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Provincial Department of Education

Northern Province

Monthly Evaluation
Grade - 8 English August 2022

Competency Level- 5.1 uses visual and contextual clues to derive the meaning of the text

Test- 1
Complete the following dialogues by selecting the most suitable word from the box. Write the
correct letters in the blanks. One is done for you.

a) soap b) radio c) letter d) e) hands f) news


A : Excuse me. Have you got a (1)____________ here?

I want to listen to the (2)___f_______ .

B : Yes, there’s one in the living room.

 A : I want to post a (3)____________ .

Have you got any (4)_____________?

B : Sorry, I don’t think I’ve got any. No, sorry.

 A : Food is ready!

B : OK, I just want to wash my (5)___________.

Have you got any (6)_____________?

A : Yes, there’s some in the bathroom

Test 2
Competency Level -5.3 Transfers information into other forms

a) Read the following description and fill in the grid that follows.


Weaver - bird is a small bird with brown or gray feathers. It has a conical beak.
It makes a very elaborate nest using dry grass and mud. This nest which hangs
from a tree has its entrance at the bottom of the nest. It lays 2-6 eggs at a time
and incubates them for 9-20 days. Weaver-bird feeds on grains, seeds, fruits and
insects. It lives in woodlands away from busy human settlements.

1. Name - Weaver – bird

2. Size-
3. Colour - .......................................................................................................
4. Beak - .......................................................................................................
5. Nest - .......................................................................................................
6. No. of eggs laid at a time - .........................................................................
7. Incubation period - .....................................................................................
8. 7.Diet - .......................................................................................................
9. 8 Habitat - ...................................................................................................
10. Size - ......................................................................................................
11. Food-…………………………………………………………………..

Competency Level -6.2-Uses pronouns appropriately
B) Follow the example and mark with ^ the positions where you can
use the word given within brackets.

a) e.g. : I prepared meals^.

I prepared meals myself.

b) I^ prepared meals. (myself)

I myself prepared meals.

1. She admitted that it was wrong. (herself)

2. My father grows these vegetables. (himself)
3. They built a house. (themselves)
4. The kitten cleaned. (itself)
5. We cooked the meals. (ourselves
Test 4
Competency Level-7.2 Describes pictures

This is a picture of a1.…….. There are 2………boys and three girls in this picture. There are also
six birds and three of them are 3…….in the sky. One girl is making a sand 4……….and there
is a 5…………next to her. Another girl is licking an 6……….greedily

Test 5
Competency Level-7.2 7.1 Writes descriptions of things, places and people

1.Dr. C. W. W. Kannangara was born on the 13th October, 1884 in Ambalangoda.

2.He studied at Weslyan English High School and Richmond College in Galle.

3.He was an excellent all-round student but he had to undergo many difficulties
at his young age.
4. He served as a teacher first and became a lawyer in 1910.
5.He entered politics in 1919 and he was the first Minister of Education in Sri Lanka.
6.He introduced free education for all and started Central Schools.
7.He served 16 year period as the Minister of Education and there was a remarkable progress in
the field.
8. He passed away on the 23rd September 1969 in Colombo.
9. He’s known as the “Father of Free Education

Write a description about Lakshman Kadirgamar

Lakshman Kadirgamar

1.Born -12th of April, 1932

in Colombo .
2.Sri Lankan diplomat, politician and a lawyer.
3.Studied - Trinity College Kandy
4.Higher Education -University of Ceylon and at Balliol College Kandy .
5.He served -Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka -1994 to 2004
6. He -great Son of the Soil .
We -respect him for his good work

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