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1. A 20-year-old nulliparous woman consulted a doctor for advice on contraception.

It is noteworthy
that the woman is tall, boyish, with male-type hair, oily hair, acne on the skin. Menstruation from
the age of 12, has not been fully established to date, delays from 15 days to 1 month. There were no
pregnancies. The pregnancy test is negative. What is the most appropriate method of
contraception for this patient?

1. combined oral contraceptives (COCs)

2. barrier methods

3. spermicides

4. Navy

5. all methods are contraindicated

2. A 23-year-old patient complains of being overweight, recurrent headaches, weakness, excessive

facial hair growth, irregular menstrual cycle with delays of up to 2-3 months. From the anamnesis it
is known that overweight since childhood, increased gradually, did not adhere to the diet. A sharp
increase in weight from 13 to 14 years by 15 kg. Menstruation from the age of 12, has not been fully
established to date, delays from 15 days to 3 months. On examination - height 170 cm, weight 100
kg, BMI = 34.5 kg/m2, distribution of subcutaneous fat is uniform. The skin is pale pink, pink striae
are noted on the abdomen, inner thighs. The woman is married and planning a pregnancy.

What laboratory tests are required for this patient?

1. determination of blood sugar level, hormonal examination (determination of luteinizing hormone

(LH), FSH, prolactin, estradiol, total and free testosterone, androstenedione, 17-
hydroxyprogesterone, cortisol, progesterone in blood serum).


3. Ultrasound of the pelvic organs

4. Abdominal ultrasound

5.B/c blood

3. The active phase of labor begins with the opening of the cervix //

2 centimeters

3 centimeters

4 centimeters

6 centimeters

8 centimeters
4. The woman is 35 years old, married, has three children, does not plan pregnancy. Not
disciplined. What method of contraception can be recommended?

intrauterine device

combined oral contraceptives

pure gestagens

surgical sterilization

barrier means

5. The main indicator of the effectiveness of the work of the antenatal clinic for family planning is:

number of women in the area

absolute number of women referred for abortion during the year

number of complications after abortion

number of abortions per 1000 women of childbearing age

number of spontaneous miscarriages per 1000 women of childbearing age

6. After 7 hours from the onset of labor, amniotic fluid poured out in a multiparous woman and
attempts began. On vaginal examination, the opening of the uterine os is complete, there is no fetal
bladder. The head occupies the entire cruciate cavity and the pubic articulation, the ischial spines
are not palpable, the coccyx is palpated. Arrow-shaped seam in the left oblique size, small fontanel
on the right front. Locate the head:

above the entrance to the pelvis

pressed against the entrance to the small pelvis

in the widest part of the pelvis

in the narrow part of the pelvis

on the pelvic floor

7. What action should be taken if there are no signs of separation and discharge of the placenta
with active management of the third stage of labor:

scrape the walls of the uterine cavity

introduction of an additional dose of oxytocin 10 units

manual separation and excretion of the placenta

further expectant tactics

laparotomy, supravaginal amputation of the uterus

8. What research should be done to monitor the development and growth of the fetus during
weighing pregnant

dynamic measurement of the fundus of the uterus

auscultation of the fetal heart rate

ultrasound during pregnancy

blood pressure measurement

9. The puerperal, 3 days of the postpartum period. Rise in temperature to 38.2, chilling. Both
mammary glands are enlarged, edematous, pumping is difficult. Diagnosis:

purulent mastitis


serous mastitis

infiltrative mastitis

phlegmonous mastitis

10. The child was born at 40 weeks of gestation with a weight of 3750 g. He screamed immediately.
Attached to the breast on the first day, the breast took well, sucked actively. On the third day of life,
the body weight was 3600 g. A maculopapular rash of pink color was noted on the skin of the chest,
abdomen, and extremities. During the examination, brick-red spots were found on the diaper.
Identify transition states:

