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Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60

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Influence of various operating conditions on cleaning efficiency in

sequencing batch reactor (SBR) activated sludge process. Part V:
Chemical cleaning model
Zhan Wang∗, Ximing Zhang, Zhongya Zhu, Yadong Kong, Kui Gao, Wei Yao
Beijing Key Laboratory for Green Catalysis and Separation, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing
100124, PR China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A flux recovery model of chemical cleaning of microfiltration membranes in membrane bioreactor (MBR)
Received 2 October 2015 was proposed based on Hom–Haas model. This model provides intuitive prediction of flux recovery as a
Revised 8 February 2016
function of cleaning time and cleaning solution concentration for PAN microfiltration membrane fouled
Accepted 14 March 2016
with activated sludge from membrane bioreactor (MBR). The quantitative effects of different chemical
Available online 9 April 2016
cleaning conditions (temperature, transmembrane pressure and agitation speed) on model parameters
Keywords: were calculated by means of Multiple Linear Regression. High accuracy of the proposed model is ap-
Membrane proved not only by chemical cleaning agent of NaOCl, but also by other cleaning agents such as NaOH
Chemical cleaning and SDS.
Flux recovery © 2016 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Activated sludge

1. Introduction model was used to describe the unsteady-state hydraulic resistance

variation resulted from surface morphological changes and in-pore
Chemical cleaning processes are carried out usually in effec- foulant during alkali cleaning process of membrane fouled by whey
tively recovering the permeate flux of fouled membrane [1]. Mass proteins. A simple first-order model for the cleaning of membranes
researches have been performed to find out the best cleaning time fouled by fermentation broth of glutamic acid was suggested by Li
and concentration of chemical agent [2–4]. However, in order to et al. [10]. Zondervan et al. [11] proposed a simple cleaning model
obtain fruitful solution, kinetic models are required to illustrate the which facilitates online adaptation of model parameters in terms
mechanisms of membrane cleaning. of macroscopic component balances. The model predicts the irre-
Bird and Fryer [5] introduced an analytical model including two versible fouling decay with cleaning time and cleaning agent con-
differential equations for the cleaning of the membrane fouled centration. Considering chemicals and energy consumption, Zon-
with whey proteins. Bartlett et al. [6] suggested a qualitative dervan et al. [12] suggested a chemical cleaning sequence model
model which describes different removal characteristics of de- to minimize the overall operating costs. Koyuncu et al. [13] sug-
posited species. Cabero et al. [7] suggested a first-order rinsing gested a kinetic model as a function of cleaning solution concen-
model with two time-dependent rates and the rinsing model used tration and cleaning time to evaluate the dissolution of deposit
to predict the decrease in the membrane resistance. Gan et al. on the membrane surface. For the ceramic membranes fouled by
[8] successfully employed a first order decay kinetic model to ex- whey proteins, Svetlana et al. [4] proposed a second-order kinetic
plain the cleaning mechanism for the membrane fouled with beer model with five parameters for alkali cleaning and a third-order ki-
and beverages. After entering 21th century, more studies were fo- netic model with six parameters for detergent cleaning. Although
cused on cleaning models associated with membrane application. these proposed cleaning models provide important insights into
For inorganic membranes fouled with whey proteins, a first-order the mechanisms of membrane cleaning, few studies were reported
model for rinsing and a second-order model for alkaline clean- about the mechanism of the chemical cleaning of microfiltration
ing were introduced by Matzinos et al. [9]. Bird et al. [3] devel- membranes fouled by activated sludge suspensions from MBR.
oped a mathematical model with a second-order decrease in the The main objectives of the present study are to build an ef-
cake resistance and a second-order in-pore deposit swelling. The fective and intuitive model to predict the flux recovery of chem-
ical cleaning of PAN microfiltration membrane fouled by activate
sludge suspensions from MBR, and to determine model parameters

Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 1067396186; fax: +86 10 67391983. and evaluate the quantitative contributions of operating condition
E-mail address:, (Z. Wang). to model parameters.
1876-1070/© 2016 Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Z. Wang et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60 53


