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4/3/2020 DOF - Official Journal of the

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Records of the results of all tests and inspections carried out should be kept throughout the life of the installation.
6.2 Tanks.
For Storage tanks with internal floating membrane and/or external floating roof, the Construction, Pre-Start, Operation and
Maintenance of tanks, must be in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 9.1.1 of this Official Mexican Emergency Standard and the
standard API 650.
In the case of external floating roof or internal membrane in Storage tanks, it must be considered in the Design and Operation, that the
membrane or floating roof does not stop floating over the oil tanker for any reason (except in a previous stage to carry out Maintenance).
6.3 VRS.
The Vapor Recovery System (VRS) must comply with the following:
1 Construction.
The VRS must be installed in compliance with its electrical rating and the result of the risk and consequence analysis. All piping
installed for this system must be hydrostatically tested and certified by registration.
Construction materials for containers, pipes, valves and fittings must be in accordance with the specification of the
manufacturers and the oil handled.
2 Pre-Start.
Prior to the start of operation of the equipment, the Pre-Start Safety Review protocols should be applied, which should consider, but
not be limited to, the following
Attention to critical findings of the Risk Analysis for the URV;
Specifications of design and installed equipment and materials;
Compliance with classification of electrical areas;
Operation manuals establishing process control limits;
e. Verification of the protection layers of the systems;
f. Procedures of:
Pre-Start, considering the Pre-Start Emergency Response Plan; Normal Operation;
Operational emergency;
Emergency Response;
Procedures and periods of verification, testing and maintenance of the components in general of the URVs;
g. Specifications of critical components;
h. Training and coaching by the manufacturer of the equipment
for: Installation contractor personnel;
Verification and maintenance operators;
VRS operators, and
Emergency Response Drill Programs and Training in Vapor Recovery Systems
On Pre-Start, service lines with recovered vapors should be "swept" or torched with air to remove possible debris within the line, after
performing all necessary verification and hydrostatic testing, and pressurized with nitrogen gas (so that there are no explosive levels when
the vapors begin to enter) for a leakage test by checking all flanged and threaded connection points.
Certificates and reports of radiographic welding tests, hydrostatic and pneumatic tests performed on equipment and piping should be
kept and made available when required by the Agency. 70
4/3/2020 DOF - Official Journal of the
For the URV, calibration and adjustments must be made on the control panel at start-up and start of operation according to the
manufacturer's Total Hydrocarbon Emissions Design. The maximum emission value is 35 mg/litre of loaded petrol.
3 Operation.
The Regulated, obliged to install an SRV, must calibrate, maintain their certification, operate, and maintain them in accordance with
the manufacturer's specifications:
Where an activated carbon adsorption-absorption system is used, the Continuous Emission Monitoring System (CEMS) should be
installed at the air outlet of this system, for the measurement of VOCs.
If a refrigerated SRV is installed on a condenser, a Continuous Parameter Monitoring System (CPMS) capable of measuring
temperature must be installed immediately prior to the condenser outlet. Alternatively a CEMS can be installed to measure the
concentration of VOCs in the exhaust air stream.
Any modification in the storage capacity and/or gasoline load capacity, forces the Regulated to determine that the increase is covered
by the unit's Design capacity, as well as the application of change management.
In the event that the Vapor Control Unit is shut down or is not operating properly, procedures should be applied to manage the risks
caused by the venting of VOCs in the absence of the URV.
4 Maintenance.
All the components of the Vapor Control and Recovery System must be subject to a program and execution of Maintenance, tests and
periodic inspections, to ensure their good physical condition and functionality for the continuity of the Operation.
Records of maintenance, testing and inspections should be kept.
Tank maintenance.
The Regulator must develop and comply with a verification and maintenance program for internal floating membranes and/or external
floating roofs of gasoline storage tanks.
During Operation, you should periodically check the condition of the seal and the internal floating diaphragm or external floating roof,
as well as the measurement of the explosion level inside the tank, to ensure the proper functioning and efficiency of the diaphragm or roof.
The general maintenance of the other components of the tanks must be performed according to API 653 and Chapter 13 of this Official
Mexican Emergency Standard.
Maintenance SRV.
The Regulator must have a maintenance program and comply with it to ensure the good physical and functional condition of the
components of the loading subsystem, such as watertight connections, hoses without cracks or porosity in the dome of the Auto-Tank /
Tank Car and those of the loading position, as well as the vent and pressure-vacuum valves located in the dome of the Auto-Tank / Tank
The Regulator must carry out greater planned maintenance on the URVs and this should not occur during the period of highest local
temperature in the year, as this is the most favourable period for VOC emissions.
The components of the VRS must be the original, authorized by the manufacturer and established in the Design, and must not be
modified, replaced or blocked.
The frequency and maintenance activities of the VRS should be in accordance with the recommendations, uses and instructions of
the manufacturer.
VRS maintenance activities must be performed by trained and qualified personnel from the manufacturer.
