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Chapter 3: LEARNING FROM OTHER STUDIES AND 2. There should be no pressure on individuals to
Incentives to take part should generally not be
Purposes of the Review of Related Literature provided. If an incentive is used it needs to be only a token,
It is necessary for you to review information, facts, and not enough to encourage someone to participate who
data available, or theories that have some relationship with would really prefer not to take part.
your hypothesis which you posed in your stated problem or 3. Respect individual autonomy.
research question. Reviewing the literature requires the Autonomy means the freedom to decide what to
ability to juggle multiple tasks, from finding and evaluating do. Even when someone has signed a Consent Form, they
relevant material to synthesizing information from various must be made aware that they are free to withdraw from
sources from critical thinking to paraphrasing, evaluating, the study anytime, without giving a reason. They must also
and citation skills. Literature may be defined as written be able to request that the data they have given be
works collectively, especially, those enduring importance, removed from the study.
exhibiting creative imagination and artistic skill which are 4. Avoid Causing Harm.
written in a particular period, language, and subject. The duty of the researcher is not to cause harm.
The researcher must make sure that the principle of
voluntary participation is observed in situations where
Functions of Review of Related Literature there is an interaction with subjects.
1. to provide justification of the study 5. Maintain anonymity and confidentiality.
2. to identify gaps, problems and needs of related studies Making data ‘anonymous’ means removing the
3. to provide rationale of the study as well as the reasons of contributor’s name. however, you will often need to take
conducting the study more than this basic step to protect a participant’s identity.
4. to have basis that will be used to support findings of the 6. Take particular care in research with vulnerable group.
study Think about vulnerability in its widest sense. Care is
clearly needed in research with young children, and with
Characteristics of the Materials Cited people with disability, or minors. However, others may be
1. The materials must be recent as possible, may be 10 vulnerable in certain contexts, for example: students,
years back. employees, dependents, or people with particular traits
2. Materials must be as objective and unbiased as possible. that could be subject to prejudice.
3. Materials must be relevant to the study.
4. Coherence principle must be observed in writing Plagiarism
literature review. It is the most widely recognized and one of the
serious violations of contract between the reader and the
Citation Style Guide writer. Plagiarism is an act of quoting or copying the exact
Reference is an important part of a research paper. It must word of the writer and passing the quoted words off as
be consistent and easy to read across the different papers. your own words.
There are predefined styles stating how to set them out-
these are called citation styles. Referencing is a method
used to demonstrate to the readers that you have
conducted a thorough and appropriate literature search
and reading.

1. APA (American Psychological Association) – is an

author/date-based style. This means emphasis is placed on
the author and the date of a piece of work to uniquely
identify it.
2. MLA (Modern Language Association) – is most often
applied by the arts and humanities, particularly in the USA.
It is arguably the most well used of all of the citation styles.
3. Harvard – is very similar to APA. Where APA is primarily
used in the USA, Harvard referencing is the most well used
referencing style in the UK and Australia, and is encouraged
for use with the humanities.
4. Vancouver – this is mainly used in medical and scientific
5. Chicago and Turabian – these are two separate styles but
are very similar, just like Harvard and APA. These are widely
used for History and Economics.

Basic Principle of Ethical Practice

1. Obtained informed consent from participants.
Informed consent must be given to the research
participants before they will be subjected for the research.
In the case of minors, parents or guardian must be fully
aware of the said activity. For native speakers, informed
consent may be translated in their dialect.

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