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 From America
 Rejected psychoanalysis freud jung
 Famous personality psychologist
 Traits theory
 Influential
 Awarded and ranked as 11th most influential psychologist
 Mom-school teacher
 Psychology from day 1 , met freud , studying in harvad- Sigmund was speaker , at 22
 How psychoanalysis influence and harm – book

Trait theory of personality

 45005 personalities
 16pf was developed by cattel
 1. Cardinal traits – dominant us , entire personality
 Very rare
 Ex- mother tersa (synonym of cardinal trait)
Soft and strongly influential
 2. Central traits – kind , honest , very friendly , anxious, outgoing , not very extrovert
Fall into depression easily
 3. Secondary traits - easy going , short temper ,cool, outgoing
Opposite side – very anxious, angry

1. Central traits

Intelligent , honest, shy, anxious ,etc.

2. Secondary traits

Anxiety in public speaking , depressed , impatient while waiting in line , aggressive, short

temper, wants things to go according to their way

3. Cardinal traits

Very dominating, narcissist, always want to impact on others, they make sure that their

name becomes the synonym of their trait.


 O – openness

High- creative, easily adaptable ; Low – don’t like changes, not very imaginative

 C – conscientiousness

High - attention to details, no wrong decisions ; low – dislike constructed schedule, no right

decision, procrastinate
 E – extraversion
High -
 A – agreeableness
High – enjoy contributing in other’s life,
 N – neurtosism
High – emotional stability is low
Low – very relaxed and happy

 More than 16 PF , BFM is used

Interview method :

House tree person



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