Sachin English Practice

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Mr. Aggarwal was a very wealthy businessman.

One day he was alone sitting at his

dining table. He heard the sound of footsteps of the man behind him. He knew
that he was the thief with empty stomach but he invited him to join his birthday
party and thanked him to give company. He gave some food and drink. Mr.
Aggarwal also gave him a purse full of silver coins . Many years later, his fortune
changed. His business was ruined and became poor. Today was his 50th birthday
but there was no any other person, he was alone and he had no food and no
drinks. The bell rang and he thought, “Who would like to come in a house of
poor?”. He opened the door and saw the person wearing a black coat. He tried to
recognize him but he couldn’t, “I’m your old thief who came to your house on
your birthday”. With the money that you gave me I started a business that grew
very fast and now you see I’m very rich. “lets go inside and celebrate your
birthday” he said and gave him fruits, sweets and drinks and a big bag full of
there was a poor woodcutter cut trees in a forest for his livelihood. One
day, axe slipped from his hand and fell down to the deep river nearby
and the helpless woodcutter prayed sincerely to the god to help him.
God Mercury appeared and asked “What’s the problem, my son?”. He
explained and requested to solve it. God put his hand down to the river
and picked one golden axe and asked, “Is this your axe?” and
woodcutter see it carefully and answered “that’s not mine”. The god
said, “look again this precious golden axe, are you sure this is not
yours?”. He replied, “yes, it’s not mine”. Then god bring a silver axe and
asked the same question, “ is that yours?” and again he replied, “ that’s
not mine”. Again god put his hand down to the river and picked his iron
axe and asked the question again and finally he replied with smiling
face, “yes, this is my axe and thank you!”. The god impressed with him
and gave all three axes to honest woodcutter.
Veeru and Karim were young Keralites. Next week their school was
going to organize a camp near a forest in Ponmuddy. The following
week they joined the camp. One day, they went out to explore forest
and after going in deep of the forest, they lost the way. They heard the
sound of a large animal coming towards them. It was the sound of large
elephant. He was standing quietly and raised his trunk and trumpted
loudly. Slowly the elephant coming nearer and nearer. Both of them
frightened and pick out a balloon from his pocket and started blowing
it. Balloon turn into a size of big balloon and hit it hard with hand.
“bang-bang” a loud noise produced and elephant turned away and
trumpeted angrily. Both of them ran very fast until they reach a safely
at the camp.
The Principal
Kendriya Vidyalaya No. 3
Morar Cantt, Gwalior (474006)

Date: March 9, 2022

Subject: Request for 3 days leave

Respected Sir/Madam,
I am Sachin Singh Narwariya of class 7 ‘A’. I have been suffering from
high fever since yesterday night. Doctor had advised me to take full bed
rest for three days.

Therefore, may I request you to kindly grant me three days leave from
March 9, 2022 to March 12, 2022. I will be highly grateful for this.

Thanking you
Your obediently
Sachin Singh Narwariya
7 ‘A’
Roll. No.: 7134
H. No. 624D
Hardev Singh Ki Taal
Near Shroti Guru Ki Bagia
Morar Cantt, Gwalior
Pin code- 474006

Date: March 9, 2022

Dear Ram,
How are you? I am fine here and hope you and your family would also
be fine. As you know my birthday is on March 15, 2022. There will be a
great Ramayana Katha to be held in my home. I request your presence
with your entire family. I will feel happy if you come to attend it. I hope
you will also like it. Waiting to see you

Yours truly
Sachin Singh Narwariya
Date: March 9, 2022
My watch had lost yesterday. It is Apple watch with white body and
black strap. Anyone who found it will be rewarded by adequete
money. Please contact me as soon as it is found.
Sachin Singh Narwariya
7 ‘A’

2 Banana
Vanilla ice-cream
1. Peel out the banana’s skin and cut it into small pieces
2. Put the pieces of banana into the mixer grinder
3. Pour some milk and sugar into the mixer grinder
4. Mix it at medium speed of mixer grinder for 2 minutes.
5. Then, pour the milk shake into the glass and put the ice cream on
the milk shake
6. Yay! Your milk shake is ready to serve

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