C concentration of cleaning solution (wt%)

J permeate flux of the membrane (m3 /m2 /s)
J0 pure water flux of pre-rinsed membrane (m3 /m2 /s)
Jw pure water flux of virgin membrane (m3 /m2 /s)
Jr the percentage flux recovery (%)
R0 resistance of pre-rinsed membrane (m−1 )
Rc cake resistance (m−1 )
Rcp resistance due to concentration polarization (m−1 )
Rm intrinsic resistance of membrane (m−1 )
Rin resistance due to in-pore fouling (m−1 )
Rtf the total fouling resistance of membrane (m−1 )
Rtf (t) the total fouling resistance of membrane at certain
time t of chemical cleaning operation (m−1 )
T absolute temperature (K)
t time (s)
TMP trans-membrane pressure drop (Pa)

Greek symbol
ω agitation speed of magnetic stirrer (rpm)
μ liquid viscosity (Pa s)

2. Theory of kinetic model

The membrane flux can be expressed as follows:

J= (1)
μRt f
where J is the permeate flux of the membrane, m3 /m2 /s; TMP
is the trans-membrane pressure, Pa; μ is permeate viscosity
(0.8360 × 10−3 at 28 °C), Pa s; Rtf is the total resistance of fouled
membrane, m−1 ; Rtf is expressed as follows:
Rt f = Rm + Rcp + Rin + Rc (2)
where Rm is the intrinsic resistance of the membrane, Rcp is the
resistance due to concentration polarization, Rin is the resistance
Fig. 1. The theoretical analysis of the model. (a) Jr as function of cleaning time. (b)
due to in-pore fouling and Rc is the hydraulic resistance of deposit Jr as function of cleaning solution concentration.
at the membrane surface.
Since the fouled membrane was rinsed 10 min with DI-water
with agitation speed (ω) of 400 rpm before being exposed to
where Rtf (t) is the total fouling resistance of microfiltration mem-
chemical cleaning, it can be assumed that weakly attached layer
brane at certain time t of chemical cleaning operation, C and t are
due to concentration polarization would be swept away during
cleaning solution concentration and cleaning time, respectively.
pre-rinsing [3]. So, Rcp in Eq. (2) could be neglected.
By combining Eqs. (3) and (5), the flux recovery of the pre-
Flux recovery was evaluated by comparing the pure water flux
rinsed membrane after chemical cleaning can be deduced:
of a fouled membrane subjected to the cleaning procedures (Jcw )
with the pure water flux of a virgin membrane, Jw . Flux recovery 1
(Jr ) is expressed as follows: Jr = Jw −J0
1+ J0
exp (−kC n t m )
Jr = × 100% (3)
Jw where J0 is the pure water flux of the membrane after pre-rinsed
As proposed by the Hom–Haas model [14,15]: operation.
N In Eq. (6), Jw is greater than J0 , and if model parameters (k, m
ln = −kC n t m (4) and n) are above zero, then Jr will increase with increasing clean-
N0 ing time or cleaning solution concentration. This trend shown in
where N/N0 is the survival ratio of organisms, k is a kinetic con- Fig. 1(a) and (b) is reasonable. When the cleaning time is zero,
stant, C and t are cleaning solution concentration and cleaning Jr(t = 0 ) is J0 /Jw . And when the cleaning time tends to infinite,
time, respectively, and m and n are empirical constants. Jr ( t→∞ ) will be 1 and the trend of flux recovery is showed in Fig.
By relating the organisms’ survival number to membrane re- 1(a). Similarly, when the concentration of cleaning agent tends to
sistance, a kinetic model for chemical cleaning of microfiltration infinite, Jr ( c→∞ ) will be 1 too (Fig. 1(b)). This conclusion is obtained
membrane fouled by activated sludge suspension from MBR can at ideal conditions. Moreover, when the concentration of cleaning
be developed as follows: agent is equal to zero, Jr ( c = 0) is J0 /Jw which is equal to Jr ( t = 0) .
  Here, the pre-rinsing of 10 min is considered sufficient and increas-
Rt f (t ) − Rm ing the rinsing time will have no effect on cleaning efficiency any
ln = −kC n t m (5)
Rt f (0 ) − Rm more. And this assumption is also an ideal condition.
54 Z. Wang et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60

