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What’s happening with the widespread of the virus, COVID-19, and the pandemic has
brought about numerous obstacles on public health and the global economy. Moreover, it has
deeply damaged democracy and governance all around the world. Democracy today, as we
experience this pandemic, is already at risk as it affects many countries and may cause
democratic backsliding and authoritarian consolidation. Although, some governments took this
unfortunate situation (pandemic) as an opportunity to develop executive power and regulate
individual rights. The coronavirus has potential to change the terms about the debate that many
people globally have been interested in, which is the merits of authoritarianism versus
democracy. Furthermore, the pandemic will definitely pave the way for the governance to
expand effectively by oppressing the countries’ basic governance duties, aggravating corruption,
taxing their socio political cohesion, unsettling relations between national and local
governments, and changing the role of nonstate actors. However, the increased role of the
nonstate actors’ in executing response to emergencies may potentially be an advantage as it can
build up their permissibility and authority in the perspective of the local communities that can
establish their political influence. For example, how Lebanon handled and mobalized 25,000
people including paramedics to fight against COVID-19. Furthermore, they even had new testing
centers and ambulances and they also repurposed the entire hospital for the COVID-19 patients.
Another example is in Afghanistan where they launched a campaign to spread awareness of the
new virus in areas under their control. (Brown, 2020)

During the pandemic, almost all the countries globally have been cautious so they
implemented new regulations for the citizens to follow. Hence, limitation of public gatherings
and their freedom to go and do what they want. Most countries have declared states of
emergency, and Public Health Emergency have also been required to take extreme measures for
safety. (Brown, 2020)According to Brown, Brechenmacher, and Carothers there is solicitude that
might affect access to power, limitation of democratic spaces, restriction of fundamental rights,
enhancement of the state surveillance and reduction of the right to demonstrate can be difficult to
revoke unless the situation can be manageable. In addition to that, the situation may cause risks
that can cause the issue of shrinking spaces for civil society and increase the interest in the
discussions on the effectiveness of authoritarianism more than democratic rule. For example,
actions such as postponing the elections or extending military power to address civilian affairs.

In conclusion, they must be aware and monitor closely the fast paced events that have
been happening politically in relation to the pandemic. Another possible wave of political
disturbance is not impossible to occur and can cause another global economic crisis. This can
cause some unwanted events such as increase in economic inequality, unemployment, debt, and
poverty. In addition to that, pressures on the stability of financial institutions can cause pressure
on governance systems. Moreover, what we are experiencing now, as an example of a crisis, this
virus has been affecting everyone globally, economically and politically. It’s political effects will
continue to spread across boundaries and will not stop until the situation has been controlled.

Brown, F. Z., Brechenmacher, S., & Carothers, T. (2020, April 6). How will the coronavirus
reshape democracy and governance globally? Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Retrieved October 1, 2021, from

How will the coronavirus reshape democracy and governance globally? Decentralisation and
local Governance. (2020, May 14). Retrieved October 1, 2021, from

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