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Global warming is one of the biggest threats to our environment.

What causes global warming? What solutions are there to this problem?

How to write an essay?

1. Hook (optional) — Arrest readers’ attention
2. Background / Context — Paraphrase the question prompt
3. Thesis statement — Answer the question(s)
→ should elicit a clear response at/from the outset
4. Signposting (optional) — Present a brief overview of the essay's structure
1. Topic sentence — succinct, concise, but not too laconic
2. Explanation / Elaboration / Elucidation — 1 to 2 sentences
3. Example — reflect the main idea
4. Summary (optional) — revisit / echo the main idea
1. Reiterate the answer — paraphrase the thesis statement
2. Summarize main ideas elaborated on in the preceding body paragraphs (optional)

cách triển khai idea trong paragraph (nên ưu tiên single-idea paragraph nếu có thể đưa cả examples)
P.E.E.L → point — explanation / elaboration / elucidation — example / evidence — link (optional nhưng
nên có để bình luậ n cho example / evidence)
● hã y hỏ i bả n thâ n “thì sao?” — equivalent of “so what?” in English

đi từ general → specific
● anthropogenic factors?
○ the overconsumption / excessive consumption of fossil fuels / carbon-intensive energy
sources → combustion of coal, methane, and the like for industrial production, energy
consumption, etc. → discharge of CO2 and other exhaust fumes — underlying / main
culprits of global warming
● natural causes?
○ forest fires, sunspots, volcanic eruption, permafrosts, solar activity, etc.
có thể thêm bướ c nữ a là consider xem cá i nà o predominate / more glaring / more patent hơn

solutions thì thườ ng mình dự a trên 2 phương diện nà y:

● awareness — action
● stakeholder: individual → institution (tù y bà i có thể là business, school, etc.) → society
đoạ n solution thì có thể showcase ra nhiều kiến thứ c xã hộ i củ a mình nhấ t, thế nên đố i vớ i từ ng khớ p ý
nhỏ thì có thể cho ví dụ vô
● câ n nhắ c thêm cả feasibility + sustainability = long-term viability

Transferable Lexis (that might come in handy)

● global temperature anomalies: nhữ ng dị thườ ng về mặ t nhiệt độ toà n cầ u
● the brittle/fragile ecosystem (n): hệ sinh thá i mong manh dễ vỡ
● preventing dangerous anthropogenic (= caused by humans or their activities) interference with
● equilibrate = balance the nature
● catalyze → act as a catalyst for a change
● garbage incineration
● greenhouse gasses with heat-trapping capabilities
● combat / counteract / curb/ remedy / alleviate / ameliorate / tackle / address / abate / halt
global warming
● raise / heighten / increase public awareness of the repercussions of global warming → inform
citizens of the gravity / magnitude / enormity of the current situation / problem
○ ko nói global warming’s repercussions vì global warming là 1 phenomenon — sự vật, hiện
tượng nên ko thể dùng sở hữu cách
● eco-warriors
● widen the scope of operation
● adopt energy-saving measures
● foster responsible consumption and recycling habits
● overheating
● carbon-intensive ≠ carbon-free
● greener substitutes which have lower carbon footprint
● change the status quo
● concerted/joint effort
● yield fruitful results
● far from insoluble
● spend an inordinate amount of time and money on sth
● anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses
● an intractable problem/person → difficult to deal with
● power-hungry / power-starved / energy-intensive industries
● inordinate concentrations of greenhouse gasses in the atmosphere
● expedite / exacerbate global warming
● a shortfall of funds
● alternative/carbon-free energy = renewables
● attenuate the sun’s radiation
● be denuded of trees
● carbon sequestration
● carbon offset
● the onus is on sb to do sth = it is incumbent (up)on sb to do sth = sb should assume
responsibilities of sth
● cushion/safeguard against sth
● flora and fauna endemic to somewhere
● cancel out
● potent ways to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gasses
● a permissible level for vehicle exhaust emissions
● pave the way for sth ≠ make way for sth
● unfettered / unrestrained / unconstrained / unregulated industrial production
● measure = step, approach, method, avenue, vehicle
● human activities are unanimously claimed to be accelerating global warming