Table 1 Table 2
Operating parameters of bioreactor. Model parameters for different cleaning agents (0 MPa,
400 rpm, 28 °C).
MLSS (g/L) T (°C) DO (mg/L) pH HRT (h)
Cleaning agent R2 Parameter
2.7 20 4.0 7.5–8.0 18
k m n

NaOCl 0.921 0.380 0.429 0.339

NaOH 0.933 0.198 0.487 0.487
3. Materials and methods
SDS 0.960 0.545 0.325 0.254

3.1. Experimental setup and membranes

The laboratory-scale experimental system is a dead-end mi- concentration of NaOCl was more than 0.5 wt%. This was in con-
crofiltration cell and it is described elsewhere in the literature sistent with reports that cleaning agents had an optimal concen-
[16,17]. The 0.1 μm polyacrylonitrilerile (PAN) membrane was ob- tration to clean membranes [10,20,21]. The cleaning efficiency in-
tained from Beijing Ande Membrane Separation Technology and creased until cleaning agent concentration got to its optimal value.
Engineering (Beijing) Co., Ltd., were used in this study. All flat- Similarly, the effect of cleaning time on flux recovery was much
sheet membranes were cut into pieces with 53.28 cm2 of active more significant in the first 15 min than that in the subsequently
membrane area. Prior to each experiment, the membranes were 15 min at NaOCl concentration of 0.5 wt% (Fig. 2(b)). This phe-
soaked in deionized water for 12 h to remove glycerin (protectant) nomenon might result from the removal of loose deposit within
at 4 °C. the first 15 min while remaining deposit which was strongly ad-
Activate sludge suspension is taken from an intermittent mode sorbed on the membrane could not be significantly removed by
bioreactor system with an effective volume of 25 L [16]. The de- increasing the cleaning time [22].
tail operating parameters of the bioreactor system are shown in The trend of flux recovery in Fig. 2 was in accordance with
Table 1. No sludge is discharged during the operation period. The that in Fig. 1. This phenomenon confirmed the validity of proposed
main parameters of feed suspension used in this experiment were model to some extent. Powerful evidence to prove the validness
chemical oxygen demand (COD) (34.6–40.7 mg/L), NH3 –N (9.4– of the proposed model was obtained by fitting experimental data
11.22 mg/L) and total oxygen content (TOC) (31.5–37.8 mg/L). with the model. Model parameters were estimated by processing
experimental data by the nonlinear regression using 1stopt soft-
3.2. Experimental procedure ware (China) and the results were shown in Table 2. The values of
model parameters in Table 2 were obtained by fitting experimental
Before conducting any experiments, the initial pure water flux data with the model predictions at high R2 [23].
(Jw ) of the origin PAN membrane was measured using distilled wa- The variation of model predictions of flux recovery of chemical
ter (DI-water). This was acquired in situ at a trans-membrane pres- cleaning for microfiltration membrane is clearly shown in Fig. 3(a)
sure (TMP) drop of 0.04 MPa and DI-water temperature of 25 °C. and more information about the relationship between flux recov-
The next procedure was filtration of feed suspension (activated ery, cleaning time and concentration of cleaning solution is shown
sludge suspension from membrane bioreactor or yeast suspension in Fig. 3(b). From Fig. 3, effective flux recovery could be obtained at
freshly prepared) and the membrane flux was measured until a optimal cleaning time and cleaning solution concentration, which
