ToR To Develop Guidelines For Institutional Development Plan, and Standards For Laboratory and Workshops

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Federal Technical and Vocational Education and

Training Institute (FTI)

Terms of Reference to develop guidelines for institutional

development plan, and standards for laboratory and

East Africa Skills Transformation and Regional Integration Project


September, 2020
Addis Ababa

ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................. 4
Chapter One ............................................................................................................................... 5
1. Background information and rationale ............................................................................... 5
1.1 Background information .................................................................................................. 5
Chapter Two............................................................................................................................... 6
Component One: develop laboratory and workshop standards for CoE at FTI ......................... 6
1.1 Rationale for ToR ............................................................................................................ 6
1.2 Objectives ........................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.1 General Objective ................................................................................................................ 8
1.2.2 Specific objectives ................................................................................................................ 8
1.3 Expected Result/outcomes ............................................................................................... 9
1.4 Scope ................................................................................................................................ 9
1.5 Deliverables ................................................................................................................... 10
1.6 Approach and Methodology .......................................................................................... 10
1.6.1 Study method ...................................................................................................................... 10
1.6.2 Data collection and analysis method ................................................................................ 11
1.6.3 Verification methods .......................................................................................................... 11
1.6.4 Stakeholder involvement system....................................................................................... 12
Component Two: develop Guidelines for Institutional development plan & workshop
standard at Regional polytechnic colleges ............................................................................... 12
2.1 Rationale for the Topic .................................................................................................. 12
2.2 Objective ........................................................................................................................ 13
2.2.1 General objective ................................................................................................................. 13
2.2.2 Specific objectives: ............................................................................................................. 13
2.2 Scope of the Work ......................................................................................................... 13
2.3.1 Time Coverage.................................................................................................................... 13
2.3.2 Geography Coverage ......................................................................................................... 13
2.3.4 Tasks Coverage .................................................................................................................. 13
2.3.5 Target Groups .................................................................................................................... 14
2.3 Expected results/outcome .............................................................................................. 14
2.4 Types of Deliverables .................................................................................................... 14
2.5 Approach and Methodology .......................................................................................... 14
2.5.1 Study Method ..................................................................................................................... 14
2.5.2 Data Collection and Analysis ............................................................................................ 14
2.5.3 Outcome Indicators............................................................................................................ 15
2.5.4 Verification Methods ......................................................................................................... 16

2.5.5 Stakeholder Involvement System ................................................................................ 16
Chapter three ........................................................................................................................ 16
1. Implementation Timeframe .......................................................................................... 16
2. Governance and accountability ..................................................................................... 17
2.1 Responsibility of the Client (TVET Institute) .................................................................... 17
2.2 Responsibility of the Consultant .......................................................................................... 18
2.3 Responsibilities of Stakeholders .......................................................................................... 19
3. Guiding Principles and Values...................................................................................... 19
4. Professional Qualifications for the task. ....................................................................... 19
4.1 The Consultant ...................................................................................................................... 19
4.2 Team leader ........................................................................................................................... 20
4.3 Team member ........................................................................................................................ 20
5. Budget and payments .................................................................................................... 20
5.1 Sources of funding .................................................................................................................. 20
5.2 The Consultancy fees ............................................................................................................ 21
5.3 Payment Terms ..................................................................................................................... 21
5.4 Payment schedule .................................................................................................................. 21
6. Structure of the Report and Submission Guidelines ..................................................... 21
a) Language and unit to be used ............................................................................................ 21
b) Table of contents ................................................................................................................. 22
7. Environmental and social policy ...................................................................................... 23


CEO Chief Executive Officer

EOS Ethiopia Occupational Standards
ESSP Education Sector Strategy Program
EASTRIP: East Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional Integration Project
FTI Federal TVET Institutes
HERQA: Higher Education Relevance Quality Agency
ICT: Information and Communication Technologies
IDP Institutional Development plan
ILO International Labour Organization
MoSHE: Ministry of Science and Higher Education
MoU Memorandum of Under Standing
NTQF National TVET Qualification Framework
PESTEL Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Environmental and Legal
RFTI Regional Flagship TVET Institute
SWOT: Strength, Weakness, Opportunities and Threats
SME Micro and Small Enterprise
ToR: Terms of Reference
TVET: Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institute
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
WB: World Bank