Useful Grammatical Structures

● compound sentences (comma + FANBOYS / semicolon), complex sentences (relative clauses, etc.)
● inversion (only), inverted conditionals (should — were — had)
● cleft sentences, tense variety + adverbs, subjunctive: bà ng thá i cá ch
Extra: nominalization, avoidance of overgeneralization

Global warming is among the most pressing issues in the contemporary world.
→ Global warming has indubitably become a global concern / engendered global concerns / become a
worldwide scourge. (thườ ng hay dù ng: the scourge of sth)
→ It is unequivocal that global temperature has been rising / has been on the rise in recent years.
vì nhiệt độ toà n cầ u vẫ n đang nó ng lên nên ta có thể deploy present perfect CONTINUOUS
→ As adverse effects of global warming (has) become palpable,…
One of the biggest threats in the modern world is global warming. Scientists have found this problem for
decades, and people are now finding ways to control and reduce it. In this essay, I will elaborate on /
elucidate the major contributors as well as suggesting some viable / practical / possible solutions to the
recent temperature rise discuss its causes and suggest some possible solutions to it.
● the thesis statement is vague → should state your opinion at/from the outset
● btw this is gravitating towards a signposting sentence, not a proper thesis statement
There are many factors that can facilitate / expedite / exacerbate create global warming, but all are down
to human activities.
→ Human activities are one of the leading causes of global warming.
→ The recent rise / increase in global temperature can be attributed / attributable / ascribed primarily /
mainly / chiefly to human activities / anthropogenic development.
As the world becomes more developing, humans use more fossil fuels. And the burning of them exhausts
greenhouse gasses such as CO2, water vapor and methane.
nó i đến đâ y thô i thì chưa đủ /hết vì chưa có link vớ i global warming
vì là 2 mệnh đề có mố i liên quan fossil fuels — greenhouse gasses → dù ng relative clause
→ Fossil fuel combustion (for what? industrial production, energy consumption, etc. → be more specific)
is likely / inclined to generate greenhouse gasses with heat-trapping capabilities, such as carbon dioxide
and methane, which are the underlying / main culprits of global warming.