pseudo-steady state flux approximately 3.75% of the initial flux was of significance for the chemical cleaning processes. Take clean-
value achieved [3]. In all cases, experiments were performed with ing time of 20 min as example, flux recovery for 0.75 wt% NaOCl
fixed TMP of 0.04 MPa and agitation speed (ω) of 200 rpm at room solution reached the yellow area which was nearly 70%. As the
temperature (25 ± 1 °C). After the fouling step, the fouled mem- concentration increased to 1.25 wt%, flux recovery arrived at the
brane was rinsed 10 min by DI-water with agitation speed (ω) edge of saffron area which was nearly 76%. This means that flux re-
of 400 rpm to remove all loosely bounded fouling deposit from covery was lifted just 6% with concentration increasing by 0.5 wt%.
the microfiltration membrane surface [18,19], then the water flux Moreover, flux recovery increased more slowly with concentration
was measured. The next step was the chemical cleaning process. increasing further. However, if the cleaning time is not limited, in-
Sodium hypochlorite (0.5–5 wt%) was used as cleaning agents. All creasing the cleaning time to 30 min for 0.75 wt% NaOCl solution,
these agents were analytical grade and were supplied by the Bei- flux recovery can be reached nearly 75%. As a result, an effective,
jing Chemical Engineering Factory. All chemical agents were dis- environmental and economy cleaning scheme can be obtained in
solved in 1 L of DI-water and fresh cleaning solutions were pre- Fig. 3.
pared daily and all the cleaning solutions were preheated to a pre-
determined cleaning temperature. The effects of agitation speed 4.2. Effect of operating conditions on model parameters
(ω), trans-membrane pressure (TMP), cleaning solution concentra-
tion (C), cleaning temperature (T) and cleaning time (t) on flux Operating conditions are significant for the chemical cleaning
recovery (Jr ) were evaluated. When the chemical cleaning process process [24]. In order to determinate the impacts of the clean-
was finished, the pure water flux (Jcw ) was also measured. ing conditions on model parameters, a series of experiments were
performed at several temperatures (28, 33, 39, 46 and 55 °C) and
4. Result and discussion transmembrane pressures (0.00, 0.02, 0.04, 0.06 and 0.08 MPa) and
agitation speeds (20 0, 30 0, 40 0, 50 0 and 60 0 rpm) with altering
4.1. Determination of model parameters cleaning time and NaOCl concentration. As shown in Fig. 4, the
general trends of flux recovery for all selected conditions are all
A series of the experiments of NaOCl-cleaning at 28 °C (The ag- similar to those of the two ideal curves in Fig. 1, i.e. flux recovery
itation speed was 200 rpm and TMP was 0 MPa) were carried out was increased sharply at the early stage and increased slowly at
with altering cleaning time and NaOCl concentration respectively. the later stage.
Flux recovery after a 30-min cleaning procedure increased remark- The flux recovery was increased with increasing temperature
ably with NaOCl concentration increasing from 0 to 0.5 wt% (Fig. at fixed NaOCl concentration and the cleaning time (Fig. 4(a) and
2(a)). However, flux recovery increased rather slowly when the (b)). This result was reasonable and it has been explained by many
Z. Wang et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60 55