Chapter One

1. Background information and rationale

1.1 Background information

Federal Technical and Vocational Education and Training Institute (FTI), formerly the Ethio-
China Polytechnic College was established in… The Council of Ministers Regulation
245/2011. Classes started in March 2012 with five occupational sectors namely: automotive,
construction, electronics/electrical, information and communication technology and
manufacturing technology. Two years later railways and surveying technology departments
were opened. Those programs embraced ten specializations, namely, Automotive, Building,
Road, Water, ICT, Electrical and Control, Electronics and Communications, Manufacturing,
Rolling Stock, and Surveying. The driving force for establishing FTI , among other things,
was that there was no institution to train competent and sufficient technical and vocational
teachers and leaders based on the outcome-based system and occupational standards. Since
then, the Manufacturing Technology and Leather Technology Departments had gone through
a series of curricular changes to upgrade the existing BSc and MSc programs, which demands
a significant development and modernization of its existing laboratory and workshop
The vision of the FTI is to see world-class teachers and leaders. Its mission is to produce
competent, innovative and resourceful TVET teachers and leaders through the provisions of
quality long term and short term program and quality instructors, to carry out quality
technology research through active involvement of TVET teachers and stakeholders in
support of the Medium and Small Enterprises (MSEs), to ensure quality and sustainable
institutional development, to provide demand-driven community and consultancy services
and to ensure continuous engagement with industry and foreign institutions.
Concerning achievements, though TVET Institute was established with four departments and
730 Trainees, it has registered remarkable changes to date. In due course, the last ten years
the government has given due attention the institute, and it is making progressive growth both
in facilities and admission with new undergraduate and postgraduate programs that
strengthen its mission.
By large, multiple attempts have been done by the governments and other organizations to
improve the quality & access of the TVET trainees through improving the facilities and
delivery of training. Now a day, under the federal TVET institute including satellite colleges,
there are about six faculties, 26 training occupations, more than 12,000 trainees, 450 trainers
and 16 satellite colleges.
Despite this fact , there are also crucial problems related to quality, relevance, accessibility
and equity of TVET training and education.
Through EASTRIP, financed by the World Bank, the Federal TVET institute have been
taken an initiative to address and improve the priority areas such as Institutional development
plan, workshop & laboratory development programs.

With the technical and financial support of the World Bank Group, the Eastern Africa Skills
for Transformation and Regional Integration Project (EASTRIP) has been launched in Addis
Ababa, Ethiopia, in June 2019. The project supports the development of highly specialized
TVET programs as well as industry-recognized short term certificate level training and will
target regional priority sectors in transport, energy, manufacturing and ICT. EASTRIP is a
five-year project to increase access, relevance and quality of TVET programs in selected
regional flagship TVET institutes in East Africa. The project also is aimed at institutional
capacity building and system development with due focus on enhancing regional integration
among the East African countries to have qualified human resources in TVET sectors and
allow labour mobility within the east African regions. As the RFTI in Precision Tool and Die
Making and Leather Technology, the expectation is high particularly in providing a new set
of standards for training and development of TVET trainers and industry practitioners.
Therefore, the Federal TVET Institute intends to hire competent and interested consultant
firms to develop different guideline and procedures to underpin the governance and
management of the institute & Regional TVET colleges training- learning process. The
assignments are categorized into different component but under one package, as these
components are independent and have different objective, scope, and deliverables, obviously,
the consultant will follow different methodology and approach as would be set out in detail at
each component descriptions. Thus the components are:
1. Component One: develop laboratory and workshop standards for manufacturing &
leather at RFTI
2. Component Two: develop Guidelines for Institutional development plan, institutional
standard & workshop standard at non-project polytechnic colleges
In this regard, this ToR comprises three chapters. Chapter one encompasses the introduction
and background of the institute and the project EASTRIP. Chapter two embraces the two
major components (assignments) including their rational, objective, expected outcome, final
deliverable and methodology of the study. Finally, under chapter three general
Implementation timeframe, Governance and Accountability, Guiding Principles and Values,
Professional Qualifications, Report Format, Environmental and social policy, Budget and
Payment modality of the assignment will be depicted thereon.

Chapter Two

Component One: developing laboratory and workshop standards for manufacturing &
Leather at RFTI

1.1 Rationale for the Topic

The shortage of skilled workforce in developing countries, particularly in Ethiopia, has
continuously contributed to low level of social and economic growth and development. To
address this problem, the Ethiopian Government implements its ambitious Growth and

Transformation Plan (GTP) that will bring Ethiopia to low -middle level income country in
the year 2025 through massive human resource training and development that will meet the
competence requirements of the industry and encourage young people to venture in
entrepreneurial endeavours. The availability of a skilled workforce in the country will send a
very strong signal to the industry investors to establish their business in Ethiopia.
To ensure quality graduates in the Regional TVET colleges, the Federal TVET Institute is
established primarily to cater to the needs of the TVET trainers to possess the right skills and
methods that will make them effective and efficient in delivering quality TVET programs.
The TVET is an effective and efficient institution for empowering the youth and adults with
skills for wage and self-employment, which will eventually contribute to the community’s
social and economic development and thus, reduce poverty in Ethiopia.
The Ethiopian manufacturing sector is big and prioritized in Ethiopia because of the booming
infrastructure and industrial development, but the industry is suffering from the availability of
competent human resources in manufacturing (tool and dies making), leather and leather
technology practices, and approaches that impede growth and development.
One of the main limitations that impede growth and development is lack of modern
laboratory and workshop facilities required for the development of practical skills and
competences in graduates based on international standard practices.
Since the market conditions, manufacturing, leather and leather products technologies have
changed ‒and will continuously be changing‒ the establishment of new facilities in
laboratories and workshops of Federal TVET Institute has become as a fundamental need
with the aim to continue diversifying undergraduate and postgraduate programs to move
forward with the day-to-day changing world. In this approach, establishing a RFTI in the
Federal TVET Institute in prioritized technological occupations such as manufacturing,
leather and leather products becomes a necessary step to bring up-to-date and robust
infrastructure to support quality TVET. in addition to, Satellite Colleges programs would able
to provide the required training of practical skills and competences in graduates, develop and
bring together advanced research with the corresponding testing, assessments or calibration
services with reliable results, based on newer International Standards that support innovation
and provide solutions to local and global challenges.
The current “ToR for Preparation of Guidelines for use of Laboratories and Workshops” is
very important in guiding the fundamentals that support hierarchies, responsibilities,
accountability, manuals and guidelines for optimal use of laboratories and workshops as a
mechanism to establish protocols, rules and procedures that ensure carrying out training,
assessments and services in an accurate way with efficient management of resources (funds,
incomes, equipment, tools, materials, consumables, etc.), safety awareness, maintenance,
preservation and corrective actions to prevent recurrence and environmental policies
associated to laboratory and workshop activities.
This ToR brings not only the basis for qualified training but, also, for advanced research &
development of broadening programs that would benefit the manufacturing and leather
sectors by increasing competitiveness in global and local markets in terms of cost and quality
and the necessary policies that create the beliefs that laboratories and workshop will operate

