The Microsoft Excel 2010 ToT Ouline

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Training Outline of MS – Excel 2010

 Using Excel 2010

o The Excel Cell Referencing System
o Entering Numbers and Text
o Summing a Column of Numbers
o Entering a Date
o Worksheets and Workbooks
o Saving a Workbook
o Creating a New Workbook
o Opening a Workbook
o Switching between Workbooks
o Help
 Excel 2010 Selection Techniques
o Selecting a Cell, cell range, row & column.
 Manipulating Rows and Columns within Excel 2010
o Inserting Rows & Columns
o Deleting Rows& Columns
o Column Widths
o Row Heights
 Manipulating Excel 2010 Cells and Cell Content
o Copying a Cell or Range Contents
o Deleting Cell Contents
o Moving the Contents of a Cell or Range.
o Editing Cell Content
o Undo and Redo
o AutoFill
o Sorting
o Searching and Replacing
 Excel 2010 Worksheets
o Renaming a Worksheet
o Inserting a New Worksheet
o Deleting a Worksheet
o Copying and moving a Worksheet
 Font Formatting
o Font Type
o Font Size
o Bold, Italic, Underline
o Cell Border Formatting
o Background Colour
o Font Colour
 Alignment Formatting
o Aligning cell contents
o Centring a Title Over a Cell Range
o Cell Orientation
Training Outline of MS – Excel 2010
o Text Wrapping
o Format Painter
 Number Formatting
o Decimal Point Display
o Comma Style Formatting
o Currency Symbol
o Date Styles
o Percentages
 Freezing Row and Column Titles
o Freezing Row and Column Titles
 Formulas
o Creating Formulas
o Copying Formulas
o Operators
o Using Operators In Formulas
o Formula Error Messages
o Relative Cell Referencing
o Absolute Cell Referencing
 Functions
o Sum Function
o Average Function
o Max Function
o Min Function
o Count Function
o The Counta Function
o The Countblank Function
o Using the If Function
 Charts
o Inserting different chart types.
o Resizing and deleting a Chart
o Chart Title or Labels
o Chart Background Colour
o Column, Bar, Line or Pie Slice Colours
o Copying and Moving Charts
 Customising Excel
o Modifying Excel Options
o Minimising the Ribbon
o Autocorrect Options

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