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From the Guest Editors

Sidi-Mohammed Senouci, Hichem Sedjelmaci, Jiajia Liu,

Mubashir Husain Rehmani, and Elias Bou-Harb

AI-Driven Cybersecurity Threats to Future Networks

F uture-generation networks (5G

and beyond 5G) will include a
variety of services for various verti-
These smart attacks either turn AI into weapons to
attack 5G services or hack the AI algorithms used
cals, such as enhanced mobile by 5G components.
broadband, health monitoring,
Industry 4.0, smart energy distribu-
tion, and automotive networks. A new era of cyberdefense ap- been included. The articles in this SI
These vertical services and the criti- proaches based on robust AI al- are classified into two categories:
cal components that comprise 5G gorithms is under development to ■■ AI-assisted cyber detection sys-
architecture (e.g., radio access and protect future networks from AI at- tems for future networks
edge and core networks) exhibit sev- tacks. These AI security algorithms ■■ cyber protection based on ML for
eral cybersecurity vulnerabilities rely on human–ML (classification) future networks.
that attract attackers to use all their interactions to accurately detect The first article, “Physical-Layer
capabilities to exploit and hence current and future smart AI attacks. Security for Vehicle-to-Everything
shut down these networks. Despite the accuracy detection ex- Networks” by Rice et al., analyzes how
Recently, a new generation of hibited by human–machine inter- physical layer security can help make
smart threats, defined as artificial action, the network constraint of vehicle-to-infrastructure and vehi-
intelligence (AI ) attacks, has ap- 5G architectures (such overhead, cle-to-vehicle networks more secure
peared. These smart attacks either latency, energ y, and bandwidth against eavesdropping. The article
turn AI into weapons to attack 5G consumption) should be taken ac- showcases a set of vehicle-to-every-
services or hack the AI algorithms count during the deployment of AI thing experiments that demonstrate
used by 5G components. In the first cyberdefense techniques. how finite block-length physical-layer
misbehavior, attackers take ad- The special issue (SI) in this edi- security coding increases security
vantage of AI’s improved ability to tion of IEEE Vehicular Technology while maintaining reliable commu-
launch lethal and stealthy threats Magazine aims to bring together re- nications. The authors also discuss
against attractive targets, e.g., au- searchers from academia and in- fundamental tradeoffs in achieving
tonomous vehicles, drones, or man- dustry to share their vision of AI both reliability and security through
ufacturing machinery. In the second applications in a cybersecurity con- physical-layer efforts.
misbehavior, attackers hack ma- text and to present challenges and Vehicles are being transformed
chine learning (ML) algorithms by recent works and advances related into information a nd computer
modifying, for instance, the labels of to AI-based cybersecurity as applied technology-oriented machines. This
the ML classification functions and to future networks. In response to helps expand vehicular applications
altering the training data, causing a the call for papers, we received over and functionalities but also poses
decrease in the accuracy of the clas- nine submissions. After a careful unforeseen challenges in a sector
sification rate. review process, two outstanding ar- where safety is the priority. One of
ticles were selected for this SI, with these challenges is security. “Pro-
the acceptance ratio lower than 25%. tecting In-Vehicle Services: Securi-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MVT.2020.3007981 In addition, two additional open call ty-Enabled SOME/IP Middleware”
Date of current version: 14 August 2020 articles in the area of security have by Iorio et al. presents a framework


Xi’an, Shaanxi, China. He received
AI security algorithms rely on human–ML the IEEE Vehicular Technology Soci-
(classification) interactions to accurately detect ety’s Early Career Award in 2019, the
current and future smart AI attacks. IEEE Communications Society’s
Asia-Pacific Outstanding Young
Researcher Award in 2017, and the
IEEE Communications Society’s Asia-
to improve security for applications versarial examples can successfully Pacific Outstanding Paper Award in
executed in vehicles based on the attack the security model based on 2019. He is a Distinguished Lecturer
principle of defining exactly who deep learning algorithms. of the IEEE Communications Soci-
can talk to whom. The proposed ety and the IEEE Vehicular Technolo-
framework targets in-vehicle Eth- Author Information gy Society.
ernet-based communications and Sidi-Mohammed Senouci received Mubashir Husain Rehmani
is integrated within the emerging his Ph.D. degree in computer science received his B.Eng. degree in com-
scalable service-oriented middle- from the University of Paris XI and puter systems engineering from Meh-
ware over IP (SOME/IP) middleware his HDR from the National Polytech- ran University of Engineering and
for in-vehicle communications. The nic Institute of Toulouse, France. Technology, Jamshoro, Pakistan, in
authors validate the proposal in a From 2004 to 2010, he was a research- 2004, his M.S. degree from the Uni-
proof of concept. er with France Telecom R&D (Orange versity of Paris XI in 2008, and his
In “Detecting Fake Mobile Crowd- Labs), Lannion, France. Since 2010, Ph.D. degree from the University
sensing Tasks: Ensemble Methods he has been a professor at the Insti- Pierre and Marie Curie, Paris, in
Under Limited Data,” Simsek et al. tut supérieur de l’automobile et des 2011. He is currently an assistant
develop a security solution against transports, Nevers, France, where he lecturer in the Department of Com-
fake tasks based on ML algorithms directs the DRIVE Laboratory. He puter Science, Cork Institute of Tech-
provided to a mobile crowdsens- holds seven international patents nology, Ireland. He is a Member of
ing system. Among the learning al- and has published his work in major the IEEE.
gorithms used to detect fake tasks conference proceedings and re­­ Elias Bou-Harb is currently asso-
are adaptive boosting for binary nowned journals. ciate director of the Cyber Center for
classification, gentle adaptive boost- Hichem Sedjelmaci is a senior Security and Analytics with the Uni-
ing, and random undersampling research engineer in cybersecurity versity of Texas at San Antonio
boosting. According to simulation and artificial intelligence (AI) and (UTSA), where he leads university-
results, GentleBoost-based ensem- project manager at Orange Labs, wide innovative cybersecurity
ble learning can achieve high ac- Lannion, France. He received his research, development, and training
curacy classification against fake Ph.D. degree in telecommunication initiatives. He is also an associate
tasks submitted to a crowdsens- systems from Tlemcen University, professor in UTSA’s Department of
ing system. Algeria, in 2013 and his HDR (in the Information Systems and Cyberse-
Finally, in “Artificial Intelligence scope of AI and cybersecurity) from curity, specializing in operational
Security in 5G Networks,” Qiu et al. the University of Burgundy, France, cybersecurity and data science as
propose two approaches for ad- in 2019. He has published his work in applicable to national security chal-
versarial examples based on a major conference proceedings and lenges. He received his Ph.D. degree
spatial–temporal estimation task. premium journals. He holds eight from Concordia University, Montreal,
These adversarial examples in- international patents on topics relat- Canada, and conducted postdoctoral
clude both white-box and black- ed to cybersecurity and AI. training at Carnegie Mellon Universi-
box attacks. According to their Jiajia Liu is a full professor with ty, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
experimental results, the authors the School of Cybersecurity, North-
prove that, in the 5G context, ad- western Polytechnical University, 


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