competently and generate certified results that promote confidence in the national, regional or
international contexts. Test reports and certificates could be, thus, accepted from one country
to another without the need for further validation testing which, in turn, improves
international trade. It also helps in setting up strategies that facilitate cooperation between
laboratories and other bodies by generating wider acceptance and exchangeability of
outcomes and results between institutions and countries.
Thus, the laboratory & workshop relies to a great extent on the fruitful cooperation between a
central unit TVET Institute-? as beneficiaries and other internal and external stakeholders in
terms of mutual laboratories and workshops support.

1.2 Objectives
1.2.1 General Objective
The general objective of this task is to prepare a Guideline for the establishment ? of
standard Laboratories and Workshops in manufacturing and leather technology sectors which
would enable improving the quality of training underpinned by research and development.
1.2.2 Specific objectives
 Developing internationally standardized laboratory set up guidelines in manufacturing
and leather faculty and special emphasis on developing material science laboratory
 Developing an operational manual on how to use and manage a laboratory and
established workshops.
 Developing contextualized manual for proper management of manufacturing workshop
 Developing monitoring and evaluation as well as a detailed checklist for effective
implementation of the guidelines.
 Delimiting borderlines (who, how, and when) and terms to provide laboratory and
workshop activities related to sample preparations and testing, training, standby services,
calibrations, processing and/or fabrication, demonstrations, etc., to the different
stakeholders and internal users.
 establishing terms and policies for administering laboratory and workshop activities such
as storing and inventory system management, maintenance tasks, rational usage of
resources (raw materials, chemicals, consumables, water and energy consumption) plan,
waste management and environmental policies.
 identifying the types of deliverables and principles to record and report activities related
to services such as training, sample preparations, testing and conformity assessments,
fabrication and/or commercialization of semi-finished or finished products or
documenting regular usages and maintenance history for the specific equipment from labs
and workshop under the ?.
 defining the terms to establish safety and health protection rules, routines, hazards and
risks management system to conduct safe practices and works in labs and workshops
under the ?.

1.3 Expected Result/outcomes
 The standardized workshop would ensure quality training and efficient utilization of
 Standardized laboratories would have paramount importance in conducting scientific
research and development in the area of manufacturing and leather technology.
 The establishment of the state of the art of laboratory would support also industries,
research institute and academic institutes surrounding.
 The standardized laboratory and workshop will also help use in the course of technology
adaptation, innovation and invention process.
 It would enable to the establishment of responsibilities and duties, accountability of the
personnel connected to the laboratories and workshops from manufacturing and leather
technology established under the ? for TVET Institute and Satellite colleges.
 Establishment of policies to be considered in the preparation of operation manuals of
different types of equipment and materials handling from manufacturing and leather
technology laboratories and workshops under the ? for TVET Institute and Satellite
 Establishment of policies and terms to be considered in the preparation of procedures to
perform laboratory and workshop activities from manufacturing and leather technology
laboratories and workshops under the ? for TVET Institute and Satellite colleges.
 Identification of policies to establish rules and regulations to be considered in the
administration of manufacturing and leather technology laboratory and workshop
activities, wastes management and environmental policies.
 Identification of types of deliverables and terms to be considered for the appropriate
record, documenting and reporting of actions related to services and activities from labs
and workshops equipment.
 Establishment of policies for safety and health protection rules and risks management
system to be observed by personnel associated with labs and workshop activities from
TVET Institute and Satellite colleges under the ?, users, and visitors.

1.4 Scope
 The standardized workshop and laboratory guideline would serve to Federal TVET
institute and adaptable to all satellite colleges.
 The workshop and laboratory guideline is delimited to manufacturing and leather
technology occupations.
 The guideline will give special emphasis on tool & die material science laboratory
 The main target groups to be addressed under this task are Labs and workshops
administrative personnel, Technicians, Lab attendants from TVET Institute and
Satellite colleges under the ? industries and other stakeholders engaged in long and
short term programs.

