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CLARISSE: Good Day to everyone, I’m CLARISSE DELA CRUZ, The leader of

Group 6 of BSIT 2A. My Group and I are here to present our database management
system project entitled “Efficiency of using Library management system”
Before we get to the actual presentation, let me introduce my group who are the
contributors that made this project possible.

They are:

 Eullaran, Czra Harvey

 Gomez, Francis
 Grantusa, Hailey
 Manansala, Janna
 Marzan, Lanz
 Arguelles, Vennie

First up is the introduction of our project. As we all know Managing a library requires
knowledge of library management and skills to perform the activities. The task involves
planning, decision making, organizing, collecting and disbursing information and
controlling and monitoring the various functions. A great solution in efficiently managing

a library is by implementing a Library management system A library management data

system also known as a library management system (LMS) or integrated library system
(ILS) refers to software that uses to maintain the records of the library these Include:
books, authors, borrowers, employees, reservation ILLs etc. It is designed to manage
books and maintain records of the members in a library.

Now I'm going to pass the reporting to my Assistant leader JANNA MANANSALA who
is in charge of the Project Description.

JANNA: Thank you very much, CLARISSE. For our Project description section, our
project aims to know what are the advantages of using LIMS (Library Information
Management System) by analyzing and comparing the speed for recording, deleting, and
updating the data (authors, books, borrowers, employees, reservation, etc.). LIMS are
implemented using MySQL respectively. For easy arrangement, such type of system
divides the books on Biographer name, Manuscript group, Publisher and more.

Therefore, the process are as follows:

 Book cataloguing
 borrowing
 reservation
 returning
 Books available
 Organizing books based on genre and alphabetically arranged.
 Add and update the list of books.
 Search books, author, and genre.
 Collection & Calculation of Fine on the individual book

Next up on the presentation is my fellow group member VENNIE ARGULLES for the
Objectives of the project.

VENNIE: Thank you very much, JANNA. Now for our project objectives, the major
goals of a library management system are to create a system that can acquire, enter, and
generate robotically output in a clean and timely manner, to create a monitoring system
that can efficiently monitor and manage all library operations, to enable librarians to
reduce the errors that are always present with manual methods, to properly store library
items to protect them, and to enter and save the details of various subjects and track your

For the Scope of the project, I'm now going to pass the presentation to my groupmate,
HAILEY: I'm thankful for the introduction VENNIE, Let's proceed to the scope of the
project. The scope of this project is to consistently manage daily operation in library
dedicated to Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig. It also provides most of the features that a
library information management system should have. The focus of our study is to
determine the benefits of using LIMS (Library Management Information System) over
traditional methods by assessing and comparing the price at which data is recorded,
deleted, and updated (authors, books, borrowers, employees, reservation, etc.) MySQL
are used to implemented LIMS, respectively.

That concludes the scope of the project, CZRA HARVEY EULLARAN will now be
presenting the Entity-Relationship Diagram of our system.

HARVEY: Thank you very much, Hailey. Starting our ERD is the student table where
Student_ID is the Primary key and Employ_ID is the foreign key connecting to employee
table as a primary key. Each student is allowed to borrow many books; hence their
relationship is one-to-many. A one-to-one relationship between student table and
employee table is established. The ISSUE table and RETURN table has one-to-one
relationship because student can only have Issue_ID and Return_ID.

I will now pass the presentation to my groupmate LANZ MARZAN, who will be
presenting the summary of the project.

MARZAN: Thank you very much, HARVEY. The project revealed that the Library
Management System (LMS) is therefore dependable and reliable, as the main objective of
the system is to provide a different and more practical way of storing and managing
information, it's potential comes as larger amounts of data needs to be managed since on
paper it would be more difficult. The LMS contains all the main details required for
library processes, such as the information of the student, details of books such as
category, title, and author, Book Borrow data and Book Return data. The database was
created in MySQL shell by creating tables and providing values that each table requires
for information to occupy it.
Provided the Database System, the library service process of finding books by book title
or by authors would be easier because of the search function using a command in the
MySql shell. The faster and easier process supplements the library as it is both favorable
to the user and librarian.

I will now pass the presentation to my groupmate, FRANCIS GOMEZ, for the closing
remarks of the Project.

GOMEZ: Thank you very much LANZ. Once again this is my group and we are the
contributors that made the creation and finalization of our project, the library
management system or LMS, possible.

Thank you so much for the time you spent with us Always bear in mind that LMS is
software that takes care of all the requirements of a library and is capable to provide easy
and effective storage of information related to books & users.

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