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Put the verbs into the correct form.

1. I (to like)   lemonade very much.

2. The girls always (to listen)   to pop music.

3. Janet never (to wear)   jeans.

4. Mr Smith (to teach)   Spanish and French.

5. You (to do)   your homework after school.

Simple present with 'have' and 'be'

Fill in the correct form of the verbs.

1. We (to have)   a nice garden.

2. She (to be)   six years old.

3. Simon (to have)   two rabbits and five goldfish.

4. I (to be)   from Vienna, Austria.

5. They (to be)   Sandy's parents.

Negative Sentences

Make negative sentences.

1. My father makes breakfast. → 

2. They are eleven. → 

3. She writes a letter. → 

4. I speak Italian. → 

5. Danny phones his father on Sundays. → 


Make questions.

1. you / to speak / English → 

2. when / he / to go / home → 

3. they / to clean / the bathroom → 

4. where / she / to ride / her bike → 

5. Billy / to work / in the supermarket → 

Present Simple - Exercise

1. My sister   (read) a book.

2. Frank   (like) dogs.

3. My parents   (do) the shopping.

4. We sometimes   (meet) in front of the


5. Uncle George   (go) to the doctor's.

6. Our friends   (play) football in the park.

7. She   (go) to the park every Friday.

8. He   (ride) his bike every day.

9. We   (have) the best ideas.

10. Carol   (say) goodbye.

11. She   (be) the best singer in our class.

12. My sister   (live) in a big house.

13. The children   (eat) hamburgers.

14. Bill   (have) got two notebooks.

15. I   (be) at home.

Fill in the present tense simple.

1. They   about his iPod. (talk)

2. Mary   stamps. (collect)

3. Tom and Sue   two T-shirts. (buy)

4. We   behind a tree. (hide)

5. The children   in the garden. (play)

6. She   my pencil. (borrow)

7. My mother   shopping every Friday. (go)

8. He   my name. (call)

9. They always   in the first row. (sit)

10. Ken and Sam   stamps. (collect)

11. Carol   goodbye. (say)

12. She usually   Tom with the homework. (help)

13. He   in a big house. (live)

14. The girls   up. (stand)

15. Bill   going shopping. (like)

Present Simple Negation - Exercise

Use short forms (isn't, don't,...).

1. We have some milk. We   any milk.

2. Mother sews Jenny's jeans. Mother   Jenny's jeans.

3. I hate Maths lessons. I   Maths lessons.

4. My brother likes eating oranges. My brother   eating oranges.

5. My parents often watch westerns. My parents   often   westerns.

6. Children like ice cream. Some children   ice cream.

7. The monkey wants some bananas. The monkey   some bananas.

8. They are hungry. They   hungry.

9. We get up early on Sundays. We   up early on Sundays.

10. Peter is sometimes very tired. Peter   sometimes very tired.

11. I am a good pupil. I   a good pupil.

12. School always starts at seven o'clock. School   always   at seven o'clock.

13. Kate always has her piano lesson on Fridays. Kate   always   her piano lesson on

14. In summer it's sometimes very hot. In summer it   sometimes very hot.

15. Mum washes all my dirty clothes. Mum   all my dirty clothes.

16. Peter has got a brother. Peter   a brother.

17. The frog is under the caravan. The frog   under the caravan.

18. They are cool. They   cool.

19. Dad buys a new car. Dad   a new car.

20. The boys play football. The boys   football.

Put the verbs into present simple negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...).
Example: Example: We like singing. - We don't like singing.

1. Peter goes to the party. Peter   to the party.

2. His schoolbag is brown. His schoolbag   red.

3. Mary can ski. Mary   .

4. We meet our friends. We   our friends.

5. The teacher hands out the books. The teacher   the books.

6. Pat is a clever boy. Pat   a clever boy.

7. The monkey takes the banana. The monkey   the banana.

8. Tony is hungry. Tony   hungry.

9. Tim has a brother. Tim   a sister.

10. They are at Sarah's party. They   at home.

11. I like apples. I   oranges.

12. Winter begins in December. Winter   in October.

13. They are at home. They   at home.

14. Tom can play football. Tom   football.

15. My mother speaks Spanish. My mother   Spanish.

Put the sentences into negation. Use short forms (doesn't, don't, isn't,...)
Example: I am hungry. - I'm not hungry.
1. They can dance. They   .

2. I like good books. I   bad books.

3. We live in a big city. We   in a big city.

4. I can play the guitar. I   the guitar.

5. They are cool. They   cool.

6. We are pen friends. We   pen friends.

7. The parrot eats apples. The parrot   apples.

8. She is Austrian. She   Austrian.

9. Brad listens to the radio. Brad   to the radio.

10. Elephants eat grass. Elephants   meat.

11. I am good at school. I   good at school.

12. They go to school by bus. They   to school by bus.

13. Henry does his homework. Henry   his homework.

14. Simon reads comics. Simon   comics.

15. Sally smokes. Sally  .

Complete the text with the "s" for the 3rd person singular. Take the verbs in brackets.

A typical day in Lisa's life

Her mother always   (wake) her up at seven o'clock. She   (get) up and   

(go) to the bathroom. There she   (wash) and   (brush) her teeth. Then

she   (walk) downstairs and   (have) breakfast. Then she   (say) goodbye

to her parents and   (leave) the house. She usually   (catch) the bus to

school where she   (meet) some friends. After school she   (do) her homework

and   (study) for a test. Then she   (chat) with her friends,   (read) a

book or   (watch) one of her favourite sitcoms.

Fill in the gaps with the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
My uncle   a new laptop every year. (buy)

Claire and Zoe   a cake for my birthday every year. (bake)

My sister   hard and that's why she never  . (try / fail)

Ashley and her friends   in the park every weekend. (play)

Our dog   our neighbour's cat in the garden. (chase)

Write down the negations of the verbs in the positive sentences.

He works from Monday to Friday. He   at weekends.

My friends and I play baseball. We   basketball and football.

Sandra and Mary live in Chicago. Dorothy   there.

My mother likes reading books and magazines. My brothers   reading.

My neighbours take their holidays in July. They   them in August.

Form questions in the present simple with the words given.

What / you / have / for breakfast -  ?

When / he / come / on Fridays -  ?

How often / she / go out / with her friends -  ?

Your brother / live / in England -  ?

The kids / like / their new English teacher -  ?

Put the words into the correct order. Write down the sentences.

visit / they / sometimes / on Sunday / their aunt -  .

you / to the mall / go / often / with your friends -  ?

a tennis match / hardly ever / watches / he -  .

usually / have / we / dinner / before seven / don't -  .

read / the paper / always / she / in the morning -  ?

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