Fig. 2. Flux recovery as function of concentration cleaning time of NaOCl solution (0 MPa; 400 rpm; 28 °C). (a) NaOCl concentration, (b) cleaning time of NaOCl solution.

Fig. 3. Model figure for NaOCl solution cleaning process (0 MPa; 400 rpm; 28 °C). (a) 3-d figure, (b) projection figure. (For interpretation of the references to color in this
figure, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

authors [25,22,26]. The equilibrium constant of the reaction and were forced by the applied TMP into the membrane pores during
the solubility of foulants were increased at higher temperature chemical cleaning operation [3]. In conclusion, the absence of TMP
[25]. Besides, higher temperature decreases the viscosity of the is optimum during chemical cleaning procedure.
chemical cleaning solution [3]. As a consequence, flux recovery in- As a hydraulic parameter, agitation speed (ω) has an effect on
creased with increasing temperature. However, flux recovery ex- flux recovery [22]. Flux recovery may increase with increasing ag-
ceeded 100% when NaOCl concentration was above 0.2 wt% in 46 °C itation speed if the chemical reaction is favorable during cleaning
and 55 °C. This phenomenon may be caused by the damage of the process [22]. Fig. 4(e) and (f) demonstrates the variety of flux re-
membrane resulting in large pores. In addition, the membrane sur- covery with increasing agitation speed at a fixed temperature. No
face became more hydrophilic when the chemicals were used and considerable difference between plots of flux recovery for different
a high flux recovery is expected [20]. In conclusion, the limitations agitation speeds with identical NaOCl concentration and cleaning
of the membrane material prohibit consideration of very high tem- time. As ω increased from 200 rpm to 600 rpm at the cleaning
perature [22]. time of 30-min and NaOCl concentration of 0.5 wt%, the corre-
As regarding to the effect of transmembrane pressure (TMP) sponding flux recovery increased from 69.3% to 75.5%. The small
which is a detrimental factor for hydraulic cleaning efficiency increase was due to the fact that an increase in shear rate result-
[18,27,28], experimental results of Jr for different TMPs (0– ing from increasing the applied agitation speed failed to enhance
0.08 MPa) are summarized in Fig. 4(c) and (d). Clearly, TMP had the back mass transfer of foulant to the bulk solution [29,22,30].
a remarkable effect on flux recovery. In case of fouled membrane Experimental data of flux recovery were compared with pre-
cleaned by 0.5 wt% NaOCl solution for 30 min, a maximum value dictions of the proposed kinetic model. As shown in Table 3, all
of flux recovery was 73% in the absence of TMP and this value the values of R2 were above 0.900 except for 46 °C and 55 °C,
reduced gradually with increasing TMP. As TMP was adjusted to which suggested that the proposed kinetic model was effective
0.08 MPa, Jr decreased to 47%. The phenomenon was due to the in selected range of operating condition except for high temper-
fact that the swollen and partially hydrolyzed foulant particles ature. Therefore, parameter values obtained at high temperature
56 Z. Wang et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60

Fig. 4. Impacts of different cleaning conditions on flux recovery as a function of concentration of NaOCl solution and cleaning time. (a, b) Different temperatures, (c, d)
different transmembrane pressures, (e, f) different agitation speeds.
Z. Wang et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60 57

Table 3
Model parameters for NaOCl solution cleaning in different operating conditions.

k m n
TMP T ω R2
Value Standard error Value Standard error Value Standard error

0.00 28 400 0.921 0.380 0.156 0.429 0.125 0.339 0.051

0.02 28 400 0.923 0.382 0.147 0.378 0.061 0.365 0.117
0.04 28 400 0.965 0.178 0.067 0.471 0.040 0.515 0.113
0.06 28 400 0.952 0.096 0.050 0.528 0.053 0.630 0.156
0.08 28 400 0.963 0.061 0.035 0.610 0.051 0.678 0.169
0.00 28 400 0.921 0.380 0.156 0.429 0.125 0.339 0.051
0.00 33 400 0.953 0.440 0.123 0.584 0.092 0.462 0.076
0.00 39 400 0.900 0.802 0.312 0.563 0.159 0.638 0.167
0.00 46 400 0.559 0.431 0.152 1.499 4.947 1.445 5.292
0.00 55 400 0.266 Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed Failed
0.00 28 200 0.904 0.320 0.156 0.454 0.144 0.425 0.074
0.00 28 300 0.914 0.387 0.151 0.420 0.128 0.428 0.072
0.00 28 400 0.921 0.380 0.168 0.429 0.125 0.339 0.0510
0.00 28 500 0.931 0.427 0.156 0.426 0.107 0.430 0.065
0.00 28 600 0.926 0.486 0.152 0.401 0.106 0.427 0.068

Table 4
Multiple Linear Regression results of relationships between operating conditions and model parameters (0–0.08 MPa, 28–55 °C, 20 0–60 0 rpm).

