

Lesson 2
Ask the students to think of the words they learned last
lesson and make a list of expressions they remember. Allow
revision 3 minutes. Students in turn read the expressions one by one,
the last person who named the word is the winner.
Agents on Holidays
Ask one of the students to come up to the board. The student
takes a card with an expression on it. Other students try to
guess what he is going to do by asking questions
“Are you going to ….?”

Controlled Play Trendy English Agents on holidays according to the

practice rules.

Writing Students think about their next holidays (or weekend),

activity decide on what they are going to do, write down a list of
planned actions. The teacher keeps these lists, after the
holidays or the weekend discuss what they did or didn’t.

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