The next culprit for temperature rise worldwide could well be excessive deforestation…
In addition, superfluous logging / tree-clearing / forest clearances could contribute to temperature rise
worldwide Along with this is the cutting down of trees and forests, which reduces the amount of CO2
absorbed, causing the gasses trapped in the atmosphere. Therefore, the heat is rising over time, hence
global temperature rise leading to the Earth's temperature rising. Another minor reason may come from
people killing animals inexorably and illegally, especially the whales who contribute to the absorption of
→ Should large-scale vegetation clearance, which acts as carbon sinks, transpire / be unfettered, a
considerable volume of stored carbon may be released…
● deploy relative non-defining clause để là m rõ stored carbon
● ngoà i ra cò n có : …, which → từ “which” sẽ thay thế cả vế trướ c
○ He got good marks which made his parents proud. → GOOD MARKS were what made his
parents proud!
○ He got good marks, which made his parents proud. → HIS GETTING good marks was what
made his parents proud!
● khuyến khích dù ng inversion nếu có thể:
● đả o ngữ vớ i only
○ Only by curbing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses can global warming be
● conditionals
○ Should industrial production be unfettered / unrestrained, the brittle ecosystem will bear
the brunt of its repercussions.
○ Were governing bodies / national leaders ignorant of youth crime looming, we could be
facing a myriad of intractable problems pertaining to young criminals.
○ Had it not been for government / state intervention, environmental deterioration wouldn’t
have been alleviated / wouldn’t be alleviated now (mixed conditionals)
(where’s your topic sentence? → There are viable avenues which can be taken / adopted to abate global
warming.) One of the most The most important solutions is to raise public general awareness of the
repercussions of global warming global warming, its causes and effects. This can be achieved by
opening / spearheading campaigns and through social media, namely Facebook, Tiktok, or Instagram.
Such an initiative should be implemented in tandem / concert with encouragement to the public /
community to switch to green technologies, such as wind and solar, which is crucial / central / key to
lowering (over-)reliance / minimize (over-)dependence on carbon-intensive energy sources People
should reduce their use of coal, oil, and natural gasses and switch towards more sustainable energy like
wind or solar energy. In addition, Planting more trees as well as replanting the forests are also of great
help reforestation / afforestation is of great import (for what?) by providing more shade and reducing
the level of CO2 in the atmosphere. Governments may need laws banning people from illegal actions to
the environment and the wildlife and should heavily fine those who do not obey the rules. They should
encourage and support people to change their lifestyles, change their habits of overusing fossil fuels.
● avoid generalization
● ideas ở body 2 chưa có sự liên kết mạ ch nố i
● 2 câ u cuố i body 2 vô duyên: list ra nhưng ko đà o sâ u tí nà o. hã y đi theo chiều dọ c thay vì chiều
● khi viết 1 para nên theo cô ng thứ c P.E.E.L (point — explain / elaborate — example — link
(optional nhưng nếu có example thì phả i có bình luậ n thêm)
● có thể đi theo single-idea paragraph nếu hộ i tụ đủ P.E.E.L → better stressed
In conclusion, human activities are the main / chief / major / primary / principal cause of global warming
which can be curbed / alleviate / mitigated / counteracted / ameliorated / tackled / addressed /
remedied , and I think people can curb it by heightening people’s awareness of … and encouraging
carbon-free energy consumption being more knowledgeable and taking action seriously.