Cleaning solution Model parameters Contribution (%) Mathematical relationships


NaOCl k 53.28 42.40 4.32 k = −5.11 · T MP + 0.014 · T + 0.01% · ω

m 48.12 51.87 0.00 m = 2.192 · T MP + 0.014 · T
n 70.09 28.85 1.07 n = 2.955 · T MP + 0.015 · T
NaOH k 51.20 41.52 7.28 k = −9.527 · T MP + 0.014 · T
m 2.50 54.53 42.97 m = 0.005 · T + 0.001 · ω
n 22.74 0.03 77.23 n = 4.671 · T MP + 0.001 · ω
SDS k 71.11 21.11 7.78 k = −6.634 · T MP + 0.006 · T
m 29.18 69.71 1.11 m = 4.202 · T MP + 0.011 · T
n 7.10 84.08 8.82 n = 0.012 · T

experiments (46 °C and 55 °C) were not used in the following sta- the fouled membrane. Similar cleaning experiments and statisti-
tistical analysis. cal analysis described above were performed and the results were
Method of Multiple Linear Regression was used to evaluate the summarized in Fig. 6 and Table. 6. Fig. 6 showed the 3-d and pro-
effects of the operating conditions (temperature, agent concentra- jection figure of the model for NaOH and SDS solutions at a cer-
tion and agitation speed) on the values of model parameters (k, tain cleaning condition (28 °C for temperature, 0 MPa for TMP and
m, n) for NaOCl agent and the contribution of each operating con- 400 rpm for ω). The flux recovery of NaOH or SDS solution was not
dition to model parameters were calculated and summarized in as good as that of NaOCl solution. When the cleaning time is fixed
Table 4. By statistical analysis, the three selected operating con- as 20 min, flux recovery of 0.15 wt% NaOH and 0.15 wt% SDS solu-
ditions for NaOCl agent were all influencing factors for kinetic tions reached about 48% and 53%, respectively and higher concen-
constant (k). Contributions of TMP, T and ω were 53.28%, 42.4% tration cannot increase flux recovery remarkably which is similar
and 4.32%, respectively. The statistical result showed that agitation to NaOCl solution. Moreover, increasing cleaning time can improve
speed was not a significant factor for m and n. With a contribution the cleaning effect. In addition, by comparing the three model fig-
value of 70.09% to n, TMP was the dominant factor as compared to ures, a conclusion can be drawn that if flux recovery is expected
28.85% to T. As regarding to m, however, the effect of T with 48.12% above 65%, NaOCl is the only suitable agent which can be used. In
was nearly equal to that of TMP with 51.87%. Coefficients of in- contrast, flux recovery of NaOH or SDS is not likely above 65%.
fluencing factors for model parameters were obtained by Multiple A value of 93.3% for R2 indicated that the proposed model was
Linear Regression. And results in Table 4 for NaOCl agent showed effective for NaOH cleaning operation. Better fitting result with
these quantitive relationships between model parameters and in- 96.0% for R2 proved the applicability of the proposed model for
fluencing factors. SDS solution. In addition, effect of operating condition on model
To further verify the effectiveness of this model for NaOCl parameters was also studied by means of Multiple Linear Regres-
agent, model predictions were compared with new experimental sion. As shown in Table 4, the kinetic constant (k) was affected by
observations (Fig. 5(a)). The new experimental points were very TMP and T for NaOH agent. The contributions of TMP and T were
close to the surface consisting of prediction values of the proposed 51.2% and 41.52%, respectively. As to m, both T and ω were sig-
model. In Table 5, relative mean error between experimental data nificant factors with contribution values of 54.53% and 42.97%, re-
and model predictions were almost less than 4% for NaOCl agent. spectively. ω was also an effect factor for n with contributing about
This indicated that this model could accurately predict the varia- 77.23% while TMP contributed 22.74% to n.
tion of flux recovery with the cleaning time and NaOCl concentra- Similar to NaOH agent, TMP and T during SDS solution cleaning
tion during chemical cleaning operation. operation affected k a lot and contributions of them were 71.11%
and 21.11%. In addition, they were also the affecting factors for m
4.3. Validation and applicability of the kinetic model and the contribution of TMP was 29.18% which was lower than that
of T. However, there was only T influence n in operating range and
In order to verify the applicability of proposed kinetic model, it was the dominant factor with contributing 84.08% to n value.
NaOCl solution was replaced by NaOH and SDS solutions to clean The mathematical relationships between model parameters and
58 Z. Wang et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60