transient weight loss, toxic erythema, uric acid infarction

physiological erythema, transient weight loss, oliguria

transient weight loss, uric acid infarction, melena

meconium, physiological erythema, transient weight loss

transient weight loss, oliguria, miliaria

11. In a full-term newborn weighing 2800 g, height - 47 cm, from 1 normal pregnancy and childbirth
on the 4th day of life, a moderate icteric coloration of the skin appeared. The mother has A(II) Rh-
positive blood, the child has B(III). Rh negative blood. The child's condition is not disturbed, sucks
actively, reflexes are not depressed. In the blood test: Er.-4.2x1012 / l, total bilirubin - 98 mmol / l,
indirect 78 mmol / l. Your diagnosis: //

prenatal malnutrition//

hemolytic disease due to Rh incompatibility//

hemolytic disease due to ABO incompatibility//

physiological jaundice

jaundice with asphyxia

12. Large is the fetus by weight at birth: //

3600 gr and more

3800 gr and more

900 gr or more

4000 gr and more

5000 gr and more

13. Doctor when registering pregnant A., 36 years old, with a history of childbirth, congenital heart
disease in a child, operated on, currently healthy, the next 2 pregnancies ended in miscarriages,
followed by curettage of the uterus, without complications. Determine the further tactics of the
doctor / Dәrіger Zhүktі A.D. We felling Alu Kezinde, 36 Zhaba, Bosana Tarich, Balaniң Tua Bіtken Zhүk
Aurua, Operation Jasalda, Kazіrgі Uattta Sau, Kelesі 2 Zhtlіk Zhtanіkpen Ayakdadda, Sodan Keyin
Zhatyrdaң Creictures, Asyқynusz. Darіgerdin odan арі tacticasyn anyktaңyz /The doctor,when
registering pregnant A., 36 years old, a history of childbirth, congenital heart disease in a child,
operated on, currently healthy, the next 2 pregnancies ended in miscarriages, followed by curettage
of the uterus, without complications. Determine the doctor's further tactics:

1. Consultation of a geneticist

2. Hospitalization of a pregnant woman

3. Consultation with a cardiologist

4. Observation in dynamics / Observation in dynamics

5. Consultation of a reproductologist

14. Pregnant, 27 years old, 26 weeks pregnant, registered. Pregnancy-3, childbirth-2. Previous
pregnancy ended in antenatal fetal death. Blood group I(0), RhD (-). Examination revealed no signs
of fetal hemolytic disease. Your tactic? Zhuktilik-3, bossa-2. Aldyңgy zhүktіlіk ұryқtyң antenataldy
өlimіmen ayaқtaldy. Cantoby I (0), RhD (-). Texer kezinde ұryktyn hemolytic alyk auruynyn belgіlerі
anyktalmady. Сіздін tacticsңыз /

Pregnant, 27 years old, with a gestation period of 26 weeks, is registered. Pregnancy-3, childbirth-2.
The previous pregnancy ended with antenatal fetal death. Blood group I(0), RhD (-). No signs of
fetal hemolytic disease were found during the examination. Your tactics?

1. Administration of anti-D human immunoglobulin at 26 weeks

2. Administration of anti-D human immunoglobulin at 28 weeks

3. Administration of anti-D human immunoglobulin at 30 weeks, antibody titer control

4. Administration of anti-D human immunoglobulin at 34 weeks, antibody titer control. Anti-D

human immunoglobulin at 34 weeks, antibody titer control

5. Introduction of immunoglobulin, early delivery at 37 weeks

15. Primipara, 25 years old, with a full-term pregnancy, is in the first stage of labor. The amniotic
fluid has broken. PV: opening of the cervix 5 cm, the buttocks are presented, movable above the
entrance to the small pelvis. Your tactic Alshaktady amniotic fluid. PV: zhatyr moynynyn ashhyluy 5
cm, boxeler kishi zhambas kireberisinin ustinde ornalaskan. Сіздің tacticsңыз / Primiparous, 25
years old, with a full-term pregnancy, is in the first period of labor. The amniotic fluid is gone. PV:
the opening of the cervix is 5 cm, the buttocks are lying, movable above the entrance to the pelvis.
Your tactics

