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Iodine, Radioactive

Amit Allahabadia
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom
Jayne A. Franklyn
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom

cancer. Since then, radioiodine has also been

Glossary employed for uptake studies, scanning of thyroid
differentiated thyroid cancer Papillary and follicular tissue, and (more recently) as an alternative treatment
thyroid carcinoma. for nontoxic goiter.
euthyroidism Normal thyroid function.
hyperthyroidism Overactivity of the thyroid gland
as determined by raised serum concentrations of free MECHANISM OF ACTION
thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and a sup- Iodine Metabolism
pressed serum thyrotropin (TSH) concentration.
Iodine is essential for thyroid homeostasis. The major
hypothyroidism Insufficiency of the thyroid gland as
determined by reduced serum concentrations of free function of the thyroid is to produce thyroid hormone
thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) and an elevated and its formation requires availability of an adequate
serum thyrotropin (TSH) concentration. amount of exogenous iodine. Iodine balance is main-
tained from diet that includes food and water, but
iodine may also enter the body from other sources
such as drugs, diagnostic agents, dietary supplements,
T he term ‘‘radioactive iodine’’ encompasses radioisotopes and food additives. Iodine is absorbed rapidly within
of iodine that are used for the study of thyroid physiology and minutes of ingestion from the stomach as iodide (I )
pathology and for the ablation of thyroid tissue in the treat- into the bloodstream. Iodide uptake by thyroid cells
ment of patients with hyperthyroidism, nontoxic goiter, and results from active transport by the sodium iodide
thyroid cancer. symporter (NIS), an iodide-concentrating mechanism
that provides iodide substrate for hormone formation.

Iodine is essential for normal functioning of the thy-
Radiation Physics
roid and forms an integral part of the thyroid hor- There are more than 20 recognized radioactive iso-
mones thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3). topes of iodine in addition to the naturally occurring
Iodine is actively transported into thyroid cells and stable isotope, 127I. Only 2 are currently used in clin-
organified in the colloid, providing substrate for thy- ical practice, 131I for treatment and 123I for diagnostic
roid hormone production. During the late 1930s, it imaging, and they are typically administered as
was found that the thyroid takes up radioactive iodine sodium iodide. 125I is still in use for in vitro diagnostic
in the same manner as it does normal nonradioactive imaging.
iodine, an observation that led to the first trials of I is ideal for ablative thyroid therapy by virtue of
radioactive iodine for the treatment of hyperthy- its large beta particle emissions of moderate energy
roidism. After 1946, when 131I became routinely avail- (364 keV) and is associated with a moderate but suffi-
able from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory as a ciently long half-life of 8.1 days. The beta particles of
by-product of atomic research, radioiodine became I are essentially nonpenetrating and so act locally,
widely adopted for the treatment of hyperthyroidism delivering 90% of the radiation dose within a 1- to
and later for the postsurgical management of thyroid 2-mm zone to the thyroid follicular cells.

100 Encyclopedia of Endocrine Diseases, Volume 3. ß 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Iodine, Radioactive 101

