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Factors affecting your personalities due to Social media and Online


Descriptive research
Submitted to T. Sheryl Solis
Of First City Providential College

In Fulfillment of the Requirements

For the Course English

Academic year 2020-2021

Chapter 1

Statement of the Problem:

The main objective of this study is to analyze what are the factors that affect ones personality.
Especially to those people who use social media, as well as working and thinking too much on
assignments and homeworks.

Specifically, this study aims to find the answer to the following question:
1. What are the different effects of Social media and online classes to ones personality.
2. What are the different kinds of personality disorder that could affect you and.
3. How to prevent having these kinds of personality disorder.

Social media and online classes are helpful especially when doing assignments or group
homework. It can help you in many ways like communicating with your groups on how will you
present or do the things in your assignments, you could also use these to communicate with
your friends and classmates. Online class is a big factor, especially now that there is a
pandemic around the world. We use this to prevent spreading the corona virus. Social media
and online learning can have a lot of good effect but it also has its side effects, It can drastically
change ones personalities.

According to the research that came from Swansea University in the UK and Milan University in
Italy, the researchers argue that “excessive posting of photos on social media” is linked to
increased narcissism, also according to the Mayo Clinic, it include things like an inflated sense
of one's own importance, an excessive need for attention and admiration, and a lack of
empathy, to name a few. Online learning could also affect ones personality especially when
doing too much assignments people could have personality disorder just by thinking about their
grades as well as their assignments.

Review and Related Literature

This study are focused on Factors that affect ones personality due to social media and online
learning as well as the different kinds of personality disorder and it includes related studies and
literature from both local and foreign.

Foreign Literature
According to the Research conducted by Julia Brailovskaia. The present study aimed to
investigate the relationship between personality traits, mental health variables and media use
among German students. The data of 633 participants were collected. Results indicate a
positive association between general Internet use, general use of social platforms and
Facebook use, on the one hand, and self-esteem, extraversion, narcissism, life satisfaction,
social support and resilience, on the other hand. The use of platforms that focus more on
written interaction (Twitter, Tumblr) was assumed to be negatively associated with positive
mental health variables and significantly positively with depression, anxiety, and stress
symptoms. In contrast, Instagram use, which focuses more on photo-sharing, correlated
positively with positive mental health variables. Possible practical implications of the present
results for mental health, as well as the limitations of the present work are discussed.

”According to the Pew Research Center, 69% of adults and 81% of teens in the U.S. use social
media. This puts a large amount of the population at an increased risk of feeling anxious,
depressed, or ill over their social media use.
But what makes users come back for more even when it can literally make them feel sick?
“When the outcome is unpredictable, the behavior is more likely to repeat,” Sperling says.
“Think of a slot machine: if game players knew they never were going to get money by playing
the game, then they never would play. The idea of a potential future reward keeps the
machines in use. The same goes for social media sites. One does not know how many likes a
picture will get, who will ‘like’ the picture, and when the picture will receive likes. The unknown
outcome and the possibility of a desired outcome can keep users engaged with the sites.”

According to th research of Bhagat, Kaushal Kumar; Wu, Leon Yufeng; Chang, Chun-Yen the
impact of five personality traits ("extraversion," "agreeableness," "conscientiousness,"
"neuroticism," and "intellect/imagination") on the perception of students towards online learning.
A total of 208 students from Taiwan (male = 96 and female = 112) with previous online course
experience participated in an online survey using a bulletin board system. To measure
personality traits and students' perceptions, the Mini-International Personality Item Pool and the
Perception of Students towards Online Learning instruments were used respectively. The
researchers employed hierarchical regression analysis to analyse the data obtained. The
results showed that two personality traits (conscientiousness and intellect/imagination) had a
larger positive impact on students' perceptions towards online learning, whereas neuroticism
had significantly negative effects on participants of online courses.

Local Literature
According to Joe Kenneth Cura Social media have become part of life for many young people
today. Most people engage with social media without stopping to think what the effects are on
our lives, whether positive or negative. Are we as a society becoming more concerned with
Facebook “friends” than we are with the people we interact with face-to-face in our daily lives?
What will the longterm effects of today’s social media use be?

Social media as become an essential part for today’s younger generation. Social media
websites such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram has positive effect on youth but equally it has
negative effects as well.

The Positive effect

The social media websites has effected youth in a way that it is considered to be a great source
for professionals. They can be used as a source to start a new business or any profession. For
example if a friend is looking to get hired for a job and he posted a status on his profile, so any
other friend who know any job related to him, he can send him couple of messages on his
profile and that’s how it benefit people. They are many other positive aspects of these social
networking websites. It may help in strengthening the relationships between the young
generations. There are lots of people who don’t see their friends for so long. These social
websites are a way where they can be connected again. They can connect with the friends no
matter they are how long away from them. It has reduced distances. Just by one click and there
you go. Send friend request, on the other end your friend will accept it and start chatting. Social
networking sites has helped people in connecting people who are too far away and with whom
it is impossible to meet personally, and keeping them informed about your life and the events
happening in your life.

The Negative effect

There are negative impacts of social media on youth as well. One of the negative impacts is
cyber bullying, which is very common now a days on internet. This is commonly occurs on the
sites of social media. Cyber bulling is basically an electronic base communication to tyrant a
person, most often by sending threatening messages. There are also videos on social
networking websites that shows violence, these videos could lead to affect the behavior of
teens. By watching violence they became more aggressive, their behavior with their family
changes and their minds become assertive, this could ultimately affect their living in the society.
Another negative impact of social networking sites on younger generation is that these sites
don’t have strict privacy, many of the personal information has been shared publically. Many of
the youth don’t know about the privacy policy of any blog and they don’t actually know that this
information will be disclosed to the other persons like advertisements.

Significance of The Study:

This study is important to the following:
● This research is beneficial for future research. This could provide future researchers about
the effect of ones personality due to social media and online classes.
● This research could give them knowledge and information about different kinds of
personality disorder and mental health.
● This research could help spread awareness of what social media and online learning
could possibly do to a persons personality as well as its mental health.

Scopes and Limitations:

The study “Factors that affect your personality due to social media and online classes”. Its
primarily focused on the effect on different personality disorder example are Cluster c
personality disorder, Depressive personality disorder and Narcissistic personality disorder to
name a few. This study will be limited to the students in First City Providential College, San
Jose Del Monte, Bulacan.

Social media and Online learning does have negative effects but most of them experience
positive effects.

Conceptual Framework


Social Personality
Media/Online disorder

Definition of Terms:
Terms/Variables/keywords Dictionary Operational definition
Social Media A computer-based It is the creation, publishing and/or
technology that sharing of content from an author to
facilitates the sharing a crowd, providing a locus for
of ideas, thoughts, horizontal interaction across the
and information crowd.
through the building
virtual networks and
Online Class An online class is They are generally conducted
a course conducted through a learning management
over the Internet. system, in which students can view
their course syllabus and academic
progress, as well as communicate
with fellow students and
their course instructor.
Personality disorder A way of thinking, Are
feeling and behaving psychiatric disorders characterized
that deviates from the by chronic patterns of inner
expectations of the experience and behavior that are
culture, causes inflexible and present across a broad
distress or problems range of situations.
functioning, and lasts
over time.

Chapter 2

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