1.5 Deliverables
The consultant will provide the following deliverables:
 Inception report.
 standardized workshop set up guidelines in manufacturing and leather department.
 standardized laboratory set up guidelines in manufacturing and leather department and
special emphasis on developing material science laboratory roadmap.
 operational manual on how to use and manage a laboratory and established
 contextualized the Kaizen manual for proper management of manufacturing workshop
 monitoring and evaluation as well as a detailed checklist for effective implementation
of the guidelines.
 Final & Compiled workshop and laboratory guideline

1.6 Approach and Methodology

1.6.1 Study method
The study method falls within the qualitative category. The overarching methodological
framework, in general, will follow desk review, observation, questionnaire and interview as
methods of data collection. Types of equipment, apparatus and machines, supplies, chemicals
and materials and the corresponding types of works and services to be provided such as
manufacturing of semi-finished or finished products, sample preparations, tests, training,
demonstrations, commercialization, calibrations, maintenance activities, etc., should first be
identified for each laboratory and workshop related to tool & die leather and leather products
As listed in the timeframe, Methodological framework involves the following steps:
 Definition of terms that determines the hierarchies, qualification, responsibilities and
accountability of personnel linked to laboratories and workshops.
 Definition of terms to stipulate policies and procedures for operation manuals of different
types of equipment and handling of different materials.
 Delimitation of borderline (who, how and when) and terms to provide laboratory and
workshop activities.
 Establishment of terms and policies to administer laboratory and workshop activities.
 Identification of types of deliverables and guiding principles to record and report activities
related to products and/or services provided or documenting regular usages and
maintenance history for the specific equipment and preparation of corresponding terms.
 Definition of terms to establish safety and health protection rules, routines, hazards and
risks management system.
 Compilation, feedbacks, corrections and validation of terms, principles and policies to be
considered for preparation of Guideline for use of Laboratories and Workshops.
 Approval of the ToR for preparation of Guideline for use of Laboratories and Workshops.
 Specifying and justifying the data analysis methods to be used in the study


1.6.2 Data collection and analysis method
Experts, staff members, developers, technicians, managers and others are required or
advocated for guidance about processing and manufacturing methods, working principles of
equipment, apparatus and machines, tools, utensils, raw materials, chemicals and other
consumables and non-consumables supplies and the corresponding characteristics, waste
management practices, safety rules and regulations and types of works and services to be
given by each laboratory and workshop.
The consulting firm will gather information from the experts, staff, developers, technicians,
managers and others, supported on questionnaires and/or interviews, direct observation from
the existing facilities from manufacturing, leather and leather products laboratories and
workshops. Desk-review of literature such as operation manuals of equipment and apparatus,
risk management policies and/or situation analysis of relevant/similar guidelines across the
world will be carried out through a comparative study. Also, handling/storing principles of
hazardous, breakable/vulnerable consumables and non-consumables materials such as
glasses, chemicals, reagents, incompatible materials or substances, radioactive, regulated or
controlled substances with special storing requirements should be also conducted.
As we are intending to put in place the state-of-the-art TVET workshop and laboratories,
taking in to consider an international benchmarking would be indispensable. Thus, the
consultant firm would be expected to assess best practices in countries such as Germany,
South Korea, India, China, etc.
1.6.3 Verification methods
Verification for clarification and validation of terms, policies, procedures, boundaries, rules
and regulations and strategies to be considered in completing different objectives and its
outcomes that sustain the preparation of the Guideline for use of Laboratories and Workshops
is established as follows:
 Terms, policies and procedures to select the personnel, establish hierarchies,
responsibilities and accountability will be verified through the Human Resource section in
connection to TVET and CoE directives.
 Terms to stipulate policies and procedures for operation manuals of different types of
equipment and handling of different materials will be verified through the evaluation from
both local and expatriate staff with vast experience and expertise in laboratories and
workshop activities related to manufacturing and leather technologies from TVET Institute
and Satellite colleges or selected experts from local universities/research centers.
 Frontiers/limits (who, how and when) and terms to provide laboratory and workshop
activities, terms and policies to administer laboratory and workshop activities, types of
deliverables and guiding principles for record and reports and terms to establish safety and
health protection rule will be also verified through the opinion and agreement of managers
from TVET and, experts, experienced local and expatriate staff, technicians and Lab
attendants linked to manufacturing and leather technologies from TVET Institute and
Satellite colleges or selected experts, experienced staff, technicians and Lab attendants

from local universities/research centers with best practices manufacturing and leather
 After completion, the compilation and individual verification of terms, policies,
procedures, boundaries, rules and regulations and strategies to be considered to sustain the
preparation of the Guideline for use of Laboratories and Workshops for manufacturing and
leather technologies, Validation Workshop will be carried out to refine the stipulations and
requisites through a collective consensus.
 Different groups linked manufacturing and leather technologies focus areas (human
resources; use, operation and handling of equipment, apparatus and materials; services and
training delivering; safety and work health and environmental policies) and headed by an
expert will be created. Each group will analyze a presentation of the terms and policies
established by the consultant for each focus area and will offer meaningful feedback and
suggestions for amendments and corrections.
 Different expertise, skills, and experience among experts and participants will be
integrated and complemented throughout the development of the report. After productive
discussions and finally, after reporting back to the Workshop Chairperson, each group
leader is prompted to deliver collective comments in a plenary session to provide the
approval/disapproval and correction/modification for specific terms, policies and
1.6.4 Stakeholder involvement system
Stakeholders are involved in this project in various ways such as participating in workshops
and meetings which will be organized by the consultant. These identified stakeholders are
HERQA, Ethiopian Standards Agency, Industries, Federal TVET Agency and Universities
(international and East Africa regional universities).