I is excellent for thyroid imaging because it de- many clinical situations, including identifying the
livers far less radiation to the thyroid than does 131I, cause of hyperthyroidism, evaluating thyroid enlarge-
has a short half-life (13 h), and does not emit destruc- ment, the functionality of thyroid nodules, postopera-
tive beta radiation. Furthermore, its gamma radiation tive evaluation of differentiated thyroid cancer, and
emission energy (159 keV) is ideally suited to thyroid localization of ectopic thyroid tissue.
scanning. The use of 123I has been superseded for
most routine thyroid imaging by Technetium-99m,
an isotope that is actively transported by the sodium HYPERTHYROIDISM
iodide symporter, with radiation characteristics simi- 131
I is increasingly used as first-line therapy for
lar to those of 123I but with the advantages of minimal
Graves’ hyperthyroidism and is the treatment of
cost and ready availability due to its widespread use in
choice for patients with relapsed hyperthyroidism
nuclear medicine.
after antithyroid drug treatment and toxic nodular
goiter. Because adequate thyroidal iodine (and hence
Biological Effects of I 131
I) uptake is a prerequisite for 131I therapy, it is not
When 131
I is incorporated into thyroid tissue, the an appropriate treatment modality for thyroid-stimu-
emission of beta particles results in ionization of the lating hormone (TSH)-dependent hyperthyroidism
thyroid cell, leading directly to the damage of DNA and for other causes of hyperthyroidism with low
and essential proteins, such as enzymes, and indirectly iodine uptakes such as thyroiditis. The objective of
to the production of free radicals. The early effects of I therapy is to destroy sufficient tissue to cure
I include necrosis of follicular cells and vascular hyperthyroidism. This may be achieved by rendering
occlusion that fully develop over a period of weeks the patient either euthyroid or hypothyroid.
to months. Long-term effects include shorter cell I typically takes 6 to 8 weeks to produce its effects,
survival, impaired replication of surviving thyroid and euthyroidism is expected 3 to 6 months after
cells with atrophy and fibrosis, and a chronic inflam- I administration. If this is not achieved, a second
matory response resembling Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. dose of 131I is usually administered. The degree of
These later effects account for the development of lasting remission is close to 100% after one or more
hypothyroidism even years after treatment. The doses, and there is much more predictable shrinkage
extent of loss of thyroid function, and therefore of of goiter, often with complete disappearance, than can
the disease state, can be controlled to some extent by be achieved with antithyroid drugs.
the amount of 131I administered. Much attention has focused on achieving euthyr-
oidism by adjusting the dose of 131I, but there is little
consensus regarding the most appropriate dose regi-
RADIOACTIVE IODINE UPTAKE IN men. The regimens include repeated low doses
THYROID FUNCTION TESTING (80 MBq), fixed doses of 200 or 400 MBq, and doses
AND IMAGING calculated on the basis of the size of the thyroid, the
uptake of radioiodine, or the turnover of radioiodine.
In the past, measurement of radioactive iodine uptake
There is no evidence that giving a calculated dose of
by the thyroid was commonly used to assess thyroid 131
I will achieve euthyroidism but not hypothyroid-
function. The development of sensitive in vitro thy-
ism, and calculated doses have the disadvantages of
roid function tests and the decrease in normal values
inconvenience (> 1 hospital visit required) and higher
for thyroidal radioiodine uptake consequent to an
cost, so many centers use a single fixed dose. The
increase in dietary iodine intake have largely rendered
lifetime chance of becoming hypothyroid following
this technique obsolete. 131
I is at least 50% with a lifelong requirement for
Radioiodine uptake measurement, however,
thyroxine replacement.
remains an important technique in evaluating the
hyperthyroid patient. Its main roles are to distinguish
subacute or silent thyroiditis from Graves’ disease,
to provide information regarding the feasibility of
radioiodine therapy, and to aid in dose calculation at The affinity of differentiated thyroid cancer for iodine
centers using calculated doses of 131I. is the basis for the use of 131I for both the detection
Thyroid scanning (scintigraphy) allows visual- and the treatment of recurrent thyroid cancer in pa-
ization of the thyroid gland and functioning tissue tients following initial surgical treatment (thyroidect-
elsewhere in the body. Therefore, it is valuable in omy). The main indications for 131I therapy are the
102 Iodine, Radioactive