It is true that global warming is one of the pressing issues in the current / contemporary world the
biggest issues threatening our environment nowadays.
→ Global warming has indubitably become a global concern / engendered global concerns / become a
worldwide scourge. (thườ ng hay dù ng: the scourge of sth)
→ It is unequivocal that global temperature has been rising / has been on the rise in recent years.
vì nhiệt độ toà n cầ u vẫ n đang nó ng lên nên ta có thể deploy present perfect CONTINUOUS → grammatical
→ As adverse effects of global warming (has) become palpable,…
In this essay, I am going to demonstrate that this phenomenon can be attributed / attributable / ascribed
to human activities and suggest some viable solutions to address this pressing problem.

One major contributor The biggest cause of global warming is the amount of greenhouse gasses from
power plants is rising at alarming rates → anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses /
anthropogenic interference in nature in the form of unfettered industrial production. Fossil fuel
combustion for energy / electricity generation would result in such exhaust fumes as carbon dioxide and
… When coal is burnt to make electricity, it releases a large amount of carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere which is depleting the ozone layer surrounding the earth. Another culprit of the temperature
rise is massive / excessive deforestation / logging / tree-clearing / forest clearances the chopping down
of forests for wood farming. (deploy inversion in conditionals → grammatical RANGE) Were logging of
vegetation, which act as carbon sinks, unfettered / unrestrained, stored carbon would be emitted,
expediting / exacerbating global warming Forests absorb and Capture CO2 from the atmosphere. This
process has been disrupted by the current alarming rate of deforestation. Consequently, global warming
has an adverse impact on not only the environment but also human health.
● khuyến khích dù ng inversion nếu có thể:
● đả o ngữ vớ i only
○ Only by curbing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses can global warming be
● conditionals
○ Should industrial production be unfettered / unrestrained, the brittle ecosystem will bear
the brunt of its repercussions.
○ Were governing bodies / national leaders ignorant of youth crime looming, we could be
facing a myriad of intractable problems pertaining to young criminals.
○ Had it not been for government / state intervention, environmental deterioration wouldn’t
have been alleviated / wouldn’t be alleviated now (mixed conditionals)
Fortunately, several measures could be taken to alleviate / abate / counteract global warming the
aforementioned situation. One practical / feasible solution The first solution would be for authorities to
impose stricter regulations to curb overconsumption of carbon-intensive energy sources, steering
consumers towards such green technologies as solar and wind to put limits for energy consumption by
factories and implement severe orders requiring the organizations to use cleaner energy sources such as
solar energy or wind power in lieu of fossil fuels. Another solution could be to enforce stricter
punishments for illegal logging or forest clearance. Apart from that, if we perform activities such as
planting more trees or purchasing energy-efficient household items, we can help the earth to sustain
● 2 câ u cuố i body 2 hơi vô duyên: list ra nhưng ko đà o sâ u tí nà o. hã y đi theo chiều dọ c thay vì chiều
● khi viết 1 para nên theo cô ng thứ c P.E.E.L (point — explain / elaborate — example — link
(optional nhưng nếu có example thì phả i có bình luậ n thêm)
● có thể đi theo single-idea paragraph nếu hộ i tụ đủ P.E.E.L → better stressed

