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Simcity 1999
by: Greg Johnson

This zip file should contain:

-simcity.89p -house2.89i
-sc_build.89p -house3.89i
-sc_const.89p -house4.89i
-sc_custo.89p -house5.89i
-sc_grid1.89i -house6.89i
-sc_grid2.89i -house7.89i
-sc_grid3.89i -house8.89i
-sc_grid4.89i -house9.89i
-sc_grid5.89i -ind1.89i
-sc_grid6.89i -ind10.89i
-sc_grid7.89i -ind2.89i
-sc_grid8.89i -ind3.89i
-sc_grid9.89i -ind4.89i
-sc_man.89i -ind5.89i
-sc_menu1.89i -ind6.89i
-sc_sel1.89i -ind7.89i
-title1.89i -ind8.89i
-title2.89i -ind9.89i
-title3.89i -public1.89i
-comm1.89i -public10.89i
-comm10.89i -public2.89i
-comm2.89i -public3.89i
-comm3.89i -public4.89i
-comm4.89i -public5.89i
-comm5.89i -public6.89i
-comm6.89i -public7.89i
-comm7.89i -public8.89i
-comm8.89i -road1.89i
-comm9.89i -road2.89i
-house1.89i -road3.89i
-house10.89i -sc_help.89p

To run the - SimCity 1999 - type "simcity()" into the Entry Line.

Version 0.2 Features:

-Raised the number of people public places could hold (now you don't need a
school, etc.
on every different section of land) :-)
-Changed the budget to make SimCity more difficult
-<see 0.1 features>
Version 0.1 Features:
-Fully Graphical
-40 different buildings
-Demolish building feature
-Multiple saved cities
-'Delete city' option (so you don't delete SimCity files by accident)
-'Auto Budget' option (so the annoying menu won't pop up after every year)
-'Disaster' option
-Deals with neighbors
-Complaint section
-Information section
-Doesn't mess up all of your graph settings
-Deletes unnecessary variables before exiting
-Install program archives variables

SimCity 1999 Tutorial====================================================== SimCity

1999 Tutorial

1. Run simcity(). Press ENTER after each of the pretty pictures are displayed.
2. Select New. Press alpha twice. Enter in a City Name and Mayor Name only.
Press ENTER.
3. "Wow! You just got your first WARNING (instead of an error that would make you
exit the
program). Press ENTER and type 'tutorial' in as the File Name.
4. "Cool! Another WARNING." Press ENTER and read the awesome introduction. Press
5. You are now at the Main Menu! Press the down arrow. Hey Look! Another
WARNING! (only if you
had alpha turned on still). Turn off alpha.
6. Move the cursor down to Info and press ENTER. Turn 'Auto Budget' off and hit
ENTER twice to
return to the Main Menu.
7. Move the cursor to Build and press ENTER. "Congratulations on recieving your
first reward."
Press ENTER. Move the cursor down 4 places and press ENTER. "OOPS! I sure am
glad that the
construction company didn't build your home off the map!" Press Enter and
select a new
8. How about we build a power plant now. Press 2ND+UP to move to a new location.
We don't want
the power plant right next to our home. Press X. Select 'Public' from the menu
and press
ENTER twice. Select Nuclear Power and press Enter twice. Select a location and
press ENTER.
9. Now build a Police/Fire Station.
10.Press 2ND+DOWN to move back to your old location. Build a house. Press ENTER
again to build
another house at a different place.
11.Build a N-S Road that connects to the road at the top of the screen. Use the E-
W Road and
Intersection where needed to connect to the road on the right.
12.Build and Industrial Plant near your home. "Now what kind of a stupid idea was
Press X. Select Demolish and Press ENTER. Demolish the Industrial Plant.
13.Press ESC to return to the Main Menu.
14.Go to Office and press ENTER.
15.Go to Complaints and press ENTER. "Oh no! We forgot about the hospital,
school, and buses."
16.Press ENTER. Let's take out a loan just in case. Press Enter on office again.
17.Select Loans and press ENTER. Type in any amount up to 20,000 in the Amount
line. Press
ENTER. After your loan is granted press ESC to exit.
18.Note that you have more money! Go to Budget and press ENTER. Look through your
19.Lets sell some power and earn money. First go to Office and select Power. We
have plenty of
power to sell. Go into Office again and select Neighbors. Select Sell and then
20.Acept the deal. Go back into Office and select Ordinances. Approve an
Advertising ordinance.
21.Go to Budget. Look through it again.
22.We're done for now. Let's EXIT. Press ESC. Select Exit and press ENTER.
23.Press ENTER again to run simcity(). Select Delete. Enter 'tutori' as the File
Name. Press
24.Exit SimCity 1999. You made it through the tutorial.
25.Now go play!

SimCity 1999 Information=================================================SimCity

1999 Information

-Building Costs
Mayor's House $0
Road $10
Residential $40
Commercial $40
Industrial $40
Bus Stop $150
Hospital $500
School $500
Police/Fire $750 <Police Station and Fire Station are together>
Jail $2500 <Has 2 Police Stations>
Stadium $2500
Airport $4500 <Has 2 Bus Stops>
Coal Power Plant $5000 <6000 MW of power>
Nuclear Power Plant $10000 <15000 MW of power>

/----/----/----/----/ Outsides {1,5,9,13,4,8,12,16} have 37 squares
each 296
/ 13 / 14 / 15 / 16 / Insides {2,6,10,14,3,7,11,15} have 46 squares each
/----/----/----/----/ Total---->680
/ 9 / 10 / 11 / 12 /
/----/----/----/----/ --> 680 squares of land! <--
/ 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 /
/ 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 /

Buy or sell
Health Care
Police Protection

Approve or Disapprove
CPR Training
Energy Conservation

Build -Where you build your city
Budget -Where you budget you cash flow
Office -Complaints
-Fire Department
-Police Department
Info -City Information
-Auto Budget

Arrow keys Move cursors
2nd+Arrow keys Move cursor to a different area of the city
ESC Exit menus and the game
ENTER Choose current selection / Build in the Build section
X Build
F1 On-Calc Help

I am not responsible blah, blah, blah. THIS GAME IS ALL BASIC. I really doubt it
will mess up
your calculator.
Greg Johnson

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