ablation of residual thyroid tissue after thyroidectomy, incidence remains at 2 to 3% per year many years after
the treatment of locoregional recurrence, and distant therapy. Rarer complications include radiation thyr-
metastases that involve the lung and bones almost oiditis, thyrotoxic crisis, and early paradoxical in-
exclusively. The precise protocols for 131I scanning crease in goiter size.
and treatment are complex and controversial and
have been reviewed extensively elsewhere.
See Also the Following Articles
Graves’ Disease, Hyperthyroidism in . Iodine . Iodine De-
NONTOXIC GOITER ficiency . Irradiation, Thyroid and . Nontoxic Goiter .
Thyroid Carcinoma
Although thyroidectomy remains the standard treat-
ment for large nontoxic goiters that compress the
trachea, it may be contraindicated in the elderly or Further Reading
in goiter recurrence after previous thyroid surgery. In
Bartalena, L., Marcocci, C., Bogazzi, F., Manetti, L., Tanda, M. L.,
such cases, 131I represents an effective alternative to
Dell’Unto, E., Bruno-Bossio, G., Nardi, M., Bartolomei, M. P.,
surgery. Studies have shown that 131I, administered in Lepri, A., Rossi, G., Martino, E., and Pinchera, A. (1998).
doses similar to those used in hyperthyroidism, is Relation between therapy for hyperthyroidism and the course
effective in reducing goiter size by approximately of Graves’ ophthalmopathy. N. Engl. J. Med. 338, 73–78.
40% in patients with nontoxic goiter. Initial con- Bonnema, S. J., Bertelsen, H., Mortensen, J., Andersen, P. B.,
Knudsen, D. U., Bastholt, L., and Hegedus, L. (1999). The
cerns that 131I treatment may lead to thyroid enlarge-
feasibility of high dose iodine 131 treatment as an alternative
ment and worsening of airways obstruction in the to surgery in patients with a very large goiter: Effect on thyroid
short term have proved to be groundless. However, function and size and pulmonary function. J. Clin. Endocrinol.
hypothyroidism may occur, as may the development Metab. 84, 3636–3641.
of Graves’ disease, which has been described in 5% of Cavalieri, R. R. (1996). Nuclear imaging in the management of
thyroid carcinoma. Thyroid 6, 485–492.
Franklyn, J. A., Maisonneuve, P., Sheppard, M., Betteridge, J., and
Boyle, P. (1999). Cancer incidence and mortality after radio-
iodine treatment for hyperthyroidism: A population-based
SAFETY AND SIDE EFFECTS cohort study. Lancet 353, 2111–2115.
Glinoer, D. (1994). Radioiodine therapy of non-toxic multinodular
I treatment has been shown to be safe. Concerns goitre. Clin. Endocrin. (Oxf.) 41, 715–718.
about increased cancer risk are largely unfounded, Kaplan, M. M., Meier, D. A., and Dworkin, H. J. (1998). Treatment
with population studies showing no overall increase of hyperthyroidism with radioactive iodine. Endocrinol. Metab.
Clinics North America 27, 205–223.
in the incidence of cancer or cancer mortality except
Lazarus, J. H. (1995). Guidelines for the use of radioiodine in the
for a small increase in the absolute risk of small bowel treatment of hyperthyroidism: A summary. J. Royal College Phys-
and thyroid cancer. Furthermore, there is no evidence icians London 29, 464–469.
to suggest any reduction in fertility or any problems in Maurer, A. H., and Charkes, N. D. (1999). Radioiodine treat-
the offspring of women treated before pregnancy. The ment for nontoxic multinodular goiter. J. Nuclear Med. 40,
only absolute contraindications are pregnancy and 1313–1316.
Mazzaferri, E. L., and Kloos, R. T. (2001). Current approaches to
breast-feeding. Pregnancy should be excluded before the primary therapy for papillary and follicular thyroid cancer.
I administration and should be delayed for 4 J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab. 86, 1447–1463.
months after therapy. Relative contraindications in- Meier, D. A., and Kaplan, M. M. (2001). Radioiodine uptake and
clude the use of 131I in patients under 20 years of thyroid scintiscanning. Endocrinol. Metab. Clinics North America
age, in whom it should be used with caution, and the 30, 291–313.
Nygaard, B., Knudsen, J. H., Hegedus, L., Scient, A. V. C., and
presence of thyroid eye disease, which can potentially Hansen, J. E. M. (1997). Thyrotropin receptor antibodies and
be worsened by 131I but easily prevented by the use of Graves’ disease: A side-effect of 131I treatment in patients with
corticosteroids. non-toxic goiter. J. Clin. Endocrin. Metab. 82, 2926–2930.
Permanent hypothyroidism is the only common Spitzweg, C., Heufelder, A. E., and Morris, J. C. (2000). Thyroid
iodine transport. Thyroid 10, 321–330.
complication of 131I treatment, occurring in at least
Wartofsky, L., Sherman, S. I., Gopal, J., Schlumberger, M., and
50% of patients given high doses ( 400 MBq) by 1 Hay, I. D. (1998). The use of radioactive iodine in patients with
year and in at least 50% of those given lower doses papillary and follicular thyroid cancer. J. Clin. Endocrinol. Metab.
( 200 MBq) by 25 years. It is dose dependent, and its 83, 4195–4203.

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