In conclusion, human activities are / anthropogenic interference is the key driver of global warming it is
clear that there are various causes of global warming that arise from human activities, and the proposed
steps should must be implemented by both government and individuals to mitigate the dire effects of
this problem.

→ Global warming has indubitably become a global concern / engendered global concerns /
become a worldwide scourge. (thường hay dùng: the scourge of sth)
→ It is unequivocal that global temperature has been rising / has been on the rise in recent years.
vì nhiệt độ toàn cầu vẫn đang nóng lên nên ta có thể deploy present perfect CONTINUOUS
→ As adverse effects of global warming (has) become palpable,…
Regardless of what time we live in, climate change remains a major concern among countries. It has
numerous detrimental effects , particularly on the environment . Global warming This problem is caused
by several factors , and I believe it could be addressed by some viable measures.
→ Global warming can be attributed / attributable / ascribed to a number of factors, with human
activities predominating, which is able to be combated / counteracted / curbed / remedied / alleviated /
ameliorated / tackled / addressed with some feasible / viable / practical measures.

There are two main / underlying culprits for the rise in global temperature warming . The first one may
well be anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses. The combustion of fossil fuels for unfettered
industrial production and energy consumption is inclined to produce such exhaust fumes as carbon
dioxide and methane which are among key drivers of global warming First , emissions from
manufacturing and industrial activities , mainly from burning fossil fuels to generate energy for the
purpose of producing commodities and other industrial processes such as electrical devices , plastics,
textiles and other goods. Combustion of fossil fuel releases greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide into the
atmosphere which increases surface temperature substantially . Another major contributor to rising
temperature worldwide is excessive / superfluous / unrestrained tree-clearing / logging /
deforestation / forest clearances Second , deforestation is another major cause of global warming. Forest
lands are cleared by humans for farmland, infrastructural development, wood, pulp and so on. When
vegetation is removed or burned ,a significant amount of carbon dioxide is released back into the
atmosphere contributing which is the leading cause of global warming.
→ Were large-scale clearance of vegetation, which acts as carbon sinks, unfettered, a large volume /
quantity of stored carbon would be released back into the atmosphere, hence expediting / exacerbating
global warming.
● khuyến khích dù ng inversion nếu có thể:
● đả o ngữ vớ i only
○ Only by curbing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses can global warming be
● conditionals
○ Should industrial production be unfettered / unrestrained, the brittle ecosystem will bear
the brunt of its repercussions.
○ Were governing bodies / national leaders ignorant of youth crime looming, we could be
facing a myriad of intractable problems pertaining to young criminals.
○ Had it not been for government / state intervention, environmental deterioration wouldn’t
have been alleviated / wouldn’t be alleviated now (mixed conditionals)
In order to curb global warming, several practical (→ be specific) measures could be taken actions could
be taken. One feasible solution / avenue step is to switch to use alternative sources of energy . Such green
technologies as wind and solar boast lower carbon footprint… Green power sources namely wind , solar
power ,... are eco-friendly and do not contribute to air pollution . As there are no carbon emissions ,
problems of climate change and poor air quality can be tackled by increasing the dependence on
alternative energy . Such an initiative should be implemented in tandem / concert with imposition of
stricter regulations / enactment of stricter legislation… Second, the government should establish harsher
deforestation regulations with steep fines so that individuals won't dare to violate them . This will
significantly lower the pace of deforestation and reduce carbon emissions.
● đã dù ng including, namely, such as, etc. rồ i thì ko cầ n ‘etc.’, ‘and so on’, hay ellipses vì bả n thâ n
nhữ ng từ đấ y đã thể hiện danh sá ch liệt kê nhữ ng cá i tiêu biểu nhấ t rồ i
● đừ ng đi theo chiều ngang hã y đi theo chiều dọ c + á p dụ ng P.E.E.L
In conclusion, global warming can be attributed / attributable / ascribed to anthropogenic interference
with nature in the form of industrial production and massive tree-clearing. the growth in global warming
results from emissions and deforestation , and this issue should be implemented urgently by the above
measures. It is imperative (= importance + urgent) that the aforementioned / above-mentioned /
proposed measures BE implemented / taken / adopted.
● grammar: subjunctive — bà ng thá i cá ch
● It is urgent / imperative / important / crucial / necessary that + S + be / V-inf + O
○ It is imperative that he TAKE a digital sabbath. (vì là subjunctive nên ta sẽ ko chia độ ng từ
mà để dạ ng nguyên thể)