Component Two: develop Guidelines for Institutional development plan, Institutional

standard & workshop standard at non- project polytechnic colleges

2.1 Rationale for the Topic

The rationale for the development of institutional and workshop standards for non-project
TVET colleges is to develop institutional plan to strengthening governance and management,
institutionalizing industry linkages, developing industry relevant and competency-based
programs, upgrading training facilities and standardizing workshop to bring high efficiency,
effectiveness and relevance.
Many studies have shown that the TVET sector in the country lacks relevance and quality.
There is also problem of access and equity in the sector. The polytechnic colleges are on
contributing a lot to increase access, equity, quality and relevance. However, they cannot be
able to produce sufficient competent work force unless due attention is given to the
standardization of the workshop and institutional development plan.
Taking this in to account, the World Bank allocated budget to increase the access and
improve the quality of TVET programs in selected Regional Flagship TVET Institutes, and

also supporting non-project TVET College. As stated in the World Bank-EASTRIP,
document, improving the capacity TVET institutes and expanding the pool of qualified
skilled labour in the growing economic sectors will contribute to the high-level objectives of
poverty alleviation and economic growth for the country and for the East Africa region.
Thus, it is important to develop institutional development plan (IDP) and workshop standard
for polytechnic colleges based on the country’s development plan and with deep swot
analysis. To this end, the Federal TVET Institute wishes to recruit a consulting firm to
develop the institutional and workshop standard guide line.

2.2 Objective
2.2.1 General objective
The general objective of this assignment is to develop institutional development plan (IDP)
and Standard Workshop guideline for polytechnic colleges that would enable to ensure
quality & access of TVET, and ultimately lead them for international competitiveness and
2.2.2 Specific objectives:
 Developing Institutional development plan (IDP) guideline & institutional standard
 Developing internationally benchmarked workshop set up and management guideline.
 Developing comprehensive Institutional development plan (IDP) and standard
workshop for one polytechnic from each Regional state.
 Developing ? in TVET context.
 Developing national & international TVET accreditation manual and checklists.
 Developing monitoring and evaluation strategy & checklist.

2.2 Scope of the Work

2.3.1 Time Coverage
Development of institutional and workshop standards guideline for polytechnic colleges will
take five months from the signing of contract agreement to final submission of the developed
2.3.2 Geography Coverage
The assignment will be covering all non- project polytechnic colleges of Ethiopia.
2.3.4 Tasks Coverage
The main tasks to be covered within this IDP and workshop standard guideline will be
 All occupations delivered in polytechnic colleges
 All infrastructure, facilities and buildings relevant for IDP and Workshop standards
 Internal and external SWOT analysis
 Identification of International & national benchmark
 Determination of organizational mission.
 Setting of objectives or directions.
 Determining strategies to accomplish the objectives

 Development of the guideline

2.3.5 Target Groups

The main targets to be focused under these institutional and workshop standard guidelines
 Leaders, trainers, trainees and industry practitioners and other stakeholders of the
polytechnic colleges
2.3 Expected results/outcome
 Institutional development plan (IDP) guideline & institutional standard
 Standard workshop setting guideline.
 Comprehensive IDP and standard workshop for 11polytechnic
 Developed ISO & kaizen manual in TVET context
 TVET accreditation manual and checklists.
 Monitoring and evaluation strategy & checklist

2.4 Types of Deliverables

The consultant will provide the following deliverables
 Inception report which includes mainly the approaches and methodologies that the
consultant design to accomplish the assignment, work plan to accomplish the
assignment by the consultant, and related information.
 Draft report of the guideline developed,
 Presentation of the draft report in the validation workshop to be organized by the
 Final IDP & Standard workshop guideline.
 Completed IDP, institutional standard & standard workshop for 11 polytechnics (one
from each region)

2.5 Approach and Methodology

2.5.1 Study Method
The overarching methodology of this study will qualitative. Data collection tools, such as
survey, desk review, observation and so forth methods can be employed in the study.
However, the specific institutional and workshop manual development methodology will be
clearly described by the consultant in the inception report and agreed then.
2.5.2 Data Collection and Analysis
Work/action Plan: Developing action plan is essential before getting into data collection.
The Action Plan specifies in detail the activities needed in IDP and workshop standard
guideline preparation such as general activities, expected result, timeframe, partaker,
resources and responsibilities. Each activity could be categorized and sorted in chronological
1. Undertake situation analysis of sample polytechnic colleges