1. Oxytocin stimulation

2. Fetal extraction for the inguinal fold

3. Emergency caesarean section

4. Applying a vacuum extractor

5. Observation in dynamics / Observation in dynamics

16. Pregnant I., 25 years old, underwent CTG for sdfd at 35 weeks' gestation. The result of CTG is
normal (reactive test):

1) basal rhythm 120 beats/min, variability 12 beats/min, early decelerations, spontaneous


2) basal rhythm 100 beats/min, variability 4 beats/min, late decelerations, no accelerations;

3) basal rhythm 100 beats/min, variability 25 beats/min, late decelerations, no accelerations;

4) basal rhythm 180 beats/min, variability 25 beats/min, late decelerations, no accelerations;

5) basal rhythm 160 beats/min, variability 5 beats/min, late decelerations, no accelerations.

17. A primigravida with a term of 35-36 weeks applied to the antenatal clinic with complaints of a
decrease in the motor activity of the fetus. The fetal heartbeat is muffled, rhythmic, 136 beats per
minute. Which research method is the most informative:

cardiotocography. Biophysical profile of the fetus

method of external obstetric research



18. A woman in labor enters the maternity ward with regular contractions 2 in 10 minutes for 20-25
seconds, cervical dilatation 3 cm. After 2 hours, contractions every 2-3 minutes, light waters poured
out, opening of the pharynx - 6 cm. Diagnosis?

false contractions

anomaly labor activity

weakness of labor

active phase of labor

latent phase of labor

19. An antibody titer of 1:32 was detected in a multi-pregnant, nulliparous woman with a Rh-
negative blood factor at a period of 33-34 weeks. From the anamnesis: ectopic pregnancy,
tubectomy on the left, spontaneous miscarriage with curettage of the uterine cavity. What methods
should be used to determine the state of the intrauterine fetus:

Fetal ECG, Fetal Ultrasound, Amniocentesis, Cardiotachography

Fetal ultrasound, amniocentesis, fetal movement

cordocentesis, cardiotachography, fetal ultrasound

cardiotachography, fetal movement

quantification of fetal movement

20. The third day of the postpartum period. The body temperature is 38.2 degrees, the puerperal
complains of pain in the mammary glands. Pulse - 86 beats per minute, the mammary glands are
significantly and evenly rough, sensitive to palpation. When pressed, drops of milk are released
from the nipples. Tactics:

limit drinking

immobilize the chest

breast pumping

prescribing laxatives


21. Active management of the third stage of labor includes sequential actions:

administration of oxytocin, after the birth of the child, controlled pulling of the umbilical cord, after
the birth of the placenta massage of the uterus

umbilical cord stretching, uterine massage, oxytocin administration

administration of oxytocin at the end of the second stage of labor

administration of oxytocin, controlled pulling of the umbilical cord, after delivery of the placenta
uterine massage

administration of oxytocin at the first signs of separation of the placenta, after the birth of the
placenta massage of the uterus

22. A 23-year-old primipara has regular contractions for 12 hours. In obstetric examination: the
position of the fetus is longitudinal, head presentation. The fetal heart rate is not affected. The
estimated weight of the fetus is 3100.0 gr. Vaginal examination: opening of the uterine os 5 cm, the
fetal bladder is intact. The partogram approached the line of action. Obstetric tactics at this stage?

carry out labor stimulation with oxytocin 5 units per 500 ml. 0.9% sodium chloride

perform an amniotomy

continue observation

delivery by caesarean section

administer intravenous glucose with ascorbic acid

23. The optimal term for delivery in Rh-conflict pregnancy in the presence of a high degree of
sensitization is //

34 weeks

36 weeks

37 weeks

33 weeks

32 weeks

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