→ Global warming has indubitably become a global concern / engendered global
concerns / become a worldwide scourge. (thường hay dùng: the scourge of sth)
→ It is unequivocal that global temperature has been rising / has been on the rise
in recent years.
vì nhiệt độ toàn cầu vẫn đang nóng lên nên ta có thể deploy present perfect
→ As adverse effects of global warming (has) become palpable,…
As we know, the most worrying threat to our planet at the present time is global warming. This essay
will examine the reasons why global warming is occurring / escalating / expedited / exacerbated and
discuss some possible solutions to this problem.
The main factors resulting in the warming of the earth are the emissions of CO2 and deforestation.
→ anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses sẽ tó m gọ n lạ i topic sentence
The combustion of fossil fuels for industrial production and energy generation / consumption is inclined
to produce a large volume of such exhaust fumes as carbon dioxide which is the underlying culprit of
global warming CO2, which damages the ozone layer, comes from several sources, but the most
problematic are those coming from the burning of fossil fuels from power plants. This releases thousands
of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere every year. Another cause of these emissions is the burning of gas
for transportation, which continues to grow because of our demand for cars and also our increasing
worldwide consumption, resulting in an increasing need to transport goods. In addition Also,
deforestation can be a key contributor to / an underlying culprit of global warming. Were the massive /
large-scale (tree-clearing thô i sẽ ko đủ để exacerbate global warming) clearance of vegetation, which acts
as carbon sinks, to transpire, a considerable quantity of stored carbon would be released back into the
atmosphere, hence exacerbating / escalating the rise in global temperature forests store large amounts
of carbon, so deforestation is causing larger amounts of CO2 to remain in the atmosphere.
● sai writing style — đâ y là vă n phong narrative
● mình nó i causes củ a global warming thì khi bắ t đầ u triển khai thì nên dù ng subject là nhữ ng cá i
causes đấ y (vd deforestation thì dù ng “deforestation” là m subject cho idea 2 chứ ko bắ t đầ u bằ ng
forests storing carbon
● idea 1 thì dà i, idea 2 thì bị trù ng và cũ ng sương sương dà i, idea 3 thì 1 câ u → mấ t câ n đố i
● triển khai theo chiều dọ c thay vì ngang
● khuyến khích dù ng inversion nếu có thể:
● đả o ngữ vớ i only
○ Only by curbing anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses can global warming be
● conditionals
○ Should industrial production be unfettered / unrestrained, the brittle ecosystem will bear
the brunt of its repercussions.
○ Were governing bodies / national leaders ignorant of youth crime looming, we could be
facing a myriad of intractable problems pertaining to young criminals.
○ Had it not been for government / state intervention, environmental deterioration wouldn’t
have been alleviated / wouldn’t be alleviated now (mixed conditionals)
Nevertheless, there are viable avenues / feasible measures potential ways to solve these problems, or at
least reduce the effects. Firstly, it is imperative that campaigns which encourage the use of green
technologies be spearheaded / intensified because such alternative energy sources as solar, wind, and
biomass boast lower carbon footprint, hence… governments need to reduce our dependence on fossil
fuels and promote alternatives. Plant-derived plastics, biodiesel, wind power and solar power are all
things that are a step in the right direction, . Such an initiative should be implemented in tandem/concert
with stricter regulations / legislation to impose a limit on UNFETTERED industrial production and
OVERconsumption of carbon-intensive energy sources but governments need to enforce the limits on
CO2 emissions for the polluting industries in their countries for these to be effective. Moreover Also,
individuals can contribute to this cause play a part by adopting / leading environmentally friendly
lifestyles making lifestyle changes. People should try to buy cars with the best fuel economy, and only use
their car when really necessary. They can also switch to energy companies that use renewable energy
rather than fossil fuels. Finally, small things like buying energy efficient light bulbs, turning off electricity
in the house, and planting trees in the garden can help.
● ko đồ ng điệu trong paragraph là cá i đầ u tiên (ý đầ u dà i nhưng mấ y ý sau vỏ n vẹn 1 câ u
● ideas overlapping → poor idea selection
● liệt kê nhưng ko đà o sâ u🔪🔪🔪 → ko thấ y đc khả nă ng sử dụ ng tố t academic writing, ko có gì để
cho ngta chấ m band cao hoặ c tầ m trung
● solutions thì nên có raise public awareness bở i vì cố t lõ i củ a vấ n đề là humans mà
In summary, although global warming is a serious issue, there are steps that governments and individuals
can take to reduce / counteract its effects. If we are to save our planet, it is important that this is treated
as a priority for all concerned.
In this essay, I will elaborate on / elucidate the major contributors as well as suggesting some viable /
practical / possible solutions to the recent temperature rise .

There are many factors that can facilitate / expedite / exacerbate global warming.
→ Human activities are one of the leading causes of global warming.
→ The recent rise / increase in global temperature can be attributed / attributable / ascribed primarily /
mainly / chiefly to human activities / anthropogenic development.
As the world becomes more developing, humans use more fossil fuels. And the burning of them exhausts
greenhouse gasses such as CO2, water vapor and methane.
→ Fossil fuel combustion (for what? industrial production, energy consumption, etc. → be more specific)
is likely / inclined to generate greenhouse gasses with heat-trapping capabilities, such as carbon dioxide
and methane, which are the underlying / main culprits of global warming.

The next culprit for temperature rise worldwide could well be excessive deforestation…
In addition, superfluous logging / tree-clearing / forest clearances could contribute to temperature rise
worldwide. Therefore, the heat is rising over time, hence global temperature rise
→ Should large-scale vegetation clearance, which acts as carbon sinks, transpire / be unfettered, a
considerable volume of stored carbon may be released…
One of the most important solutions is to raise public awareness of the repercussions of global warming
This can be achieved by opening / spearheading campaigns and through social media, namely Facebook,
Tiktok, or Instagram. Such an initiative should be implemented in tandem / concert with encouragement
to the public / community to switch to green technologies, such as wind and solar, which is crucial /
central / key to lowering (over-)reliance / minimize (over-)dependence on carbon-intensive energy

In addition, reforestation / afforestation is of great import (for what?)