2. Conduct Benchmarking of IDP and workshop standard for identifying best practices
from top TVET Polytechnics of the world;
3. Undertake customer and stakeholder mapping and analysis
 Undertake Inception Meeting and Finalization of the Work Plan: Meetings are to be
held with the ? of Federal TVET Institute and polytechnic colleges as deemed
appropriate, to review and discuss the process of developing the IDP and workshop
standard, clarifying the mission, the roles and responsibilities and to receive feedback
from concerned bodies.
 Document Review: The consultant will review all relevant documents, including
country development policy, strategy, and plan of the TVET sector, the mandate of
TVET Colleges, workshop standards and other background information relating to the
context of this assignment.
 IDP and Workshop Standard Design: In addition to providing details regarding
analytical instruments, the proposal shall indicate how the consultant plans to manage
the assignment design process, including finalizing data elements, and incorporating
input from the various stakeholders. The proposed questionnaire(s) and interview
schedule(s) are to be submitted to the CoEs for review and finalization.
 Field Visit: It is highly recommended that the consultant(s) make field visit to
polytechnic colleges and relevant industries as well as meeting key actors of the
 Key Informant Interview (KII): The consulting team will conduct a key informant
interview covering TVET colleges deans, department heads, trainers, development
partners, clients, business leaders and other relevant stakeholders, Industries, Small
and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) etc. to understand current status, challenges and
future trajectory.
Before formally incorporating inputs taken from the field visit and interview, a validation
meeting should be organized so as to show the results and analysis made based on their inputs
and suggestions.
2.5.3 Outcome Indicators
As part of its methodology, the IDP and workshop standard guideline development requires
the investigation of outcome and output of the trainings to measure effectiveness and impact
of the existing plan and workshop setting in developing market relevant and competency-
based training programs associated with the project throughout:
a) Output process indicators, which measure the extent to which the training delivered
follow the plan and use an appropriate workshop standard and whether it has resulted in
the desired outcomes.
b) Outcome impact indicators to measure the effectiveness and relevance of the training in
contributing to overall socioeconomic development of the country.
c) Outcome satisfaction indicators which measure the graduates’ and the employer’s
perception the usefulness and relevance of the plan and facilities for hands on training.
d) Institutional indicators to measure the organizations’ performance, which is directly
influenced by the IDP and available workshop standard.

2.5.4 Verification Methods
Overall development of institutional and workshop standard guideline progress should be
verified with key stakeholders through clarification and validation processes. This can be
possible if not less through inception report, interim report and final report.
2.5.5 Stakeholder Involvement System
Stake holders are involved in the development of institutional and workshop standards in
various ways such as participating in interview, committee work, workshops and meetings
which will be organized by the consultant. These identified stake holders are: polytechnic
colleges, Ethiopian standards agency, industries, Federal TVET agency and universities
(International and East Africa regional universities)

Chapter three
1. Implementation Timeframe
Based on the scope and nature of the study, the reasonable duration of this task is five (5)
months, according to the Schedule approved. The task shall be carried out starting from
November 2020, while the finishing date will be on March 30th, 2021. An indicative
timeframe for the Action Plan is as follows:

SL Activity Expected
Completion Date
01 Consultant appointed Nov 01/2020
02 Discussions with the consultant and signing agreement on the proposed
03 Preparatory Work (Inception meeting and inception report)
Situational analysis, PESTEL analysis, SWOT analysis, and Stakeholder
analysis and mapping

Defining the structure of the study and key milestones concerning


04 Identifying strategic priorities, outcomes, and performance indicators Jan 30/2020

05 Developing implementation, monitoring, and evaluation plans

06 1st Draft Report submission
07 1st Draft Validation Receiving feedback from stakeholders on draft March 30/2020

08 Final Workshop and laboratory guideline submission

Any inconsistency from the planned timeframe will be reflected in poor quality management
and performance of the project and the project would be under risk of failing to deliver the
expected scopes, completion schedule delays, disruptions, late or additional payments,
disputes and poor professional relations. In general, variations will lead, irretrievably, to
losses inefficiency and higher costs. Additionally, the project team members could
experience added pressure to achieve unrealistic goals.

2. Governance and accountability

Governance for Preparation of Guidelines will be carried out, at specific levels, by the
following governing bodies: technical committee, appointed by TVET Institute and a
Consultant, hired by the Steering (technical) committee. Each group will perform their duties
and responsibilities as per the methodological framework established in the Action Plan and
key documents.
All team members for the Preparation of Guidelines are accountable to each team/group
leader, as well as to the Steering Committee and the CoE. The teams organized for
Preparation of Guidelines for use of Laboratories and Workshops should also work in line
with guidelines, rules and legislation established by the World Bank Group, the MoSHE,
TVET Institute, the ? and Federal Laws.
2.1 Responsibility of the Client (TVET Institute)
Technical (steering) Committee will be integrated by Representatives from TVET authorities,
? and the ToR leader for Preparation of Guidelines. The Steering Committee has the
following mandates:
 Selecting and recruiting of Consultant for Preparation of Guidelines based on the
requirements established by TVET governance principles and through competition among
qualified short-listed applicants in which the selection is based both on the quality of the
proposal and on the costs.
 Bridging the Consultant with TVET sections (Faculty, Departments, Human Resource,
Laboratories and Workshops), involved in this task.
 Managing the Consultant and other teams and steering the plan of activities through
appropriate control and monitoring methods keeping them accountable to ensure
completion of each task rapidly/swiftly and effectively as per duties and responsibilities
till the completion stage, conform with the predetermined ToR and within the
corresponding timeframe.
 providing the consultant with physical facilities, as well as computing infrastructure and
systems required to carry out their duties.
 providing guidance and any relevant information required by the consultant for assignment
to ensure delivery of the project outputs and the achievement of project outcomes from the
start to completion within the corresponding timeframe.