Fig. 5. Comparison between experimental data and model predictions in terms of flux recovery vs. cleaning time and concentration for cleaning agent of (a) NaOCl (b) NaOH
and (c) SDS (0 MPa; 400 rpm; 28 °C).

Table 5
Relative mean error between experimental data and model predictions for chemical cleaning operation with NaOCl solution.

Cleaning time Concentration Relative mean error (%) Cleaning time Concentration Relative mean error (%)

0 1.20 0.0 30 0.85 1.2

5 1.20 9.5 30 1.40 1.8
10 1.20 2.2 30 2.00 0.0
15 1.20 1.6 0 2.00 0.0
20 1.20 0.7 5 2.00 2.5
25 1.20 2.5 10 2.00 1.9
30 1.20 0.9 15 2.00 3.6
30 0.15 0.9 20 2.00 1.8
30 0.35 1.8 25 2.00 2.4
30 0.65 0.4 30 2.00 0.0

operating conditions for NaOH and SDS solution were showed in lution, relative mean error (Table 6) were all less than 4%, showing
Table 4. the good coherence between experimental data and model predic-
In order to test the applicability of the proposed model on tions. And the relative mean errors (Table 6) for SDS solution were
NaOH and SDS cleaning operation, new experimental data were all less than 2.2%, indicating the better agreement between exper-
compared with the predictions of the kinetic model. Clearly, the imental data and model predictions. These results confirmed the
experimental points were almost on the nets consisting of predic- applicability of the proposed model for chemical cleaning opera-
tion values of the proposed model (Fig. 5(b) and (c)). For NaOH so- tion.
Z. Wang et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60 59

Fig. 6. Model figure for NaOH ((a) 3-d figure, (b) projection figure) or SDS ((c) 3-d figure, (d) projection figure) agent cleaning process (0 MPa; 400 rpm; 28 °C).

Table 6
Relative mean error between experimental data and model predictions for agent of NaOH or SDS.


Cleaning time Concentration Relative mean error (%) Cleaning time Concentration Relative mean error (%)

0 0.25 0.0 0 0.25 0.0

5 0.25 0.3 5 0.25 2.2
10 0.25 2.3 10 0.25 1.7
15 0.25 3.2 15 0.25 1.4
20 0.25 1.9 20 0.25 0.0
25 0.25 3.9 25 0.25 0.8
30 0.25 3.1 30 0.25 0.3
30 0.05 2.2 30 0.05 0.7
30 0.15 1.7 30 0.15 0.8
30 0.35 1.4 30 0.35 0.1

5. Conclusion was effective for NaOCl cleaning in different operating conditions

except for high temperature. Contributions of selected operating
In the present paper, a kinetic model was proposed to describe conditions to model parameters were calculated by means of Mul-
the variation of flux recovery with cleaning time and cleaning solu- tiple Linear Regression and the results showed that TMP and tem-
tion concentration during the chemical cleaning processes. Theory perature are the main influencing factors. In addition, to verify the
analysis approved reasonability of the proposed model. A system- effectiveness of the model, model predictions were compared with
atic study of chemical cleaning of PAN microfiltration membrane the new experimental data. Furthermore, applicability of the model
fouled by activated sludge suspension from membrane bioreactor was verified through replacing NaOCl by NaOH and SDS and the
was thoroughly undertaken. And the results of fitting the proposed results indicated that the model was effective for NaOH and SDS
model with experimental data showed that the proposed model cleaning as well.
60 Z. Wang et al. / Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers 63 (2016) 52–60

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