It is true that global warming is one of the pressing issues in the current / contemporary world .
In this essay, I am going to demonstrate that this phenomenon can be attributed / attributable / ascribed
to human activities and suggest some viable solutions to address this pressing problem.

One major contributor of global warming is the amount of greenhouse gasses from power plants
→ anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses / anthropogenic interference in nature in the form of
unfettered industrial production. Fossil fuel combustion for energy / electricity generation would result
in such exhaust fumes as carbon dioxide and …

Another culprit of the temperature rise is massive / excessive deforestation / logging / tree-clearing /
forest clearances. Were logging of vegetation, which act as carbon sinks, unfettered / unrestrained, stored
carbon would be emitted, expediting / exacerbating global warming.
Fortunately, several measures could be taken to alleviate / abate / counteract global warming. One
practical / feasible solution. would be for authorities to impose stricter regulations to curb
overconsumption of carbon-intensive energy sources, steering consumers towards such green
technologies as solar and wind.

In conclusion, human activities are / anthropogenic interference is the key driver of global warming and
the proposed steps should be implemented to mitigate the dire effects of this problem.

→ Global warming can be attributed / attributable / ascribed to a number of factors, with human
activities predominating, which is able to be combated / counteracted / curbed / remedied / alleviated /
ameliorated / tackled / addressed with some feasible / viable / practical measures.

There are two main / underlying culprits for the rise in global temperature . The first one may well be
anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gasses. The combustion of fossil fuels for unfettered industrial
production and energy consumption is inclined to produce such exhaust fumes as carbon dioxide and
methane which are among key drivers of global warming . Another major contributor to rising
temperature worldwide is excessive / superfluous / unrestrained tree-clearing / logging /
deforestation / forest clearances .

→ Were large-scale clearance of vegetation, which acts as carbon sinks, unfettered, a large volume /
quantity of stored carbon would be released back into the atmosphere, hence expediting / exacerbating
global warming.

In order to curb global warming, several practical measures could be taken. One feasible solution /
avenue is to switch to alternative sources of energy. Such green technologies as wind and solar boast
lower carbon footprint….

Such an initiative should be implemented in tandem / concert with imposition of stricter regulations /
enactment of stricter legislation…

In conclusion, global warming can be attributed / attributable / ascribed to anthropogenic interference

with nature in the form of industrial production and massive tree-clearing. It is imperative/crucial/vital
that the aforementioned / above-mentioned / proposed measures BE implemented / taken / adopted.

It is unequivocal that global temperature has been rising / has been on the rise in
recent years. This essay will examine the reasons why global warming is occurring / escalating /
expedited / exacerbated and discuss some possible solutions to this problem.

The main factors resulting in the warming of the earth are anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse
The combustion of fossil fuels for industrial production and energy generation / consumption is inclined
to produce a large volume of such exhaust fumes as carbon dioxide which is the underlying culprit of
global warming. In addition, deforestation can be a key contributor to / an underlying culprit of global
warming. Were the massive / large-scale clearance of vegetation, which acts as carbon sinks, to transpire,
a considerable quantity of stored carbon would be released back into the atmosphere, hence
exacerbating / escalating the rise in global temperature.

Nevertheless, there are viable avenues / feasible measures to solve these problems. Firstly, it is
imperative that campaigns which encourage the use of green technologies be spearheaded / intensified
because such alternative energy sources as solar, wind, and biomass boast lower carbon footprint,
hence…. Such an initiative should be implemented in tandem/concert with stricter regulations /
legislation to impose a limit on UNFETTERED industrial production and OVERconsumption of carbon-
intensive energy sources Moreover , individuals can contribute to this cause by adopting / leading
environmentally friendly lifestyles.

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