 Managing communications and provision of logistical support (transportation, budgeting,
per-diem, validation workshop facilities, survey web page, etc.) associated with the task
and based on the contractual agreement.
 meeting with the consultant once a week to follow up and evaluate the activities that have
been performed, to discuss on challenges encountered and give advice and
recommendations to undertake corrective measures and to ensure completion of each
activity within the corresponding timeframe. Consultations may be called at any time by
the technical Committee to advise on potential challenges or specific difficulty
 maintaining, as well, a proper record of the agenda and minutes of its meetings and will
submit the minutes to the project office.
 Reviewing and approval of Guidelines.
2.2 Responsibility of the Consultant
The Consultant has the following responsibilities to:
 prepare the Inception Report during the inception phase of the task to ensure, before the
commencement of the survey, the mutual understanding of all parties involved in
assignment about their roles, the conceptual framework of the study, actions and timeline
and other compliance requirements.
 conduct the assignment in close line with the Action Plan described in Section 5 and
approved by the Technical Committee and within the corresponding timeframe.
 perform their duties under the assignment activities observing principles of commitment,
confidentiality and honesty with the information provided or handled by the personnel
 stay actively engaged with the TVET Institute’s staff, through the use of participatory and
transparent processes;
 maintain regular progress reports and deliverables in line with the reporting mechanisms to
the Steering (technical) Committee and other concerned bodies, according to the
requirements and timeframes.
 consider ideas and issues rose during discussion/consultations with the Steering committee
and other concerned bodies and making appropriate changes based on the
feedback/suggestions collected.
 professionally accomplish the tasks, in the required timeframes and should refrain to
introduce any variation to the Schedule Plan. Necessary variations that could put the task
or the Project under risks of failing to deliver the expected scope, completion schedule
delays, staying within the financial budget, disruptions, late or additional payments,
disputes and poor professional relations and which are only justified by unforeseen events
beyond the responsibility of Consultant should be endorsed by Steering (technical)
committee and approved by the CoE Management board after proper discussion and

 shall meet as much as required, but minimum once in a week, to follow up and evaluate
the activities that have been performed in line with the work plan, to discuss on challenges
encountered and establish future strategies.
 Maintain a proper record of the agenda and minutes from each meeting and will submit the
minutes to the Stirring Committee.
 Prepare and submit, for further approval, the ToR for Preparation of Guideline using the
steps and stages listed in the timeframe and methodological framework from section 6.1.
2.3 Responsibilities of Stakeholders
Stakeholders (HERQA, Ethiopian Standards Agency, Industries and Labour markets, Federal
TVET Agency and external experts) are also required to:
 Share responsibilities and perform assigned duties under the ToR observing principles of
commitment, confidentiality and honesty with the information provided or handled by the
team for assignment.
 Provide truthful information about terms, policies and regulations to manage
manufacturing and leather ?.
 Engage in different teams to participate in verifications for clarification and validation of
terms, policies, procedures, boundaries, rules and regulations and strategies to be
considered in completing different objectives and its outcomes that sustain the preparation
of the Guideline.
The lines of accountability for stakeholders will be in close relation with the specific
group/team they are engaged.

3. Guiding Principles and Values

Fundamental principles and values of the group members will be driven by the following
tenets and practices:
 Transparency
 Responsibility
 Commitment
 Teamwork spirit
 Truthfulness
 Respect for others
 Cost-effectiveness
 Confidentiality

4. Professional Qualifications for the task.

4.1 The Consultant
The consulting firm should be a company with at least ? years of experience in conducting
similar assignments and with sufficient number of team members with probed principles of
commitment, honesty and confidentiality with the information handled by the team and good
English language proficiency for conducting surveys as required in all Regional states of

Ethiopia/integrated regional areas. In general, mix of knowledge, skills, and work experience
on projects financed by the World Bank or similar international organizations and surveying
projects conducted in the areas of planning and workshop setting will also be considered as
an advantage.
The consultant group should include a team leader & member with the following professional
4.2 Team leader
The team leader shall have minimum Master’s degree in the fields related to vocational
education, Industrial engineering, manufacturing technology and have at least 10 years of
related experience with excellent knowledge and practice in gap identification and guideline
development for organizing survey of similar scale, particularly, in educational sector; proved
teamwork capacity, effective leadership, principles of commitment and trust and good
English language proficiency.
4.3 Team member
1. One Master’s Degree, in fields related to Industrial engineering, vocational education,
HRM and related fields.
 A minimum two years of experience, in conducting similar assignments and proven
capacity to supervise and coordinate.
 Excellent skills in surveying methods and significant professional background in
conducting quantitative and qualitative studies and data analysis, particularly in education
sectors linked to institutional planning and standard setting.
 Excellent analytical, interpersonal, benchmarking, communication and reporting skills.
 Ability to adapt and work with people from different cultures, gender, religion, race,
nationality and age.
2. One team member with MSc degrees in Manufacturing technology or leather or related
field of studies with minimum of two years relevant experience.
3. One team member with MA degree in management, business administration and related
field of studies. Having at least 2 years of experience & working in similar assignments.
4. one team member holding BSc Degree in Statistics, Computer Science and/or related
fields, two years of minimum experience and excellent knowledge on Statistic Analysis
(Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), Statistics and Data (STATA) or other statistic
software) and experience in coding, entering and data processing. This team member
should have capacity to administer open source survey/questionnaire (Qualtrics Research
Core, Survey Monkey, Type Form, QTAFI 3 or any other software) and use it to run
online surveys for tracer study, working experience with senior officials within
government and nongovernment organizations.