7. Logbook
All failures of VRS equipment and operational failures, and internal floating roof tank control system, must be recorded in pollution
prevention equipment control log 71
4/3/2020 DOF - Official Journal of the
The Regulated Party must keep available the logs with the reports of the emissions records and the results of the tests carried out for
when the Agency requires it.
7.1 Tanks.
The Regulator must keep an Operation and Maintenance log of the emission control equipment, either in printed or electronic format
with an electronic signature.
7.2 URVA's.
Once the URV is installed and during its operation, the Regulatory Body must verify and record daily the average total Hydrocarbon
emissions registered in the control panel of said unit, preparing a monthly report of the daily records of emissions monitoring.
Maintenance activities that affect and/or temporarily disable the operation of the URV must be recorded in the logbook.
The logbook must have at least the following information: Date and shift;
Make, model and type of URV;
Maximum Design Emissions Value;
Average Volume Recovered per Day;
Average daily emission to the atmosphere, in mg/liter or ppm of charged
gasoline; Electric power consumption;
Date it stopped trading and date it was put back into operation;
Causes that originated to leave out of Operation the System of Recovery of Vapor (SRV), and
Maintenance carried out, with date of beginning and of end.
Periodic tests must be performed to verify the tightness of all connections and emission points, as well as the
pressure-vacuum valve of the steam head.
The Design-installed flame arrester on the vapor head should be inspected and, if necessary, cleaned to prevent plugging that may
cause high pressures and malfunction in the recovered vapor piping.
8. Certification of the efficiency of the URVs.
The Regulation must guarantee that the Vapor Recovery Units (VRUs) used in the loading process have the necessary instrumentation
to measure the final emission of their process. To this end, the Regulatory Body must guarantee that the aforementioned instruments are
calibrated and certified.
The Regulator must guarantee that the calibration of the instrumentation used in the monitoring (flow meter, total hydrocarbons
analyzer, explosimeter, temperature measurement instruments, among others), is carried out in accordance with the periods established
in the applicable regulations and/or the manufacturer's recommendations.
The Regulator must guarantee that the URV instrumentation can issue reports (concentration of vapour emissions, the flow of vapour
entering the URV, among others) by hour, day, week, month, year and the average vapour emissions obtained in the established times.
In addition, the Regulatory Body must keep quarterly records of explosivity level tests at the point of issue of the URV.
The Regulator must guarantee that the URV has Hydrocarbon calibration gases as a reference, recommended by the URV
manufacturer. These calibration gases must be certified, in force and capable of providing calibration for the recommended ranges of the
URV analyser.
The analyzer's calibration and test procedure must be available.
The results of the VRS calibration and efficiency test should be reported. The Regulator is
required to obtain a report of results from: 72
4/3/2020 DOF - Official Journal of the
The initial test to the VRS, keep it and display it to the Agency when required;
Periodic or follow-up testing of the VRS, keep it and display it to the Agency when required, and Evaluation
testing of the VRS, keep it and display it to the Agency when required.
Storage of Additives and Oxygenated Components for Mixing with Gasolines
1. General
Additives should not be used in inappropriate proportions, as this could result in increased formation and accumulation of deposits in
the vehicle engine and higher pollutant emissions and negatively impact fuel efficiency.
New refining technologies are applied to raise the octane rating of gasoline: catalytic reforming, isomerization and other processes
that allow high-octane gasoline to be obtained; new oxygenated ether-type additives have also been developed: Methyl tertiary butyl ether
(MTBE), tertiary methyl ether (TAME) and ethyl tertiary butyl ether (ETBE) and alcohols (ethanol and bioethanol), called ecological
additives to replace tetraethyl lead (highly polluting).
The characteristics that can be improved by additives
are: Octane rating: Improve gasoline combustion;
Oxygenators: They improve fuel combustion by avoiding unburned hydrocarbon fumes;
Detergents: They improve the spraying of the gasoline in the combustion process in the engines, the mixture and the contact with the
oxygen of the air, and
Dyes: They are used to avoid confusing fuels.
2. Design and Construction
2.1. Design.
The following cases should be considered in the Design: New
tanks must comply with API 650, rehabilitated tanks must comply
with API 653, and additive injection facilities.
The design should consider the internal pressure to which these tanks may be subjected, which is 1.05 kgf/cm2 (15 psi) and a maximum
temperature of 90 AºC (194 AºF).
The tanks for the Storage of MTBE, TAME, ETBE and Alcohols (ethanol and bioethanol) are considered the same as the tanks for the
Storage of Oil products. Therefore, the Regulation must comply with the spacing, Design and Construction of Storage tanks indicated in
Chapters 8 "Spacing", 9 "Design" and 10 "Construction" of this Official Mexican Emergency Standard.
For the storage of ethanol and/or bioethanol, both anhydrous products, the material of the equipment, pipes, facilities, tanks, containers
and other elements that have direct contact with such alcohol, in particular for ethanol, should be in accordance with the following table:
Table 1. Materials for equipment, piping, facilities, tanks, containers and other elements that have direct contact
with anhydrous ethanol
Metals Carbon steel;
bronze. 73

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