5. Budget and payments

5.1 Sources of funding
Funding will come from the Eastern Africa Skills for Transformation and Regional
Integration Project (EASTRIP) and the extension of coverage includes:

 The consultant’s fee, the Daily Subsistence Allowance (international rate) and field travel
will be as per the TVET rules and regulations.
 Stakeholders and validation workshops
 Transportation during the on-site visit(s) as per the contractual agreement.
5.2 The Consultancy fees
Bid winner, the consultant will submit his/her financial proposal, which will be analyzed and
approved by the Steering Committee.
5.3 Payment Terms
The Consultant will be required to work and carry out the tasks for establishing, validation
and approval of terms, policies, procedures, boundaries, rules and regulations and strategies
to be considered in completing different objectives and its outcomes that sustain the
preparation of the Guideline for use of Laboratories and Workshops and submitting as per the
approved Action Plan prepared in section 5. Since overall the work is expected to be carried
out in the five-month period, payment terms will be according to the performance following
indicators of quality, creativity and reliability of the information produced, responsiveness to
feedback throughout the process, and capacity to on-time delivery. The main deliverables and
payment are summarized below.
5.4 Payment schedule
3 N Deliverables Duration Mode of payment
1 Preparation and submitting the inception report First installment
2 Preparation and approval of SWOT analysis

3 First Draft for laboratory and workshop guidelines Second installment

4 30%

5 Verifying findings, validation and approval of results Third installment

6 Reporting and publication of results( Final Guideline

The Consultant will be paid upon receipt of satisfactory deliverables as outlined above and
based on satisfactory fulfilment of World Bank quality standard.

6. Structure of the Report and Submission Guidelines

a) Language and unit to be used
 Deliverables should be written and presented in the English language

 Cover page
Cover page contains
a) Logos (TVET, MoSHE, WB)
b) Title
c) Departments
d) Name of the host organization
e) Project founder
f) City, month and year of completing the task
 Executive summary
The executive summary (no more than 4 pages for each components) should contain:
a) The most important elements for identifying terms, principles and policies for
preparation of Guideline in focus areas.
b) Its purpose
c) Its projected implementation period
d) Highlights of its goals and objectives
 List of acronyms
b) Table of contents
Each page should be numbered and the table of content should be accurate. For better
comprehension, different chapters could encompass subchapters as much as required,
showing each chapter and subchapters with the corresponding page number.
 Main Body of the Guideline should include the following but not limited to:
 Background and rationale of the development of this guideline
 Mission, Visions, and values of the FTI, polytechnic, &TVET colleges
 Overview of the previous system
 PESTEL and SWOT analysis
 Customer & Stakeholder analysis and Mapping
 Situational analysis
 Benchmarking report showing best practices
 New proposal
 Strategic priorities, strategic goals, strategic objectives, strategies, performance
indicators and outcomes
 Governance & financing
 Implementation, monitoring and evaluation mechanism

 Pages of the Main body:

o Component one: not less than 80 pages
o Component two: not less than 90 pages

a) Inception report
b) Different format & checklists
 The number of copies, and requirements to electronic submission (or on CD ROM).
Each component will prepare the final report in four copies in hard document form and a
soft copy of the manual in CD ROM.
7. Environmental and social policy
The approach to manage Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) issues of the
EASTRIP is aligned with the requirements and objectives of the environmental and social
management policies and legal frameworks of Government of Ethiopia and the World Bank
environmental and social framework. All subprojects of the EASTRIP should consider the
ESHS issues throughout the subprojects cycle starting from the conception of the subprojects
through design, implementation, monitoring and decommissioning phase so that the
subprojects will be sustainable in terms of providing the intended services and achieving the
set objectives.
Due to the nature of manufacturing, and leather and leather products industry sectors;
laboratories and workshops of at the FVETI; laboratories and workshops at TVET colleges of
different sectors and also at the industries where the students attach for practical training,
they have Environmental, Social, Health and Safety (ESHS) aspects and impacts to be
managed properly. There should be standards and guideline on how to manage the ESHS
issues during the course of providing training. Related to the assignments indicated in this
ToR, i.e. the development of the following guidelines and standards should address the ESHS
in the standards and guidelines to be developed by the consultant by giving one separate
section in each guidelines and standards.
1. Laboratory and workshop standards for Manufacturing & Leather at RFTI;
2. Guidelines for Institutional development plan & workshop standard at regional
polytechnic colleges;
When doing this, the following information should be included:
 The ESHS aspects and impacts of the laboratories and workshops at the ?of FTI;
regional colleges (specifically workshops and laboratories); industries where the
students attach; and the instructors and trainees exchange program during the course
of training,
 How to evaluate the risks and impacts?
 The management measures, approaches and procedures (including standard operating
procedures) to avoid, minimize, mitigate or compensate these risks and impact,
 Monitoring, reporting and auditing procedure and arrangements of the performance of
the ESHS implementation.
For this purpose, the consultant needs to consult the requirement of the Ethiopian policies and
legal frameworks related to ESHS and the World Bank relevant performance standards.


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